NEW YEAR, A NEW & A BETTER ME ...magnificent dreams; fresh starts … Cheers to 2022 and fond farewell to 2021…. for last year’s words belong to the last year’s language….and this year’s words await another choice…. I believe that the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past… says Inderjit, a prolific writer and a journalist, a career diplomat, a bureaucrat; and more importantly, a crusader of realigning & redesigning work-life-love-play equation for all to live more wholesome and fulfilled lives….
O Every moment is a fresh beginning. Life is not about expecting, hoping and wishing. It is about doing, being and becoming.
n New Year’s Day, when the singing, fireworks and champagne toasts are over, many of us become more serious about life. We take stock and plan new courses
of action to better our lives. This is best seen in one of the most popular customs and the key to the meaning of New Year making resolutions. “There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting.” said Lord Buddha,
JANUARY 2022 | ISSUE # 32