PGMAG Jan 2022 # Issue 32

Page 36




o you want to learn

is also an intensely laborious

call them the three postures

leadership lessons? Be

mission. These kids have needs

of leadership. I believe they

a parent.

on multiple levels – physical,

are applicable to leaders in

Do you want to learn those

emotional, psychological, and

any area -whether you are a

lessons in overdrive? Be a

intellectual. The day to day

homemaker, a small business

foster and adoptive parent.

work of teaching them valuable

owner, a government worker,

Do you want to learn those

and fundamental life lessons-

or at the top of the corporate

lessons at warp speed? Foster

like kindness respect, and

environment. Leadership is

and then adopt 5½-year-old

self-control- takes its toll on

vitally important everywhere.


the body, mind, soul, and spirit.

I hope you benefit immensely

I have experienced exhaustion

from these three postures. But

No problem, right? I’m joking of

like no other. Yet, it is in this

remember, leadership is about


parenting journey that I have

more than reading. It is about

also experienced the most

doing. Leadership is an action.

However, my personal

joyful moments like my now

It is crucial, first of all, to

leadership journey accelerated

8-year-old daughter standing

properly define posture.

exponentially when my wife

up to bullies on the playground.

and I accepted triplets (two

My buddy Bruce Van Horn

The precision of language has

boys and a girl) into our home.

simply says that “parenting is

always been important to me.


When I speak of posture I don’t

Let me be clear: fostering

refer to someone who stands

and adopting kids is a very

I agree with him. Over the last

up straight and never slouches

worthy and gratifying mission.

few years, I have been able to

over their computer. I don’t

We need all the help we can

pluck leadership lessons out of

refer to nations putting on a

get to tackle the problem. It

my time as an adoptive dad. I

show of force for other nations.

36 JANUARY 2022 | ISSUE # 32

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