2022 AND FORWARD — BY JEAN LUD CADET, M.D. Since 1975 when I entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Columbia University in Manhattan, there have been discussions regarding shortages of Black physicians and scientists in the USA.
n every subsequent decade, there has been a report deploring the low number of Black science students, the low number of Black
students in medical schools, and shortages of physicians in various subspecialties including surgery. These are important issues because lack of representation of Black physicians working in medical schools and research has been shown to impact the care of African Americans (AAs). Specifically, Black Americans are known to suffer from several medical, neurological, and psychiatric diseases. These include hypertension, diabetes mellitus, strokes, depression, anxiety, and shortened life spans. Moreover, there is
classes can be improved by helping student
increased maternal and infant mortality among
to develop science-related identities through
AA populations, irrespective of class. Although
exposure to AA scientists and physicians.
these issues impact other underserved global
Indeed, the development of science identities
communities as well, the present essay will focus
will propel AA students to then pursue careers
mostly on members of the African Diaspora.
in science and medicine. It is important to note that, despite the problems that AA students
The shortages of physicians who take care of
have encountered, there are, nevertheless,
AA patients might be related to low numbers of
enough Black college graduates that could serve
AA students in STEM courses during their high
to increase their numbers in medical schools.
school and college years. Enrolment in those JANUARY 2022 | ISSUE # 32