Riverine Systems
Stroud Rural Sustainable Drainage Systems Stroud, Gloucestershire, England, United Kingdom Stroud and nearby communities have historically suffered from flooding. Following a report published by the Environment Agency of England (EA) on potential opportunities for Natural Flood Management (NFM) in the Frome catchment and resulting benefits, a formal partnership was set up between Gloucestershire County Council, the EA, the Regional Flood and Coastal Committee, and Stroud District Council to implement the Stroud Rural Sustainable Drainage (RSuDs) project. Work began in 2014 in an effort to implement a wide range of measures designed to reduce flood risk by slowing peak flows and attenuating high flows while simultaneously improving water quality and restoring biodiversity. By 2017, the project had worked with 16 land managers—12 private and 4 non-governmental organizations—to construct or implement over 300 various NFM interventions, including 162 large woody debris dams installed in four tributaries; 50 minor deflectors; 9 culverts and soakaways; 1 dry stone wall deflector; 3 spring-fed and 3 solar-fed cattle-drinking troughs; 5 large earth berms; 7 small earth berms or check dams; 1.2 kilometers of streamside fencing; and 1 large, dry pond.