Dufry LUXE 2

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Luxe Collection

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“如果你没有勇气告别海岸, 就不可能发现新的海洋。” – 安德烈·纪德

“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.” – André Gide

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The Jeweler of Icons

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18 IWC万国表


IWC Schaffhausen

Timeless Classics
















Gems of the Sea

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Already Tomorrow’s Heirloom




Norwegian Cruise Line

Your Oasis Awaits






What Legends Are Made Of



Rado 70



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“全部真正属于我们的是时间。 即使一个人一无所有,他也拥有时间。” – 巴尔塔沙·葛拉西安

“All that really belongs to us is time; even he who has nothing else has that.” – Baltasar Gracián

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The Jeweler of Icons


When Maison Cartier was founded in 1847, Louis-Francois Cartier had regal ambitions to adorn kings, queens, princes and historic personalities with stunning jewels, and from the beginning, Cartier succeeded beautifully. When grandsons Pierre, Louis and Jacques took over, they fulfilled the legacy that their grandfather pioneered, creating halos of diamonds and light for royalty, one-of-akind pieces for Indian princes, and timeless tokens of love almost as precious as love itself. Maison Cartier found the formula for aesthetic perfection and continues that tradition today with exquisite pieces including watches, bracelets, necklaces, rings, fragrances, leather goods and more. When you find yourself holding a Cartier signature deep red box with gold lace borders on the surface, you know you have a treasure to be cherished.

卡地亚品牌于1847年问世之时,其创始人路易-弗朗索 瓦•卡地亚(Louis-Francois Cartier)就已立下宏愿, 致力于为帝后王公和名留青史的伟大人物奉上令人惊叹 的珠宝作品,从创始之初,卡地亚就取得了巨大成功。 在品牌创始人的孙辈皮埃尔(Pierre)、路易(Louis) 和雅克(Jacques)接管家族生意后,他们进一步丰富 了祖父领先于时代的历史遗产,设计出晶莹璀璨的钻石 光华,照耀雍容华贵的皇家之气,为印度大公们设计独 一无二的匠心之作,缔造出象征矢志不渝的臻贵情感的 隽永信物。卡地亚掌握了美学上无可挑剔的设计奥秘, 将这一悠久传统延续至今,推出包括腕表、手链、项链、 戒指、香水、皮具和其他作品在内的精品杰作。当您手 执以金色蕾丝装饰表面边缘的卡地亚经典红盒,您就会 明白已拥有一份弥足珍贵的宝藏。


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左页:卡地亚猎豹系列; 卡地亚经典红盒 本页:卡地亚猎豹系列

Opposite page: Panthère de Cartier; Cartier signature box;. This page: Panthère de Cartier


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左图:卡地亚猎豹系列 右图:阿尔伯特·山度士-杜蒙

Left: Panthère de Cartier. Right: Alberto Santos-Dumont

Panthère de Cartier

Panthère de Cartier系列 2018年,经典的 Panthère de Cartier系列时计再添 新猷,进一步凸显品牌标志性象征动物——猎豹摄人心 魄的魅力特色。当制表工艺与珠宝工艺相互交融, 宛若演绎步伐一致的双人舞蹈,拥有矫健身姿的猎豹 成为品牌最为钟爱的动物题材之代表。表链大胆率性而 不失温婉妩媚,以出人意表的双重或三重环圈搭配黄K 金、玫瑰K金或白K金链节。它蜿蜒缠绕于手腕上, 性感十足,从任何角度欣赏皆令人惊叹。精致链节相互 接合得天衣无缝,紧贴肌肤,仿若猎豹一跃而起,造型 强劲而流畅。此外,别致的圆角正方形表盘和直观设计 尽显卡地亚设计之精髓。表盘以及特定玫瑰K金和白K 金表款表圈上铺镶钻石,只为最大限度强调绝佳的视 觉效果。除了这些无可比拟的匠心之作外,还重新演绎 经典Panthère de Cartier腕表,推出全铺镶钻石玫 瑰K金款,黄K金、玫瑰K金和精钢款,以及表圈边缘 镶嵌钻石的精钢款。选择领先于时代的 Panthère de Cartier隽永腕表,从不会令您失望。

In 2018, the classic Panthère de Cartier timepiece takes on even more of the striking characteristics of the brand’s iconic panther. A beautiful dance where watchmaking meets jewelry, the Panthère is like the brand’s bounding beast combined with the finesse of its physique. Bold and yet completely feminine, the bracelet is available in an unexpected double or triple loop with chain links in yellow, pink or white gold. Coiling seductively around the wrist, it stuns from any angle. The delicate links connect seamlessly, floating delicately on the skin similar to how the panther glides through the air, powerful but almost flowing. As a complement, the dainty square case with rounded corners and the intuitive design are quintessentially Cartier. Diamond paving on the case and on the bezel in selected pink gold and white gold versions serves to only maximize the visual appeal. These inimitable pieces are complemented by renditions of the classic Panthère de Cartier watch in pink gold entirely paved with diamonds as well as yellow gold, pink gold and steel, and simply steel, with bezels festooned with diamonds. Choose ahead-of-its-time or timeless with the Panthère de Cartier and never be disappointed.


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Santos de Cartier系列 当一种创新理念让另一种创新理念大受启发,就能产 生异乎寻常的成果。当飞行先驱阿尔伯特•山度士-杜 蒙(Alberto Santos-Dumont)对在飞行过程中查看 怀表深感不便时,他的好友兼同样拥有前瞻精神的同伴 路易•卡地亚(Louis Cartier)已开始着手研究第一款 腕表。两人都从动感与进步中大受启发,同时在审美方 面毫不犹豫地选择独辟蹊径,缔造出功能卓越同时创 新方面足以匹配现代男士的新颖造型。山度士-杜蒙争 分夺秒在未知疆域继续前行,而卡地亚则从全新视角强 调时间之美。

Santos de Cartier When one innovative idea inspires another, the results can only be exquisite. And when pioneering aviator Alberto Santos-Dumont found fault in trying to look at his pocket watch while flying, his friend and fellow visionary, Louis Cartier, began working on the first wristwatch. Both men were inspired by movement and progress while never veering far away from the aesthetics of creating a form that excelled in function while still being innovative enough for the modern man. Santos-Dumont made time slip away as he forged ahead in uncharted territory and Cartier confirmed the beauty of time by ushering in a new way to look at it.


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全新Santos de Cartier腕表是一款从历史汲取灵感, 为当代而打造的卓越时计。它以革命性设计向山度士杜蒙致以崇高敬意,同时真实体现现代男性与时俱进的 创新精神。新款腕表如今更专注于佩戴舒适,时尚风格 与独树一帜的卡地亚情调。标志性经典四方造型已成为 时计标准,向从空中俯瞰埃菲尔铁塔时四个塔脚构成的 图形致敬。此外还保留了另一项卡地亚传统——表圈上 的八颗螺丝,因为在卡地亚表壳中,即便是拥有实用功 能的部件也能流露出独特美感。表圈更为圆润光滑,更 符合人体工学,更为精确地契合手腕弧度。而腕表的其 中一大重要部件——表带,也推陈出新,成为当下社会 日新月异的缩影。表带有精钢、K金、小牛皮或鳄鱼皮款 式可供选择,所有款式皆配备卡地亚“QuickSwitch” 可替换装置,可随心所欲,自由更换。新款表带最引以 为傲的优势,是能够在不借助任何工具的情况下, 凭借卡地亚革命性的“SmartLink”表链调整装置将表 链任意调节至最符合腕围的长度。腕表拥有如磁石般的 迷人魅力,而最新款Santos de Cartier腕表所搭载的 1847 MC型工作坊精制自动上链机芯的擒纵机制和机 芯机械装置采用抗磁化镍磷合金部件,即便腕表在佩戴 期间暴露于磁场之中也不会令机芯磁化。作为卡地亚的 经典杰作,Santos腕表始终遵循严苛标准进行组装、 调试并需要经历不同位置、湿度、温度、压力、撞击和加 速等测试,由此确保上述因素不会令腕表的机械装置或 精准度发生改变。


This spread: Santos de Cartier watches

Santos de Cartier腕表遵循阿尔伯特•山度士-杜蒙 的创新精神,配备卓越实用功能,洋溢隽永优雅风范, 献给当代文艺复兴男士。n


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The new Santos de Cartier is the timepiece inspired by history, but built for the contemporary era. Its revolutionary design pays tribute to Santos-Dumont but also truly reflects the innovative, ever-changing spirit of the modern man. The updated wristwatch now focuses even more on comfort, style and its distinctive Cartier touches. The signature square shape remains the timepiece’s standard, paying homage to the four angular

corners of the Eiffel Tower. Another Cartier tradition — the eight screws on the bezel — also remains because, in Cartier’s case, even the items that are thought of as functional can also be beautiful. Slightly sleeker and more ergonomic, the bezel is now made to fit on the wrist with even more precision. And one of the watch’s most important elements, the strap, has also been updated for the epitome of a quickly changing society. Available in steel, gold, calfskin or alligator skin, all versions are now interchangeable thanks to the Cartier QuickSwitch system hidden under the strap. This new strap also boasts the ability to adjust to the best-fitting length without the use of a tool with Cartier’s revolutionary SmartLink system. And even though the attraction to the wristwatch is magnetic, the 1847 MC automatic caliber in the latest design of the Santos de Cartier features anti-magnetic nickel phosphorus components in the escapement and movement mechanisms as well as a shield made from a paramagnetic alloy, rendering the caliber resistant to the magnetic fields the watch may be exposed to during wear. And classically Cartier, the Santos is always assembled, calibrated and tested rigorously for resistance to variations in position, humidity, temperature, pressure, exposure to impact and acceleration and to make sure none of these factors alter the mechanism or accuracy of the watch. And in the spirit of a true innovator like Alberto Santos-Dumont, the Santos de Cartier exudes timeless elegance along with exceptional function for the renaissance man of today. n


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“One’s destination is never a place, but rather a new way of looking at things.” – Henry Miller

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“一个人的目的地永远不是某一个地方, 而是一种看待事物的新方式。” – 亨利·米勒

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隽永恒久的经典之作 1800年代末,美国制表师佛罗伦汀・阿里奥斯托・琼斯 (Florentine Ariosto Jones)不远万里前往瑞士, 在时计行业掀起革命。

Timeless Classics In the late 1800s, American watchmaker Florentine Ariosto Jones traveled to Switzerland to revolutionize the timepiece business.

本页:达文西万年历计时腕表 右页:柏涛菲诺自动腕表37; 柏涛菲诺月相手动上链腕表; 柏涛菲诺月相自动腕表37

This page: Da Vinci Perpetual Calendar Chronograph. Right: Portofino Automatic 37; Portofino Hand-Wound Moon Phase; Portofino Automatic Moon Phase 37.


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Counting on modern Swiss technology and hydropower sourced from the Rhine River, Jones created a momentum that will always bear his legacy. Not long after, International Watch Company, founded in the town of Schaffhausen, was born. Now known as IWC Schaffhausen, the brand still prides itself in the highest quality timepieces made by Swiss watchmakers. Celebrate almost 150 years of function and beautiful form with the latest in the IWC collection.

借助现代的瑞士技术和来自莱茵河的水电能源,琼斯 缔造了后来见证其历史传承的丰碑。不久后,创立于沙 夫豪森小镇的 International Watch Company国际 制表公司问世。现今被称为IWC万国表的品牌时至今 日依旧以出自瑞士制表师之手,拥有顶级优异品质的时 计为傲。IWC系列新品向逾150年的实用功能与优美造 型致敬。 达文西万年历计时腕表(43毫米)搭载自动上链机芯, 配备可显示日期、星期、月份和四位数数字年份以 及万年月相的万年历功能。这款腕表搭配18K金表 壳,深棕色 Santoni鳄鱼皮表带、镀银表盘和双面 防反光拱形边缘蓝宝石水晶表镜。 柏涛菲诺月相手动上链腕表(45毫米)也配备18K 金表壳和深棕色 Santoni鳄鱼皮表带。它与达文西系 列腕表的区别在于,所配备的是拥有八日动力储存的 手动上链机械机芯。显示功能包括月相、动力储存和日 历,并配备双面防反光拱形边缘蓝宝石水晶表镜。时计 背面采用透明玻璃表镜,以及精致的岩灰色表盘。 柏涛菲诺自动腕表37(37毫米)搭配18K金表壳,日历 显示和中央秒针,镀银表盘,双面防反光拱形边缘蓝宝 石水晶表镜。Santoni表带备有丁香紫色鳄鱼皮和黑色 鳄鱼皮可供选择。n

The Da Vinci Perpetual Calendar Chronograph (43 mm) boasts automatic, self-winding timekeeping with a perpetual calendar that displays the date, day, month and year in four digits as well as the perpetual moon phase. This watch has an 18-karat gold case, a dark brown alligator leather strap by Santoni, a silver-plated dial, sapphire glass and arched-edge anti-reflective coating on both sides. The Portofino Hand-Wound Moon Phase Watch (45 mm) also has an 18-karat gold case and a dark brown alligator leather strap by Santoni. Setting it aside from the Da Vinci is its manual winding mechanism with an eightday power reserve. The display features the moon phase, power reserve and date as well as a sapphire glass, archededge anti-reflective coating on both sides. The timepiece also features a see-through glass back and a subtle slate-grey dial. The Portofino Automatic 37 (37 mm) has an 18-karat gold case and features a date display and central hacking seconds, a silver-plated dial, sapphire glass and arched-edge antireflective coating on both sides. The Santoni strap is available in both lilac alligator and black alligator leather. n


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“Take care of your inner, spiritual beauty. That will reflect in your face. ” – Dolores del Río

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“关注你的内在和精神之美。 相由心生。” – 多洛莉丝·德尔·里欧

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“真正的发现之旅不在于寻求 新的风景而在于拥有新的双眼。” – 马赛尔·普鲁斯特

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeing new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” – Marcel Proust

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La Grande Classique de Longines – The fascination of timeless style La Grande Classique de Longines embodies the oldest aesthetic tradition of the brand known over the world for its winged hourglass logo. The ultra-slim profile of the specially designed case lends this collection a timeless beauty. Maintaining all the characteristics of the original creations, the models in this line can be seen to grace the wrists of those who appreciate reliability. Presented for the first time in 1992, La Grande Classique de Longines has taken its many refinements from the prestigious Agassiz collection, launched in 1982, whose solid gold models were a tribute to the founder of a brand that celebrated its 150th anniversary that year. Since then, this collection has become Longines’ symbol of classical elegance and has proved extremely popular all around the world. Made out of steel, yellow or rose PVD or a combination of steel and PVD, the models in La Grande Classique de Longines collection are popular among women as well as men, who are instinctively drawn towards reliability and attracted by timeless elegance. These models are also available with a bezel set with Top Wesselton VVS diamonds.

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Elegance is an attitude Kate Winslet

La Grande Classique de Longines

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The Longines Master Collection: a dazzling display of the brand’s watchmaking know-how As a traditional watchmaking company, Longines has been producing exceptional timepieces for more than 185 years. Today, the Longines Master Collection is the perfect illustration of this corporate ethos, as can be seen from the success enjoyed by this range since it was launched in 2005. All fitted with self-winding movements, the various models in this collection offer various sophistications. The Longines Master Collection brings together the classical elegance and excellent quality which never cease to delight those who appreciate exceptional timepieces.

In addition to the traditional models with three hands, the Longines Master Collection offers a wide range of sophistications. Businessman, sportsman or jet-setter, today’s man is multifaceted and always on the move. And his range of requirements can all be satisfied by the choice of displays offered by the models in the Longines Master Collection: chronograph functions, indication of time in all 24 time-zones worldwide, power-reserve indicator, phases of the moon or retrograde functions. Water-resistant to 3 bar, these models also have a transparent case back through which the proud owner can admire the fascinating working of the movement. Each timepiece is mounted on a steel and yellow gold or a steel bracelet, or on a black or dark brown alligator strap, all having a folding safety clasp.

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Elegance is an attitude Simon Baker

The Longines Master Collection

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MIDO “时间是两地之间最远的距离。” – 田纳西·威廉姆斯

“Time is the longest distance between two places.” – Tennessee Williams

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“世界就是一本书,那些从来没有旅 行过的人仅仅读了这本书的一页。” – 圣奥古斯汀

“The world is a book, and those who don’t travel read only one page.” – St. Augustine

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海洋瑰宝 御木本吉幸(Kokichi Mikimoto)之名,已成为精 美养殖珍珠的同义词,令人联想起让每位女性心潮 澎湃的精致隽永珠宝。MIKIMOTO(御木本)系列将一 丝不苟的严谨日式手工技艺与欧洲制造工艺完美融合, 致敬精致考究,经典时尚的现代女性,并为她们奉上与 之完美契合的珠宝作品。御木本珍珠拥有超凡品质, 英国和日本王室、好莱坞女神级明星玛丽莲•梦露、 摩纳哥格蕾丝王妃以及许多赢取桂冠的选美佳丽皆 是品牌拥趸。

Gems of the Sea Synonymous with exquisite cultured pearls, the name Kokichi Mikimoto stirs every woman’s heart with thoughts of delicate and timeless jewelry. With the perfect fusion of meticulous Japanese craftsmanship and European manufacturing techniques, the MIKIMOTO collection honors the sophisticated, chic and modern woman with jewelry befitting her. And MIKIMOTO pearls are so discriminating in quality that the brand’s fans have included the royal families of Britain and Japan, Marilyn Monroe, Monaco’s Princess Grace and many crowned pageant winners.

左页:缎带之舞系列项链 上方:缎带之舞系列套索项链

Opposite page: Jeux de Rubans Necklace. Above: Jeux de Rubans Lariat Necklace


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左页:御木本吉幸 左侧:缎带之舞系列头饰

Opposite page: Kokichi Mikimoto. Left: Jeux de Rubans Headband

御木本吉幸(Kokichi Mikimoto)于1858年1月25日出 生于日本志摩半岛一个名为“鸟羽”的小城,他在父亲 患病之时承担起了照顾家庭的重任,运用科学专业知 识,凭借对一切美好事物的热爱,立下了培育养殖珍珠 的伟大志向。他对自己故乡出产的天然珍珠产生了浓厚 兴趣,但却生怕这种宝贵的商品有朝一日会采集殆尽, 因此,他决心在自己的牡蛎养殖场中培育珍珠。虽然距 他妻子在所收获的第一篮牡蛎中找到第一颗能够与天 然珍珠相媲美的养殖珍珠至今已过去125年,御木本却 依旧是傲立于高端养殖珍珠和珍珠首饰行业首位的珍 珠出品商。 御木本吉幸借助自己的养殖场发展了珍珠培育技术,一 个世纪之后,在他家乡附近的Ojima岛已成为久负盛名 的“御木本珍珠岛”(Mikimoto Pearl Island),公司出 品的臻贵作品早已蜚声国际。遵循严苛分级系统,所采 集的珍珠中仅有百分之五的顶级珍珠能够符合品牌品 质标准,正因如此,御木本凭借其无与伦比的杰作、服 务和享有这些海洋瑰宝至高无上的威望与声誉而流传 数年,甚至数百年。

Born on January 25, 1858, in a small Japanese city called Toba on the Shima Peninsula, Kokichi Mikimoto tasked himself with the goal of producing cultured pearls when his father fell ill and his family needed his expertise in science and his love of all things beautiful. Becoming interested in the natural pearls that were found in his own town but afraid that this treasured commodity would become extinct, he set out to grow pearls on his very own oyster beds. Now, on the 125th anniversary of the year that his wife harvested the first basket of oysters to find a cultivated pearl as spectacular as a natural one, MIKIMOTO remains the foremost producer of the finest cultured pearls and pearl jewelry. Kokichi Mikimoto advanced the science of pearl cultivation with his first beds and now, a century later, the island of Ojima near his hometown is known as Mikimoto Pearl Island and the company’s prized pieces are known around the world. Following a strict grading system, only the top five percent of pearls harvested meet the brand’s quality standards; because of this, MIKIMOTO transcends decades and even centuries with its unparalleled pieces, its service and its reputation as the foremost authority on these gems of the sea. Highly sought after, the first MIKIMOTO store opened in 1899 in Ginza, a neighborhood in Tokyo now known for its luxury shopping, dining and entertainment. The company’s elegant strand necklaces feature a signature clasp almost as beautiful as the pearls themselves. This clasp,


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第一家御木本精品店在众人翘首以盼中于1899年在银 座开门营业,这个毗邻东京的街区如今以高端奢华购 物、餐饮和休闲娱乐而著称。这家公司高贵典雅的珠串 项链搭配精美的标志性链扣,几乎可以与珍珠本身相媲 美。链扣上,在一个微小贝壳中镌刻了精巧别致的“M” 字母,佩戴项链时可将其置于颈部任何位置,从任何角 度观察皆独树一帜。除了最慧眼独具,最注重细节的女 性钟爱的这些散发温润珠光的绶带之外,御木本精品店 还销售优雅的耳环,惊艳的戒指、吊坠、胸针以及其他 珠宝作品。如今,在全球各大都市的繁华大道均开设了 御木本精品店,其中包括伦敦、巴黎、芝加哥、波士顿、 洛杉矶、旧金山、孟买、上海和纽约。

上图:缎带之舞系列耳饰和胸针 右页:缎带之舞系列戒指和项链

Above: Jeux de Rubans Earrings and Jeux de Rubans Brooch. Opposite page: Jeux de Rubans Ring and Jeux de Rubans Necklace

御木本吉幸年仅35岁就已傲立于日本珠宝历史前沿, 成为世界上成功培育半圆形珍珠的第一人,而在之后一 个世纪,御木本同样在美学与科学领域引发轰动,从自 然汲取灵感,缔造出世界上最令人惊叹的可穿戴艺术精 品。何不让这些源自海洋的完美臻品与您相伴?n


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engraved with a delicate ‘M’ set inside a tiny shell, can be worn in any position along the neckline and stand out from any angle. Aside from these pearlescent ribbons worn by the most discerning and detailed women, the MIKIMOTO stores sell elegant earrings, stunning rings, pendants, brooches and more. And now, MIKIMOTO stores grace avenues all over the world including cosmopolitan cities like London, Paris, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Mumbai, Shanghai and New York.

At the forefront of the jewelry industry in Japan at just 35 years of age, Kokichi Mikimoto became the first in the world to culture a semi-spherical pearl successfully, but what has happened in the century that followed is nothing short of spectacular both in beauty and science as Mikimoto took an inspiration from nature and created some of the world’s most stunning pieces of wearable art. Surround yourself with these spectacular examples of the ocean’s perfection. n


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“Once you have traveled, the voyage never ends, but is played out over and over again in the quietest chambers. The mind can never break off from the journey.” – Pat Conroy

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“一旦你旅行过,旅程就永远不会结束, 而是在最安静的房间里一遍又一遍地上演。 你的心灵将永远无法离开旅行。” – 帕特·康罗伊

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本页:万宝龙1858系列 Geosphere世界时腕表 右页:大班系列小王子墨水笔

This page: 1858 Geosphere; Opposite page: Meisterstück Le Petit Prince; Montblanc Caliber MB M13.21


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注定成为明日的 传世之作 一如欧洲风景最为秀丽的高峰之巅,万宝龙的“Montblanc” 之名象征着将无与伦比的美感与几近神秘的手工技艺发挥 至极致。100多年前,万宝龙设计出首批经典墨水笔,自此, 品牌便一直拥有毋庸置疑的卓越品质与显赫声誉。除了标 志性经典书写工具之外,品牌还提供能够令我们人生重大 时刻更难以忘怀的各种精美产品,例如超凡卓越的时计、 独树一帜的皮具、低调含蓄而不失迷人魅力的珠宝、引人遐 思的香水和令人惊叹的眼镜。这家奢侈品牌深知所面对的, 是拥有敏锐鉴赏力的世界居民,因此最近在其独家专属产 品中新增行李箱包系列。

大班系列小王子特别版 书写工具 Meisterstück意为“匠心之作”,所有深意,尽在其中。 从法国作家兼飞行先驱安东尼•圣-埃克絮佩里(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)最著名的作品汲取灵感,Le Petit Prince系列限量版备有两种尺寸,采用深蓝色树脂制作。 精确笔咀上饰有小王子和狐狸图案;笔夹饰有一 颗黄色漆面星星,整个笔帽上装饰狐脸图案并 镌刻有《小王子》中的名句。

Already Tomorrow’s Heirloom Like the summit of one of Europe’s most picturesque peaks, the name Montblanc symbolizes the pinnacle of incomparable beauty and almost-mystical craftsmanship. Over 100 years ago, Montblanc created the first of their iconic fountain pens and since then, the quality and reputation of the brand has been uncompromised. Aside from their signature writing instruments, the brand offers exquisite products that enhance the special moments of our lives such as exceptional timepieces, distinct leather products, understated but captivating jewelry, enchanting fragrances and stunning eyewear. Knowing their discerning customers are citizens of the world, the luxury brand also recently added a luggage collection to their array of exclusive goods.


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万宝龙1858系列 Geosphere世界时腕表

Montblanc Meisterstück Le Petit Prince

Montblanc 1858 Geosphere万宝龙1858系列 Geosphere世界时腕表向拥有坚定意志的高山探险家

Meaning “masterpiece,” Meisterstück is all too appropriate. Inspired by the most famous work from the French writer and pioneering aviator, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, the limited edition Le Petit Prince collection is available in two sizes and crafted in a deep blue resin. Its precision nib features an engraved Petit Prince and fox; the clip is embellished with a yellow lacquered star and the entire cap is milled with a fox face pattern and topped off with the book’s most famous quote.

和不懈探索的世界旅行家致以崇高敬意,并致敬“世界 七峰”以及选择征服这些高峰的探险家们。位于全球五 大洲的最高峰分别以红点标注于时计表盘的南、北半球 之上,成为目光焦点。这一系列搭载自动机芯、硕大的 动力储存、第二时区显示和令人惊叹的双向旋转精钢表 圈和镌刻罗盘图案的黑 色陶瓷圆环,备有多种表款, 可供您记录值得珍藏于记忆中的所有重大时刻。

万宝龙#MY4810 行李箱包系列 旅行以冒险和美景丰富我们的人生,如今万宝龙设计出 完美的旅行良伴。全新# MY4810行李箱包系列在意大 利制作,看似简单,实则不凡。行李箱采用流畅而现代 的设计,将万宝龙柔润亮泽的黑色调与象征品牌同名缩 写首字母的精美凹纹图案相结合。这些作品灵活方便, 适于各类旅行,备有五种不同尺寸:一款飞行员包、两 款拉杆登机箱和两款大旅行箱。这些行李箱包采用质 地轻盈的聚碳酸酯材质制作,搭配尼龙衬里和数量充 足的收纳口袋,为行色匆匆的现代都市人提供智能收纳 解决方案,手柄采用意大利皮革制作,触感极为舒适, 更以皮革装饰边角,正面搭配一条标志性经典皮饰带, 以万宝龙品牌名称徽章作为装饰。这些行李箱包功能齐 备,设计美观,配备可360度自由旋转的滚珠轴承滚轮, 可拉伸至不同位置的伸缩式拉杆、经TSA认证的安全锁 以及个性化定制皮革行李牌。无论是都市探险或是前往 异国他乡,万宝龙总能令旅途美不胜收,逍遥自在。n

Montblanc 1858 Geosphere Honoring the determination of mountain explorers and those who travel the world in their perpetual quest for exploration, the Montblanc 1858 Geosphere wristwatch pays homage to the seven summits of the world and those who choose to conquer them. As the focus, the highest peak on each continent is meticulously marked with a red dot on two globes on the dial of the timepiece. Featuring automatic movement, a generous power reserve, a second time zone and a stunning bi-directional stainless steel bezel and black ceramic ring with engraved compass, the collection offers several models that will help you keep track of all the moments you cherish.


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左页:大班系列小王子墨水笔 左图:万宝龙行李箱包系列 下图:万宝龙1858系列自动计时码表

Opposite page: Meisterstück Le Petit Prince. Left: Montblanc Luggage Collection. Below: Montblanc 1858 Automatic Chronograph.

Montblanc #MY4810 Luggage Collection Travel fills our lives with adventure and beauty, and now Montblanc has created the perfect travel companion. Crafted in Italy, the new #MY4810 luggage collection is anything but ordinary. Exuding a sleek, modern design, the cases come in Montblanc’s lustrous black hue with an artful groove pattern symbolizing the company’s namesake initial. Flexible and ready for all types of travel, the pieces are available in five different sizes: a pilot case, two cabin-sized trolley suitcases and two larger ones. Made of lightweight polycarbonate with nylon interior and ample pockets, the smart storage solutions for those on the go also boast Italian leather on the handles for total comfort, leather accents on the corners and a signature leather band across the front emblazoned with the Montblanc name. For function to follow form just as beautifully, the pieces also feature 360-degree rotation ball-bearing wheels, a telescoping handle that can be raised to several different positions, a TSA-approved lock for security and a customizable leather luggage tag. For urban exploration or an exotic destination, Montblanc makes the journey almost as beautiful as the wanderlust itself. n


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“Beauty is truth’s smile when she beholds her own face in a perfect mirror.” – Rabindranath Tagore

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“美是真理的微笑,宛如她在一面完美的镜 子前看到了自己的面庞。” – 泰戈尔

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The Haven庭院 The Haven Courtyard


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静待您发掘的乐土 奢华,如画美景,个性化服务。选择诺唯真The Haven套 房,以私密且独家专属的服务宠爱自己。此外,我们还在 全新的玺悦楼层新增客房,全船还设立了大量相连的特 等客房— —一切专为中国乘客设计。客房设施齐备,从 长绒浴袍和拖鞋,到宝格丽和爱马仕香皂、洗发水和润 肤露,奢华套房用品让您乐享放松身心的惬意时刻。 诺唯真 The Haven隐藏于“诺唯真喜悦号”12、17与18 层,这里设施齐备,空间宽敞的奢华套房,您可在此乐享 礼宾员的个性化服务,并在乘坐游轮的整个旅途中24 小 时享受私人管家服务。

Your Oasis Awaits Luxury. Scenic views. Personal service. Pamper yourself with privacy and exclusivity in The Haven by Norwegian. What’s more, we’re adding accommodations with our new Concierge Level, as well as plenty of connecting staterooms throughout the ship — all designed for Chinese guests. When it’s time to unwind, you’ll enjoy well-appointed accommodations featuring luxurious en suite amenities from plush robes and slippers to Bvlgari and Hermes soaps, shampoos and body lotions. Hidden away at the top of Norwegian Joy is The Haven by Norwegian, home to luxurious, wellappointed and spacious accommodations where you can enjoy the personal service of a concierge and 24-hour butler throughout your entire cruise.


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The Haven: 船中之船 入住The Haven楼层的宾客只需移步至专属阳光甲板便 可享受私密安静的日光浴。从登船到下船、从船上休闲 娱乐到晚餐时间,您都将享有优先权。在您专属的船中 之船,The Haven专为体验独一无二而设。 入住“诺唯真喜悦号”玺悦套房的宾客将乐享VIP体验,面 积更大的带阳台特等客房配备奢华套房用品,并提供专属 礼宾服务,从船上休闲娱乐到用餐,皆可为您精心安排。 玺悦套房专为寻求特别个人服务的家庭和宾客而设,配备 专属礼宾休息室,内设私人酒吧,全天提供美食小点。

The Haven: A Ship within a Ship Privacy and tranquility are just steps away on a sundeck reserved exclusively for guests of The Haven. From embarkation to debarkation, boarding of tenders to shore, onboard entertainment to dining times, you will have priority. In your own ship within a ship, The Haven will make for a unique experience.

上图:贵宾长廊 下图:顶层玺悦阳台套房 右图:诺唯真喜悦号

Above: Concierge Lounge. Below: Concierge Penthouse with Balcony. Right: Norwegian joy

Guests who stay in the Concierge staterooms aboard Norwegian Joy will enjoy a VIP experience, featuring larger balcony staterooms with luxurious en suite amenities and the services of a dedicated concierge to make arrangements on board, from entertainment to dining. A category for families and guests looking for extra personal service, Concierge staterooms also come with an exclusive Concierge lounge complete with a private bar and refreshments available throughout the day.


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A Day Well Spent: The Concierge Advantage 富有意义的一天: 礼宾专享 躺在诺唯真Bliss Bed系列的雪白床品中开始您的一天。 刚刚冲好的意式浓咖啡醇美扑鼻,将由您的私人管家 亲自送入奢华特等客房之中。与其他玺悦楼层的宾客 一同前往私人餐厅享用早餐,随后预订一次双人按摩, 在其中一间特色餐厅预约晚餐。在 The Haven的阳光 甲板待上一整天会让您乐而忘返,但内心的冒险精神 却在催促您四处逛逛。您的私人管家早已为您挑选适 宜的岸上观光线路,并会护送您至下船区。 观光返回后到独家专属Mandara Spa水疗中心享受 放松按摩可让您重新恢复活力,随后精心打扮,与新 结识的朋友共享美味佳肴。欣赏一场由获奖演员团队 出演的拉斯维加斯式表演秀,结束一天的休闲娱乐活 动。您再次躺回奢华亚麻床品之中,伴着海浪的起伏 酣然入睡,在美梦中迎接新的一天。n

Begin your day between the crisp white sheets of Norwegian’s Bliss Bed collection. You will be met by aromatic scents of fresh espresso delivered by your butler to your luxurious stateroom. Join fellow Concierge guests in a private dining room for breakfast, and then reserve a couple’s massage and make dinner reservations at one of the specialty restaurants. The temptation to lounge by the Haven’s sun deck all day is tempting, but your adventurous spirit precedes you. An excursion on shore has already been selected by your butler who will escort you to the debarkation zone. Return and reenergize with a relaxing massage at the exclusive Mandara Spa, and then dress up and join new friends for a gourmet meal. End the night entertained by a cast of awardwinning performers at a Las Vegas–style show. As you collapse back into your luxurious linens, let the ocean waves lull you to sleep as you dream of a new day. n


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“一个才能平凡的人,无论他是否旅行, 总是平凡的; 但一个才华出众的人如果永 远止步原地,他就会一败涂地。” – 莫扎特

“A man of ordinary talent will always be ordinary, whether he travels or not; but a man of superior talent will go to pieces if he remains forever in the same place.” – Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

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What Legends Are Made Of 铸就传奇 作为问世于19世纪的瑰宝,欧米茄是全球极具影响力 的人物竞相佩戴的经典时计,伴随着这些伟大人物驰骋 大地,上天下海。1948年,欧米茄推出Seamaster海 马系列,庆祝品牌百年华诞。雅克•库斯托(Jacques Cousteau)的研究团队在红海开展一系列实验时佩 戴海马300腕表;巴兹•奥尔德林(Buzz Aldrin)在尼 尔·阿姆斯特朗(Neil Armstrong)走出“鹰号”登月 舱后数分钟,也佩戴着自己的欧米茄超霸月球表踏足月 球表面,这也是第一枚在月球上佩戴过的腕表。 欧米茄腕表采用超凡工艺制作,让它凸显您丰富精彩 的内心世界。 这个瑞士制造腕表品牌由路易士•勃兰特(Louis Brandt)在瑞士拉夏德芳创立,已成经典,是中国 最受欢迎的时计和最著名的奢侈品牌之一,也是品 牌历经时间考验的卓越典范。1932年,国际奥委会 (International Olympic Committee)任命欧米 茄担任官方时计,如今欧米茄之名已成为世界纪录与出 色成就的代名词。与此同时,欧米茄还与诸多电影, 包括詹姆斯·邦德007系列结下不解之缘。尽管之前这 位传奇电影人物曾佩戴过不少不同品牌的腕表,如今 却越来越对欧米茄情有独钟。海马腕表是第一款被皮 尔斯•布鲁斯南(Pierce Brosnan)在《黄金眼》中佩 戴于腕上的腕表。

A 19th century gem, OMEGA is a quintessential timepiece that’s been worn by influential men and women around the globe, not only on the ground but also breaking barriers underwater and thousands of feet in the air. In 1948, OMEGA launched the Seamaster in line with the brand’s centennial anniversary. Jacques Cousteau’s team then wore the Seamaster 300 in the Red Sea and in 1969, Buzz Aldrin made history by stepping off the Eagle just minutes after Neil Armstrong and onto the surface of the moon wearing his OMEGA Speedmaster Professional — the first watch to be worn on the moon. OMEGA is made exceptionally. Let it highlight the brilliance in you. The Swiss-made watch brand founded by Louis Brandt in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland, is a classic — the most coveted timepiece and one of the strongest luxury brands in China — and a powerful example of a brand that gets it right time after time. In 1932, the International Olympic Committee appointed OMEGA as the official timekeeper and it is now the name that stands alongside world records and outstanding feats. OMEGA has also become synonymous with various films, including the James Bond franchise. Though the character wore a few different watch brands over the years, none is more prominent than OMEGA. The Seamaster was first spotted on Pierce Brosnan’s wrist in GoldenEye.


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碟飞名典系列36毫米石英腕表, 精钢表壳搭配织物表带

De Ville Trésor, Quartz 36 mm, steel on fabric strap


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The History of Trésor

Trésor名典历史 “Trésor”一词在法语中意为“珍宝”,指代腕表中隐藏 的珍宝(著名的30毫米机芯)——1949年由欧米茄首次 在一款配备纤薄K金表壳的经典腕表中使用。65年后的 2014年,时计在原型腕表名称基础上重新演绎,以全新 面孔盛大回归。碟飞名典系列(De Ville Trésor)配备 先进的同轴机芯(现已广泛应用于欧米茄众多表款的一 种机械部件),厚度仅10.6毫米,以经典时尚手法诠释 Trésor名典原型腕表。如今,继追溯欧米茄女士腕表悠 久历史的巡展《她的时光》(Her Time)开幕不久, 品牌推出了全新女士系列:Trésor名典系列。全新系列 搭配经典的纤薄表壳(39毫米表款厚度为9.75毫米, 36毫米表款厚度为8.85毫米),精致的罗马数字时标, 弧形钻石铺镶和表带,以赏心悦目的当代手法彰显日渐 完美的时计。

Trésor名典的全新面孔 致力于为女性顾客服务逾100年的欧米茄,对于能够认 识到女性的外在与内在之美,不仅源自其身体特征,更 得益于其坚强、聪慧、特色、风格、韧性与鲜明个性而 感到自豪。这与品牌时计有异曲同工之妙。全新 Trésor 名典系列表款造型时尚流畅,通过种类丰富的材质与色 彩,凸显佩戴这些腕表的女性的坚强个性。

The French name for “treasure,” Trésor refers to the treasure found inside the watch (the celebrated 30 mm calibre), first used by OMEGA in 1949 on a classic watch with a thin, golden case. More than 65 years later, in 2014, the timepiece returned with a fresh look and a variation on its original name. The De Ville Trésor boasted a highly advanced CoAxial movement (a mechanical component now used in many of OMEGA’s watches) and a height of 10.6 mm, a chic update to the original Trésor. Now, not long after the opening of “Her Time,” a touring exhibition celebrating OMEGA’s long history of women’s watchmaking, the brand has launched a new ladies’ collection: the Trésor Collection. With a classically slimmer case (9.75 mm in height for the 39 mm models and 8.85 mm in height for the 36 mm models), delicate Roman numerals, curved diamond paving and straps, the newest collection is a delightful and contemporary take on a timepiece that has been perfected decade after decade.

The New Face of Trésor Dedicated to its female customers for over 100 years, OMEGA takes pride in its recognition of a woman’s inner and outer beauty, made up not only of physical characteristics, but also her strength, intelligence, character, style, resilience and distinctive personality. The same goes for the brand’s timepieces.


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碟飞名典系列39毫米石英腕表, 精钢表壳搭配织物表带

De Ville Trésor, Quartz 39 mm, steel on fabric strap


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The new Trésor models are sleek and meant to embody the personalities of the strong women who wear them, with a diverse range of materials and colors to choose from.

拥有惊人魅力的时装模特凯雅•杰柏(Kaia Gerber) 于去年九月巴黎时装周期间加入欧米茄大家庭,成为这 一系列的全新代言面孔。她是集超模、女星与代言大使 于一身的传奇女性辛迪•克劳馥(Cindy Crawford) 之女,与同样充满传奇色彩的摄影大师彼得•林德伯格 (Peter Lindbergh)在宣传广告中携手合作,在马里 布拍摄了一系列摄人心魄的精彩黑白影像,用于展示 时计。林德伯格是品牌考虑的最佳也是唯一摄影师人 选,在过去多年中曾与杰柏的母亲保持密切关系。 “我爱欧米茄”,杰柏表示, “因为欧米茄伴着我长大, 身处此地,让我觉得我由始至终一直被这一切所围绕 的感觉。” 德国摄影师林德伯格还邀请了杰柏一家——辛迪及 其丈夫兰德•杰柏(Randy Gerber),凯雅及其兄弟 普雷斯利(Presley)入镜,拍摄了一张独家专属“全家 福”,并在巴黎的《她的时光》展览上展出。杰柏如今的 责任(也是她全身心投入的角色)是继续为欧米茄的历 史传承代言,这也是倍受其家族世代青睐的品牌。 “我 确实对古典风格情有独钟,对我而言,Trésor名典系列 腕表拥有复古外观,却又流露出一丝酷炫现代气息,” 杰柏说道, “这是让人觉得赏心悦目的腕表,我非常喜 欢佩戴。”

Welcomed to the OMEGA family during Paris Fashion Week last September, stunning fashion model Kaia Gerber is the new face of the collection. Cindy Crawford’s daughter — who bears an uncanny resemblance to the legendary model, actress and spokesperson — worked with the legendary Peter Lindbergh on the campaign, shooting a series of striking black-and-white images in Malibu to showcase the timepieces. Lindbergh is the best and only choice considering the photographer has worked with and cultivated a relationship with Gerber’s mother in years past. “I love OMEGA,” Gerber says, “just because I grew up with it and I feel like I’ve always been surrounded by everyone there.” German photographer Lindbergh brought the whole family in — Cindy and her husband Randy Gerber, Kaia and her brother Presley — for an exclusive family portrait that has since been displayed at the “Her Time” exhibition in Paris. Gerber’s role now — one she’s embraced wholeheartedly — is to continue to carry the legacy of OMEGA, a brand beloved to her family for generations. “I’m really drawn to classic style and for me the Trésor has that vintage look, but with a cool, very modern twist,” Gerber says. “It’s a beautiful watch to look at and I love wearing it.”


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全新腕表 Trésor名典系列推出三款新品,备有两种尺寸(39毫米 或 36毫米),各推出三种款式,皆拥有独树一帜的超薄 表壳。39毫米精钢 Trésor名典腕表搭配造型流畅的黑漆 表盘和黑色织物表带。这是适于您每日佩戴的腕表,优 美,经典,适于搭配所有服饰。36毫米精钢 Trésor名典 腕表更显明亮,搭配造型流畅的白漆表盘和蓝色织物表 带。这一完美配饰适于搭配所有服饰,无论休闲惬意或 是高贵典雅。36毫米Sedna™ 18K金Trésor名典腕表堪 称这一系列的女王表款,搭配银色瓷白漆面表盘和灰色 皮表带。适于佩戴它参加晚会或观看歌剧,因为欧米茄 擅于为眼光独到的顾客及其同样大受启发的人生缔造 精美绝伦的时计。n

The New Watches There are three new timepieces in the Trésor Collection. Available in two sizes (39 mm or 36 mm), each model in the trio is differentiated by its striking thin case. The 39 mm stainless steel Trésor timepiece has a sleek lacquered black dial and black fabric strap. This is your everyday watch, beautiful, classic and a complement to any outfit. The 36 mm stainless steel Trésor is brighter, with a lacquered white dial and blue fabric strap. It’s the perfect accessory for any outfit, casual or more elegant. The 36 mm 18K Sedna™ gold Trésor is the queen of this collection, with a lacquered opaline silver dial and grey leather strap. Wear it on a night out or to the opera as OMEGA relishes in creating refined timepieces for the discerning customer and their equally inspired lives. n

左页:钻石镶嵌 上图:碟飞名典系列36毫米石英腕表, Sedna™K金表壳搭配皮表带

Opposite page; Setting diamonds. Above: De Ville Trésor, Quartz 36 mm, Sedna™ gold on leather strap


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RADO “时间是一个人所能花费的最宝贵的东西。” – 泰奥弗拉斯托斯

“Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend.” – Theophrastus

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“敢于浪费自己生命当中一小时的人, 尚未发现生命的价值。” – 查尔斯·达尔文

“A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.” – Charles Darwin

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Luxe Collection

雍尚格 出版人 Bill Panoff

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特别鸣谢Dufry公司的 Petra Etzioni, Deidre Morales,

Special thanks to Petra Etzioni, Deidre Morales,

Audrianna Manee 和 Madeline Ardon。

Audrianna Manee and Madeline Ardon at Dufry.


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Bill Panoff



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Bill Panoff Audrey Balbiers-Panoff Jose I. Martin

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