Beauty Biz
Linda Woodhead
Editor’s Editor’s Note
Clare Lamberth
Kellie Woodhead
Jess Richmond
Clare Lamberth Angela Sanchez Kristy Mckenzie Julie Cross Jayde Phillips Joy Crossingham Deb Farnworth-Wood Lisa Conway Elle Wilson Julie Cross Paul Frasca Faye Murray Sarah Garner Brigitte Benge Estelle Carroll Lachlon Silver
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PUBLISHED BY mocha publishing
HAIR BIZ, Beauty Biz & Barber Shop Beauty Biz is published six times a year by mocha publishing ABN 65 091 846 189 No Part of the publication may be reproduced in any manner or form without written permission. Beauty Biz does not accept responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, transparencies, original artwork or other material. The views expressed in Beauty Biz are not necessarily those of the publisher. No responsibility will be accepted if the publication is delayed or prevented by factors beyong the control of the publisher. No responsibility will be accepted for errors in copy, or for any loss arising from the failure of an advertisement or any part thereof to appear. © 2020 mocha publishing All rights reserved.
You are right where you are meant to be! So much is going on right now. Across the country, salons are either feeling the pinch of quieter times after the initial “reopening rush” or forced to close once again with more restrictions. It’s hard to plan for the future and stay focused, let alone take action to grow and rebuild with so much going on. Mental health must always come first. Please take time to take care of yourself during this time. It could be taking a day off away from your business. Turning off your phone for a weekend or stepping away from social media. Be aware of where your stress and pain is and choose one small action to help yourself. Your business will not go down the toilet if you take one day for yourself to recharge, refresh and be able to show up better for your clients and your team. In the long term it will become a powerful habit to help both yourself and your business. I recently came across a video on social by Kerwin Rae. (It’s episode #64 of his Unstoppable podcast / You Tube video if you are keen to look it up.) I was so inspired by the fresh and unique perspectives shared in the conversions he had with renowned performance coach & all-round “life yoda”, Peter Chrone that I wanted to share them with you. During the podcast and video Peter and Kerwin discuss the weight that self-limiting judgement and pain, that we hold onto throughout our life, can have on our lives and the way in which it can hold us back. Something Peter said resonated with me so much with what’s going on in our industry right now… “when we realise that which has happened is exactly what should have happened (not that it’s always obvious to start with), it leaves room for peace and freedom in our lives.” Lightness. With time we can let go and heal from the pain we have held onto and move forward. “It shouldn’t have been this way, why me, why us, those bloody people who started this whole thing”. It’s an easy, comfortable and toxic cycle to slip into. Pity, grief, and pain. We are the sum of our experiences. You wouldn’t be here today without all of the challenges, the highs and lows and celebrations and tears you have endured throughout your life so far. This time is just another one of those times. You are exactly where you should be. Right now.
Now, with many salons across Victoria shutting down into Stage 4 lockdowns this advice might seem harsh. However, as Peter says… “Trust, that in ways that you don’t fully understand, the events of your life that are transpiring are in a way that is for my benefit. We’re not victims of life. We’re beneficiaries to it.” - Peter Chrone Without the array of experiences in your life you wouldn’t be in the position you are right now. Presented with these opportunities like you are right now. Given the gift of time and space to execute and make possibilities happen. To think outside the box for a second time. To do all those things you didn’t get to do the first-time round. To add to your business in ways you might not have thought. This is exactly what was supposed to happen. Why? Because it’s happening. You will look back at this time in 3, 6, 9, 12 months’ time to see that the things that have fallen into place throughout this time are as they are intended to be. Later on we can look back and see as we adjust our perspective to recognize, that through adversity we are becoming bigger and better versions of ourselves. Sending you love and peace and clarity during this time as we enter into our busiest season of the year.
Clare xo Clare Lamberth, Editor