I have to admit, every time I open an industry magazine (hello Beauty Biz!) I feel a bit like I do when I walk through Mecca - like I NEED to have everything on display! The allure of every new machine, every new ingredient on the market…is… well… STRONG! Over the years I have definitely fallen for the marketing, and the occasional impulse buy of $250k machines (oops!). I mean, I HAD to have it. It was going to be the big thing that set us apart (spoiler alert - it wasn’t…).
not able to keep up with demand, not being able to find people to operate the new machines - and most of all - who struggle to even get a pay check for themselves every week. So I’d like for you to ask yourself: at what point does investing in 3 new lasers bring enough value for it to be worth it? Do you have a TRUE gap in your treatment offering? Or is it simply a way to have the latest and greatest?
The same goes for skincare ranges. When I opened HÜD I had three ranges - and I’d already had one before then. The pull of new and exciting ingredients and delivery systems really got me. And of course, staff are asking for the latest toys to play with so they can have their fun too. There’s always a new shiny ball out there and if we don’t jump on it we’ll miss out.
I can tell you, from my own experience I’ve found the grass isn’t greener on the other side. That one machine isn’t going to be what sets you up as the expert in your field. You are. Your team. Your business. Your purpose.
Right? Ummm. Post COVID I don’t think I’ve ever seen the race to have the latest, brightest and quickest quite so fierce. And all the while I’m hearing from clinic owners
The most common feedback I hear from therapists is that their work place has so many skincare ranges that its confusing what to recommend. And imagine this scenario: a client has a great
Beauty Biz Year 14 Issue 3
But let’s leave machines for another time. Today I want to chat about skincare.
treatment and is ready to invest in that amazing vitamin C serum their therapist recommended. They arrive at the front desk only to discover that the serum is out of stock. The therapist say “oh that one’s out of stock but we have another on that’s amazing too”. Don’t you think that client is wondering why the heck she wasn’t recommend that one in the first place if it’s that bloody amazing?? I guarantee it doesn’t build much client trust. At HÜD we tried this. And failed. It was one of the great learnings in my business that helped shape a 7 figure, steady, fully booked business. When we took on our current skincare range DMK, I’d barely heard of it. Of course, it had been in existence for decades already - I just never really heard of it. I had a treatment - the signature Enzyme with a cassia peel that felt like my face was on fire! And thought “no one will EVER want to have this treatment. It’s so uncomfortable!”.