Newspaper: 1 1975

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Pr nceton New Je sey 08540 USA

rinceton • • n1vers1ty

evvs Exhibitions Award w1n n ng student work and Master of F ne Arts theses of prev ous years Joseph Ce ut 36 Henry A Jand *37 W an F She man J 4 1 Dav d L Leav t 42 Tai e B Mau e *48 The Work of E leen Gray sponsored by The A ch ectu al League of New Yo k and The Womans Bu Id ng n Los Ange es Towards a Prof le of Lat n Amer can Art o gan zed by he Cen e of A t and Com nun cat on Buenos A es M tche\I and G urgola A ch tects Cu e Wok Draw ngs for a Bu ld1ng for the Hu man t es and Soc al Sc ences Sou he n nos Un ve s ty Ca bonda e Geddes Becher Oua s Cunn ngham A ch tects Draw ngs for the Second Lowenste n Res dence Ch macoff/Pete son Arch tectu e U ba Des gn Operations Performed on a L ne Gr d studen wo k f om he G aph c Des gn Depa 11en Ya e School of A t Women and Des gn an exh b o ga r11zed by the P nee on Un ve sty Women s 0 gan zat on f om ma e a s n Des gn an d Env ronment magaz ne and he wo k of She la de B ettev le The Serra Club More than Pe ty Pc u es and P e ty P aces Computer Graphics Ideas nst u ments mages mate als f om the col ec on of Aa on Ma cus


Conference on PhD Students F Duncan Case M Case s esea ch Housing for the nvest ga es how the va ues of a p ofess on nf uence ts standards Two cases ud es Elderly: Planning of hous ng standa d fo mat on have been selec ed The New Yo k Tenement House and Desig n Law of 1901 and the Ame can Pub c A ch ec s p an e s hous ng sponso s pub c hous ng staf1 and gove nmenta hous ng agency pe sonne a ended the confe ence on Hous ng fo he E de y P ann ng and Des gn he d a P nee on on May 15 t was co sponso ed by he School of A ch ectu e and U ban P ann ng New Je sey Depa tment of Commun y Af a s 0 vs on on Ag ng Cent a Chapte New ersey Soc ety of A ch ec s Ame can nst tute of A ch ec s and Ame ca ns tute of P anne s New Je sey Chap er The purpose of the conference was to ncrease awareness of the des gn er ter a for hous ng for older people The soc al patterns and phys olog cal changes and the ways n wh ch these relate to the phys cal hous ng env ronment were discussed A welcome VI as extended by Robe t Geddes Dean of the Schoo Pat ca 0 Sheehan Comm ss one New Je sey Depa tmen of Commun ty Affa s and E zabeth Re y Moynahan Sec eta y Cent al Chap e New Je sey Soc e y of A ch tects Ame ca nst ute of A ch tee ts Du ng he mo ng sess on Schoo facu ty membe s Galen C anz soc o og st and Thomas L Schumache a .ch ect a ong w th Alv n E Gershen consu tant presented an ove v ew of the r study of New Je sey s subs d zed hous ng fo the e de y The nd ngs appea n he epo tent t ed The Bu t Env onment fo t he El d er y A P ann ng and Des gn Study Oeta led comments on var ous aspects of hes udy we e made by Ma e McGu e Thompson Hous ng Spec a s n e nat ona Cente fo Soc a Ge on to ogy n the afte noon th ee concu ent workshops were he d C que of Cur en Des gn S andards B eak ng New G ound Research n Open Space Fo m and Use and Soc a n e act on Des gn I mp cat ans D scuss ans we e led by Suzanne Kel e P ofesso of Soc o ogy P nee on Un ve sty V van F Car n Hous ng Consu ant D vs on on Ag ng New Je sey Depo tment of Com E

m11011v Affairs

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and Haus ng Consu tant Ouaele and Lynch Robe Lee Ass s ant D ecto Techn cal Se v ce New Je sey Haus ng F nance Agency E zabe h Re y Moynahan A ch tect A A and facu ty esea che s Ga en C a z and Thomas L Schumache

Urban St udies Forum

Heath Assoc a on s A P oposed H aus ng 0 d n ance of 1952 The f s case con s ders the ways hat a tudes of enement efo me sat the tu n of the century nf uenced e substance o hous ng codes The second cases m a y cons des how he att udes of he pub c hea h p ofess on as wel as those of the pub c hous ng commun ty of he 1930 sand 1940 s nf uenced s code sdeve opmen The esea ch s n ended to b dge the gap be ween academ c and app ed esea ch n p ov d ng a mode of standa ds deve opmen a p ocess nvo v ng the fus on of p ofess ona w sdom and esea ch fact Case s thes s adv so s a e P ofesso Robe Gutman and P ofesso M chae Munson Case s gene a f e d of nte es s he deve opment and app cat on of env on men ta soc o ogy to u ban plann ng and des gn esea ch Pa cu a a tent on s pad to the dwe ng env onment that s the spac ng and access b ty of es den a un ts o one anothe and o othe u ban act v t es as p efe ences va y acco d ng o use I e s y e soc a class and state n fe eye e Case has been p o ec ma age fo the study of hous ng prefe ences of Pue to R can Ame cans n New e sey fa The Peop e s Workshop nc and fo the Pue to R can Cong ess of New Je sey He co au tho ed w h Ca Danz ge th s p o ect s epo tent ed Dwell ng Des gn Cho ces A Su vey o f Pue to R can Am e cans n N ew Je sey In the Assoc at on of Co eg ate Schools o P ann ng Case s as udent membe of the Execu ve Comm tee n S udent Plann ng Ne wo k he s a mem be of the Nat anal S uden Stee ng Comm tee Case has been appo n ed Ass stant P ofesso n the Schoo of U ban Plann ng and Landscape A ch ec tu e M ch gan S ate Un vers ty Joenathan Dean M Dean s esea ch s seek ng o show that othe than th ough f te ng the e a e few f any effect ve means of p av d ng hous ng and con mun t es fo la ge segmen s of he popu a on and the efo e to demons ate the nfeas b ty of u ban no g ow h as a pub c po cy measu e pa t cu a ly om the v ewpo nt of the poo The ob1ect ves of the thes s a e to suggest easons why we have become conce ned about the s ze and g owth of human sett ements (2) to nd ca e b ef y why past attempts o d scou age g owth have ach eved on y m ed success (3) to exam ne nstances of oca ze o a es of popu at on g owth coex s ng w th econom c we I be ng (a) h ghl gh ng the soc oeconom c cha acte s cs of a eas on n ed n nex co umn)

Facu y and students f om many d sc p nes pa t c pated n en uncheon meet n~s du ng the academ c yea 4 Jul an Wolpert Professo of Geog raphy and Urban P ann ng The Loca on of Pub c Fae I t es n Me opal an A eas Chester Rapk n P ofessor of U ban P ann ng Plann ng fo an After Ca e Pro g am fo Persons D scha ged from Men ta Hosp ta s R chard Sull van Lee u e Cente a Env onmenta S ud es Env on mental P aspects nan U ban Env on ment Alan Kornhauser Ass stant P ofessor of C v I Eng nee ng s the ea Roe o New Tech no ogy n Urban T anspo a on> Dav d Hammack Ass s ant P ofesso o H story And ew H G een and Com p ehens ve Plann ng n Md 19th Centu y New Yo kCty Alan Anderson Ass stant P ofesso of H sto y The Econon c and Techno Edward Logue Fo me P es dent og ca 0 g ns of U ban C ses New Yo k Sate U ban Deve opment M chael Dan elson P o essor of Po Co po at on U ban Deve opment Haus ng and Commun ty Deve opmen How t cs and Pub c Affa s The Sta e and Then and How Now' se es of fou Land Use Con o n New Je sev Will am Cah II Fa me Gove no of ectu es co sponsored by the Wood ow W son Schoo of Pub! c and nte nat ona New Je sey Sen o Fel ow n Pub c and Affa sand the School of A ch tectu e In e nat anal A fa s State Po t cs and Urban P ann ng and U ban Prob ems Naum Gabo Seu pto M dd ebury Anthony V dler Assoc ate P ofesso Connect cut On Sculptu e a d Con o A ch tectu e S ee Fa m and Soc al s uct on n Space co sponso ed by the Change Schoo of Eng nee ng and App ed Sc Suzanne Keller P ofesso of Soc a o ence a d he Schoo of A ch tectu e and gy P oblems n the P ann ng of New U ban P ann ng Commun t es W II am A MacDonald Soph a Sm h P ofesso o A Sm th Co ege Haus ng n the Roman Emp e Some Ana y ca he Resea ch Cen e fa Urban and Suggest ons co sponso ed by the School Env on nen a P ann ng pub shes unde of A ch ec u e and U ban Plann ng and the ed to sh p of Do othy E Wh teman he Depa tmen of C ass cs She l a de Brettev lie Des gne Wo ks Wo k ng Pape s p epa ed by facu y and West Los Angeles Fem n sm and s udents Ou stand ng pape s p epa ed by Des gn co sponso ed by the Schoo of students du ng the academ c yea a e A ch ec u e and U ban P ann ng and he subm tted by faculty fo nc us on n the Women Facu ty of P nceton Un ve sty s se es The follow ng Work ng Pape shave Women s 0 gan zat on been ssued Jacqu el n T Robertson P es dent 1 Bu td ng Evaluat on User Sat sfact on A en P ann ng and Des gn G oup and Des gn Robe t Gutman and Ba ba a New Yo k C ty A ch ectu e A P o Weste gaa d 1973 14pp fess on n Sea ch of a C ent 2 The Art of the Soluble Ph p Steadman Lu dw g Gl aeser Cu ato M es Van 1973 8pp de Rohe A ch ve New Yo k C ty 3 Computer Graphics Pro1ects n Env ran G eenhouses The A ch ecture of the mental Form Aa on Ma cus 1973 20pp Cont o ed Env onment 4 Soc olog cal Research for Urban Plann ng Mar o Schack RT KL Assoc a es Methodo og cal and Conceptua P ob ems nc Ba mo e Oueensgate Haus ng n a Span sh New Town fa Le sure Comp ea Co 11p ex y Galen C anz 1973 9pp Ba lkr shna V thaldas Dosh Dea 5 Plann ng P ocess and P oduct M chae J Cente o Env onmen a P ann ng and Munson 1974 30pp Techno ogy Ahmedabad Ind a Hano 6 The Dec s on Process n Urban Develop a y D ecto School of P ann ng ment The nte act on of P ann ng and Ahmedabad nd an Towns and My Wo k Po t cs n the Un ted Sta es Chester Rap Robert Mark P ofessor of C v Eng kn and Robert W Ponte 1974 27pp nee ng and Arch ec ure P nee on 7 The Dec s on Process n Urban Develop Un ve sty Goth c Cathed a Fa m A ment The n e act on of P ann ng and Scent f c Exp o at on Pol t cs n the Less Oeve oped Cou n es W II am N coson 54 At orney and Cheste Rapk n and Robe t W Ponte U ban Consu tant Fa ne D ecto 1974 26pp Off ce of New Co nmun y Oeve opment 8 Plann ng for Urban Planners A Rev ew of U S Depa tment of Haus ng and U ban Recen Th nk ng M chae J Munson Deve opment The L fe and Death of the 1974 35pp Ame can New Towns P og am 9 A n I nterm ezzo for Com pre hens veness R chard Me er R cha d Mee and Masaha u Rokush ka 1974 26pp Assoc ates Arch tects New Yo k C y 1G The Bu Id ng Trad es versus Prefabr ca The Work of R cha d Me e ton W I am T Meye 1974 17pp John Boogae rts Commun ty Leade 11 lmpl cations and Concerns of U rban and Pol ca Ac v st New Yo k C ty Oesgn LsaTobeof 1974 9pp Commun ty Develop nen P og am New 12 Appea rance of Cl mate and Place Heath Local Respons b ty L ck de 1975 29pp Morr s H II Professo T echn on 13 Urban Ne ghbo rh oods and the Fear of Un ve s ty s ae V st ng P o esso of F re Towa ds the Spec f cat on of a C ty P ann ng Ha va d Un ve sty Mu Meas e of the Qua ty of L fe M chae p e Ob ect ve Eva uat on of U ban and J Munson 1975 31pp Env on men ta Pans 14 The Collapse of the Beauva s V aults n Col n Rowe P ofessor of A ch ec 1284 Robe Ma k and Mau y I Wolfe tu e Cornell Un ve sty Mode n A ch 1975 23pp ectu e Obse vat ans om Among the 15 lntegrat ng Personal Ra p d Trans t nto Deb s the Urban En vironment Je ome M Cra g Hodgett s Lectu e n A ch Lu n 1975 17pp tectu e/U ban Des gn Un ve s tY of 16 Open ng Closed Spaces Ju an Wo pe t Ca o n a a Los Ange es A ch tectu e 1975 26pp of De gh F esh C y L A 17 The Place of Arch tectu re n So c ology Robert o Bach Fo me y 0 ecto of Robe t Gutman 1975 26pp he s ae Census and P ofesso of Geog 18 The Impact of H gh R se Housin g on aphy Je usa em V s t ng P ofesso Olde r Res dents Ga en C anz and Reg ona Sc ence Depa tmen Un ve sty Thomas L Schumache 1975 17pp of Pennsy van a Geostat st ca Ana vs s 19 Open Space f or Hous ng fo r t he Elderly of Te to es and Popu a ans Ga en C anz and Thomas L Schumache

ha a e o have expe enced ze o o nea ze o a es of g owth and (b) compa ng va ous soc oeconorn c nd ca o s of no g owth a eas to those expe enc ng ap d g ow h and hose expe enc ng ap d dee ne

between soc oeconom c status of mm g ants a empts by he com mun es o est c g owth and he ab y of each ma g na househo d n each commun y success vely closer to he u ban co e to move outwa d L m t ng th s movemen t s suggested only agg ava es the cond ans n the dee n ng nne a eas because res den s have to ove c owd hous ng publ c fac I t es and so on Fu thermo e th s ep essed ou movement p even s n nto mo e ce t al a eas of

M chae Munson Matthew Edelman M Ede man has been exam n ng the mass anspo ta on needs of no the n New Je sey n h s esea ch at the T anspo tat on P og am 10 n y sponso ed by the Schools of A ch tectu e and U ban P ann ng Eng nee ng and App ed Sc ence and Wood ow W son Schoo of Pub c and In ernat onal Affa s He has been wo k ng w th a num be of students and facu ty unde a g ant from the U S Depa ment of T anspo

New Faculty:75-6

Grants Act ve g ants o suppo o he Schoo s each ng and esea ch ac v t es a e the ol ow ng The Fo d Founda on The Graha 11 Foundat on R cha d K ng Me on Cha tab e T usts The A coa Foundat on The Gu f 0 I Company Foundat on The Schu tz Foundat on The Na ona Sc ence F:aunda on Sunbury Company Inc The Go do McCo m ck Memo a Student Ad Fund The State of New Je sey Depa tmen of Commun ty Affa s The Nat anal Bureau of Standa ds The Nat anal nst tu e of Me a Hea t h


n w be an ectu ea the

Working Papers

1975 20pp

Faculty Research New Degree: Galen Cranz The Bu t Env on nent fa Master of Urban the E de y (w th Thomas Schumache ) unde taken fo the New Je sey Depart Planning ment of Commun ty Affa s 0 vs on on Ag ng Ranger Farrell Deve opment of acoust ca y absorbent t anslucent fab c fa use n bubble s uctu es Harr son Fraker Ene gy Conserva on n Haus ng cons tan to p 01ec sponso ed by he Na ona Sc ence Faun dat on Cont nued esea ch on The mpact of Sola Ene gy on A ch ectu a Fo m Robert Geddes Cont nuat on o Behav o a I mp cat ons of Bu d ng De s gn (w th Suzanne Ke e ) p o ect spa so ed by Nat ona Sc ence Founda on Robert Gutman The A ch ectu al Educat on Study unded o nt y by the Me on Foundat on and a consort um of

p ma y cha acte st cs of he cu

en hous ng cons uct ori ndust y as appa en f om the case study The cu en s ua t on s compa ed w th p ev ous s ud es and na onw de su veys L ede s th es s adv so s a e Dean Robe Geddes P ofesso M chae Muraon and P ofesso Cheste Rapk n L ede has sta ted he own p act ce n plann ng and hous ng consu ng and con nues o be act ve n the Ame can ns u e of P anne s She s unn ng fo second v ce p es den of the ns ute and s cha pe son of he Ame can Soc ety of P ann ng Off ca s/Amer can ns tu e of Planne s Womens R ghts Comm ttee and of the Amer can nst tu te of P anne s Haus ng Task Face n the fa of 1975 L ede w be each ng pa t t me at Mo gan State Un ve sty n the g adua e 2 ~--------~------~ p og am of u ban p ann ng Demetr os Porphyr os M Po phy as d sse tat on stud es he a ch ectu e of A var Aa to the F nn sh master of the Mode n Movemen whose wo k he be eves to have been neg ec ed due a hep eva ng c ass c st concept ans of con tempo a ya ch ectu a h sto y The study focuses on Aa o s h nk ng and a ch tectu a p oduct on n the contex of he econom c po t ca and ns tu t ona deo og es a the u n of the centu y Po phy os hes s adv so s P ofesso Anthony V de Po phy as has been awa ded a G aham Foundat on Resea ch G ant tha w I enab eh m to study n F n and Ge many Sw tzerland and Eng and 3 whe e he can have d rec access to he re evant a ch ectura and a ch va ma e n Du ng he past yea unde a Nat ona Sc ence Foundat on esea ch p o ect headed by P ofesso of Soc o ogy Suzanne Ke e Po phy os has been wo k ng on an a ch tectu a assessment o Tw n R ve s New Town deve opment Po phy os s a eg s e ed l1 ch ect n G eece n he a of 1975 hew I be ectu ng a the Po ytechn c of Cent a London Randall Z sler M Z s~e s cu ent y w ng h s docto al d sse tat on T he De t e m nan ts o f Supp y and D emand n the Off ce Bu Id ng I ndustry The thes s documents the fo mat on and ut za on of off ce bu Id ng phys ca cap ta ave t me and ac ass se ected c t es n add t on the study spec f es and est mates Charles Gwathmey Vs t ng Lectu e econome ca ly as mu aneous equa on Ou ng the acade n c yea Gwathmey w sys em desc b ng ( r re supp y and pa c pa e n the A ch ectu e-stild o demand fo off ce bu Id ng nves men Wo kshops nclus ve of new canst uct on nonoff ce Gwathmey attended the Un ve s y b Id ng conve sons and o doff ce o f Pennsy van a Schoo of A ch ectu e bu Id ng ehab tat on and !2) the supp y and ece ved h s Bache o of A ch tectu e and demand fa o f ce bu d ng space deg ee om Ya e Un ve s y n 1962 se v ces The thes s nt99 a es the mac o Upon g aduat on he ece ved he W am econom c heory of cap tal nvestmen n W t W ncheste T ave! ng Fe owsh p off ce bu d ng structu es w th he m c o awa ded o he au stand ng g ad at ng econom c theo y of space ut zat on and studen n A ch tectu e Du ng he yea capac ty ad ustmen nco po at g a11 1962 3 he was a Fu b gh Fe ow n exp c t eatment of excess stock capac F ance amp ng esea ch on The ty a d eas ng behav o A ma10 p act ca H s o y of P opo t ona Sys ems n A ch and theo et ca conce n o he thes s s ectu e exp a n ng he ecen h sto y of off ce A p nc pa n he m a Gwathrr ey b d ng nvestmen a d ut zat on ave S ege A ch tee s New Yo k C y he has the bus ness eye e ece ved nu me ous awa ds fo h s wo k Z s e s thes s adv so s a e P ofessor nc ud ng A ch tectu al Record Reco d Ches er Rapk n and P ofesso Edw n House 1968 1969 1970 1973 1974 M s Depa tment of Econom cs 1975 New Yo k Ame ca ns tute of n add on to h s esea ch act v t es A ch ec s Res den a Des gn Awa d Zs e has been a consu antw th p va e 1968 1969 971 1973 1974 1975 ndust y n he a eas of ea estate nvest men and f nanc a manag&:nen H s esea ch a eas nc ude u ba econom cs ea es a e nvestment and f nance ma the ma ca econom cs and n a hema cal mode s of o gan a ona oehav o and the p ann ng p ocess



Ba bara L Ch macoff

ns ucto


A ch tee u e Ch maco f w pa t c pate n he A ch ectu e Wo kshops S e e ce ved he Bache o o A ch ecture deg ee f om Cone Un ve sty n 1971 A Co ne she was awa ded he Egge s P ze and was the ec p en of he G aham Founda on T ave ng Fel o...vsh p Ch macoff s an ns ucto n A ch ec u ea P a ns tute Depa tment of A ch ectu e She has been assoc ated w h the a ch tectura1 f ms of R cha d Mee and Assoc a es James St I ng and Pa ne London Pome oy Ledbuska Assoc ates and s present y w th Ch macoff/Pete son A ch tee u e U ban Des gn Dal bor Veseley Lectu e Vese ey w of e a g adua e sem na on he heo y of he mode n movemen n a ch ec u e He w I a so teach n a g adua e s ud o wo kshop Vese ey ece ved h s 0 pl A ch n A ch ectu e f om he Un ve s ty of P ague n 1959 and h s Ph 0 n H s o y of A and Ph losophy n 1962 rom the Academy of Sc ences P ague Snee 1968 he has been each ng he h sto y and th eo y of a ch tee u eat Essex Un ve s y 3ftd as been stucho-maste n utbarr de s g a the A ch tee u al Assoc at on n London

on nvest gat on ana ys s o energy con sump on cha acte s cs n bu d ngs hav ng Con Ed son pu chased s earn Jerome Lut n Resea ch n Transpo at on P og am Deve opment o com pute softwa e o use US Census geog aph c base f es fo he deve opmen of anspo ta on e wo k s nu a ons De ve opmen of a mode to p ed ct cha ce of access mode o urban t ans t nes Funded by U S Depa tmen of T anspo at on U ban Mass T ansportat on Ad m n s at on Deve opmen of patronage fo ecasts fo No the n New Je sey Comm te Study funded by US De pa t nent of T anspo ta on Aaron Marcus A Compute Ass s ed Svmbo Des gn System unde ake n coope at on w th he P og am n A t a d Sc ence Beza e Academy of A t and Des gn Je usa em Mak ng Je usa em V s ble an nvest gat on of tau s and c t zen o ented v sual commun cat on A the Edge of Mean ng p epa at on of a spec a ssue of the JOU nal V s ble L anguage Robert Mark Resea ch on techn cal aspects of h s o c and mode n a ch tee u e sponso ed by he Na ona Endow ment fo the Human t es and the Ford Founda on G ant f om he Nat ona En dowment fo the Human t es fa stud es of Rena ssance a ch tectu e and bu d ng techno ogy A ch tectu e and the Scent f c Revo ut on W II am Meyer P epa at on of des gn a e nat ves fa s ng e and mu am y hous ng ncorpo a ng so a c ma e con o tech no ogy ford ffe ent c mate cond tans (w th Dona d Watson) span so ed by the Ame can Inst tu e of A ch tee s Research Co po at on Pape (w th Ez a Eh enk antz) desc b ng he needs of the a ch ec ura p ofess on o mp oved I e cycle benef t-<:ost nforma ton soQilSQ.fed hy -1hf Nri.tto :::ii R P:=t of Standa ds P epa at on of a set of pe fa mance standa ds fo np oved access b ty and usab ty o gave nmen t off ce bu d ngs by the phys ca y hand capped {w h Sand a Howel and Ez a Eh enk antz sponso ed by Gene a Se v ces Adm n s at on M chael Munson Exam nat on of Ma y and s state un home mo tgage n su ance p og a 11 Ana vs s of he causes and consequences of es dent a f es (w th Ches e Rapk n) o nt y unde aken w th the Center o Env onmen a S ud es Chester Rapk n Study of he econ om c soc al po ca and des gn p ob ems assoc ated w th h gh se es dent a s uctu es supported by the A coa Faun dat on Expo ato y s udy of the p ob lem o es den a f es suppo ted by he Na anal Bu eau of S anda ds Ana ys s of the causes and consequences of es dent al f es {w h M chae Mu son) o n y unde taken w th the Cente a Env on nen a S ud es S udy of the u ban p ann ng p ob ems hats em f om the la ge scale e ease of peop e f om menta hosp tals and he e u n o oca com mun t es suppo ted by the Nat anal s tute of Menta Hea h Resea ch on sta e and oca mo gage nsu ance p o g ams Thomas Schumacher The Bu En v onment o he Ede y (w th Ga en C anz) unde aken fo he New Je sey Depa tment of Commun ty Affa s D v s on on Ag ng Pu su t of ta an Rat ona sm The Oth e Te agn Ca rles Va ll honrat The Oocumen s of he C y AS udy n Downtown Wash ngton D C The Pau H Kea P ofesso sh p Resea ch P OJec Un ve s y of May and Anthony V dler The study funded by g adua en embe s of Un ve s y Cot tage C ub and he Bunbu y Company nc has been cone uded t s be ng com p e ed w th he p oduc on of a sma book w h tex by Anne Hen y and d aw ngs pho og aphs and g aph cs by F ank Zwa t G aduate S udents n oduct on s by An hony V d e whose ved as he s udy s d ecto The book s on he h s to yo cub b d g n the Un ted States aces he between 1870 and 1905 development of he bu d ng type om ts o g ns to s h gh pe od of deve op men n the bu d gs of McK m Mead and Wh teat the tu n of the century Peter Waldman Haus ng fa Men ta y Hand capped Ad s A ch ectu a Consu tan fo he Assoc at on o Advancemen of he Men a y Hand capped P nceton unde a g an f om he U S Soc a Rehab at on Se v ces Ad


Jean Laba u FA A P otesso ot A ch tectu e Erne tus ece ved he hono a y deg ee of Docto of Human t es f om P nceton Un ve s ty at Commencemen on June 10 P ofesso Labatu s c a on notes The em nence of h s fo mer s udents s a ef ect on of the d scr m nat on w th wh ch he has t a ned the n e ects and characte s He s one of tha sma g oup of g ea teache s known ac ass he count y ndeed t h oughout the wo d by n ckname as Labby he has been eve ed and oved by o y yea s of P nceton a ch tects The monuments of h s c eat on have been bu t n nan ma e b cks and mo ta n mov ng ght and wa e mo e endu ngly st I n the a t stry and mag nat on of h s pup s

Beg nn ng n the fa of 1975 the Maste of U ban P ann ng deg ee s be ng o fe ed by the School Adm ss on to the p og am s open to app cants who have com p eted a fou yea unde g aduate p og am n one of the ol ow ng f elds a ch tee tu e c v eng nee ng u ban stud es h sto y po cs econom cs soc o ogy o geog aphy and n some c cums ances se ec ed othe a eas Fo mer y the Schoo offe ed the deg ee of Mas e of A ch ec u e and U ban Plann ng and only students who had a ch tectu a an ng we e e g be fa adm ss on to the p og an The change n deg ee e and adm ss o equ ements ef ects the na u e of the u ban p ann ng p ofess on as t has evo ved ave the past few yeas The degree of Mas e of U ban P ann ng s offe ed afte successfu com p et on o a cou se of study no ma y e qu ng two yea s n es dence The g adu a e educat on p og am nu ban p ann ng s composed of seve a bas c segme s 1 Th e f u nd am ental understand ng of pla n n ng t heory and methods the bas s of t he d sc p l ne of pl an n ng 2 The soc al and behav oral sc ences wh ch analy ze t h e forces shap ng the u ban env on ment 3 The spec f c pro b em so lv n g sk ll s essent al f or analyzi ng t he spat al and phys cal problems of u ban development and develop ng and mplement ng urban development plans Some of these sk s a e of gene a u ban appl cat o wh le othe s a e conce ned w h secto a urban pol cy ana yses such as and use hous ng t anspo tat on educat on and hea h care A ma o segmen of he p og am syn thes zes I e ea n ng and wo k expe ences th ough the app cat on to s nu ated and ac ua p ann ng p o ects S udents a so have the oppo tun ty o wo k n e ated feds th oughout the Un ve sty such as pub c af a s a ch tee u e and u ban des gn h story t anspo a on and eng nee ng

Faculty News

Recent p ofess ona p ac ce awa ds and exh b t ans appea n h s sec on D ana Agrest Des gn p o ect House fa a mus can n Ma o ca Spa n Chr stopher Chadbourne Ch na town Ph lade ph a a epo t o the C ty of Ph ade ph a on ecommended u ban des gn pol c es hous ng p og ams s e se ec on commerc a co e des gn f nanc ng pol c es Alan Ch macoff Ch macoff/Pete son A ch tectu e U ban Des gn P nceton P vate es dences n P nee on New Je sey and Sagaponack New Yo k Pent house apa ment New Yo k C ty Whee w gh T ave ng Fe owsh p awarded annually by Ha va d Un ve s ty G aduate Schoo of Des gn o one of s aumn Exh b ton D aw ngs fa the Second Lowenste n Res dence Schoo o A ch tectu e and U ban P ann ng Galen Cranz Appo nted to facu ty of Depa ment of A ch ecture Un ve sty of Ca fo n a Be ke ey Septembe 1975 Neville Epste n Geddes B eche Qua s Cunn ngham A ch tects P nee on Ba to Resea ch Foundat on B yn Maw Pennsy van a R z Theate Dock St eet Ph adelph a Un ve s y of M ch gan Dea born Fa Lane Confe ence Cente Off ce Bu Id ng Fo esta Research Cen e P nceton Mas e p an or L be y Pa k S ate of New Je sey New Je sey Soc ety of A ch tects Honor Awa d for Beaver Co lege Sc ence Bu d ng G ens de Pennsy van a Ranger Farrell Toro Fe re and _Assoc a e 1.ondado Be;:icti_ConvP-nl nn Cen e San Juan Pue to R co S Mo s and Assoc ates F s Bap st Chu ch Houston Texas Co ns Uh Hos ngton Ande son Mad son Town sh p C v c Center Mad son New Je sey Max U bahn A ch ect Staten sand Com mun ty Col ege Dav s B ody A ch tects C ty Un ve sty of New Yo k Queens Col ege Sc ence Bu d ng Harr son Fraker A e at ans to fou es dences P nee on Hano able Menton Haus ng fa he on T en on New E de y Compe Je sey Robert Geddes Geddes B eche Oua s Cunn ngham A ch ects P nee ton Un ve sty of Pennsy van a Med ca Educat on Bu d ng Theate sand shops Soc ety H I Ph ade ph a Un ve s y of M ch gan Dea bo n Fa Lane Conte ence Cente Maste p an fo L b erty Park S ate of New Je sey F st P ze Awa d Haus ng fo the E de y Compet on T en o N€V\f Je sey sponso ed by the A ch tects Haus ng Campa y of the Cent a Chapte of the New Je sey Soc ety of A ch tects New Je sey Soc ety of A ch ects Hano Awa d fo Beave Co lege Sc ence Bu d ng Gens de Pennsylvan a Exh b ton 0 aw ngs o a Bu d ng fo Human t es and Soc a Sc ences Southe n I nos Un ve sty Carbondale Schoo of A ch tectu e and U ban P ann g Ange a G ral Appo n ed Head L b a an F ances Loeb L b a y G adu ate Schoo of Des gn Ha va d Un ve s y Juy 1975 M chael Graves P va e es dences n P nceton New Jersey and Fo t Wayne nd ana Museum enovat on Newa k New Je sey New Je sey Soc ety of A ch tects Ame can ns ute of A ch tects C tat on of Exce ence to Un on Coun y Natu e and Sc ence Museum 1974 Ame can nst u e of A ch ects Na ona Hano Awa d fo Hanse mann House Fo t Wayne nd ana 1975 Exh b tans Hanse mann House Un ve sty of Texas A ch tectu a D aw ng nst tute fa A ch ec u e and U ban Stud es New Yo k A ch tectu al D aw ng Hew e t Ga ery Ca neg e Me Ion Un ve s ty A ch ec u a Stud es and P o ects Museum of Mode n A Henry Jandl Th ee add t ons to p vate es dences ndoo sw mm ng poo fa a p vate es dence Mun c pa bu d ng add ton Dav d K nsey Consu on1 to New Je sey Depa ment o Env onmenta P o tect on on coas a Lone management Janua y May Appo n ted Coasta A ea P ann ng Boa d Coo d nato Of ce of the Com m ss one New e sey Depa tmen of Env onmenta P o ec on T enton June 1975 Norman Kurtz Oenve Squa e downtown Denve Coo ado A ch tects Sk dmo e Ow ngs & Me Stauffe Chem ca Co npany ca eter a expans on and eng nee ng bu d ng A ch tect Don Re man St Agnes Hosp ta Wh te Pa ns New Yo k expans on of hosp al A ch tect James Loth op & Assoc ates t ona ep esen at on w th n commun t es Jerome Lut n Resto at on study sup po ted by the Nat ona Sc ence Faun New Yo k and Long B anch Ra I oad Sta dat on Se v ce Fae I y Satu at on of on Red Bank New Je sey unde Met opol tan Commun es supper ed Nat anal Endowment fo the A ts g ant by he Nat ona nst tu e of Menta Aaron Marcus G aph c des gn fo Hea h P nee on Un ve sty Off ce of Pub ca t ans and Schoo of A ch ectu e and U ban P ann ng Two m ted ed ton se g aphs Pat G aph c Cente New Yo k Exh b tons V sua poet y n g oup exh b on of the Ame can nst u e o W t ng Resea ch Mode n Languages 1 Mode of av s to s cente n Assoc a on Convent on New Yo k C ty G ea Fa Is Park V g n a mas e s hes s Compute g aph cs Wege zu Kompute by Ra ph La Rock (M Pe ov c) kunst g oup exh b t Bonn Compute 2 P an of apa ments and stud as fa g aph cs P ntout g oup exh b t s x New Yo k a t sts proposed by Edwa d Cotte for the spr ng nt oducto y g aduate Watson Ga ery Wheaton Co ege Robe rt Mark Consu ta t to Un ve stud o wo kshop under the d rect on of sty of De awa eon ho og aph c n e A an Ch macoff Cod ng 1I v ng 2/d n fe ome y ng 3/stud o 4/po ch 3 Study mode by F ank Zwa t of Exh b ton of photog aphs and one bock of B oad St ee Ph lade ph a modes of the b dges o Robe t Ma la t Stevens Inst tute of Technology o the sp ng gradua e a ch tectu e s ud o wo kshop unde he d ect on of M chael Munson Consu tan {w h Ha r son F aker and Ca les Va honra Cheste Rapk n) o May and Haus ng 4 Edwa d Logue u ban p anne Fund Ma y and Depa tment of Econom c d scusses h s lecture w th students and Commun y Deve opment {M Pet av cl Steven Peterson Ch macoff/Pete 5 Hen y A Jand ecent y e ed son A ch tectu e U ban Des gn P nee P o esso n he Schoo (M Pet av c) ton Pr vate es dences n P nceton 6 Jean Laba ut P ofesso of A ch tee New Je sey and Sagaponack New Yo k tu e Erne tus ece v ng hone a y deg ee Penthouse apa men New Yo k C ty (M Pe ave) Exh b ton D aw ngs fo he Second Capt ans for photog aphs a e cont nued on LoVY"enste n Res dence Schoo of A ch rectu e and U ban P ann ng the reve se s de Photog aphe s a e noted n pa entheses fo low ng the capt ans Chest er Rapk n Cont nu ng as Com m ss one New Yo k C ty P ann ng {con nued n nex co umn)

NewsPaper: 1 Illustrations

Jean Labatut Awarded Honorary Degree

NewsPaper 1 {1975) s pub! shed w th the f nanc a suppo t of lhe Assoc a on of P ce on G adua e Aumn Ed to r Do othy E Wh eman Designer Aa on Ma cus and Susan Ma GUS Typesette A ce Fas e McG a h P nee on New Je sey Pr nter P n e o Un ve s y P ess P nceton New e sey Photog aphers As no ed n cap ons n pa entheses

Comm ss on Consu tan to Ph ade ph a Counc I fo Commun ty Advancemen on the estab shment of a mun c pa mo t gage and ehab a on oan gua antee p og am Consultant (w th M chae Mun son) o Ma y and Haus ng Fund Ma y and Department of Econom c and Commun y Deve opment T homas Sc hu macher Cons an on hous ng fo the elde y Syl van Shem tz L ght ng des gn fo Tex as Eas e n ope p an off ce gh ng Hous on (w th SD Haus on) Kno Fu n u e nteg a ng gh ng systems w th off ce furn tu e systems S ee case p o otype ght ng systems teg ated w th off ce fu n tu e systems Ja A a F on on M lfo d Connect cut (w th He be t S Newman) Ma ke S ee Eas I Ph ade ph a (w th Bowe and F adley) Ne man Ma cus new sto e ght ng con cep and ana ys s (w I John Ca Wa ecke and E eano LeMa e Assoc ates) Shel 0 Company p o otype pump sand I gh ng p e m nary des gn Co n ng New York ma p aza and ce nk (w h Geddes B eche Oua s Cunn ngham A ch tects) E ec ed Fe ow I um nat ng Eng nee ng Soc e y Thomas Southerland Con Ra I Repo Rev ew Pane Off ce o Tech no ogy Assessmen U S Co g ess Peter Waldman P va e es dence n P nee on Add ans o es dences n P nceton and M town New Je sey

School Faculty and Staff: 1975-76 Dean Robe t L Geddes++ Ass st ant Dean for Adm n strat on and Researc h Thomas C Southe and J Professors Robe t L Geddes M chae G aves Heath L ck de Robe t Ma k Ches e Rapk r# W am F She nan Ju an Wo pe Dav d P B l ngton {C v I Eng nee ng) Dav d R Co f n (A t and A chaeo ogy) Suzanne Ke e Soc o ogy) Ca E Scho ske•*+ (H story) Lecturer w th rank of Professor es E Va\lhon a Class of 1913 Lecturer n Arch tee t ure Robe t Gutman Soc o ogy Rutge s) Assoc ate Professors Anthony V de Robe J Ca k {A t and A chae oogy) Ass stant Professors Ha son S Frake J M chae J Munson* Thomas L Schumache •+ Pete D Wadman A a n L Ko nhause (C v Eng nee ng) Lecturers Ch stophe D Chadbou ne A an Ch macott M Nev I e Eps e n Aa on Ma cus W am T Meye S even K Pe e son Da bo Vese ey I nstructors Barba a L Ch macoff Je ome M Lut n Vs t ng Lectu ers Range Fa e I Cha es Gwa hmey No man D Ku tz Sy van R Shem tz He be H Sw nbu ne V s t ng Fellow R T M Wh pp e {Town and Count y P ann ng Un ve s y of Sydney) V s t ng Research Geogra pher Am am Gonen (Geog aphy The Hebrew Unvesty) Adm n strat ve A de Pat ca 0 Secretar es Jud th C nc p n Ma yn Hayes She la Leyton Nancy Ma oney Ha e R nge Be n ce Romano Jenn fe Sande son D rector V sual Stud es Laboratory Aa on Ma cus Eng neer ng Special st Arch tectural Laboratory Leon Ba th


Research Center for Urban and Env ronmental Plann ng Research Center Comm ttee Cheste Rapk n Cha man Ha son S F ake J Je ome M Lu n Robe t Mark Do othy F Wh emrin J nn Wo pe t Ass stant D recto r Do othy E Wh teman Secretary Nancy Ch s ansen Urban and Env ronmental Stud es L brary L brar an Dalo es Hoe e Ass stants Ma ore G egg Mary Tucke #Act ng Dean sp ng erm 1976 On eave fa te m 1975 *"*On eave sp ng e m 1976 *•*Absent on eave 975 6

Henry A. Jandl Retires

n add t on o h s teach ng espons b t es Jand was fa many years he Schoo s G adua e S udent Adv se D ecto of G adua e Stud es and Execut ve Off ce he a so served as Act ng D ecto fa a yea Appo ntmen s nc uded Cha man o he Bu Id ng Comm tee on he A ch tectu e Bu d ng Assoc ate Cha man fa the Un ve sty s B cen enn a Confe e ce on Plann ng Man s Phys ca Env onmen numerous Un vers y comm t ees and he was a so T easu e and Sec eta y fo the P nceton G aduate A umn Assoc at on He was T easu e o the Assoc a on of Co eg ate Schools o A ch tectu e and a act ve membe of many p ofess ona soc et es Hen y Jand has conducted a modes p vate gene a p act ce s nee 1943 on the heo y tha s mpo tant o an a ch tee to p act ce as wel as teach He des gned the homes of nume ous facu y membe s P nee on Bo ough Ha H ghtstown Bo ough Ha F st Bap s Chu ch Towe n H ghts own was con su t ng a ch tect fo the YMCA and YWCA bu d ngs and Va ey Hosp a n R dgewood and was consultant on des gn fo U S S ee Homes Jandl s cont nu ng h s p vate p act ce and has accepted eappo ntment to the Env onmenta Des gn Rev ew Comm ttee of P nee on Borough and Townsh p



NewsPaper: 1 1975 School of Architecture and Urban Planning

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Pr inceton University

Princeton , New Jersey 08540 USA



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NewsPaper: 1 Illustrations


Captions for photographs are continued fro m the reverse side. 1-'hotographers are noted in parentheses fol:owing the captions 7. Model showing prizewinning proposal for a 120-unit housing complex for the elderly designed by Geddes Brecher Qualls Cunningham. (GBOC) 8 . Edmund Bacon , urban planner, with stud ents at the urban planning studio· wor kshop review_ (M. Petrovic) 9 . Hanselmann House by Michael Gra1ves, recipient of the 1975 National Honior Award , AIA. 10. Model of apartments and studios for c: i )( ['l\ lew York artists proposed by Lucy Holmes for the spring introductory graduate studio-workshop under the direction of Alan Chimacoff. (G. Zee) 11 . Juan Benet '76 in the junior studio. (M. Petrovic) 12. Model of an apartment/commercial building in Princeton proposed by Marc Simon for the fall graduate architecture studio-workshop under the direction of Michael Graves and Steven Peterson. IF. Zwart) 13. Computer graphics mapping from a study of the Symap graphics program by Masaharu Rokushika for a graduate course in computer graphics given by Aaron Marcus. 14. Sectional perspectives of a New York bookstore in a brownstone infill proposed by Edward Cotter for the spring introductory graduate architecture studio· workshop under the direction of Alan Chimacoff. 15. Model of an apartment/commercial building in Princeton proposed by Ralf Torke for the fall graduate architecture studio-workshop under the direction of Michael Graves and Steven Peterson. (F. Zwart) 16. Martin Booker presents his work at the 1all junior studio review. 17. Ground floor plan of a bookstore by Jeffrey Ng for the spring introductory graduate architecture-workshop under the direction of Alan Chimacoff. 18. Thomas Schumacher at the junior studio review. (M. Petrovic) 19. Thematic image by Thomas Tooke for a report Coping with Growth, Ocean County by the fall urban planning studioworkshop under the direction of David Kinsey. 20 . Axonometric of one block of Broad Street, Philadelphia, developed by Carol Constant for the spring graduate architecture studio·workshop under the direction o1 Harrison Fraker and Carles Vallhonrat. 21. Amiram Gonen, Visiting Research Geographer. 1975 76. 22 . Charles Gwathrney, New York architect, at the master's thesis review. (M . Petrovic) 23 . Axonornetric of a senior thesis proposal by Charlotte Smart for an exhibitionoriented architecture at a Philadelphia visitor's center. 24 . David Barham '76 and Brooke Fox '76 discuss their work (M Petrovic) 25 . R.T.M. Whipple, Visiting Fellow, 1

Theses Senior Theses: 1974·5 David F. Agnew: Renovation: Design for a Community Center, HomewoodBrushton, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Vistoria Austin : Design for Grace P!a1a, New York, New York. Chri stopher Carey: Assunpink Creek Mall, Trenton, New Jersey. Sho -Ping Chin : New York Chinatown Community Center. Anthony Consol i : Architectural Implications of a Modern Conception of Nature. Letitia E. Crosby : Responsive Design. David 8 . Fletcher: Machu Picchu: Old and New Meet. Carl F. Fri shkor n: Public and Private 30


.-. __... ....._,. .... '""'-' .................

in a Corporate Office Headquarters in a

Riverfront Park.

Theodore R. Gambel , Jr .: Renovation of the Wainwright Building, St. Louis, Missouri. Jeffrey S. Hildner: New Repertory Theatre 1or McCarter Theatre. Philip M . Hooper : World Trade Center, Baltin1ore, Maryland. Stanley C. Hutton: Prisons: A Critical Look at Corrections. Willi am A. Hyde, Jr.: Malcolm X Park Redesign, Washington, D.C. Vernon M . Li x: Cultural Considerations in Design for Tourism: A Hotel and Study Facility for Machu Picchu, Peru. Carlyn E. lynch : Art Museum for a Social Services Center, Staten Island. Mee Ling L . Mah : Golden Age Club, 31 New York. David J. Mal oney : Putting Things in Context: A Student Center, Princeton. Hugh P. McCormick, Ill : The Maryland Science Center, Baltimore Harbor. Eugene M . Packin: Concretizing the 'Essence' of the Synagogue in a Contemporary Design. El izabeth S. Padjen : Design and Context Addition to the Peabody Museum of Salem, Massachusetts. Jay F. Per antoni , Jr.: Energy Conservation in Architecture. Climate as a Generating Factor in Design. Dougl as 0 . Perley : Flexibility: Structure and Event. Cynthia J. Ph if er : The Aesthetic of Substance. Gle n M . Pratt : Delaware Valley Rehabilitation Center. Spencer M . Robinson , Jr.: Mercer County Emergency Ward Addition: A Realistic Design Problem Conception and Solution. Marthe Rowen : Renovation and the Case for Complexity and Contradiction. Charl ot te M . Smart: Exhibition Architecture. Stephen D. Syna kowsk i : Light and the Architectural Experience: Arts Center, Utica. New York. L isa Toberoff : Urban Housing as Housing. Ernest E. Wagner : Life Among the Ruins_ Broo ks A . Washburn: The Character of Movement Influencing a Design in a Small Urban Downtown. Chr ist in a P. Wasia k: Mercer County Airport, New Jersey. Deborah J. Weintr aub: Marxist Dialectics and Cultural Products. Ed ward F. We st : A Community Center in Philadelphia. Mary l . Williams: Design for a Small Movie Theatre. Mast er of Architectu re Theses: 1974-5 Joann a Alimanest ianu : Arts Council Center, University Place, Princeton. Kenneth Behle s: Institute of Architecture and Urban Studies, New York City. Aron Gol dman : Museum of Four Cultures, Jerusalem. Jose Gonzales-Barahona: Convent for the Poor Clares, Princeton, New Jersey. Robert S. Harker. II : Civic Arena and Parking Garage for Wilmington, Delaware. Gary Knobloch : Odyssey House, East 18th Street, New York City. Ralph LaRock : Visitors' Center in Great Falls Park, Virginia. Dian e Legge : Rehabilitation Center,


Alumni Activities

White Plains, New York. Mary Mcleod : Art Museum, Washington, O.C. Carlos Mendoza: Community Center, Brawley, California. Francoi s Mitelberg : Engineering Research Laboratory Addition, Princeton University. William Tung : National Visitors' Center, Washington, O.C. Jonathan Vincent : Savannah Riverfront Hotel. Peter Wheelw right : Motor Vehicle Inspection Center, Bakers Basin, New Jersey Master of Architecture and Urban Planning Theses: 1974-5 Rita Bormioli : Little Italy. Politics and Methodology of Neighborhood Preservation and Restoration. D aniel N. lwuoha: Planning a Transit System for Metropolitan Lagos: A Prelim· inary Proposal for Lagos, Nigeria T . Oluwole Kol ade: Urban Renewal: Redevelopment and Rehabilitation 1n Trenton, New Jersey . Donald M. Peterson : High-Rise in the Coastal Zone: Guidelines for the Location and Regulation of High-Rise Residential Structures. Miroslav Petrovic : Hunters Point, New York City: Renewal. Alfred D . Price, Jr. : Replanning the Industrial City: A Strategy for Urban Redevelopment. Masaharu Rokushika : From 'EitherOr' to 'Both-And': A Computerized Method o f Reconciling Development with Conservation in Land Use Planning. Thomas J. Tooke : Union Square, New York, New York: Search for an Implementation Technique. Ivan Zaknic : New York City Clinton Special District: Its Origin, Purpose and Impact.

Faculty Seminars During the 1974-5 academic year, th e Sch oo l faculty presented their ongoing research. Juli an Wolp ert : The Community Asylum Research. Chester Rapkin and Michael Munson : The Effect of Urban Fires on Households. Galen Cranz and Thomas Schumacher: Collaboration between Architect and Social Scient ist. Anthony Vidler : Problems and Methods in Historical Research Heath Licklider : Towards Radical Design Theory. Robert Mark : Structural Studies of Historic Bu ildings. Harri son Fraker : Energy Requirements as a Pre-Condit ion of Fann. Alan Chimacoff and Steven Peterson Architectural and Landscape Space. Robert Geddes: The History of an Id ea of Fann. Diana Agrest · The Misfortunes of Theory. Michael Graves: Meaning in Context.

Alumni: The Ed i tor would welcome information on your professional activities for inclusion in the NewsPaper Arthur C. Holden, ' 12: Holden's nostalgic reminiscenses were featured in Torn Buckley's colu rnn , 'About Nev.; York: Nostalgia of West Side in 1890's,' in T he New York T imes of April 25, 1975. It cited his start as an architect; his role in writing th e laws that se t up t he Fed eral and City Housing Authorities; his success, during the Depression , in obtaining Federal funds that enabled 250 unemplOyed architects to work on a massive survey of New York's housing, population composition, and income ('as a tool for planning, it has never been duplicated'); his economic theorie:s; and his abiding concern for more than 50 years in the problem of sheltering the urban masses. Holden, a partner in the firm o1 Holden, Young, Raemsch, Terjesen, Architects, New York City, is a member of the Advisory Council of the School of Architecture and Urban Planning. Robert F. O'Conn or, "*20 : O'Connor was the 1irst recipient of an architectural degree from Princeton after the institution of a School of Architecture. He retired several years ago as senior partner of the firm of O'Connor and Kilham, Architects, and is now consultant to the successor firm of Kilham, Beder and Chu, New York City. Eugenio Bati sta, *3 0: In Bogota, Columbia, at the Javeriana, Batista is teaching the History of Urban Developrnent in Latin Arnerica, History of the Temple, and H istory of Ancient A rchitecture, and has proposed an interdisciplinary semi nar on Cultural Evolution. Steph en A. Kaufnian, '3 2, *35 : Kaufrnan is teaching urban planning at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, and has started a new course in environmental planning controls. He retired from the Regional Planning Commission staff in Cleveland. Landi s Gores, '39 : A half-underground house to be built in New Canaan, Connecticut, on a high two-acre site with a view of Long Island Sound, was featured in T he New York Times of January 12, 1975. Gores, itsdesigne(, and Paul Sturges, heating consultant, call it 'The House for A ll Seasons' and predict that it will be a 'paradigrn of environrnental balance.' Wi lli am H. Short, '46 , * 52: Short re· ceived an Award of Merit from the American Institute of Architects' House and Home annual design program for con· verting Guernsey Hall, an Italianate villa designed by John Notinan in 1849, into five spacious condominiurns with a concept that retains Notman's original design ele rnents. Short's partner in the Princeton firrn of Short and Ford, Architects, is Jeremiah Ford , Ill , ' 54, "* 59. Amo s l.T . Chang , '49, *5 1: A Profes· sor at Kansas State University, Chang is teaching Architectural Design. Arthur Collins , Jr., '52 , • 55 and Willi s N . Mill s, Jr ., ' 55, *58: Collins as developer and a partner , and Mil!s as architect, are engaged in a condominium developn-1ent, 120-acre Lyon Farm in Greenwich, Connecticut, reported in The New York Times of January 17, 197 5. Charles W. Moor e, "*56 , Ph .D . '57 ; Donlyn Lyndon , '57 , * 59; and Willi am Turnbull, '56, «·59 : Moore and Lyndon, with Ge rald Allen, coauthored the book entitled Th e Place of Houses: T hree Archi tects Suggest Ways to Bu ild and Inhabit Houses. Axonometric drawings are by Turnbull. The book was published by Holt, Rinehart & Winston. George E. Hartman, Jr., '57 , * 60: Partner in the 1irm of Hartman·Cox, Architects, Washington, O.C., Hartman was elected to the College of Fell ows by the American 1nsti tu te of Architects in 1975. He is President of the Washington Chapter, AIA, and served as Chairman, AIA, National Capital Comrnittee, in 1974·5. He is on the Editorial Board of


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the Journal of Architectural Research . Hartman is a member of the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards. During the past year he gave lectures at The Srnithsonian Institute, the University of Maryland, and North Carolina State University. E. Hamilton N iles, Jr.• • 57: Niles is senior architect in the Architec.ture De· partment for Daniel Mann Johnson Mendenhall/Kaiser Engineers. They are joint ventured as General Consultants to The Mass Transit Administration for the State of Maryland for the Baltimore Rapid Rail Transit System. Willia m M . Thompson , Jr., *59: In addition to practicing archi tecture in Princeton, Thompson, as a Visiting Fellow for the Woodrow Wi lson Foundation, is visiting smal ler independent colleges for 32 one-week workshop seminars. He is also serving on the National Committee for Historic Resources for the Arnerican Institute of Architects, and will be on the Design Comrnittee for 1976.




Advisory Counci I

John M. McGinty, *61 : At the 1975


American Institute of Architects convention in Atlanta, McGinty was elected first vice-president of the Institute and will becorne president in Decernber 1976. He is chairman of the newly-estab l ished Board of Directors Energy Coord inating Committee and Coordinator of Institutewide ef1orts to implement the National Growth Policy. In Houston, McGinty is a principal in The McGinty Partnership, Architects, Inc., and The Crane Design Group, a firm specializing in urban design, land use and transportation plan· 34 ning, and landscape architecture. William A . Sims, * 6 3: Lt. Col. Sims is staff architect, Air Base Planning and Develop rnent Branch, Environrnental Pla nning Division, HQ USAF. Pentagon. He is the principal advisor regarding environmental planning policy Michael L . Pribyl , * 66 and Paul Segal, * 66 : Renovation by archi · tects Pribyl and Sega l of a West Side, New York City, co-op duplex apartment was featured in The New .Y ork Times Maga· zine of May 11, 1975. The architects also designed much of the furniture. Gustav E. Escher, Ill, '67 , "*71 : In December 1974, Escher was named Director of Research and Development, D ivision of Research and Develop1nent, New Jersey Housing Finance Agency. Previously he w as Assistant Planning Director, Division of Redevelopment. Department of Planning and Development, Trenton. Michael J. Pittas , * 68 : Pittas is Director, O ffi ce of Cornprehensive Plan· ning, New Y ork City Department of City Planning . At the Harvard Graduate School of Design. Pittas, Lecturer in Urban Design, gave a course o n Urban Des ign lrnplernentation , spring term, 1974~5.

Timothy D. Wood, * 69: I n private practice in New York City, Wood is also teachi ng arc hitecture at Columbia University.


Student Honors Student honors, awards. and recog nition for 1974 .75 include the following: Stephen Synakowski: Recipient of the Joseph Sanford Shanley '17 Memor· ial Prize in Architecture, awarded to an outstand ing graduating senior in the School for travel ing in EL1rope. Brooks Wa shburn : Awarded the Alpha Rho Chi Medal presented to the graduating sen ior in recognition of ser vice , leadership, cit izensh ip, and future professional potential Kenneth Behles: Recipient o f the 1975 American In sti tute of Architects M edal for th e h igh est record of a graduate student. Mary C. Mcleod : Recipient of 1975 American In stit ute of Architects Honorable Mention Certificate. Whitney Huber and Frank Zwart : Awarded the Howard Crosby Butler Traveling Fell owsh ip for thesis-related summer research travel.

New Members 1975-6 Arthur C. Holden, ' 12,. FAIA , Architect, New York City Charles W. Moore, *56, Ph .D . ' 57 , FAIA, Professor of Architecture, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of California, Los Angeles A. Perry Morgan, Jr. , ' 46, * 52 , A I A . Architect, Princeton Current Members Stanford Anderson , Professor of History of Architecture, School of ArchiteC· ture and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Charles Burchard , FAIA , Dean, Col lege of Architecture, Virginia Polytechnic State University Alexander S. Cochran, '35 , FAIA, Architect, Baltimore Rom aldo Giurgola , FAIA , Professor of Architecture, School of Architecture and Planning, Columbia University; Architect, New York City Charl es G. Hilgenhurst, * 59, AIA , Architect, Boston Stephen A. Kli ment, * 57 , AIA . Chairman of the Advisory Council; Architect, Nevv York City Ernest A . Lynton , Senior Vice Presi dent for Academic Af1airs, University of Massachusetts Leo Molinaro , President, American City Corporation, Columbia, Maryland C . Mc Kim Norton , AIP , Regional Plan Association, New York City G . Holmes Perkins, FAIA, Professor of Architecture and Urbanism, Graduate School of Fine Arts, University of Pennsylvania Archibald C. Roger s, '39, * 42, FAIA, Architect. Baltimore; Alumni Trustee of Princeton University H. Chapman Rose, '28 , Lawyer, Cleveland; Charter Trustee of Princeton University G.E. Kidder Smith , ' 35 , "* 38, FAIA , Architect/Author, New York City Howard Turner , President, Turner Construction Corn pany, New York City Bernard Weiss bourd , President, Metropolitan Structures Incorporated, Chicago Robert Zion, Landscape Architect, lmlaystown, New Jersey John E. Zuccot t i , '59 , Chairman, New York City Planning Commission

1975-76. 26 . Ground floor plan of a Princeton Club by Caro! Constant for the fall gradu· ate architecture studio-workshop under the direction of Michael Graves and Steven Peterson. 27 . Axonometric of a senior thesis proposal by Lisa Toberoff for West Village Housing, New York City. 28. Colin Rowe, Cornell University, lecturing before the School. (M. Petrovic) 29. Axonometric of integrated housing for mentally handicapped adults proposed by Thomas Zacharias for the spring junior independent workshop under the direction of Peter Waldman. 30. Dean Geddes (standing) presiding at a discussion of housing for the elderly. (M. Petrovic) 31 . Model of housing for rnentally handicapped adults proposed by David Barham for the spring junior independent workshop under the direction of Peter Waldman. (D. Barham) 32 . Barbara Chi macoff, Instructor in Architecture, 1975-76. 33 . Peter Eisenman, director of the Institute for Architectural and Urban Studies, New York, at the master's thesis review. (M. Petrovic) 34 . Model of addition to an existing villa designed by Gunnar Asplund proposed by Carol Constant for the fall gradu· ate architecture studio-workshop under the direction of Michael Graves and Steven Peterson.

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