Princeton University School of Architecture Spring 2017
17.01 Contents
In January 2016, Mónica Ponce de León began her tenure as Dean of the School of Architecture. Ponce de León is a leading educator, National Design Award winner, and founder of MPdL Studio. Associate Dean Paul Lewis spoke to her about her vision for the future of the School.
Paul Lewis: The first question is the clichéd question you get as a dean: “what is your vision for the School?” And is it even fair to ask that question? Mónica Ponce de León: The Princeton School of Architecture has a very strong identity that has transcended any single dean. What I really love about Princeton is the intense relationship between history/ theory, technology, and design. In the curriculum of other schools these are considered to be different sub-disciplines. At Princeton, while design, technology, and history/theory are very powerful and well defined, historically they have been intertwined. Faculty and students work across them fluidly. In general, my goal for the School is to construct different platforms for architectural discourse that capitalize on this strength and explore them with a wider audience. PL: Along those lines, deans in the past have had to contend with the stereotype and false binary that the School privileges theory over practice and writing over design. Is there any truth to this? And how do you position your own presence here relative to that question? MPdL: I was not aware of this misconception until I came to the School. And quite honestly, it surprised me. In my opinion, Princeton integrates design and history/theory in ways no other institution has succeeded. Moreover, given our design faculty, it is hard for me to believe that design does not occupy a privileged position at the School. I cannot think of another school that has such an outstanding cohort of practicing architects committed to pedagogy — and in particular practicing architects that think theoretically, speculatively, and critically about the discipline — constantly revisiting the ways in which architecture is produced and how architecture impacts culture. PL: Historically, schools have used lectures and publications to tell a story about the school. In the current media-saturated environment, how do you see this working? MPdL: I am less interested in how the School is perceived and more in how the School may shape the larger framework of architecture culture. I think this is particularly important at a time when proliferation of information makes it difficult to ascertain knowledge. It is hard to sort through the avalanche of images; there are no standards as to how to measure what is truly important. The way we have pursued this, at least for now, is to loosely integrate our lectures, exhibitions, and publications around a topic and create a common ground for discussion — in and
p4/5—ARE WE HUMAN? THE DESIGN OF THE SPECIES: 2 Seconds, 2 Days, 2 Years, 200 Years, 200,000 Years p6—Collateral: Posters from the Archive 1961–2016 p7—Thicket p8—Signatures
outside the School. The first lecture series we organized revolved around the architectural imagination because of the Venice Biennale. Last semester we worked with the topic of authorship. The list of speakers and the topics come from suggestions from faculty and students, and now Tina Di Carlo also plays a huge role. To instigate a dialogue, every speaker has access to videos of the lectures of those who came before him or her, and they are encouraged to respond to each other. It is interesting how some speakers addressed the topic directly, others tangentially, and several completely ignored it. But because the series is so carefully curated, the topic looms large and the questions from the audience help bring them into focus. Adam Ainslie describes it as a semester-long conference on topics that cut across design, technology, and history/theory. Going forward, we are expanding the format through a bi-annual publication that includes more voices — essays have been spun from audience questions, dinner conversations, and faculty affinities. For example, Curt Gambetta’s question to Ellie Abrons after her lecture led us to ask him to write about authorship expanding on issues that have not been covered in the series. In parallel, I think of our exhibitions as material evidence for the discourse in the School. This was very evident in Sylvia Lavin’s work with students on Salvage last spring. In the context of authorship, Frank Barkow and Regine Leibinger’s Thicket, for example, put forth complex questions through the serial logic of its assembly — the architectural object ad infinitum. Florencia Pita and Jackilin Hah Bloom’s building façade takeover allowed them expand their thinking on Signatures. PL: Do you see the role of the lecture series shifting or having shifted in the last decade? MPdL: I think that a school’s lecture series is very important as a way of taking stock, thinking within the discipline and about the discipline. One of the things I have lamented over the years is the ephemeral quality of the lecture format. We all have monumental lectures that we remember. I will never forget when Liz Diller lectured at the GSD when I was a student; I was completely mesmerized, just as an example. But lectures are stand-alone. I believe that if instead we think of them as a way of digging deep into a topic from multiple points of view, the lectures can become a vehicle for analyzing this moment in time within the discipline. PL: I think the argument that the lecture is not an isolated event but is embedded in a larger discussion is fundamental to how it can have a more vibrant future. This is possible within the small size of the School. MPdL: The size of the School is a huge asset because it enables true discourse. The kind of conversations, for example, that students Kate Yeh Chiu and Andrew MacMillan structured around the Collateral exhibition were fantastic and only possible because we are small. Going forward we want to do more of these open to all roundtables. At one of our post-lecture dinners Michaela Friedberg made a great argument for having a final informal roundtable conversation where faculty and students can engage on the discourse of ideas catalyzed by the topic of the semester. Tina and I are hoping to start this this spring. PL: Relative to the role of computation and parametrics and their effects on making and production, how would you characterize the difference between students’
attitudes towards these issues now versus when you first became Dean at Michigan? MPdL: What we see in architecture parallels what we have seen in society. Because of increased access, technology has been demystified. Most of my freshmen at Michigan had used Grasshopper in high school. My ten-year-old son uses 3-D printers in his school. Public libraries have maker spaces. With technology all around us, the era of computation being the subject of architecture is long gone. PL: The Embodied Computation Lab does open up certain possibilities. How do you see that fitting in with the curriculum and the future of the School? MPdL: You know, of course, that the Embodied Computation Lab is a big gift for me. At the GSD and at Michigan, creating cutting-edge digital fabrication/ robotic labs that were open to all students was one of my main contributions, and that was at a time when most faculty thought there was no future for robotics in architecture. PL: The location of the lab has a fascinating history where it was seen as an escape from the main campus and thus a space for innovation and independence. So I am very curious about how it will influence things and what opportunities it makes available. As you described, it is a gift that is still to be fully fleshed out. MPdL: I am equally excited by the changes you are spearheading in the studio integrating different tools for design and making, low tech and high tech, 3-D printers and sinks with traps, all fluidly accessible. PL: One of the fascinating things you did at Michigan was the development of the Liberty Annex as a different model of collaboration, teaching, exhibition, and research. Do you see any similar transformations here or are the schools so different in their nature and their position within geography that such parallels are impossible? MPdL: The Liberty Annex was a way of appropriating the incubator model for architecture. This was in 2009, when incubators had just begun to make it into popular conscience, and it was my way of catalyzing the work of young faculty in the context of Ann Arbor. It helped create a certain architectural intensity where there was none. I do not anticipate that doing something similar here at Princeton would work simply because the faculty has well-established practices and modes of working and researching. But there are new models of intensity that I am interested in for Princeton. For example, in conversations with PhD students, it became obvious that we need to institutionalize a visiting scholar program to challenge their thinking every term. For the M.Arch I Thesis, one of the things I have been talking to Liz about is bringing designers and scholars from various disciplines to conduct one or two-day long workshops with students. Again, so it is not just students working with their advisor but actually seeing their work in the context of a visitor working on a related topic that challenges their imagination. I also want to capitalize on the fact that the M.Arch II Thesis is one year long, and this year it will culminate in a three-week exhibition in New York. So I am hoping that this sort of outside of the box thinking will generate an analog to the Liberty Annex. While the Liberty Annex was more faculty oriented, at Princeton it would be more student oriented.
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Mónica Ponce de León and Paul Lewis in Conversation
p1—Mónica Ponce de León and Paul Lewis in Conversation p2—Fall Lecture Series Examined Idea of Authorship p3—Thesis Prep Workshop p3—Princeton-Mellon Forum on Coastal Resilience