Danna Ramírez
Daniela Romero
Arq. Diana Gracía Cejudo
Arq. Rodrigo Pantoja Calderón
Arq. Daniela Cruz Naranjo
Arq. Viviana Barquero Díaz
Arq. Pedro Mendoza Hernández
Arq. Roberto Cevada González
Ing. Miguel Anaya Díaz
Arq. Andrea Parga Vazquez
It contains organic compounds, soluble nutrients, organic matter and dead organisms, water, and gases.
Which makes it suitable for agricultural, forestry, industrial, or residential use.
01 02 03 04
Industrial Ecology Water, energy and waste
Carbon footprint reduction
Value chains Circular economy
Symbiotic exchange Network
Responsible consumption
Energy conservation Energy generation
Energetic E ciency
Pilot interactions
Public and private synergies Environmental standards
Environment regulation
Culture, education and innovation
Educate for the change
Environmental education
It contains organic compounds, soluble nutrients, organic matter and dead organisms, water, and gases. Which makes it suitable for agricultural, forestry, industrial, or residential use.
Soil is the vast matrix that supports the food we consume, the energy we need, and the raw materials we use.
This rate of soil degradation threatens the ability to meet the needs of future generations.
A model of interactions between a system and its environment serves as a conceptual framework to illustrate the dynamic exchange of energy, matter, and information between a defined system and its surrounding context. This model provides a structured approach to understanding how a system— whether it be an ecological network, a socio-economic organization, or a technological construct—receives inputs from its environment, processes these inputs through its internal mechanisms, and generates outputs that, in turn, influence the environment. Such interactions form a continuous feedback loop that shapes the evolution, stability, and adaptability of both the system and its environment.
A linear interaction model represents a one-way flow of resources, energy, or information between a system and its environment. In this model, inputs are taken from the environment, processed or transformed within the system, and then released back as outputs. This type of interaction is typical of traditional industrial processes, where raw materials are extracted, utilized, and discarded as waste with minimal consideration for reintegration or reuse.
Renewable inputs
Renewable inputs
A circular interaction model, in contrast, emphasizes a closed-loop system where outputs are reintegrated as inputs, reducing waste and minimizing environmental impact. In this model, the system and its environment are connected through feedback loops that promote regeneration, recycling, and reuse of resources, mimicking natural ecosystems.
Ecological environment
Arti cial environment
Ecological environment
Arti cial environment
Arti cial environment
There was a time when nature and the built environment shared the same space in harmony. Cities grew in the shade of trees and were nourished by the rivers that surrounded them, integrating into a landscape where the artificial and the natural coexisted without imposing on one another. The land, water, and air held their primacy, dictating the rhythm of human life and reminding us that we were part of a much broader, interconnected whole.
However, over the centuries, this delicate balance was broken. Humans began to see themselves as separate entities, destined not to coexist but to dominate. This gave rise to an obsession with control, with transforming every corner of the Earth to suit our immediate needs, disregarding long-term consequences. Nature was reduced to an inert resource, something to be exploited, transformed, or even eliminated.
Humankind expanded like an unstoppable tide, clearing forests, containing rivers, and confining wildlife to small, isolated spaces. Cities, once mere specks on the landscape, became sprawling concrete colossi that suffocate the green, devouring ecosystems and replacing them with gray structures that multiply endlessly. In this process, our perception changed: we ceased to see ourselves as part of an interconnected system and began to act as if the natural world were merely a backdrop in our story of expansion and power.
And thus, the soil that once sustained life now lies sealed beneath pavement.
By this date, the soil could become uninhabitable, largely due to anthropogenic activities driven by energy consumption and current production methods.
Since the Industrial Revolution, the extraction of materials has radically transformed humanity’s relationship with the planet. What began as a promise of progress and prosperity has turned into an alarming demand for natural resources that far exceeds the Earth’s capacity to regenerate them. Since the late 18th century, the use of minerals and fossil fuels has skyrocketed, fueling the industrial machinery that paved the way for megacities and overproduction.
Today, in the 21st century, this insatiable appetite for resources has reached unprecedented levels. Every year, more than 100 billion tons of materials are extracted from the planet. To put it in perspective, that is more than triple the amount extracted just fifty years ago. China has emerged as the world’s largest producer of glass, concrete, steel, and aluminum—raw materials essential to support its colossal infrastructure and the urban expansion that defines modern cities.
he country consumes over half of the world’s cement and nearly half of its steel, at a pace so staggering that it surpasses the total accumulated consumption of the United States throughout the entire 20th century.
The country consumes over half of the world’s cement and nearly half of its steel, at a pace so staggering that it surpasses the total accumulated consumption of the United States throughout the entire 20th century. This immense extraction and production have devastated vast swathes of land and mountains, turning them into open quarries and scars that may never heal.
Russia, on the other hand, has become the global leader in timber extraction. Its vast forests, once considered the “lungs of Europe and Asia,” have been logged on an unimaginable scale to meet global demand. Deforestation and the environmental impact of these practices have led to a loss of biodiversity, as well as the release of enormous amounts of carbon dioxide stored in the soil and trees, accelerating climate change.
Each ton of concrete, every steel beam, aluminum sheet, and every tree trunk extracted represents not just a number in the global economy, but a wound on the body of the Earth. The landscape changes, ecosystems collapse, and the land itself degrades, affecting not only the flora and fauna but also the human communities that depend on it for sustenance.
This endless plunder not only threatens the ecological stability of our planet but also increasingly disconnects us from the Earth that sustains us. Each crater dug to extract minerals is a reminder of the disconnection between humans and nature. We have normalized devastation to the point where poisoned rivers, mutilated mountains, and ravaged forests no longer provoke horror but rather indifference.
The rise in material extraction is a symptom of our collective blindness. The insatiable need for more—more growth, more development, more consumption—has left deep scars that, although invisible to many, pulse beneath our feet. And while technology and industry have brought about prosperity and development, the price we are paying could very well be the destruction of the Earth’s own life support system.
The Earth, once fertile and generous, now appears exhausted and wounded.
The world generates 2.01 billion tonnes of municipal solid waste annually, with at least 33% of that—extremely conservatively—not managed in an environmentally safe manner. Worldwide, waste generated per person per day averages 0.74 kilogram but ranges widely, from 0.11 to 4.54 kilograms. Though they only account for 16 percent of the world’s population, high-income countries generate about 34%. When looking forward, global waste is expected to grow to 3.40 billion tonnes by 2050, more than double population growth over the same period.
Waste composition varies by income level: in high-income countries, dry recyclable waste (51%), like plastics and metals, is more common, while organic waste makes up only 32%. In middle- and low-income countries, organic waste, such as food and green waste, is higher, reaching up to 57% in low-income nations. Generally, all regions produce at least 50% organic waste, except Europe, Central Asia, and North America, where dry waste is more prevalent.
Globally, 37% of waste is disposed of in some form of a landfill, 8 percent of which is disposed of in sanitary landfills with landfill gas collection systems. Open dumping accounts for about 31 percent of waste, 19 percent is recovered through recycling and composting, and 11 percent is incinerated for final disposal. Proper waste management is common in high- and upper-middle-income countries, while low-income countries largely rely on open dumping (93%).
Linear economy has been a system that was defined by our society, driven by our necessities as individuals and humanity. We have, made the mistake to develop systems without considering the ones that already existed in the environment we have always modified.
The actual industrial system of our country is known to be focused on the economic factor, being the main consideration, then putting the community and the natural environment in a later consideration.
Our focus is to reach the intertwined process of our industry by combining and benefitting the community and the natural environment while still being economically viable and highly successful.
consumption Rising income (living standards)
availability Use of resources (energy e ciency, recycling, etc.)
and promotion of the natural environment
Provision of amenities (leisure, well-being, contact with nature, etc.
Ore preparation
Primary manufacturing
Secondary manufacturing
Internal use
End of useful life
In the Benito Juárez Industrial Park, the establishment of integrated waste management facilities is not only essential but also strategically aligned with the sustainability goals of the region. Given the diverse range of industries present, including manufacturing, chemical, and pharmaceutical sectors, these facilities play a fundamental role in ensuring the safe disposal of hazardous materials. Effective waste management is a critical necessity in this context, as the accumulation of industrial waste can lead to contamination of soil, water, and air, impacting not only the local flora and fauna but also the health of surrounding communities.
The implementation of these facilities enables the creation of a waste management system that minimizes the risk of spills or improper handling of hazardous materials. By adopting advanced treatment and recycling technologies, the facilities not only ensure that waste is handled safely but also promote the recovery of valuable materials, contributing to the economic and environmental sustainability of the industrial park.
The project recognizes that manufacturing industries are among the primary contributors to pollution, making them a key source for waste recovery and management initiatives. By partnering with these industries, the waste management facilities can effectively collect, process, and recycle both hazardous and non-hazardous waste. This not only facilitates a transition toward more sustainable practices but also helps companies comply with increasingly stringent environmental regulations, reducing their exposure to penalties and promoting a more responsible corporate image.
Industrial Clusters : Mexico’s regions are defined by key industrial clusters which have been defined by the external and internal politics promoted by this industry: the Bajio region leads in automobile and aerospace manufacturing, the Northern region is vital for metallurgy and machinery, the Mid-Center focuses on food production and processing, and the East Center plays a crucial role in oil and gas extraction, housing essential production facilities and infrastructure.
Regional Extraction: Tabasco and Veracruz are pivotal to Mexico’s energy sector. Tabasco is a hub for oil and gas production, particularly in the Bay of Campeche with major offshore fields like Cantarell and KuMaloob-Zaap, and it also contributes substantial freshwater resources. Veracruz plays a key role in natural gas production, supported by the SISTRANGAS system, and is expanding its infrastructure with new pipelines. Both states are progressing in energy transitions: Veracruz is focusing on natural gas as a transitional fuel and exploring alternative energy sources, including waste-to-energy solutions.
Commercial Routes: Mexico’s main transportation network, composed of federal highways and railways, follows the historic “Camino de Plata,” a route in use since before the nation’s formation. Querétaro holds strategic industrial and economic significance due to its central location at the crossroads of northsouth and coastto-coast routes. This central position makes Querétaro one of the most vital states in Mexico. Other states like Coahuila, Aguascalientes, San Luis Potosí, Guanajuato, and Puebla have also thrived in various industries, benefiting from both their soil and strategic locations, similar to Querétaro.
The average age of Garbage and Recyclable Material Collectors is reduced 45 years.
This is an informal job, under high temperatures, they handle hazardous material and breathe toxic gases without any protection.
They provide 50% of the material processed by the industry
A Querétaro is prohibited the selection or selection of solid waste in the sites destined for sanitary landfill - Article 65
The workforce was distributed with 79% men earning an average salary of $4.53k MX and 21% women earning an average salary of $2.28k MX monthly.
the work of these people, the waste would emit almost 200 times more gases”
-The Economist
“Waste pickers prevent thousands of tons of trash from reaching the ocean or being incinerated each year, giving them a second life through recycling”
In Mexico, there are and around .
Of people reported a lack of accessibility due to bad odors, poor drainage, industry and waste
The perception of insecurity at night to a lack of public life
Near A High Density
Residential Area
Runoff: Runoff in the industrial zone primarily flows from east to west, carrying water that progressively becomes contaminated as it passes through both urban and industrial areas. This water, laden with industrial pollutants, poses a serious environmental risk. In addition to wasting an increasingly scarce natural resource, the contaminated water reaches agricultural areas, contributing to soil degradation and endangering human health.
The situation is further exacerbated by the inadequate drainage infrastructure in the metropolitan area, which lacks proper systems to filter and treat the water before it continues its course. As a result, the southwestern sector of the site, being in a lower-lying area, becomes highly vulnerable to flooding. This phenomenon not only increases the risks of soil erosion and contamination but also compromises the health and regenerative capacity of the soil itself, directly affecting its productivity and biodiversity.
Business distribution:
Business distribution type:: Within the industrial zone, a variety of industries coexist, including manufacturing, chemical, and service companies, with a predominant concentration of manufacturing industries in the southern area. This sector, known as one of the most polluting globally, is responsible for a series of significant environmental impacts. Among these are its contribution to climate change, water pollution, and the alteration of the physical and chemical properties of the soil.
Industrial processes, particularly those related to manufacturing, emit harmful gases and generate waste that deteriorates soil quality, compromising its structure, fertility, and ability to support healthy ecosystems. Soil degradation not only affects local biodiversity and essential ecological functions but also reduces the current or future capacity of soils to continue fulfilling their vital roles. This has far-reaching consequences for environmental sustainability and the overall health of the planet.
Urban Heat Islands and the Role of Industry in Soil Degradation: The Benito Juárez Industrial Park shows a clear thermal variation influenced by the interaction between natural areas and urbanized zones. The regions with unaltered soil and vegetation, located in the south and east, maintain lower temperatures compared to areas with impermeable surfaces and minimal greenery, where heat intensifies. This is due to the combination of industrial activities, vehicular traffic, and urban infrastructure, which generate heat and pollution. Materials like asphalt and sidewalks, by absorbing and releasing heat more slowly than natural soils, contribute to the urban heat island effect.
Soil impermeabilization and the reduction of green areas not only impact local temperatures but also directly affect soil health. The lack of permeability prevents water infiltration, alters the hydrological cycle, and hinders the soil’s natural regeneration, worsening its degradation.
Proximity to other industries of interest: The location chosen for our zone is based not only on proximity but also on strategic planning that maximizes opportunities for integration with other industries and key resources. Positioned in a central area close to manufacturing industries that produce metal waste, as well as distribution companies that generate cardboard waste, the site ensures direct access to valuable materials for our waste treatment process. This strategic location not only optimizes logistics but also reduces transportation costs and facilitates the efficient management of available resources.
Additionally, being located in a key area of the municipality enables the easy reception of urban waste, both organic and inorganic, which are essential for our recycling and treatment operations. The proximity to potential allied companies that already have established waste management systems adds significant value. This network of collaboration not only streamlines the internal processes of our project but also fosters synergy among various industrial actors, promoting a circular economy and reducing overall environmental impact.
Moreover, the presence of an electrical substation within the same industrial zone is a crucial factor, as it would allow for more efficient distribution of the energy generated from the products resulting from our process. This element is fundamental to closing the loop in our project, transforming waste into valuable resources while also enhancing the energy development of the area.
Leyend Landfill
It does not meet the established criteria
It meets the established criteria
The Benito Juárez Industrial Park in Querétaro is characterized by a significant lack of dignified green spaces for public recreation. Currently, only 1% of the green areas are public, leaving 99% hidden behind fences as part of private properties. This stark imbalance limits access to recreational spaces, with the nearest green area located more than 1 kilometer away.
This absence of accessible green spaces raises a critical question about the role future projects could play within the industrial zone. Could a new development within this area serve as a green lung for the municipality, addressing the pressing need for urban greenery? Furthermore, could it act as a landmark that revitalizes the urban environment, fostering improved quality of life for workers and residents alike? The potential transformation of this space offers an opportunity to reshape not just the industrial landscape but also the broader social and ecological dynamics of Querétaro.
The World Health Organization, recommends that there should be between 10 and 15 m2 of green space per inhabitant.
Soil is the main concern of this project, that is why we need to understand what properties we are working with. Therefore we have found that our site consists of alluvial soil, this type of soil comes from a sedimentation that gets formed near or in a lake.
We have this type of soil thanks to a medium mountain that is located on the north/west of the Industrial Park Benito Juarez. All rain, water and sediment that comes from the elevated curves has formed what we have now, a soil composed of a mixture of materials such as silts, clays and sands, often found with a high water table.
It can be highly compactable, which has brought negative impact on the industrial park due to the constructions of heavy activities. This soil has been compacted and therefore has lost its properties which it once had, such as a rich soil for agriculture. We also know that it has expansive properties, this means that all construction can be damaged over time, this provokes degradation of infrastructure and generate the necessity of adding more layers of artificial element on top of the natural soil.
Some risks are that flooding, the zones that naturally used to infiltrate these floods are now interrupted by the infrastructure that has been constructed for the industrial necessities. We have also concluded that it was constructed without the considerations of the natural interactions that happen constantly.
Areas with high water infiltration capacity, located before entering the zone with the highest concentration of polluting companies
Areas with high concrete density, increased temperatures, and urban runo
The perception of insecurity at night to a lack of public life
Of people reported a lack of accessibility due to bad odors, poor drainage, industry and waste
Near A High Density
Residential Area
Reduce the sanitary landfills
Give a new life to waste
Increase the system’s life Key Map
Avoif extraction of raw materials
Generate energy from the process
A great opportunity we found is the residual waste that as its name described, ends up being wasted energy, resources and ecological value. First, we have the capacity to recover the waste of all the municipality of Queretaro’s household waste and the residual metals of the manufacturing companies that are in the Industrial Park Benito Juarez.
The principles that allow this process to give service to the environment, community and economic factors are:
Prevention. By recovering all of this quantity of waste that is then transported to sanitary landfills and clandestine landfills, we reduce the direct affectation of the soil in this points of the city.
Repurpose. Waste isn’t waste anymore. It is now fully transformed into energy, repurposed into reusable materials that are also contributing to the remediation of the soil, such as compost.
Reduce. By recovering 90% of the metals that is received, the extraction of raw materials is reduced, unlike sanitary landfills or waste islands, which causes the wasted potential of residuals.
Recover. Waste is transformed to 100% of its energetic value. All the process is designed to recover all potential of the resource as a raw material but also as energetic capacity.
Extend. As the circular economy dictates, the increase of product life is the most reasonable options for the environment and societal service. To take it further, the quality of output and not just repurposing, but increasing the product’s life is one step forward to extract the most of residuals.
Residentsofnearby neighborhoods
Local agriculturalproducers
AsociacióndeEmpresasdel ParqueIndustrialQuerétaro(APIQ)Environmentalorganizations
Waste-to-energy (WtE) plants and composting are complementary processes in waste management, not competitors. While composting focuses on recyclable and compostable materials, thermovalorization handles more difficult-to-treat waste. This integration maximizes resource recovery and optimizes the economic efficiency of both systems.
Developments of thermovalorization have been observed in other countries, it has been a perfect example on how much quantity of waste is reduced. As circular economy suggest to repurpose, the industrial process allows one step further to those residuals that cannot be repurposed without an aggressive intervention. This form is even transforming its energetic value and taking all of its potential for the various ecological and economical services it provides.
Although WtE plants have high costs, their role is to promote conscious consumption, encouraging communities to reduce waste generation. By effectively managing waste, a culture of sustainability is fostered, minimizing the amount of material that ends up in landfills. Economically speaking, the produced energy is the most direct way of recovering the high investment, nevertheless it is not the only output we can obtain.
Sensors and height that controls air quality
Input of all non-recycled residual
Transport to oven Heat up to 1000 °C
Resulting heat becomes electric energy Filters that extract metals and dioxines
Composting Process
Biodegradable Aerobic
Circularity it provokes
The current industrial model primarily follows a linear approach: resources are extracted, used, and discarded as waste, it focuses solely on economic growth without considering environmental consequences or resource scarcity. Landfills pile up with waste, emitting greenhouse gases, generating leachate that contaminates soil and water, and losing valuable materials forever. This process not only harms ecosystems but also misses significant opportunities for economic retribution and resource recovery.
Our industrial process reimagines this model by integrating a circular approach, transforming waste into valuable resources and energy while significantly reducing environmental impacts. The process collects municipal solid waste, separating recoverable materials like metals for reuse and thermally valorizing the remaining waste to produce clean energy.
It’s not just about reducing harm; it’s about designing a system that regenerates and its effective economically and ecologically.
Indirect Does’t exist
Public Parking
Workers’ Parking
Waste Picker Area
Metal Plant
American Football Field
Residual Reception
Residual Segmentation
O ces
Interactive exhibitions
Entrance plaza
Cardboard Composter
Rest/ Natural Seating
Multi Purpose Social Areas
Infiltration Area
Food Court
Multi Sports Facilities Park
Community Gardening
Social Areas
Resting Areas
Residual reception
Multi-sports Facilities Park
Food Court
Direct Relation
Indirect Relation
Doesn’t exist
Direct Relation
Indirect Relation
Doesn’t exist
Lacking Pedestrian Infraestructure
Existing Neighbour Limit Wall
Car Access
Existing American Football Field
Direct conection with industry
Relocate american football eld with adecuate sun position
De ne an in ltration zone
Pedestrian Accesibility
Front Position For Impactful Pedestrian Entanglement
Machinery Height For Industrial Process
Lower Height for Pedestrian Accesibility
Direcct with
Workers’ Parking Lot
Reinforced Concrete
Chosen for its resistance for the internal industrial process and support for the heavy machinery and pedestrian .
Needed for the long spans the maneuvering yard uses to receive all truckload.
Visitors’ Parking Lot
Sports Connection
Food Court Near Sports Facilities
Tactical Play Areas
Basketball Courts
Welcoming Environmental Art
Access from Parking Lot
Access from Main Road
Pedestrian Accesibility
Industrial Process
Rainfall Directed to Wetland
Create Natural Seating for Football Field
Viewpoint: Access from Museum
Natural Areas
Multi-Purpose Social Areas
Public Bathroom
Mutli-Purpose Social Spaces
Recreational Hiking
Truck and Car Acessibility
Environmental Art
Pedestrian Acessibility
Walking/Running Track Reserve
Natural Seating
American Football
Tactical Playground Food Court
“H a ce 10 añ o s , c a d a un o gene r aba un p r omedio de 8 00 g r a mos de ba s u r a a l dí a , h o y an damo s al r ededo r del kilo 200” ““Debe e x i s t i r u n p r og r ama a t ra v és de la ed u c a c i ó n a mb i e n t a l de concie n ti z a r sob r e cómo se debe r educi r la ge n e r a c i ó n de basu r a en el i n t erio r de nue s t r o s ” - C od i go QR O
“ L a ed a d p r omed i o d e R ecole c t o r e s de Ba su r a y M a t er ial
R ecicl a b l e fue de 4 5 años.
L a fuer z a labo r a l s e di s trib u y ó en 79 % homb r e s co n u n sa l ar i o p r omed i o de $4.53 k M X y , 21 % m uj e r e s con sa l ar i o p r omed i o de $2.28 k MX. ” GobM X
“Debe e xi s t i r un p r og r am a a t r a v é s de l a ed u c a c i ó n a mb i e nt al de concie n t i z a r s ob r e cómo s e debe
r ed u c i r la ge n e r a c i ó n de ba su r a e n e l
i n t e r io r de nu e s t r o s dom i c ili o s y com p r om et e rn o s co n v e r lo como qu e t od a l a r es p o nsa b ili d a d y t od a l a c ulpa e s de
como c iu d a d an o s debemo s p o n e rn o s a t r a b aja r de m an e r a
u r ge n t e, t odo s s omo s p a r t e de lp r ob l em a y t odos
s omos pa r t e de la s ol u c i ó n ” - Cod i go QR O
mi l lona r ia, a pesa r de que s e r ecicl a me n os del 5 % de la s 231 mil l one s t one l ada s de r esiduos só l idos mun i cipa l es en la r eg i ón. T an só l o en M é xico, s u v alo r económico es de má s 3,000 mi l lo n es de dó l a r es anua l es, con un c r ec i mie n t o de 10% a l año, según l a A soci a ción Naciona l de Ind u s trias de l Plá s t i co ( ANI P A C )
En M é xico, se b u sc a que la s y l os r ecicl a do r es se a n pe r sona s con los de r echo s l a bo r ale s bá s ico s y se r vi s ib i li z ado s p o r su t r aba j o q ue a yud a a t oda la s ociedad y a l medio ambie n t e - P e r iodi s m o y ambie n t e
De acue r do con l a Sec r et arí a de Desa r r ol l o
Su s t e n t a ble ( Sedesu), e n el e s t a do de Q u e r ét a r o a c t ualme nt e se t i ene el r eg i s t r o de 13 s i tios en t o t a l, ocho de lo s c u ales so n r el l enos sa n i t ario s que se ubic a n en lo s mu n ici p ios de Q ue r ét a r o, Ar r o y o Seco, C olón, Hu i milp a n, Jalp a n de Ser r a, L a n da de M at amo r o s , Sa n J u an de l Río y T equ i squi a pan . Ur i bar r en Ca s t r o d e t alló que la p r ob l em á tica de la ba s u r a en el e st ado de Que r é t a r o se e s t á sal i endo de co n t r ol, y a que los sitios p a r a su
la ca n tid a d de ba s u r a q u e se gene r a , lo que a tribu y ó a r eco r t e s p r e s up u e s t a le s y a l a f al t a de pe r s ona l - CodigoQR O
L o s hab i t a n t e s ap r ov echa n los de s ec h os pa r a con s trui r pe q ueña s ca s as imp r o vi s adas. Decla r an q ue a nt e el ab a ndo n o de la s au t o r idades impe r a l a ma r ginación, v iole n ci a y v e n t a de d r oga, quiene s m u cho s de ellos t amb i én se vuel v en consumido r es pa r a s ob r el l ev a r las jo r nadas de t r aba j o
• Subtopics: Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), accident prevention, and personal health care.
• Duration: 10 hours
• Certification: Basic Workplace Safety Certification
• Subtopics: Budgeting, saving, family planning, and understanding basic financial concepts.
• Duration: 8 hours
• Certification: Basic Financial Education Certificate
• Subtopics: Reading and writing of labels, safety signs, and verbal communication.
Duration: 10 hours
• Certification: Basic Literacy Certificate
• Subtopics: Family communication strategies, common disease prevention, and stress management.
• Duration: 8 hours
• Certification: Family Care and Basic Health Diploma
• SUBTOPICS: Circular economy, value of waste in energy production.
• DURATION: 6 hours
• CERTIFICATION: Diploma in Circular Economy
• SUBTOPICS: Identification of waste for energy conversion, classification techniques.
• DURATION: 10 hours
• CERTIFICATION: Certification in Waste Classification for Waste to Energy
• SUBTOPICS: Identification of compostable waste, techniques for organic waste separation.
• DURATION: 8 hours
• CERTIFICATION: Certification in Organic Waste Classification
SUBTOPICS: Moisture, temperature, and oxygenation control; compost quality assurance.
• DURATION: 12 hours
• CERTIFICATION: Diploma in Composting Techniques.
• SUBTOPICS: Planting techniques, irrigation, pruning, and maintenance.
• DURATION: 10 hours
• CERTIFICATION: Diploma in Basic Gardening
• SUBTOPICS: Designing sustainable green spaces, selecting native plants, and using compost.
• DURATION: 10 hours
• CERTIFICATION: Certificate in Sustainable Landscaping
Professional Development and Certification in Waste to Energy
• SUBTOPICS:: Safe handling of shredders, compactors, and industrial machinery.
• DURATION: 12 hours
• CERTIFICATION: Machinery Operator for Waste to Energy
• SUBTOPICS: Strategies for compost use in agriculture and gardening, sales and distribution techniques.
• DURATION: 8 hours
• CERTIFICATION: Certification in Compost Application and Commercialization.
Professionalization in Gardening and Landscaping
SUBTOPICS: Design of urban green spaces, maintenance strategies, and project management.
• DURATION: 12 hours
• CERTIFICATION: Certification in Landscaping and Gardening Project Management
By: Batlle i Roig Architects
What happens after landfills are vacated once all waste is converted into energy? The case of the Landscape Restoration of the Vall d’en Joan Landfill serves as an example of how to approach the recovery of degraded spaces through sustainable and landscape-based solutions. This project is located in the Garraf Natural Park near Barcelona and stands out for its innovative approach to environmental and functional integration of the site.
Location: Garraf Natural Park, Barcelona, Spain.
Size: 60 hectares of a former landfill that operated from 1974 to 2006.
Challenge: The accumulation of 20 million tons of waste, causing soil contamination, leachates, and emissions of gases like methane.
Sealing and stabilization of the site: Prevent groundwater contamination and toxic gas emissions.
Landscape restoration: Transform the landfill into a natural space integrated with the surrounding environment.
Ecological rehabilitation: Reintroduce native plant species to restore biodiversity. Public use: Create accessible areas for recreational and educational activities. Restoration Strategies
Landfill Sealing:
Application of impermeable layers to prevent leachate infiltration. Systems for extracting and treating biogas to convert it into energy.
Landscape Design:
Terrain modeling to create a natural topography.
Planting of native vegetation to prevent erosion and promote ecological integration.
Water Resource Management:
Construction of channels and ponds to collect and treat rainwater.
Reuse of treated water for irrigation of the restored area.
Sustainable Approach:
Use of restoration techniques that minimize environmental impact.
Use of local materials and passive environmental control systems.
This case demonstrates how it is possible to reverse the environmental impact of a landfill and transform it into a valuable asset for society and the environment.
Lima Citrus Limeta
Rutaceae Family: 6 meters Height: Function: Irrigation: Edible
Durazno Prunus Persica
Rosaceae Family: 5 meters Height: Function: Irrigation: Edible
Guayaba Psidium Guajava
Myrtaceae Family: 7 meters Height: Function: Irrigation: Edible
Eriobotria Japonica
Rosaceae Family: 7 meters Height: Function: Irrigation: Edible
Naranjo Citrus Aurantium
Moraceae Family: 15 - 18 meters Height: Function: Irrigation: Provide shade
Maíz Zea Mexicana
Manzanilla Chamaemelum Nobile
Lavanda Lavandula
Calendula Borago O cinalis
Sabila Aloe Arborecens
Poaceae Family: 1 - 2 meters Height:
Astraceae Family: 20 - 30 cm Height: Function:
Function: Feeding
Irrigation: Polinator
Moraceae Family: 20 - 50 cm Height: Function:
Asphodelaceae Family: 1 - 4 meters Height: Function:
Irrigation: Medicinal
Irrigation: Repellent
Alicoche Cocuá Echinocereus Cinerescens
Cactaceae Family: 30 cm Height:
Mirto Cobalto Salvia Reptans
Lamiaceas Family: 0.3 - 1 meters Height: Function:
Irrigation: Aromatherapy
Pampa Grass Cortaderia Selloana
Gramineas Family: 2 -3 meters Height:
Function: Aromatherapy
Salvia Zinnia Acerosa
Asteraceae Family: 16 cm Height:
Function: Aromatherapy
Taxodiaceae Family: 0.5 - 1 meter Height:
Function: Pollinator Function: Pollinator
Laurel de la India
Ficus Nitida
Moraceae Family: 15 - 18 meters Height: Function: Irrigation: Provide shade
Mezquite Prosopis laevigata
Fabaceae Family: 12 meters Height: Function: Irrigation: Provide shade
Ahuehuete Taxodium Macronatum
Taxodiaceae Family: 35 meters Height: Function: Irrigation: Provide shade
Sauce Lloron Ficus Nitida
Espigas de agua
Pontederia Cordata
Fresno Norteño Fraxinus Fresnos
Oleaceae Family: 20 meters Height: Function: Irrigation: Provide shade
Junco Juncus
Espigas de agua Pontederia Cordata
Espigas de agua
Pontederia Cordata
Pontederiaceae Family: 0.5 - 1.2 meters Height: Function: Irrigation: Puri cation
Cyperus Papyrus
Pontederiaceae Family: 0.5 - 1.2 meters Height: Function: Irrigation: Puri cation
Junco Juncus
Junco Juncus
Juncaceas Family: 2 meters Height: Function: Irrigation: Puri cation
Papiro Cyperus Papyrus
Papiro Cyperus Papyrus
Espigas de agua Pontederia Cordata
Salicaceae Family: 14 meters Height: Function: Irrigation: Provide shade
Pontederiaceae Family: 0.5 - 1.2 meters Height: Function: Irrigation: Puri cation
Juncaceas Family: 2 meters Height: Function: Irrigation: Puri cation
Muhlenbergia rigida
Muhlenbergia rigida
Muhlenbergia rigida
Muhlenbergia rigida
Ciperaceas Family: 2 - 5 meters Height: Function: Irrigation: Puri cation
Poaceae Family: 0.5 - 1 m Height: Function: Irrigation: In ltration
Chrysactinia mexicana
Pampa de la pradera
Pontederiaceae Family: 0.5 - 1.2 meters Height: Function: Irrigation: Puri cation
Muhlenbergia rigida
Junco Juncus
Muhlenbergia rigida
Poaceae Family:
Juncaceas Family: 2 meters Height: Function: Irrigation: Puri cation
0.5 - 1 m Height: Function: Irrigation: In ltration
Chrysactinia mexicana
Papiro Cyperus Papyrus
Chrysactinia mexicana
Asteraceae Family: 0.3 - 0.6 m Height:
Ciperaceas Family: 2 - 5 meters Height: Function: Irrigation: Puri cation
Irrigation: In ltration
Eysenhardtia polystachya
Eysenhardtia polystachya
Pampa de la pradera Bouteloua Curtipendula
Poaceae Family: 0.5 - 1 m Height: Function: Irrigation: In ltration
Chrysactinia mexicana
Chrysactinia mexicana
Bouteloua Curtipendula
Juncaceas Family: 2 meters Height: Function: Irrigation: Puri cation
Ciperaceas Family: 2 - 5 meters Height: Function: Irrigation: Puri cation
Ciperaceas Family: 2 - 5 meters Height: Function: Irrigation: Puri cation
Chrysactinia mexicana
Asteraceae Family: 0.3 - 0.6 m Height: Function: Irrigation: In ltration
Poaceas Family: 30 - 60 cm Height: Function: Irrigation: Puri cation
Asteraceae Family: 0.3 - 0.6 m Height: Function: Irrigation: In ltration
Eysenhardtia polystachya
Eysenhardtia polystachya
Eysenhardtia polystachya
Eysenhardtia polystachya
Fabaceae Family: 3 a 6 m Height: Function: Irrigation: In ltration
Fabaceae Family: 3 a 6 m Height: Function: Irrigation: In ltration
Lirio de agua Nymphaea
Fabaceae Family: 3 a 6 m Height: Function: Irrigation: In ltration
Poaceas Family: 30 - 60 cm Height: Function: Irrigation: Puri cation
Moraceae Family: 30 cm Height: Function: Irrigation: Oxygenation
Pampa de la pradera Bouteloua Curtipendula
Lirio de agua Nymphaea
Avoid Yearly
46,603 m³
5.8 mg TEQ
279,620 tons
90% Land lls
3,495 tons
Leachate = 18 Olympic-sized swimming pools of toxic waste
Extremely toxic components = Thousands of tons of contaminated water or soil
Methane = 7 million tons of CO2
Content = 400, 000 m³
Toxic Metal = Direct uncontolled consecuences for soil
Waste to Enegy (WWE)
Biodegradable Descomposition
38,960 tons
162.5 million
Liters = By avoiding fossil fuel energy generation
Non-Toxic Vapor
Final industrial output
Ensures a healthier environment for users
Biodegradable Aerobic Descomposition
and industry events and
Street Vendors
Create spaces for street vendors and food consumption for the industry workers
New Experience
Network of resources with economic and ecossystemic bene ts
Prevents Erosion
Muhlenbergia Bouteloua
Vanessa cardui
Scaphiopus couchii
Oxyura jamaicensis Quiscalus mexicanus
Resulting Species
Habitat for Species
Nymphaea Chrysactinia
Pontederia Juncus Cyperus
Filtering Polutants
Multipurposed Spaces
The natural net-vegetation ceiling creates human confort and home for animals and insects Reproductivity and insects
Fostering Cohabitation
Spaces that adapt not only for human interaction but for other species and their necessities
Compression Resistance: Designed to withstand the lateral pressure of covered soil.
Durability: Reinforced concrete resists humidity and permanent forces from the terrain.
Structural Safety: Provides stability to the building by counteracting external forces and preventing landslides.
Water Control: Integrated drainage minimizes water buildup, reducing hydrostatic pressure and extending the wall’s lifespan.
Load Capacity: Reinforced concrete provides the required strength to support heavy loads of up to 3 tons/m².
Durability: Performs well in industrial environments with vibrations, chemicals, and humidity.
Thermal Inertia: Helps stabilize interior temperatures during industrial processes.
Structural Safety: Reduces the risk of collapse, especially under dynamic loads or constant heavy weight.
Finish: Industrial polish or epoxy coating for chemical protection if exposed.
Ability to Span Large Distances: Structural steel allows wide spans without intermediate supports, ideal for maneuvering yards.
Strength and Lightness: Provides high bending strength with less weight compared to other materials.
Adaptability: Facilitates the integration of a pedestrian roof thanks to its capacity to support high live loads.
Durability: Properly treated steel resists corrosion and withstands harsh weather conditions.
Finish: Coated with anti-corrosion and weather-resistant paint.
Sustainability: Highly recyclable, long lifespan, especially when properly maintained to protect the galvanized coating.
Excellent strength-to-weight ratio. Galvanization prevents corrosion, even in extreme weather or high humidity.
Adaptability: Compatible with additional insulation systems or finishes, if
Clean, modern metallic finish with optional color customization to align with the overall design.
Structural System Supporting the Flat Galvanized Steel Panels
Adaptability: Easily accommodates the curvature of the panels through precise fabrication and assembly.
Durability: The galvanized or coated steel frame resists corrosion, extending the lifespan of the system even in harsh environments.
ightweight Design: Reduces overall weight while maintaining structural integrity, minimizing the load on the building’s foundation.
se of Installation: Prefabricated components simplify assembly and reduce construction time.
E cient Drainage: DELTA®-TERRAXX prevents water accumulation by facilitating rapid drainage while protecting the structural layers of the roof.
Load Resistance: Its ability to withstand high compression loads ensures durability, even under pedestrian tra c or additional substrate weight.
Protection for Roof Layers: Acts as a separation and protection layer for waterproofing membranes, reducing the risk of damage.
Sustainability: Made from recycled HDPE, it contributes to sustainable building practices.
Longevity: Highly resistant to environmental factors, ensuring a long service life with minimal maintenance.
1ST FLOOR (Museum and Exhibition Area)
Esc 1 : 200
Esc 1 : 200
Steel deck "IMSA" TYPE SECTION 4, with 1/2" LOSACERO fasteners as the lower bearing support of the girder
Reinforced concrete tie beam with steel reinforcement, F'c = 250 kg/cm².
12.7 mm (1/2") RH gypsum board,
12.7 mm (1/2") RH gypsum board, screwed to the metal stud with hexagonal head screws
Circular concrete columns with circular ties
Concrete F'c = 250 kg/cm² Continuous footing adjacent to the leveling beam, reinforced with 4 bars of 1/2" and 2 bars of 3/8", spacing.
5 cm slab with F'c = 100 kg/cm²
5 cm slab with F'c = 100 kg/cm²
Driven pile, poured with Concrete dosed at a ratio of P.C (C.A) per cubic meter
18 ∅=1'';L=6m
Green Roof System with Substrate
Steel to Concrete Connection
Joist to truss Connection
TORNILLO DE 1/2" (A325)
Esc 1 : 200
3TH FLOOR (Control Room)
Esc 1 : 200
Esc 1 : 200
Esc 1 : 200
Esc 1 : 200
Esc 1 : 200
Esc 1 : 200
Esc 1 : 200
16 Statue of Liberty
4,060 TONS 194,000 TONS 194,000 TONS 800 TONS
The market size of the waste-to-energy sector in 2023 $ 44. 000 MIL
The market size of the waste-to-energy sector in 2032
The growth rate for waste-to-energy (WtE) and recycling industries over the next 8 years is projected to be significant due to increasing global emphasis on sustainability and circular economies
Energy cost breakdown: 12% for self-consumption, 88% sold to the grid
The Waste-to-Energy (WtE) industry presents a compelling economic model, driven by various revenue streams that contribute to its profitability and growth potential in the coming years. Beyond the environmental benefits, WtE plants create sustainable business opportunities by generating electricity and heat, processing waste through tipping fees, selling byproducts like metals and ash, and capitalizing on carbon credits and government incentives.
Waste to Energy plants are well-positioned for growth
WtE are essential for achieving long-term sustainability goals. This multi-faceted revenue structure underlines the economic resilience, aligning with global trends in clean technology and circular economy initiatives.
tari for
In Mexico, the cost municipalities or companies pay to a waste-to-energy plant for processing solid waste (instead of sending it to a landfill). These fees, typically range between $300 and $800 MXN per ton of waste.
$100 and $300 MXN per
Creation of living soil through composting
Workforce training model for waste pickers
Vibrant publiclife
Avoiding extraction
Circular systems
Green and blue restoration
Reduction of heat islands
Environmental and Natural Resources Fund (FAN)
An organization focused on sustainable and eco-e cient solutions for industry. It can provide expertise in composting technology and equipment for organic waste management.
Secretariat of Sustainable Development of Querétaro (SEDESU)
Central for obtaining environmental permits and ensuring a consistent waste supply.
Municipality of Querétaro
Department of Integral Waste Management
Key player in waste collection and separation; they ensure the flow of materials to your plant.
State Energy Commission of Querétaro (CEEQ)
Responsible for promoting the generation and use of renewable energy. It can help to manage permits and certifications for clean energy generation.
Siemens México
Provider of industrial machinery and technology for waste treatment and management plants. Specialists in automation and energy e ciency, ideal for equipping the plant.
These could be manufacturers or enterprises in the Park that generate waste.
Operator of urban solid waste collection in Querétaro. Potential partner for processing non-recyclable waste for energy recovery.
Organizations focused on circular economy practices and waste management
Strategic partner providing the land where the plant will be built and negotiating alliance agreements.
This governmental body is essential for promoting formal employment, especially in initiatives like training waste pickers or other community members for formal roles in the waste-to-energy and composting sectors.
Direct suppliers of recyclable materials (metals) and key stakeholders in social impact and integration.
Provides training programs for informal workers, such as waste pickers. Can develop specific workshops on recycling and waste management.
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