Servicios básicos eléctricos
Energy poverty is a multidimensional concept, according to the definition of México Evalúa, which indicates the lack of minimum energy services for development in homes. These services include water heating, food cooking, refrigeration, lighting, thermal comfort and entertainment. This condition is closely linked to the enjoyment of human rights, especially affecting marginalized sectors of the city, such as Xochimilco, Milpa Alta and Tláhuac, where there are high levels of illegal settlements. The lack of basic services affects all household members, with women, children and the elderly being the most vulnerable. It is estimated that around 1.3 million people, mainly women and children, die prematurely each year due to diseases related to household air pollution caused by the use of wood stoves.
La pobreza energética es un concepto multidimensional, según la definición de México Evalúa, que señala la falta de servicios energéticos mínimos para el desarrollo en los hogares. Estos servicios incluyen el calentamiento de agua, cocción de alimentos, refrigeración, iluminación, confort térmico y entretenimiento. Esta condición está estrechamente vinculada al disfrute de los derechos humanos, afectando especialmente a sectores marginados de la ciudad, como Xochimilco, Milpa Alta y Tláhuac, donde hay altos niveles de asentamientos ilegales. La falta de servicios básicos afecta a todos los miembros del hogar, siendo mujeres, niños y ancianos los más vulnerables. Se estima que alrededor de 1.3 millones de personas, principalmente mujeres y niños, mueren prematuramente cada año debido a enfermedades relacionadas con la contaminación del aire en el hogar causada por el uso de estufas de leña.
Acceso a internet
According to the National Survey on Availability and Use of Information Technologies in Homes 2021 by Inegi, Mexico City leads with 88.3% of the population using the Internet, but there is still a gap of 12%. Sheinbaum’s proposal seeks to guarantee Internet access as a right, prioritizing the gradual implementation of its own infrastructure to offer free public service. It will especially focus on areas with low coverage, such as towns, neighborhoods and lagging communities, as well as educational and health institutions, government offices, community centers, parks, public squares and public transportation. The initiative ensures the allocation of resources in the annual budget to guarantee Internet access in public spaces..
Según la Encuesta Nacional sobre Disponibilidad y Uso de Tecnologías de la Información en los Hogares 2021 del Inegi, la Ciudad de México lidera con un 88.3% de la población utilizando Internet, pero aún existe una brecha del 12%. La propuesta de Sheinbaum busca garantizar el acceso a Internet como un derecho, priorizando la implementación gradual de infraestructura propia para ofrecer el servicio público gratuito. Se enfocará especialmente en áreas con baja cobertura, como pueblos, barrios y comunidades rezagadas, así como en instituciones educativas, de salud, oficinas gubernamentales, centros comunitarios, parques, plazas públicas y transporte público. La iniciativa asegura la asignación de recursos en el presupuesto anual para garantizar el acceso a Internet en espacios públicos..
Mexico city goals for energy transition
What is Vallejo’s potential for the generation of clean energy to contribute to meeting the energy transition goals of Mexico City?
Approximately in the industrial sector, Mexico City generates 2,726 MTCo2/h while Azcapotzalco generates 243,592 KGCo2/h. Considering that Vallejo is located in Azcapotzalco and is mostly an industrial area, a large percentage of the Co2 emissions corresponds to industrial Vallejo.
¿Cuál es el potencial de Vallejo para la generación de energías limpias para contribuir al cumplimiento de las metas de transición energética de la ciudad de México? Aproximadamente en el sector industrial la Ciudad de México genera 2.726 MTCo2/h mientras que Azcapotzalco genera 243.592 KGCo2/h. Teniendo en cuenta que Vallejo se encuentra en Azcapotzalco y es mayormente una zona industrial, un gran porcentaje de las emisiones Co2 corresponde a industrial Vallejo.
El 8.90% de las emisiones co2 de la ciudad de México en el sector industrial, son generadas en Azcapotzalco. 8.90%
What strategies are being implemented?
Programa de vehiculos contaminantes (PVC)
Programa de vehiculos contaminantes (PVC)
Programas de mejora de
Create and maintain an energy information system
Crear y mantener un sistema de información energética
Encourage energy efficiency measures
Incentivar medidas de eficiencia energética
Promote investment in renewable energy
Fomentar la inversión de energías renovables
Promote research and education on energy transition
Impulsar la investigación y educación en materia de transición energética
Promote the use of less polluting transportation
Fomentar el uso de transporte menos contaminante
Reduce energy poverty
Reducir la pobreza energética
1. Create and maintain an energy information system. Access to information is crucial for efficient decisionmaking in energy transition projects. An integrated energy information system, encompassing diagnostic data and project details, can enhance actions in the City by fostering synergies and learning opportunities.
2. Encourage energy efficiency measures. Energy efficiency enables increased activities wi thout higher energy use. Promotion through government, business, and household initiatives includes support programs, incentives, and information campaigns, encouraging efficient practices and mandatory improvements for some consumers
1. Crear y mantener un sistema de información energética. El acceso a información en proyectos de transición energética es clave para decisiones eficientes. Un sistema integral que incluya datos de diagnósticos y detalles sobre proyectos puede potenciar acciones en la Ciudad.
2.Incentivar medidas de eficiencia energética. La eficiencia energética, clave para mantener o aumentar actividades sin incrementar el consumo, puede ser impulsada con programas de apoyo, incentivos y campañas informativas a nivel gubernamental y empresarial.
3. Promote investment in renewable energy. The City of Mexico heavily relies on fossil fuels, with 97.7% dependency. A crucial aspect of energy transition involves substituting these sources with renewable energy, necessitating programs and projects to har ness renewables in various energy-consuming sectors.
3. Fomentar la inversión de energías renovables. La Ciudad de México depende en un 97.7% de combustibles fósiles, por lo que la transición energética requiere programas y proyectos para aprovechar las energías renovables en los sectores de consumo energético.
4. Promote research and education on energy transition. Promoting research and education in energy transition enhances the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency projects. Emphasizing the economic benefits and encouraging changes in energy consumption habits are crucial aspects.
4. Impulsar la investigación y educación en materia de transición energética. Impulsar la investigación y educación en transición energética potencia proyectos de energías renovables y eficiencia. Destacar beneficios económicos y fomentar cambios de hábitos en el consumo energético son clave.
5. Promote the use of less polluting transportation. Transportation, consuming 70% of the city’s energy, requires targeted measures for both public and private sectors. The city government can enhance public transport while encouraging a shift to cleaner and more efficient practices in private transportation.
5. Fomentar el uso de transporte menos contaminante. El transporte, que representa el 70% del consumo energético en la Ciudad, requiere atención especial en su transición energética. El gobierno puede mejorar el transporte público para hacerlo más atractivo, eficiente y seguro, mientras fomenta la reducción y la ecoeficiencia en el transporte privado, tanto de carga como de pasajeros.
6. Reduce energy poverty. Addressing energy poverty focuses on improving the quality of life and reducing health impacts on the most vulnerable population in the city. Various actions can help vulnerable households reduce the use of wood or coal for cooking and heating, while also providing access to electricity to enhance their overall well-being.
6. Reducir la pobreza energética. La atención a la pobreza energética se centra en mejorar la calidad de vida y reducir los impactos en la salud de la población vulnerable en la Ciudad. Se pueden implementar acciones para reducir el uso de leña o carbón en hogares vulnerables, brindando acceso a energía eléctrica para mejorar su bienestar.
Energy transition strategies
Vallejo-I Master Plan:
- LED public lighting -Railway line rehabilitation.
Solar City (SEDECO):
- Technical and financial training/advice
- Analysis of conditions of the property where it will be installed.
- Housing reconstruction program. A solar heater is installed for each rebuilt home.
-Photovoltaic system and solar heating system
- MiP and MES homes and companies.
Taxi Improvement Program:
- This program focuses on the request for support and/ or financing for vehicle replacement for 2021 models.
- Its goal is to support the renewal of vehicles that offer the Individual Taxi Public Passenger Transportation Service in Mexico City.
- Aid is provided to applicants whose units are ten or more years old.
Polluting Vehicles Program (PVC) SEDEMA:
- Implements this program aimed at identifying and sanctioning motor vehicles that sustainably emit pollutants into the atmosphere or do not comply with the current Mandatory Vehicle Verification Program or the Hoy No Circula Program. (SEDEMA, 2019)
Plan Maestro Vallejo-I:
- Alumnración pública LED -Rehabilitación línea férrea.
Ciudad Solar (SEDECO):
- Capacitación/asesoria técnica y financiera
- Análisis de condiciones del imbueble.
- Programa de reconstrucción de viviendas. Se instala un calentador solar para cada vivienda reconstruida.
-Sistema fotovoltaico y sistema de calentamiento solar - Viviendas y empresas MiP y MES.
Programa de Mejora de Taxi:
- Este programa se centra en la solicitud de apoyo y/o financiamiento para la sustitución vehicular por modelos 2021.
- Su meta es respaldar la renovación de vehículos que ofrecen el Servicio de Transporte de Pasajeros Público Individual Taxi en la Ciudad de México.
- La ayuda se brinda a solicitantes cuyas unidades tengan diez o más años de antigüedad.
Programa Vehículos Contaminantes (PVC) SEDEMA:
- Implementa este programa orientado a la identificación y sanción de vehículos automotores que emitan de manera sostenible contaminantes a la atmósfera o no cumplan con el Programa de Verificación Vehicular Obligatoria vigente o con el Programa Hoy No Circula. (SEDEMA, 2019)
SEMOVI Integrated Mobility:
- Electric transport has increased its presence in the City.
- Entry into operations of Cablebús; and in the same way the services associated with the use of bicycles increased. (SEMOVI, 2021)
Movilidad Integrada SEMOVI:
- Transportes eléctricos han aumentado su presencia en la Ciudad.
- Entrada en operaciones del Cablebús; y de la misma forma se incrementaron los servicios asociados al uso de las bicicletas. (SEMOVI, 2021)
Plan Maestro Vallejo. (n.d.). Retrieved February 25, 2024, from Proyecto Vallejo-i – CIAPEM 2024. (n.d.). Retrieved February 25, 2024, from Castellanos-Lanzarin, H. (2023, September 29). Avanza Semovi en nuevo transporte público para Azcapotzalco, CDMX. Excélsior. comunidad/avanza-semovi-en-nuevo-transporte-publico-para-azcapotzalco-cdmx/1611414 Energía Solar para MiPyMES. (2022, October 22). Gobierno CDMX. Económico, S. de D. (n.d.). Central Fotovoltaica de la Central de Abastos (CEDA). Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico. Retrieved February 25, 2024, from Plataforma Nacional de Energía, Ambiente y Sociedad. (n.d.). Plataforma Nacional de Energía, Ambiente y Sociedad. Retrieved February 25, 2024, from https://
Although there are many strategies in Mexico City that contribute to the energy transition goals, not all of them are applicable in the Vallejo industrial zone, not even in Azcapotzalco itself.
Considering that the weather conditions in Mexico City and strategies such as Ciudad Solar have potential in Vallejo.
Maintain the vehicle fleet in circulation in the best possible environmental condition, encouraging preventive maintenance of those units that are presented for verification, and requiring corrective maintenance of vehicles that present pollution levels higher than permitted.
Mantener el parque vehicular en circulación en la mejor condición ambiental posible, motivando el mantenimiento preventivo de aquellas unidades que se presentan a verificar, y obligar el mantenimiento correctivo de los vehículos que presenten niveles de contaminación mayores a lo permitido
The CFV CEDA contemplates an investment of 661.4 million pesos, however the installation as a whole will have 32,110 thousand photovoltaic modules of 550 kWp each and will avoid the generation of 13,550 tons of C02 per year.
La CFV CEDA, contempla una inversión de 661.4 millones de pesos, sin embargo la instalación en su conjunto contará con 32, 110 mil módulos fotovoltaicos de 550 kWp cada uno y evitará la generación de 13,550 ton de C02 al año.
1Generation of renewable electrical energy from the Photovoltaic Power Plant of the Central de Abastos (C.F. CEDA), part of the Ciudad Solar program.
Generación de energía eléctrica renovable a partir de la Central Fotovoltaica de la Central de Abastos (C.F. CEDA),parte del programa de Ciudad Solar.
A pesar de que existen muchas estrategias en la Ciudad de Méixco que contribuyen a las metas de transición enegética, No todas son aplicables en la zona industrial Vallejo, ni siquiera en la misma alcaldía de Azcapotzalco.
Considerando que las condiciones climatológicas en la Ciudad de México y estrategias como Ciudad Solar tienen potencial en Vallejo.
Vallejo-I changed 226 LED streetlights at Vallejo.
Vallejo-I realizó un cambio de 226 luminarías LED en la alcaldía de Vallejo.
Railway rehabilitation since road transport emits 140g Co2/tkm, while the train emits 16-18g Co2/tkm.
Rehabilitación vía férrea ya que el transporte carreteri emite 140g Co2/tkm, mientras que el tren 16-18g Co2/tkm.
Ecobici is a bicycle sharing system in Mexico City, complementing the city's public transportation network. In 2013 there were 276 stations with 4,000 bicycles with an average of 25,000 users per day and 95,780 registered members.
Ecobici es un sistema de bicicletas compartidas de la Ciudad de México, complementando la red de transporte público de la ciudad.En 2013 había 276 estaciones con 4,000 bicicletas con un promedio de 25,000 usuarios por día y 95,780 miembros registrados.
3 3 5 5 5 5 5
Support programs by Ciudad Solar for MiP and MES for the implementation of efficiency measures. energy
Programas de apoyo por parte de ciudad solar para MiP y MES para la implementación de medidas de eficiencia. energética
New public transport for Azcapotzalco with units of greater capacity, that meet the quantity, the behavior of demand and that comply with environmental standards.
Nuevo transporte público para Azcapotzalco por unidades de mayor capacidad, que atiendan la cantidad, el comportamiento de la demanda y que cumplan las normas en materia ambiental.
Integrated and sustainable mobility avoided 152,529 TN of Co2e.
Movilidad integrada y sustentable evito 152,529 TN de Co2e.
On one hand, in Mexico City, there is sufficient electrical infrastructure observed, but every year the city grows, and along with it, the number of people affected by its lack increases. Being dependent solely on the CFE (Federal Electricity Commission), it is likely not to be sufficient in the near future. Therefore, it will be urgently needed for energy to be produced as close as possible.
For this reason, there are already a series of strategies in place to promote the use of renewable energies and improve urban mobility. However, the implementation of these strategies, as well as the companies that implement them, are concentrated in the 4 delegations with the highest economic level and quality of life, while the others are forced to have a consumption based on fossil fuels and a dependence on motorized vehicles to move within the city.
Por un lado, en la Ciudad de México, se observa una infraestructura eléctrica suficiente, pero cada año la ciudad crece, y con ella la cantidad de gente que se ve afectada por la falta de esta, y siendo dependientes de solo la CFE, es probable que no sea suficiente en un futuro cercano. Así que será de urgente necesidad que la energía se produzca lo más cerca posible.
Por esto ya hay una serie de estrategias en marcha para promover el uso de energías renovables y mejorar la movilidad urbana. Sin embargo, la implementación de estas estrategias, así como las empresas que las implementan, se encuentran agrupadas en las 4 delegaciones con mayor nivel económico y calidad de vida, mientras las otras se ven obligadas a tener un consumo a base de energías fósiles y una dependencia a los vehículos motorizados para poder moverse dentro de la ciudad.
On the other hand, in Vallejo, the situation is different. Although the electrical infrastructure in housing is also adequate, there is a red flag in access to electricity and the internet in the northern part of the area. The Vallejo I strategy still does not guarantee its realization, and no other strategy is being implemented in the area. This creates a marked division between the city and Vallejo, coupled with the trend of improving quality of life, although it passes nearby, tends to grow without touching the area.a series of strategies in place to promote the use of renewable energies and improve urban mobility. However, the implementation of these strategies, as well as the companies that implement them, are concentrated in the 4 delegations with the highest economic level and quality of life, while the others are forced to have a consumption based on fossil fuels and a dependence on motorized vehicles to move within the city.
Por otro lado, en Vallejo, la situación es diferente. Aunque la infraestructura eléctrica en la vivienda también es adecuada, se evidencia una foco rojo en el acceso a la electricidad y al internet en el norte de la zona. La estrategia Vallejo I aún no garantiza su realización, y ninguna otra estrategia está siendo implementada en el predio. Esto crea una división marcada entre la ciudad y Vallejo, aunado a que la tendencia de ampliación de calidad de vida, aunque pasa cerca, tiende a crecer sin tocar el predio.
Based on the conclusions drawn, pertinent opportunities affecting the electrical infrastructure are identified in Vallejo. These include:
1. Lack of effective implementation of urban development and improvement strategies
2. Higher CO2 pollution caused by industrial activity, especially by medium-sized industry.
3. Lack of adequate infrastructure to ensure the quality of life of residents, including transportation and public spaces.
4. Poverty in access to basic services such as electricity and internet, especially in the northern area of the property.
Recognizing the broader context and understanding that issues are interconnected within a system impacting multiple sectors simultaneously, it is evident that the identified challenges in Vallejo share strong ties with those encountered by other teams, notably in environmental and urban infrastructure opportunities.
With this understanding, it becomes apparent that the array of issues in Vallejo affects all social sectors, and by addressing them appropriately, the existing disparities in the territory can be mitigated.
Basándonos en las conclusiones obtenidas, se identifican oportunidades pertinentes que afectan a la infraestructura eléctrica en Vallejo. Estas incluyen:
1. Falta de implementación efectiva de estrategias de desarrollo y mejoramiento urbano.
2. Mayor contaminación de CO2 causada por la actividad industrial, especialmente por parte de la industria mediana.
3. Carencia de infraestructura adecuada para garantizar la calidad de vida de los residentes, incluyendo transporte y espacios públicos.
4. Pobreza en el acceso a servicios básicos como electricidad e internet, especialmente en el norte del predio.
Reconociendo el contexto más amplio y comprendiendo que los problemas están interconectados dentro de un sistema que afecta a múltiples sectores simultáneamente, resulta evidente que los desafíos identificados en Vallejo comparten fuertes vínculos con los encontrados por otros equipos, especialmente en oportunidades relacionadas con el medio ambiente y la infraestructura urbana.
Con esta comprensión, se hace evidente que la variedad de problemas en Vallejo afecta a todos los sectores sociales, y al abordarlos adecuadamente, se pueden mitigar las disparidades existentes en el territorio.
level of vulnerability does the community that lives, supports and operates in Azcapotzalco have?
It denotes lack or absence of essential elements for subsistence and personal development, and insufficiency of the necessary tools to abandon disadvantaged, structural or circumstantial situations.
Age and gender in Azcapotzalco
The total population of Azcapotzalco in 2020 was 432,205 inhabitants, with 52.6% women and 47.4% men.
The age ranges that concentrated the largest population were 30 to 34 years (34,905 inhabitants), 25 to 29 years (34,405 inhabitants) and 35 to 39 years (33,162 inhabitants). Among them they concentrated 23.7% of the total population.
While in the population of older adults, these being people over 60 years of age, the mayor’s office had 78,650 older adults: 45,565 women (57.9%) and 33,085 men (42.1%). Older adults represented 18.2% of the total population of Azcapotzalco in 2020.
(Azcapotzalco: Economía, Empleo, Equidad, Calidad De Vida, Educación, Salud Y Seguridad Pública | Data México, n.d.)
La población total de Azcapotzalco en 2020 fue 432,205 habitantes, siendo 52.6% mujeres y 47.4% hombres.
Los rangos de edad que concentraron mayor población fueron 30 a 34 años (34,905 habitantes), 25 a 29 años (34,405 habitantes) y 35 a 39 años (33,162 habitantes). Entre ellos concentraron el 23.7% de la población total.
Mientras que a la población de adultos mayores, siendo estos, las personas mayores de 60 años, la alcaldía tenía 78,650 adultos mayores: 45,565 mujeres (57.9%) y 33,085 hombres (42.1%). Los adultos mayores representaban el 18.2% de la población total de Azcapotzalco en 2020.
Total population 432 205
Half of the population is 37 years old or younger
There are 90 men for every 100 women
There are 40 people of dependency age for every 100 of productive age
Female population in Azcapotzalco
Elderly population in Azcapotzalco
Male population
Young population in Azcapotzalco
San Pedro Garza García has been aclaimed as one of the safest municipalities in the country
With only 160 complaints the same month, being domestic violence the most common one with 32 against Azcapotzalco´s 90 complaints
24 robbery complaints compared with Azcapotzalco´s 274 and 1 sexual harassment complaints compared to 12 in Azcapotzalco
Limitations in Azcapotzalco´s population
Vulnerable population in Azcapotzalco
Educational level in women EDUCATIONAL VULNERABILITY
Educational level in men
Labor distribution in Mexico city
The occupations with the most workers during the third quarter of 2023 in Mexico City were Sales Employees, Dispatchers and Clerks in Shops (304k), Merchants in Establishments (250k) and Drivers of Buses, Trucks, Vans, Taxis and Automobiles of Passengers (162k).
Las ocupaciones con más trabajadores durante el tercer trimestre de 2023 de la Ciudad de México fueron Empleados de Ventas, Despachadores y Dependientes en Comercios (304k), Comerciantes en Establecimientos (250k) y Conductores de Autobuses, Camiones, Camionetas, Taxis y Automóviles de Pasajeros (162k).
Inequality between the municipalities
The Gini coefficient or index is a statistical measure designed to represent the distribution of the inhabitants’ income, specifically, inequality. Between these. Indices closer to 0 represent more equity among its inhabitants, while values close to 1 express maximum inequality among its population. In 2020, in Mexico City, the municipalities with the lowest social inequality, according to the GINI index, were: Milpa Alta (0.364), Azcapotzalco (0.368), Benito Juárez (0.369), Tláhuac (0.375) and Gustavo A. Madero (0.378).
El coeficiente o índice de Gini, es una medida estadística diseñada para representar la distribución de los ingresos de los habitantes, en concreto, la inequidad entre estos. Índices más cercanos a 0, representan más equidad entre sus habitantes, mientras que valores cercanos a 1, expresan máxima inequidad entre su población.
Economically and non-economically active population in Azcapotzalco
In Azcapotzalco, the non-economically active population is defined mainly by students and people in charge of household chores, making up a total of 35% of the population.
While the remaining 64.8% are economically active.
En Azcapotzalco, la población no económicamente activa se define mayormente por estudiantes y personas a cargo de las tareas del hogar, sumando un total del 35% de la población. Mientras que otro 64.8% se encuentra económicamente activa.
Poverty in Azcapotzalco
MIGRATION Migration causes
Young people
Elderly people Students
There are not enough green areas
40% of the population does not have access to the internet, a necessary good
Increase in CO2 emissions due to automobile crowding
50% of workers income goes into their basic basket
The population with active the
Vallejo produces 66 Tons of Co2 due to the use of motorized transportationWorkers with families
population is of working age, with men being the most active and also those with the shortest life expectancy.
Families living in the outskirts of the zone
Women in risk and vulnerable status
If energy transition is the path towards decarbonisation...
The disproportionate impact of climate change in the global south can also be regarded as a crisis of energetic injustice. Countries like Mexico present slower decarbonization progress due to political constraints, low economic flexibility, insufficient energetic infrastructure, and reduced access to innovation. Cities consume 75% of global energy generation. Therefore, how can they effectively follow the path towards transition?
When properly addressed, this urgent endeavor can meaningfully impact social, political, economical, environmental, urban and energetic sectors in cities. Official instruments such as the Vallejo-I program attempt to advance sustainability, seeking the participation of those in power. Nevertheless, these top-down models are rarely effective at integrating and empowering civil society.
A decarbonised Vallejo embraces horizontal interrelations between its authorities, industry, businesses, workers, residents and all other impacted actors. This ideal must be reflected through collective, efficient, kind and pleasing spaces. Our vision spans eight dimensions and strives towards an urban landscape that incentivises energetic transition, guiding the present towards a desirable future.
where do we stand? what are we doing? where should we go? how can we get there? what is our vision for Vallejo’s future?
El impacto desproporcionado del cambio climático en el sur global también puede reconocerse como una crisis de injusticia energética. Países como México muestran un progreso de descarbonización más lento debido a restricciones políticas, baja flexibilidad económica, infraestructura energética insuficiente, y acceso reducido a innovación. Las ciudades consumen 75% de la generación energética mundial, entonces ¿cómo pueden ser eficientes en su camino hacia la transición?
Si actuamos sobre este urgente esfuerzo, se puede mejorar significativamente los sectores energético social, político, económico, ambiental, y urbano en las ciudades. Instrumentos oficiales como el programa Vallejo-I procuran promover la descarbonización, buscando la participación de autoridades, industrias y negocios. Sin embargo, estos modelos verticales difícilmente son efectivos en integrar y empoderar la sociedad civil.
Un Vallejo descarbonizado abraza interrelaciones horizontales entre sus autoridades, industrias, negocios, trabajadores, residentes y otros actores impactados. Este ideal debe ser reflejado a través de espacios colectivos, eficientes, generosos y placenteros. Nuestra visión abarca ocho dimensiones, cultivando un ambiente urbano que incentiva la transición energética, guiando el presente hacia un futuro deseable.
Power to the people
Within a vibrant community, inhabitants synergize towards collaborative and innovative endeavors, integrating distributed energy sources such as solar and wind. Strategic deployment of intelligent distribution networks enhances energy efficiency and balances supply with demand. Through diminishing dependence on centralized utilities and championing sustainable initiatives, these communities forge resilience and environmental guardianship. Such integration of community values into political decisions promises a path towards a brighter and more sustainable tomorrow.
Industry: Stop greediness
The “conscious industry” integrates sustainability, social responsibility and environmental care in production. Strategies include sustainability education, tax incentives for environmentally friendly practices, stricter environmental regulations, government support for clean technologies, collaborative partnerships between companies, and certifications for commitment to sustainability. These measures promote a conscious industry in Vallejo Industrial, which seeks not only economic benefit, but also positive social and environmental impact.
Make it a conversation
To facilitate the energy transition towards sustainable sources, policy actions include the establishment of ambitious renewable energy targets, incentives for energy efficiency and transport electrification, as well as carbon policies. Modernization of electrical infrastructure, public education, international collaboration and attention to social inclusion are key components. This comprehensive approach seeks to ensure widespread adoption of sustainable practices and mitigate the impacts of climate change, creating a cleaner and more resilient energy future.
Hey! down to earth
Energy management focused on saving and reusing energy, water and waste, supported by efficient technologies in electricity consumption and the use of natural resources. Also, an energy production system located on the property to avoid loss during transportation, thus saving on electricity bills. Good maintenance and care of the electrical network is important to avoid overloading it.
Unleash earth´s power
Promoting the use of renewable energies and cogeneration systems in those processes that require energy, to make them more efficient and environmentally friendly. Using clean energy sources such as solar, eolic and biomass would reduce CO2 emissions and dependence on fossil fuels, maintaining Vallejo’s industrial activity and offering an alternative to its processes. Regarding the mobility of the area, electrification, use of biofuels and the planning and organization of the area will contribute to a sustainable and respectful mobility..
Even ground for all
Que la energía de la zona Vallejo sea asequible, basta y digna. Para que sus trabajadores y habitantes cuenten con servicios básicos, eficientes y necesarios acorde a sus necesidades, luchando para evitar la pobreza energética y combatiendo con la actual marginación y vulnerabilidad social. Con energía accesible, se fomenta la educación, la salud y la innovación, creando un mundo más justo y sostenible para todos.
Change < Evolve
When a space is flexible and adaptable, it responds easily to different functions and use models, it is about being able to transform to satisfy individual or collective needs throughout its useful life. Resilience is a way of understanding life through perseverance and optimism, giving opportunities to species and spaces to flourish from adversity. By designing and deciding from a future and empathetic perspective, we are taking another step towards communities for all and shared, kind and regenerative places to live.
Every meter counts
A memory, a lost opportunity, places outside the urban system, residue of an expansion that once occurred. The occupation of large surfaces generates an urban continuum where the exception is free spaces, these being those that appear between urban plots, this disintegration has generated voids. These “non-places” could be recognized as an opportunity for restructuring and expansion, but also as a promise for a brighter future where they can rejoin urban dynamics and networks in order to provide hope and expectations to communities in need.