100 K Loctician Book Review

Page 26


to CEO


Copyright 2023 Sherri Vinson

All rights reserved. No part of this e-book may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior expressed written of the publisher or copyright owners – except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions for 100K Loctician,” at the address.

Loc Pro University 25 E. Beaver St. Jacksonville, Fl 32202

Research and Content: Sherri Vinson

Cover and Interior Design: Keep It Movin Management

First Edition 2023

WELCOME About the Book

Having locs has become very popular.

The reality is more men, women, and children have locs. As a cosmetologist or loctician, you need the tools and skills to capitalize in the natural hair market.

My goal is to give you these needed foundational tools to build a successful business as a loctician.

-Sherri V.

100K Loctician| Hustler to CEO| All Rights Reserved.
TABLE OF CONTENTS 01 CHAPTER BecomingaLoctician 02 CHAPTER FindingYourClientele 03 CHAPTER HowtoSetYourPricing 04 CHAPTER CustomerService 05 CHAPTER LocTechniques 06 CHAPTER BusinessIntegrity 07 CHAPTER BusinessFinances 08 CHAPTER GoGetIt! 09 CHAPTER Resources 100K Loctician| Hustler to CEO| All Rights Reserved.

Becoming A Loctician


Becoming A Loctican

The first step in becoming a Professional Locitican is to understand locs.

Like anything else having a formula that works on 99.99 percent of clients will help you build and move through your clients more smoothly.

Your formula is Shampoo+ Conditioner + Maintenance Products

Lets break down the formula.

These are the top 4 types of shampoos regularly used with locs:

Moisturizing shampoo

Clarifying shampoo

Neutralizing shampoo

Dry shampoo


Most regular shampoos are not suitable for washing locs. This includes moisturizing and emulsifying shampoos. They contain fragrances, conditions, softeners and other synthetic additives that lubricate the hair, stopping the locking process. Locs tend to hold more residue than natural or straight hair.

Clarifying shampoo deep cleans, clearing out build-up in the hair and scalp from extended use of styling products like gel or edge control.

Neutralizing shampoo is used to restore the natural pH balance to your hair. This is especially needed when coloring locs.

Dry shampoo isn't a shampoo. it simply absorbs hair oils opposed to cleaning it from the scalp. These shampoo are similar to the astringent Seabreeze. They are for quick cleaning of the scalp.

My "secret shampoo" isn't a shampoo at all.

It's a SOAP! Castile Soap!

1. 2 3. 4.
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As a Loc Pro you must know what's good for a client, but what's best for ALL clients. Castile soap does the job of cleaning the hair and scalp, stimulating the scalp, and adding oils back to the hair.

In my 20 years of doing hair, I absolutely love It. Determine your clients needs before choosing the best shampoo. You will find sometimes you will need a combination of shampoos.

For example: when coloring locs, you would first use a neutralizing shampoo, then follow up with a moisturizing shampoo.

Conditioner: Standard conditioner vs. Leave-in Conditioner

Standard conditioners instruct us to apply to hair, let sit for 15 minutes, then rinse with cold water. These conditioners sit on TOP of the hair and leave residue.

Leave-in conditioners work the best for locs.

Be careful, there's are some extremely creamy leave-ins that will cause build up also on the locs.

As you try different leave-in conditions, take mental notes of how the locs are absorbing the conditioner. If you notice the conditioner sitting on top of the locs, that's a definite sign that you will have build-up later.

Product: Raining Aloe- Hydrating Leave in Conditioner

Free of Phthalates PEG's Dyes


Maintenance Products: Creams. vs. Gels vs. Oils

Now that you have cleansed and moisturized the locs, maintenance is the last step in the formula. Here you wanna choose universal products that DO NOT CAUSE BUILD-UP in the locs.

Creams can (and are more likely) to cause the most build-up in the locs. Most creams are butter-based and most hair types don't take well to heavy products. In some cases creams are needed to help train coarse hair.

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Gels can make the maintenance process very smooth. The new growth looks amazing when using gels, however they are full of alcohol that causes itching and flacking to the scalp. As a Loc Pro, there are better options. You want your client's locs to feel and look clean days later after leaving your chair.

Oil is the perfect universal product that works on 99% of hair types.

Use oils that add moisture to the locs like olive, aloe and castor oil.

Your clients can easily apply oils to their locs.

Please educate your clients on recommended products to use at home.

Product: Raining Aloe- Anti-itch & Hair Growth Oil

Free of Phthalates PEG's

Artificial Fragrance



With this simple formula, you will be able to achieve a high level of service, most importantly a long term client. Clients are fully trusting you with their locs. If any there's any build-up, breaking, or dryness with their hair, they will be looking to you for the answers.

Keep it simple and you will win every time!

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Cosmetology School

A Cosmetology license is not required, but is strongly recommended for you to become a professional loctician. I started doing hair in 1999 has a hair braider. I was junior in high school when my mother took me to get my first hair braider's license. I serviced for 15 years with only that license. I worked in cosmetology salons next to stylists doing weaves, relaxers, and color. This is where I sharpened my skills doing locs. Little did I know, I was illegally operating as a cosmetologist.

The title "loctican" wasn't really heard of at that time, nor was it popular to be doing locs. Technically all I could do under a braiders license was shampoo hair, use grease (yes Blue Magic grease!) and use a comb and brush.

Adding hair extensions, hair coloring, and using other styling products were restricted. Those services required a Hair Wrapping License. I gained a good level of success with a braider's license but I also lost some great opportunities because I didn't have a cosmetology license.

I went back to school in 2016 for a full cosmetology license. It was one of the hardest things for me to do at that point in my life. To be honest, I didn't enjoy cosmetology school AT ALL! Imagine being a stylist for 15 years, owning 2 salons, competing in hair shows, styling on hair teams, having NFL and RnB artist clients, becoming an award winning locticain/braider, and now you are back to roller sets and jerry curls!

THAT was my life and I was miserable. I knew every day I wasn't going to do ONE jerry curl service when I graduated. I also knew I had to follow through in order to go to the next level in my career. 14 months later, I became a cosmetologist!

Yaayyyy me!

The opportunities that have opened up just from having a cosmo license is amazing. I became a cosmetologist specializing in locs. You need a cosmo license for the industry, but the schools don't teach you how to do locs. It's important you seek continuing education with a loctican. Ask questions and model techniques from your mentor.

The goal is to be well-versed with styles and techniques so you can have longevity in the industry. Research your state's requirements to obtain a license.

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Finding Your Clientele


Finding Your Clientele

Shop for Your Clients

When you are looking for a car, you go to the dealership. When you looking for shoes, you go to the shoe store. When you want quality clients, you go to restaurants, workplaces, banks. Social media is a great tool to find specific clients you want, and you have direct contact with them. Only go for the clients YOU WANT!

When I first started I gave any and everybody my cards just to feel accomplished and that's just the kind of clients I got in return. Clients wanting discounts, Clients not respecting my business, clients showing up late or not showing up at all. I also got clients that valued my time, had careers, and wanted a stylist for their family. Be intentional with the client you are looking for.

When approaching clients, this will be their first impression so remember to be professional.

Word of Mouth

There's an old saying, "word of mouth travels fast" and it's absolutely true. One client brings another client. It becomes a chain reaction on the type of clients you start attracting. I give my clients a good experience and I trust they'll share their experience to the right friends and family members.

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How to Set Your Pricing



How to Set Your Pricing

What are your starting prices?

What price range do you want to be at?

Your skill set will determine where you end up! If you charge $65.00 for maintenance and style and you want to charge $125.00 instead, your client's experience needs to be on point. This includes the shampoo, locing technique, and style.

Pay attention to small details like trimming frizz, laying edges and nape hair, leaving a lasting fragrance, and style durability. These make all the difference in your client's experience. Start your prices based off your current market.

As you increase your skills, your value goes up and so will your prices!

*Refer to Charts and Resources

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Customer Service


Quality of Service

On every pricing level there is a client for you.

Question is, are you the stylist for that level of client?

Yes, we all want a client who will pay hundreds of dollars for our services, but realistically is your service really worth that amount?

You must take into account your skill level and the experience you provide for your client. If you are advertising on Craigslist or operating out of a dirty salon, you are ABSOLUTELY NOT providing an experience worth hundreds of dollars. Think about the places you want to spend your money. You want your clients to say, “my service was worth every dollar spent.” Your clients want to feel they look good.

It’s your job to provide that!

Price Increase

The key to pricing is flexibility. Every client can’t and won’t pay high service prices so have a range of prices that you will accept.

For example: Your Loc maintenance prices range from $60-90. This creates room for you and your client to be flexible. This also ensures that you to get paid even if it's not your max pay out.

Gradually increase your prices. In my experience going up $5 per month is the most effective method to increase your prices. Think about it like this, your service price is $60 and your client pays $65 ($5 tip included). They're already giving $5 extra, so increase your base price from $60 to $65. Use the $5.00 method when you want increase your prices. Increase monthly or as you see fit.

Continue to build your prices, especially catering to veteran clients. You may experience push back and even lose some clients. Pay attention to how your clients are responding to your price changes.

Yes, it’s your business but ultimately your clients have to be able to pay your prices. Find your sweet spot and stick with it. This method helped me to get my desired price point. Here's the game!

04 Customer Service 100K Loctician| Hustler to CEO| All Rights Reserved.

Customer Service

Customer Service

Treating clients right is another key to your business. Word of mouth will travel far beyond where you can go alone and where you skills will take you. The client's experience start from the booking process. When they call to make appointment, be patient and answer all questions. If you don’t know the answer, don’t give one. Instead, say, "I’m not sure of that."

Give references for them to get to their hair goals. Be truthful at all times. Selling clients a dream just to make a dollar will catch up and kill your business in the end! You will be exposed! Your clients should be having an experience with you, so pour into them, listen to them, counsel them.

Resolving Conflicts

In resolving conflicts, being the stylist does not make you right. The customer will not always be right either, but there is always a compromise that can be used to help resolve issues. If any inconveniences arise between you and your client, take accountability for it.

Apologize and correct the issue. You would rather have your client say, “we had an issue but my stylist and I resolved it." As opposed to, “I don’t like how I was treated. I won’t go back“.

Your clients will tell the good and the bad about you and your business.


Creating the Environment

Your salon/suite should reflect you or project the mood you want your clients to experience. I have owned three salons. They've all had different vibes. My third salon was my favorite. My energy set the tone and my clients could feel my mood the second they walked through the doors.

The salon was a space of peace and education.

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Let me paint the picture for you:

Dimmed lights in the shampoo room as peppermint essential oil diffused the air.

Jazz, gospel, or RnB music in the background.

Martin and Hidden Colors playing on television.

One-on-one space for intimate conversation.

PBL (Purebelle Locs) Loc Art on the wall.

Raining Aloe Hair & Skin Products stocked on the shelves.

Complimentary fresh-pressed juices, water, and champagne in the mini fridge.

Grass wall by the door for post-service selfies....


What type of environment do you want to create?

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Customer Service
your clients craving to be in your space. The salon is and will be your second home.


Customer Service

Meditate before doing hair to cover your energy. You will be your clients' therapist daily. Over time you can become overwhelmed by other's issues and emotions.

If meditation is not your thing, listening to soothing music may help. Personally, I ride to work in silence or listen to gospel music. This helps me get my mind and spirit right before interacting with clients. I recommend saging and cleansing your space on your off day.

My practice is to air-write “love” with sage on the walls, create small circles while speaking peace over my chair, and sage around my arms, head, hands, and feet. Your work environment is yours FIRST.

Your clients are invited in your space for a short period during their service time.

What is your cleansing routine?

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Loc Techniques


Loc Techniques


Styling locs is the meat and potatoes of your service. Styles change with the times. Knowing the foundation of styles will give you an advantage through changing trends. For example: the Loc Bobb is on fire right now! In a few months another style will be trending but please believe you will have clients still wanting that Loc Bobb for years to come Skills are timeless

I’d love to show you step-by-step how to do some trending loc styles through my YouTube channel (Purebellelocs904 ) or Loc Pro University. Scan the QR Code to see Youtube Tutorials.

The basics of loc maintenance consist of locing techniques, product knowledge, and styling skills.

There are three locing techniques:

Palm Rolling



Palm Rolling is the most common locing technique. You maintain the loc by gathering the new growth and rolling the loc clockwise between your hands. Rolling the loc from mid hand to palm Repeat this until the new growth is smooth and laid down. Apply clips and dry the locs.

Interlocking is a technique used for active, tender-headed, and clients with curly hair. Using an interlocking tool you want to create a “T” which will put small knots in the new growth until it’s tightened to the roots of the locs. Follow these directions: Insert hook from bottom to top, left to right, bottom to top, right to left. Repeat this pattern until all new growth is tightened. Make sure you leave some wiggle room next to the scalp while tightening. This gives room for the hair to draw up once it’s dry.

Clients live by the hair myth, "If it’s tight, it’s being done right."

Interlocking can hurt. I express to my clients, “Please speak up. If you feel it now, you will feel it later.

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Loc Techniques

Interlocking Continued...

”As a loctician it’s your job to think ahead for your clients. Make the best judgement call for them. If the interlock looks too tight and the client says, “Naw I'll be ok,” read in between the lines. Take that answer as a “yes it’s tight ” and loosen the interlock.

Most commonly used Interlocking Tool.

Crocheting repairs and to install loc extensions. The crochet tool comes in 1-3 head needles. The one-head needle is commonly used in videos. My favorite is the threehead needle. It’s more advanced and gets the job done much faster than a single needle.

For loc maintenance, gather the hair you want to put back into the locs, then insert the needle into the new growth closest to the mature loc (not by the scalp). Use an in-and-out motion to pull the strands of hair from the outside to the middle of the loc.

Repeat this motion until all loose hairs are connected to the loc. I have a video here for you to watch demonstrating this technique.

Scan the QR code to review tutorial.

This takes time to perfect, but once you learn it, your clientele can be diversified.

With this you can work with Asian, Caucasian, and Dominican textured locs.

Most commonly used Crocheting Tools.

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Let’s take a small break. How is the book so far, and do you feel as though I am I delivering some good information?

I’d like to introduce myself. I’m Sherri V. I’ve been a loctician for 20 years. The information I’m sharing with you has definitely been tried and proven throughout my career as a loctician.

Born in Jacksonville, Florida, I started braiding hair at the age of 13. Over the years, I took those early braiding skills and transformed my life from hustling (just to make money) to growing a successful business.

Having more fun and celebrating the small wins is something I wish I did more. Let's celebrate YOU right now for investing into your knowledge of growing your business.

It’s hard being an entrepreneur, but dammit it’s worth it! Throughout my career, I opened a salon called Purebelle Locs Natural Hair, launched my hair and skin care line Raining Aloe, won natural hair competitions, hosted educational loc expos, held 1-on-1 mentorship classes, and have been featured in hair magazines. My passion is to serve through educating professional and aspiring locticians. Outside of the salon, I like competitive activities like bowling, boxing, and air hockey. I enjoy watching National Geographic programs, getting massages, and learning about herbal remedies.

What kind of things do you enjoy outside of the salon?

Now that you know a little bit about me, I won’t keep you any longer.

Let’s get back to the money!

Business Integrity


There’s rules to the hair game. These rules are spoken and unspoken.

Being an honest person should always remain a priority.

Let’s go over some basic hair rules shall we?

DO NOT be possessive over clients: Your clients will CHOOSE to continue doing business with you. Being a stylist isn't just how well you style hair. Your personality, spirit, and how you make clients feel all play a part in their experience.

DO NOT steal clients: There is no such thing as stealing a client. Clients choose who they want to do business with. If a stylist is talking bad about another stylist, using their position (such as an assistant or apprentice) to manipulate clients, or contacting clients after leaving a salon is not good stylist etiquette. Always have integrity! You will not be prosperous long term by being shady!

DO NOT mislead clients: If you don’t know something, be upfront about it. Consultations serve as a safe place for you and the client to consult about their hair goals. If you can not help, refer them out and LET THEM GO.

Hard Times

Life happens to all of us! We all go through things, but we still have to show up. I've done hair while going through a breakup, quarter-life crisis, car issues.

My biggest obstacle was being diagnosed with Polycystic Kidney Disease and I still showed up! I couldn’t show up for myself but I was determined to show up for my clients.

For months, I was devastated about the news but I couldn’t overwhelm my clients with it. I turned to my stylist-sister, Tracie, who is also a loctician.

We have the same values when it comes to serving clients. She was able to support me during that time.

06 Integrity 100K Loctician| Hustler to CEO| All Rights Reserved.

My dearest friend, Sherri Vinson, has been suffering with her kidneys for a while. I will never forget the day I found her crying at her place of business. That’s when she told me about her kidney issues and her father passed away from the disease.

After that conversation, I went home and cried like a baby. My husband asked me what was wrong. All I could say was, "Please pray for my friend. I don’t want to lose her." Sherri and I prayed and shared sermons for encouragement and believing (like we still do).

Since 2016, she has been dealing with her kidney levels going up and down which has been a very emotional rollercoaster for her, her family, and friends. We have prayed, cried, and had long talks to help her stay motivated. But I must say, Sherri is really a SHERO for all of US. She shows up and show out even when I know she is not at 100%. Her spirit and strength is a force like no other.

Throughout all of this, she still had the muscle to maintain her businesses and family. She believes in working out and eating right all while encouraging us to do the same. And as always, I love and support Sherri!

I am always in continuous prayer for my amazing, strong friend who has the biggest heart, Ms. Sherri Vinson.

Thank you.

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A Note from Tracie Lee:
Tracie Lee

Becoming more selfless is the key to longevity in this game. Doing hair you will change some of your ways. If you are a selfish person, you probably will not make it long in the industry.

“The wise will hear and increase their learning, And the person of understanding will acquire wise counsel and the skill.”

Proverbs 1:5 AMP

And that's BIBLE!

Your clientele will grow. Trust YOUR process.

As a stylist (who's ACCEPTING MONEY) you have an obligation to show up and be consistent. This is the part of the game where love and dedication kicks in.

The Alternative: 9-5 job vs. BYOB (Build Your Own Business)

I'm sure we both remember those 9-5 corporate jobs days. Waking up at 6am for an 8am shift, half sleep, slowly getting dressed, and rushing to leave just to get stuck in traffic. You finally make it to work, fast walking to the building, then you realize you left your badge in the car.

Ugh! Turn around! Finally in the building, you pass and wave at extra perky co-workers knowing it's too early. It’s 7:59am and you can’t wait to be off at 5pm. Don’t let 5:05pm come and you still haven’t clocked out, now you ready to quit!

This job scenario was real for me for years before I decided to JUMP.

I will always remember this as the alternative to building my own business and playing by my own rules.

Here's a video to stay encouraged.

Scan the QR Code to watch "Steve HarveyJump Video".

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Firing Clients

All money ain't good money! Some clients will talk to you any kind of way because they are spending money with you! Don’t, I repeat don’t let anyone disrespect your business.

There are 3 types of clients to look out for:

The “No call No show” client

The “Non-payment” client

The “Not happy, Always complaining” client

These three clients are non negotiable in my world. No call, no show clients know they can’t make it. This type of client will continuously waste your time. Stop them after the first and definitely after the second time you see this red flag.


Non-payment clients are those who swears they didn’t know the prices, their card doesn’t work, or they need to pay you at a later time. Your business can’t survive off promises. With them, you run the risk of not getting paid at all. If you don’t stop them IMMEDIATELY, they will continue to ask for payment favors.


Some clients will never be satisfied with any service you provide to them. They will question your knowledge and they will try to use dissatisfaction as a way to get discounts. They'll also have you correcting services you know we’re done correctly just so they can get another style or service for free. There’s plenty of stylist out there. It’s ok if they need someone else. Simple say, “Hey (client) you haven’t been happy with your service here the past few visits. I don’t think I’m the stylist for you. I’ll be more than happy to refer you to someone else.” Release them.


Letting clients go can be difficult. Protect your peace because that’s your entrepreneurial superpower. We have been trained to be on the disposable side of business. Now, you have the power to cultivate your own business structure.

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Business Finances


Making cash or getting debit card transactions everyday is a blessing. Budgeting and saving your money is a major key to your success. There will be times of drought and there will be times of overflow.

How you manage these times are important.


Budget- an estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time. Know your numbers. Know what’s coming in and what’s going out. Spend only on what you need instead of spending money just because you you're going to make it right back. I have learned some important lessons about money over the years.

Save money now and it will save you later When your clients' life change, your life changes Save for your own retirement

Saving money is a skill. Once you put it away, FORGET IT! I have practiced a few different savings methods. The envelope system is my favorite, considering we deal in cash.

Set a savings goal. It can be as small as $500 to $10,000.

Number the envelopes 1-52 (number of weeks). Place a dollar amount on the envelope for each week.

For example:

Week 1 - $25, Week 2 - $50, week 3 - $75, Week 4 - $100. That totals $250 a month x 12 months = $3,000 a year. The weekly dollar amount depends on your savings goal.

Trust me, life will throw you rainy days and you will need a cushion in your finances. Because of saving, I was able to take off for a month, go on tour with The Legion of Glam, and visit family without financial worries.

That’s the level of abundance and freedom we're striving for. Once you master the discipline of saving, you can truly enjoy your entrepreneurial freedom.

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Clients lives will change. They will get promotions, relocate, become ill, and loose employment. When these things happen, getting their hair done becomes less of a priority. Now your income has been compromised. You may need to adjust by pulling from your savings to fill in the gaps of lost income.


Growing up we are educated on working corporate jobs for years in order to get social security and a 401K plan. These benefits are available in the beauty industry if you work for corporate hair companies like Hair Cuttery. You will have to create and fund these benefits on your own working behind the chair. Having a retirement plan is important.

After 20 years, I didn't have a retirement! I learned about managing finances late in my career. In addition, I was too busy raising a child to see the importance of creating retirement fund. I pray you are fortunate enough to see 20 years in your career and that you plan your finances accordingly. Only you can set yourself up for success in the long run.

I have included some charts that will help you keep track of your finances. Learning how to manage money is definitely not taught but it’s the most important part of business sustainability. For starters, practice saving 1 client at minimum a week. Try to keep your expenses at 50-60% of your income. I do understand that might not be possible at first but eventually as you make more money, continue keep your expenses down.

Alternative Income Streams

Here are some alternatives ways to supplement your income as a locitian:

Develop a product line Provide education classes Monetize your content
07 Retirement 100K Loctician| Hustler to CEO| All Rights Reserved.

Product Line:

Your clients trust you and they will trust your brand. The game is called Private Labeling. This is where you find a company that makes the product and you brand it. You have options to develop or recreate a product. The internet has made it so easy to get information on vendors, so take advantage of this resource.

Cosmetologists are making millions yearly from product sales. Raining Aloe Hair and Skin Products is my baby. She was made specifically for locs and natural hair, but can be used on all hair types. Retail products to increase your monthly or yearly income goals by $500-$3,000+


are a few vendors to start

1. Dreamline beauty


2. Envii Labs


3.Genesis Private Label


4. Tropical Products


5. Alibaba


07 Retirement 100K Loctician| Hustler to CEO| All Rights Reserved.

Education Classes

As a professional loctician of 20 years, it’s only right to serve and share my knowledge. No one has reached success without learning from someone else. Whatever you know, teach it! As an educator you will always be a student of the game as well. Learn more so you can teach more!

Education is about service. I absolutely have a heart for teaching. I developed an educational program for locticians to learn called Loc Pro University.

All the knowledge I know about locs, business and life lessons are shared here. AGAIN, whatever you know, teach it!

Monetize Your Content

Social media is a monster when it comes to getting paid online for what you do. Platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram all have monetization options for your channel. Did you catch that? “YOUR CHANNEL.” Your social media is your own show and you should get paid for it.

Creating content is fairly simple. Record what you do in the salon daily.

The genius part is that you ARE the content. You are the lead character and your clients are co-cast. Your camera phone is your videographer and your platform is the production studio. Free and easy.

There are copy-writing rules, however, hundreds of free songs are available to add to your videos. YouTube is my favorite platform. Increase your monthly and yearly financial goals by $500-$2,000+.

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Go Get It!


You are a BOSS! You now have the formula, technique knowledge, product knowledge, and money management guidelines. These tools will help you along the way while building a successful business as a loctician.

Continue to seek education, mentors and don’t forget to serve along the way. Use these charts as maps to financial success in your personal and business life.

You Are A Loc Pro!

08 Go Get It! 100K Loctician| Hustler to CEO| All Rights Reserved.

Charts & Resources

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BUDGET Did you reach your financial goals this month? YES NO ALMOST

50k A Year Loc Pro Chart


$50,000 (YEAR) / 12 (MONTHS) = $4,166.00 (PER MONTH)

$4,166.00 (MONTH) / 4 (WEEKS) = $1,041.00 (A WEEK)

$1,041.00 (WEEK) / 5 (DAYS A WEEK) = $208.00 (PER DAY)

$208.00 (PER DAY) / $90.00 (SERVICE CHARGE) = 3 CLIENTS (PER DAY)

Adjust your price number if your service charge is higher or lower than $90.00. If your price is lower than $90.00remember increase your skill set in order to increase your prices. $90.00 is the average price for Loc maintenance.

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60k A Year Loc Pro Chart


$60,000 (YEAR)/ 12 (MONTHS) = $5,000 (PER MONTH)

$5,000(MONTH)/ 4 (WEEKS)= $1,250.00 (A WEEK)

$1,250 (WEEK)/ 5 (DAYS) = $250.00 (PER DAY)

$250.00 (DAY) / $90.00 (SERVICE CHARGE)= 4 CLIENTS (PER DAY)


$90.00 is your ideal price for basic services. You can make more money when doing speciality services like color and Loc repair

100K Loctician| Hustler to CEO| All Rights Reserved.

70k A Year Loc Pro Chart


$70,000 (YEAR)/ 12 (MONTHS)= $5,833.00 (PER MONTH)

$5,833.00 (PER MONTH)/ 4(WEEKS)= $1,458.00 (A WEEK)

$1,458.00 (PER WEEK)/ 5 (DAYS)= $292.00 (A DAY)

$292.00 (A DAY)/ $90 (SERVICE CHARGE)= 4 (CLIENTS A DAY)

100K Loctician| Hustler to CEO| All Rights Reserved.

80k A Year Loc Pro Chart


$80,000 (A YEAR)/ 12 (MONTH)= $6,667.00 (A MONTH)

$6,667.00 (A MONTH)/4 (WEEKS)= $1,667.00 (A WEEK)

$1,667.00 (A WEEK)/ 5 (DAYS)= $334.00 (A DAY)


100K Loctician| Hustler to CEO| All Rights Reserved.

90k A Year Loc Pro Chart


$90,000 (A YEAR)/12 (MONTH)= $7,500.00 (A MONTH)

$7,500.00 (A MONTH)/ 4(WEEKS)= $1,875.00 (A WEEK)

$1,875.00 (A WEEK)/5 (DAYS)= $375.00 (A DAY)

$375.00 ( A DAY)/$90.00 (SERVICE CHARGE)= 5 (CLIENTS A DAY)

100K Loctician| Hustler to
All Rights Reserved.

100k A Year Loc Pro Chart


$100,000 (A YEAR)/12(MONTHS)= $8,334.00 (A MONTH)

$8,334.00 (A MONTH)/4 (WEEKS)= $2,083.00 (A WEEK)

$2,083.00 ( A WEEK)/5 (DAYS)= $417.00.00 (A DAY)

$417.00 (A DAY)/$90.00 (SERVICE CHARGE)= 5 (CLIENTS A DAY)


100K Loctician| Hustler to CEO| All Rights Reserved.

09 Resources 100K Loctician| Hustler to CEO| All Rights Reserved. Links Raining Aloe Hair and Skin Products www.rainingaloehair.com Steve Harvey Jump https://youtu.be/y-952IaLtKM Purebellelocs YouTube https://youtube.com/@PurebelleLocs904 Proverbs Bible Verse https://bible.com/bible/1588/pro.1.5.AMP Featured story: Tracie Lee| Dreadloc Divas Loc Studio www.DreadlocDivas.com

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