Pure Magazine 02 EN

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follow the snow

{#02 EN} february 2012



was really excited. After a considerable

Experience and knowledge enabled Dave

snowfall, the beautiful cloudless day came.

to identify the threat. The first is gained in

Looking at the surrounding mountains and

the mountains, but the second one can be

I imagined marking my own lines on steep

learnt from others. That is why we want to be

slopes of the Japanese Alps. A passing car

helpful and share some remarks regarding

interrupted my meditation while I was stand-

changeable weather in the mountains and

ing outside my lodgings, ready to take an

give advice on ascending techniques for

action. A local guide Dave jumped out of

snowboarders. We also wish to encourage

the car. – Have you seen this line on the

you to explore the mountains away from the

left? – he dropped without saying hello. The

lifts. We also reveal pro-riders’ secrets of how

line? What is he talking about? Yes, there was

to keep fit.

a crack –a barely visible crown of a fresh

But first of all, we want to take you to some

huge avalanche. The beautiful morning and

interesting places in Poland, Austria and

the picture of a wonderful ride blinded me

Japan. After an exhausting snow chase, let’s

completely and I missed obvious signs of

look at ourselves from alternative perspective


presented by doctor Petri. Mac iek Le s z cz y ń sk i

The team E di tors

De sig n

To mek Dębiec

Ma rc i n Ku b ia k

Mac iek Leszczyński Photo pro c e ssi ng Col l aboration

Jo a n na Koz ek

Pio t r G nalicki To mek Gola

Pro of r e a der

E r w i n Gorczyca

To ma s z Fi ndys z

Ha n s Chri stian G ulsvik Ku b a Petri

Tr a nsl at ions

Ku b a Radliński

A n na Ma r ia Ro ma n

Ko s tek Strzelski cover photo: Darek Orlicz, rider: Simon Hofstädter

Contents 06 The land of

56 need for street

76 weather rules

66 Pro’s life

80 snowboard

damping snow 20 Powder on limestone 30 Blue bird

uphill 72 Ski manufacture

86 hyper-reality

38 powder day 44 austrian timing

we’re on facebook

rider: Jan Krzysztof Jr. photographer: Marcin Kin


for more info visit:


the l and of the heavenly snow

Hakuba, Japan During the season snowfall in some places can reach almost 10 meters. What’s more, over half of the area of this country is covered by mountains with the greatest number of ski lifts per person in the world. Paradise. wo rd s : Maciek Leszczyński p ho to s: author [ Holga], Hans Chri stian G u l sv i k


apan – exuding an aura of mystery, dis-

travelling all over Japan and experiencing

tinctness and exotics. It combines plenty

true taste of local color. You can familiarize

of contrasts. It’s the place where high-tech

with more traditional part of Japan without

intermingle with enigmatic, rich and centu-

bumping into crowds of tourists from all over

ries-old tradition.

the world.

For skiers and snowboarders Japan is the synonym of light dry powder which comes

Like Chamonix

in large amounts. Many riders bear in their

First problem I encountered was concerned

minds pictures of houses and cars buried un-

with choosing the right spot. I selected two

der heaps of snow and powdery sceneries of

resorts – Niseko and Hakuba. Niseko is

forests from the northern island – Hokkaido.

situated on Hokkaido, that is the northern

However, not many people know that up to

island, which is famous for great amounts

90% of the area of Japan is covered with

of snow. Hakuba is one of the most popular

mountains and highlands! If you combine it

resorts on the main island – Honshu. After

with heavy snow flurry, you will get heaven

consultation with Marek Doniec, who visited

on earth. In addition, well developed ski lift

Hokkaido multiple times and compared it to

facilitates exploration of local mountains. Part

Szczyrk (but with everyday plentiful supply

of this system is maintained to provide for the

of fresh powder) and hearing some rumours

needs of small communities, but it enables

about the purpose which attracted Xavier and

Jones to Hakuba (this is where the steepest

in thick snowy clouds, which was my experi-

and highest mountains are located) I chose

ence. It is said that there are days when the

the second option.

snowfall is about 20 centimetres an hour!

Hakuba is called Japanese Chamonix and

Hakuba and its close vicinity have whale of

is well-known for ski jumps and majestic

ski resorts on offer which provide access

Japanese Alps. I must admit that visiting

to high mountain areas. There is one more

high mountains was the most persuasive

thing to remember, some of these areas are


closed for backcountry riders (mainly due to

Arriving in Japan at the end of January and

the fact that these stretches of land belong

beginning of February guarantees perfect

to the national park and the ski patrol will

snow. However, probably you won’t see the

eagerly remind you about that. Meeting with

mountains yourself, as they will be enveloped

the patrol is very pleasant. You are welcomed

with utmost Japanese courtesy and given a

How it’s done in Japan

warning that even though you are the best

I spent few days on familiarizing with the area.

rider in the world undoubtedly being per-

Weather conditions were great for peaceful

fectly aware of the avalanche risk you should

warming-up – very low clouds and quite fine

know that your actions may inspire less expe-

snowfall. I was riding mainly close to the ski

rienced riders to try off-piste runs and it will

lift but combination of the terrain features

definitely pose risk of being trapped in very

and abundant snow provided incredible

dangerous situation. I recommend slowing


down a bit, as the second meeting may not

Queuing for the ski lifts in the smiling crowd

be as friendly as the first one.

of people craving for the fresh morning powder, I could observe all kinds of mono-ski or double-ski inventions – swallow tails, boards

Hakuba, Japan

with cut tails or gigantic noses, skis with mon-

During evening photo browsing you can

strous rockers or nonchalant reverse sidecut,

recognise rides only by goggles – huge

that leave all water skis in the shadow. Most

amount of snow won’t even allow for decid-

local riders probably have never skied on

ing whether it’s a skier or snowboarder. I

groomed slopes, that is why their gear is

resigned from shooting films with my small

adapted to surf exclusively in powder. I have

camera after the first day for the very simple

also seen extremely odd mono-ski, but have

reason – every video had the same screen-

no idea how it was possible to surf between

play: turn – plume of snow – turn – face shot

the trees on something like that.

– turn – face shot – turn – plume of snow …

After starting the lift a vicious fight for the

and so on, endlessly.

snow begins and the saying “there are no

Ordinary ride means bathing in arm-high

friends on powder day” becomes entirely un-

snow and not demanding pleasant surfing.

derstandable. Army of riders attacks nearby

More ambitious riders can count on extreme-

ski lifts and spreads on the slope. After a

ly steep sections and enormous snow pil-

while a whole bunch moves to more distant

lows, which settle on the trees. If weather

areas. It has some pluses, especially at the

conditions are good, it’s worth visiting higher

beginning of your stay in Hakuba, as it makes

alpine regions with beautiful and stunning

logistics and field reconnaissance easy – you

steep mountains where you can ride on huge

simply follow other riders. Don’t worry about

snow spines comparable to those found in

crowds. There is enough snow for everybody


and the number of face shots taken during

Despite all that beauty, we should remember

one day will double your hitherto statistics.

that these mountains are very steep, rich in

Blinding conditions and riding by heart are

snow and characterized by extremely treach-

usual here as light snow rising in the air cov-

erous land configuration – feet of the moun-

ers everything and sometimes even hinders

tains are usually hidden in deep narrow val-

proper breathing. In short – pure madness!

leys that is typical terrain traps. Unfortunately,

it’s supported by statistics on fatalities for

residents in this region, with extremely rich

this region.

and invaluable mountain experience. Some ski resorts made their areas accessible for

Away from the ski lifts

backcountry riders mainly due to his efforts.

After few warm-up days time for exploring

Dave is the most suitable person to show

more distant fields came. Before doing so,

you around local mountains. You could ask

I decided to meet Dave Enright who knows

me why. The answer is simple – he has

this place inside out. He is one of the oldest

been everywhere. He is the best source of

information on current snowpack conditions – if you need to know anything, contact Evergreen. We took few tours with the guys from Evergreen to escape crowds struggling to be the first on the ski lift. Areas around Tsugeike and Norikura are a real paradise. This spots offer nice rides through deciduous forests covered with fanciful huge pillows of snow. There is also quite a big chance to meet local steep masters – strange, shaggy creatures being hybrid of chamois, wolf and guinea pig called kamoshika. They roam the mountains and rush into marked ski pistes from time to time. I’ve

Hakuba, Japan

heard that they sometimes sleep on snow

man (not the only one in this area) who hav-

pillows, which settled on very low branches.

ing wonderful Alaskan ranges just behind

Slopes in this location are slightly inclined

his door got fascinated with Japan, local

and run through sparse forests covered with

climate and mountains and decided to visit

few meters high fabulous snow carpet. Using

Hakuba every year to monitor fabulous snow,

existing infrastructure is a good idea – you

provide guiding services and conduct ava-

can finish one round in the ski resort and

lanche skills training. You must admit that it’s

climb higher areas what will save some time

perfect recommendation for Hakuba and its

and allow for marking few more lines.

freeride potential.

Unfortunately, during my entire stay in Japan

Without much thinking I signed up for the

weather conditions and avalanche risk ham-

training on the first term available – the op-

pered expeditions to alpine areas, so we

portunity to participate in the training con-

and other snow tourists had to limit tours to

ducted by the avalanche expert with 30 years

nearby forests. We ended the day by taking a

of experience is rather unique.

bath in hot spring which can be found almost

As usual, training had typical parts like terrain

everywhere here.

management, snowpack assessment, but we also talked about human behaviour and


made few interesting avalanche scenarios

One day I noticed grey bearded face at my

and something, which I have never done be-

door. Smiling guy looked very familiar but I

fore – probing in search of people without

had some problems with recognising him.

beacons. That was a hard lesson, because

After taking a look at the jacket with printed

this type of rescue is really frustrating and

word “avalanche”, my thoughts turned into

time-consuming. So remember, always take

right direction. It was Bill Glude, Alaskan

the beacon, even going for a lonely ride.

avalanche expert. If you have seen the film Lines, you should remember him. This is the

Hakuba, Japan

Ski bums The other variant of exploration of Japan – unfortunately I haven’t experienced such adventure – is to hire a car and join the chase after the snowfall. It’s quite popular – there are many small vans parked opposite ski resorts where ski/snowboard bums live. Japanese team called Car Danchi is an excellent example of this phenomenon. You can follow their expeditions on films under the same title. This crazy riders were also captured in the documentary In Short. As I mentioned before, Japan has great mountain potential with perfect riding spots which are not difficult to find. Besides renowned regions there are other locations well worth mentioning, like Myoko, Tanigawadake Tengindaira. Wherever you go, you will definitely find plenty of fabulous places with great snow and


your stay in Japan will surely be remembered as the best winter season ever.

N: 36° 42’ 7.23”, E: 137° 51’ 44.22” Hakuba, Japan

guide service Xavier de Le Rue in Hakuba

krippenstein, Austria

P owder on the limestone Karst region with variable inclination and

wo rd s : Woj tek Sz cz ep a n i k

imaginative formations as well as fantas-

photos: Darek Orlicz / rider: author

tic more than 4 meters thick snow cover are the best features of Krippenstein.


rippenstein which I knew from my

the mountain is accessible by ski lift which

friends’ stories, photos and films

is divided into two sections and transports

seemed too commercial and overrated. Four-

visitors to the field of surprises. Mountains

day ride with local guys which enabled in-

stretching at Dachstein foot are distinguished

depth exploration of pristine spots changed

by extremely diversified terrain as they are

my mind and unfavourable initial impression

composed of limestone which is extremely

vanished into thin air.

prone to erosion. Enormous range of land

Krippenstein is located few dozen kilometres

formations caters for all needs – it’s possible

southeast of Salzburg. It was given the name

to choose runs depending on your style and

Freeride Arena not without reason. Wild un-

skills. Short and demanding faces, tiny cou-

touched slopes dominate over groomed

loirs and slightly steep sections wind end-

pistes – what is quite exceptional taking

lessly and provide almost unlimited number

into account conditions in Austria. Top of

of runs. Ledges covered by loads of snow

Enormous range of land formations caters for all needs

krippenstein, Austria

form impressive configuration – riding or

was enough to transform parking lot oppo-

jumping over them is a great fun. Due to

site the ski lift in an instant. Freeride zones

specific shape of the ground northern slopes

looked like ski-cross routes after few hours.

are usually covered with thick layer of light

Majority of visitors chose nothing more than

powder. Total thickness of snow at the moun-

runs marked on maps. That is why there were

tain top exceeds 4 meters. This place is a

more untouched areas left than we could

real paradise for riders who love tree riding.

explore during our stay. At the beginning we

Unfortunately, there are not many places with

spent few days on riding in the forests as it

long extreme big mountain runs.

was snowing and everything was shrouded in

Downhill run leading from Krippenstein

fog. Riding on huge patches of snow, which

through Gjaidalm and Krippenbrunn to

are considered to be distinguishing feature

Obertraun is well worth recommending. It’s

of this location, was the greatest fun. At the

one of the most interesting routes in entire

end of our stay we got some sun and had

Austria – 11 kilometres long, 1500 meters of

time to try longer runs in high mountains.

vertical drop. This area is even more attrac-

Despite being very popular among freerid-

tive thanks to Hallstatt – old town situated at

ers, it’s possible to find some quiet places

the lakeside which is listed a UNESCO World

for marking your own lines. I will definitely

Heritage Site. It’s also the most popular ac-

visit this spot once more.

commodation base for riders.


We went to Krippenstein to do some shots for new project run by Łukasz Gabryelski. Simon Hofstädter, who is a local rider and knows every inch of this area, helped us in exploring this location. Small fresh snowfall

N: 47° 32’ 50.41”, E: 13° 41’ 53.65” Krippenstein, Austria

basic informations

there were more untouched areas left than we could explore

r ider: Marcin Jaskółka

skrzyczne , poland

blue bird For many new-fashioned never-off-piste skiers Skrzyczne and Szczyrk located at its foot are synonyms of backwardness and utter embarrassment. Skiing in this spot won’t give you any advantage in the chase to climb up the social ladder, but there are other things you can definitely be sure of – with a bit of luck, weather conditions will allow you to spend few beautiful days on freeride adventure. wo rd s & p ho to s : To mek Dęb ie c


hairlift in Szczyrk, which was build in 1956 and takes tourists on Skrzyczne

(1257 meters), is a banner and almost monumental construction. It’s famous for its extremely low speed (half an hour sitting on very narrow and uncomfortable chair) and 720 meters of vertical drop - what is quite a lot taking into consideration overall altitudes in the Beskids. If you want to exploit existing infrastructure, the most obvious solution is to ski close to the chairlift system. This option is so tempting that local riders usually exercise it immediately after fresh snowfall.

skrzyczne , Poland


snow flurry and thick fogs which enveloped

The idea to ride there few days after the snow-

the mountains completely forecast started to

fall wasn’t perfectly understandable. I had

display some signs of weather change. Blue

been thinking of it since few seasons, but

stripe meaning wonderful sun and blue bird

due to miserable snow cover it never came

appeared on the weather chart. It raised the

into realization. If you look at Skrzyczne from

alarm and gave us a kick to set out.

north-eastern side, huge gap in the forest

The morning greeted us by pouring cold

stretching on extremely steep slope is the

water on our excited and hot heads. Frost

first thing which catches your eye. Mountain

in Szczyrk reached few dozen degrees. The

side levels out only 500 meters lower than the

air was dense and offered visibility of few

summit. The space is plentiful here. Smooth

hundred meters. We were shaking with cold

surfaces are interlaced with fallen trees which

while going up by mercilessly slow chairlift.

are perfect for jumping. There is only one

Fortunately, at the altitude of about 800 me-

condition to be met - safe and pleasant ride

ters above the sea level we started to pierce

needs thick snow layer, that is not less than

through cloud cover. We squinted our eyes to

100-120 centimeters. Upper part of the clear-

protect against blazing sunshine and already

ing is ornamented with spruce forest which is

knew that it was a perfect day for skiing!

extremely dense at times and requires some

The view from Skrzyczne was amazing –

skills to struggle through. I knew that skiing

valleys shrouded in the sea of fog with the

will bring the most pleasure when the rising

Beskids and the Tatra Mountains emerging

sun lights the slope. It’s not an exaggeration

on the horizon. Total idyll with extra snow and

to say that I had been waiting for this moment

temperature inversion – it was few degrees

since two or three years. After few days of

warmer at the top than in the valleys.

r ider: Ma rc i n Ja skó ł ka

r ider: A nd rz e j Ja m roz i k

skrzyczne , Poland


We repeated the same run thought the clear-

We started ride heading towards north east

ing twice, each time ascending the slope

what seemed to be the most effective tactics

on skins or snowshoes. Climb up in such

available in this conditions – we simply chose

conditions took as about an hour. We went

easily accessible parts. First stretch meant

past team of freeriders few times who skied

skiing between short spruce trees which

down to the bottom of the valley to Słotwina.

resembled white hooded monks. Then we

They hired a bus, circled Skrzyczne and ar-

had some time for passage through steep

rived at the lower ski lift station. This patent

section of the forest and rushing into the

works really well in this spot. It saves some

clearing. There it was - the centrepiece of

energy but doesn’t guarantee taking more

our expedition. We stopped at its edge and

downhill rides.

tried to work out the best route. Damn it! Each

We ended this brilliant day in the mountain

attempt to make use of logistics failed. We

lodge eating delicious sour rye and cream

were standing in front of a huge snowfield

soup and sipping mulled beer. There was

and couldn’t find even one small spot which

also time to take interesting descent from

was less than perfect. Powder settled a bit.

Skrzyczne to Czyrna which is located about 3

After gathering speed skis raised completely

kilometers away from the ski lift. This distance

above the surface and produced few meters

allowed to leave our traces on untouched

tall curtains of snow. After the run we were

snow without any problem.

as delighted as small kids at the playground


opening. We gave high-fives and enjoyed seeing our marks left on the surface of the snow.

N: 49° 41’ 12.24”, E: 19° 1’ 50.45” Skrzyczne, Poland


powder day Despite being lower than the neighbouring peak, Małe Skrzyczne offers abundance of attractions. Only 46 meters difference of altitude, but it offers the greatest number of freeride runs in Poland which are accessible from the ski lift system. wo rd s & p ho to s : To mek Dęb ie c rider: Ma rek Lachowsk i


f you want to visit Małe Skrzyczne do not expect to come across much comfort,

but I don’t think that lack of convenience means anything when you get 70 centimetres of fresh light powder covering all surrounding mountains. Thirteen T-bar lifts deployed on hillsides and Małe Skrzyczne hogbacks patiently transport visitors to skiing spots. They sometimes pull too hard but you forget it as soon as you see gorgeous powder runs. Besides almost unlimited freeride opportunities, this resort offers quite affordable prices – PLN 68 (that is about 15 euro) for all-day ride.


hurry up!

that these solutions are very popular. That is

In the last few years areas stretching close

why after two rounds up and surfing down to

to the resort gained incredible popular-

Czyrna it’s advisable to change playground.

ity among freeriders. Significant stretch of unfolded plentiful open space with scattered

Clearings and beech groves

beech groves which are perfect for riding.

Now it’s the time to go down to Solisko.

You should bear in mind that within few years

Wonderful runs are accessible from two

time this wonderful clearings will overgrow

lifts named by local people Golgota and

with dense greenwood and leave no chance

Juliany. Entire slope which stretches on the

for riding. Seasons like this one will become

right side of T-bar lifts and drops steeply to-

the thing of the past.

wards north is a perfect place for freeride.

When the powder day approaches I try not to

You can come across two huge cuttings and

wheel and deal but resort to workable solu-

beech forest. Hillside is few hundred meters

tion – to visit Małe Skrzyczne. You can start

wide and offers downhill runs with vertical

your way up from two points – from Czyrna

drops of about 250 meters. This value may

or Solisko. Czyrna has T-bar lift which covers

not be impressive, but it could be demanding

390 meters of vertical drop and climbs up

for unskilful riders, who usually try to make

on Hala Skrzyczeńska. Very attractive areas

it without any break and end up with burn-

stretch on the skiers right side of the ski lift

ing hips and catching their breath. There is

system. Gradient is changeable including

also much satisfaction for advanced riders

very steep sections at the beginning of the

who will definitely appreciate taking jumps

run. You can also ascent higher levels – Małe

and dynamic slalom between beech trees.

Skrzyczne hogback – and turn right halfway

Those trees do not bend while being hit what

on the route running along the ski lift (begin-

provides quite decent doze of adrenaline. If

ning of the slope road) into extremely steep

there’s much snow this slope is the best in

ravine what will definitely produce strong

the entire vicinity.

spruce forests disappeared completely and

sensations. One of the disadvantages is

foto: Prz emek Kop e ć, r ider: Ku b a Jo n k i s z

From Malinowska to malinów

jacket. The lower the better – less wind meant

Run from Malinowska Kopa to Malinowa is

be careful and watch what is laying under

a jewel in the crown of local freeride routes.

your skis. Stone-hard graupel changed into

This option requires taking three ski lifts from

fresh heaps of snow. Lower altitudes offered

Solisko which take us on the top of Małe

something what could be called powder, but

Skrzyczne. Then you need to ski few hundred

it wasn’t as soft as the one we came across

meters along the mountain ridge and go to-

in the forest. Only last stretch was covered

wards Kopa Malinowska. The way leads to

with light divine snow.

completely different climatic zone. Altitude of

Małe Skrzyczne characterises by endless

about 1200 meters above the sea level and

expanse of riding areas. Good snow can be

exposed ridge did their job – strong wind

found here even few days after the snowfall.

and severe frost were unbearable and it was

It’s worth looking around and using some

obvious that we couldn’t stay there for long.

maps to plan interesting runs away from ski

Descent stretches along treeless area and


marks a culmination of wonderful powder

more good quality snow. You just need to


day. Beginning was not pleasant. Wind-blown hardened snow was screeching under the skis, blustery wind was trying to strip off my

N: 49° 40’ 36.65”, E: 19° 0’ 44.48” Małe Skrzyczne, Poland

austrian timing

obertauern, Austria There’s nothing more exciting than the feeling you get when the weather shifts dramatically after few days of ferocious snowstorm. That moment you just need to be in the right place, like Obertauern in Austria. wo rd s & photos: Tomek Gola r ider: Michael Kösslbacher


auern Pass – this is where Obertauern

Probably skiing pioneers who set their foot

is located – which connects the Lower

in Obertauern were freeriders, or even more

Tauern with the High Tauern is one of the

– they were doing freetouring! However, in

most important transport routes crossing the

1948 first ski lift was opened. In the 60ties it

Austrian Alps. First mountain huts which were

was further developed into a large network. 1

build in this place as early as in 1517, that

gondola, 19 chairlifts and 6 T-bar lifts can be

is Schaidberg and Wisenegg, still have their

found between 1630 and 2313 meters above

doors open! In 1902 the skiing era began.

the sea level. What’s more, Obertauern offers

First skiers willing to reach the pass had to

100 kilometres of prepared pistes, 26 kilome-

cover the distance of about 20 kilometers on

tres of winding routes for cross-country skiing

foot. Their luggage was carried using sleight.

and virtually unlimited freeride possibilities.

Despite this obvious inconvenience, this loter road modernization which took place in

The beauty of the catastrophe

1929, the pass could be reached by motor

I was on my way to Obertauern struggling

vehicle and it was the moment when the vil-

with powerful snow flurry. Few days before

lage was given the name Obertauern.

half of Europe complained that winter had

cation won incredible popularity. Finally, af-

forgotten about us. I somehow felt that the

Disastrous abundance of snow forced the de-

beginning of January, which I planned to

cision on closing the ski lifts ... Only one short-

spend in Obertauern, will bring something

distance chairlift was in operation, mainly to

unexpected. I was a bit restless. It wasn’t

avert the necessity of refunding the money

about the driving conditions. I couldn’t wait

for ski passes to the tourists. In contrast, the

to see effects of this raging and overwhelm-

centre of Obertauern was bustling. People

ing blizzard.

left snug hotels and guesthouses to hunt out

While getting to the pass some drivers asked

cars which were lost somewhere under snow

passengers to sit on the bonnet to load drive-

dunes. They were trying to dig them up, but

wheels and avoid getting stuck in hindering

this effort was destined to failure. Keeping

snow. I finally reached my destination and

the roads passable in such conditions is

found shelter in a cosy guesthouse, which

Sisyphean labour. It is done by municipal

supposed to have the view on amazing

services equipped with powerful vehicles.

freeride spot. Next few days just stirred my

Each hotel has various types of snow ploughs

imagination. Visibility was about 50 meters

to manage during few days of heavy bliz-

and it wasn’t caused by the fog but by the

zards. Clearing their own driveway they flood

heaviest snowfall that I’ve ever seen in my life.

neighbouring parcel with loads of snow.

obertauern, Austria


hidden among the trees. Andy told me his

I didn’t give up the next day. Visibility of 75

freeride story. Then I saw huge twenty meter

meters, the ground covered with half a meter

drops. After that we spent some time check-

of fresh powder – it wouldn’t forgive myself for

ing his photos – wonderful jumps, great

missing such opportunity. I reached ski lifts

style. “Where did it come out? Can I see it

blindfolded. I decided to stick to pistes as I

somewhere?” – I asked. No way, he does it

had some concerns about snowpack stability

exclusively for himself. Nothing appeared in

and unfamiliarity with the area. After a while

the media – no photo, no film.

I decided to stray to the side. I ended up on the face whose bottom part was completely


enveloped in the fog. This is where I run into

For some reason I have suffered insomnia

Andy and his girlfriend. Nice couple – full

since few months. Every morning from 3.30

equipment, ABS on their backs. They chose

I can’t sleep a wink. However, that night was

one side. I wanted to try pristine, untouched

somehow like a dream. Raging blizzard grad-

snow. I went down and got a big surprise in

ually died out. Visibility improved. Peaks lit

the middle of the run – huge crevice created

by first rays of sunshine, which had been

by snow slide. I barely managed to jump over.

the object of my daydreaming so far, slowly

I joined the couple ready to hear unfavour-

appeared on the cloudless horizon. I was

able remarks. Andy pointed out that it was

boiling inside. I rushed to get at the top by the

rather bad choice. Well, you can ride there,

first chairlift. I tried to hold back my emotions

but probably taking all the snow down with

and let myself go downhill. The powder was

you. So, they took me in and we spent next

breathtaking – literally.

few hours on visiting spots which are acces-

I decided to use Andy’s excellent advice. I

sible in case of blinding weather conditions.

climbed one of the summits – Seekareck –

There were plenty of them, mainly real gems

which is about 200 meters away from the

r ider: De ja n f ro m Sloven ia

chairlift. I could see that two teams were

while getting to the road we could see the

getting ready to ski down – one with the

bus taking off. Next bus – an hour wait. The

guide, second freestyle. I started to think

best thing was to take some action. I spot-

about joining them. They read my mind and

ted a few meters drop and kicked off to be

asked the question first. We set out without

the first there. The most difficult task was to

superfluous tall stories. Suddenly it turned

get there but at least it meant no freezing to

out that guys were heading in the opposite

the bone.

direction than the ski resort. I gave in. We

It started getting late. The last peak to end

reached shelter after skiing few kilometers

the day – Zehnerkar. The way up – gondola,

in unspoiled snow and exchanged few sen-

few dozen meters of the climb and traverse

tences. The guys came from Slovenia and

at the edge of the Tauern Pass abyss. The

decided to visit Obertauern after seeing

way down – drop from the cornice into the

the weather forecast. One of them, Miha,

basin, run to the steep face, fall-line descent

worked in Obertauern as an instructor and

at breakneck speed, passage through huge

knew this area inside out. We set off again

snowfield, entrance into the clear forest, few

to reach the land of snow pillows. Then we

precipitous couloirs and exit to the meadow.

took few kilometres of powder lunacy lead-

Few dozen minutes of awesomeness. Thighs

ing to the road. We needed to catch the bus

were burning.

from Untertauern to get back to the pass.

Sunset. We were sitting in one of the après-ski

Besides Miha, Slovenian team consisted of

bars drinking well-earned wheat beer. Miha

Dejan – skiing, cannoning and other extreme

and Marjan were telling the story about their

sports instructor, and Marjan – multiple world

freeride adventure in Kashmir what inspired

champion in mountain canoeing.

us to prepare plan for the next year.

The way down was heavenly, so we decided to do it once again. After next insane run,

obertauern, Austria

Michael I climbed Kleiner Kesselspitz next morning. Beautiful and long run was supposed to await me there. Due to high avalanche risk not many enthusiasts were willing to get there. While standing on the top and struggling with the wind I saw a skier who wanted to reach the same peak. I waited a bit supposing that it must be some native guy who knows this and that. My intuition didn’t fail. This is how I met Michael Kösslbacher, local rider who knew no mountains besides surrounding summits and few other Austrian spots, but skied like pro-rider and knew each couloir and tree. I spent next three days in his company. Three full days packed with difficult ascents, narrow couloirs, huge drops and steep slopes covered with prefect pow. I got a really royal welcome in Obertauern.

N: 47° 14’ 55.98”, E: 13° 33’ 26.90” Obertauern, Austria

interactive panorama


need for street

What has street skiing to do with freeride? Both sports are a blend of unknown and passion of exploration of new and interesting places which have never been suspected of riding suitability. wo rd s : Tomek Dębiec p ho to s: lucekpho to, author, Janek Kriwo l

small talk


xperienced street fighters - Marek

imagination, poor skills and not being able

Doniec and Piotr Pinkas – describe their

to prepare the spot for riding.

struggle with the city. Piotrek is a jibber – he

The thing which is nice about street is that

slides on everything what has nothing to do

when you try some run or jump for the first

with snow, mainly handrails. Marek looks

time you never know what will happen. These

for other attractions, like drops, transfers in

calculations are fascinating – you ask your-

places which are completely unsuitable for

self what can go wrong, what is the best spot

that. What is more, they are also freeriders

for landing, how you should stop … First run

and love skiing in the mountains.

is the most stressful and fascinating as well. If extremely difficult ride goes perfectly first

What’s the fun of skiing in the city? Most skiers and snowboarders escape the city and go to the mountains to experience something really interesting.


time, any other is just a piece of cake.


Streets, as well mountains, dictate their own conditions and you need

to figure out how to make a good approach

Exploration means getting to

to take off or whether it’s possible to take a

know the area. While being in

good shot. Nothing waits ready for you and

the mountains you look for interesting runs,

this is the greatest fun – you need to create

places good for jumping and other features

your riding place from the scratch. Snow is

adding excitement to the ride. Street is the

not always available, there are some walls,

same. I love walking around the city and dis-

stairs and other strange things like dustbins

covering new places for riding. Street skiing

and lamp posts standing in your way. Level

and freeride have a lot in common – think-

of difficulty is a lot more higher on the street

ing, searching and being creative. The only

than in the snowpark.

limitations are concerned with not enough

small talk


Snowpark is good for training. You know what you can do

there, what is the starting point for speeding up and where you can land. Street is a completely different story. How do you choose the most interesting places for riding? Do you have any criteria?


You know, I don’t really look for them. I just bump into them by ac-

cident. If it happens I try to look around this place. I check approach to take-off, examine if there are any obstacles at the end of the route. I also check the rail itself and take a photo to avoid forgetting about this place. When I have free time I organise snow and the fun begins. Marek, you are alsi inline skater. Do you use summer spots for street skiing?


At the beginning I tried doing so. I simply knew some places

and came back there with skis. I sometimes

came back to the spot because I’ve learnt new trick and wanted to try it there. What’s more, I try to organise sessions in new spots.

small talk

Tell us something about the most exciting or the most difficult city action.


The most interesting project run by myself was called Brutal –

this action was concerned with railway station in Katowice which was architectural gem (modern building representing brutalism architecture) which was earmarked for demolition. It inspired a lot of controversy and objections among multiple communities. It created very interesting background for our actions. I prepared website and video blog to immortalize this building somehow. There was also opportunity to do some exciting jumps. We did it without permission.

[ film

will open in new tab ]

small talk

Everything happened among workers and

the market which produce really nice skis –

we had no problems or incidents. We could

original and with good technical parameters.

walk on the roof of the train station and even

As you see there are other players on the

touch front neon sign. You just needed some

freestyle market besides huge producers.

courage to take action.

Jibbing is done using skis intended for use


in snowpark. The same type of skis is used I don’t compile any statistics. For

for street. If you want to have good sliding

me it’s not only the sport, but pure

properties, you need to blunt edges under

pleasure and hobby. When I start thinking,

the bindings. If you want to use skis only for

the longest rail I did is located in Szczyrk

jibbing, blunting should be performed on the

on the platform close to the ski lift and has

entire length of the ski.

about 13-14 meters. The highest stands in Cieszyn – it has 5 sections. I was quite close to slide very interesting rail in Myślenice. It consists of 9 sections with


I use skis with rockers. They have one very important ad-

vantage – they have a really nice pop. It’s

one sharp turn, few metres of vertical drop

very helpful – in many situations there isn’t

and about 30 meters of length. I missed last

enough space to gain speed before the jump.

1,5 meters. Can you tell me anything about the risks of Are there any special skis exclusively for

street skiing? For me, vision of falling down

street skiing or jibbing?

on stone-hard stairs is quite terrifying.



There is quite big selection of freestyle skis but for jibbing exclusive-

ly – no. Many new off-brands appeared on

You need to be absolutely sure of your skills, fitness and know

what you want to do. Moment of hesitation

can bring disastrous results. In my opinion, the same things happen in the mountains. If you are sure of your run, aware of the threats and know what to do when everything goes wrong, you are able to get out of any critical situation. If you’re not a good rider it looks badly and what is more, you can really get [ film



It often happens and it’s quite painful. Sometimes it ends up with

serious injuries. Street is really an extreme sport and no one does it without being aware that something can go wrong. Anybody who


wants to play this way assumes full responsibility for their actions.

will open in new tab ]

p ho to : Tomek Rakoczy

pro' s life

How do you do it?

Fighting with the steep slopes and preci-

Andrzej Osuchowski

something? Andrzej Osuchowski, lead-

pices is nothing for professional freerider. Even chamois are envious of the artfulness of their movements. How do they do it? Do they owe it to somebody or ing Polish freerider, reveals secrets of achieving high level skills.

Wealth of experiences

My teacher soon got used to it and stopped

I ski since ever. I stated at age I can’t pos-

asking questions.

sibly remember. I owe it to my parents and

After that I joined the ski club where I was

the fact that I was born in Zakopane. I had

prepared to take part in speed runs like sla-

no choice but to live my childhood in the

lom and giant slalom. In the meantime I have

skiing community.

finished the course for ski instructor assis-

Everything started with skiing with my mum.

tant. Currently I’m fifth year student of The

She was holding my hand while riding down.

University of Physical Education in Cracow

Then I started following my father and to

and intend to become class II alpine skiing

skied from Kasprowy Wierch. We took the

instructor. What’s more, I’m a member of

first ride up the mountain in the cable car

Salomon Freeski Team Poland.

then skied down and repeated it once again.

During the season I take part in few FWQ

That is why I was always late for school where

(Freeride World Qualifier) events, where I

I usually appeared dressed in the ski suit.

have opportunity to compete with contestants

pro' s life

from all over the world. Other contestants

typical exercises I do to gain strength. I some-

usually have mountains which offer unlimited

times do half-squats with weight.

training possibilities at hand and obviously

Endurance is another very important element

take advantage of it. If I want to compete

of fitness. I try to enhance it by hiking and

with other riders I must gain the upper hand

running in the mountains.

through training.

Stretching after training and skiing is really essential and should be done extremely care-

Training without snow

fully. Lactic acid accumulating in muscles af-

It begins in summer. The idea is to gain suit-

ter physical effort has anaesthetic properties

able level of fitness. So, I ride a bike, climb

and it’s easy to overdo it. Always remember

and do water sports (wakeboarding and kite-

to do it step by step.

boarding). In autumn I start exercises with focus on skiing.

Riding time!

I pay a lot of attention to balance exercises –

Winter finally arrives! Yeah! If weather condi-

walks and one leg squats on slackline, jumps

tions in January are favourable, I take advan-

from the box on thick mattress. It’s all about

tage of skiing on familiar Kasprowy Wierch.

doing exercises on unstable ground what

It’s only a monthly warming-up but it gives me

develops core muscles responsible for bal-

a chance to use all practiced motor activities

ance. Trampoline is also great – it improves

in real conditions. February and March are

suppleness as well as orientation in space.

reserved for taking part in various freeride

I also build up my strength, but not as much


as it’s needed for alpine skiing. Gravity load in

It’s worth spending some time on preparation

backcountry skiing is not so heavy as in com-

before season to minimize the risk of injury

petitions taking place on stone-hard pistes.

and the resulting loss of valuable days which

Jumps from the stairs in downhill positions,

can be spent on skiing.

hops and jumps with half-turns are the most

p ho to : To mek Ra ko cz y

pro's life

Life in the fast line gradually slows down during interim which comes after the height of the season. It’s time for spring outings to enjoy snow remaining in long beautiful couloirs. You can also go on summer camp with your friends and take nice jumps in the snowpark. In my opinion the season is good if it allows for some progress and learning new tricks.

Competitions and tactics In the past freeride competitions made people think of huge drops and freaks who knew no bounds. Nowadays the highest scores are not given to contestants who take too much risk. The score consists of few elements like difficulty, control (style), smoothness, jumps and drops (within reason). My favourite tactics is to take a fast and smooth ride preferably with drops, but only if they don’t put me off rhythm and I don’t have to traverse half a mountain to reach them. I think this technique is the most effective as you can mark out your route from the start to


finish and increase safety by shortening the foto: Łukasz Malinowski

time spent within avalanche area.

ski manufacture

Epoxy sandwich

What determines ski or snowboard hardness? How can you influence its lateral stiffness? How do you shape rocker? We have found answers for these and other questions in the ski factory. wo rd s & p ho to s : To mek Dęb ie c


visited NBL factory in Bielsko Biała. I was

quite heavy but characterises with very good

shown around by Kuba Wesołowski who

resilience and durability. Poplar is the other

is the owner of the 77 Project brand. Skis

type of wood used to produce ski and snow-

and snowboards produced in this factory are

board cores. This wood is not as flexible as

marked with his logo nad other recognisable

ash but it’s significantly lighter. Proportion of


ash to poplar determines ski stiffness, also called ski flex.

Wood is of the essence The secret of the traditional ski is hidden in


the wood. This natural material is hard to re-

Assembly begins with base and edges. This

place by anything we managed to design in

pre-prepared bottom part is covered with fab-

the age of space exploration. Combination of

ric soaked in epoxy and hardener. Epoxy with

flexibility, durability and relatively low weight

hardener is used to bind all ski elements

makes it perfectly suitable for skiing applica-

together. Next layer consists of wooden

tions. One type of wood can’t match the other

core with ABS, which forms ski sidewalls.

as they have completely different properties.

Resulting sandwich structure is coated with

Special application was found for ash - it’s

fabric moisten in resin mix once more. It

ski manufacture

should be mentioned that type of applied

snowboard manufacturing as it determines

fabric differs depending on the ski model - we

their final shape. Whether the ski has a rocker

can use two-ply, three-ply and even four-ply

or traditional camber depends on the press

material or carbon cloth. Type of fabric deter-

and resin setting.

mines lateral stiffness and weight of the ski.

In the final stage of the production skis are

Topsheet of the ski is called izocap. This is

given finishing touches which decide about

where the graphics are applied using digital

their final design.

or screen printing. This layer is again fixed

Traditional sandwich construction with

to the structure by fabric with resin.

wooden core proves very efficient in freeride, mainly due to good flex and durability. As you

Let’s press the rocker

read above, production process is not very

Boards prepared in the way specified above

complicated. The key to construct good ski

are further machined in the press. Boards

is to choose high quality materials.

undergo heating and cooling procedure which lasts about half an hour. Pressing is one of the most important stages in ski and


                         

You better know

Weather rules

Both safety and enjoyment of the ride depend greatly on the weather. It’s worth knowing where we should look for forecasts and how to interpret weather reports as well as various signs of weather change. wo rd s : Ku b a Rad l i ń sk i


ollecting detailed information regard-

24, 48, 72 and 96 hours after issuing the an-

ing weather for the particular region

nouncement and predicted temperatures at

before leaving is a good idea. Nowadays

12.00 p.m. on the day of the announcement

the Internet is the most popular source of

and following 12 and 24 hours. SFL – like-

information and I guess that almost everyone

wise service operating in Switzerland – is-

has some websites added to favourites which

sues forecast regarding freshly fallen snow

are used to search for forecasts. If it’s not

for following 24 and 72 hours.

professional alpine website, data you find

Another piece of information included in

there may regard locations distant from the

forecasts is represented by isotherm 0,

mountains. Even the portals using very small

that is the altitude at which the temperature

grid lengths (let’s take best Polish forecast

reaches 0°C. This information is valuable

website meteo.pl) provide weather informa-

especially from the point of view of ava-

tion mainly for valleys and piedmont areas –

lanche risk and general amount of snow.

especially in case of lower mountain ranges.

Despite services mentioned above, other institutions are likely to publish such data

Guide knows the truth

– it’s worth checking forecasts for particu-

Some services compiling avalanche fore-

lar locations. Register of almost all areas

casts provide additional information on

covered by avalanche forecasts in Europe

other weather conditions. For example,

can be found on the website hosted by

Lawinenwarndienst Tirol, responsible for ava-

European Avalanche Warning Services.

lanche warning services in Tirol, publishes

After arriving at the spot, it’s always advisable

information on forecasted snowfall within 12,

to check local weather forecasts available

You better know

at guide agencies and tourist information

• decrease of the temperature,

centers – in my opinion quality of such in-

• improvement of the snow quality (with the

formation, especially in traditional mountain

exception of firn and ice-crust layer),

locations in the Alps, is outstanding. These

• increase of avalanche risk – provided that

places are also recommended if you seek

the front is associated with considerable

advice from local experts, who are able to

snowfall or no frontal precipitation (old

interpret issued weather reports correctly and

masses of snow freeze and form sliding

are familiar with local conditions.

layer for consecutive fresh snowfall). Other types of weather fronts (occluded and

Weather front is approaching

stationary) bring less dynamic changes like

Beyond predicted snowfall, temperature and

bering that warm front usually brings more

wind, the other very important information

precipitation than the cold one.

prolonged precipitation. It’s worth remem-

we can gain from the weather forecast is tion. A weather front is a narrow transition

Offline weather forecast

zone separating masses of air of different

Weather shifts and approaching fronts can

temperature and humidity. Fronts are usually

be forecasted on site by observing other ele-

responsible for severe weather phenomena,

ments like changes in cloud cover, direction

so it’s good to be aware what may happen.

and the velocity of the wind and atmospheric

Warm front occurs when warm air masses

pressure. Although knowledge on this sub-

replace cold air masses. In the mountains

ject is extremely extensive, remembering two

such change can produce following results:

simple rules is already very helpful.

• increase of the temperature,

Application of the rule of “nocturnal altitude

• deterioration of the snow quality,

variances” requires barometric altimeter, that

• increase of avalanche risk,

is the instrument which measures altitude on

• temperature inversion (usually limited to

the basis of changes in atmospheric pres-

the type of front that occurs at our destina-

the time of frontal passage),

sure. Such types of altimeters are usually

• freezing rain

fitted in watches. If we haven’t moved to the

Cold front occurs when warm air is replaced

higher altitude (during staying for the night

by cold air and it’s associated with:

at mountain hostel) but the reading indicated

by the altimeter increased by more than 45 meters, it means that the pressure dropped considerably and the weather is going to deteriorate dramatically. Value of 45 meters is applied for altitudes of more than 2000 meters above the sea level. At lower altitudes changes by 30 meters are enough to indicate weather shifts mentioned above. Obviously, decrease in altitude means pressure rise and forecasts improvement or keeping up favorable weather conditions. It’s worth noting that altimeters should be used in quite stable environment (for example on your hand) as they are sensitive to temperature changes.

Shadow the local

Next principle is called “the rule of three”.

Last advice is to follow in local people’s foot-

According to the rule, if less than one-third

steps – they are usually more reasonable than

of the sky is covered with clouds, there is

enthusiastic visitors. Probably it’s the result of

nothing to worry about. If two-thirds of the

having the mountains close at hand and being

sky is enveloped by clouds, it means that

more familiar with existing conditions. If they col-

the spell of bad weather is approaching or

lectively set off towards the valleys, the only good

the weather is clearing up (depending on

thing is to do the same.

the conditions existing before). Spells of

Bad weather can trap you in inaccessible moun-

bad weather are usually foreshadowed by

tain area. What is more, poor visibility makes

dense layers of clouds which stop moving

navigation impossible and hinder assessment of

and become thicker. Generally, when clouds

other threats. Bear in mind that even experts know

become thicker and lower the weather will

nothing about the danger and are deposed to the

deteriorate. On the other hand, dispersed

beginner’s level if they can’t see any signs of it.


clouds which drift upwards indicate that the weather is going to improve.

uphill with snowboard

Up & down we go

Snowboard, in contrast with skis, serves exclusively for downhill ride. However, you shouldn’t limit your ways to the infrastructure offered by ski lifts, even if you love riding using only one tool. Read our advices regarding techniques of uphill climb which is just the beginning of a wonderful ride. wo rd s : Mac iek Le s z cz y ń sk i


If you ever tried to fight your way through very

The most obvious and the easiest solution es-

deep snow, you know that this solution is

pecially under some specific conditions, like

not enough. That is why, there are few other

hard late spring snow and snowless winters.

methods to climb up.

This approach is also recommended when you take very popular hiking trail where the

Approach skis

trail was broken by hundreds of tourists. What

They look like children’s toys. They offer so-

is more, nothing seems to be more reason-

lutions typical for touring skis – free heel,

able when you climb very steep slopes in

notched bottom face or micro-skins. There

high-mountain area, where typical equipment

is also possibility of attaching ski crampons.

against getting stuck in the snow, like snow-

After reaching the top, you simply strap the

shoes and splitboard, is only the trouble.

skis to your backpack and go down. Some

Extremely difficult off-piste routes – steep

companies offer fold-up solutions which do

slopes, covered with hard snow or ice –

not take much space in backpack.

require additional gear, like crampons.

Such skis are not very popular – probably

Crampons are usually attached to snow-

due to toy-like design and additional load in

board shoes by special strap.

the backpack.

uphill with snowboard


body weight (weight of the snowboard, back-

They are almost as old as the snow. This

pack, climbing equipment and some buffer).

equipment appeared about six thousand

Snowshoes can be strapped to the backpack

years ago. Modern design of snowshoes was

before taking downhill ride. This equipment

developed thanks to the innovativeness of

weighs about 2-2,5 kilos. The cost is from

Native Americans.

100 to 300 EURO and even more.

Nowadays snowshoes are made of aluminum or plastic. They are equipped with free heel


bindings and special spikes which work as

the board which is divided into two parts

crampons. They come in many shapes and

which form two broad skis. The skis are cou-

sizes depending on their intended use.

pled using special hooks, clips and adapters

Before ascending, you need some time to

for bindings (also used as touring bindings).

adapt, as you must watch you steps and

First splitboards were constructed in the USA

remember not to catch one snowshoe with

at the beginning of the 90ties.

the other. Snowshoes are very useful during

Splitboards offer advantage of natural move-

climbing flat and slightly steep slopes. When

ment and are suitable even for short-distance

the inclination is about 35 degrees or more,

rides (almost like telemark skis). One of the

approaching can be very problematic. Very

disadvantages is, that full equipment is quite

steep slopes should be climbed in the bee-

heavy, so the quality of the downhill ride is a

line as traversing is very difficult and simply

bit different. From other point of view, climb-

dangerous – bindings can break off.

ing up on skis is a lot more comfortable than

Durability of the snowshoes should be cho-

dragging snowboard on your back. Putting

sen with consideration to avoid breaking.

the splitboard together is very easy and takes

Remember to add about 20-25 kilos to your

only few minutes. The most time-consuming

uphill with snowboard

Snowshoes + price + versatility (can be used for trekking) + quick putting on – difficult traversing

operation is concerned with attaching or fold-

DIY splitboards don’t lose their stiffnes and

ing skins (especially when the wind is strong).

riding properties. You just need to remember

The greatest disadvantage of the splitboard

to seal cut edges properly.

is its price (starting form about 700 euro).

Despite the fact that splitboards were in-

Voile, the first company which started sp-

vented several years ago, this equipment

litboard production, still holds patent for its

was rather underestimated and used almost

idea, sells also DIY kits for those, who want

exclusively by guides (including legendary

to transform their snowboard into multifunc-

Craig Kelly).

tional tool. There are plenty helpful films on

Lately splitboards become more popular

the Internet, like the one with Xavier de la Rue,

mainly due to the films like My own two feet

showing step-by-step spilt board assembly.

– probably the first one showing all possibilities offered by splitboards to the greater

Splitboard + quick movement + easy traversing – putting two board halves together before ride – price

audience. Jeremy Jones, who took part in

consideration where the gear will be used.

shooting this film, further increased interest

Snowshoes prove very useful in lower moun-

in this type of gear in projects like Deeper

tains (with slight inclination of the slope) or

& Further.

when we depend on ski lift system and climb short distances to get to the run. Splitboards

What’s the best choice?

are perfect for long-distance backcountry

All tools described above have its advan-

expeditions and long off-piste climbs.

tages and disadvantages. You should take a

No matter how you decide to climb up, you

careful decision before deciding to climb up

must be aware that no equipment is able to

in snowshoes with all the equipment on your

guarantee effortless ascent.

shoulders or invest a bit more in multifunc-

Wish you luck!

tional splitboard. Another thing is to take into


“ You know it’s funny wh a t’s happening to us, our l ive s h a ve become d ig ital , our fr ie n ds n ow v irt ual , and ever ythi n g yo u co u ld ever want to know is j u s t a cl ick away. Exper iencing th e wo rld through end less seco n d h a n d information isn’ t eno u gh , i f we want authenticity, we h a ve to initiate it .” Trav i s Rice T he A rt of F l igh t “ We l ive in a world wh e re th e re i s more and more inform a tio n , a n d less and less meanin g. ” Jea n Baud r i l l a rd Simulacra a n d Si m u la tio n “Nothing would be fu n n ie r ( … ) th a n the photographers’ co n to rtio n s to produce effects that a re < l i fel ike > “ Ro l a nd Ba r the s Ca m e ra L u c ida

The cabinet of dr Petri


still have in mind some Friday evening.

turn into green in the morning. They spent

It was somewhere at the beginning of

really nice hours before noon drinking coffee

January. The rain was banging against the

and eating chips. Probably it was the first

windowsill accompanied by constant roar of

time I started thinking that we were going

car engines. My gear was waiting in the cor-

crazy, all of us. It started getting through to

ridor ready to grab it and spread into action.

me that most of my skiing companions have

I checked weather records probably hundred

equipped themselves with strange devices

times an hour, opened e-mail box and made

fixed to their helmets. According to words of

sure that no one was dying to contact me

one of them, riddiculous things were happen-

on Facebook. There it was! Good news that

ing during freeride competition in Austria,

I waited for and colourful copy of forecast

where, even while talking with other guys,

showing that it’s going to snow ... heavily!

everyone were desperately trying to capture

How much? Wow, that much? Impossible.

the best shots with they helmet cams. What

Suspiciousness drove me to compare the

about the impressions from the contest?

graph with the info below. After a while I knew

Rather poor – it was foggy and hardly pos-

that my friend mixed up the snowfall with the

sible to take any shot.

wind speed. Tomorrow in Vratna the speed will be 76 km/h…

In the very first scene opening the production The Art of Flight, Travis Rice underlines

I also remember that two of my friends went

the growing need for authenticity in digital

to the snowless Tatra Mountains in the late

world. Travis, optimistic American pragmatist,

autumn to await forecasted snowfall. Do you

knows perfectly that reality can be captured

know what kind of snowfall is that? It happens

just behind the corner. Going out of home,

when columns on the graph are high and

getting into first class air-conditioned jet,

blue in the evening then become lower and

gathering the army of specialist in logistics,

The cabinet of dr Petri

reaching spots listed in the Top Ten rating

characteristics compiled by Walter Benjamin,

from winter edition of The Lonely Planet and

20th century witnessed emergence of new

throwing double corks … is enough. Come

phenomenon called loss of aura. Seeing the

on, it’s so simple. The film shows authentic

cathedral in the past was possible by mak-

helicopters, state-of-the-art cameras with ap-

ing a pilgrimage and withstanding grueling

plications based on latest Hollywood produc-

journey. Listening to stories inspired imagina-

tions, sleds, GPSs, multifunction watches and

tion but didn’t reveal the secret. In the 20th

other gadgets, but all that has very little to do

century everything became easier mainly

with reality. According to the creators’ inten-

due to development of photography and the

tions, it was supposed to be the story about

cinema. What is the point of taking a trip in

people and their passions. Unfortunately, it

order to see some building, if you can see

turned into glowing tribute to modern tech-

it on the film? Nevertheless, Benjamin was

nologies. Just in case this experience lost

wrong – moving pictures available in millions

its distinctive flavor, Red Bull took care of

of copies did not discourage people from

launching a game, which will definitely pro-

going out. The result is quite opposite – we

long this “artistic” elation. Message given

are definitely more mobile than our ances-

by Travis Rice sounds paradoxically: jump

tors but started to capture everything we

on your snowboard to escape digital crap

see on images. It’s like a transition from raw

but don’t forget to keep your Twitter friends

and almost technical narration given by aged

informed of what you currently do.

guidebook of the Tatra Mountains, which leaves space for personal experiences and

Why it’s so difficult to resist the temptation

imagination, to constant stream of edits on

to mediatize our crave for authenticity? Why

repeated rides. Making the line, leaving your

the snow looks better from behind the cam-

autograph on the snow (what was compared

era than through goggles? According to the

by Tony Hiebeler to the creation of the work of

art) has been exchanged for purely technical

teasing plastic phantom doesn’t show any

issues like first ride in the powder or chase

signs of life. Countless films shot using HD

for the fresh snow. Taking into consideration

helmet and ski pole cameras weight down

this domain, modern rider is getting closer

with repetitive and boring sequences of

and closer to the snowmobilers – what is

turns. Arranged scenes showing boys in

fairly alarming.

brand name clothes posing in urban scenery, where even the crap looks esthetic,

So, we have tamed our images, we take

can’t cover the emptiness creeping in from

posed shots to reflect our dreams and feed

logo-filled advertising space. The question

ourselves with intoxicating yet artificial views.

is, what remains? I think it’s the belief that we

Our culture is focused on creating the world

can be confronted with reality on many levels

which is much more inviting than the one

and it depends on us which we choose to

we know after close study and on leaving

be in. Like some old flannel shirt men who

personalized marks. Healthy food, beautiful

I met in Wyżna Chochołowska in the early

and enlightened people, clean and functional

afternoon somewhere at the beginning of

cities as well as perfect shots from Alaska,

spring. He was walking leisurely with skis on

ever-smiling riders in tidy fashionable ski suits

his shoulder. “Isn’t it a bit too late to have a

who practice yoga, play board games, take

good ride?” – I asked. “No, I just want to ski

photos to boast of their lifestyle, write blogs,

from Wołowiec and go home”. Suddenly the

paint and develop in other areas after work

sun appeared from behind the clouds and

– these are our achievements.

I understood that this guy was in the right place at the right time.

All the things mentioned above seem to be creative, original and meaningful. Intent look, however, reveals bitter truth that this


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