March 2015
Words from the Editor, Debbie Kokil Welcome month of March. I am sure that I speak for all of us when I say that we are not happy with this past Winter season and we look forward to Spring and the coming of Summer 2015. My Mom and I have personally experienced way too many freeze-ups of our sewer system and do not want any more. If any of you have experienced the same problems we should all put our heads together and try to find a fix; unless someone here has already found one! I also feel that an article dedicated to living in a mobile home would be beneficial to us all (those is particular who have never lived in a mobile home before.) I welcome ideas, suggestions, information and solutions that can be shared among us going forward and if we work together we could keep the cost down too! On a more positive note, I want to thank all of you who have shown gratitude and given me kind words about the PVRA newsletter that I create each month. It is my pleasure to work on this newsletter and I feel that as each one is created it gets better and better. Your monthly submissions are awesome and I am always open to new ideas & creativity. I also want to thank Larry Menec for taking on the task of interviewing “people of interest� for this newsletter. Many of us have a story so don’t be shy give him a call.
Hello everyone. I'm sorry I have been out of sight since Christmas but I have done some things quietly. I firmly believe that your PVRA Team and Management are mending our fences and working towards a cooperative existence. Due to illness, I haven't been as "seen" or "heard" of as much as I should; however, you do have an Executive that is truly working for the benefit of all. A big Thank You for all the flowers and Get Well Wishes too!
We are all thinking of you Irene!
From Irene
Cunningham, Resident and your PVRA President!
March 2015
Paradise Village Singles - February
Our monthly Pot Luck Supper was hosted by Vida Bowyer and we wish to thank her for the hospitality. We had a small gathering of 10 people as some were under the weather and a few went for the overnight casino trip. Hope they came home with some money. We did help Naomi Daignault celebrate her birthday and send a Happy Birthday to Lynn Manikel who did not attend.
Ok I will pose for the
Our next gathering
….after you boil the noodles you mix together the cottage cheese and eggs.
will be at Myrna MacKenzie’s 28 Nature Drive Monday, March 2nd. If you wish to attend just show up with a potluck dish and enjoy.
Submitted by Carol Stoess 4
2014-2015 PVRA EXECUTIVE President
Vice President
Irene Cunningham 20 Sunset Drive R5H 1H5 204-422-6645
Brian Fulmore 9 Harmony Lane R5H 0A2 204-422-9190
Linda Phillips 26 Nature Drive R5H 1H5 204-422-8458
Pat Zubrin 11 Harmony Lane R5H 0A2 204-422-8238
Sherran Ross 59 Nature Drive R5H 1J7 204-422-5674
Olga Baschak 14 Paradise Drive R5H 1H2 204-422-5251
Rose McDonald 61 Village Drive R5H 1J6 204-422-8990
Leo Langlois 33 Paradise Drive R5H 1H3 204-422-9496
2014-2015 NEWSLETTER TEAM Editor
Distribution (Sum)
Distribution (Winter)
Debbie Kokil 5 Parkview Drive R5H 1J6 204-422-8714
Les Hooper 12 Harmony Lane R5H 0A2 204-422-8583
Brian Fulmore 9 Harmony Lane R5H 0A2 204-422-9190
Frank Leys 7 Nature Drive R5H 1H2 204-422-8273
You can contact us via e-mail:
Drop off articles for the newsletter, pictures, etc. at 5 Parkview Drive
March 2015
Phone: 422-5985
Fax: 422-5325
out of the Village
Dairy Queen Restaurant #12 Hwy in Steinbach Wednesday, March 18, 2015 11:30 am MENU: Choose from a Wrap, a Bacon Cheeseburger, a Deluxe Burger or a 3 Piece Chicken all the above comes with French Fries, Coffee or Pop, AND Ice Cream. $6.80 (Includes Taxes)
Must phone Doreen Leys at 204-422-8273 by March 16, 2015 6
Additions or Changes to PVRA telephone and address book‌
NO ADDITIONS OR CHANGES THIS MONTH If there are any additions or changes that you wish to have published please either email to or phone Debbie at 204-422-8714
A man was sitting on the edge of the bed, watching his wife, who was looking at herself in the mirror. Since her birthday was not far off he asked what she'd like to have for her birthday. 'I'd like to be eight again', she replied, still looking in the mirror. On the morning of her Birthday, he arose early. He made her a nice big bowl of Coco Pops and then took her to Adventure World theme park. What a day! He put her on every ride in the park; the Death Slide, the Wall of Fear, the Screaming Roller Coaster, everything there was. Five hours later they staggered out of the theme park. Her head was reeling and her stomach felt upside down.
I have experienced life in Paradise, since I moved here, as wonderful; but, this is no Paradise when the temperature plummets and the sewer pipe freezes.
He then took her to a McDonald's where he ordered her a Happy Meal with extra fries and a chocolate shake. Then it was off to a movie with popcorn, a soda pop, and her favourite candy, M&M's. What a fabulous adventure! Finally she wobbled home with her husband and collapsed into the bed exhausted. He leaned over his wife with a big smile and lovingly asked, 'Well Dear, what was it like being eight again?� Her eyes slowly opened and her expression suddenly changed. 'I meant my dress size, you f@*#*! retard!!!!' The moral of the story: Even when a man is listening, he is gonna get it wrong.
Always be ready with this! 7
March 2015
Mondays - All U Can Eat Ribs! (4 - 8 pm) Only $19.95 + Taxes Tuesdays - Kids (12 & Under) Eat for a Toonie! (4-8 pm) Wednesdays - Seniors Night! (3 - 7 pm) Only $9.95 + Taxes We Cater ALL Sized Functions from 10-400 people ● Parties ● Weddings ● Funerals ● Meetings Breakfast, Lunch or Supper
Celine Petit and Charles Tetrault 1309 Dawson Road Lorette, MB 204-878-9620
Ste. Anne Library 16 rue de l’Eglise
Hours: Monday
12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Wednesday 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm Thursday
12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Free membership for the residents of Ste. Anne and Paradise Village. More than 22,000 books in English and French.
As Rick Mercer said last week, “This winter has been really hard on Eastern Canada, the Weather Map shows Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and Snowbank!” Hello from Parksville, BC - We are enjoying our winter here in Parksville, BC. Photo of Terry & Pat Tutte (former residents of Paradise Village) & us at Bright Angel Park, Cowichan Valley area.
Anna’s Hummingbird Collage Pictures taken in the backyard of the house we are staying at.
View at for color
Larry and Carole Trush 9
March 2015
1 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 8 9 9 11 11 12
Larry Knox Joyce Spewak Stan Pundy Jake Wall Peter Manzuk Eldora Manshanden Anna Fifer Rick Mushrow John Calder Glen Coutts Ron Gordon Robin Grabowski Heather Bencharski Martti Pirinen Merv Shushack
12 15 15 15 15 17 16 19 22 23 26 26 27 30 31
Liz Morton Herb Inch Ursula Schlichter Rolande Perreault Linda Pirinen Larry Desaulniers Lorraine Slater Richard Price Rod Lindsay Susan Paterson Lynda Gagnon Shelly McEachern Murray McDonald Bruce Harrower Shiela Vidler
If your name is missing off the birthday list please call: Doreen @ 204-422-8273 or Shirlee @ 204-422-9501
Jean Barnes Ilene Dufresne Bob Hicks Jack Poole Jules Burnell Emile DeGagne
Jules and Heather Burnell & Harold and Judy Burnell Loss of Brother/Brother in Law Linda Phillips, Loss of Husband Gordon & Ida Schwab, Loss of Son
200 Highway 12 North Steinbach, MB, R5G 1T6 Phone: (204) 326-3451
Fax: (204) 326-6486
Toll Free: 1-800-876-6155
Located Next to Clearspring Mall 10
2014 PVRA MEMBERSHIPS if you have not paid Dues are charged at the rate of $25.00 household of two (2) or $12.50 household of one (1) Olga Baschak, Membership Committee Payable at: 14 Paradise Drive 204-422-5251 Keeping a Sharp Mind In Retirement
JIM or TIM HARMS Steinbach, MB. R5G 0H4 Call for a FREE ESTIMATE
204-346-0325 Email:
As we slowly move through our retirement years, we need to keep ourselves occupied with small projects.........Like this guy. I know, I saw it right away …... No safety glasses or hearing protection. And, I caught something else that is really important too….. he has no gloves on.
Phone: 204-422-8326 Cell: 204-791-8316 Email:
I might be up in age but I am still sharp as a tack! 11
March 2015
Pat Porter Active Living Centre
10 Chrysler Gate Steinbach, MB R5G 2E6 Ph: 204-320-4600 Fax: 204-320-9098 Email:
MARCH POTLUCK: is on Thursday March 12th. If you know that you would like to attend please call ahead and let us know what you would like to bring. Call 204-320-4600. As always needed are: salads, casseroles, desserts and buns. Cost is $5.00.
AFTERNOON COUNTRY JAM: Thursday March 26th from 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm. Come out and listen to some good old time country music. The cost is $2.00 in advance for members, $3.00 in advance for non-members and $4.00 at the door.
OLD TIME COUNTRY DANCE: With Live Band – MARK MORISSEAU Friday March 27th 7:00 pm until 11:00 pm.
Mark Morisseau is an award winning fiddle player, who grew up in Portage la Prairie, listening to a wealth of fiddle music. For 25 years Mark has been a part of the fiddle world in Manitoba, playing in multiple bands including the country chart-topping Doc Walker. Tickets are available at the center or if you cannot make it in, we can take Visa or MasterCard payments over the phone. Advanced tickets are: $10 for members; $12 for non-members and $14.00 at the door. Lunch is served at 9:00pm.
Foot Care – The first Tuesday and Wednesday and third Tuesday of the month from 9:00- 2:00 pm. Run by a Professional Foot Care Nurse. Cost $30.00. Call us book an appointment.
Computer Lab – Need help with your computer skills? Call the centre and make an appointment. Labs are 1 hour long and available every Wednesday morning from 9:00 am – Noon. Please call the centre at: 204-320-4600.
Beltone Hearing – is the third Friday of each month March 27th – call 1-800-661-2653 for an appointment. Brain Injury Support Group – Monday, March
9:00 am – 12:00 pm – Pickleball 12:00 pm – 4:30 pm – Drop in Pool 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm – Model Trains 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm – Pickleball 1:00 pm - Canasta 7:00 pm - Tai Chi
9:00 am – 12:00 pm – Pickleball 9:30 am - 3:00 pm - Circle of friends 12:00 pm – 4:30 pm – Drop in Pool 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm – Floor Shuffle 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm – Family Search
9:00 am – 12:00 pm – Computer classes – call to register please 10:00 am – 11:30 am – Tai Chi 12:00 pm – 4:30 pm – Drop in Pool 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm - Cribbage 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm – Old Time Band Practice
9:00 am – 12:00 pm – Pickleball 12:00 pm – 4:30 pm – Drop in Pool 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm – Whist 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm – Pickleball
9:00 am – 12:00 pm – Pickleball 9:30 pm - 3:00 pm - Circle of friends 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm – Pickleball 12:00 pm – 4:30 pm – Drop in Pool
30th from 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm.
Noon meals: available Monday through Friday cost $6.00 Call 320-4605 by 9:00 am to reserve your meal for that day. Purchase your meal ticket at the receptionist desk before noon. Monthly menus are available at the office, online, or in the newsletter. Bring a friend!
Volunteer Opportunities include perogy making, decorating and setting tables, birthday party hosts, food preparation and serving, clean up, greeters, receptionists.
Membership at the Pat Porter Active Living Centre is only $25 per year. Memberships are due in January of each year. Membership is for those 55 years of age and older. Benefits include reduced program rates, a voice in business meetings, voting rights, and eligibility to serve on the board or committees.
For more information on our programs, activities or volunteer opportunities, drop by the Centre Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm or call 320-4600. Or go to
Car Parts
Find and circle all of the car parts that are hidden in the grid. The remaining letters spell the name of an additional car part.
March 2015
Specials Available for Paradise Village Residents
Fresh Meats Produce In-Store Bakery
Pharmacy Photo & Film Developing
Everybody Saves Everyday Store 204-326-1316 Pharmacy 204-326-1823 Clearspring Village, Steinbach 14
March - Sudoku #191 (Medium)
Answer on Page 41
March 2015
Take Time,
Take Time,
If you have never stood in awe with sleep still in your eyes, And beheld the blazing glory, when at dawn the sun does rise, If you have never walked upon the grass when wet with dew, And caught the shimmering sparkle of the lights of pearly hue,
Have you watched a furry caterpillar wriggle through the grass. Or sensed a hiding cricket set in silence as you pass? See the beauty of a water lily floating on the lake? Where a bullfrog rests at leisure,
Take Time, If you have never paused to hear the robins as they sing You know you’ve missed the message that has heralded the spring. And if you’ve never watched a rose, it’s beauty to unfold, You’ve really missed a miracle, a wonder to behold Take Time, Have you ever watched the raindrops as to earth they gently fall? Without their healing magic there would be no life at all. Have you ever on a summer’s day given thanks for cooling breeze As it rustles through the branches of the tall and shady trees? Take Time, Have you ever stood as though transfixed to wish upon a star, And felt their very nearness although they shone so far? Have you ever paused to listen to the drove of bumble bees. Or wished that you might be as free, To soar about at ease? An unwary bug to take.
Take Time, Have you listened to music of a gurgling creek in spring Or watched the beauteous butterfly flit by on silken wing? Just to watch the fluffy snowflakes as they flutter down to earth Like diamonds in their sparkle; but to us have much more worth. Take Time, Have you ever watched the glorious sunset as it nestles in the West? Bringing end to daily duties beckons all the earth to rest. If you’ve never paused to wonder as such thins, there are so many. Then you have missed so much in life that doesn’t cost a penny. Take Time.
Pet Sitting Services Call Marilyn 204-422-6290
Space is available in this newsletter to the Residents of Paradise Village who wish to advertise‌
Wanted - To Buy or Sell This could include arts & crafts, news, services, or home business.
Rose McDonald Social Committee Representative is collecting recipes for the Paradise Village Cookbook
Contact Joanne Kehler Please contact her with your submissions through her e-mail or by phone 204-422-8990 to deliver
This is a great fundraiser for your PVRA
204-422-6248 or E-mail to order home and office supplies Please place your order before the 20th of each month (just like newsletter submissions)
March 2015 Senior trying to set a password……… Windows: Please enter your new password: User: cabbage Windows: Sorry, the password must be more than 8 characters. User: boiledcabbage Windows: Sorry, the password must contain 1 numerical character. User: 1 boiled cabbage Windows: Sorry, the password cannot have blank spaces. User: 50bloodyboiledcabbages Windows: Sorry, the password must contain at least one upper case character. User: 50BLOODYboiledcabbages Windows: Sorry, the password cannot use more than one upper case character consecutively. User: 50BloodyBoiledCabbagesShovedUpYourAss! Windows: Sorry, the password cannot contain punctuation. User: 50BloodyBoiledCabbagesShovedUpYourAssIfYouDontGiveMeAccessNow Windows: Sorry, that password is already in use.
Paradise Tuesdays 10% off all services (Except for therapeutic massage)
Call 204-320-1995
March 13
Wal-Mart, Superstore
March 14
Clearspring Mall
34069-B Borland Rd
Between 10:00 am and 6:00 pm
La Broquerie, MB R0A 0W0
Please contact Doreen Leys at 204-422-8273 to choose your volunteer hours when and where you would like to help out.
March 2015
Submitted by Paradise Resident, Barb Prior Many people worry about becoming more forgetful, fearing it is the first sign of Alzheimer's disease. In the past, memory loss and confusion were considered a normal part of aging. However, scientists now recognize that most people remain both alert and able as they age, although it may take longer to remember things. A lot of people experience memory lapses. Some memory problems are serious and others are not. People with serious changes in memory, personality and behavior may suffer from a form of brain disease called Dementia. Dementia affects a person's ability to carry out activities of daily living. Dementia is not part of aging.
Some Causes of Dementia -
Adverse reaction to medication Vision and/or hearing problems Poor nutrition leading to nutritional imbalances and Vitamin deficiency Minor head injuries Infections Diabetes Renal disease Thyroid disease
With accurate diagnosis comes help and management
Symptoms of Dementia -
Asking the same question repeatedly Being unable to follow directions Neglecting hygiene, nutrition or safety
Becoming lost in familiar places Being disorientated about time, people, and places
Dementia continued‌..
The two most common forms of Dementia are Alzheimer's disease and Vascular dementia. These two at the present are irreversible. In Alzheimer's disease nerve cells change in certain parts of the brain resulting in the death of a large number of brain cells. As the disease progresses symptoms led to serious impairment in thinking, judgement and performance of daily activities. Vascular disease is caused by a series of strokes or changes in the blood supply to the brain resulting in death of brain tissue. The location and severity of the strokes determine the seriousness of the impairment. Symptoms begin abruptly and there is no way to reverse the damage caused by the stroke. Treatment to prevent further strokes is very important. Diagnosis of Dementia includes a complete medical history, past and present, prescriptions and over the counter medications, diet and general health. The doctor will perform blood and urine tests as well as problem solving and memory testing. Because correct diagnosis depends on recalling details it would be prudent to ask a family member to accompany you to the appointment. Treatment involves helping patients and there families to cope with the irreversible aspects of the disease. People with early and middle stages of Alzheimer's can be treated with medications to delay the worsening of some of the symptoms. For Vascular disease dementia it is important to prevent further strokes by controlling hypertension, treating high cholesterol, controlling diabetes, and refraining from smoking. Medication to reduce anxiety, agitation, depression or sleeping problems may be prescribed. Scientists are working to develop new drugs that someday may slow, reverse or prevent Dementia. In the Feb 11, 2015 Winnipeg Free Press, there is an article regarding stroke cure, which involves extracting clots from the arteries they block. This results in lower number of deaths and improved post stroke quality of life. People with no Dementia should strive to keep there memory sharp. Develop or remain involved in activities that stimulate your mind and body. Limit the use of alcohol because heavy drinking overtime can cause permanent brain damage. Take advantage of activities available here in the village such as cards, dancing, books, puzzles, shuffle board, and the pool or exercise equipment to socialize and activate your mind and decrease depression. Video and computer games are also great at keeping your mind sharp, regardless of what we told our children and grandchildren, as they spent countless hours playing their games. These games stimulate the mind to make split second decisions and improves eye-hand co-ordination. Physical and mental changes occur with age in healthy people. However, much pain and suffering can be avoided if the elderly, their families, and their doctor recognize that Dementia is a disease and not part of normal aging.
March 2015
Last month I asked if you would be interested in South Beach trips every 2nd month and the answer was YES! I had suggested March 30/31 for the next trip but found out those days are booked. I am told that I have to book a long time in advance to get the dates we want for the hotel and buses, as both are very busy in the coming months.
April 23/24th has been booked for the next trip. Please contact me ASAP For those not familiar with this trip, with the rebates it is pretty much a free trip and a nice getaway in a lovely hotel‌.. Call me for more details.
Tentative dates Aug 4/5 & Aug 11/12, 2015 I have booked two dates due to the fact a lot of people want to go both weeks but I have not received confirmation at time of writing. I need a lot more people to sign up to make two weeks work. I suspect there are some snowbirds that are away right now who will want to go so if you are in touch with them, check to see if they are interested and let me know. We should have one bus for sure. I will have to act on this in the next month or so as deposits are needed for everything early. This is an amazing deal an $85.00 per person (based on double occupancy. If you want more details, call me.
Panama Cruise We left Fort Lauderdale FL November 28th aboard the MS Zuiderdam for a ten day Panama cruise. Ports of call included; Half Moon Cay Bahamas, Oranjestad Aruba, Willemstad Curacao, Colon Panama and Limon Costa Rica. Highlights included going through the Panama Canal, visiting the Embera Village in Panama via dugout canoe and a pontoon boat river tour in Costa Rica. Weather was great; all in all we had a wonderful time! Larry & Carole Trush The Panama Canal connects the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. It is a 48 mile canal that is important for international maritime trade. Construction of the canal began in 1881 by France, but there were engineering problems and too many people were dying due to disease. Construction stopped until the US took over in 1904. They took 10 years to complete the canal. The canal allowed ships to travel between the two oceans more safely and in half the time. In 1999 the Panamanian government took control of the canal. The Panama Canal is one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World.
March 2015
Samsung 19 " monitor for PC Nearly new
The Paradise Village ANNUAL
Friday June 5th 12-7pm Saturday June 6th 9am-1pm
Call Joy
Remember to Sign-up at the Recreation Center and put Balloons at the back of your place!
Carol Archambault 204-422-6847
PARADISE SQUARES INFORMATION No report from February Paradise Squares will be not be dancing for the month of March. Dancing resumes on April 7th We are still dancing at the Ste. Anne Elementary School. The Paradise Village Recreation Hall opening date is still unknown and the Club Presidents will be advised when that start date will be. Larry Trush
A husband says to his wife, “Darling, what would you do if I said I had won the lottery?” His wife replies, “I would take half and leave you.” The husband says, “Excellent! I had three numbers and won $10.00 here is $5.00 now get lost!” 24
PHONE: 204.326.6400
FAX: 204.326.6420
helping our community live well
March 2015
Paradise Village Christian Fellowship Church
Each morning, as the sun rises in the east, we welcome a new day, one that is filled with opportunities and possibilities, and God's blessings in our lives. Just looking around us gives us a reason to thank God for all His wondrous works and ask for His guidance for the day ahead. God's unfolding purpose in our lives is a daily journey.
Come worship with us on Sundays at 10 A.M. at the LUD Hall in Richer. Everyone is welcome. Coffee and Fellowship following the Service. We will continue to have Church Services in Richer until the re-opening of our Paradise Village Recreation Center. If anyone has special prayer requests please call the President, Heather Burnell or Vice President, Dennis Hall. MEN'S Breakfast Fellowship: 2nd Monday of each month (10 a.m. at various restaurants) rides can be arranged, for details give Dennis a call at 204-422-9870.
GEORGE COYLE After learning of George Coyle's varied life experiences I thought "jockey of all trades" might be an appropriate descriptor. In addition to racing horses he was involved in car racing, motorcycle racing, boxing, served in the British Navy and worked as an Electrician. At the age of 14 George worked in racing stables as a stable hand and exercise person. He raced horses as an amateur until age 17. He then moved to Wales, where he trained horses for fox hunting. At the age 18 George joined the British Navy and served on the aircraft carrier "The Implacable." He trained as a rigger and worked on aircraft frames. When George became involved in boxing he found a lot of competition among the 2200 men on the ship. He recalls that in his first fight he walked into a right hand thrown by a Scotsman and was knocked out within 30 seconds. Things improved considerably and George was soon winning regularly. He went to Kent on leave and met Joyce. They soon married, a marriage they are proud to say has lasted 62 years. They later moved to Essex, also in England, where George became employed as an electrician with the Ford Motor Company. During that time he raced motorcycles and cars throughout England. George and Joyce moved to Canada in the early 1970s. They first settled in Shoal Lake MB where George worked as an electrician, a profession he continued to work at when they moved to Winnipeg, this time at St. Joseph's personal care home. They moved to Paradise Village in the early 1990s and George retired several years later. When asked about memorable experiences George told the story of 2 sisters with the surname Coyle who were involved in the murder of 8 British soldiers in Northern Ireland. George was detained by police in London when he was overheard using the name Coyle. He was held for several hours and nearly missed the start of their holiday. There were humorous experiences. When on holidays in Mauritius they met a Chinese bookmaker. When George mentioned that Joyce was a psychic the bookmaker asked her to pick the race winners. She correctly picked the winners and the bookmaker made a lot of money. This information soon spread and Joyce had to lock herself in a washroom to escape the crowd. On their return from Mauritius their granddaughter went missing during the flight. She was found on the second floor of the jumbo jet in deep conversation with Engelbert Humperdinck. When asked about a bucket list, George, ever the adventurer, says he would like to skydive. That would be the icing on an interesting cake.
Interviewed by Larry Menec
Everyone has a story. It may concern a career, a hobby, an achievement, an experience, etc., etc. In the PVRA 2015 newsletters we would like to profile residents of Paradise Village. If you know of anyone you would like to see profiled call me at 204-422-5712 and I will try to arrange for an interview. Larry Menec and the PVRA Newsletter 27
March 2015
A huge thank you to Dolph Nobiss for rebuilding all the following rest stops.
Craig Electric
The Loop at RV Trail Cottonwood West Woodlands, Loop & Spruce Corner Baja at Confusion Corner Meadow Way South, Close to Buddy Holly Trail More to come on Meadow Way
Residential Electrical Service Specializing in Furnace Repair and Fall Checkups Ste. Anne, MB Contact: Gerry Craig
Cell: 204-371-9165 Office: 204-422-8245
Continuous Eaves Troughs
SUNNY FLORIDA CALLING: A hard freeze in most of Florida mid-month would you believe. Strawberry, citrus, and veggie crops seriously threatened. This is a BIG$$$ deal for Floridians. Two days later temps climb into high 70’s and we’re tanning again and sipping rum and cokes. Go figure! Getting a bit homesick for Paradise Village friends...time to shake things up and initiate new projects at Rec Centre. Let’s move it, gang. Meanwhile US economy on rebound as food and gas prices rise again...just before going home. Love visiting theme parks with CAROL and FRED ARCHAMBAULT...we’re all just grown-up kids and luv’n it. Been in Zephyrhills, Fl. 9 fun-filled winters now, our health improves, calmness and a positive attitude prevail. Why do retirees have to wait until mid-age to have so much fun? Can’t stop now so we’ll just spend more of our grandkids inheritance. Wheeee! Hugs from ILA and BRIAN COOPER.
March 2015
Are You Getting Ready for Spring and Spring Planting?
How many of you knew this? Is it a myth?......
Who knows these two?
Texas Hold-Em
1st 2nd 3rd
January 30, 2015 Barb Prior Jim L’Esperance Julian DeGrave
145 140 139
1st 2nd 3rd
February 6, 2015 John Perreault Larry Menec Willi Hesse
152 149 148
1st 2nd 3rd
February 13, 2015 Willi Hesse Barb Prior Leo Langlois
149 142 138
1st 2nd 3rd
February 20, 2015 Leo Langlois Les Hooper Jim L’Esperance
145 140 138
(Two-Table Progressive) February 1, 2015 1st Ragnar Erlendson 2nd Barb Prior 3rd Leo Langlois
1st 2nd 3rd
February 8, 2015 Leo Langlois John Perreault Les Hooper
1st 2nd 3rd
February 15, 2015 Russ Prior Les Hooper Ragnar Erlendson
1st 2nd 3rd
February 22, 2015 Barb Prior Susan Vanderwerf Russ Prior
Cribbage 1st 2nd 3rd
January 28, 2015 Lionel Meilleur Gisela Harms Jacob Harms
970 941 937
1st 2nd 3rd
February 4, 2015 Jacob Harms Larry Menec Jim L’Esperance
965 943 917
1st 2nd 3rd
February 11, 2015 Jim L’Esperance James Hickey Leo Langlois
944 930 895
1st 2nd 3rd
February 18, 2015 Jim L’Esperance Jacob Harms Gisela Harms
942 933 918
Potatoes Well, a Girl Potato and Boy Potato had eyes for each other and got married and had a little Sweet Potato, which they called 'Yam.' Of course, they wanted the best for Yam. When it was time, they told her about the facts of life. They warned her about going out and getting Half-baked, so she wouldn't get accidentally Mashed and get a bad name for herself like 'Hot Potato,' and end up with a bunch of Tater Tots. Yam said not to worry, no Spud would get her into the sack and make a Rotten Potato out of her! But on the other hand she wouldn't stay home and become a Couch Potato either. She would get plenty of exercise so as not to be skinny like her Shoestring Cousins. When she went off to Europe, Mr. and Mrs. Potato told Yam to watch out for the Hard-Boiled guys from Ireland, the Greasy guys from France called the French Fries, and when she went out west, to watch out for the Indians so she wouldn't get scalloped. Yam said she would stay on the straight and narrow and wouldn't associate with those high class Yukon Gold's, or the ones from the Other Side of the tracks who advertise their trade on all the trucks that say, 'Frito Lay.' Mr. and Mrs. Potato sent Yam to Idaho P. U. (that's Potato University) so that when she graduated she'd really Be In the Chips. But in spite of all they did for her, one day Yam came home and announced she was going to marry Peter Mansbridge. Yes Peter Mansbridge! Mr. and Mrs. Potato were very upset. They told Yam she couldn't possibly marry Peter Mansbridge because he's just....... Are you ready for this? Are you sure? OK! ............Here it is!
March 2015
Pharmacie Seine Ste-Anne 204-422-8226 170-142 avenue Central Kidney Infection The kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs found along the posterior wall of the abdominal cavity. The left kidney is located slightly higher than the right kidney because the right side of the liver is much larger than the left side. The kidneys, unlike the other organs of the abdominal cavity, are located posterior to the peritoneum and touch the muscles of the back. The kidneys are surrounded by a layer of adipose that holds them in place and protects them from physical damage. The kidneys filter metabolic wastes, excess ions, and chemicals from the blood to form urine. Kidney infection (pyelonephritis) is a specific type of urinary tract infection (UTI) that generally begins in your urethra or bladder and travels up into your kidneys. A kidney infection requires prompt medical attention. If not treated properly, a kidney infection can permanently damage your kidneys or the bacteria can spread to your bloodstream and cause a life-threatening infection. Kidney infection treatment usually includes antibiotics and often requires hospitalization. Signs and symptoms of a kidney infection may include: •Fever •Back, side (flank) or groin pain •Abdominal pain •Frequent urination •Strong, persistent urge to urinate •Burning sensation or pain when urinating •Pus or blood in your urine (hematuria) •Urine that smells bad or is cloudy When to see a doctor: Make an appointment with your doctor if you have any signs or symptoms that worry you. Also make an appointment if you're being treated for a urinary tract infection but your signs and symptoms aren't improving. Severe kidney infection can lead to life-threatening complications. Seek immediate medical attention if you experience typical kidney infection symptoms combined with bloody urine or nausea and vomiting. If left untreated, a kidney infection can lead to potentially serious complications, such as: •Permanent kidney damage. Permanent kidney damage can lead to chronic kidney disease. •Blood poisoning (septicemia). Your kidneys filter waste from your blood and then return your blood to the rest of your body. If you have a kidney infection, the bacteria can spread as the kidneys return blood to circulation. A reminder that we offer free delivery of prescriptions and pharmacy supplies to Paradise Village.
What do you remember in Health or Biology Class? A little refresher course if you don’t mind.
March 2015 On Saturday the 21st of February I had the pleasure of attending a drama performance entitled “Sisters” at the Providence University College in Otterburne, MB. Set in Nova Scotia, “Sisters” is a tough, uncompromising look at a convent-run Native residential school. The play was very thought-provoking, not skimming over the wrongs done through the residential schools in the slightest, but telling the story from the nuns’ point of view which is not heard quite as often. The religious people are often demonized in this scenario and though they did in many, if not most cases, do absolutely horrific things, unfortunately they often truly believed they were doing the right thing. The point of the play was that Christian people with good intensions can still do very horrible and damaging things in the name of God. The people who created the Residential Schools did so in the firm belief that their culture was better than the cultures of Canada’s indigenous peoples. Seeing the history through the eyes of Mary left me thinking how tough it must have been for the nuns. Becoming a nun for Mary did not go in the direction she had envisioned. We did not see the priests or the government officials who instituted and ran the schools. Unseen, their controlling presence demonstrated the prejudice and domination that poisons Mary, her fellow Sisters, and us. This play is a confession, an opportunity to speak the truth about the past so there may be hope for reconciliation in the future. “Sisters” reminds us to pay attention to the things we don’t see, and to listen for the silences that repress curiosity and truth-telling. By Debbie Kokil
Saturday March 28th - 10 am to 4 pm Ste Anne Parish (St. Alphonse Hall, Office Entrance)
Cakes, cookies, pies, muffins, squares, and much more If you would like to make a donation of baked goods please call Iris @ 204-422-9496 or Marj @ 204-422-8166
You can drop off your baked goods at 9:00 am Saturday morning or call us and we will pick it up There will be a raffle for a Large Bunny Draw will take place on Sunday morning after 11:00 am MASS Tickets are $2.00 each or 3 for a $5.00
Proceeds to go to the Catholic Women’s League for start-up funding If you have any questions or inquiries please call Iris 204-422-9496 or Monique 204-422-8037 or Elizabeth 204-422-8255 or Yolande 204-422-6210 or Marj (President) 204-422-8166 34
Jules and I would like to Thank Everyone for your continued Thoughts and Prayers, phones calls, e-mails, cards and visits to our home and the hospital. We are truly blessed to have such a outpouring of well wishes and concerns from our neighbors, family and friends. A special Thank You to my Brother, Tom Winzinowich for taking care of snow removal so I am able to visit Jules in the hospital. From Jules and Heather Burnell
Depot 204-422-5970 35
March 2015 Dubbed “The World’s Largest Kitchen Party”, Festival du Voyageur celebrates the “joie de vivre” of the fur traders, who established the Red River Colony and the ever-growing French-Canadian community in Western Canada. The spirit and culture of the Voyageur is present in the vibrant community that comes t oget he r t o cel e brat e e ver y February, their history, through this event.
Did You Visit this Year? What was Your Experience? Please send an article with pictures to the PVRA Newsletter Festival du Voyageur’s International Snow Sculpting Symposium gives sculptors from around the world the opportunity to express themselves in a spirit of mutual support and cooperation, through a short-lived art medium that has evolved for many generations. Each team is asked to create a piece of art out of a simple block of snow measuring 3m x 3.7m x 3.7m (10’ x 12’ x 12’), inspired by their experience at Festival du Voyageur or simply guided by their own imagination. 11 teams compete this year.
For All Your Auto Body Repair Needs 724 Traverse Road Ste. Anne, MB R5H 1B2 Phone/Fax: (204)422-8840 Cell: 204-355-8476 Bob Saindon
SEINE RIVER SERVICES FOR SENIORS Seine River Services for seniors are happy to announce that foot care is offered to the residents of Paradise Village. We have a certified foot care nurse, Jennifer Mansbridge, ready to help with any concerns you may have with your feet. This is an in-home service for all the seniors residing in Paradise Village. Jennifer will be coming once every 2 months as long as she has enough clients for the day. For more information or if you would like to make an appointment please contact:
204-326-3917 Clearspring Centre - Steinbach, MB
Juliette Rowan, Resource Coordinator
204-424-5285 37
March 2015
Do you have any interesting stories about travelling? I am sure there are many from you folks here, in Paradise Village! Please include pictures! Please forward to me, Editor Debbie Kokil, at or drop off at 5 Parkview Drive
AndrÊ Lafrenière Wanda Turner Guylene McLean Pharmacists / Pharmaciens
170 - 142 avenue Centrale Ste-Anne, MB R5H 1C3 Ph:(204) 422-8226 Fax: (204) 422-6587 e-mail:
March 2015
9-1-1 EMERGENCY INFORMATION “Municipal Road 39E” “Civic Number 45084” Your street address (Example - “8 Paradise Drive”)
Ste. Anne Police
Hours: Mon - Fri
8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Weekends - Same number, but calls are referred to Winnipeg and re-directed to Steinbach. Emergency, Fire, or Ambulance
Health Links
Ste. Anne Hospital
Doctor on Call
Seine Medical Centre
Seine Pharmacy
South Eastman Health
Handy Persons to Call Wayne Pierce Commissioner for Oaths Free to Paradise Residents Only Call: 204-422-9116 Jo-Ann Lee Provincial Marriage Commissioner Wedding Ceremonies & Renewal of Vows Call: 204-990-2624 Penn-Lite Electrical & Mechanical Heating, Air Conditioning & Electrical Call: 204-326-3233 Ste Marie Plumbing - Jim Ste. Marie Plumbing, Water Softener, Drains Call: 204-422-5352 Cell: 204-371-6897 Total Package Moving - Jim Harms Call: 204-346-0325 Craig Electric - Gerry Craig Electrical and Heating Office: 204-422-8245 Cell: 204-371-9165
Office - Fax
Rec Centre
GP Mobile - Gerald Prairie Home levels, Skirting, Siding, and Repairs Call: 204-422-6301 Dave`s Finishing Renovating, Flooring, and Decks Call: 204-380-3765 40
March - Sudoku #191 (Medium)
March 2015
Please Patronize Your Advertisers in the Paradise Village Residents’ Newsetter Advertisers Name
Advertisers Name
Access Mobility & Healthcare Supplies
Pet Sitting Services
Anni Markmann Financial Services
Pet Vet
B. Vermette Back-Hoe Service Ltd.
Pharmacie Seine
Barkman Appliance Service
Pic n’ Pay Shoes
Booster Rooster
Pro Hardware/Sears
Chem Dry Southeast
Royal LePage Riverbend Realty - Paul Hiebert
Chicken Chef
Richer Inn
Classy Cut ‘N Curls
Sainte-Anne Chiropractic Clinic
Craig Electric
Sainte-Anne Physiotherapy
Dave’s Finishing
Seine River Motors
Fiola Insurance Agency/Ste. Anne Sundries
Simply Connected
Fountain View Day Spa and Salon
Fresh Looks Hair Design
Ste. Anne Auto Body Ltd.
G.P. Mobile Home Services
Ste. Anne Co-op Oil Ltd.
Ste. Anne Library
Harvest Insurance Agency
Ste. Marie Plumbing
Jock of All Trades
Steinbach Primary Care Pharmacy
Keating Mechanical Service
Ti-Beauville Inn
Ledingham GM
Total Package Moving
Paws Aux Spa
Travel Professionals International - Shirley
Penn-Lite Electrical & Mechanical
Waldenway Canine & Kitty Camp Inc.
Penner Paint & Body Works
Water Doctor
Penner Performance Centre Ltd.
24 & 41
We are always looking for advertisers in our monthly newsletter! Please contact Les Hooper for quotes on advertising costs at 204-422-8583 42
Volunteer Drivers There are residents in Paradise Village who may need assistance to get to a medical appointment in Ste. Anne, Lorette, Steinbach or Winnipeg. Arrangements as to times and donations towards gas and/or parking are between the resident requiring assistance and the resident driver. If you require assistance, you may call a driver directly or call: Pat Shaffer
Because drivers are not always available, we need to increase the number of volunteers. If you could help with this service, please call Pat. DRIVERS WHO PREFER TO USE THEIR OWN VEHICLE: Bob & Hazel Hicks 204-422-5790 (Summer Only) John Sluis 204-422-4111 Norm Cunningham 204-422-9177 Al Wastle
Doreen Leys
Syd Henderson
Victor Loewen
Ursula Schlichter 204-422-4139 Leo Langlois
204-422-9496 43
10:00 am Paradise Village Christian Fellowship Church LUD Hall Richer
10:00 am Paradise Village Christian Fellowship Church LUD Hall Richer
10:00 am Paradise Village Christian Fellowship Church LUD Hall Richer
10:00 am Paradise Village Christian Fellowship Church LUD Hall Richer
1:00 pm Bowling - Steinbach Always looking for new bowlers & spares
1:00 pm Bowling - Steinbach Always looking for new bowlers & spares
1:00 pm Bowling - Steinbach Always looking for new bowlers & spares
1:00 pm Bowling - Steinbach Always looking for new bowlers & spares
Singles Potluck Myrna MacKenzie
2 1:00 pm Bowling - Steinbach
Mon 8:30 am Coffee
8:30 am Coffee
8:30 am Coffee
8:30 am Coffee
8:30 am Coffee Both in the Woodworking Shop
7:00 pm Woodcarving
Both in the Woodworking Shop
7:00 pm Woodcarving
Both in the Woodworking Shop
7:00 pm Woodcarving
Both in the Woodworking Shop
7:00 pm Woodcarving
Both in the Woodworking Shop
7:00 pm Woodcarving
7:00 pm Cribbage Woodworking Shop
7:00 pm Cribbage Woodworking Shop
LUNCH OUT OF THE VILLAGE - Steinbach Dairy Queen 11:30am
7:00 pm Cribbage Woodworking Shop
7:00 pm Cribbage Woodworking Shop
1:00 pm Mahjong In homes until further notice
Resumes April 7th
There is no Paradise Squares For this month
1:00 pm Mahjong In homes until further notice
1:00 pm Mahjong In homes until further notice
1:00 pm Mahjong In homes until further notice
March 2015
8:30 am Coffee 7:00 pm Whist Both in Woodworking Shop
8:30 am Coffee 7:00 pm Whist Both in Woodworking Shop
8:30 am Coffee 7:00 pm Whist Both in Woodworking Shop
8:30 am Coffee 7:00 pm Whist Both in Woodworking Shop
1:15 - 3:00 pm
Garbage Day
Garbage Day
1:15 - 3:00 pm
Garbage Day
Garbage Day
Women’s Catholic League Bake Sale and Raffle March 28th
Eastman Recycling At the mailboxes
Eastman Recycling At the mailboxes