PVRA Newsletter December 2017

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Easy Rider

Walter Loeser, 98 and Kurt Neuhaus, 90 Senior Citizens Reenact Classic Movie Scenes For Nursing Home Calendar Continued...

Easy Rider is a 1969 American independent road drama film written by Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper, and Terry Southern, produced by Fonda and directed by Hopper. Fonda and Hopper played two bikers who travel through the American Southwest and South carrying the proceeds from a drug deal. The success of Easy Rider helped spark the New Hollywood era of filmmaking during the early 1970s. Easy Rider explores the societal landscape, issues, and tensions in the United States during the 1960s, such as the rise of the hippie movement, drug use, and communal lifestyle. See Page 18 for 13 Things You Didn’t Know About the movie “Easy Rider” !

DECEMBER 2017 IN THIS ISSUE: PVRA News.................................................................. 4 President’s Message / Words from the Editor .............. 5 PVRA Singles .............................................................. 6 PVRA Dinner & Dance ................................................. 7 My Life After 50 by Julian DeGrave ............................ 8 2nd Vice President’s Message ................................... 9 Poems by M.C. Fair... .................................................. 10 Birthdays & Occasions................................................. 11 Word Search ............................................................... 12 Julian’s Joke / The Funny Bone .................................. 13 Paradise Squares ........................................................ 15 Grey Cup Party Report ................................................ 16 Social Committee ........................................................ 17 Movie Trivia - Easy Rider .....................................18 & 19 Shuffleboard / Volunteer Drivers / Professionals .............. 20 Casino Bus Trips ......................................................... 23 New Year’s Eve Party .................................................. 25 Breakfast Out of the Village ......................................... 26 Adult Coloring ............................................................. 27 Crossword Puzzle ..................................................... 29 Sudoku ....................................................................... 30 Sunny Florida Calling ................................................... 31 Joke du Jour ................................................................ 32 Paint Night / New Trails ............................................... 33 Welcome to New Residents ......................................... 34 Card Results ................................................................ 35 Puzzle Answers / Christmas Thoughts ........................ 36 PV Christian Fellowship Church ................................. 38 Newsletter Team ........................................................ 39 Calendar ..................................................................... 40




PVRA MEMBERSHIPS AND ANY CHANGES TO YOUR INFORMATION CAN BE COMPLETED BY CONTACTING: Joanne Kehler 32 Sunset Drive 204-422-6248 joken95@mymts.net Thanks so much!

2016-2018 Executive Members President: Ludwik Jarco 1st Vice-President: Barry Davenport 2nd Vice-President: Gord Macpherson Secretary: Edythe Pryor (2017-19) Membership: Joanne Kehler Editorial: Debbie Kokil Kitchen: Linda Fulmore (2017-19) Treasurer: Cheryl Porte Social: Linda Fulmore (2017-19) House: Jack Steinhoff (2017-19)

2017 PVRA Phonebook Additions, Changes & Corrections Please inform Joanne Kehler, Membership Committee Chair, when you make a change to your phone number or personal information so that records could be updated. Membership then contacts me, the editor, and I post it into the newsletter. Please transfer it to the lined part of your Phone List when you see one and keep yourselves updated too. Thank you!

New Residents: Marc & Brenda Grouette 3 Nature Drive R5H 1H2 PH: 204-422-5434 John & Maureen Heide 25 Village Drive R5H 1H4 PH: 204-801-5872 Leonard Krahn & Iboyla Melicher 24 Village Drive R5H 1H4 PH: 204-422-5283

Ken Shaw 20 Sunset Drive R5H 1H5 PH: 204-572-6777 Changes to phone numbers: John & Sharon Zappe 7 Harmony Lane New # is: 204-422-6574

Thank you to our advertisers for your support this year. Merry Christmas!


Season’s Greetings

President’s Message Hi everyone. Just a Christmas wish for all of you and your families from Ruth and myself. The very best of Christmases to each and every one of you, and may 2018 be enjoyable, prosperous, and most of all, PEACEFUL. Take care and we will see you all in the Spring. Remember, I am only an e-mail away. Proudly, Your PVRA President Ludwik Jarco

Words from the Editor Merry Christmas and Happy New Year PVRA Members and Residents, another year over and a new one to look forward to. For our 2018 Newsletter Covers I will be posting hand-drawn pencil sketches by Marv Zubrin. Marv is a very talented artist and it is my pleasure to showcase his work each month. Not only does he create terrific cartoons he also creates many of the displays for our community events as well. Next time you see Marv please be sure to thank him for his wonderful contributions and talent. Once again Merry Christmas and Good Health and Prosperity in 2018 Debbie Kokil, Newsletter Editor




“My Life After 50” by Julian DeGrave I sold my business in 1975 and retired. That Fall I left for South Texas and stayed with my uncle, (my mother’s brother). He had 50 acres of citrus trees in the community of McAllen. In the spring I returning to Winnipeg and I stayed for the summer months with my cousin, the Honourable Judge, Wilfred R. DeGraves on Seeking Ave. in Headingly. In the Fall I went back to Texas and stayed once again with my uncle. While there, in January 1977, I met Anna at a dance and we started dating. Things began to get a bit serious with us. I return to Winnipeg that spring, and began paperwork to live in Texas. The following winter Anna and I were engaged to married. In the spring of 1978 I spent a couple of months with my family. On August 1st I packed up my belongings and headed to Marshall, MN to a big family reunion and from there I made my big move to Texas. Anna and I we were married on September 1st, 1978. Anna kept her job as a seamstress, while I hunted for our new home in McAllen. While Anna cooked, I kept house and even learned to cook and clean windows. In my spare time I got involved in picking up aluminum cans for charity. All cans and tabs were the same price $0.25 per pound and I used to cash them in at Pearl Brewery Distributors. When I heard that the price

was going to increase I began collecting and storing cans and tabs in my in-laws utility shed, as they lived only a few blocks from us. After filling their shed, I also filled mine; the price did increase to $0.35 per pound too. I was told by the fellow at Pearl Brewery Distributors that the white bags they gave me would hold 1500 crushed cans. They were right as you can see by the pictures. They were all crushed as if run over by an eighteen wheeler. My neighbour, Mike Palmer, knew I was collecting cans for charity so he said when I was ready to take them in he would help me load them on his truck and trailer to deliver them for me at no charge. I went to a scrap dealer to check on prices and the fellow said he would pay me $0.35 a pound. I told the fellow that I was donating all the money from the cans to an orphanage in Rio Grande Valley. When I told him that I probably had a ton, he was shocked; he didn’t believe me. When delivery time came the fellow was fair, at first I asked for $0.40 a pound but he said he would give me $0.38 a

pound. As you look at the truck and trailer load in the picture, there was approx. 2200 pounds. He paid me a little over $800 and that was just the start of can collecting for me in the eight years that I lived in McAllen. I donated over $4000 to charity on cans alone. I moved back to Canada in 1986 to be closer to family. I heard talk about a program called “Tabs for Wheelchairs” so Anna and I started saving tabs a little at a time. After moving to Paradise Village in September 2000 we were into saving a lot more. Anna’s brother in McAllen, was a high school teacher and we talked to him about the Tabs for Wheelchair program here at home. He wanted to help us so he talked to his students and got them all involved in helping him collect the tabs. We would pick them up each winter during our stay down there as snowbirds. We were getting 4 huge bags each year from them. When June Williams was our “Tab Lady” here in Paradise Village, she would always write to Wally and his students a very nice thank you letter. Now Wally has

retired so he is unable to get other teachers involved and I myself can’t travel down south anymore because of health issues. As of late we contacted Bob Barrow of Steinbach to come and pickup 7-25 pound bags of tabs to be delivered to the Holy Cross School for us. Anna got a call from the school thanking us for our efforts and she was surprised that at 91 years old I was still involved. Well now that I have turned 92, I guess it’s time for me to quit. We have contacted all of our friends here in Manitoba who has helped us collect tabs and let them know that we no longer require the tabs. They can continue to collect for someone else if they wish. We figured we did our share over the years. P.S. Would you believe that we received a nice call from Joann and Wayne from Ste Anne, MB and she couldn’t thank us enough for the tabs we gave that will be going towards their granddaughter, Delaney’s wheelchair, who lives in Lorette, MB. We would like to meet Delaney some day. Julian DeGrave


2nd Vice President Message As we approach the end of another year we have much to be thankful for, given the state of the world today. Despite our day to day issues, challenges and disappointments we must remain positive and carry on. Keeping cool, calm, and collected. This fall the social committee of the PVRA has been very active beginning with a very successful Thanksgiving Dinner and evening, followed up by an outstanding Halloween party and dance. A big thank you to village residents for the great support and participation at these events. A special thank you to Linda Fulmore chair of the social committee for bringing together a team of outstanding and very creative volunteers who made these events very memorable and successful. PVRA participated in wreath laying ceremonies on Remembrance Day at Ste Anne Catholic Church. Thank you to Paradise Village residents Jacob Hes and Brian Fulmore for this representation. Our weather this Fall has been basically quite good despite a few days of cold and snowy weather in early November. A thank you to Park Management for the swiftness in clearing roads and back lanes after the first significant snowfall. As we approach Christmas with all its glitter and celebrations let us not forget those who are less fortunate. PVRA on behalf of its members is making a donation of $250 dollars towards the hamper in Ste Anne. The hamper will be donated to a needy family within the RM of Ste. Anne. I thought it would be in keeping, to share a couple of seasonal quotes with you. “I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. ~Charles Dickens” “Gifts of time and love are surely the basic ingredients of a truly merry Christmas. ~Peg Bracken” On behalf of the PVRA and myself I want to wish everyone the best of the festive season with your families and good health and happiness as we move into a new year. Gord Macpherson


Poems by M.C. Fair





December Birthdays 1 Norman Nicol 2 Dian Fulford 3 Bob Zimmermann 4 Carol Somerville 8 Thomas Grabowski 8 Gay Lemay 9 Jim Somerville 11 Jack Whitfield 11 Kenneth Lofto 15 Lou Bergeron 15 Robbert Hilhorst 16 Omer Cormier 16 Warren Walterson 17 Colin Burns 17 Helen Funk

18 18 20 21 23 23 25 25 26 26 27 29 29 29 30

Gordon Smith John McEachern Henriette Hilhorst Brian Prior Hazel Hicks Kim Patrick Rene Pelletier Elfriede Dueck Gene Boivin Geraldine Nobiss Margie Leonard Cynthia Cooke Mel Holmes Larry Kroker Ralph Newstead

Thinking of you... Lou Bergeron

December Milestone Birthdays

11 – Ken Lofto 15 – Lou Bergeron 15 – Elnora Wyer 15 – Robbert Hilhorst 23 – Hazel Hicks

7 – Norm & Ruth Cunningham

12 – Pat & Val Stanger

Julian DeGrave

Please contact Doreen Leys 204-422-8273 or Shirlee Christensen 204-422-9501 to let us know about any birthday mistakes, anniversaries, illnesses or loss of a loved one. We apologize if you have been forgotten... it probably was because we were unaware. Sincerely Doreen and Shirlee





Julian’s Joke of the month A husband asks his wife, “If I would die first would you marry again?” “I would be heart-broken of course,” was her reply. “But I think eventually I would remarry.” “But you wouldn’t bring him here to our house would you?” “Why not, I’ve worked and slaved to make this house a home. There is no reason to abandon it.” “But you wouldn’t sleep in our bed would you?” “Well, I wouldn’t run out and buy a new bed right away.” “Surely you wouldn’t let him use my golf clubs?” “Of course not, he is left-handed!”

The Funny Bone Here is your first question, the boss said: “Without using numbers, represent the number 9.” “Without numbers?” The Newfie says, “oh, dat’s easy.” And proceeds to proceeds to draw three trees. “What’s this?” the boss asks. “Have you ain’t got no brain? Tree and tree plus tree makes 9” says the Newfie. “Fair enough,” says the boss. “Here’s your second question. Use the same rules, but this time the number is 99.” The Newfie stares into space for a half-minute, then picks up the picture that he had just drawn and makes a smudge on each tree... “Ere you go.” The boss scratches his head and says, “How on earth do you get that to represent 99?” “Each of da trees is dirty now. So, it’s dirty tree, and dirty tree, plus dirty tree. Dat makes 99.” The boss is getting worried that he’s going to actually have to hire this Newfie, so he says, “All right, last question. Same rules again, but represent the number 100.” The Newfie stares into space some more, then he picks up the picture again and makes a little mark at the base of each tree and says, “Ere you go. One hundred.” The boss looks at the attempt. “You must be nuts if you think you’ll convince me that THAT represents one hundred!” The Newfie leans forward and points to the marks at the base of each tree and whispers, “A little dog come along and poop by each tree. So now you got dirty tree and a turd, dirty tree and a turd, and dirty tree and a turd, which makes ONE HUNDRED!” The Newfie is now the new Minister of Finance....





Lynda Seewald, a Certified (Diabetic) Foot Care Nurse is ready to come to your home if you are in need of this service. Offered every 2 months. For more information please contact the Resource Coordinator, Juliette Rowan @ 204-4245285 to register and become a client.



Paradise Squares Kicks Off the Season Paradise Squares are enjoying a renaissance as a number of new dancers have joined our club this fall. They are enjoying dancing as Ernie is teaching them basics of Squares Dancing. Also there are a few dancers that have begun to dance again after not dancing for a time. Putting that all together has resulted in a great mix and all are enjoying each evening. Our Black & Orange Dance on Halloween night was a great evening with dancers dressing up in the colours of Halloween. Hobo Nite Dance on November 21st is usually our highlight dance of the season and this year was no exception, with around fifty dancers enjoying the evening. It was also Visitation Night as our Association Reps visited our club. At the end of the evening our famous “Hobo Stew� was served. A great time was had by all! Many thanks to Co-President Joy Morrison for the photos taken. Larry Trush





Social Committee Grey Cup was very successful, could have had a bit more food so apologize for that, a learning experience. I would like to Thank everyone for coming and supporting the social activities. A “HUGE� Thank You to everyone who helped make this another great event. Love you all, what a great place we live in. The next Social Committee Meeting is on December 13th @ 35 Nature Drive 1:00 pm. Posts are also put on the Paradise Village Ste Anne Facebook Page. All residents are welcomed.



13 Things You Didn’t Know About the movie Easy Rider Easy Rider’s tagline of “A man went looking for America and couldn’t find it anywhere” transcended moviedom. Once called The Loners, Dennis Hopper cowrote, directed, and starred in the Oscar-nominated biker flick about two men riding motorcycles from Los Angeles to New Orleans to Florida during the tumult of the Vietnam-era ’60s. Peter Fonda and Jack Nicholson also starred, and Fonda co-wrote the script with Terry Southern and Hopper, and produced it. With a budget of well under $1 million, the 1969 guerilla film went on to gross more than $60 million worldwide; the Criterion Collection referred to the movie as “the definitive counterculture blockbuster.” After filming finished in 1968, it took Hopper a year to edit 80 hours of footage, which included scenes of real drug use, and a jaw-dropping conclusion. Despite a difficult shoot, it launched the prosperous New Hollywood period of moviemaking, and ignited a revolution in cinema that we haven’t recaptured since. Here are 13 far out facts about the seminal movie. 1. THE MOVIE WAS MADE FOR THE YOUTH OF THE TIME. Before Easy Rider, Hollywood was churning out happier films starring the effervescent Doris Day, but Dennis Hopper’s film changed that. “They were making films like Pillow Talk and The Glass Bottom Boat. Gidget? That’s not a kids’ film. Beach Blanket Bingo? C’mon,” Fonda told The Hollywood Reporter. “Those were not really films of the youth that I had grown into and up with, shutting away the establishment, going on their own. We made a movie for these people that didn’t have their own movie.” Karen Black, who played one of the prostitutes in the movie, agreed with Fonda’s sentiment.

“When you went to see a movie like Easy Rider and when you saw these guys really smoking grass by the fire, and really the camaraderie was warm, real, and rare, you went, ‘What the hell am I looking at? This has value! This has a completely different kind of value than Pillow Talk,” she said in the documentary Easy Riders, Raging Bulls. “This is something extraordinary. I want more of that. And then I think it went a bit far, because I kept seeing movie people vomit.” 2. THE PRELIMINARY ENDING INVOLVED BILLY AND WYATT SAILING INTO THE SUNSET. One of the most shocking things about Easy Rider is its ending, where both of the leads violently perish. “The initial idea had to do with a couple of young guys who are fed up with the system, want to make one big score, and split,” Terry Southern told Creative Screenwriting. “Use the money to buy a boat in Key West and sail into the sunset was the general notion, and that was slated to be the film’s final poetic sequence. It wasn’t until the end that it took on a genuinely artistic dimension— when it suddenly evolved into an indictment of the American redneck, and his hatred and intolerance for anything remotely different from himself—somewhat to the surprise of Den Hopper: ‘You mean kill ‘em both? Hey, man, are you outta your gourd?!?’ I think for a minute he was still hoping they would somehow beat the system and sail into the sunset with a lot of loot and freedom. But of course, he was hip enough to realize, a minute later, that their death was more or less mandatory.” 3. IT WAS ONE OF THE FIRST FILMS TO INTEGRATE FOUND MUSIC. Instead of hiring a musician to compose a score for the film, Hopper decided to use pre-re-

corded music from Bob Dylan, The Band, Steppenwolf, and Jimi Hendrix on the soundtrack. “No one had really used found music in a movie before, except to play on radios or when someone was singing in a scene,” Hopper told Interview Magazine. “But I wanted Easy Rider to be kind of a time capsule for that period, so while I was editing the film I would listen to the radio. That’s where I got ‘Born to Be Wild’ and ‘The Pusher’ and all those songs.” The filmmakers had to show the movie to the different bands involved in order to get licensing approval, and each band received $1000. They showed it to Dylan, whose song “It’s Alright, Ma (I’m Only Bleeding)” was in two scenes, but Dylan said they couldn’t use it. “He said, ‘Have [Roger] McGuinn do this first part, but you can’t do it after that,’” Fonda told Daily Camera. “I said, ‘But, Bob, any good fight’s a combination of punches.” McGuinn covered Dylan’s song, and Dylan and McGuinn wrote the closing credit song, “The Ballad of Easy Rider,” which was sung by McGuinn, and didn’t have Dylan’s name on it. 4. DENNIS HOPPER CLAIMED TERRY SOUTHERN ONLY CONTRIBUTED THE TITLE. “Terry Southern never wrote one word of Easy Rider. Only the title Easy Rider came from him,” Hopper told The Guardian. “He broke his hip; he couldn’t write. I used his office and I dictated the whole thing in 10 days.” But Southern saw it in another way. “Peter was to be the actor/ producer, Dennis the actor/director, and a certain yours truly, the writer,” Southern told Creative Screenwriting. “After they had seen a couple of screenings of it on the coast, I got a call from Peter. He said that he and Dennis liked the film so much they wanted to be in on the screenplay

credits. Well, one of them was the producer and other was the director so there was no way the Writers Guild was going to allow them to take a screenplay credit unless I insisted.” Not listening to the WGA, Southern allowed them to have their credits on the film, which was largely improvised. However, Fonda had more positive things to say about Southern’s contributions: “He gave us dark humor and a literary panache that Dennis and I did not have,” Fonda told The A.V. Club. “Having him with us as a writer on the script put it above periscope depth. People would say, ‘Wow, Terry Southern co-wrote that. I wonder what that’s about.’ All three of them received Oscar nominations for the film’s screenplay. 5. RIP TORN SUED HOPPER OVER THE JACK NICHOLSON ROLE. As the story goes, in 1967, Rip Torn had dinner with Fonda and Hopper, who were considering casting him in the role of lawyer George Hanson. Hopper went on The Tonight Show in 1994 and recounted how Torn pulled a knife on Hopper during the dinner, thus losing the gig. But Torn said it was the other way around—Hopper pulled the knife on him. (It was supposedly a butter knife.) “Dennis jumped back and knocked Peter on the floor, and I said, ‘There goes the job,’” Torn told The New York Times. Fed up with Hopper ruining his career, Torn sued Hopper for defamation and won almost $1 million. Bert Schneider, one of film’s executive producers and financiers, then suggested Hopper cast Nicholson as Hanson—as long as he agreed to work for scale, which was $392 per week. “I’ll tell you one thing mister, it was the best $392 I ever spent,” Fonda said at the AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to Jack Nicholson banquet. 6. NICHOLSON KNEW THE


19 MOVIE WOULD BE A HIT. In an interview with Film Comment, the interviewer asked Nicholson if he knew the film would be a hit, and he said yes. “Bob [Rafelson] and I were involved in writing Head when Dennis and Peter brought in a 12-page treatment,” Nicholson said. “I felt it would be a successful movie right then. Because of my background with Roger Corman, I knew that my last motorcycle movie had done $6 to $8 million from a budget of less than half-a-million. I thought the moment for the biker film had come, especially if the genre was moved one step away from exploitation toward some kind of literary quality.” Before Easy Rider, Hopper had starred in a biker movie called The Glory Stompers, Fonda did the Corman movie The Wild Angels, and Nicholson acted in Hells Angels on Wheels. 7. THE “WE BLEW IT” LINE WAS FILMED AFTER THE MOVIE WRAPPED. Near the end of the film, Wyatt and Billy sit around a campfire, and Wyatt’s excited about how rich they are. Wyatt looks into the fire and utters, “You know Billy, we blew it,” which foreshadows the ending, though is also open to interpretation. “It was two weeks after we wrapped the movie, we realized we didn’t have the last campfire scene,” Fonda told Daily Camera. “So we assembled the crew and went into the Santa Monica Mountains—if you don’t light it, you can’t see the difference—and we said we’re in Florida.” Hopper and Fonda argued about the dialogue. “He wanted me to say all this stuff about how we blew our inheritance, we messed up our heritage ... We were elevating the level of our conversation.” Fonda wanted to mumble his line in a Warren Beatty way, and Hopper was at first against the idea, but once they filmed the scene Hopper was amenable. “Lots of people have asked me over the years, ‘What did you

mean by ‘we blew it’?’” Fonda said. “And I say, ‘Look out the window. If you don’t think we’ve blown it, you’ve got to take a closer look.’” 8. FONDA TRIED TO GET HOPPER FIRED BEFORE THE MOVIE WAS EVEN WRITTEN. Schneider and Rafelson created The Monkees and used that money to fund the film. They gave Hopper $20,000 to do some preliminary shooting in New Orleans, and if they liked what they saw, they would give him more money to shoot the entire thing. Hopper filmed the NOLA scenes using Bolex 16mm cameras, which gave the movie a psychedelic sheen. “Peter and Bill Hayward are recording me,” Hopper told Interview Magazine. “Every time I turn around they’re filming me—and I’m not sure why—but I’m saying things like, ‘We’re going to win Cannes, man! We’re young! We’re going to take our energy and our strength and we’re going to take this thing all the way! Just trust me and do what I’m saying! Nobody shoot any film until I tell them to!’ I mean, we were all in open fights with one another at the time. I didn’t find this out until Bert called me into his office after the movie was released, but Peter and Bill apparently wanted to pay him back the money he’d given us for Easy Rider and fire me. This is Peter and my brother-inlaw, okay? This is before we’ve written a screenplay.” Schneider didn’t care about the footage and told the guys, “Well, Hopper sounds really excited. He says he’s going to win Cannes. That sounds like a hell of an idea.” And of course the movie ended up winning a Best First Work award at the 1969 Cannes Film Festival, where it was also nominated for the Palme d’Or. 9. FONDA & HOPPER HAD A FALLING OUT OVER MONEY. The actors clashed over writing credits and how Southern’s money should be split between

the men. When Southern left the project, Fonda gave a percentage of Southern’s money to the production company and Hopper’s brother-in-law, Bill Hayward, who was an associate producer on the film. This made Hopper feel like Fonda cheated him. “I just think that [Hopper] was so caught up in his own megalomania and his own bitterness that he couldn’t see that I treated him quite fairly and that I respected his genius and his work,” Fonda told The Independent. Unfortunately, Hopper held a grudge until the day he died, in 2010. “Well, I knew that Dennis was dying and I made many attempts to see Dennis as did Bert Schneider,” Fonda said. “But he refused to see us. The funeral service was in a chapel in Taos, New Mexico. I rented a private jet and flew in, but I was not allowed in the chapel. So as much as I wanted to pay my respects, to Dennis and his family, I was not allowed to be a part of it.” 10. FONDA’S FAMOUS DAD DIDN’T UNDERSTAND THE MOVIE. The esteemed Henry Fonda saw a screening of his son’s film. “I had him come down and look at an early cut,” the younger Fonda told Daily Camera. “We had to get Dennis out of the room to get it below four hours. My dad watched it and then I went over the next day to his house. He was very serious. He said, ‘Look son, I know you have all your eggs in this basket. And I’m worried about it because the film is inaccessible. We don’t see where you’re going and why? I just don’t think many people will get it.’ Even after [it was successful] he thought I was just a loose cannon, until he worked for me for one day.” 11. YOU CAN PAY TO TAKE THE EASY RIDER BIKE TOUR. If you like riding motorcycles, have 15 days to spare, and about $4301 to $7710 burning a hole in your pocket, sign up for the Easy Rider Motorcycle Tour. The

2589-mile path ventures to some of the movie’s real filming locations, from L.A. to Death Valley to Colorado to New Orleans. According to the tour’s website, they’ve worked with Sony Pictures in authenticating the locales. “The Easy Rider Movie Tour will have you living the dream you have been waiting to experience since the first time you saw the movie,” reads the summary. 12. AN ORIGINAL CAPTAIN AMERICA MOTORCYCLE SOLD FOR $1.35 MILLION. There’s been much dispute over who designed and built the four Harley-Davidson motorcycles, a.k.a. choppers, used in the movie. Cliff Vaughs said he did it, but Peter Fonda said he designed the sketches and built them: “I built the motorcycles that I rode and Dennis rode. I bought four of them from Los Angeles Police Department.” Vaughs worked on the movie for about a month before being fired, therefore his name doesn’t appear in the credits. Three of the bikes were stolen, and the final one was destroyed in the film’s finale but was later restored. Fonda gave the bike to actor Dan Haggerty, who eventually sold it to a collector named Michael Eisenberg. In October 2014, Profiles in History auctioned off the bike; the bike sold to an anonymous winner for $1.35 million and became the most expensive motorcycle in the world. 13. IN 2012, AN EASY RIDER SEQUEL WAS MADE. Phil Pitzer, an Ohio lawyer and producer, realized the sequel rights to Easy Rider were available, so in 2007 he sued Bob Rafelson and Bert Schneider to prevent them from claiming they owned the rights. Pitzer won the case and moved forward with the sequel. The original title was Easy Rider: Scarlet Cross, but he changed the title to Easy Rider: The Ride Back. Unlike the first film, the sequel went straight to DVD and didn’t make a dent in American culture.



New Shuffleboard in Rec Centre On November 1st a group of residents took out the Shuffleboard equipment and set it up. Brian Cooper was on hand to take a few photos. For those who have never seen it here it is. It was purchased through the executive group with Noreen Watt as President. It was a fun afternoon.

Volunteer Drivers DRIVERS WHO WILL USE EITHER THEIR OWN OR THE RESIDENT’S VEHICLE: Ragnar Erlendson 204-422-5844 Syd Henderson 204-422-6290 Herb Inch 204-422-5849 Doreen Leys 204-422-8273 Leo Langlois 204-422-9496 DRIVERS WHO PREFER TO USE THEIR OWN VEHICLE: Al Wastle 204-422-5275 John Sluis 204-422-4111 (Summer Only) Bob & Hazel Hicks 204-422-5790

RESIDENTS LIST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE PROVIDERS Residents who wish to provide other residents with professional business support. Contact the newsletter email pvra20@yahoo.ca to pass along your information if you want to be on this list. Thank you. Jo-Ann Lee Provincial Marriage Commissioner 40 Harmony Lane 204-990-2624 Wayne Pierce Commissioner for Oaths Free to Paradise Residents 204-422-9116

Ward 6 Councillor RM of Ste. Anne Randy Eros 204-371-2959













BREAKFAST OUT OF THE VILL AGE Wednesday December 13th, 2017 at 9:30 am Sal’s Restaurant in Steinbach 2 Eggs, Bacon or Sausage, Shredded or Cubed Hashbrowns Toast and Coffee including tax $6.65 Contact Doreen Leys by December 10th @ 204-422-8273

Adult Coloring






Crossword Puzzle



Sudoku PET SITTING Services

No Overnights At My Home Call Marilyn 204-422-6290




Sunny Florida Calling... Missing you all...but wishing our Paradise family of friends a joyous Christmas Season with love, health, and peace. What fun to return to Florida and soak up sunshine, cruise the smooth highways, and resume the non-stop party atmosphere with energetic retired friends. Only three weeks out but already the time flies by with so many activities and new adventures to explore. But we stay connected with home via satellite TV news. Meanwhile, it’s dance nite at the OK Corral. Check you guys later. Hugs from Ila & Brian Cooper.



Joke du Jour A priest says to his friend, the rabbi; that he has developed a plan of eating for free in really good restaurants. “I simply go in at well past 9 pm, eat several courses slowly, and linger over coffee, dessert, and a cigar until they are cleaning up. I keep sitting there until eventually a waiter comes up and asks me to pay. Then I say, ‘I’ve already paid my original waiter who has left for the night.’ And, because I am a man of the cloth, the waiter takes my word for it, and I just simply walk out the front door as calm as can be.” The rabbi, clearly impressed says, “Let’s try it together this evening.” The priest agrees and books them into an expensive, 5-Star Italian Restaurant. They both eat like kings and, just as before, right at 2 am, they are both sitting quietly after enjoying their very full meal. Sure enough, a waiter comes over and hands the priest and the rabbi a bill and asks them to pay. The priest calmly says: “I’ve already paid our original waiter who has left for the evening.” And then the rabbi adds: “And we’re still waiting for the change!”





Welcome New Residents to Paradise Village New Residents - Welcome to Paradise Village! John & Maureen Heide 25 Village Dr., R5H 1H4 Ph: 204-801-5872

They also have two adorable puppies (Saber & Sky). We welcome both of you to Paradise VilJohn & Maureen took lage. possession of their place in July, 2017. They spent Leonard Krahn the last few months reno- & Iboyla Melicher vating and updating their 24 Village Dr., R5H 1H4 new home, however it Ph: 204-422-5283 will be a little while before they settle in perma- Please welcome another nently. John & Maureen couple Leonard & Iboyla are no strangers to Para- (Ebe) who are no strangdise as they actually have ers to Paradise Village taken over Maureen’s as they had lived here dad’s (Bill Boner’s) previously. They moved place, so they had visited away in 2011 to Hnausa, Manitoba, and now have many times before. Employment: John and decided to return. Their Maureen were employed possession date was Ocwith CP Railways as tober 2, 2017. conductors for over 32 Employment: Leonard is ½ years. They both just a semi-retired engineer. recently retired. John He works part time-seanow works part time at a sonal for Hudson Bay MLCC in Winnipeg and Railway, stationed out of Maureen works part time Churchill. Iboyla moved to Canada from Hunat Sobeys in Winnipeg. Hobbies & Interests: gary in 1956, and only They both love travel- once here did she teach ing and mentioned that herself English. Iboyla Mexico is one of their has worked as a Health favourite destinations. Care Provider for the Golfing is high on the last 25 years. She retired list of things they love to on September 15th. She do too, along with hik- was also a camp cook and ing. Maureen also loves hairdresser. to cook and is planning Hobbies & Interests: to join the Zumba group, Leonard likes going to as soon as she finds some the gym, loves to golf and spare time. read. He is also thinking

of taking up woodworking. Iboyla likes gardening, decorating, cooking, reading, and loves the lake. She also loves to spend time with her grandchildren. They have 3 children, one daughter in BC, a son in Sioux Lookout, ON, and a son in Winnipeg. They also have 5 grandchildren, 3 girls and 2 boys. To complete their home they also have a friendly, sweet little dog name Misty. Ken Shaw 20 Sunset Dr., R5H 1H5 Ph: 204-572-6777 Ken moved from Dauphin to Paradise Village on October 13, 2017. He has been busy painting and freshening up his new home. Hopefully his new furniture will arrive soon, as he is still waiting on finishing the living room. Employment: Ken has worked for Safeway for over 40 years, and worked in many parts of Canada. He has retired as a store manager from Safeway in Dauphin. He also worked part time for Piston Ring, and at the golf course in Gilbert

Plains. At one time he was in charge of playing the music for the hockey games for the Dauphin Kings. He is also a commissioner. Hobbies & Interests: Ken’s main interest is golf. He loves the game and is looking forward to joining a few men’s groups here in the village. He also owns a Harley 2009 Ultra Classic Electra Glide, which he loves to ride. He is a hockey fan and loves watching his son play. His favourite team is the Toronto Maple Leafs. Ken also mentioned that he loves to play poker, so hopefully he can take in a few games at the Recreation Centre. Ken has one son, living in Winnipeg, attending the U of M. Ken has a long time friend John Foster, also living here in Paradise. Marc & Brenda Grouette 3 Nature Dr., R5H 1H2 Ph: 204-422-5434 Marc & Brenda took possession of their new home on September 15, 2017. They decided to move from Winnipeg to Para-


35 dise Village as its closer to their cottage on Lake of the Woods, where they like to spend most of their summers. Employment: Marc is semi-retired. He was employed with the City of Winnipeg for over 23 years. He now works for Gardewine as a casual truck driver, hauling freight to Thompson, Thunder Bay, and various parts of Manitoba and Ontario. Brenda works for the Province of Manitoba for 25+ years and is in Labour Relations, covering all of Manitoba. Hobbies & Interests: Both Marc & Brenda love

the lake and cottage life. Marc likes to hunt, fish, sports and read. Brenda loves spending time with



NOVEMBER 2017 Our apologies for the error on last month’s front cover.. the featured movie was “Dirty Dancing” not “Saturday Night Fever!” Debbie Kokil. Editor

Dirty Dancing Johann Liedtke, 92, and Marianne Pape, 79 Senior Citizens Reenact Classic Movie Scenes For Nursing Home Calendar Continued... Dirty Dancing is a 1987 American romantic drama dance film written by Eleanor Bergstein, directed by Emile Ardolino and starring Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey in the lead roles, and featuring Cynthia Rhodes and Jerry Orbach. Originally a low-budget film by a new studio, Vestron Pictures, Dirty Dancing became a massive box office hit. As of 2009, it has earned over $214 million worldwide. See Page 18 for 8 Things You Didn’t Know About the movie “Dirty Dancing” !


A Thought for Christmas Do you know what would have happened if it had been Three Wise Woman instead of Three Wise Men? * They would have asked directions * Arrived on time * Helped deliver the baby * Cleaned the stable * Made a casserole * Brought practical gifts and * There would be peace on earth







SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS “Come on! – Ring Those Bells!!!” SUNDAY, DECEMBER 17 at 11 am Paradise Village Church will be hosting the…. “Steinbach Mennonite Handbelles” An hour of music played on musical bells by the Ladies Handbell Choir…. (Followed by refreshments and lunch) Everyone is invited to come and enjoy this Special Christmas event (No admission charge) You are also invited at that time to participate in a collection for “CHRISTMAS HAMPERS” for needy families in this area. BEGINNING DECEMBER 18TH, the Paradise Village Church will be taking a 3 MONTH “Sabbatical Leave” for the winter months of January, February & March. (There will be no services here until Palm Sunday (March 25, 2018) (For further information or prayer requests to be shared with the congregation, please contact Dennis Hall at 204-422-9870) Jesus: the “Reason for this (& every) Season” The prophet Isaiah prophetically declared (of Jesus Christ): “For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government shall be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6) “Thank God for such a Savior, Lord and soon coming (again) King!!!” Merry Christmas



2016-2018 NEWSLETTER TEAM Editor: Debbie Kokil 5 Parkview Drive R5H 1J6 - 204-422-8714 Advertising: Les Hooper 12 Harmony Lane R5H 0A2 - 204-422-8583 Distribution (Sum): Brian Fulmore 9 Harmony Lane R5H 0A2 - 204-422-9190 Distribution (Win): Frank Leys 7 Nature Drive R5H 1H2 - 204-422-8273 You can contact us via e-mail: pvra20@yahoo.ca and drop off any submissions to 5 Parkview Drive by the 15th of each month for the following issue. We are always looking for advertisers in our monthly newsletter! Please contact Les Hooper at 204-422-8583 for prices and quotes



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