PVRA Newsletter January 2019

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Your pet could be on one of the 2019 newsletter covers!


Lola is an 8-yr old tuxedo cat belonging to Debbie Kokil. She is very inquisitive and is always looking for things to get into. She loves running from one end of the house to the other at least once a day and prefers to be up high!

JANUARY 2019 IN THIS ISSUE: Social Committee ........................................................ PVRA News / Save the Date ....................................... Vice-President’s Message .......................................... FYI from PVRA for all Residents.................................. Birthdays & Occasions................................................. Singles Potluck .......................................................... Valentine’s Dance ....................................................... Winter Wonderland Dinner & Dance ....................10 & Words from the Editor / Newsletter Computer ............ Pet Photo Contest .............................................................. New Year’s Joke ......................................................... New Year’s Eve Dance ............................................... Breakfast Out of the Village ........................................ The Funny Bone ......................................................... Card Scores / Volunteer Drivers / Service Providers ..... Changes to the MPI Claim Process ............................ Word Search ............................................................... Sudoku ........................................................................ Puzzle Answers ........................................................... Welcome New Residents ............................................ Poems by M.C. Fair .................................................... Crossword Puzzle ....................................................... New Library Hours / Winter Fun ................................. Sign Painting Event / Membership Winners ............... Adult Coloring ............................................................. Sunny Florida Calling .................................................. Newsletter Team ........................................................ Calendar .....................................................................

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 21 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 35 36


The next Social Committee Meeting is on Friday, January 11th at 11 am in the Recreation Centre. Posts are also put on the Paradise Village Ste Anne Facebook Page. All residents welcome.

Thank you for supporting the Christmas Winter Wonderland Dinner and the New Year’s Eve Dance. Thank you to all for helping in getting things set up from decorations to food to entertainment to dancing to clean up. These functions continue to get better and better. Happy New Year Paradise Village. Linda Fulmore, Social Committee Chair



PVRA MEMBERSHIPS AND ANY CHANGES TO YOUR INFORMATION CAN BE COMPLETED BY CONTACTING: Joanne Kehler 32 Sunset Drive 204-422-6248 joken95@mymts.net Thanks so much!

Christmas Decorating Contest Winners Congratulation Paradise Village Residents on winning the PVRA Christmas Decorating Contest - No photos but I can vouch that you all did a great job. Thank you to the judges and thank you to everyone for participating. Let’s do this again next year! PVRA 1st Place 7 Parkview Drive James & Atalia Hickey 2nd Place 38 Sunset Drive Ray & Rose-Anna Fiola 3rd Place 39 Village Drive Terry & Jan Serediuk

2018-2020 Executive Members President: Ludwik Jarco 1st Vice-President: Barry Davenport 2nd Vice-President: Gord Macpherson Secretary: Edythe Pryor (2017-19) Membership: Joanne Kehler Editorial: Debbie Kokil Kitchen: Linda Fulmore (2017-19) Treasurer: Cheryl Porte Social: Linda Fulmore (2017-19) House: Jack Steinhoff (2017-19)

PVRA Phonebook Additions, Changes & Corrections Please inform Joanne Kehler, Membership Committee Chair, when you make a change to your phone number or personal information so that records could be updated. Membership then contacts me, the editor, and I post it into the newsletter. Please transfer it to the lined part of your Phone List when you see one and keep yourselves updated too. Thank you! If any of you become aware of new neighbours or new residents to our Village could you please contact me either by telephone 204-422-6248 or email joken95@ mymts.net. Thank you! Joan Kehler, Membership Committee Chair NEW PHONE NUMBERS: See Welcome New Residents page 26.


Vice-President’s Message It’s hard to believe another year has come and gone. I hope you have had an enjoyable time over Xmas with family and friends. This time of year stimulates thoughts of Xmases gone by and it is always a time for renewal and refocussing on our values what is really most important in our lives. The past year has ben an extremely active year for the members of PVRA. Our social committee, under the leadership of Linda Fulmore and a host of great volunteers, has done an amazing job in organizing great social events for the PVRA and its members. These events have been well attended bringing members together for good social times and interaction. By the time you read this the New Years Eve Party will have been held and this was another great event supported by the membership. The entertainment was terrific and a good time had by all. The Xmas lighting contest enjoyed great participation and the judging took place days before Xmas with the

judges Randy Eros (RM Counsellor) and Marc Robichaud (Ste Anne Police Chief). Thank you, gentlemen for assisting with this great task. There were many outstanding displays and honorable mentions. We hope there will be more participation next season as we create another winter wonderland. Winners are announced on another page in this newsletter. Congratulations. Members have been fortunate to have well organized events to attend in the last 2-3 years. There is a need for new volunteers to get involved. Many current volunteers have been doing events for a long time and some would like to take a step back and allow other residents to get involved. We know there are a lot of very talented residents in the Village and we would welcome your involvement in the PVRA and your contribution in putting these events on. Your personal safety, and safety of your property, is always important. It has come to my attention that following recent snow falls and late at night there have been unfamiliar footprints around some garages in the Village. No break-ins occurred. While we reside in a relatively safe community it is im-

portant to always be aware of anything unusual. Recommend you have a motion sensor light up on the side of your garage or house. Prior to Xmas many residents received notification from the RTB of a hearing to be held in Steinbach on January 15th regarding rent appeal. You will recall that at the October 29th hearing the health of Sandy Hiebert was such that he was unable to present the case on behalf of village residents. Sadly, Mr. Hiebert passed away from complications. This has left residents without representation although efforts to get another accountant are underway, there is inadequate time for a new person to get up to speed on the issues and as well about 35% of residents are away for the winter. A letter was sent December 11th, 1018 to the attention of Julia Robertson Registrar of the RTB explaining the circumstances, and respectfully requesting a deferral of this hearing to the end of April 2019. As of December 31st, there has been absolutely no acknowledgement to this correspondence from the PVRA.

While many of us enjoy the holiday season we should remember that the village has lost some residents this year known to many of us and our warmest thoughts go out to these families. There are others in the village we know who are currently experiencing very serious health challenges and our thoughts and prayers go to these families as well. I also want to acknowledge management for there prompt efforts in clearing streets, back lanes and having shovelers do the walkways, following recent snowfalls. This is much appreciated. Let’s go forward in the New Year and take on life’s challenges and do what we must do. Sincerely, Gord Macpherson




January Birthdays 2 Steve Klowak 3 Larry Johnston 4 Shirley Neufeld 4 Patricia Sauve 5 Valerie Buckley 6 Paulette Barley 7 Estelle Cook 7 Gordon Mills 8 Efie Lowing 9 Rene Brule 9 Louis LaBerge 11 Ron Gunn 12 Carol Coulson 12 Jim L’Esperance 14 Gary Foster 14 Doug Sheridan 15 Shirley Beaudin 16 Vida Bowyer

16 Shirlee Christensen 17 Doreen Bilyk 18 Ruth Cunningham 18 Ruth Jarco 18 Joan Taylor 19 Lynne Burns 19 Cliff Smith 20 Rita Chenier 20 Kerry Fulford 22 Jeff Marshall 25 Anna DeGrave 25 Keith Purdom 25 Ken Zacharias 28 Donna MacNeil 29 Raynald Dufresne 29 Tedd Vidler 30 Linda Trainor

Get Well Soon

January Milestone Birthdays 17 – Doreen Bilyk 18 – Ruth Cunningham

Thinking of you... Joyce Lindsay

Frank & Doreen Leys on the loss of their Son-in-Law Mel & Candy Holmes on the loss of Mel’s Brother

In Memoriam Former mayor of Ste Anne, local businessman and musician

Don Windsor

Please contact Doreen Leys 204-422-8273 or Shirlee Christensen 204-422-9501 to let us know about any birthday mistakes, anniversaries, illnesses or loss of a loved one. We apologize if you have been forgotten... it probably was because we were unaware. Sincerely Doreen and Shirlee


On December 18, the community of Ste. Anne lost a major former Mayor Bernie Vermette who passed away after a courageous battle with cancer. He was 79. Vermette leaves behind his wife Beatrice, three daughters and their families.


Singles Potluck December 2018



Winter Wonderland Dinner and Dance The PVRA Christmas Winter Wonderland Dinner and Dance was once again a huge success. There were little to no complaints to be had (although I found that the music was too loud especially if you happened to be sitting by one of the speakers.) The food, the friends, the fellowship was above and beyond. Thank you PVRA, Linda Fulmore, and the super group of volunteers who tirelessly give and give and give of their time and talent making each event memorable. Debbie Kokil






Words from the Editor Happy New Year Paradise Village! First of all, thank you so much for allowing me to holiday and put this newsletter to bed so late this month. It is greatly appreciated.

I believe this will happen again next year so buy your discounted Christmas lights and ornaments now if you want a better chance to win next year or to just take it over the top.

I was so pleased to see so many residents go all out for the decorating contest. With some of you there was no holding back. Congratulations to the winners. Enjoy your dinners out on behalf of the Paradise Village Residents Association. Unfortunately there are no pictures to show the beauty of all the designs so I hope most of you residents have taken a drive and saw the beauty of the wonderful decorations and designs.

I had a wonderful time at both the Christmas Dinner and New Year’s Eve Dance. I believe that we residents are becoming more at ease with each other and have come to know each other better. There is a genuine feeling of friendship, warmth, and togetherness that has grown over this past year between us and it feels good. I want to thank my guests who accompanied my Mom and I at our table for the Christmas Dinner.

It was great to have you. I would like to thank my girlfriends and their husbands for joining me at the New Year’s Eve Dance and for the kind reception they received from you Residents.

animal that you had in the past to send in photos and information to be placed on our monthly newsletter cover. Time can get away on us pretty easily so send your information in soon and definitely by the middle of the month for the I have ordered and re- following issue. If there ceived the new computer are more than one submisfor creating this newslet- sion in a month only one ter. The total cost is well can be picked but hopefulunder the $2000 that was ly all will be presented at voted upon by the mem- some point whether on the bership. It is great to cover or inside the newsknow that I will not lose letter itself. everything going forward because of the old one Have a great January. crashing on me because of age. Thank you for your Debbie Kokil, support. PVRA Newsletter Editor I want to encourage those with pets and/or perhaps an

NEW PRVA NEWSLETTER COMPUTER The new PVRA Newsletter Computer has arrived. The cost for the Computer, an *HP 17-AR007CA* 17.3-inch Notebook, 2.7 GHz AMD A12-9720P, 2 TB HDD, 12 GB DDR4 SDRAM, Windows 10 Home, was $769.00 plus taxes and the USB External $39.99 plus taxes. A USB was purchased to transfer all information from the old computer for storage and archive. Thank you to the PVRA Executive and Membership for the opportunity to purchase this equipment. thank you to Joanne Kehler for ordering and delivering this computer to me. It is awesome. Now if we could only speed up the internet! Debbie Kokil, PVRA Newsletter Editor



Pet Photo Contest This year for the front cover of the newsletter I will be looking for photos of the pets who also live here is Paradise Village. We will begin the January issue with my pets to give you an idea what I am looking for. Every month will be a hi-lite of someone’s beloved pet or pets. Please send in photos and a short write-up of your pets, their personality, and how he or she or them make your life more complete. I know there are many living here so there should be no reason to not be able to fill each month for the 2019 year going forward. I can’t wait to see all the wonderful pets and their personality shine on each cover every month. Send in your submission at least by the middle of each month. Don’t be afraid to create interesting and funny photos of your pet or pets too; for example, you could use a holiday, or summer or nature etc. We all look forward to another great year and your submissions. Thank you, Debbie Kokil, PVRA Newsletter Editor

Debbie Kokil, 5 Parkview Drive: These are my cats: Lucy is a Siamese who mostly sleeps, eats, and poops pretty much every day unless she has a burst of energy jumps up and runs out of the room. Lola is a tuxedo cat and is very inquisitive always looking for things to get into, loves running from one end of the house to the other at least once a day. My cats are very unique and individual. They keep us company and provide love, laughter and friendship. Lucy is 10 and Lola is 8. They say that cats are either tree dwellers or ground dwellers and that couldn’t be more truer for my two. Lucy stays low and Lola prefers high. Both can be cuddly but of course only on their terms. Probably the worst thing about owning a cat is when they are in protective mode and see another cat on their property and scream. I can’t tell you how many times my Mom and I have been startled by one of those screams. Mostly it is in defense over another cat wandering the yard but once it was a very large racoon on our deck. On a side note, feral cats are good at keeping the mice and vole population down. My cats are very easy to look after and have been treated well so are very polite and friendly. Lola will hide if there is company and eventually come around but Lucy will make her presence known right away especially if there is food around.



FUNERAL ANNOUNCEMENT... It is with our deepest heartfelt sympathy I want to inform you about the death of our beloved friend and sometime enemy Mr. 2018. He is survived by 12 wives, 52 children and 365 grandchildren. The funeral will take place on Monday, 31st of December at 11:59 pm. His family members asked me to inform you that he accidentally died with ALL your problems, sicknesses, disappointments, frustrations, untimely deaths, shame, disgrace, barrenness, discouragements, failures, and rejections. Yet, his successor Mr. 2019 asked me to inform you that he is going to compensate you with: Life, good health, abundant blessings, peace, joy, righteousness, promotions, and breakthroughs. YOUR GREATER IS COMING!!! May God bless you to have a prosperous New Year!!



New Year’s Eve Dance The New Years Eve Dance was very successful and a good time was had by all. I was very surprised how all but one table was filled when I arrived just after 7pm. Everyone who arrived early was eager to get the party started. I have never heard Geoff and the Rockets band before but they were terrific. They played a varied music genre that was well received by the amount of dancers on the dance floor. I really liked that the dance floor was in the middle too. Thanks Linda and team for such a great time. Debbie Kokil

MONTHLY LUNCH SPECIAL Hosted by the PVRA Social Committee

Wednesday, January 16th, 11:30 am - Open to All at the Paradise Village Recreation Centre

The feature is “Soup Day” serving Chicken Gnocchi soup and bread sticks The cost is $5.00 Sign up sheet at the Rec Center by January 14th





Breakfast out of the village will be at TiBeauville Restaurant in Richer Wednesday,

JANUARY 23rd, 2019 at 9:30 am

Breakfast will be 2 eggs, 3 bacon or sausages or 2 hams, hashbrowns, toast, coffee or tea and tax included $10.00 Call Doreen at 204-422-8273 to sign up or put your name on the list at the Recreation Center by Jan 20th, 2019



The Funny Bone Two elderly residents, a man and a woman, were alone in the lounge of their nursing home one evening. The old man looked over and said to the old lady, “I know just what you’re wanting. For $5.00 I’ll have sex with you right over there in that rocking chair.” The old lady looked surprised but didn’t say a word. The old man continued, “For $10.00 I’ll do it with you on that nice soft sofa over there, but for $20.00, I’ll take you back to my room, light some candles, and give you the most romantic evening you’ve ever had in your life.” The old lady still says nothing but after a couple of minutes, starts digging down in her purse. She pulls out a wrinkled $20.00 bill and holds it up. “So you want the nice romantic evening in my room,” says the old man. “Get serious,” she replies. “Four times in the rocking chair!



December Playing Card Scores

RESIDENTS LIST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE PROVIDERS Residents who wish to provide other residents with professional business support. Contact the newsletter email pvra20@yahoo.ca to pass along your information if you want to be on this list. Thank you. Wayne Pierce - Commissioner for Oaths Free to Paradise Residents 204-422-9116

Volunteer Drivers DRIVERS WHO WILL USE EITHER THEIR OWN OR THE RESIDENT’S VEHICLE: Ragnar Erlendson 204-422-5844 Syd Henderson 204-422-6290 Herb Inch 204-422-5849 Doreen Leys 204-422-8273 Leo Langlois 204-422-9496 DRIVERS WHO PREFER TO USE THEIR OWN VEHICLE: Al Wastle 204-422-5275 John Sluis 204-422-4111

Ward 6 Councillor, RM of Ste. Anne Randy Eros 204-371-2959





Changes to the MPI Claim Process Here is some general information that hopefully can help you better understand your MPI coverage: If your windshield needs to be repaired or replaced you no longer have to call MPI to make a claim. You can go to any accredited MPI Auto Body Shop with the registered owners drivers license of the vehicle in need of repair along with your registration for the vehicle. A claim will then be made at the Auto Body Shop while you answer a few more questions. Do you know that if you have $100.00, $200.00 or $300.00 deductible you can repair a stone bruise (chip) on your windshield for free? The sooner you come in after the stone hits the higher the rate of success the repair will be. This can also help prevent your whole windshield from cracking. A claim will then be made at the Auto Body Shop. You will receive a letter in the mail. If your windshield needs replacing - there will be no points on your license but you will need to pay your deductible. A claim can be started at at accredited shop as well. To replace a windshield it generally takes about half a day - as your vehicle has to warm up and also to ensure the urethane adheres correctly it requires drying time. If your vehicle is used for business purposes, you will be asked to pay the correct portion of GST on the whole job. Another major change to MPI is that some accredited repair facilities are allowed to write estimates regarding

your damaged vehicle. You are still required to call into MPI 1-800-665-2410 to report the type of accident you had but if it meets Direct Repair Estimating criteria you won’t have to go into MPI to show your vehicle to an estimator there as in the past. Please keep in mind that you always have this option to go to MPI as in the past for an estimate. When you call to make a claim you need the following information - you need vehicle registration, the driver’s license of whoever was driving, details of accident - how and when it happened and if there was another vehicle involved their information also. If there were any injuries also. One of the advantages of going to an auto body shop for the estimate is that the auto body shop will take more parts off and check for hidden damage so parts can be more accurately ordered than in the past. You will need to make an appointment with the Direct Auto Body Shop of your choice to perform an estimate. Once you take your vehicle in for an estimate at any auto body shop you do not have to get it repaired there. You can go to any repair shop you want with your paper work. Repair facilities at this time are not allowed to estimate certain types of claims such as vandalism, vehicles towed to a compound and hit and run claims. Once you call into the main line for MPI and report a claim they will advise you if your claim will quality for a Direct Repair Estimate

at an auto body shop. When you are renewing your coverage at the local broker, one of the questions they will ask are if you want loss of use coverage. This means that while your vehicle is being repaired you are entitled to a rental car and you do not have to pay for this providing you do not want their extra insurance. One common myth is that you can have the courtesy rental car for an endless amount of time. You are only entitled to the car for the time period based on the number of hours on the claim. For example if total labour and paint labour amounts to 6.0 hours, this usually gives you a 2 day rental and so forth. If you are involved in an accident and your deductible is waived - you may also get a courtesy car from MPI for no charge. An exception to this is your deductible may be waived but if it is a wildlife claim and you do not have loss of use coverage - you are not entitled to a courtesy car from MPI for no charge. Most rental car companies will meet you directly at the auto body repair shop for your convenience. If your vehicle has sustained irreparable damage or the cost of repairs exceeds the value of the vehicle - MPI is the one who determines if your vehicle will be a total loss and the value paid out to you. Another item you may see on your claim is betterment. MPI uses a chart to determine how much betterment you will be charged on wearable parts only. So if your radia-

tor needs replacing - and you have 221,000 km on. MPI deems that your radiator is 40% used so when the new one gets put on you have to pay the 40% plus taxes because your vehicle has been repaired to a higher standard than it was before you had a collision. The Auto Body shop is responsible for collecting this betterment, your deductible if you have one or any taxes you might be responsible for. This payment is collected at the end of the repair procedure once your vehicle is fully repaired. MPI calls all claimants with a survey in which auto body shops are accessed for their services. If after your vehicle is repaired and you paid your deductible and they then determine that you were not at fault - MPI will issue you a refund of your deductible that you would have paid to the auto body shop. In order to be an accredited repair facility - MPI requires that the Auto Body Shop meets specific tool requirements, staff is trained and that the repair records are in good standing. Repairing vehicles are becoming more and more complex as technology continues to improve. Never be afraid to ask your Auto Body Repair facility for updates and their repair knowledge. Hope this might help with some questions. If you have more questions - you can call MPI, your local insurance broker or an auto body shop. Article courtesy of Ste. Anne Auto Body







Sudoku PET SITTING Services

No Overnights At My Home Call Marilyn 204-422-6290







Welcome New Residents to Paradise Village Ed & Sue Moon 10 Harmony Lane PH: 204-318-1096 Please welcome Ed & Sue to Paradise Village. They originally moved from Thunder Bay, ON to Winnipeg, but after a year, decided that city living was not what they wanted and moved to Paradise Village. Their possession date was November 1, 2018. Employment: Ed was a manager working on construction jobs, mainly building roads and bridges. He was with the government for 30 years, and prior to that worked for PHA Engineering Ltd. for 21 years. Sue was a stayat-home mom for 14 years, and for 26 years worked at the Thunder Bay District Health Unit as a program assistant. Hobbies & Interests: Ed and Sue both love playing

crib and yard work. Ed likes fishing and boating. Sue likes reading and was happy to hear that there is a library at the Recreation Centre. They have 5 children, 1 daughter and 4 sons, living in Thunder Bay, Kenora, Edmonton, Chilliwack, and St Louis, Mo. They have 7 grandchildren, all boys. Again welcome to Paradise, and hope to see you at our many great events and functions held throughout the year. Don & Melody Windsor 38 Harmony Lane PH: 204-792-1250 Don and Melody have recently moved to Paradise Village and although they are starting with a bit of a rough beginning, we want to extend our warmest welcome to you both. I would also like to ex-

tend sincere wishes for a “Get Well and Speedy Recovery”, to Don. We hope that your recovery will be quick, and that your health will be restored to “as good as new”.

Note from the Membership Committee:

I would like to welcome all our new Residents that have moved in this last year and also to the new residents that will moving George & Suzanne in the next few months. Dupuis I would also like to say 13 Nature Drive a BIG thank you to Gay PH: 204-878-2737 Although George & Su- for coming along with zanne are not totally me on some of my meet moved in to their new and greets, also to Bev, home, I would also like to Edythe, Gay, Marilyn, and say Welcome to Paradise Ruth, for helping me with Village. They will be here our annual Membership drive. You are very much in January. appreciated. Thank you ladies!! Wishing everyone a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy & Healthy New Year. Joanne Kehler, Membership Chair


Poems by M.C. Fair





Crossword Puzzle




Winter Fun

Bob Hicks and Gerry Ferguson breaking a ski trail near the pipeline Come on folks, if they can do it so can we. Let’s get out there!! Way to go fellows !!



Prairie Sign Painting Party The Prairie Sign Painting party was held on Saturday, November 17, 2018. Signs were created either for themselves or as a gift for Christmas. It was a lot of fun and more work than anticipated. 6

people participated and were very proud of their creations. Hopefully we can have another painting party in the Spring of 2019. Joanne Kehler


Adult Coloring



Sunny Florida Calling Seasons greetings to all our Paradise family. A funny thing happened on our way south to Zephyrhills, Florida. It rained solid for four days making the journey seem much longer. El Nino weather we’ve experienced has finally evaporated and 80 degree weather and full sunshine has returned. Vacation parks across Florida are experiencing up to a 50 percent drop in regular vacationers up to Christmas, most likely because of the lower Canadian dollar. Many more homes are up for sale. Retirees are getting older and expenses continue to escalate. We intend to keep wandering about here for the full 5-1/2 months making new friends... while attempting to ride well above the fog of US politics. Incidentally, while relaxing at the pool, Ila realized that Brian celebrated his 26th year as a permanent Paradise Village Resident in December...so we raised our glasses and ordered a second rum and coke. Meanwhile, our thoughts constantly carry us back to our valued friends of the united Paradise Village Community. GO WPG. JETS GO! Brian & Ila Fisher






2016-2018 NEWSLETTER TEAM Editor: Debbie Kokil 5 Parkview Drive R5H 1J6 - 204-422-8714 Advertising: Les Hooper 12 Harmony Lane R5H 0A2 - 204-422-8583 Distribution (Sum): Brian Fulmore 9 Harmony Lane R5H 0A2 - 204-422-9190 Distribution (Win): Frank Leys 7 Nature Drive R5H 1H2 - 204-392-5876 You can contact us via e-mail: pvra20@yahoo.ca and drop off any submissions to 5 Parkview Drive by the 15th of each month for the following issue. We are always looking for advertisers in our monthly newsletter! Please contact Les Hooper at 204-422-8583 for prices and quotes



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