JULY 2017
JULY 2017
The Blues Brothers Margarete Schmidt, 77, and Lothar Wischnewski, 76 Senior Citizens Reenact Classic Movie Scenes For Nursing Home Calendar Continued... The Blues Brothers just won’t quit. It’s been more than 35 years since John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd brought their Saturday Night Live characters Jake and Elwood Blues to the big screen with The Blues Brothers, a loud, money-making, car-smashing love letter to both Chicago and rhythm and blues. It made more than $115 million in theaters worldwide in 1980, even though director John Landis to pvra20@yahoo.ca and its crew couldn’tPlease identifysubmit whetheremails the movie was a comedy, a musical, a classic, or an expensive disaster. See Page 18!
For Sale ad ................................................................ 3 PVRA News................................................................. 4 President’s Message ................................................. 5 Village Notices / Social Committee.......................... 6 7 Words from the Editor .......................................... Paradise Singles ........................................................ 8 Poems by M.C. Fair... ................................................. 10 Birthdays & Occasions.............................................. 11 Word Search .............................................................. 12 Words to Live By ....................................................... 13 Health / Preventative Testing ............................14 & 15 Ste Anne Hospital Fundraising ................................. 17 Movie Trivia - The Blues Brothers ........................... 18 Canada Day Report .................................................. 19 Julian’s Joke / Volunteer Drivers / Professionals ... 20 Adult Coloring Page .................................................. 21 Lady Slippers ............................................................. 23 Darts Club ................................................................... 24 Marv’s Marvelous Artwork ........................................ 25 Thank You / Funny Bone / Humor ............................ 27 Crossword Puzzle ..................................................... 29 Sudoku ....................................................................... 30 Casino / Folklorama Trip .......................................... 31 Card Results / Puzzle Answers ................................ 32 PV Christian Fellowship Church .............................. 34 Newsletter Team ........................................................ 35 Calendar ..................................................................... 36
FOR SALE Queen Size Hide-a-Bed, Like New (see pic) Asking $250.00
Homestead 3 Pole Baste Tree Quilting Frame and Stand for a Queen size or smaller quilts. Basting is unnecessary, fully adjustable height and tilt. (no picture) Asking $75.00 Contact 204-422-5091 View at 62 Village Drive
JULY 2017
PVRA MEMBERSHIPS AND ANY CHANGES TO YOUR INFORMATION CAN BE COMPLETED BY CONTACTING: if your last name begins with A - K; Joanne Kehler 32 Sunset Drive 204-422-6248 & if your last name begins with L - Z; Paulette Barley 1 Sunset Drive 204-422-5936 paradisenews.5@gmail.com Thanks so much!
2016-2018 Executive Members President: Ludwik Jarco 1st Vice-President: Barry Davenport 2nd Vice-President: Gord Macpherson Secretary: Joanne Kehler (Interim) Membership: Paulette Barley Joanne Kehler Editorial: Debbie Kokil Kitchen: Linda Fulmore (2017-19) Treasurer: Cheryl Porte Social: TBA House: Jack Steinhoff (2017-19)
2017 PVRA Phonebook Additions, Changes & Corrections The new phone book has been printed and you should have received one with this newsletter. Non-member residents may purchase one for $2.00. Contact me at 204-422-8714. Thank you. Please inform membership when you make a change to your phone number so that records could be updated. Membership contacts me, the editor to let you know to make a change in your Phone List. Please transfer it to the lined part of your Phone List when you see one and keep yourselves updated. Thank you!.
President’s Message Some of you may know, and for those of you who don’t, please be advised that the Paradise Village Owners and their Management Team have advised your PVRA that they are going to co-ordinate and run all Social Functions within their Village, effective June 15, 2017. Contrary to what the PVRA Bylaws state, and have stated since 1991, the PVRA is an activity group that operates within a committee that organizes and directs a specific function I.E.: an event or function within the Social Committee. Quoting from a Management letter to me dated April 28, 2017 (of which most of you received a copy of in May’s newsletter) “it is our understanding that the primary objective of the PVRA is to plan, organize, and execute activities and events for the residents of Paradise Village under the supervision of Paradise Village.” Also quoting from another letter to me, from Paradise Village Management, dated June 8, 2017 and again I quote “the PVRA was formed to organize social functions within the Park”. This, by the way, was only one week previous to Management’s decision to co-ordinate and run all Social Functions, effective June 15, 2017!! We, your PVRA, started Canada Day Celebrations and we, your PVRA, are committed to you to see this function take place. The Paradise Village Owners and Management Team have also advised your PVRA that we will no longer have access to their kitchen, which is located in their Recreation Centre (they did make an exception for your Canada Day Festivities.) Rest assured, your PVRA is not accepting this decision lightly and plan to contest this Owner/Management decision. Your Executive would like to send a big “thank you” to all those residents that completed the survey. Of 274 units in the Village 263 units received the survey; and of these, 208, responded. That was a 79% response rate of which we were extremely pleased. Of the 208 surveys returned, 17 were identified as non-members. Leaving 191 member units, of which 46 are single occupant units. 75 were also identified as, still working or “snowbirds”, etc. who plan on participating more in the future. 182 Member units thought that the PVRA was a positive in the Village, and 103 added comments. We appreciate your input. Of the 17 non-members, 10 units identified using the phone book and 10 used the newsletter, 5 thought the PVRA a positive and only 1 identified as complaining to Management about the PVRA. Of the 182 member units there are 326 people, who, on average, participate in 2.5 activities, use 2.3 facilities and or equipment, and attend 4.7 functions. There were other numbers we were able to extrapolate, but certainly the number of single units and working/snowbirds surprised us. Thinking that these members may have unique requirements other than what we already provide for, we have decided to run a 3 month communication plan for residents to provide ideas, comments, or questions on any relevant PVRA issue. You may either write to: PVRA, c/o 34 Paradise Drive, Ste. Anne, MB. R5H 1H3, or give a note to an Executive Member, or e-mail pvra.comments2017@gmail. com. We will run this for July, August and September. You have all recently received your “New Rent Increases” for the upcoming year. I have had numerous phone calls indicating your concerns. Rest assured that when the time comes, the PVRA will take the necessary steps available to us to challenge the reasons for the outrageous increases. All the members of your PVRA Executive wish you an extremely happy “Canada Day”. Thank you to all the volunteers that are making this day possible, the cooks, the servers, the set-up people and the clean-up crews. It is appreciated by all. Ludwik Jarco President, PVRA
JULY 2017
Thanks, The Residents of Nature Drive
A General Meeting will be called in early August. Topics to discuss will be: * Use of the Recreation Centre due to a management decision dated June 16, 2017 * Election of a new Social Committee Chair as Laura Morrow resigned on June 16, 2017 * Election of a Secretary (this position was not filled in May) Also, those members who would like to change out your name tag to a Magnetic one or are in need of a new one can please contact the Membership Joanne Kehler - Last Name ending A-K 204-422-6248 or Paulette Barley Last Name ending M-Z 204-422-5936 BUT NOT BEFORE AUGUST as new ones need to be ordered to have sufficient supply. This will be provided free of charge.
Words from the Editor Happy 150th Canada Day Paradise Village Association Members, Residents, Advertisers and Readers! We are a very young country and the world may even view us as babies by comparison. I happened to catch the last in a 3 part series called The World Without Canada. Set up as a collection of theme-based stories, the series focuses on Canadian contributions and identity through a unique lens that is informative, dramatic and celebratory. It pulls viewers into an alternate mindbending reality that depicts the startling global ripple effects that could occur
if Canada’s contributions failed to exist; based on physical, intellectual and historical achievements, by imagining the realities and repercussions of life on Earth with our contributions suddenly gone. For example: the lack of our natural resources, our medical breakthroughs and our scientific contributions. You must check it out! We live in a great country and let’s never forget that. Thank you ancestors for making the move. On to other information that just might interest you more: • This newsletter will not be uploaded to the issuu.
com site anymore until November and then only until March where it will be removed again. • The new phone book has been printed and you should have received one with this newsletter. Nonmember residents may purchase one for $2.00. Contact me at 204-4228714. Thank you. • I wish to encourage all PVRA members to support the Executive in any action required in making our community a positive place to live. The step taken by Management to close the Kitchen to the Kitchen Chair and further taking over the Social Functions;
as well as, the rent increases we all received this past week gives me cause to wonder, “Are we a 55+ community where we feel respected, protected and cared about?” I don’t feel that is the case, and unless we come together and support each other this kind of treatment will continue. I encourage letters to the editor and unlike the Facebook page, a beef or bouquet may be heard. No letter will be submitted into the newsletter if the writer will not provide his or her name. Debbie Kokil, Newsletter Editor
JULY 2017
Paradise Village Singles June 2017 Some 22 or 23 people invaded Alice’s home for our June Singles get together. As always the food was terrific and the pizza was a nice treat. After dinner we enjoyed a lovely cake to celebrate with the two ladies who had birthdays in this month – with best wishes to Olga and to Joy. The next singles will be held at the home of Stephen and Ursula, 15 Harmony Lane, on Monday, July 3rd. Phone 204-422-4032. It would be appreciated if you would give them a call if you plan on attending. All singles are welcome, so feel free to join us. Naomi D.
JULY 2017
Poems by M.C. Fair This month I have chosen writings that reflect how life should be all the time. From resting and taking the time to stop and live in the moment, to enjoying and appreciating nature for the beauty it holds, to reminiscing about our youth with love and kind thoughts, to celebrate that we live in the best country in the world and finally how we should always live our lives, as respectful loving human beings, every single day! Thank you M.C Fair well said. Dominion Day (Now Called Canada Day) Floating aloft on all buildings today Flags of all sizes are flying….Hurrah! To honour our Queen and our Duke on their throne And we will pay tribute of these, these alone, Of all earthly beings in this human world, So unto you all our flags are unfurled. The colours of red, and of white and of blue, Colours, to signify we will be true. To our Queen and our country what e’er may befall; Oh! God of all nations Thou King of us all, Give to Thy people this whole wide world o’er Sweet peace to last until time is no more. Rest Away in the west, where the sun goes down, Is a quaint little place called slumber town; The wind calls softly over the hills, As the water slips gently along little rills. The tiny babe by these kindly charms Goes nightly to sleep in a fond mother’s arms. The noisy boys, God bless them all Have forgotten their toys, and their game of baseball. The joyous girls need this rest so sweet So they cease their frolic, and go to sleep. The youth and the maiden so jolly and gay Sometimes may forget ‘tis the end of the day. Fond parents, so busy with the duties of life Must need also pause, from their part in the strife And get much needed rest as all of us need If in life’s busy field they wish to succeed. And what of the aged who life’s journey have run Can we forget them at the set of the sun? Ah! No, we would pray the Dear Father above To grant them sweet rest, in the Haven of Love.
An Alphabet of Virtues A– for Aspiration, B– for Bravery C– for Christian “Character” D– for “Docility” E– is for Earnest Effort, F– is for Faith, I know, G– is for Gracious manner, H– is for Honor, I trow, I– is for Innocence, surely J– is for Justice, to all, K– is for Kindliness, ever, L– is for Love, I recall, M – is for Mercy, to others, N– is for Neatness, I ween, O– is for Omnipotence, P– is for Purity, clean, Q– is for Quietness, often, R– is for Rightness, of thought, S– is for Sincerity, always, T– is for Truth, is it not? U– is for Unity – Maybe, V– stands for Virtues, galore. W – is for Wisdom, X– is for E-X-tras, or more, Y– is for Yokes, we’ll be bearing Helping some soul through life’s mist Z– is for Zeal, to uphold us Right to the end of the list.
Lakes in Summer When summer spreads her cover gay Of grass o’er all the earth And gently sends a smiling ray Of hope and joy and mirth, The little lakes in rapture dance The ripples come and go And skimming swallows take a chance To flit when tides are low. I hear you sing A faint refrain In summer To the splashing rain.
July Birthdays 1 2 2 4 6 6 7 8 8 8 10 12 13 14 14 16 17
Ragnar Erlendsen Stephen Davidge Shirley Kozielec Liz Sluis Doreen Kruger Art Davis Craig Ross Garry Dirr Paul Ratte Aline Green Cotnoir Ken Watt Gaylene Coutts JoAnne Danielson Joyce Lindsay Karen Whitfield Sherran Ross Judy Burnell
17 18 19 19 20 23 24 25 25 26 27 28 28 29 31 31
Rene Gautron Jerry MacNeil Lea Main Jackie Herner Ila Cooper Flo Bergeron Pat Purdom Gail Baldwin Rose-Anna Fiola Diane Hancocks Ken Hause Joe Droux Walter Panych June Moyle Linda LaBerge Patricia Simister
July Milestone Birthdays 12 – Gaylene Coutts 14 – Joyce Lindsay 23 – Flo Bergeron 28 – Joe Droux
50th Wedding Anniversary 22 - Harold and Judy Burnell
Thinking of you... Rod Lindsay Julian DeGrave Sandra Hebert Eldora Manshanden
Our Condolences to Former resident Jean Barnes on the loss of her husband, Ted. From the TabMan – Frank Leys A friendly reminder to remove the tabs from the pop and beer cans. These Tabs can be dropped off with cans at the wood working shop. And please don’t crush the beer cans.
Thank you from Gord and Jackie Herner It was in May that we had a delightful surprise delivered to our door! A couple of children tried to discreetly drop off a Beautiful Candy Flower Pot. We weren’t quite sure why the kids were in the yard. We waited till they left and opened the door to a beautiful hand crafted Candy Flower Pot! We would like to Thank the children for this beautiful gift! Thank You! You made us smile and our heart swell with thankfulness! The candy was delicious!
Please contact Doreen Leys 204-422-8273 or Shirlee Christensen 204-422-9501 to let us know about any birthday mistakes, anniversaries, illnesses or loss of a loved one. We apologize if you have been forgotten... it probably was because we were unaware. Sincerely Doreen and Shirlee
JULY 2017
13 WORDS TO LIVE BY Submitted by Frank Leys
“We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust our sails.” There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend.. He was always there for her.. She told her boyfriend, ‘If I could only see the world, I will marry you.’ One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her. When the bandages came off, she was able to see everything, including her boyfriend. He asked her, ‘Now that you can see the world, will you marry me?’ The girl looked at her boyfriend and saw that he was blind. The sight of his closed eyelids shocked her. She hadn’t expected that. The thought of looking at them the rest of her life led her to refuse to marry him. Her boyfriend left in tears and days later wrote a note to her saying: ‘Take good care of your eyes, my dear, for before they were yours, they were mine.’ This is how the human brain often works when our status changes. Only a very few remember what life was like before, and who was always by their side in the most painful situations. Life is a Gift Today before you say an unkind word - Think of someone who can’t speak. Before you complain about the taste of your food - Think of someone who has nothing to eat. Before you complain about your husband or wife Think of someone who’s crying out for a companion. Today before you complain about life - Think of someone who went too early to heaven. Before whining about the distance you drive Think of someone who walks the same distance with their feet. And when you are tired and complain about your job - Think of the unemployed, the disabled, and those who wish they had your job. And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down - Put a smile on your face and think: you’re alive and still around. And when you complain about your children think how lucky you are to have them and if they help you think how really lucky you are to have them around and that they care.
JULY 2017
HEALTH FOOT CARE SERVICES OFFERED INÂ PARADISE VILLAGE! Seine River Services for Seniors Lynda Seewald, a Certified (Diabetic) Foot Care Nurse is ready to come to your home if you are in need of this service. Offered every 2 months. For more information please contact the Resource Coordinator, Juliette Rowan @ 204-424-5285 to register and become a client.
Save your life, and do a simple test to screen for bowel cancer! Seriously, no-one wants to collect poop samples and put them on little cards. Its not an enjoyable procedure to do, but the truth is that this simple procedure can detect microscopic amounts of blood that you can not see with the naked eye! Polyps or tumors in the colon have blood vessels that can release a small amount of blood into the stool when its passes by. Stool tests check for this hidden blood which you cannot see with your eyes. For the test, you collect the stool samples at home and place them on a stool collection card or in a special stool collection container. Be sure to ask your doctor or nurse practitioner if your have any questions. These microscopic bleeds potentially can be coming from pre-cancerous polyps or other colon lesions that can save your
life if they are detected and removed early! If the stool test shows traces of blood in your stool, you will need to have more tests to find out where the blooding is coming from and why. Your doctor or nurse practitioner will likely suggest a colonoscopy. This test is where a thin flexible tube with a light and camera at the end is used to look at the lining of the entire colon. During the test, if something abnormal is seen it can be sampled, or even completely removed and it can be sent off for testing. Once you are over age 50, it is recommended that you have a stool test every 2 years. If you are over age 74 or perhaps in a higher risk category of patient, you may need this more often or perhaps a different type of test done. Remember blood in the stool is not always cancer. It can be sores, haemor-
rhoids, diverticulosis, or inflammation. Blood in the stool is not normal and its is important to discover its cause and provide treatment. Small amounts of blood losses over time, can lead to anemia, iron deficiency which cause fatigue, poor sleep and have a significant impact on health and quality of life. Ultimately, a stool test might be something you would rather avoid, but it could save your life, its that simple. There is convincing evidence that stool tests with appropriate followup can signifi-
cantly reduce deaths from colorectal cancer. For more information, to book and appointment or to have stool testing arranged, call your family doctor or you may contact your local Nurse Practitioner in Richer, MB. at dianegudmundson@ mymts.net or call NP on Wheels / Rapid care program at TOLL FREE 1877-510-1729
AQUACISE begins again on September 8, 2017
The instructor is Linda Gross To register please contact Yvonne Boulianne 204-422-8821
JULY 2017
Ste Anne Hospital Fundraiser Walk
A group of Paradise residents and management formed a team to walk in the four-kilometer health walk on Saturday, June 3 to raise funds for the Ste. Anne Hospital. The Paradise Strollers raised $2810, thanks to the very generous donations from many residents and management. And imagine their delight when they learned they won the grand prize, a 150 square foot stamped concrete pad, worth approximately $2500, donated by Pattyn Concrete. The Paradise Strollers immediately decided to donate the concrete pad back to the village, as a way of giving back to the many residents who supported the team with pledges. It will be installed on the Rec Center grounds so that we can all enjoy it. For having collected the most pledges, one of the Strollers also won a gift basket of gift certificates donated by generous area businesses and services. She tells me they added up to a significant amount of money and she will donate them to the continuing hospital fundraising efforts Paradise Village residents are planning for over the summer.
Ste. Anne Hospital Fundraising September Extravaganza
Mark your calendars for the weekend of Friday, September 15 and Saturday, September 16. It’s going to be a weekend of excitement and fun for our residents and their families and our whole local community as we present a variety of events, including a Friday morning breakfast, a silent auction, vendors of products, services, and other interesting things, short heath and wellness seminars, games, a bonfire bonanza with live music, taco-in-a-bag lunch with root beer floats, “medical” games, and a a fundraising banquet on Saturday evening. And we’re doing it all because we love our Ste. Anne Hospital, a wonderful facility so close to us and so appreciated by many of us when we are in need of caring, professional help with health issues.
Playhouse Raffle
One of the hospital fundraisers planned for the summer is the raffle of a large playhouse, built by the loving hands of Paradise Village Grandpas. It’s approximately 10.7 feet by 8.0 feet and the overall height is 9.8 feet so there is plenty of interior headroom, even with the sloped ceiling. This child-friendly backyard cottage is a miniature version of the ones our grandparents might have built using plans ordered from Sears, Roebuck and Co. Details that make it warm and welcoming include lap siding, a big front porch, gabled dormers, and cheery window boxes. Tickets will be $10.00 each or three for $20.00. There are some on sale already at the office and more will be available soon. They will be available throughout the summer and the winning ticket will be drawn at the September Extravaganza Fundraiser Dinner on September 17.
JULY 2017
18 Things You Didn’t Know about the Movie “The Blues Brothers” The Blues Brothers just won’t quit. It’s been more than 35 years since John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd brought their Saturday Night Live characters Jake and Elwood Blues to the big screen with The Blues Brothers, a loud, money-making, car-smashing love letter to both Chicago and rhythm and blues. It made more than $115 million in theaters worldwide in 1980, even though director John Landis and its crew couldn’t identify whether the movie was a comedy, a musical, a classic, or an expensive disaster. 1. DAN AYKROYD WROTE THE FIRST DRAFT AND IT WAS 324 PAGES LONG. In his first attempt at writing a screenplay, Aykroyd penned a script that was nearly three times the length of the average screenplay (given that one page usually equals one minute of screen time). It didn’t help matters that he had never read a screenplay before either. John Landis put together a shorter, filmable version in just 3 weeks. 2. JOHN BELUSHI WAS PAID TWICE AS MUCH AS AYKROYD. Belushi earned $500,000 for his work in the movie; Aykroyd received $250,000. 3. CHICAGO CREATED ITS OWN FILM OFFICE FOR THE MOVIE. Most of The Blues Brothers was shot throughout Chicago, which wasn’t a major film production hotspot at the time. While it pumped about $12 million into the local economy, all of the car stunts scared residents enough that many of them called the local newspapers to report what they were seeing. 4. THE SHOPPING MALL CAR CHASE WAS SHOT IN A REAL SHOPPING MALL. The scene was filmed at the Dixie Square Mall in Harvey, Illinois, which had been shuttered in 1979—before filming commenced. Though the mall never reopened, it was only (finally) torn down in 2013. 5. 13 DIFFERENT BLUESMOBILES WERE USED. All of the car
chases and stunts were real and not created with CGI. Forty stunt drivers were flown in every weekend to do the work. Sixty old police cars were purchased for $400 apiece. The filmmakers got permission to drive down Lake Street at speeds of over 100 miles per hour. After one take, Landis realized it just looked like he was speeding up the film, so he got stunt pedestrians to walk down the sidewalks to show just how fast the cars were really going. A ditch was dug so the cars in the big pile-up scene would flip when they hit it. One stunt driver drove off a 150-foot-long ramp. Amazing, only a few minor injuries were ever reported. 6. ONE OF THE STUNT DRIVERS WAS JOHN WAYNE’S SON. The Duke’s youngest son, Ethan Wayne, began acting in 1970. But he supplemented his work in front of the camera with a handful of stunting stints. 7. DAN AYKROYD AND CARRIE FISHER BECAME ENGAGED DURING FILMING. The two were a couple, set up by Belushi, who became engaged after Aykroyd successfully administered the Heimlich maneuver on her. “I almost choked on some kind of vegetable that I shouldn’t have been eating: Brussels sprouts,” Fisher told CNN. “He saved my life, and then he asked me to marry him. And I thought ... wow, what if that happens again? I should probably marry him.” (The wedding never happened.) 8. FISHER WASN’T THE ONLY STAR WARS CONNECTION. Frank Oz, known mostly for his work as a puppeteer, plays the corrections officer who returns Jake’s belongings in the very beginning of the movie. He was of course the man behind Yoda, who made his debut in The Empire Strikes Back, which debuted one month earlier, and was still number one at the box office when The Blues Brothers premiered (and had to settle for second place). 9. PART OF THE BUDGET WAS
FOR COCAINE. Aykroyd admitted as much. At the nadir, a frustrated Landis flushed a large amount of Belushi’s cocaine down the toilet. “It’s like Tony Montana,” Landis told Vanity Fair. “It’s like a joke. I scoop it all up and flush it down the toilet. Probably a lot of money’s worth. So I’m on my way out of the trailer, and John comes in and says, ‘What’d you do?’ Then he pushes me, mostly to get to the table. It’s pathetic. He’s trying to get to the table to save the cocaine.” After a brief scuffle, Landis says “John hugged me and started sobbing and apologized. He and I are sitting there, both crying, and I’m going, ‘John, this is insane.’” 10. THE STUDIO WANTED THE BAND WHO SANG “CAR WASH” INSTEAD OF ARETHA FRANKLIN. Universal Pictures wanted new acts like Rose Royce, the band behind hits like “Car Wash” and “I Wanna Get Next to You.” But Aykroyd and company said no. Universal later generated a PR effort to get Franklin an Oscar nomination for her performance. The movie helped revitalize her career. 11. CHARLES NAPIER BLAMES THE SINGERS FOR THE MOVIE FALLING WAY BEHIND SCHEDULE. The actor who portrayed Tucker McElroy claimed to not remember his time on set thanks to his friendship with Belushi. All he seemed to recall is that the singers never showed up on time for their 8 a.m. calls. 12. PAUL REUBENS HAS A SMALL BUT VISIBLE ROLE. The actor best known as Pee-wee Herman played a waiter at Chez Paul, before the band is fully back together. 13. PAUL SHAFFER WAS KICKED OUT OF THE BAND BEFORE THE MOVIE. Despite putting the group of musical all-stars together, the future David Letterman bandleader’s choice to help co-produce a Gilda Radner album over helping the Blues Brothers project upset Belushi.
14. BELUSHI CRASHED AT A STRANGER’S HOUSE ONE NIGHT. Aykroyd followed a grassy path to a house with a light on one late night during production, looking for his co-star. He discovered that a man had allowed Belushi into his home to take advantage of a full fridge and sleep on his couch. 15. BELUSHI HURT HIMSELF ON A KID’S SKATEBOARD BEFORE FILMING THE BIG FINISH. The filmmakers had to convince the “top orthopedist in town” to attend to Belushi over Thanksgiving weekend so that he’d be able to perform the cartwheels and dance steps required for the big finale. 16. SOME MOVIE THEATER OWNERS DIDN’T WANT TO SHOW THE MOVIE. The movie was only booked into about 600 theaters, as opposed to the 1400 theaters that would be typical for a movie with The Blues Brothers’ budget. This was because owners screened a too long, two-and-ahalf-hour cut of the film, and some told Landis that they didn’t want to show a “black movie” in their theaters. 17. IT GOT SOME BAD REVIEWS. Newsweek said it was “desperately unfunny.” The Los Angeles Times called it a “$30 million wreck.” 18. IT WAS REALLY POPULAR IN AUSTRALIA AND OTHER PARTS OF THE WORLD. Similar to The Rocky Horror Picture Show in New York, The Blues Brothers was shown regularly in Melbourne’s Valhalla Cinema on Friday nights throughout the 1980s and ‘90s, where as many as 400 costumed fans would watch as 30 actors recreated the scenes as the movie played, with everybody singing along to the musical performances. Due partially to the domestic movie chain boycotts, but saying something about its international appeal, Landis said the film was the first to ever gross more money overseas than in the U.S.
JULY 2017
Julian’s Joke of the month Leaving the theatre, I thought I was the last one. All of a sudden I heard the door of the washroom open and out came a little man. God bless him, he must have been 85 years old. He didn’t see me and he was laughing to himself. I said, “Are you alright? He said, “I’m okay kid.” He called me a kid. I noticed that he was wet all over. “What happened?” I said. He said, “I got new glasses today with bifocals. When I looked down there, there was a big one and a little one. When I reached down to get the big one the little one peed all over me.”
Volunteer Drivers DRIVERS WHO WILL USE EITHER THEIR OWN OR THE RESIDENT’S VEHICLE: Ragnar Erlendson 204-422-5844 Syd Henderson 204-422-6290 Herb Inch 204-422-5849 Doreen Leys 204-422-8273 Leo Langlois 204-422-9496 Victor Loewen 204-422-6573 DRIVERS WHO PREFER TO USE THEIR OWN VEHICLE: Al Wastle 204-422-5275 John Sluis 204-422-4111 (Summer Only) Bob & Hazel Hicks 204-422-5790
RESIDENTS LIST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE PROVIDERS Residents who wish to provide other residents with professional business support. Contact the newsletter email pvra20@yahoo.ca to pass along your information if you want to be on this list. Thank you. Jo-Ann Lee Provincial Marriage Commissioner 40 Harmony Lane 204-990-2624 Wayne Pierce Commissioner for Oaths Free to Paradise Residents 204-422-9116 Randy Eros, Ward 6 Councillor RM of Ste. Anne 204-371-2959
Coloring Page
JULY 2017
“Lady’s Slippers — Orchids In The Wild” Our residents walk the pipeline forest trail daily and one resident counted 149 plants. WOW!!! One of our most interesting wildflowers is the lady’s slipper – a variety of the wild orchid family – which is named for its shoe-shaped blossoms. There are six distinct species of lady’s slippers in Manitoba, as well as a couple of recently discovered hybrids. They range from quite common varieties, to fairly rare ones, with one variety classed as endangered. Some begin blooming in late May but most flower in June or early July. The most common variety is the yellow lady’s slipper, of which there are two subvarieties – northern small and large yellow – though casual observers may not notice the difference. The size of the pouch and the stripes on it vary, as does the flower’s fragrance. The yellow lady’s slipper grows in a wide variety of habitat – meadows, forests, black spruce and tamarack bogs, as well as in disturbed areas such as roadside ditches. They may grow as single plants about 20 to 40 cm tall or, if the environment is suitable, may develop into large clumps. Another lovely variety is the pink lady’s slipper or moccasin flower, found throughout the central forested part of the province, particularly in the jack pine forests of eastern Manitoba. This is the variety which is the provincial flower of P.E.I. and is the only Manitoba variety where the com-
plete slipper is bright pink. The most spectacular variety – and the one I really love – is the showy lady’s slipper. This type may reach a height of 80 cm, topped by one to three large blossoms. The lip is a bright-rose colour with the sepals and petals a showy white. It blooms a little later than other varieties, usually in late June or early July, and prefers a wetter habitat, often in bogs and forests, though it will also grow in roadside ditches. A white-flowered form of the showy lady’s slipper was recently discovered in the Brokenhead Ecological Reserve. Another variety, a fairly rare one, is the ram’s-head lady’s slipper which grows in the northern Interlake. It is found in jack pine and spruce forests as well as sphagnum bogs. It is somewhat more inconspicuous, with darker-pink flowers that tend to blend in against the forest floor. The small white lady’s slipper is a much rarer variety; since 1992 it has been designated by Manitoba as “Endangered.” It is found in unbroken prairie and wet meadows, in three main locations. The Tall Grass Prairie Preserve of southern Manitoba has the most with about 24 patches of varying sizes which are regularly monitored. Smaller populations are found in the southern Interlake and in the vicinity of Brandon. This va-
riety blooms earlier than the others, in late May to early June, which makes it more susceptible to frost. It is also very slow growing and may take up to 12 years to reach maturity. The only lady’s slipper found in northern Manitoba is the Franklin’s lady slipper, named after the explorer who first recorded it in 1920. The small flowers are a spotted white and are found in damp meadows around Churchill, as well as a few spots farther south. One colony is even reported in the Duck Mountains. All varieties of lady’s slippers are slow-growing plants and may take years before they flower. The small white lady’s slipper is of particular concern, due to shrinking habitat and dwindling populations. Please don’t try moving any of the varieties unless their habitat is being destroyed for a highway or cottage devel-
opment. They are NOT easily transplanted because they have very specific habitat and soil requirements, and do not adapt well to other conditions. They may live for a year or so but will then die. Enjoy them in the wild, but let them live there! Some nurseries have lady’s slippers for sale, so if you want some, buy them there. (You can locate these on the Internet.) However, it may take six to 10 years to propagate lady’s slippers from seed, so they are expensive, usually $30 to $50 per plant. Be cautious, for anyone selling them cheaply may be digging up wild ones. In Manitoba, the Native Orchid Conservation Inc. is dedicated to promoting awareness of all Manitoba’s native orchids, and to help in their conservation. Their website is: www.native orchid.org/. Nature Manitoba also has more information on Manitoba’s wild flowers.
JULY 2017
The Paradise Village Darts Club On Monday, May 1st, we held our closing tournament with eight teams competing. The winning team was Les Hooper, Rose McDonald, & Sherran Ross. Congratulations to them. The highest score for men’s was Murray McDonald & the highest score for ladies was Marie Gautron. Fourteen members were awarded for making it to the 100 Club: Rene, Ragnar, Terry, Gary, Murray, Marie, Rita, Margaret, Evelyn, Elsie, Jan, Joy, Marilyn, & Aline. On May 15th we held our windup, with a delicious BBQ steak dinner and later awards being handed out. Thanks to all who donated food and thanks to our BBQ chefs. It has been a fun season of darts and we invite anyone who is interested to join us. From Marg Erlendsen
Marv’s Marvelous Artwork
JULY 2017
Thank You Thank you to the residents who hosted the morning coffee and line dancing and any other function when the Recreation Centre was closed between May 29th and June 12th. Very important to continue these activities so much appreciated for offering your homes.
The Funny Bone Financial Plan A young woman was engaged to be married and brought her fiancé home to meet her parents. After dinner, her mother told her father to find out about the young man. The father invited the fiancé to his study for a talk. “So what are your plans?” the father asked the young man. “I am a biblical scholar.” He replied. “A biblical scholar, hmmmm?” the father said. “Admirable, but what will you do to provide a nice house for my daughter to live in?” “I will study,” the young man replied, “and God will provide for us.” “And how will you buy her a beautiful engagement ring, such as she deserves?” asked the father. “I will concentrate on my studies,” the young man replied, “God will provide for us.” “And children?” asked the father. “How will you support children?” “Don’t worry sir, God will provide,” replied the fiancé. The conversation proceeded like this, and each time the father questioned, the young man insisted that God would provide. Later, the mother asked, “How did it go, honey?” The father answered, “He has no job and no plans, and he thinks I’m God.”
JULY 2017
Crossword Puzzle
JULY 2017
Sudoku PET SITTING Services
No Overnights At My Home Call Marilyn 204-422-6290
Casino + Folklorama Itinerary IMPORTANT: Please advise Marilyn ASAP if you require anything special in the way of Handicap accommodations for bus, Casino or hotel room. Also let me know of any food allergy info that needs to be noted. Arrangements for all these items have to be made ahead of time.
Monday, August 14, 2017 a.m., returning home on Tuesday, August 15, 2017 p.m. Monday - 8:30 a.m. - Casino bus pickup in Steinbach - 9:00 a.m. - Casino bus pickup at Paradise Village (be there by 8:50) - 10:00 a.m. - Arrive @ McPhillips Street Station - 2:30 p.m. - Arrive at Club Regent and book in at Casino and the Canad Inn - 5:40 p.m. - Pick up at Canad Inn for our night on the town! We will have our very own Folklorama Host/Hostess travelling with us. Note: this p/u time might change‌could be a bit earlier - 6:00 p.m. - Our 1st stop is the PORTUGAL Pavilion where we will enjoy a Cultural Display followed by an Appetizer, Cultural Alcoholic Beverage and Show. Their show will begin at 6:45 and we will depart at 7:30. - 7:45 p.m. - Our 2nd stop is the MEXICAN Pavilion where we will be served our Meal, Domestic Alcoholic Beverage and Show. Showtime is 8:15 and departure is 9:00 p.m. - 9:15 p.m. - Our 3rd and final stop is the INDOCHINA CHINESE Pavilion. Here we will enjoy Dessert, a non-Alcoholic Beverage and Show. The Show begins at 9:45 and we will leave for the Canad Inn at 10:30 p.m. Tuesday - 11:00 a.m. - Check out. There is a locked room to store luggage until we depart - 1:45 p.m. - Board bus to go home Save this itinerary for your trip I will call you within a week or so of our trip to remind you. I look forward to seeing you all in August. Marilyn Peters, Hostess Phone 204-326-4939 FREE MONTHLY CASINO BUS email: freebus@nlis.ca
JULY 2017
JULY 2017
“O Canada!...” Our national anthem comes from the poem, “O Canada” written by Stanley Weir in 1908. Some of the words of the present version have been updated, but the sentiments remain constant. The final stanza of the original poem (of four stanzas and a “refrain”) reads: “Ruler Supreme, who hearest humble prayer, Hold our dominion within thy loving care, Help us to find, o God, in thee A lasting, rich reward As waiting for the Better Day, We ever stand on guard.” The Refrain: “O Canada! O Canada! O Canada! We stand on guard for thee! O Canada! We stand on guard for thee!” We have a rich and godly heritage! May we ever “stand on guard” in prayer for God to “keep our land glorious and free”! Notice: The Topnic’s will be attending the July 30th service to share their beautiful music and talent. Come worship with us on Sundays at 10 A.M. at the Recreation Center in Paradise Village. Everyone is welcome. Coffee and Fellowship following the Service. If anyone has special prayer requests please call the President, Dennis Hall. MENS Breakfast Fellowship: 2nd Monday of each month (10 a.m. at various restaurants) rides can be arranged. For details give Dennis a call at 204-422-9870. Please watch the bulletin Boards by the mail boxes for Paradise Village Church “Special Events.” Of course, everyone is warmly welcome to attend these (and ALL) functions of your Village Church.
2016-2018 NEWSLETTER TEAM Editor: Debbie Kokil 5 Parkview Drive R5H 1J6 - 204-422-8714 Advertising: Les Hooper 12 Harmony Lane R5H 0A2 - 204-422-8583 Distribution (Sum): Brian Fulmore 9 Harmony Lane R5H 0A2 - 204-422-9190 Distribution (Win): Frank Leys 7 Nature Drive R5H 1H2 - 204-422-8273 You can contact us via e-mail: pvra20@yahoo.ca and drop off any submissions to 5 Parkview Drive by the 15th of each month for the following issue. We are always looking for advertisers in our monthly newsletter! Please contact Les Hooper at 204-422-8583 for prices and quotes
JULY 2017