PVRA Newsletter June 2017

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JUNE 2017


JUNE 2017

The Seven Year Itch Ingeborg Giolbass, 84, and Erich Endlein, 88 Senior Citizens Reenact Classic Movie Scenes For Nursing Home Calendar Continued... The Seven Year Itch is a 1955 American romantic comedy film based on a three-act play with the same name by George Axelrod. The film was co-written and directed by Billy Wilder, and stars Marilyn Monroe and Tom Ewell, reprising his Broadway role from the play. It contains one of the most iconic images of the 20th century – Monroe standing on a subway grate as her white dress is submit emails to18 pvra20@yahoo.ca blown upwards by Please a passing train. See Page for Things You Probably Never Knew About the movie The Seven Year Itch!


Message from the Editor .......................................... 2 Social Committee Meetings ..................................... 3 PVRA News................................................................. 4 President’s Message ................................................. 5 Rules of Order / PVRA Notices ...........................6 & 7 Paradise Singles ........................................................ 8 Julian’s Joke of the Month ....................................... 9 Poems by M.C. Fair... ................................................. 10 Birthdays & Occasions.............................................. 11 Word Search .............................................................. 12 Paradise Village Jammers / Service Providers ...... 13 Health / Preventative Testing ............................14 & 15 Rock Your Socks Off for Fun .................................... 16 Movie Trivia - The Seven Year Itch ........................... 18 Joke / Puzzle Answers ............................................. 20 Canada 150 Celebration ........................................... 21 Spring Tea Report ..................................................... 23 Crossword Puzzle ..................................................... 25 Sudoku ....................................................................... 26 Marv’s Marvelous Artwork ........................................ 27 Walking with a Cormorant / Bird List ............... 28 & 29 Casino / Folklorama Trip .......................................... 30 Golf Fore the Cure / Joke .......................................... 31 Card Results .............................................................. 32 Tractor Trek ................................................................ 33 Metal Bird Sculpture ................................................. 34 Paradise Squares ...................................................... 35 Colouring for Adults .................................................. 37 PV Christian Fellowship Church .............................. 38 Volunteer Driver List / Newsletter Team .................. 39 Calendar ..................................................................... 40

Words from the Editor Hello June! It is my birthday month and I try not to let the fact that I am getting older every year dampen my spirits. I have been blessed with good health, a good Mom, a good son, beautiful grandchildren, a great job, wonderful friends, and a truly relaxing home that feels like I am at the cottage; especially in the spring, when the birds begin to sing. Life is pretty great! Congratulations to the new PVRA Executive

Members Linda Fulmore (Kitchen Chair), Laura Morrow (Social Committee Chair) and Jack Steinhoff (House Chair). The Secretary position is still available and thanks to Joanne Kehler she will continue until someone comes forward to take her place. Have a wonderful June yourselves filled with happiness and good health. Debbie Kokil


JUNE Meeting is on Friday, June 16th @ 11:00 am in the Recreation Centre

• Welcome to Laura Morrow as Social Committee Chair and Linda Fulmore as Kitchen Committee Chair. • Any Resident may attend the social committee meetings; in fact, we are looking for more people to assist with input, ideas and suggestions to support any or all upcoming functions. Don’t be shy, all are welcome.



JUNE 2017

PVRA MEMBERSHIPS AND ANY CHANGES TO YOUR INFORMATION CAN BE COMPLETED BY CONTACTING: if your last name begins with A - K; Joanne Kehler 32 Sunset Drive 204-422-6248 & if your last name begins with L - Z; Paulette Barley 1 Sunset Drive 204-422-5936 paradisenews.5@gmail.com Thanks so much!

2016-2018 Executive Members President: Ludwik Jarco 1st Vice-President: Barry Davenport 2nd Vice-President: Gord Macpherson Secretary: Joanne Kehler (Interim) Membership: Paulette Barley Joanne Kehler Editorial: Debbie Kokil Kitchen: Linda Fulmore (2017-19) Treasurer: Cheryl Porte Social: Laura Morrow (2017-19) House: Jack Steinhoff (2017-19)

2017 PVRA Phonebook Additions, Changes & Corrections The new Phone book will be available the first week of June through Membership. The deadline for changes is June 1st. If you have any changes please submit them IMMEDIATELY.


President’s Message To say that May was a very busy month would be an understatement for sure. The Spring AGM was held on May 8, 2017 and once again the attendance could and should have been better. Many topics relevant to our lives within Paradise Village were brought up and discussed. The Ste. Anne Municipality had Randy Eros discussing many issues that affect us all. New executives were voted in for the positions of “House”, “Social” and “Kitchen”. Next year we will be electing a new “Treasurer” and “Newsletter Editor”. Please give some thought as to who you think would do a good job for the PVRA. Sherran Ross as well as Rose MacDonald will be missed, and the new people taking their places will have big shoes to fill. Not only did Sherran and Rose go above and beyond expectations, their spouses also contributed behind the scenes in many ways, and I for one, recognize their efforts. The Perogy Casserole Luncheon was great. Food and service was wonderful. The presentation afterwards was extremely informative (from what I can remember). Management was busy making an effort to control the dandelion population as well as some grading of the roads. The people on Sunset saw their lots being leveled to accommodate their new road. Management also was delivered a reply to the Personal Letter I received in April, which was discussed at great length at our Spring AGM. Their questions will be addressed when they arrange a meeting with the PVRA Executive. Also, while it is on my mind, don’t forget to purchase this year’s “Canada Day” tickets. Only 200 are being printed, so get your tickets early. They are only $5.00 each, and will be entered for a “Special Prize”. Management did commit to having a better flag pole on the grounds in front of the Recreation Centre, hopefully in time for Canada’s 150 year Celebrations on July 1, 2017. The grounds and yards are starting to take shape. Personal pride is what makes Paradise Village beautiful and the tenants certainly display their pride within their surroundings. Keep up the wonderful work! The Membership drive organized by Joanne and Paulette and took place on three different occasions to accommodate “everyone” in Paradise Village. Hopefully, everyone has signed up and paid their dues ($12.50 per person), giving you access to the Newsletter as well as the Phone Directory for the Village. If the times allocated did not suit your schedule, then please phone either Joanne Kehler or Paulette Barley to arrange a time suitable for all. And finally, one more item to discuss. “The Survey” you have all had hand delivered to every home within Paradise Village. We need you to fill these out anonymously and returned by prepaid mail as soon as possible. The findings within this survey will determine the future of your PVRA!! Ludwik Jarco President, PVRA

JUNE 2017

Simplified Robert’s Rules of Order Rules of order are intended to facilitate progress, not impede it. They are designed to include members in decision-making, with everyone having an equal opportunity to participate in the discussion and influence the group’s decisions. Use common sense: think “fair, reasonable and responsible”. Quick facts on Robert’s Rules and other common sense tips: 1. Adoption of a motion requires a majority in favour; in the case of a tie, the vote of the Chair shall be the determining vote. 2. Quorum refers to the majority of the Council. 3. A quorum must be present at Council meetings in order for acts and proceedings made during the meeting to be valid and/or binding. 4. Steps in handling a motion are: a) A member makes the motion (I move that we….)

b) Another seconds the motion (I second the motion….) c) The Chair states the motion (It is moved and seconded that…) d) Debate and possibly amendment take place. The key point to remember when voting on amendments is to follow the correct order of amendments back to the original main motion. The presiding officer always begins voting with the secondary amendment, moves to the primary amendment, and finally takes the vote on the main motion. e) The Chair puts the motion to a vote (We are now voting on the motion to…All in favour? All opposed? The motion is carried/defeated.) f) The Chair announces the result (The motion is carried/defeated.) 5. Be clear about what is being voted on. Reread the motion before voting. 6. Three things are impor-

To all Residents, We hope you have all received your survey the week of May 24th and that you have taken the time to fill it out and drop it in the mail. If by chance you did not receive this survey please contact Barry Davenport 204-422-9347.

tant to record in the minutes: the exact wording of the motion, that discussion took place, and the final outcome (carried or defeated). 7. The person seconding a motion does not have to be in favour of it; they just want it discussed. 8. If you make a motion, you can’t speak against but you can vote against it after hearing discussion. 9. If people tend to dominate the discussion, suggest making a rule that people may only speak twice on an issue, the second time after everyone else had had a chance to speak once. Point of Order: At the Annual General Meeting on May 8th, 2017 a motion was put to the floor by a member and this motion was seconded. There was some debate regarding the motion and the member making the motion kept calling for

a vote. Another member made an amendment to the motion and this was also seconded. Debate ensued as to whether another member could make an amendment to the original motion. Yes, according to Robert’s Rules of Order an amendment can take place. Much more conversation as to whether an amendment could be made became a heated debate with no clear answer. The member who made the original motion persisted on calling for the vote which the executive did do and it was not a valid vote as the all in favour were not counted at first neither were the opposed. A second call to vote to be counted was made but shortly after that the Member who made the original motion asked for the motion to be withdrawn.


Tuesday, May 23th 9am To Monday, June 12th (tentatively)

All of the Rec Centre:

Monday, May 29 9am To Monday, June 12th 9am Please make your plans accordingly. Thank you. Paradise Village Management


From Rose McDonald Social Committee Chair

(recently stepped down) I would like to take a moment of your time to say a Big Thank You to all the residents of Paradise Village for all the help you have given me over the years. For all of you who gave your time, and a lot of energy, and who helped to make my job easier THANK YOU. The Social Committee cannot run without the help of you all. To all the people (who probably cringed when you heard my voice on the phone) who stepped up and helped me. To all the Barbequers, the servers, the cleaner uppers, the cooks, the ticket sellers and many more.....THANK YOU. To Sherran Ross, my right hand man, words cannot say enough Thank Yous to you. Without your help I could not have done my job. All the laughs, shopping, and good times, we had a lot of fun! If I have forgotten anyone of you please forgive me. Going forward I hope that Laura has the same amount of help and good times that I have had over the years; wishing you, good luck. Thanks again... Rose McDonald

From the TabMan – Frank Leys Thanks to Wayne Pierce for donating a cut-off saw for hardwood flooring. We cleaned out the shop. With help from residents and non-residents, we donated $255.35 from the tabs and crushed cans to the wheel chair program. Big thanks to a couple of residents who delivered the cans and tabs, free of charge, to the Scrap Yard. Thank you ……From Frank Leys Thanks to some Male Residents on cleaning the woodworking shop; we tried to rook some Female Residents into helping but they hightailed it out of the shop pretty quick. Thanks again from The Shop Executives.

JUNE 2017

Paradise Village Singles May 2017 Potluck Dinner May 2017

We had 18 singles at Vivian’s on Tuesday, May 2nd. Lots of laughs and fantastic food – there is always something new to try. Dinner ended with a birthday cake and good wishes for two of our gentlemen, Steve Bloomer and Les Hooper, who celebrate birthdays in May. Nice to see some of our snowbirds back, as well. The next singles will be held at Alice Letkeman’s on Monday, June 5th, 45 Village Drive. If you plan on attending, please let Alice know at 422-8627. Submitted by Noni Dauignault


Julian’s Joke of the Month I met a man the other day that stuttered. I told him there was no need to stutter like that. He said, “He tri-tri-tritried everything.” I told him, “I stuttered like that, but my wife cured me. My wife took me to the upstairs bedroom and tied me to

the bed. She made love to me for 4 hours non-stop. I never stuttered another day since. You ought to try it.” I met him a month later and said, “How are you doing?” He said, “I’m per-per-per-perfect, I’m fine.” “Did you do what I told you?”

“Yep-yep-yep.” “It didn’t work did it?” “No-no-no, but you got a nice house.”

JUNE 2017


Poems by M.C. Fair I would like to apologize to Jerry Ferguson for telling you all that it was his Mother who wrote poetry. It actually was his Grandmother. Thank you for approaching me and telling me rather than getting upset and not saying anything. The other boo boo I made was that I thought I heard that Jerry and Betty have 4 children when in fact they only have 3. We laughed about that. Lol. Now to share a few poems by Jerry Ferguson’s Grandmother, M. C. (Craig) Fair (photo below). by Debbie Kokil

“May” #2 May…the month of springtime blossoms, Sweet their fragrance on the air, Balmy breezes greet the budding, Of new leaves hung every where. May….the month of seedtime promise, Soils rare perfume scents the air, As in hope we plant the seedlings, Then we raise to God a prayer. “Busy Birds” #3 The little bird doesn’t need to stop His song because he wants to hop. He keeps on singing just the same, In days of sunshine or of rain, And we a lesson here may find, Let us be jolly and be kind, Even though busy we can be Thoughtful and happy, glad and free “June” #4 Birds and bees and blossoms, In the merry month of June, Balmy breezes strumming, Heart-strings that are atune, With nature sweetly smiling, And perfume in the air, Our spirits oft beguiling, Dispersing every care.

“Advice” #6 We need as we travel through life’s devious ways, Some guideposts to help us through dark dreary days, No days should be dreary, for you or for me If we just keep cheerful, and calm constantly

“June” #5 Apple blossoms dreamy Cherry blossoms too, Blossoms pink and creamy Flowers of every hue, Earth is surely singing, Birdie’s songs are ringing, Little children swinging All the bright day through

“My Sincere Desire” #1 I’m just a little old lady With a purpose I long to fulfill, My heart each day is yearning, My fingers still feel the thrill Of a pen or a pencil scribbling On paper of any sort, A bit of newspaper margin An envelope, torn apart, So long as the words keep forming And fashioning into rhyme, Or a story, of beauty and wonder To last a whole life-time, And then when my life is ended Could these messages float along, To cheer some human creature, In the melody of a “Song.” I’m just a little old lady, My thoughts go wandering wide. They wander at morn and noon-day They wander at eventide. My fingers just ache to scribble A ditty of beauty or love A song—a poem—a story— Of humans or skies above, Of earth with its magic wonder, Of stars in the azure blue The tale of a wayside daisy, A lyric to friend so true. Of islands and lakes and rivers, Of fountains splashing spray, Of marvelous moonlit evenings, Of glorious sun bright day. Of pioneer days long vanished, Of heroes brave and strong, Of almost anything darling I’d love to write a song. A song that would grip the feelings Of all who might sing its lay And carry their souls to Heaven The land of Eternal Days.




June Birthdays 2 Syd Henderson 2 Gabriel St.Vincent 2 Bill Morrow 4 Ted Parkes 5 Iris Langlois 5 Cameron Barley 7 Bev Williamson 9 Margaret Erlendson 10 Anne Scharff 10 Glyn Thomas 11 Susan Dueck 11 Sandra Hebert 11 Debbie Kokil 12 Anne Prior 13 Joy Morrison 13 Sharon Walsh 13 Mary Sitko 13 Rose McDonald 14 Gary Danielson 14 Victor Loewen

15 Bud Bennett 15 Terry Hause 16 Linda Pelletier 16 Flory Sikora 17 Al Betker 18 Louis Gagnon 18 Alan Dern 20 Lucielle Wastle 21 Bill Holowec 22 Verna Robertson 23 Roy Goodman 23 Sandy Klinkhammer 25 Marissa Ventura 26 Paul Pelletier 28 Olga Baschak 29 Marius Carriere 29 Leo Langlois 29 Victor Krahn 30 Lise Smith 30 Rob Freeman

June Milestone Birthdays

4 – Ron de la Hey 4 – Ted Parkes 10 – Anne Scharff 13 – Joy Morrison 22 – Verna Robertson 28 – Olga Baschak

50th Wedding Anniversary 3 – Jim and Thea Stone

Thinking of you... Ray Cooper Jack Poole

Deepest Sympathy to Barb Prior on the loss of her husband, Russ Jerry & Donna MacNeil on the loss of Jerry’s sister

Please contact Doreen Leys 204-422-8273 or Shirlee Christensen 204-422-9501 to let us know about any birthday mistakes, anniversaries, illnesses or loss of a loved one. We apologize if you have been forgotten... it probably was because we were unaware. Sincerely Doreen and Shirlee

“We would like to say Thank you to all our friends and neighbours for the caring, kindness, and support at this time, with the passing of Ken’s dad. Your thoughtfulness means a great deal to us.” Thank you Ken & Joanne Kehler


JUNE 2017




Paradise Village Jammers I have always believed in the motto “Pay it Forward.” Thus come my feelings of admiration & pride to belong to our Jammers Music Group. The instrumentalists are truly a talented bunch. Many of the original members are from our community; as well, we have adopted a few fellows from Dugald and Winnipeg.

We all support each other’s efforts, even when obvious “blips” occur. We have laughed and occasionally cried together. Yes, the old folks at the Villa are a captive audience but they respond with joy, laughter, and singing along whilst finger and toe tapping. Smiles are everywhere. The staff and residents appreciate our efforts of entertainment & providing

RESIDENTS LIST: PROFESSIONAL SERVICE PROVIDERS Residents who wish to provide other residents with professional business support. Contact the newsletter email pvra20@yahoo.ca to pass along your information if you want to be on this list. Thank you. Jo-Ann Lee Provincial Marriage Commissioner 40 Harmony Lane 204-990-2624 Wayne Pierce Commissioner for Oaths Free to Paradise Residents 204-422-9116 Randy Eros, Ward 6 Councillor RM of Ste. Anne 204-371-2959

an escape from worries for a minute. We perform every Monday afternoon from 1:45 – 3:45 pm. I love to sing and for me music continues to be my saving grace. Remember folks one day you and I may be a part of a residents` audience. So my friends hats off to our group who proudly feature a positive spirit. Music

is a soothing balm for many a soul. Our members include: Jerry McNeil, Bob Davis, Bob Halabiski, Ray McDonald, Anne Scharff, John Trohbeak, Ragnar Erlendson, Ray Machan, Louis Swiderski, and soloists Henriette Hilhorst, Rose Angell, Marie Ewanchuk, and Simone Gauthier. Respectfully submitted by Rose Angell

JUNE 2017


HEALTH FOOT CARE SERVICES OFFERED INÂ PARADISE VILLAGE! Seine River Services for Seniors Lynda Seewald, a Certified (Diabetic) Foot Care Nurse is ready to come to your home if you are in need of this service. Offered every 2 months. For more information please contact the Resource Coordinator, Juliette Rowan @ 204-424-5285 to register and become a client.



MEDICAL CARE OVER 50 – Important preventative testing! When you go for your annual physical, make sure your Doctor or Nurse Practitioner performs or recommends these simple tests that may save your health -- and your life -- later. (Note that your Doctor or Nurse Practitioner may recommend additional tests or a different frequency of testing based on your personal health profile and your family medical history.) • A screening colonoscopy is recommended for everyone starting at 50 years old. • Stepping on the scales. This is the age when most people start gaining weight. Watch this weight gain carefully, and fight back with healthier eating and exercise. Being Overweight puts you at high risk for developing a number of diseases -- and studies show that weight loss can improve your odds. • Blood pressure test. Untreated high blood pressure is an equal opportunity killer: It kills your heart, your brain, your eyes and your kidneys. Don’t let high blood pressure sneak up on you. Get it tested. It’s simple; it’s cheap; and it’s quick.

• Cholesterol profile: Do you have high cholesterol? Find out -- at least once every 5 years (more frequently if you’re at risk for a heart attack). Controlling your cholesterol can add years to your life. • Blood Sugar: Untreated diabetes can destroy your health, causing heart disease, kidney failure, and blindness. Don’t let it. Get a fasting blood sugar test done at least once every 3 years and take control of diabetes early. • For women only: Pelvic exam and Pap smear: Combining a pap test with a human papillomavirus (HPV) test can safely extend the interval between cervical cancer screenings from three years to five years in many women between the ages of 30-65. Women over age 65 can stop getting screened if they’ve had at least three consecutive negative Pap tests or at least two negative HPV tests within the previous 10 years, according to the guidelines. But women who have risk factors for cervical cancer such as smoking, a history of HPV, or a more advanced precan-

cer diagnosis should continue to be screened until they reach the age of 80. • For women only: Breast exam and mammogram: At this age, don’t ever let a year go by without getting a mammogram and having your Doctor or Nurse Practitioner examine your breasts for any changes. Early detection of breast cancer can save your breast and your life. • Looking for moles: Love your skin. Check your skin monthly for any unusual spots or moles. Be sure to ask your Doctor or Nurse Practitioner to check your skin once a year, as well. • Protecting your Eyes: Vision-robbing diseases become more common as you age. Be sure to get your eyes examined regularly -- every 2 to 4 years until age 54 and then every 1 to 3 years after that. Go more often if you have vision problems or risk factors for eye problems. • Checking your immunizations: People over age 50 should get a flu shot every year. And don’t forget, even healthy people need a tetaunus booster shot every 10 years, and one of those

should contain the pertussis vaccine for whooping cough. Be sure to ask your Doctor or Nurse Practitioner to update any immunizations that you might need. Consider Hepatitis A and B vaccines if you haven’t already had them. And after age 60 you should be vaccinated against the virus that causes shingles. • Preventative testing can detect problems earlier and lead to more effective treatment and quicker action for preventing the complications associated with that condition. Be sure to address preventative care with your Doctor or Nurse Practitioner on a regular basis.

If there are some of these tests that you need to get done or you want to discuss your preventative health further, see your Doctor or you may contact your local private Nurse Practitioner at diane@timelycareclinic.com or feel free to call and leave a detailed voice message at 1-844-765-5569 ext 701.

AQUACISE begins again on September 8, 2017

The instructor is Linda Gross To register please contact Yvonne Boulianne 204-422-8821

JUNE 2017

Rock Your Socks Off for Fun! Hi everyone. We would like to get together with some like-minded folks to play some rock and roll, blues, folk and the like. It would be strictly for fun - no band - no rehearsals, etc. If you are interested please give me a call at 204-905-1755 or e-mail me at marilynbrooke11@gmail.com. We will look at location, time, etc. after we see how many people are interested. Marilyn Brooke




JUNE 2017


Things You Didn’t Know about the Movie “The Seven Year Itch” SYNOPSIS: Married man, Sherman, has to contend with the gorgeous woman upstairs when his family are away over the summer. That shot. A train whirrs past beneath the vent and wind blows her dress up as she struggles to hold it down. She doesn’t move away from the revealing situation and instead tells he male companion, “isn’t it delicious?” Her white, pleated dress design and platinum blonde hair means that this is Marilyn Monroe. A crowd had gathered, between 52nd and 53rd Street in New York City. Billy Wilder is in production of The Seven Year Itch, and photographer Sam Shaw is snapping the icon of the 1950’s. This became the moment that became a 26ft tall statue by Seward Johnson in Chicago, California and New Jersey, in Forever Marilyn. It is also the unforgettable, definitive portrait of this gorgeous, tragic figure. But the film is not built around this single scene. It is merely a fleeting moment in the 1955 hit, The Seven Year Itch. A perfect companion to Wilder’s The Apartment, it is set within the hustle and bustle of NYC. Richard Sherman (Tom Ewell) bids adieu to his wife and child, the scamp, as he prepares him-

self for a summer of working in the hottest month of the year. Unlike the gawking fellow men at Grand Central, Sherman intends to give up smoking and drinking (as the doctors warned him) and, under no circumstances, will he be lured by the foxy young women who still lurk in the city. That is until a girl (Monroe) moves in upstairs. A comedy from the Native American opening sequence, The Seven Year Itch directly comments on that seven-year point in a marriage whereby men are easily drawn to another. Primarily shot within his dinky flat, it is no surprise that this is based on a play penned by George Axelrod. But it is Billy Wilder’s witty direction that cuts away to enhance jokes and winks to the cinema audience throughout. Like The Apartment, Sherman is a bit of a rogue, not unlike Jack Lemmon’s extra-marital-affair facilitator C.C.Baxter. His sleazy efforts to woo Monroe are pitched perfectly. In fact, had Lemmon played the part, he’d have come across as too likable. Richard Sherman, justifying his actions throughout, aspires to be a good man – but he doesn’t have the balls to stick by his guns. This is what makes The Seven Year Itch so intrigu-

ing. Every character is a fascinating mess of conflicting characteristics. Monroe’s ditzy blonde melts our hearts, but she hints at a knowing awareness of her actions. She teases and lures this sucker on – but he is quite happy to be dragged across the living room floor. After those opening moments, as Sherman bids farewell to his family, we rarely see his wife (except in imaginary dreams, conversations and a brief phone call) so her decision to leave the city may be because of his clear wandering eyes. I feel assured that, though his constant paranoia and worry may be relatable, he doesn’t come across as the strongest husband or most supportive of fathers. His constant whining seems to postpone his posting of a paddle from the very start of the film. But the casting of Monroe is inspired. She knocks

your socks off. Her cute coquettishness is endlessly fascinating, and her faux naivety makes you putty in her hands. When she’s not on-screen, we miss her. When she is on-screen, we know exactly how Sherman feels. It’s a simple concept – the young broad seducing the married man. But the subtle characteristics and games played by these two key roles are what humanise them – and make us recognise them. It’s not as complex as Wilder’s Monroe masterpiece, Some Like it Hot. And doesn’t share the same adorable nature of the forever-lonely lead in The Apartment, but this is one to watch. It’s cheeky and telling. It’s back-to-back jokes with a sure talkingpoint to begin when the credits close. The Seven Year Itch is a re-watchable classic, and one of the most important roles in Monroe’s career.



JUNE 2017 Joke From Olga Baschak Two young businessmen in Florida were sitting down for a break in their soon-to-be new store in the shopping mall. As yet, the store’s merchandise wasn’t in -- only a few shelves and display racks set up. One said to the other, “I’ll bet that any minute now some old senior is going to walk by, put his face to the window, and ask what we’re selling.”

20 Sure enough, just a moment later, a curious senior gentleman walked up to the window, looked around intensely and rapped on the glass, then in a loud voice asked, “What are you selling here?” One of the men replied sarcastically, “We’re selling ass-holes.” Without skipping a beat, the old timer said, “You must be doing well... Only two left.” Seniors -- don’t mess with them they didn’t get old by being stupid!




JUNE 2017




Spring Tea Report The Spring Tea held on May 10th was very well attended. The hall was decorated by Carol Stoess and her wonderful team of decorators. Thank you to Marv Zubrin for his colourful Teacups and Teapots. Good job! The food was prepared by a great bunch of Kitchen Elves and the Ladies Baking Group. Thank you, thank you, and thank you ladies! We were serenaded by Lisa Chartrand. Lisa provided a wonderful program and her voice was just great! Thank you so much. Our servers were some really good looking fellows from the Village; we tried to convince them to do their Chippendale Routine, they would not. Our loss! It is always a pleasure to go to the Spring Tea. It is an afternoon of visiting with our neighbours, those we do not get to see often, and catch up. Submitted by Rose McDonald

JUNE 2017



Crossword Puzzle


JUNE 2017


Sudoku PET SITTING Services

No Overnights At My Home Call Marilyn 204-422-6290

Marv’s Marvelous Artwork



JUNE 2017


Walking with a Cormorant Early one morning in September 2014 I was walking down Paradise Road. As I was nearing Dawson Road I spotted a Cormorant walking in the ditch toward me, when I asked it “what are you doing here?” it climbed onto the road and started following me. It followed beside me for ten minutes or so and I couldn’t shake the bird. I even tried to shoo it away, but no, right beside me it stayed, just like a pet dog. The strange part about it was that it took to me as if we had been together forever! Some of the vehicles that use the road each morning stopped and/or slowed down at the site of the Cormorant and me walking side by side. It appeared to be a young one and the way it nonchalantly walked with me I didn’t think it was injured or hurt; only Mother Nature knew for sure. Eventually I sped up my walking, said good luck to the bird and carried on. It was a strange but moving experience that touched me. Larry Trush



Birds of Paradise Spring is upon us and brings back our feathered friends, some of which nest in our area or have passed through. Check the following list of birds that have been seen in and around Paradise Village and if any resident has &/or have spotted any not listed, give me a call 204-422-5424 or email lctrush@mymts.net and will add it to our list. Larry Trush American Coot American Goldfinch American Kestrel American Redstart American Robin American Tree Sparrow American White Pelican American Woodcock Bald Eagle Baltimore Oriole Barn Swallow Barred Owl Black & White Warbler Belted Kingfisher Blue Jay Blue-winged Teal Bohemian Waxwing

Brewer’s Blackbird Brown Creeper Brown Thrasher Bufflehead Duck Canada Goose Cape May Warbler Catbird Cedar Waxwing Chickadee Chipping Sparrow Clay-colored Sparrow Common Egret Common Flicker Common Merganser Common Nighthawk Common Redpoll Common Sandpiper Common Snipe Common Yellowthroat Warbler Cooper’s Hawk Cowbird Crow Double-crested Cormorant Downy Woodpecker Eastern Bluebird Eastern Kingbird European Starling Evening Grosbeak Fox Sparrow Grackle Gray Jay Great Blue Heron

Great Grey Owl Hairy Woodpecker Harris’ Sparrow Hermit Thrush Hoary Redpoll Hooded Merganser House Sparrow House Wren Indigo Bunting Junco Killdeer Lesser Scaup Loggerhead Shrike Magpie Mallard Duck Meadowlark Mourning Dove Northern Cardinal Northern Hawk Owl Northern Waterthrush Oven Bird Peregrine Falcon Pied-billed Grebe Pileated Woodpecker Pine Grosbeak Pine Siskin Purple Finch Purple Martin Raven Red-bellied Woodpecker Red-breasted Merganser Red-breasted Nuthatch Red-eyed Vireo Red-winged Blackbird

Ring-necked Pheasant Rose-breasted Grosbeak Ross’ Goose Ruby-crowned Kinglet Ruby-throated Hummingbird Ruffed Grouse Sandhill Crane Sharp-shinned Hawk Screech Owl Sharptail Grouse Snowy Owl Song Sparrow Spotted Sandpiper Spruce Grouse Tree Swallow Trumpeter Swan Whip-poor-will White-breasted Nuthatch White-throated Sparrow Wilson’s Phalarope Wood Duck Wood Thrush Yellow-rumped Warbler Yellow Warbler Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

JUNE 2017


I have 2 seats available (Aug 14/15, 2017)

We will be visiting the following pavilions: Portugal * Mexico * Indochina Chinese If you would like the opportunity to go to Folklorama without the line-ups, hassle of parking, enjoy VIP treatment with our very own host or hostess, reserved seating with table service at the pavilions, souvenir shopping, enjoy both Casinos of Winnipeg and stay at the Club Regent Casino Hotel by Canad Inn, give me a call right away. Cost $100.00 per person based on double occupancy. Please advise if you have any special needs on the bus, in the hotel or food allergies. Watch for your itinerary in next month’s Newsletter Marilyn Peters, Hostess Phone 204-326-4939


31 RETARDED GRANDPARENTS After Christmas, a teacher asked her young pupils how they spent their holiday away from school. One child wrote the following: We always used to spend the holidays with Grandma and Grandpa. They used to live in a big brick house but Grandpa got retarded and they moved to Arizona. Now they live in a tin box and have rocks painted green to look like grass. They ride around on their bicycles and wear name tags because they don’t know who they are anymore. They go to a building called a wrecked center, but they must have got it fixed because it is all okay now, and do exercises there, but they don’t do them very well. There is a swimming pool too, but in it, they all jump up and down with hats on. At their gate, there is a doll house with a little old man sitting in it. He watches all day so nobody can escape. Sometimes they sneak out. They go cruising in their golf carts. Nobody there cooks, they just eat out. And they eat the same thing every night: Early Birds. Some of the people can’t get out past the man in the doll house. The ones who do get out, bring food back to the wrecked center and call it pot luck. My Grandma says that Grandpa worked all his life to earn his retardment and says I should work hard so I can be retarded someday too. When I earn my retardment, I want to be the man in the doll house. Then I will let people out so they can visit their grandchildren. Submitted by Evelyn Fillion

JUNE 2017





JUNE 2017

Metal Bird Sculpture This item was built approx. 21 years ago by Alfred Wojnowski who lived at 44 Paradise Drive. Fred used it to display Xmas lights & garden baskets. The property was bought by Tom Malazdrwicz in 2003, sold, and purchased by Ron Delahunt and Jan in 2016. I, Les Hooper, obtained the metal sculpture in late April 2017. I want to add metal birds to my bird tree and the 1st piece I have is a seagull picked up in Northern Ontario by Steve and Arlene Pooley who were my neighbours. I would like to ask the Snowbirds for your help and if you see a metal bird in your travels to consider obtaining it. The metal birds should be the type of bird most commonly seen in Canada. Thanks for your anticipated co-operation. If you have any questions or suggestions I live at 12 Harmony Lane and my number is 204-4228583.




Paradise Squares Report Our windup dance on May 9th was full of fun, laughter and food. The ladies dressed some of the men in wigs and crinolines near the end of the evening; caller Ernie then mixed all the dancers resulting in mass confusion and laughter. Past Co-President Laura presented Ernie and Shirley with a token of our appreciation of their service throughout this past season. Finger food and dainties rounded out a great evening. Eleven Paradise Squares dancers attended Beausejour’s Swinging Squares May 11th windup supper and dance. Once again near the end of the evening the ladies dressed some of the men in crinolines (no wigs this time!) and laughter reined in the hall during the tip Ernie called. Good food, good friends, good time. Ernie and Shirley will host their 21st Annual Summer Dance and BBQ in Anola the afternoon of July 30th. Our Open House start up dance will be September 12th @ 7:00 PM. Larry Trush

JUNE 2017



Colouring Page - JUNE


JUNE 2017


Here it is June already! A “pessimist” would say: “Oh no! Half the year is gone forever!” An “optimist” might reply, “Yes, but only half is gone! – we’ve still got six months to make 2017 our best year yet!”

How our attitude can shape our lives! A positive, faith-filled outlook can change a scenario of “gloom and doom” into a situation of “optimism and victory.” And, with |God’s help, it can be so for anyone who will trust Him! Philippians 4:13 in the Bible declares: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” The key here is that it is through Jesus Christ we are given strength and help – physically, mentally, emotionally, and materially: He is our Source and Enabler.

The apostle John writing in his first letter, makes this amazing statement: (I John 5:4, 5) “For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.”

And then the apostle asks the question: “Who is it that overcomes the world? Only He, who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.” Why is this so true? Because Jesus walks with His children all the way, everyday, and tells us that “He will never leave or forsake us.” (Hebrews 13:5)

Please note: Due to the closure of the Recreation Centre for maintenance, the Church will be taking a two week break: No Sunday Service for June 4th or June 11th. Regular services will be resumed on Sunday, June 18th. Come worship with us on Sundays at 10 A.M. at the Recreation Center in Paradise Village. Everyone is welcome. Coffee and Fellowship following the Service. If anyone has special prayer requests please call the President, Dennis Hall. MENS Breakfast Fellowship: 2nd Monday of each month (10 a.m. at various restaurants) rides can be arranged. For details give Dennis a call at 204-422-9870. Please watch the bulletin Boards by the mail boxes for Paradise Village Church “Special Events.” Of course, everyone is warmly welcome to attend these (and ALL) functions of your Village Church.



Volunteer Drivers



Editor: Debbie Kokil 5 Parkview Drive R5H 1J6 - 204-422-8714

Ragnar Erlendson 204-422-5844 Syd Henderson 204-422-6290 Herb Inch 204-422-5849 Doreen Leys 204-422-8273 Leo Langlois 204-422-9496 Victor Loewen 204-422-6573 DRIVERS WHO PREFER TO USE THEIR OWN VEHICLE: Norm Cunningham 204-422-9177 Al Wastle 204-422-5275 John Sluis 204-422-4111 (Summer Only) Bob & Hazel Hicks 204-422-5790

Advertising: Les Hooper 12 Harmony Lane R5H 0A2 - 204-422-8583 Distribution (Sum): Brian Fulmore 9 Harmony Lane R5H 0A2 - 204-422-9190 Distribution (Win): Frank Leys 7 Nature Drive R5H 1H2 - 204-422-8273 You can contact us via e-mail: pvra20@yahoo.ca and drop off any submissions to 5 Parkview Drive by the 15th of each month for the following issue. We are always looking for advertisers in our monthly newsletter! Please contact Les Hooper at 204-422-8583 for prices and quotes

JUNE 2017


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