M AY 2018
MAY 2018
MAY 2018 IN THIS ISSUE: Social Committee ......................................................... 3 PVRA News / Membership Drive ................................. 4 President’s Message / Words from the Editor ............. 5 PVRA Singles .............................................................. 6 PVRA 1st 2018 General Meeting ................................ 7 Spring Tea Report ....................................................... 8 Paint Party Report ....................................................... 9 Weiner Roast / Bonfire Report .................................... 10 Horseshoe Games ...................................................... 11 Save the Dates ........................................................... 12 Welcome to New Residents ........................................ 13 Poems by M.C. Fair... .................................................. 14 Birthdays & Occasions................................................. 15 Word Search ............................................................... 16 Poem from a resident ................................................. 17 Crafty Mondays Potting Party ..................................... 19 Lunch Out of the Village ............................................. 20 Seine River for Seniors AGM ............................................. 21 Volunteer Drivers / Professional Service Providers ...... 22 Julian’s Joke / From the Tabman ................................ 23 From Bethesda Hospital .............................................. 24 Annual Garage Sale / Funny Bone ............................. 25 Crossword Puzzle ....................................................... 27 Card Scores ................................................................ 28 Spring into 2018 BBQ ................................................. 29 Ste Anne Hospital Fund Walk / Strollers ..................... 31 Mixed Golf ................................................................... 32 Golf Joke ...................................................................... 33 Ferguson’s Viking Cruise .................................... 34 to 36 Puzzle Answers ........................................................... 37 PV Christian Fellowship Church ................................. 38 Newsletter Team ........................................................ 39 Calendar ..................................................................... 40
The next Social Committee Meeting is on May 16th, 2018 at 1:00 pm at 9 Harmony Lane
Posts are also put on the Paradise Village Ste Anne Facebook Page. All residents welcome.
MAY 2018
PVRA MEMBERSHIPS AND ANY CHANGES TO YOUR INFORMATION CAN BE COMPLETED BY CONTACTING: Joanne Kehler 32 Sunset Drive 204-422-6248 joken95@mymts.net Thanks so much!
PVRA MEMBERSHIP DRIVE 2018 May 9, 14 & 16 from 1:00 - 3:00 pm Where? To be announced with more information provided at the May 7th 1st 2018 General Meeting. As an incentive to become a PVRA member this year, draws will be held each month for a coupon or gift card valued at $25.00 each. 4 will be drawn in May - so get your membership paid and then 2 per month for the balance of the 201819 year. These coupons or gift cards will come from the advertisers in our newsletter. Restaurants, Coop Gas, Pro Hardware just to name a few. Joanne Kehler, Membership Committee
2016-2018 Executive Members President: Ludwik Jarco 1st Vice-President: Barry Davenport 2nd Vice-President: Gord Macpherson Secretary: Edythe Pryor (2017-19) Membership: Joanne Kehler Editorial: Debbie Kokil Kitchen: Linda Fulmore (2017-19) Treasurer: Cheryl Porte Social: Linda Fulmore (2017-19) House: Jack Steinhoff (2017-19)
PVRA Phonebook Additions, Changes & Corrections NEW RESIDENT INFO: Ron & Giselle Gervais 38 Paradise Drive Ste Anne, MB R5H 1H3 204-961-0237 or 204-961-0148 Yvonne Gilbey 7 Lakeview Drive Ste Anne, MB R5H 1J7 204-285-9329
Dave & Elaine Janzen 38 Village Drive Ste Anne, MB R5H 1H4 204-997-4434 Jeff & Marie Marshall 43 Nature Drive Ste Anne, MB R5H 1J7 204-801-0577 or 204-781-4157
Please inform Joanne Kehler, Membership Committee Chair, when you make a change to your phone number or personal information so that records could be updated. Membership then contacts me, the editor, and I post it into the newsletter. Please transfer it to the lined part of your Phone List when you see one and keep yourselves updated too. Thank you!
President’s Message “Finally Spring has arrived”. The Village looks like it survived the winter. From residents’ comments, the snow was manageable and the roads were kept clear. Your PVRA Executive has been kept busy over the winter months. Just because some of us are not here, doesn’t mean that issues are not being addressed. Communication with the owner was ongoing during the winter months. Some issues were resolved, some were not! The interpretation of “Full Access” to the common areas seems to be a major stumbling block with Management and Owners and will be addressed “again” shortly. Social events are progressing quite nicely and we can all be proud of our Social Committee. Many activities are planned for the upcoming year, so please plan to attend showing our Social Committee that “we care”. The upcoming AGM in May is an important one, as we have many decisions to make that should improve our lives within Paradise Village. Once again, your attendance shows that “you care”. A special “Thank You” to your second Vice President, Gord McPherson, held down the fort during my absence over the winter months. “Thank You” to the Social Committee and all their wonderful volunteers for planning and making every event special (especially the most recent Spring Tea, “Over the Top”!) Your Executive will have some major changes with the upcoming elections, and I sincerely hope that you will support all the new candidates and subsequently the elected individuals that will lead us all forward for the next few years. Always remember that if we continue to stay united as one, all of the residents here in our Village, will benefit. Thank you all for your continued support in our efforts to continue to make Paradise Village “Great Again”! Ludwik Jarco “Proudly” President PVRA
Words from the Editor May is here! It doesn’t even seem like there was snow on the ground it melted so fast and thank heavens there was not a lot to shovel this past winter either. Mosquito season will be upon us but if there is not too much rainfall then the count will be low this year. Please be careful of the Black Legged Ticks (Deer Ticks), these are the ones that give you Lyme Disease. You need to do daily tick checks on yourselves and your pets. While a tick bite doesn’t necessarily mean a transmission of the disease, the province has started a new online program to streamline the process for people if they are bit. Manitobans can submit a photo of a blacklegged tick online and Manitoba Health staff will review the image to see if it is a blacklegged tick and contact the person with further instructions if it is. If left on for more than 24 hours you are more at risk. On a more positive note, many great events are just around the corner and I hope to most if not all of you attending one function or another. Let’s begin with the 1st 2018 PVRA General Meeting: Have you thought about running for an Executive Position, several are open; the “Spring into 2018” Meet and Greet Your Neighbours: Don’t forget to wear your Silly Hat; and then, the 1st 2018 Happy Hour on the Recreation Centre Grounds. I am looking forward to all of it. Please remember to wear your name tags. Have a wonderful month of May! Still looking for a Newsletter Editor…. Debbie Kokil, Newsletter Editor
MAY 2018
Paradise Village Singles Potluck April 2018 We had a lively group at Larry’s this month with a total of 23 people and it was great to welcome some of our Snowbirds back. Also it gave us the opportunity to wish Carol Stoess all the best with her move from the Village to Winnipeg. Carol will be missed but hopefully will come back and visit now and again. The food, as always, had so much variety – all fun to try and very good. There were 3 birthday celebrities for April: Larry Menec, Alice Letkeman & Margaret Rougeau. It may have been the heckling or the laughter from the rest of us, but these three seemed to have a difficult time blowing out the candles on their cake as it took 3 or 4 tries to get the job done. Patrice created the birthday cake and it was beyond words, so good! For a few moments after it was served all was unusually quiet until there wasn’t a crumb left. Please take note - Due to the PVRA 1st 2018 General Meeting on Monday, May 7th, we have cancelled the Singles Potluck for the month. If anyone would like to host the dinner on June 4th, please contact Larry Menec at 422-5712.
MAY 2018
Spring Tea What a fantastic afternoon we had at our PVRA Annual Spring Tea last month. The Recreation Centre was beyond beautiful. “Sunshine and Raindrops” was the theme. The work and effort that went into every detail was evident. Please check out the www.issuu.com site to look at this newsletter in colour to fully appreciate the beauty of the decorations. We have so many people to thank. • Our dedicated leader Linda Fulmore for the countless hours spent making the flowers and cleaning up the mess night after night for weeks. • To Gwen Simpson for overseeing the decorating, what a great job you did. • We were entertained by one of our very own…Thank you Linda Pelletier for sharing your beautiful voice and your favorite songs with us…Bravo! • Carol Somerville for sharing her gift of expertise and love of plants. • Cheryl Porte and her team for the fantastic job with the lunch, the fancy sandwiches, veggies and desserts. Your dedication and commitment is much appreciated. • Our paradise “men” who served the ladies. Great job. A special shout out to “Marv” for his time and talent with decorations. We are SO lucky to have you!! There is always a new vision for Marv to work on and he is always there to see it through. • Finally to the many, many ladies (to many to name) who volunteered their time helping us make flowers night after night. We could not have done this without the support of you all. You are all amazing and wonderful!!
Paint Party Another huge success! With a maxed out group signed up, Arlene Enns helped them create the most beautiful sea scape. Tedda Grimshaw won the artist’s creation, congratulations Tedda! There will be another Crafty Monday Paint Day in June or July. Please remember to sign up at the Recreation Centre so you won’t miss out.
MAY 2018
Weiner Roast On Saturday, April 7th, 28 residents enjoyed the sunshine, the fire, and the company! Big thanks to Richard Sitko & Jim Stone who split the wood, built the fire, and setup chairs. From Frank Leys
Murgatroyd!.. Do you remember that word? Would you believe the email spell checker did not recognize the word Murgatroyd? Heavens to Murgatroyd! Lost Words from our childhood: Words gone as fast as the buggy whip! Sad really! Man, how can we have forgotten all about these terrific expressions? I’ll be a Monkey’s Uncle, . . oh, is that even politically correct?! The other day a not so elderly (65) (I say 75) lady said something to her son about driving a Jalopy and he looked at her quizzical-
ly and said “What the heck is a Jalopy?” OMG (new phrase)! He never heard of the word jalopy!! She knew she was old..... but not that old. Well, I hope you are Hunky Dory after you read this and chuckle About a month ago, I wrote down some old expressions that have become obsolete because of the inexorable march of technology. These phrases included “Don’t touch that dial,” “Carbon copy,” “You sound like a broken record” and “Hung out to dry.” Back in the olden days we had a lot of ‘moxie.’ We’d put on our best ‘bib
and tucker’ to’ straighten up and fly right’. Heavens to Betsy! Gee whillikers! Jumping Jehoshaphat! Holy moley! We were ‘in like Flynn’ and ‘living the life of Riley’’, and even a regular guy couldn’t accuse us of being a knucklehead, a nincompoop or a pill. Not for all the tea in China! Back in the olden days, life used to be swell, but when’s the last time anything was swell? Swell has gone the way of beehives, pageboys and the D.A.; of spats, knickers, fedoras, poodle skirts, saddle shoes and pedal pushers... AND DON’T FORGET.... Saddle Stitched Pants
Oh, my aching back! Kilroy was here, but he isn’t anymore. We wake up from what surely has been just a short nap, and before we can say, Well, I’ll be ‘a monkey’s uncle!’ Or, This is a ‘fine kettle of fish’! We discover that the words we grew up with, the words that seemed omnipresent, as oxygen, have vanished with scarcely a notice from our tongues and our pens and our keyboards. Poof, go the words of our youth, the words we’ve left behind We blink, and they’re gone. Where have all those great phrases gone?
Horseshoe Games beginning on Thursday, May 17th at 10:00 am on the Recreation Centre Grounds Everyone welcome! In fact, join us after your coffee and get in some exercise and jovial competition every Thursday. It will be good fun!
For more information call George Lemay at 204-422-5156
MAY 2018
PVRA Organized except the Garage Sale May 12:
“Spring into 2018” Meet and Greet Your Neighbours BBQ
May 23:
1st Happy Hour at the Recreation Centre
May 28:
Crafty Monday “Potting Party”
June 1 & 2:
Paradise Village Annual Garage Sale
June 16:
“Rockin’ Back to the 50’s” with Geoff and the Rockets
July 12:
Johnny Cash & June Carter (Pending)
July 26:
Mardi Gras with Fire & Ice
August 23:
Annual Corn Roast
September 15: 1st Ever PVRA “Dinner Theatre” October 13:
PVRA Thanksgiving Dinner
October 27:
November 25: Grey Cup Party December 2: December 8:
PVRA Kids Christmas Party PVRA Christmas Dinner
December 31: PVRA New Year’s Eve Bash with Geoff and the Rockets
Welcome New Residents to Paradise Village New Residents - Welcome to Paradise Village! Tom Rempel 65 Village Drive, R5H 1J6 Ph: 204-408-8875 Tom moved from Steinbach and took possession of his new home October 13, 2017. Employment: Tom is a supervisor at Granny’s Poultry. Previous to that, Tom was a meat cutter for over 25 years. He was employed at the Steinbach Safeway before it closed. Hobbies & Interests: Tom loves hunting, the outdoors, woodwork, and was involved in dog-training for many years. He also is into taxidermy and has a few different birds in his collection. For a few weeks in the summer he drives down to Aberdeen, SD, where he is a guide at a hunting lodge. He also likes to garden and has even tried his hand at baking. Tom has 1 daughter and 1 son, living in Richer and Steinbach. He also has 3 grandchildren, 2 girls and 1 boy, and a very friendly German Short Haired Pointer by the name of Joker. Tom was happy to learn that one of his long time friends, John Foster (Safeway Days), lives here in Paradise. We hope that you will join us at some of our up-coming events and functions. Welcome to Paradise Village.
Craig & Debbie MacIntosh 1 Paradise Dr., R5H 1H3 Ph: 204-422-5957 Please welcome to Paradise Village Craig & Debbie. They moved to Paradise Village from Lockport on October 15, 2017. Employment: Craig is a semiretired truck driver. He has been employed with Trappers for over a year, and drives for them part time. Prior to that he was an owner-operator for +12 years, and drove for Win-Mar and Prairie International. Debbie was a manager at 7-11 on Henderson & Sutton for over 21 years. She retired in January of 2016. Hobbies & Interests: Craig likes mechanical work and likes working and fixing his own truck. He also likes to play pool and loves to spend time with his grandchildren going to watch their hockey games. Debbie loves cooking, baking, walking and Bingo. I mentioned that we have Bingo night every Thursday, so hopefully Debbie will be joining us in the near future. She loves yard-work and is looking forward to the spring when she can get out into her yard. She also loves spending time with her grandchildren. Craig & Debbie have 2 sons, one living in Winnipeg, and one living in Giroux. They
have 2 grandsons, ages 7 and 2. We hope you enjoy living in Paradise. Glen & Debra Hallett 13 Parkview Dr., R5H 1J6 Ph: 204-422-5512 Glen & Debra moved in to Paradise on December 1, 2017 from MacIntosh on the Canyon Lake, Ontario area. Employment: Glen worked for the CN railways for 31 years, and retired from there in 1995. He then worked for the company Sentinel where he sold specialty chemicals to the railway. When Glen & Debra moved to the lake in 2001, he became a handy man working for the local tourist camp. Debra worked at the Winnipeg Prosthetics & Orthotics Specialty Co., and later worked at the Dingwall Medical Group in Dryden as a billing clerk for 14 ½ years. She retired in October of 2016. For the summer months she worked at the Northern Lights Resort where she catered for the cook-outs. Her specialties were salads, beans, and desserts. Hobbies & Interests: Glen’s hobby is working with wood. He likes making lawn ornaments and showed me a wine rack that he built from instructions on the internet. He also likes fishing and train travel. Debra likes to bake (I tasted
some very delicious Christmas Cake made with mincemeat) yum!!!...and she also likes to read, fish, walk, traveling by train, and birds (her favourite is whiskey jacks). Debra loves Christmas and although they just moved in their place is all decorated. It was like walking into Christmas village....it is beautiful. Glen & Debra have 5 children between them, 2 sons, and 3 daughters, living in Winnipeg, Brandon, Steinbach and Cupar, SK. They have 9 grandchildren, 5 girls and 4 boys. Also their son in-law’s parents, Keith and Cheryl Richards live here. Welcome to Paradise Village Glen & Debra.
Note from the Membership Committee: I would like to welcome all our new Residents that have moved in this last year and also to the new residents that will moving in the next few months. I would also like to say a BIG thank you to Doreen, Gay and Tedda. These gals were a great asset, in coming along and helping me with my meet and greets. Joanne Kehler
MAY 2018
Poems by M.C. Fair
May Birthdays 1 Antoinette Johnson 2 Bruce Cook 2 Helen Daw 2 Sylvia Rempel 3 Bob Delyea 4 Thea Hall 4 Doreen Leys 7 Robert Grancich 7 Mary Elizabeth Long 8 Gordon Macpherson 8 Linda Miller 9 Barbara Zacharias 11 Annette Defoort 14 Steve Bloomer 15 Abe Kehler 17 Robert Chenier 17 Denis Jobin
20 Don Bonham 20 Stella Davis 20 Ruth Gronenschild 22 Eleanor Burton 22 Brian Cooper 22 Nick Spewak 23 Amy Maynard Wood 25 Linda Fulmore 25 Marie Gautron 25 Les Hooper 26 Frank MacEachern 26 Darlene Swiskoski 27 Noreen Watt 28 Lou Small 30 Pat Zubrin 31 Dan McInnes
Ian Lee on the loss of his Mother Crystal Mueller (Paradise Village Office) on the loss of her Mother Ed & Sylvia Remple on the loss of Ed’s Brother Gaylene Coutts on the loss of her Husband Glen Flo Bergeron on the loss of her Husband Lou Please contact Doreen Leys 204-422-8273 or Shirlee Christensen 204-422-9501 to let us know about any birthday mistakes, anniversaries, illnesses or loss of a loved one. We apologize if you have been forgotten... it probably was because we were unaware. Sincerely Doreen and Shirlee
May Milestone Birthdays 2 – Sylvia Remple 11 – Annette Defoort 14 – Steve Bloomer 22 – Nick Spewak 26 – Frank MacEachern 28 – Lou Small
24 – Al & Carole Dern
8 – Chris & Jeannie Gatien
From the Chenier Family Thank you very much for all of your kind wishes, cards, and congratulations on our 55th Anniversary.
Get Well Soon Anna Degrave
MAY 2018 16
MAY 2018
Lynda Seewald, a Certified (Diabetic) Foot Care Nurse is ready to come to your home if you are in need of this service. Offered every 2 months. For more information please contact the Resource Coordinator, Juliette Rowan @ 204-4245285 to register and become a client.
MAY 2018
Lunch out of the village will be at the Chinese Restaurant in Ste-Anne, MB
Wednesday, May 16th, 2018 at 11:30 am
Buffet $10 (no tax) Limit of 50 people Contact Doreen Leys at 204-422-8273 by May 14th
Seine River Services for Seniors is pleased to invite everyone to its Annual General Meeting which will be held at Le Club Jovial, 157 Centrale Ave., Ste. Anne, MB. Doors will open at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, May 15, 2018. Everyone is welcome. To register, you are asked to call: Juliette Rowan at 424-5285 before May 7th, 2018. Thank you
Les Services Rivière Seine pour aîné(e)s sont heureux de vous inviter à leur Assemblée générale annuelle qui aura lieu au Club Jovial au 157 rue Centrale à St. Anne, MB. Les portes ouvriront à 11h30 le mardi 15 mai 2018. Tous sont les bienvenus. Veuillez appeler Juliette Rowan au 424-5285 avant le 7 mai 2018 pour vous inscrire. Merci.
MAY 2018
RESIDENTS LIST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE PROVIDERS Residents who wish to provide other residents with professional business support. Contact the newsletter email pvra20@yahoo.ca to pass along your information if you want to be on this list. Thank you. Jo-Ann Lee Provincial Marriage Commissioner 40 Harmony Lane | 204-990-2624 Wayne Pierce Commissioner for Oaths Free to Paradise Residents 204-422-9116
Volunteer Drivers DRIVERS WHO WILL USE EITHER THEIR OWN OR THE RESIDENT’S VEHICLE: Ragnar Erlendson 204-422-5844 Syd Henderson 204-422-6290 Herb Inch 204-422-5849 Doreen Leys 204-422-8273 Leo Langlois 204-422-9496 DRIVERS WHO PREFER TO USE THEIR OWN VEHICLE: Al Wastle 204-422-5275 John Sluis 204-422-4111 (Summer Only) Bob & Hazel Hicks 204-422-5790
Ward 6 Councillor, RM of Ste. Anne Randy Eros 204-371-2959
Julian’s Joke of the Month A neighbour sees her next door neighbour come home walking up the street drunk every day. As she is peeks through the curtains, she is phoning all the other neighbours on the street. One day, he seemed drunker than usual. As he came staggering up the street, he walked with one foot up on the curb and the other foot on the street. The neighbour opened the door and said, “Look at you you’re drunker than ever today!” He said, “Thank God! For a moment I thought I was crippled”
From the Tabman 15+ Residents and our councillor worked hard to clean up the litter along Paradise Road. 10 Giant construction bags were collected. More hands make light work. Thanks everyone for helping out. 28 Residents enjoyed a big breakfast at Uncle Jake’s Café last month. Nobody went home hungry, the company was wonderful and the service great too. Next month we will be going to the newly renovated Chinese Restaurant in Ste. Anne. The limit is 50 so put your name in. See you there!
Larry Trush picked up 31 beer cans on Paradise Road on a walk one morning. Winter/Early Spring leftovers? Obviously DRINKING & DRIVING is ALIVE & WELL???
MAY 2018
From Bethesda Hospital
Tuesday, May 8, at Clearspring Centre 4:30 – 7:30 p.m. The Bethesda Health Care
Auxiliary is celebrating 80 years of community service in the health field. With the folding of our organization we also want to celebrate the continuing of the Book Faire by ROC Eastman. We invite all customers, donors, volunteers and the general public to enjoy the refreshments and find out more about ROC and learn about the legacy of the Auxiliary. There will be a short program at 6 p.m.
The Funny Bone A doctor was addressing a large audience in Oxford .... “The material we put into our stomachs should have killed most of us sitting here, years ago.
Red meat is full of steroids and dye. Soft drinks corrode your stomach lining. Chinese food is loaded with MSG. High trans-fat diets can be disastrous and none of us realizes the long-term
harm caused by the germs in our drinking water. But, there is one thing that is the most dangerous of all and most of us have, or will eat it. Can anyone here tell me what food it is that causes the
most grief and suffering for years after eating it?” After several seconds of quiet, a 70-year-old man in the front row raised his hand, and softly said, “Wedding Cake.”
MAY 2018
Crossword Puzzle
MAY 2018
No Overnights At My Home Call Marilyn 204-422-6290
MAY 2018
MAY 2018
Paradise Village Mixed Golf 2018 Weekly, Every Thursday, @ 2:00 pm (arrive by 1:30 pm please) at the Oakwood Golf Course May – September (Weather Permitting) All interested Paradise Village Residents are invited & welcome to join! There will be a Wind-Up Tournament & Banquet in late September and a $10.00 fee will be collected to assist in purchasing prizes For further information contact Barry Knox @ 204-422-6815
Golfing Joke A man and his wife walked into a dentist’s office. The man said to the dentist, “Doc, I’m in one heck of a hurry. I have two buddies sitting out in my car waiting for us to go play golf, so forget about the anaesthetic, I don’t have time for the gums to get numb. I just want you to pull the tooth, and be done with it! We have a 10:00 am tee time at the best golf course in town and it’s 9:30 already...I don’t have time to wait for the anaesthetic to work!” The dentist thought to himself, “Well, well, at last a golfer with real balls!!” So the dentist asks him, “Which tooth is it sir?” The man turned to his wife and said, “Open your mouth, honey, and show the dentist.”
MAY 2018
35 Viking Cruise, page 2
MAY 2018
36 Viking Cruise, page 3
APRIL 2018
“Peace in Troubled Times” So many terrible events around our world today! It could be terrorism and its random threat or the economy and the fear that we will run out of money before we run out of time. Maybe it is a personal crisis with no foreseeable solution – a tragedy or a failure too great to bear. Before we fall under the weight of our accumulated fears, we would do well to look back to a twentieth-century woman who bore sadness, pain, and heartache with grace. Corrie ten Boom lived through the terrible life of Nazi concentrations camps - a place where hope was lost for most people. She survived to tell her story of unfailing faith and tight-fisted hope in God. Corrie saw the face of evil up close and personal. She saw some of the most inhumane acts man can do to man and when she came out of it all, she said this: “If you look at the world, you’d be distressed. If you look within, you’d be depressed. But if you look at Christ, you’ll be at rest.” Where are we looking? Are we focusing on the world and its dangers? Are we gazing at ourselves, hoping to find our own answers? Or are we looking to Jesus, the “Author and Finisher of our faith?” (Hebrews 12:1,2). In an uncertain world we must keep looking to Him. When our world seems to be falling apart, trust in Jesus to hold it together. (From an article by Dave Branon)
SPECIAL NOTE: Paradise Village Church has once again begun REGULAR SUNDAY MORNING SERVICES (10 am in the Recreation Centre) as of April 1st. You are cordially welcome to come and join in this time of worship!!! Monthly Church Fellowship Breakfasts (Second Sunday of each month at 10:00 am) are held in various area restaurants ANY & ALL are welcome!!! Please contact Dennis Hall (204-422-9870) for details…
2016-2018 NEWSLETTER TEAM Editor: Debbie Kokil 5 Parkview Drive R5H 1J6 - 204-422-8714 Advertising: Les Hooper 12 Harmony Lane R5H 0A2 - 204-422-8583 Distribution (Sum): Brian Fulmore 9 Harmony Lane R5H 0A2 - 204-422-9190 Distribution (Win): Frank Leys 7 Nature Drive R5H 1H2 - 204-422-8273 You can contact us via e-mail: pvra20@yahoo.ca and drop off any submissions to 5 Parkview Drive by the 15th of each month for the following issue. We are always looking for advertisers in our monthly newsletter! Please contact Les Hooper at 204-422-8583 for prices and quotes
MAY 2018