Saturday Night Fever Johann Liedtke, 92, and Marianne Pape, 79 Senior Citizens Reenact Classic Movie Scenes For Nursing Home Calendar Continued... Dirty Dancing is a 1987 American romantic drama dance film written by Eleanor Bergstein, directed by Emile Ardolino and starring Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey in the lead roles, and featuring Cynthia Rhodes and Jerry Orbach. Originally a low-budget film by a new studio, Vestron Pictures, Dirty Dancing became a massive box office hit. As of 2009, it has earned over $214 million worldwide. See Page 18 for 8 Things You Didn’t Know About the movie “Dirty Dancing” !
NOVEMBER 2017 IN THIS ISSUE: PVRA News.................................................................. 4 President’s Message / Words from the Editor .............. 5 Thanksgiving Extravagaza Photos..........................6 & 7 Halloween Horrors Photos .....................................8 & 9 Poems by M.C. Fair... .................................................. 10 Birthdays & Occasions................................................. 11 Word Search ............................................................... 12 The Funny Bone ......................................................... 13 Health Pages ....................................................... 14 & 15 Grey Cup Party / Notice / Joke du Jour ....................... 16 Social Committee ........................................................ 17 Movie Trivia - Dirty Dancing ........................................ 18 Marv’s Artwork / Volunteer Drivers / Professionals ......... 20 Lunch Out of the Village / Julian’s Joke ..... ............... 21 Bonfire Photos ............................................................ 23 Christmas Dinner & Dance ......................................... 25 Adult Coloring ............................................................. 27 Crossword Puzzle ..................................................... 29 Sudoku ....................................................................... 30 Remembrance Day ..................................................... 31 Walk Away Pounds ..................................................... 32 Card Results ............................................................... 33 Welcome to New Residents .................................34 & 35 Meat Pies / Puzzle Answers ........................................ 37 PV Christian Fellowship Church ................................. 38 Newsletter Team ........................................................ 39 Calendar ..................................................................... 40
PVRA MEMBERSHIPS AND ANY CHANGES TO YOUR INFORMATION CAN BE COMPLETED BY CONTACTING: Joanne Kehler 32 Sunset Drive 204-422-6248 joken95@mymts.net Thanks so much!
2016-2018 Executive Members President: Ludwik Jarco 1st Vice-President: Barry Davenport 2nd Vice-President: Gord Macpherson Secretary: Edythe Pryor (2017-19) Membership: Joanne Kehler Editorial: Debbie Kokil Kitchen: Linda Fulmore (2017-19) Treasurer: Cheryl Porte Social: Linda Fulmore (2017-19) House: Jack Steinhoff (2017-19)
2017 PVRA Phonebook Additions, Changes & Corrections Please inform Joanne Kehler, Membership Committee Chair, when you make a change to your phone number or personal information so that records could be updated. Membership then contacts me, the editor, and I post it into the newsletter. Please transfer it to the lined part of your Phone List when you see one and keep yourselves updated too. Thank you! New Residents: Domingos Bravo & Valerie Buckley 31 Sunset Drive Ste Anne, MB R5H 1H5 204-422-6053 Bob & Vi Desrochers 12 Sunset Drive Ste Anne, MB R5H 1H5 204-510-4565 /204-229-4227
David & Elfriede Dueck 10 Harmony Lane Ste Anne, MB R5H 0A2 204-879-0435 / 204-995-2837. Bob & Donna Hazlehurst 30 Nature Drive Ste Anne, MB R5H 1H5 204-422-5265
Dave & Elaine Janzen 38 Village Drive Ste Anne, MB R5H 1H4 204-997-4434 Anne Krahn & Elvira Wiens 9 Paradise Drive R5H 1H3 (Anne) 204-381-8323 / (Elvira) 204-999-3654. Maurice & Colette Zastre 23 Paradise Dr., R5H 1H3 No phone number
Changes to phone numbers: Horst & Brigitte Mueller 29 Sunset Drive Ste Anne, MB R5H 15H New # is: 431-205-2858
President’s Message Another “Fun Filled” month has passed and the residents of Paradise Village enjoyed an unbelievable “Thanksgiving Extravaganza”, put on by your PVRA Social Committee headed up by Linda Fulmore and her miraculous crew of volunteers. As usual, the decorating committee outdid themselves again. What an evening enjoyed by all who attended. Over the top, with another great day was the “Bannock and Weiner Roast” hosted by Frank and Doreen Leys. Again, thanks to the numerous volunteers that prepared the walking trails and the site for this great event. The 2nd General Meeting was held in mid October that was well attended and hopefully all attendees were satisfactorily updated as to our concerns and achievements towards pursuing our rights as residents within Paradise Village. Our goals are to have “what we once had”. Ongoing meetings are occurring between your PVRA Executives and the Owner of the Village and we feel some positive progress is being made. Management has addressed one of the issues around Lakeview’s lake and hopefully progress will continue until all issues are rectified. Some residents have experienced low water pressure issues early in October, but it appears that these issues have been corrected. Management hosted a “Free to Residents Evening” and from what I have been told, the event went well. “Thank you” to the Management Team for a great evening. Now that the snow has arrived, many residents have left or are planning to leave very shortly, myself and Barry Davenport included; but, rest assured, your PVRA Second Vice President, Gord McPherson, is remaining behind to handle any and all issues that should arise, and Barry and myself will be only an e-mail away. We hope you have a wonderful winter, a warm winter, a safe winter, and that “Santa Clause” gives you all that you wish for. I know the social committee has numerous wonderful things planned for the balance of the year, so do not feel like you will be neglected. Have a Merry Christmas and a Wonderful, Healthy and Peaceful 2018. Ludwik Jarco “Proudly” PVRA President
Words from the Editor Happy November Paradise Village Members/Residents! This year is sure going by fast. October was so nice weather wise it is hard to believe that winter is so close to being here snow and all. I want to wish the Snowbirds a safe and happy winter in the warm places they travel to. If anyone you of you snowbirds wish to share your adventures please feel free to email the pvra20@yahoo.ca with pictures and a write-up. I personally love to see and hear about your travels and sights seen. To those of us left behind to endure another Manitoba winter, there will be plenty for us to do with the many social events coming up plus card nights, bingo, darts, swimming and morning group coffee talks. We might even have a winter bonfire who knows? I for one cannot wait to walk the trails and feel the crunch of the snow and the solitude that nature provides me even if the temperature is -30 (you really don’t feel the cold that much when in the bush). Have a great month! Debbie Kokil, Newsletter Editor
Thanksgiving Extravaganza Enjoyed by All
Halloween Horrors!!
Poems by M.C. Fair
November Birthdays 3 Ralph Napady 5 Gwen Simpson 6 Carol Stoess 6 Elisabeth Kehler 6 Fred Tulyk 7 Evelyn Fillion 10 John Bordynuik 11 Wayne Kroker 12 Bev Murray 12 Erika Lupky 13 Bernice Tulyk 13 Candy Holmes 14 Al Wastle 14 Chuck Hood 14 Val Stanger 14 Garry Corbett
15 Maureen Scott 16 Mike Lozinski 17 Elaine Janzen 20 Doris Pelletier 21 Bob Burton 21 Don Scharff 21 Wayne Pierce 22 Chris Poirier 23 Lucy Michaud 23 Bernice DeGagne 24 Lynda Loftus 26 Arlene Klowak 26 Bob Leeson 27 Ken Kehler 28 Dorothy Lofto 28 Pat Stanger
Please contact Doreen Leys 204-422-8273 or Shirlee Christensen 204-422-9501 to let us know about any birthday mistakes, anniversaries, illnesses or loss of a loved one. We apologize if you have been forgotten... it probably was because we were unaware. Sincerely Doreen and Shirlee
November Milestone Birthdays 10 – John Bordynuik 21 – Don Scharff
16 – Rod & Joyce Lindsay
Lionel Meilleur on the loss of his wife Joyce James & Atalia Hickey on the loss of their son-in-law
The Funny Bone An older golfer was hitting his ball from near a water hazard and his club fell into the water. When he cried out, the Lord appeared and asked, “Why are you crying? The golfer replied that his club had fallen into the water and he needed the club to have a chance to win the tournament and supplement his meager pension. The Lord went down into the water and reappeared with a golden club. “Is this your club?” the Lord asked. The golfer replied, “No...” The Lord again went down and came up with a silver club. “Is this your club?” the Lord asked. Again, the golfer replied, “No.” The Lord went down again and came up with an iron club. “Is this your club?” the Lord asked. The golfer replied, “Yes.” The Lord was pleased with the golfer’s honesty and gave him all three clubs to keep, and the golfer went home happy. Sometime later, the golfer was walking with his wife along the water hazard, and she fell into the river. When he cried out, the Lord again appeared and asked him, “Why are you crying?” “Oh Lord, my woman has fallen into the water!” The Lord went down into the water and came up with Kate Upton. “Is this your woman?” the Lord asked. “Yes,” cried the golfer... The Lord was furious. “You lied! That is an untruth!” The golfer replied, “Oh, forgive me Lord. It is a misunderstanding. You see, if I had said ‘No’ to Kate Upton, you would have come up with Jennifer Anniston. Then if I said ‘No’ to her, you would have come up with my woman. Had I then said ‘Yes,’ you would have given me all three, and Lord, I am an old man not able to take care of all three women in a way that they deserve ... that’s why I said ‘Yes’ to Kate Upton.” And God was pleased. The moral of this story is: If a golfer ever tells a lie, it is for a good and honorable reason and only out of consideration for others!
Lynda Seewald, a Certified (Diabetic) Foot Care Nurse is ready to come to your home if you are in need of this service. Offered every 2 months. For more information please contact the Resource Coordinator, Juliette Rowan @ 204-4245285 to register and become a client.
SHINGLES! Get VACCINATED! The Shingles virus has a reputation for striking people, often older adults (but can affect us at any age!), without warning. One day you’re fine, and the next day you could have a strange pain and then find a cluster of excruciatingly painful blisters on your body. It’s not an experience that is easily forgotten. What is shingles? How can you treat it or prevent it? Shingles is caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox. So this means, if you have ever had chicken pox or been exposed to chicken pox in the past, you are at risk of getting shingles. That’s because once the chicken pox infection is resolved, the virus then hides dormant in our nerves. Many years later (usually as a result of aging, illness, infections, some medications that suppress the immune system, stress or other factors), the virus emerges from the nerves as shingles. It is estimated that about 30% of people will get shingles at least once in their life. Most times, you will only get it once, but having it more than once is possible. The most common symptoms
of shingles are burning pain on the skin, itching, hypersensitive to touch, tingling sensation, headache, fever, rash and feeling unwell. The pain can also be described as stinging, tingling, aching, numbness or throbbing and sometimes with quick stabs of sharp pain. The symptoms will develop in one localized area, typically just on one side of the body. Usually, after a few days or a week or two, a rash develops that is raised and red. Vesicles (fluid-filled blisters) soon develop and eventually crust over in about seven to 10 days. The rash usually develops on the torso, but can appear on the face, eyes or other parts of the body. Older patients usually have a more severe form of shingles and develop more complications compared with children, adolescents and younger adults. Chronic severe pain can persist after shingles. This pain can be difficult to treat and can lead to anxiety and depression. Other complications of shingles infections include sight-threatening eye infections, central nervous system infections, nerve issues, and secondary bacterial infec-
tions where the rash is located. There is even some evidence that having shingles can increase your risk of heart attack and stroke. Fortunately, once shingles has developed, it can be treated with medications such as analgesics, steroids and anti-viral medication. But the best way to avoid getting the disease in the first place is to get the shingles vaccine “Zostavax”. Immunization guidelines recommend the vaccine be given to adults over the age of 50. It is estimated the vaccine will prevent shingles in over 50% of those immunized and will reduce the severe pain syndrome that can happen after shingles in over 65% of those immunized. The vaccine can be administered to those who have had shingles before to help prevent repeat or severe occurrences. Zostavaxis a once-only immunization that lasts for about seven years. The likelihood of Zostavax causing an acute case of shingles is very small, but is more common in people who are severely immune-compromised. As such, the immunization is not recommended for those
who are severely immunecompromised or are pregnant. Nowadays, in the health care system, we are focused on preventing chicken pox by giving the chicken pox vaccine to children. In the present day, the shingles vaccine is not part of the routine schedule for Manitoba Immunization Program. The cost for Zostavax is approx. $190 for one dose. The cost of treating shingles is much higher and can results in much suffering as well making the vaccine cost seem low in comparison! The vaccine is well worth the money given the consequences and the high chance that many people, particularly as they grow older, will eventually develop shingles. If you have questions about this condition or whether you should be vaccinated for it, contact your health-care provider or contact Diane Gudmundson NP @ NP on Wheels at 1-877-510-1729 or email dispatch@nponwheels.com.
NOTICES WANTED Garage space to store a convertible car for this winter. Contact Jim 204-4226995 or Kevin 204257-3925. Please submit notices to the Newsletter by email pvra20@yahoo.ca
Joke du Jour Old age ain’t for wimps... but it beats dying young. Two medical students were walking along the street when they saw an old man walking with his legs spread apart. He was stiff-legged and walking slowly. One student said to his friend: “I’m sure that poor old man has Peltry Syndrome. Those people walk just like that.” The other student says: “No, I don’t think so. The old man surely has Zovitzki Syndrome. He walks slowly
and his legs are apart, just as we learned in class.” Since they couldn’t agree they decided to ask the old man. They approached him and one of the students said to him, “We’re medical students and couldn’t help but notice the way you walk, but we couldn’t agree on the syndrome you might have.. Could you tell us what it is?” The old man said, “I’ll tell you, but first you tell me what you two fine medical students think.”
The first student said, “I think its Peltry Syndrome.” The old man said, “You thought - but you are wrong.” The other student said, “I think you have Zovitzki Syndrome.” The old man said, “You thought - but you are wrong.” So they asked him, “Well, old timer, what do you have?” The old man said, “Well, I thought it was GAS - but I was wrong, too!”
Social Committee Thank you to everyone who came together and made the Thanksgiving Dinner the best yet. The Recreation Centre was beautifully decorated and the social committee team is a dream team for sure. The band was really great and kept us on the dance floor. A big thank you to Manigatogan Caterers for the wonderful meal and a huge thank you to those who stayed behind and helped with clean up. The ideas keep pouring in for more great events. The next Social Committee Meeting is on November 22nd @ 9 Harmony Lane.
Posts are also put on the Paradise Village Ste Anne Facebook Page. All residents are welcomed.
8 Things You Didn’t Know About the movie Dirty Dancing It’s hard to believe that the Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Gray classic turns 30 this year. The iconic film captured the hearts (and hip movements) of every teen in the ‘80s and remains a classic decades later. While most Dirty Dancing fans who have watched the movie tons of times feel like they know the film, there are a lot of things that took place on and off the set that even most diehard fans don’t even know. Here are 10 interesting and funny facts about the film, Dirty Dancing. 1. Val Kilmer Almost Played Johnny, Sarah Jessica Parker Almost Played Baby - It’s pretty hard to imagine anyone besides Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey in the starring roles, but surprisingly, they weren’t the first choice. Numerous pairings were considered to play the leads. The role of Johnny Castile was originally supposed to go to Val Kilmer, but he turned it down. Billy Zane was also considered, but he wasn’t a fantastic dancer. Grey could have lost the role of Baby Houseman to Sarah Jessica Parker or Sharon Stone, who both reportedly tried out for the part. 2. A Number of Scenes Were Improvised - Some of the scenes in the movie were made on the spot. Swayze and Grey were just fooling around when they
were crawling around on the floor, getting ready to shoot the scene; however, director Emile Ardolino liked it so much that he used the footage for the film. In the scene where Baby and Johnny are rehearsing and he runs his hand down her arm, Gray couldn’t keep from laughing because she was ticklish. The frustration you see on Johnny’s face in Swayze’s real frustration with the scene. “Tons of things were improvised,” the late Swayze said in a featurette for the movie. “When I’m teaching Gray and I’m getting frustrated, trying to get her to be serious, and she’s laughing or giggling during the moment I run my hand down her arm – that really is me getting frustrated, like, ‘Would you just stop?’” In the end, that scene was left in and recognized as one of the most honest moments in the film. Guess you never know what you’re going to get when you keep the camera rolling on two good actors. 3. Both Leads Were 10 Years Older Than Their Characters - Gray was 27 when she was cast as the 17year-old and had just a few minutes to convince casting directors that she could play younger. Swayze was 34 when he was cast to play the 24-year-old Johnny. 4. The Set Was One Giant Party - On-set, the atmo-
sphere was like one giant disco. Rehearsals quickly became big dance parties, whereby practically every cast member got involved in their epic dance and drink sessions. These made for excellent bonding exercises and eased everyone into character. 5. The Filming Schedule Was Tight - The filming schedule was so tight that the cast were only permitted two weeks of rehearsals, which isn’t long at all. The entire shoot only lasted 44 days from start to finish, which is a really quick turnaround for making a Hollywood movie. 6. The Trees Were Spray Painted - Production on the film took place during autumn, so leaves in the background were sprayed green. The film takes place during the summer, but was actually shot during mid-October so set directors had to spray paint the leaves green to hide that the season was changing and dead leaves were all around. In the scene where Baby and Johnny are dancing in the water, it was freezing and the leaves were fall-colored and falling from the trees. While the trees were spraypainted, you can still see the leaves falling to the ground, which simply doesn’t happen in the summertime. The lake was also 40 degrees at that time of year, so cold that no close-ups
could be filmed because the actors’ lips turned blue. Swayze described the shooting process: “It was horrifyingly hypothermic cold in that lake, and we filmed that scene over and over. And despite the fact that Jennifer was very light, when you’re lifting someone in the water, take after take after take, even the skinniest girl can feel like 500 pounds. By the time we finished shooting that sequence, my arms were like rubber, and my body temperature had plunged.” 7. Swayze Didn’t Want to Be in a Sequel - The star, who died in 2009 after a battle with pancreatic cancer, was reportedly offered $6 million to do a sequel but said no, because he hated the general idea of them so much. 8. The Movie Scored an Oscar - It’s true. Despite Dirty Dancing being a romcom(romantic comedy) – a genre that tends to be overlooked by the Academy, it must be said – it won a gold statue. Not in one of the perceived “biggie” categories admittedly, but it took home the award for Best Music, Original Song for “(I’ve Had) The Time of My Life,” and rightfully so. The music in the film was everything. The soundtrack has gone platinum 11 times in the U.S., on the way to selling more than 32 million copies worldwide.
Volunteer Drivers DRIVERS WHO WILL USE EITHER THEIR OWN OR THE RESIDENT’S VEHICLE: Ragnar Erlendson 204-422-5844 Syd Henderson 204-422-6290 Herb Inch 204-422-5849 Doreen Leys 204-422-8273 Leo Langlois 204-422-9496 DRIVERS WHO PREFER TO USE THEIR OWN VEHICLE: Al Wastle 204-422-5275 John Sluis 204-422-4111 (Summer Only) Bob & Hazel Hicks 204-422-5790
Walk on the Grass The room was full of pregnant women with their husbands. The instructor said, “Ladies, remember that exercise is good for you. Walking is especially beneficial. It strengthens the pelvic muscles and will make delivery that much easier. Just pace yourself, make plenty of stops and try to stay on a soft surface like grass or a path.” “Gentlemen, remember -- you’re in this together. It wouldn’t hurt you to go walking with her. In fact, that shared experience
would be good for you both.” The room suddenly became very quiet as the men absorbed this information.. After a few moments a man, name unknown, at the back of the room, slowly raised his hand. “Yes?” said the Instructor. “I was just wondering if it would be all right if she carries a golf bag while we walk?” Brings a tear to your eye doesn’t it? This kind of sensitivity just can’t be taught!
RESIDENTS LIST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE PROVIDERS Residents who wish to provide other residents with professional business support. Contact the newsletter email pvra20@yahoo.ca to pass along your information if you want to be on this list. Thank you. Jo-Ann Lee Provincial Marriage Commissioner 40 Harmony Lane 204-990-2624 Wayne Pierce Commissioner for Oaths Free to Paradise Residents 204-422-9116
Ward 6 Councillor RM of Ste. Anne Randy Eros 204-371-2959
Julian’s Joke of the month A guy goes on vacation to the holy land with his wife and mother-in-law. The mother-in-law dies. They go to an undertaker who explains that they can ship the body home but that it will cost $5000 whereas they can bury her in the holy land for only $150. The guy says, “We will ship her home.” The undertaker asks, “Are you sure? That’s an awfully beg expense and we can do a very nice burial here.” The guy says, “Look, 2000 years ago they buried a guy here and three days later he rose from the dead. I just can’t take that chance!”
Bonfire The Bannock and Weiner Roast held on Saturday the 21st saw 52+ residents come out and enjoy a good fire, good food, and good friends. It was great to meet some of new residents too. The weather couldn’t have been any better with the rain only starting after 5:30 pm. There were many laughs, lost weenies, overcooked and undercooked bannock, slightly and completely charred marshmallows as well as the odd inhale of nasty fire smoke (especially during the group picture); but all in all, everyone had a super time and will be looking forward to the next one. Thank you to those who helped set up and tear down ensuring the fire was completely out and the chairs put away. Pictures were taken by Brian Cooper and Larry Trush.
Adult Coloring
Crossword Puzzle
Sudoku PET SITTING Services
No Overnights At My Home Call Marilyn 204-422-6290
Winter is here... Stay in shape for spring! “Walk Away the Pounds” is on Mondays & Wednesdays at 9:00 am Come and Join Us * For more information call Bev Murray 204-422-8575 or Shirlee Christensen 204-422-9501
Welcome New Residents to Paradise Village New Residents - Welcome to Paradise Village! Anne Krahn & Elvira Wiens 9 Paradise Dr., R5H 1H3 Ph: (Anne) 204-381-8323 / (Elvira) 204-999-3654 Please welcome to Paradise Village Anne and Elvira. These ladies moved in from Niverville on July 18, 2017. They have spent most of August and September doing their own renovations and updates. Employment: Anne is working at Envision Independent Living in Steinbach. For the last 3 years she has worked in a private home with 6 clients as a live-in caregiver. Previously she lived in BC working with Special Needs people for 6 years and at Kitchen Craft for over 20 years. Elvira is a licensed esthetician, manicurist and reflexologist, and ran her own business for over 10 years. She is now retired. Hobbies & Interests: Anne enjoys baking and cooking and she is as good at that, as she is at carpentry, which you can see in all the work that has been done on their new home. When she finds time she also likes working outside in the yard. Elvira likes to
paint, and has decorated the walls with her paintings. She also likes to dance, and has joined us at line dancing. She has danced at the Paraguayan Pavilion at Folkorama. Both Anne and Elvira are wine makers, (we were treated to a taste) Very good!!! Anne has 3 children, 1 daughter living in BC, 1 daughter and 1 son living in Blumenort and Steinbach. Anne has 7 grandchildren. These ladies are looking forward to attending some of the events that are being held here in the Village. Dave & Elaine Janzen 38 Village Dr., R5H 1H4 Ph: 204-997-4434 Dave & Elaine moved from a 2 acre lot in the Marchand area to Paradise Village at the end of June. One of the things they appreciated is that they still had a yard to take care of, but in a smaller scale, as they both like working outside. Employment: Dave recently retired in June. He owned his own business for over 9 years, as a mechanic. Previously to that
he was a welder fabricator. Elaine works at the Hanover School Division as a payroll administrator. She has been there for over 6 years. Hobbies & Interests: You may have seen Dave driving around in a beautiful restored 1957 Chevy, Bel Air 150 in our Village lately. This is one of Dave’s hobbies, and he did most of the restorations. He also owns a motorcycle and they both enjoy going on rides. Dave is an antique collector, and has a large collection of die cast cars, trucks and motorcycles etc. Elaine loves gardening, and looking forward to working in her yard. Dave & Elaine have 2 daughters, both living in Winnipeg, and 2 grandchildren, 1 girl and 1 boy, and a little dog named Rexy. One of Dave’s long time friends also lives in here. Welcome to Paradise, Dave & Elaine.
their new home. They had moved from Winnipeg but previously had lived not far from here, off the #40E. They were looking to retire and wanted to move back to the country. Employment: Maurice recently retired from Simcoe Motors where he was part owner – operator, for over 8 years working in automotive repair. Colette retired in March of this year from the Government of Manitoba working in employment and training partnership. Before that she was also employed with the Federal Government. Hobbies & Interests: Maurice likes to work, and did most of the renovations in their place. He also enjoys woodworking. Colette loves reading, movies, walking and spending time with her grandkids. They have 1 son living in Winnipeg, and 2 grandsons, ages 10 and 6. They also have two little dogs, Maurice & Colette Zastre named Gizmo and Sidney 23 Paradise Dr., R5H 1H3 (Crosby). We would like to welcome Maurice and Colette took you both to Paradise Vilpossession on Aug 4, 2017, lage. and spent most of August and part of September renovating and updating
35 Bob & Vi Desrochers 12 Sunset Dr.,R5H 1H5 Ph: 204-510-4565 / 204-229-4227 Bob & Vi’s possession date was August 15, 2017 but they didn’t move in till September 2nd, 2017. They moved in from Granite Hill, MB. They are busy giving their new home a fresh coat of paint, and when we visited, they were still waiting on the delivery of some furniture; although, Bob seemed quite comfortable watching the baseball game and hockey game sitting in his lawn chair. Employment: Bob was employed by the Royal Bank and Investors Group for 40 years. He also worked full time at the Granite Hills Golf Course. Vi worked for 36 years at the Royal Bank, and then for the last 7 years, part time at the Granite Hill Golf Course. Hobbies & Interests: Bob is a sports fan, he loves watching all sports. In hockey his favourite team is the Montreal Canadians. He also likes to golf, and work outside in the yard. Vi loves reading, golf, hiking, traveling and socializing and entertaining. They are also snow birds and have a place in Apache Junction. They have 3 sons all living in Winnipeg, and 3 granddaughters. Welcome to Paradise, and we hope that you will join us at some of the great events that are held here.
Bob & Donna Hazlehurst 30 Nature Dr., R5H 1H5 Ph: 204-422-5265
David and Elfriede moved to Paradise on September 1, 2017 from Winnipeg. They are in the process of remodeling their kitchen and still have some unpacking and arranging to do, as well as waiting for some furniture for the living room. Employment: David is owner-operator and is employed at Win-Mar, where he has been a truck driver for the last 17 years. Elfriede worked part time at Donwood Manor Nursing Home as a health care aid for the past 20 years. Hobbies & Interests: David likes woodworking and yard work, and once he gets a chance he is looking forward to working in his yard. Elfriede likes reading, puzzles, walking, cooking and dancing. They have 3 sons, all living in Winnipeg, and 3 grandchildren, 1 boy and 2 girls. We welcome you to Paradise Village, and hopefully you’ll get a chance to attend some of our social events.
friends Mel & Candy had told them about Paradise Village. Employment: Domingos was self employed and worked in construction as a concrete finisher. He also worked for PCL and Buhler Industries. Valerie was employed at Macleod’s, Royal Canadian Legion, and at Quality Furniture, she was in charge of special orders, freight and damage control. After moving to Winnipeg Valerie worked at Manitoba Lotteries for 17 years and at McPhillips Station Casino. Hobbies & Interests: Domingos likes woodworking, and if you walk past their yard you will see the lawn ornaments that he had made. Valerie likes to knit, crochet, painting (lawn ornaments), and dancing. They both love to play horseshoes and bowling. They spent most of their summers at their cabin in St Laurent, MB in the Portuguese Park. Between them they have 6 children, living in Edmonton, Saskatchewan and Domingos Bravo Winnipeg, 13 grandchil& Valerie Buckley dren, and 3 great grand31 Sunset Dr.,R5H 1H5 children. They have 2 pups, Ph: 204-422-6053 Patches and Coco.
Please welcome some of our newest residents to Paradise Village. Bob and Donna have moved in from Ingolf, ON on September 19,2017. They are the 3rd couple that has moved in from Ingolf, in the last year or so. Employment: Bob is now retired, but had worked in custom metal at DB Stainless in West St. Paul, for over 14 years. Donna is also retired after working 31 1/2 years at the Westrock Co. in Inkster Industrial Park, as a shipper /dispatcher. Hobbies & Interests: Bob likes playing cards, and is a handyman. He likes to work on stuff around the house and yard. Donna likes to read, crochet, knitting, swimming and bingo. She has already attended a few bingo nights. Bob and Donna have 4 children, 3 daughters and 1 son. They all live close by, in Niverville, Selkirk, West Kildonan, and St Genevieve. They also have 8 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. Donna has a brother Bob & Tedda Grimshaw living here. We hope you enjoy I would like to officially living in Paradise. welcome Domingos and Valerie to Paradise VilDavid & Elfriede Dueck lage. They had moved here 10 Harmony Lane, in September 2016, from R5H 0A2 Winnipeg, prior to that they Ph: 204-879-0435 had lived in Yellowknife / 204-995-2837 for over 20 years. Their
MEAT PIES FOR SALE Fundraiser for Seine River Services for Seniors
½ pork and ½ beef $12 for a 9” pie or $6.00 for a 6” pie Deadline to order is November 18th , 2017 To order please contact: Juliette Rowan at 204-424-5285
We get all sorts of invitations – some good – some not so good; but the greatest invitation of all comes from God’s own Son, Jesus, to ‘whosoever will”, including you and I: “Come unto Me (Jesus) all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)
In fact, God, His Son Jesus, and His Holy Spirit give many such invitations to mankind in the Bible. Why? Well, first of all, He loves all of us greatly (St. John 3:16), and secondly, because we are all lost without Him (|Romans 3:23; Isaiah 53:6) and most importantly, God wants us to draw near to Him and have fellowship with Him both now and for eternity. (St. John 14:1-3)
At the very end of the Bible (Revelations 22:17), the Holy Spirit repeats the “great invitation” in different words: The Holy Spirit and the Bride (the Church) say “Come”. Let each one who hears them say “Come”. Let the thirsty ones come – anyone who wants to. Let them come and drink the water of life without charge.”
How do we “come”? Jesus says: “I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father (God) except through me.” (St. John 14:6)
Come worship with us on Sundays at 10 A.M. at the Recreation Center in Paradise Village. Everyone is welcome. Coffee and Fellowship following the Service. If anyone has special prayer requests please call the President, Dennis Hall. MENS Breakfast Fellowship: 2nd Monday of each month (10 a.m. at various restaurants) rides can be arranged. For details give Dennis a call at 204-422-9870. Please watch the bulletin Boards by the mail boxes for Paradise Village Church “Special Events.” Of course, everyone is warmly welcome to attend these (and ALL) functions of your Village Church.
2016-2018 NEWSLETTER TEAM Editor: Debbie Kokil 5 Parkview Drive R5H 1J6 - 204-422-8714 Advertising: Les Hooper 12 Harmony Lane R5H 0A2 - 204-422-8583 Distribution (Sum): Brian Fulmore 9 Harmony Lane R5H 0A2 - 204-422-9190 Distribution (Win): Frank Leys 7 Nature Drive R5H 1H2 - 204-422-8273 You can contact us via e-mail: pvra20@yahoo.ca and drop off any submissions to 5 Parkview Drive by the 15th of each month for the following issue. We are always looking for advertisers in our monthly newsletter! Please contact Les Hooper at 204-422-8583 for prices and quotes