OCTOBER 2018 IN THIS ISSUE: Social Committee ......................................................... 3 PVRA News / Save the Date ....................................... 4 President’s Message / May Elections / Donation ........ 5 Call for Executive Members ........................................ 6 Birthdays & Occasions................................................. 7 Grand Old Opry Bouquet ................................8,9,10 & 11 Singles Potluck / Words from the Editor ...................... 12 Town Hall Meeting ....................................................... 13 Lunch Out of the Village .............................................. 14 PVRA 2nd General Meeting ........................................ 15 Happy Hour August 2018 ............................................ 16 The Funny Bone ................................................................. 17 Thanksgiving Dinner / Membership Gift Cards ............ 19 Paradise Squares ........................................................ 21 Professional Service Providers .................................... 22 August Card Scores / Volunteer Drivers........................ 23 Word Search ............................................................... 25 Crossword Puzzle ....................................................... 27 Sudoku ........................................................................ 28 Puzzle Answers ........................................................... 29 Welcome New Residents ............................................ 30 Poems by M.C. Fair .................................................... 31 Election - Raymond Michaud ...................................... 33 Note on Recycling Containers .................................... 35 Tabs for Wheelchairs .................................................. 37 PV Christian Fellowship Church ................................. 38 Newsletter Team ........................................................ 39 Calendar ..................................................................... 40
The next Social Committee Meeting is on Tuesday, October 10th, 2018 at 1:00 pm at 9 Harmony Lane
Posts are also put on the Paradise Village Ste Anne Facebook Page. All residents welcome.
We are always looking for more volunteers to assist with our social functions. Please contact Linda Fulmore @ 204-422-9190 and thank you in advance.
PVRA MEMBERSHIPS AND ANY CHANGES TO YOUR INFORMATION CAN BE COMPLETED BY CONTACTING: Joanne Kehler 32 Sunset Drive 204-422-6248 joken95@mymts.net Thanks so much!
2018-2020 Executive Members President: Ludwik Jarco 1st Vice-President: Barry Davenport 2nd Vice-President: Gord Macpherson Secretary: Edythe Pryor (2017-19) Membership: Joanne Kehler Editorial: Debbie Kokil Kitchen: Linda Fulmore (2017-19) Treasurer: Cheryl Porte Social: Linda Fulmore (2017-19) House: Jack Steinhoff (2017-19)
PVRA Phonebook Additions, Changes & Corrections (PVRA Organized)
October 13: PVRA Thanksgiving Dinner November 25: Grey Cup Party December 2: PVRA Kids Christmas Party December 8: PVRA Christmas Dinner December 31: PVRA New Year’s Eve Bash with Geoff and the Rockets
Please inform Joanne Kehler, Membership Committee Chair, when you make a change to your phone number or personal information so that records could be updated. Membership then contacts me, the editor, and I post it into the newsletter. Please transfer it to the lined part of your Phone List when you see one and keep yourselves updated too. Thank you! If any of you become aware of new neighbours or new residents to our Village could you please contact me either by telephone 204-422-6248 or email joken95@ mymts.net. Thank you! Joan Kehler, Membership Committee Chair NEW PHONE NUMBERS: Frank Leys cell 204-392-5876
President’s Message I will start my October Message by reminding all PVRA Members that our 2nd General Meeting for 2018 will be held at the Rec. Centre on October 16, 2018 at 7:00pm. Your Executive will be at the Rec. Centre on October 3, 2018 from 1:00pm until 3:00pm to answer any questions you may have regarding the positions that will become available in 2019. Most current Executive positions will be due for renewal at the 1st General Meeting in May of 2019. Now is the time
to think about who will guide the PVRA into the future. Once again, I am forced to ask the question “What is the matter with some of you people??” Animal feces, usually dog, is being placed in the recycling bins at the woodworking shop. Don’t you know (or care) what a recycling receptacle looks like?? Shame on you, whoever you happen to be. I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the tremendous amount of effort and time that was ded-
Former Paradise Village Residents Donate Components to PVRA Sound System Paul and Linda Pelletier, formerly of 43 Harmony Lane and residents for the past 6 years, have now taken up residence in Winnipeg. Linda was the original administrator of the Paradise Village Facebook website. Prior to their move they made a significant donation of two much needed microphone stands, a music stand, and a chrome steel chair to the PVRA, which will compliment the recent acquisition of the new sound system used for social events at the Recreation Centre. Bon Voyage and Best Wishes.
icated to producing “The Grand Old Opry”. Everyone involved in this effort is to be commended. You may have noticed a new Paradise Village Employee manning our sewage truck. His name is Rick. Please make him feel welcome by saying “Hello” and introducing yourself to him. Your 1st Vice President, Barry Davenport, has organized an evening at the Rec. Centre for the Village Residents to “meet and greet” the counselors and nominees for “Reeve of
Ste. Anne”. A very worthwhile evening should you be interested as to who will represent Ste. Anne and surrounding municipalities for the next four years. This is the time to question; “What do we get for our tax dollars?” And finally, once again, a reminder that our 2nd General Meeting will be on October 16th, 2018 at the Rec. Centre and will start at 7:00 pm sharp. Proudly, Your President Ludwik Jarco
MAY 2019 ELECTIONS Your Current PVRA Executive Team is pro-acting by advising the PVRA Members that elections have to be held at our AGM Meeting in May, 2019. Although it seems early, we want to allow all current members that might be interested in running for the various positions on the Executive Team, to step forward and come to an orientation meeting at the Rec Centre on October 3, 2018, 1:00 – 3:00pm. No commitments on your part, just an informal session, with current executive team members whose position you may be interested in pursuing. Positions are outlined in your PVRA telephone book as well as your monthly Newsletters. Now is the time to plan your PVRA’s future.
October Birthdays 2 Willie Pryor 3 Ray Belisle 3 Carla Perzel 4 Raymond Fiola 4 Hubert Gronenschild 5 Julian DeGrave 5 Wendy Montizambert 6 David Baldwin 7 Gerry Kiyan 9 Roger Griffiths 10 Eugenia Komish 11 Maurice Jolicoeur
12 Jeannie Gatien 16 Tom Fleming 19 Peter Lupky 22 Carol Bowes 22 Meredith Nicol 24 Cindy Johnston 26 Pierre DeGagne 26 Connie Delyea 26 Laura Morrow 28 Sandy Corbett 28 Denis Michaud 29 Joan Macpherson
Please contact Doreen Leys 204-422-8273 or Shirlee Christensen 204-422-9501 to let us know about any birthday mistakes, anniversaries, illnesses or loss of a loved one. We apologize if you have been forgotten... it probably was because we were unaware. Sincerely Doreen and Shirlee
October Milestone Birthdays 5 – Julian DeGrave 19 – Peter Lupky 31 – Doug Vanderweyde
16 – Martti & Linda Pirinen
Larry & Carole Trush on the loss of Larry’s Mother
Thank You Thank you for the cards & condolences following my mother’s recent passing. Larry Trush
Get Well Soon Terry Serediuk Vic Loewen
A GRAND OLD OPRY BOUQUET Oh, what a night it was!! The Grand Old Opry brought back memories for many of those fortunate enough to have attended this outstanding production, brought to us by our PVRA and fabulous social committee, and whose dream it was to make it happen. Our “dreamer” Ilene Goschke, put her talents to work and with the help from many volunteers, brought her dream into reality. Linda Fulmore and her kitchen staff did a fabulous job; Carmel Maynard you are an asset in any kitchen; Carol Somerville, who worked tirelessly on the decorations along with her crew of volunteers, outdid themselves. The entertainers, singers, and actors doing the commercials, so many people involved in making the night “one to remember”and talk about for some time, all deserve our gratitude and thanks. Paradise Village has never been so proud of its residents. My personal thank you to each and every one who made the evening a tremendous success! From Ruth Jarco
Ilene did an amazing job. To all the cooks that put their time and effort into this. To all the servers, and volunteers, the decorators, the musicians and a special thank you to the gals who sewed our costumes, one being Laura Morrow who did a fantastic job and I’m not sure who else was involved in that. The makeup gals were great. It was all amazing. It was a great evening and thanks to all residents and friends who came. Stressful leading up to it but it all turned out great. Love Linda (Lin) and Paul.
OCTOBER 2018 I just want to say a great many kudos to Ilene for her vision, her stamina, her incredible hard work. I know there were many without whom this could never have happened and been so well received, but it was her drive that made this possible. I am so privileged to have had a small part in this event. God bless you all. From Henry Doerksen
11 To you Ilene for having the vision to ‘see’ what you wanted this show to be, for having the leadership to organize everyone and the energy to carry it through, creating an evening that was so much fun for all! From Haze Werner
Ilene, I know it’s all been said already, but just wanted to say Thank You for such a great evening.... from the moment we walked in the door we could tell it would be spectacular.... and we sure weren’t disappointed!! Hats off to all the hardworking and talented people. From Ruth Obirek
Singles Potluck September 2018 Yet another enjoyable evening was held at Barry Knox’s home on September 3rd. The culinary highlight was the Fish Fry that Victor Loewen prepared; it was Pickerel, all dressed up in a tasty batter, and truly finger lickin ‘good’. It was deep fried outdoors and required quite the procedure. Thank you Vic for such a special treat! Thanks also goes to Ron too who assisted with the set up.
Gisela was definitely the centre of attraction as she was the only birthday person for September. The cake was a Tuxedo cake and it was divided exactly into 18 pieces, one for each of us! Thank you to Barry for hosting. The next Singles Night will be held on October 1, 2018 @ 5:00 pm At the home of Margaret Rougeau at 20 Nature Drive Please call if attending 204-422-5061
Words from the Editor October is here! Fall, my favorite time of year! I like the changing colours of the leaves, the honking of the geese heading south, looking forward to Thanksgiving and the PVRA Thanksgiving Dinner. Fall also means putting away the garden and lawn ornaments as well as, the lawn and deck furniture. Emptying the garden and cleaning up the leaves. Pulling out the hats and gloves and covering up the air conditioner. For some of us not me or my Mom, preparation is also occurring for snowbirds getting ready to leave Paradise for another winter of warmth and relaxation down south
either in Texas, California, Florida, or maybe west in BC. I wish you all a great winter and remind you to let me know when you will be leaving and returning regarding this newsletter. For those of us left behind to battle with the snow, wind, and cold, there will be plenty for us to do here in Paradise and I for one look forward to Bingo every Thursday Night and walking the trails during the winter months. It is so beautiful and quiet and good for the body and the soul. Let’s just hope this winter is kind to us. Not too much snow and not too cold. Speaking of the trails, it
seems that Frank is in need of some Paradise Residents to step up and help with the clearing and maintaining of the trails. Many of the people who used to do this are now gone or not well enough to continue to help out. Frank is ready to retire but does not want to see the trails die out. We need a new team that is willing to learn and put together a group to keep the trails free of deadfall and overgrowth. The trails are groomed twice a year, spring and fall, and well worth it for those who love to walk in the forest with their pets. If kept up, the work is not that bad and the PVRA has equipment
to make the job easier. Please contact Frank Leys @ 204-392-5876 if you want to help out going forward. On another note, when your dog needs to do its business while on the trail please pick it up and remove it. Toss it further into the bush. Bring a small plastic shovel or grab a useful branch. This is just a nice thing to do. Have a great October everyone and see you at the: The PVRA Executive Information/Orientation meeting on the 3rd The Municipal Election Candidate Forum on the 10th The 2nd PVRA General Meeting on the 16th. Debbie Kokil
Lunch out of the village will be at the Chinese Restaurant in Ste-Anne, MB
Wednesday, OCTOBER 17th, 2018 arrive 10:45 am Buffet $10 (plus tip)
Please Sign up at the Recreation Centre Organized by Frank and Doreen Leys
Happy Hour August 2018 Frank & I (Doreen) enjoyed the pot luck supper we had in this summer. No 2 dishes were the same. We want to say thank you to all who came out. We will have another one next year. Note: We still have a pot cooler waiting for it’s owner to show up. It’s a freezer bag with a black elastic and a velcro fastener to hold it on a bowl. Doreen Leys
The Funny Bone On their way to the church to get married, a young Catholic couple were involved in a fatal car accident. Being good Catholics the young couple find themselves sitting outside the Pearly Gates waiting for St. Peter to process them into Heaven. While waiting, they begin to wonder: could they possibly get married in Heaven? When St. Peter finally showed up, they asked him. St Peter said “I don’t know. This is the first time anyone has asked. Let me go find out” and he leaves them sitting at the Gate. After three months, St Peter finally returns, looking somewhat bedraggled. “Yes” he informs the couple “ I can get you married in Heaven”. “Great!” said the couple “But we were just wondering, what if things don’t work out? Could we also get a divorce in Heaven?” “You must be bloody joking” says St. Peter, redfaced with frustration, slamming his clipboard on the ground. “What’s wrong?” asked the frightened couple. “OH, COME ON!” St. Peter shouted “It took me three months to find a priest up here.....Do you have any idea how long it’ll take me to find a lawyer?”
Paradise Squares Our new season started September 11th with a good number of dancers attending along with a few new ones. We did a square dance demo at the dinner theatre production of Grand Ole Opry on September 15th. Paws N Taws Square Dance Club will be celebrating their 60th Anniversary on October 6th with a dinner & dance. Paradise Squares will be well represented there. Our Halloween Dance will be on October 30th with costumes & the like. Larry Trush
Laugh du Jour
How do you settle a presidential election when the vote is too close to call? With a fishing contest in northern Wisconsin in the winter, ofcourse! After the first round of votes were counted, Hillary and Donald were extra deadlocked. Instead of going through a recount, they agreed to a week-long ice fishing contest to settle the election. Whoever caught the most fish at the end of the week would be the President-elect. They decided that a remote frozen lake in northern Wisconsin would be the ideal place.No observers on the fishing grounds, but both would need to have their catches verified and counted each night at 5 PM. After Day 1, Trump returned with a total of 10 fish, Hillary came back with nothing. Day 2 finished, and Trump caught another 20 fish, but Hillary once again came back with nothing. That night, Hillary and her cronies got together and accused Trump of being a “low-life, cheating %^&*(#*.” Instead of fishing on Day 3, they were going to follow and spy on him and figure out how he was cheating. Day 3 finished up and Trump had an incredible day, adding 50 fish to his total. That night, Hillary and her Democratic cohorts got together for the full report on how Donald was cheating. Hillary stood up to give her report and said, “You are not going to believe this, but he’s cutting holes in the ice.” And this story, ... tells you the difference between a successful businessman and a career government politician. RESIDENTS LIST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE PROVIDERS Residents who wish to provide other residents with professional business support. Contact the newsletter email pvra20@yahoo.ca to pass along your information if you want to be on this list. Thank you. Wayne Pierce - Commissioner for Oaths Free to Paradise Residents | 204-422-9116
September Playing Card Scores
Volunteer Drivers DRIVERS WHO WILL USE EITHER THEIR OWN OR THE RESIDENT’S VEHICLE: Ragnar Erlendson 204-422-5844 Syd Henderson 204-422-6290 Herb Inch 204-422-5849 Doreen Leys 204-422-8273 Leo Langlois 204-422-9496 DRIVERS WHO PREFER TO USE THEIR OWN VEHICLE: Al Wastle 204-422-5275 John Sluis 204-422-4111
Ward 6 Councillor, RM of Ste. Anne Randy Eros 204-371-2959
Crossword Puzzle
Sudoku PET SITTING Services
No Overnights At My Home Call Marilyn 204-422-6290
Welcome New Residents to Paradise Village Rene & Claudette Brule 59 Village Drive PH: 204-471-4216 Please welcome Rene & Claudette back to Paradise Village. They had moved away for about a year but, decided to settle again in Paradise. As Claudette put it “the cat came back”. Welcome to your new home in Paradise. Ray & Barb Coltman 31 Village Drive PH:204- 422-8536 Ray & Barb moved to Paradise Village on August 15, 2018 from Transcona. They are busy unpacking and rearranging their new home. Employment: Ray has been a painter & decorator for over 55 years. He started his career in England, where he worked for 14 years, and again when they moved to Canada in 1969. He worked for Davian Construction and also was self-employed. Barb is a hairdresser by trade and worked in England for 5 years before they relocated to Winnipeg. She was employed by Mario’s Salon and worked in all of the 5 shops located all around the city. They then decided to return to Eng-
land in 1979 but returned in 1980. Barb then got a job working for Woolco and then Walmart in the lingerie dept as a manager. She was there for 37 years. Hobbies and Interests: Ray and Barb both like playing darts and will be joining the darts group on Monday soon. Ray enjoys reading stories & watching movies about the mafia. He also likes watching soccer, bike riding, old time rock and roll music and walking. Barb loves to sing, (opera and classical). She also likes playing games on her computer and decorating (mainly her house). They have one son living in Winnipeg. Welcome to Paradise Ray and Barb. We hope to see you at our Thanksgiving dinner and some of the other events that are being held. Joanne (Sadie) Hogue 34 Sunset Drive PH: 204-407-0096 Joanne (most of her friends call her Sadie), moved to Paradise Village on June 15, 2018 from Gimli, MB. She has been busy renovating her new place and making it her
home. She thankfully has her family helping with most of the work. Employment: Joanne has worked in health care all of her working life. Before she left Gimli, she was employed in Arborg as a support worker. Hobbies & Interests: Joanne loves watching and feeding the birds and loves all wildlife. She enjoys sitting in her sunroom where she has the best seat in the house for observing the many birds here in Paradise. She also likes playing cards. She has 2 daughters living in Anola and Steinbach. She also has 4 grandchildren, 1 girl and 3 boys. Welcome to Paradise Village, we hope you will take in our many events and functions.
dren. Barb worked at the College of Occupational Therapists of Manitoba for over 15 years in the admin system. She also retired in 2012. Hobbies & Interests: Doug & Barb both love the outdoors and have spent over 50 years at their family cabin in Ingolf. Doug likes riding his ATV, hunting, fishing, and photography and is interested in astronomy, and looking forward to checking out the sky by the pond on Nature. Barb also likes fishing, hiking, cross country skiing, making crafts and quilting. They have 2 daughters living in Winnipeg, and 1 granddaughter and 1 grandson. Doug & Barb are in the process of looking to purchase a trailer, as they Doug & Barb Kosheluk would like to travel the 28 Village Drive Alaskan Highway and PH: 204-667-1299 also to the East Coast. Again welcome to ParaPlease welcome Doug and dise Village. Barb Kosheluk to Paradise Village. They moved here from Winnipeg, on August 1, 2018. Employment: Doug worked for the Winnipeg Sun for 23 years, as an editor. He retired in 2010, and has kept busy helping babysit his grandchil-
Poems by M.C. Fair
Laughter is the Best Medicine A pastor’s wife was expecting a baby, so he stood before the congregation and asked for a raise. After much discussion, they passed a rule that whenever the pastor’s family expanded; so would his pay check. After 6 children, this started to get expensive and the congregation decided to hold another meeting to discuss thePastor’s expanding salary. A great deal of yelling and inner bickering ensued, as to how much the pastor’s additional children were costing the church, and how much more it could potentially cost. After listening to them for about an hour, the pastor rose from his chair and spoke, “Children are a gift from God, and we will take as many gifts as He gives us.” Silence fell over the congregation. In the back pew, a little old Scottish lady struggled to stand, and finallysaid in her frail voice, “Rain is also a gift from God, but when we get too much of it, we wear rubbers.” The entire congregation all stood and said, “Amen.”
A bookie was at the races playing the ponies and losing his shirt. He noticed a Priest step out onto the track and blessed the forehead of one of the horses lining up for the 4th race. Lo and behold, that horse - a long shot won the race. Next race, as the horses lined up, the Priest stepped onto the track. Sure enough, he blessed one of the horses. The bookie made a beeline for a betting window and placed a small bet on the horse. Again, even though it was another long shot, the horse won the race. He collected his winnings, and anxiously waited to see which horse the Priest would bless next. He bet big on it, and it won. As the races continued the Priest kept blessing horses, and each one ended up winning. The bookie was elated. He made a quick dash to the ATM, withdrew all his savings, and waited for the Priest’s blessing that would tell him which horse to bet on. True to his pattern, the Priest stepped onto the track for the last race and blessed the forehead of an old nag that was 100/1. This time the priest blessed the eyes, ears, and hooves of the old nag. The bookie knew he had a winner and bet every cent he owned on the old nag. He watched dumbfounded as the old nag pulled up and couldn’t even finish the race. In a state of shock, the bookie went to the track area where the Priest was. Confronting him, he demanded, “Father! What happened? All day long you blessed horses and they all won. Then in the last race, the horse you blessed never even had a chance. Now, thanks to you, I’ve lost every cent of my savings!” The Priest nodded wisely and with sympathy. “You are not Catholic are you my son?” “No, I’m Jewish” “That’s the problem”, said the Priest, “you couldn’t tell the difference between a blessing, and last rites”.
IF you have any tabs for pickup let the TABMan know! The new Phone number for Frank Leys is 204-392-5876
APRIL 2018
It is with sadness that we announce the closing of the Paradise Village Christian Fellowship Church as of September 30th, 2018 for at least the next six months (until the end of March, 2019) This move is necessitated by the decreasing attendance and the departure of our pastor and other leadership personnel. With some of the congregation moving and others going away for the winter season, our numbers are becoming ever smaller. The Church Fellowship here has been meeting since 1994, and has been a source of blessing and encouragement for many villagers over the years. A large number of good memories remain and will continue to be held dear for us who are still here. Special appreciation is due to the Paradise Village Management for the use of the Recreation Centre over these many years, the PVRA Newsletter and editor for including the “Church Page” each month, and the folks who have supported the church with their attendance, prayers, and giving. Although there are a number of fine churches in the area, and we who remain will undoubtedly become part of one, it was so convenient and special to have our “own Village Congregation” right here. Perhaps, after this six month “sabbatical” there may be enough renewed interest to begin a group in Paradise Village…? If you would like further information, or share a comment about the church, you may contact Jean Mushrow (Vice-President) or Noreen Watt (Elder) or perhaps the Newsletter editor? May God bless our Village and draw all Paradise Village Residents close to Himself! “May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” (II Corinthians 13:13 NLT)
2016-2018 NEWSLETTER TEAM Editor: Debbie Kokil 5 Parkview Drive R5H 1J6 - 204-422-8714 Advertising: Les Hooper 12 Harmony Lane R5H 0A2 - 204-422-8583 Distribution (Sum): Brian Fulmore 9 Harmony Lane R5H 0A2 - 204-422-9190 Distribution (Win): Frank Leys 7 Nature Drive R5H 1H2 - 204-392-5876 You can contact us via e-mail: pvra20@yahoo.ca and drop off any submissions to 5 Parkview Drive by the 15th of each month for the following issue. We are always looking for advertisers in our monthly newsletter! Please contact Les Hooper at 204-422-8583 for prices and quotes