PVRA Newsletter October 2016

Page 1

October 2016 Words from the Editor, Debbie Kokil Welcome Fall! I hope you don’t mind Linda Roberts Pelletier that I stole your picture off of the Paradise Village 55 Plus Facebook Page for this month’s cover. I love living in Paradise Village and I love how each Season makes our Village so good to look at; whether it is the vibrant colours of Fall, the beauty of a soft snowfall or hoarfrost on the trees in Winter, the new growth of leaves on all of the flora in Spring and the many beautiful flowers that all of our residents plant in their gardens in the Summer. This is what Paradise is and we live here!



Craig Electric

THANK YOU! Hank Guenther! …..for 22 years of door to door delivery of our Paradise Village Newsletter

Residential Electrical Service

Specializing in Furnace Repair and Fall Checkups Contact: Gerry Craig

Ste. Anne, MB Cell: 204-371-9165 Office: 204-422-8245


October 2016

P.V.R.A. …….TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS Have you noticed lately there continues to be a strong positive community spirit within our village from many residents eager to step up and lend a hand when work projects crop up to which we can claim ownership. Because of these opportunities to contribute just a little personal time any resident of Paradise Village who`s not afraid to get their hands dirty can just show up and volunteer, adopt a fearless attitude, and pitch in with like-minded neighbours to accomplish the task...while having fun, meeting new people, and achieving free exercise in the process. Isn`t this what the PVRA is all about? This is not rocket science. Case in point...Refurbishing and Repainting the picnic tables adjacent to the Recreation Center this past summer. Rain delayed our efforts several times but never dampened our enthusiasm. Cutting to the core of the above work project, Jill & Justin, as Paradise Village Management supplied fresh paint, Paradise Village employee Crystal Mueller expedited it’s delivery. Prior to painting Rose McDonald, Cheryl Porte, and Sherran Ross power washed all 13 tables. Then the jubilant crew of Cam Barley, Laura Morrow, Gene Porte, Gay and George LaMay, Ila and Brian Cooper, and standby painter Peter Elwick, pushed electric sanders, swung paint brushes, and rolled out the much needed paint. During the entire project our crews never complained or cussed. We were having too much fun cracking jokes & laughing. Yes, we splashed paint on ourselves and had sticky fingers, while “entertaining “ bystanders. 4


Continued from the previous page…… Now, the “new” tables catch your attention with their smooth surfaces and fresh appearance. Looking ahead, next summer’s outdoor social events at the Recreation Center will offer a more inviting and visually appealing venue for Paradise Residents. So, in the final analysis, it’s the strong feeling of this writer that being part of a motivated, friendly, goal-orientated group such as the PVRA, and putting our ideas and skills to good use in an atmosphere of co-operation, sharing, fun, and achievement, makes living in Paradise Village totally worthwhile. It also feels great to belong. Sincere appreciation to all who put their personal stamp of ownership on the picnic table painting project durng the summer of 2016 which now benefits everyone. By Brian Cooper

…..Plans are being made to celebrate Fall with the Annual Paradise Village Thanksgiving Dinner Some changes to ticket sales for this event is 

Final ticket sales to Residents will be October 1st not the 10th at a cost of $25.00 per person and must be purchased through Olga Baschak at 14 Paradise Drive 204-422-5251

Tickets for Non-Residents available at the cost of $30.00 per person and can be purchased from October 1 - 10th also through Olga Baschak at 14 Paradise Drive 204-422-5251

Just like other years there will be a Sign-up Sheet for Table Hosts/Hostesses (Duty of the Table Host/Hostess will be to look after the table centerpiece plus table setting of his/ her choice unless the preferred is for guests to bring their own place settings) Also BYOB and Ice Those Residents and Non-Residents who have OR HAVE NOT purchased tickets can choose your Host/Hostess Table by Signing up at the Recreation Center as can well. Look for the sign-up sheets on the Board. There will be 14 tables of 8 to choose from. Contact Carol Stoess for more information at 204-380-2708 5

October 2016

2016-2018 Executive Members


President: Ludwik Jarco 1st Vice-President: Barry Davenport 2nd Vice-President: Gord Macpherson Secretary/Membership: Joanne Kehler

Joanne Kehler if your last name begins with A - K 32 Sunset 204-422-6248

Membership: Paulette Barley Editorial: Debbie Kokil


Kitchen: Sherran Ross

Paulette Barley if your last name begins with L - Z 1 Sunset 204-422-5936 email paradisenews.5@gmail.com

Treasurer: Cheryl Porte

Thanks so much!

Social: Rose McDonald House: Peter Elwick (Please see page 36 for addresses & contact numbers)

October 4th, 2016 @ 7:00 pm. 

Please review the minutes from the June 2016 General Meeting that was provided in this newsletter. If you notice any errors or omissions please let the Executive know during the adoption of the minutes.

We will hear from Randy Eros, our local RM of Ste. Anne Counsellor

We will give you an update on meetings with Management. We look forward to seeing you all there. Your PVRA Executive.

Thank you very much to the following volunteers who helped dish out on Sunday Sundaes The Next Meeting is on Wednesday, October 5th @ 12:30 PM (Time Change This Month Only) at the Recreation Center

Kelly & Jacob Hess Bob & Hazel Hicks Kerry & Jan Serediuk Jim & Thea Stone Marv Zubrin and the many people who supported it 6

PARADISE VILLAGE NEWS 2016/17 PVRA Phonebook Additions, Changes & Corrections

Ludwik Jarco

New Residents

“Bye Bye” September and “Hello Fall”. Hopefully your Summer was as enjoyable as mine.

Brooke, Ralph & Marilyn 18 Nature Drive R5H 1H2 422-5860

A “one-to-one” meeting with Management in early September went well.

Derksen, Clifford & Long, Mary Elizabeth 2 Village Drive R5H 1H4 (Cliff) 471-1569 (Mary) 894-2180

Another Paradise Village Management and PVRA Executive Meeting was scheduled for September 20th, 2016. This meeting was casual and very productive in my opinion. We discussed issues about pool/hot tub temperatures, dust control within the village, projected progress on road repairs, Recreation Center parking lot lighting, Fall tree cutting, and insurance issues. Management had a few ‘minor issues” with us (PVRA Residents) which will be discussed at the upcoming 2nd General Meeting on October 4th, 2016 at 7:00 pm in our Recreation Center. Once again, enough said. Please show your support for your Executive by attending the upcoming 2nd General Meeting on October 4th and encourage your neighbours to attend as well.

Fulford, Kerry & Dian 6 Harmony Lane R5H 0A2 837-9662 Grancich, Robert & Loxton, Tracie 8 Lakeview Drive R5H 1J7 (Robert) 891-2881 (Tracie) 688-1024 Kroker, Wayne & Joyce 4 Lakeview Drive R5H 1J7 392-2648 Lemay, George & Gay 6 Lakeview Drive R5H 1J7 422-5156 Letkeman, Alice 45 Village Drive R5H 1H6 422-8627 Morrow, Bill & Laura 9 Sunset Drive R5H 1H6 422-1993 Steinhoff, Jack & Sue 57 Nature Drive R5H 1J7 (Jack)523-2148 (Sue) 392-3971 Thiessen, Harold & Millman, Barb 12 Parkview Drive R5H 1J6 422-6378 Deurbrouck, Vivian 66 Village Drive New Phone Number 204-371-3930 Contact Membership for Changes & Corrections

Hosted by the PVRA Social Committee Wednesday, October 12, 2016 TIME CHANGE THIS MONTH ONLY - 12:30 pm Open to all in the Paradise Village Recreation Center The featured soup will be “Butternut Squash” as created by our very own PV Residents Garry Ronnmark and Carmelle Maynard The cost is $4.00 (Be sure to sign up at the Recreation Center) 7

October 2016

Paradise Village Singles - September

Our singles Pot Luck in September was hosted by Cynthia and Linda @ 8 Village Drive. Thanks for having us. 25 people attended and we all enjoyed the conversation and had lots of laughs. There were two birthdays, Phil's and mine; thanks for the birthday wishes. We also had a new member attend. Welcome Glynn and we hope you come again. The group talked about the brunch they were hosting the next day and from all reports it was a success (Carol you have to learn to relax) a good turn out with 40 plus attending. Thanks to all the volunteers. All singles are welcome to come to our pot lucks. Phone the host or hostess and let them know you are going then bring your favourite dish to share. *Our next singles will be on October 3rd @ Vivian Deurbrouk, 66 Village Drive. Ph 204-371-3930. Happy Hour @ 5 pm supper to follow. :)

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Aeration involves perforating the soil with small holes to allow air, water, and nutrients to penetrate the grass roots. This helps the roots grow deeply and produce a stronger, more vigorous lawn. The main reason for aerating is to alleviate soil compaction.

JIM or TIM HARMS Steinbach, MB. R5G 0H4 Call for a FREE ESTIMATE



October 2016

on Sunset Drive, the long awaited road repairs, for Our Paradise Village. It looks amazing!! Please respect the barricades and do not drive on the road until it is ready.

Coleslaw Dressing from Cheryl Porte

1 cup oil (Canola Oil) 1 cup vinegar 1 ½ cup sugar 1 tsp salt 1 tsp pepper 1 tsp dry mustard 2 tbsp minced onion Mix all ingredients and keep in fridge until use.

There were a lot of burglaries in this one neighborhood, so they put extra police on patrol. One night a Drunk came home and couldn’t get his key in the lock. The policemen happened by and spotted him. They said that that looks like our man. The police went up to the front door and asked “Do you live here?” He said yes, but couldn’t get the door open. The policemen opened it up and to prove that he lived there he demanded to the policemen to come upstairs and see that his wife was there. In the bedroom he said to his wife, “Honey, do I live here?” She said, “Yes!” With that he took the policemen downstairs to make them a sandwich. The policeman said, “Hey! What about the man sleeping with your wife?” The Drunk replied, “The heck with him, he can come down and make his own sandwich!” Submitted by Julian De Grave 10


September Milestone Birthdays If your name is missing off the birthday list please call: Doreen 204-422-8273 or Shirlee 204-422-9501 also let Membership know

3 3 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 7 10 11

Ray Belisle Hank Guenther Carla Perzel Barbara Ross Ron Meakin Julian DeGrave Wendy Montizambert David Baldwin Karen Bennett Ted Barnes Warren Cahill Ray Cooper Ian Lee Jean Komish Maurice Jolicoeur

12 16 16 19

Jeannie Gatien Wendy Huppe Susan Vanderwerf Peter Lupky

21 22 22 24 26 26 28 28 29 31

Corinne Shushack Carol Bowes Meredith Nicol Cindy Johnston Pierre DeGagne Connie Delyea Sandy Corbett Denis Michaud Joan Macpherson Doug Vanderweyde Aquacise begins on October 4th Tuesdays & Thursdays at 9:30 am

Water Aerobics begins on October 3rd Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays at 9:15 am We are looking for more participants to join us.

10 - Jerry Ferguson 16 - Jean Mushrow 21 - Gordon Quistberg 26 - Ed Daw 27 - Ed Remple Congratulations Ed & Sylvia Remple on

…..of Marriage

“Walk Away the Pounds” Begins again on Wednesday, October 12th, 2016 every Monday, Wednesday & Friday @ 9:00 am in the Recreation Center For more Information Contact: Bev 204-422-8575 Shirlee 204-422-9501 We walk to a video and it is a good workout so

You know who you are!

See you there….. 11

October 2016

On #1 HWY, 6 Miles E of HWY #12 I am also available to seniors who are interested in locating for the perfect assisted living apartments.

Terry Pachal Club Manager Pro Shop 1.204.422.8045 Toll Free 1.800.615.7773 oakwoodgolf@hotmail.com www.oakwoodgolf.net 53 Desautels Street Ste. Anne, MB R5H 1B9

Interior/Exterior Renos New Construction Free Estimates Pat Connelly, Owner Ste. Anne, MB 204-392-2502 pcon74@gmail.com 12


Our Monday Ladies Golf Windup took place on September 12th. Despite the wet conditions, we did have a few diehards who came out to golf the back nine at Oakwood. Wet feet and all we did enjoy ourselves. A few more ladies joined us for the putting contest, which was won by Margaret Rougeau with her ball going solidly into the hole. Our game was a scramble which was won by Margaret Erlendson and Ruth Jarco, with second prize going to Joy Morrison, Judith Burnell and Cam Miron. We all enjoyed a luncheon afterwards which the kitchen at Oakwood prepared for us. Thank you Dar. Thanks also go out to those people who kindly donated prizes. Much appreciated. We would like to encourage more ladies from our Village to come out and enjoy a day of fun on the golf course. All levels of players are welcome. For further information on joining our team, please contact Ruth Jarco at 422-8364.


October 2016

Depot 204-422-5970


COMPUTERS - LAPTOPS - CONSOLES NETWORKING - HOME MEDIA - Satellite Adam Kokil Phone - 204-392-6513 Email - modtech87@gmail.com Remember to contact Joanne Kehler to order your home & office supplies delivered here for your convenience

Printer Paper for Sale $5.10 each per pkg

Paradise Village Cookbooks $12.00 each Please contact: Rose McDonald 204-422-8990 to get one for yourself or as a gift for someone you love.

204-422-6248 or email joken@simplyconnected.ca for pick up 14


FROM THE TAB MAN A big thanks to Bruce and Gail Harrower for hauling the cans and tabs to Winnipeg. Also thanks to Larry Menec, Ed Rempel, Lou Gagnon, Jacob Hes, Gene Porte, and Darlene Newman for crushing cans on the weekends while I was away.

Paradise Tuesdays

With the help of all the Resident and Non-Residents we are able to donate $311.00 towards the “Tabs for Wheelchairs program.

10% off all services (Except for therapeutic massage)

Call 204-320-1995

www.fountainviewspa.com 34069-B Borland Rd La Broquerie, MB R0A 0W0


October 2016

Brains of older people are slow because they know so much. People do not decline mentally with age, it just takes them longer to recall facts because they have more information in their brains, scientists believe. Much like a computer struggles as the hard drive gets full, so too, do humans take longer to access information when their brains are full. Researchers say this slowing down process is not the same as cognitive decline. The human brain works slower in old age, said Dr. Michael Ramscar, but only because we have stored more information over time. The brains of older people do not get weak. On the contrary, they simply know more. Also, older people often go to another room to get something and when they get there, they stand there wondering what they came for. It is NOT a memory problem, it is nature's way of making older people do more exercise. Now when I reach for a word or a name, I won't excuse myself by saying "I'm having a senior moment". Now, I'll say, "My disk is full!"

PHONE:204.326.6400 FAX:204.326.6420




Find and circle all of the words that are hidden in the grid. The remaining 26 letters spell a popular Thanksgiving Day event.






October 2016

Travel Services Available in Paradise - Certified travel counselor - Personal service - In home consultations available - Travel Insurance - Call for a price on any of your travels

FOOT CARE SERVICES OFFERED IN PARADISE VILLAGE! Seine River Services for Seniors Lynda Seewald, a Certified (Diabetic) Foot Care Nurse us ready to come to your home if you are in need of this service. This is offered every 2 months. For more information please contact the Resource Coordinator, Juliette Rowan @ 204-424-5285 to register and become a client.

Shirley Noel Lot 31 Lake Riviera Box 1093 Ste. Anne, MB R5H 1C1

Phone: 204-422-8326 Cell: 204-791-8316 Email: snoel@tpi.ca

Better food for all. ‫ ٭‬Fresh Meats ‫ ٭‬Produce ‫ ٭‬In-Store Bakery

‫ ٭‬Pharmacy ‫ ٭‬Deli ‫ ٭‬A la Carte

Earn 7x Air Miles Reward Miles On Your Prescriptions Everyday Store 204-326-1316

Pharmacy 204-326-1823

Clearspring Village, Steinbach 18


Paradise Village Christian Fellowship Church God’s Amazing Love!!! In a world that seems so filled with dissention, strife, hate, violence, and terror one might well ask, “Where IS God’s love?” Certainly, it isn’t found in these things, but it IS there often in the midst of those tragic happenings. It IS found in the hearts and of those who truly love God and are following Him in their daily lives. It is said, “God is as near as your whispered prayer.” And the Bible tells us that, “The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by His Holy Spirit which He has given us.” (Romans 5:5) The choice is ours: show love, indifference, anger or even hate: we make that decision in every situation of our daily walk. Let’s decide to let God’s love fill us and flow through us to a “love-starved” world…

God’s Amazing Love!!! It will amaze us what it will do in us and for others through us as we let it saturate our lives!

Come worship with us on Sundays at 10 A.M. at the Recreation Center in Paradise Village. Everyone is welcome. Coffee and Fellowship following the Service. If anyone has special prayer requests please call the President, Dennis Hall. MENS Breakfast Fellowship: 2nd Monday of each month (10 a.m. at various restaurants) rides can be arranged. For details give Dennis a call at 204-422-9870. Please watch the bulletin Boards by the mail boxes for Paradise Village Church Monthly “Special Events.” Of course, everyone is warmly welcome to attend these (and ALL) functions of your Village Church.


October 2016 Held on September 24th, 2016

Evelyn Fillion & Joanne Kehler

Many teams showed great team spirit by including costumes and dressing for the occasion. An Honourable Mention goes to the team of Pat Zubrin & Vida Bowyer “The Bunnies”

Ruth Jarco & Carol Somerville

Cam Barley & Gene Porte

TO ALL OUR RACERS: What can I say Without You All we would not have had a race, from the bottom of my heart THANK YOU! TO OUR JUDGES: Paulette Barley, Val Buckley, Lorie Beckett, Marilyn & Ralph Brooke, Marilyn & Barry Davenport, Iris Langlois, Margie and Ron Leonard, Gay and George Lemay, Joan and Gord Macpherson, Cheryl Porte, Ann Prior, Margaret Rougeau, Sylvia and Garry Steinhilber, Darlene Swiskoski. TO OUR TICKET SELLERS: Olga Baschak (Dinner) Paulette Barley (Race Teams) as well as, all the people who helped with food service and clean up A HUGE THANK YOU: TO THOSE WHO DONATED PRIZES

Candy Holmes

Custom Interior/Exterior Wood Furniture Decks, Fences and Sheds Handyman Services

Call for Free Estimates Working Evenings & Weekends 1 (204) 771-4383

Greg Sawatzky sawatzkywoodworksw@gmail.com 20


PARADISE SQUARES REPORT by Larry Trush We had a good turnout for our Start Up dance on September 13 th, almost four squares in attendance. We have seven new dancers and also two not so new dancers that have returned after a few years. Our first special dance night will be Hobo Nite, Tuesday, November 1st, and we will be serving our famous “Hobo Stew”. Please bring a can of soup or beans. Hobo costumes please, don’t miss this dance!!! NOTE: No dancing @ Paradise Oct 4th. Paradise Squares Executive 2016-17 President Co-Chairs…Joy Morrison & Larry Trush Past President Co-Chair…Laura Duncan Secretary…Yvonne Marks Treasurer…Del & Yvonne Marks Association Reps…Del & Yvonne Marks Goodwill…Martha Werry Historian…VACANT Publicity…Larry Trush

Casino News This is a very popular get away package and you might say it is free. Details: $60.00 per person based on 2 or 3 in one room. Each day you receive $20.00 loaded on your card plus ½ price lunch buffet coupon. A single person or 4 people in a room is available. Call me for price info if you would be interested in that option. Giveaways, Draws, and Bingo on the Bus. Confirm your seat ASAP as the bus fills quickly.

Pickup for bus trips is at the front entrance by the office. You can park by the PV office and/or the other building located there. Both weeks of Folklorama were once again great outings and enjoyed by all. We got to experience a variety of cultures and enjoy their ethnic food and drinks. Thanks to all who participated. Marilyn Peters, Hostess

204-326-4939 21

October 2016

Welcome New Residents to Paradise Village

Wayne & Joyce Kroker – 4 Lakeview Drive We would like to welcome Wayne and Joyce to Paradise Village. They moved from Steinbach, MB on July 9th, 2016. Prior to that, they lived on a farm just across the highway from here, where they lived for 9 years. Wayne is employed at Mazergroup in Steinbach and has been there for 8+ years and Joyce works at Granny’s where she has been for 21 years. As busy as they are they still find time to enjoy their seasonal camp at Manigotagan, Mb where they go camping, fishing, and driving quads. Joyce also finds time to work on her hobbies. She likes to sew, bake and is into wine making. They have the most adorable parrot named KoJo. He kept us entertained through our whole visit. He whistled and talked and made noises that parrots make, he is very, very cute. Wayne and Joyce have two daughters. One of their daughters, live in BC and one lives in Steinbach. They also have five grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. We went through the daily and weekend activities, and discussed the events and the different functions that are held in Paradise. We hope to see you at the upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas Suppers, and the other events that are being held soon. Welcome. Bill and Laura Morrow - On September 20th Joanne and I had a meeting with the new residents of 9 Sunset and they are Laura and Bill Morrow who moved into Paradise Village August 12, 2016 from Matlock. They had driven through Paradise Village many, many times in hopes of finding a home here and had viewed a few homes that were for sale but they were drawn to 9 Sunset and purchased it. Bill and Laura were both married previously and Bill happened to be Laura’s husband’s good friend for many years. When both their marriages didn’t work they all went separate ways but as chance would have it they met again 13 years later when he asked for Laura’s help at Robinson Lighting where she worked. He remembered Laura and at first she didn’t remember him as he had changed slightly (grey hair, etc.) Well a few days later he called and asked her on a date and I guess the rest is history as they were married in 2003. They share 7 children - Laura’s 4 and Bill’s 3. They have 5 grandchildren and there is another on the way. It was discovered through pictures that Bill had purchased Laura’s mother’s trailer many years prior and in that picture Laura’s children were playing with Bill’s children at one of his children's birthday party. Obviously they were meant to be together and that’s why he survived a horrible snowmobile accident Feb 11, 1999 in St. Laurent. Bill was travelling 100 mph when he hit an ice ridge that broke his back in 9 places and he was found frozen and clinically dead for over 4 hours. When he was warmed he was revived but the doctors had the dilemma of how to put him back together again with the hopes that one day he could walk. His X-rays and information were posted world wide for specialists to look at and to see if anyone could figure out how to help him. A Russian doctor said he could be fixed and that he would send the parts needed. They did put him back together and in the end he could walk. He does however feel the cold as he has 6 rods and 20 bolts in his spine. He now putters in his garage and loves his Spyder Motorcycle which they both enjoy and he drives truck for Gardewine. Now Laura is quite the woman too and she loves to do it all. She loves interior and exterior painting, sewing, designing wedding dresses, does wedding cakes, tile work, electricity, plumbing, gardening, stain glass work and drove a semi for Reimer for 6 years. She loves to keep busy and takes great pride in her accomplishments and she works 3 days a week at Home Hardware in Selkirk in sales. Laura is an excellent baker as she treated us with fresh baking. They are in love with Paradise Village and they were really welcomed on their first day when Vida Boyer of 16 Nature brought them a dinner which made Laura cry tears of heartfelt joy and they knew then that they made the right move. It was a joy to meet and chat with them and we welcome you both to Paradise! 22


Bob & Tedda Grimshaw – 50 Village Drive - Bob & Tedda moved to Paradise Village on September 15, 2016 from Ingolf, Ont. Bob was with the Air Force where he was part of the crew. Tedda was in the Navy where she worked in Administration. Tedda told us that she was born in Nova Scotia, (South Shore), not far from Peggy’s Cove, but left there when she was 18. We talked about the great places to visit and also where to get some of the best lobster in the Maritimes. Bob hobbies are woodworking, decks, building furniture, and cedar chests. He’s also known to be a floor shuffle board champ. We were happy to hear that Bob has already been to the recreation center and joined the coffee group. Tedda’s interests are quilting, reading, sewing, and she loves berry picking. We were treated to some delicious blueberry scones and wonderful homemade strawberry jam; (the berries) were all hand-picked by Tedda. She also likes playing cards and is looking to volunteer at the library. We went through the activities and all the events that take place daily and weekly, including our Thanksgiving Supper and Christmas Supper that coming up. Bob and Tedda have 2 daughters and 6 grandchildren. Bob and Tedda are very happy that they moved to Paradise and said that it feels like home already. We welcome you to Paradise. Clifford Derksen & Mary Elizabeth Long – 2 Village Drive. Clifford and Mary Elizabeth moved to Paradise Village from Winnipeg on August 15, 2016. Clifford has been in Insurance for some 35+ years, and for the last 4 years has been employed at Kernaghan as an Insurance Adjuster. Mary Elizabeth was a social worker at the HSC for a number of years. She also has a degree and worked with Child Welfare. She recently has retired, from her position at the Selkirk Mental Health Center. Clifford and Mary Elizabeth are both busy updating, painting and remodeling their new home. When we entered their home you can’t help but notice that Mary Elizabeth is a collector. She has a beautiful collection of Elephant painting, figurines, and artwork. Mary Elizabeth also has collections of dolls, and numerous items that she has collected through-out the years. She also loves swimming, snorkeling, horses and hors- back riding. Clifford likes yard work, and traveling, (they love Florida), and they both enjoy camping. They also have a love for animals. They have 2 adorable little dogs, and have acquired a young cat that was dropped off at their house. They have posted notices at the mail boxes inquiring if anyone has lost a pet. They have one daughter, who they are happy to say moved back to Winnipeg from Toronto. Paulette and I went over the information, events and all the activities that Paradise Village has to offer. We had a wonderful visit, and hopefully we will see them at some of our up-coming events. Welcome to Paradise. Bev Williamson - Joanne and I had the pleasure of meeting Bev Williamson to welcome her into the community. Bev moved into 3 Parkview Drive on August 17th although she had purchased her home July 31st. Bev was born in Baldur Manitoba and then moved to Brandon where she lived for over 50 years. She worked for MTS as an operator and then McKenzie Seeds as a receptionist. She married and had 2 boys and then continued working at Woolco and then lastly at Royal Bank. Bev enjoys gardening, walking, water aerobics, dancing and music. She will be joining the Zumba classes and she also likes square dancing but she has no dance partner so if you are looking for a square dancer, you might want to give her a call! Bev loves music and had played the accordion. Like most of us when we were young, we gathered our siblings and played the mouth organ, the accordion and the spoons and made great music together. Bev has 2 sons and 3 grandchildren who are 9, 10 and 11 years of age. Family is most important to Bev! Bev had stated that she typically would have felt uneasy living by herself but when she moved to Paradise she felt so at home right away. And because she is a hugger we both gave her a welcome hug on behalf of Paradise! Jack and Susan (Sue) Steinhoff - On September 21st, Joanne and I interviewed and welcomed newcomers to 57 Nature Drive and they are Jack and Sue (Susan) Steinhoff. Jack and Sue met in St. Catherine’s Ontario and then eventually married in Niagra Falls. They lived in Thompson, Mb and both worked for INCO for approx. 30 years. Jack retired in 2004 from INCO where he was in Purchasing/Warehouse. Sue retired from INCO in 2008 and she was in metals accounting. They also owned a Jewelry & Gift Shop in Thompson and then moved to Killarney, Mb. where they had a B & B turn-of-the century farm house. They liked to buy, renovate and rent out their properties. Jack and Sue have 2 children - 1 boy and 1 girl. They have 2 grandchildren -1 boy and 1 girl and 2 fur babies! They are snowbirds and know of many of Paradise’s residents as neighbours in Texas and now they are neighbours in Paradise Village. Sue’s hobbies include quilting, scrapbooking, playing cards, and golf. Jack’s hobbies are woodworking, carving, cards and Bocce Ball. It was a pleasure to meet you both and we welcome you to Paradise Village!


October 2016

Ste. Anne Tax Services 36 Dawson Road, Ste. Anne, MB

Friendly Professional Local Service Snowbird Mail Service Personal Income Tax Retirement Income Projections Estate & Funeral Planning Executor Service Death Café

Continuous Eaves Troughs

204-422-6631 or anni@steannetaxservice.ca






October 2016



August 31, 2016

September 2, 2016 1st 2nd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd

Jean Mushrow Ludwik Jarco Ken Lofto Jim Stone Susan Vanderwerf Lionel Meilleur



Jean Mushrow




Rick Mushrow


(Two-Table Progressive)

136 136 136 136


Les Hooper


September 4, 2016

September 9, 2016 1st

Shirlee Christensen


2nd 2nd 2nd

Jim Stone Ruth Jarco Vivian Deurbrouck

134 134 134

September 16, 2016 1st

Ruth Jarco



Carol Stoess



Jim L’Esperance


September 23, 2016 1st

Ila Cooper



Susan Vanderwerf



Vivian Deurbrouck


September 7, 2016


Wayne Johannesson


Ken Lofto



Jim L’Esperance


Jim Stone



Len Zema


Carol Stoess


September 14, 2016

September 11, 2016 1st

Ludwik Jarco


Bernice DeGagne



Jim L’Esperance


Ila Cooper



Sue Steinhoff


Harold Burnell


September 21, 2016

September 18, 2016 1st

Jim L’Esperance


John Perreault



Jack Steinhoff


Lorraine Knox



Barb Prior


Harold Burnell


August 29, 2016

September 25, 2016 1st

Wayne Johannesson


Susan Vanderwerf


Ragnar Erlendson

September 8 , 2016

September 20, 2016


Steve Kereluk



Steve Kereluk



Pat Simister



Leo Langlois



Marilyn Brick



Steve Kereluk



Steve Davidge



Carole Trush



Larry Trush



Pat Simister



John Sluis



Ludwik Jarco



Ludwik Jarco



Steve Kereluk



Ruth Jarco



Steve Kereluk



Larry Trush



John Sluis


September 1, 2016

September 13, 2016

September 27, 2016

September 15, 2016 1st

September 6, 2016

September 22, 2016

Carole Trush



John Sluis


Pat Simister


Leo Langlois



Larry Trush



Marilyn Verch




Marilyn Verch



Larry Trush



To view this newsletter in color go to www.issuu.com/pvra20 27

October 2016

Phone: 422-5985

Fax: 422-5325

For All Your Auto Body Repair Needs 724 Traverse Road Ste. Anne, MB R5H 1B2 Phone/Fax: (204)422-8840 Cell: 204-355-8476 Bob Saindon



PVRA Newsletter Co-ordinators and Carrier Information Without the help of our volunteer co-ordinators, Frank Leys and Brian Fulmore, and the team of volunteer carriers, we would not have such an efficient delivery of our Newsletter every month. I am providing the list of carriers for your street and if you have not received your newsletter you can call the co-ordinator. Remember you must be a PVRA Member in order to receive a monthly newsletter. If you want to become a Member please contact Paulette Barley 204-422-5936 or Joanne Kehler 204-422-6248. Co-ordinators: (Summer) Brian Fulmore 204-422-9190 (Winter) Frank Leys 204-422-8273 (Editor) Debbie Kokil 204-422-8714

Team of Delivery Carriers are as follows: Route 1: Route 2: Route 3: Route 4:

1-15 Parkview Drive 1-39 Sunset Drive 1-19 Lakeview Drive 1-16 Harmony Lane

Ann Scharff Lilly Lowing Myrna Mackenzie Brian Fulmore (S) Alan Fifer (W) Route 5: 38-53 Harmony Lane Barry Prideaux Route 6: 25-59 Nature Drive Sherran Ross Route 7: 56-73 Village Drive Vida Bowyer (W) Vivian Deurbrouck (S) Route 8: 1-24 Nature Drive Marilyn Henderson Route 9: 31-51 Paradise Drive Ray Dufresne Route10: 1-31 Village Drive Henry Guenther Route11: 32-55 Village Drive Larry Menec Route12: 1-30 Paradise Drive Jerry MacNeil (W) Robbert Hilhorst(S) If you are going to be away please inform Frank or Brian or myself, Debbie (Editor) with the dates. Thank you and save this information

Kelvin Goertzen Minister for Seniors 227 Main Street Steinbach, MB

204-326-5763 stbchmla@mts.net

Guenette Cabinets Renovations  Flooring  Gazebos  Wood Decks  Specializing in Kitchen Cabinetry 

Contact Mo for an estimate today @ 204-371-3837 or email guenettecabinets@hotmail.com

All the Advertisers in our Paradise Village Newsletter Thank you! 29

October 2016



 204-326-3917 Clearspring Centre - Steinbach, MB For Tickets See - Olga Baschak 14 Paradise Drive Phone 204-422-5251

$25.00 per person Final Ticket Sales November 26th

200 Highway 12 North Steinbach, MB, R5G 1T6 Phone: (204) 326-3451

Fax: (204) 326-6486

Toll Free: 1-800-876-6155

Located Next to Clearspring Mall 31

October 2016 Pharmacie Seine Ste-Anne 170-142 avenue Centrale 204-422-8226 A reminder that we offer free delivery of prescriptions and pharmacy supplies to Paradise Village.

Psoriasis *October is Psoriasis Awareness Month* Signs and symptoms:

The lesions can be painful

and/or itchy and vary in size. Since plaques consist of dry, flaky inflamed skin, it may also crack and bleed. While lesions can appear anywhere on the body, the most common sites include elbows, knees, scalp, chest and lower back. The plaques tend to appear in the same place on both sides of the body. Psoriasis can develop at any age, although it is typically seen in adults. One form of psoriasis called guttate psoriasis tends to occur in childhood and early adulthood. Psoriasis occurs equally among men and women and across different races. Family history of psoriasis is a leading risk factor. In recent years, research has been discovering some of the genes involved in psoriasis. What causes it? While it is not known exactly what causes psoriasis to develop in certain individuals, experts believe that the condition may involve malfunctioning of the immune system and the consequent production of inflammation. White blood cells (T cells) in the immune system are triggered and this causes inflammation to occur, which then causes skin cells to rise to the surface and shed at an abnormally quick rate. Skin cells shed every 3 to 4 days in psoriasis whereas in normal healthy skin, the skin cells turnover cycle is typically 30 days.

Trail Rules Always walk with a buddy, bring a map, and carry a cell phone Dogs can be off leash as long as they are socialized Do not litter and clean up after your pet Do not widen the trails as snowmobilers and 4 wheelers will use them Happy Walking Frank Leys 32



Pet Sitting Services No Overnights at My Home Call Marilyn @ 204-422-6290

Alice Trudeau 51 St. Gerard Street, Ste. Anne, MB 10+ Years Grooming Experience Specializing in all Breeds

Phone: 204-422-8020 to book your appointment Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9 am - 9 pm Friday and Saturday 9 am - 3 pm 33

October 2016




October 2016 9-1-1 EMERGENCY INFORMATION “Municipal Road 39E” “Civic Number 45084” Your street address (Example - “8 Paradise Drive”)



Ste. Anne Police


Hours: Monday - Friday

8:00 am to 7:00 pm

Weekends Same number, but calls are referred to Winnipeg and re-directed to Steinbach Emergency, Fire, or Ambulance


Health Links


Ste. Anne Hospital


Doctor on Call


Seine Medical Centre


Seine Pharmacy


South Eastman Health


PARADISE VILLAGE Emergency Number Only




Office - Fax


Recreation Center


2016-2018 NEWSLETTER TEAM Editor Debbie Kokil 5 Parkview Drive R5H 1J6 204-422-8714

Advertising Les Hooper 12 Harmony Lane R5H 0A2 204-422-8583

Distribution (Sum) Brian Fulmore 9 Harmony Lane R5H 0A2 204-422-9190

Distribution (Winter) Frank Leys 7 Nature Drive R5H 1H2 204-422-8273

You can contact us via e-mail: pvra20@yahoo.ca and drop off any submissions to 5 Parkview Drive by the 20th of each month for the following issue.

Wayne Pierce Commissioner for Oaths Free to Paradise Residents Call: 204-422-9116 Jo-Ann Lee Provincial Marriage Commissioner Wedding Ceremonies & Renewal of Vows idoweddingwishes@gmail.com Call: 204-990-2624 Penn-Lite Electrical & Mechanical Heating, Air Conditioning & Electrical Call: 204-326-3233 Ste. Marie Plumbing - Jim Ste. Marie Plumbing, Water Softener, Drains Call: 204-422-5352 Cell: 204-371-6897 GP Mobile - Gerald Prairie Home levels, Skirting, Siding, and Repairs Call: 204-422-6301 Dave`s Finishing Renovating, Flooring, and Decks Call: 204-380-3765 Craig Electric - Gerry Craig Furnace Repair Cell: 204-371-9165 Office: 204-422-8245 Randy Eros Ward 6 Councillor Call: 204-371-2959

2016-2018 PVRA EXECUTIVE President Ludwik Jarco 52 Harmony Lane R5H 0A3 204-422-8364

Vice-President Barry Davenport 47 Harmony Lane R5H 0A3 204-422-9347

Secretary/Membership Joanne Kehler 32 Sunset Drive R5H 1J7 204-422-6248 Kitchen Sherran Ross 59 Nature Dr. R5H 1J7 204-422-5674

2nd Vice-President Gord Macpherson 14 Sunset Drive R5H 1H5 204-422-9466

Treasurer Cheryl Porte 35 Nature Drive R5H 1H5 204-422-9810

House Peter Elwick 17 Sunset Dr. R5H 1H5 204-422-6225

Social Rose McDonald 61 Village Dr. R5H 1J6 204-422-8990

Membership Paulette Barley 1 Sunset Drive R5H 1H6 204-422-5936 Editorial Debbie Kokil 5 Parkview Dr. R5H 1J6 204-422-8714 36


September ANSWERS


October 2016

Please Patronize Your Advertisers in the Paradise Village Residents’ Newsletter Advertisers Name


Advertisers Name


A.H. Glass Ltd.


Pet Sitting Services


Access Mobility & Healthcare Supplies


Pet Vet


Anni Markmann Tax Services


Pharmacie Seine


B. Vermette Back-Hoe Service Ltd.


Pic n’ Pay Shoes


Barkman Appliance Service


Pietro’s Pizza


Century 21 - Doug Rempel


Pro Hardware/Sears


Classy Cut ‘N Curls


Richer Inn Motor Hotel


Colin James Lawn and Snow


Royal LePage Riverbend Realty - Paul Hiebert


Connelly Construction


Sainte-Anne Chiropractic Clinic


Craig Electric


Sainte-Anne Physiotherapy


Dave’s Finishing


Sawatzky Woodworks


Fiola Insurance Agency/Ste. Anne Sundries


Seine River Motors Collision and Glass


Fresh Looks


Simply Connected


Fountain View Day Spa & Salon




G.P. Mobile Home Services


Ste. Anne Auto Body Ltd.




Ste. Anne Co-op Oil Ltd.


Guenette Cabinets


Ste. Marie Plumbing


Harvest Insurance Agency


Steinbach Primary Care Pharmacy


Inn Ti-Beauville


Sutton Realty - Ann Lemon


Ledingham GM


Taelor Made Nails


Modtech (Computer Repair etc.)


Total Package Moving


Oakwood Golf Course and Campground


Travel Professionals International - Shirley


Paws Aux Spa


Tub Scrubbers Residential Cleaners


Penn-Lite Electrical & Mechanical


Uncle Jake’s Restaurant


Penner Paint & Body Works


Waldenway Canine & Kitty Camp Inc.


Penner Performance Centre Ltd.


We are always looking for advertisers in our monthly newsletter! Please contact Les Hooper at 204-422-8583 for prices and quotes 38


Volunteer Drivers There are residents in Paradise Village who may need assistance to get to a medical appointment in Ste. Anne, Lorette, Steinbach or Winnipeg. Arrangements as to times and donations towards gas and/or parking are between the resident requiring assistance and the resident driver. If you require assistance, you may call a driver directly: Because drivers are not always available, we need to increase the number of volunteers. If you are able to do this please let Debbie (Editor) know by calling 204-422-8714 so that your name and phone number can be placed on the list below. DRIVERS WHO PREFER TO USE THEIR OWN VEHICLE: Bob & Hazel Hicks 204-422-5790 (Summer Only) John Sluis 204-422-4111 Al Wastle 204-422-5275 DRIVERS WHO WILL USE EITHER THEIR OWN OR THE RESIDENT’S VEHICLE: Ragnar Erlendson 204-422-5844 Syd Henderson


Herb Inch


Leo Langlois


Doreen Leys


Victor Loewen

204-422-6573 39

7:00 pm Texas Hold-em

10:00 am Paradise Village Christian Fellowship Church


7:00 pm Texas Hold-em

10:00 am Paradise Village Christian Fellowship Church


7:00 pm Texas Hold-em

10:00 am Paradise Village Christian Fellowship Church


7:00 pm Texas Hold-em

Singles Potluck 5:00 pm



9:00 am Walk Away the Pounds 9:15 am Water Aerobics 10:15 am Zumba 11:20 am Yoga


9:00 am Walk Away the Pounds 9:15 am Water Aerobics 10:15 am Zumba 11:20 am Yoga


9:15 am Water Aerobics 10:15 am Zumba 11:20 am Yoga


9:00 am Walk Away the Pounds 9:15 am Water Aerobics 10:15 am Zumba 11:20 am Yoga 7:00 pm Cribbage


25 9:00 am Coffee 9:30 am Aquacise 10:00 am Line Dancing 1:00 pm Bridge 7:00 pm Paradise Squares

9:00 am Walk Away the Pounds 9:15 am Water Aerobics 10:15 am Zumba 11:20 am Yoga 7:00 pm Cribbage


18 9:00 am Coffee 9:30 am Aquacise 10:00 am Line Dancing 1:00 pm Bridge 7:00 pm Paradise Squares

9:00 am Walk Away the Pounds 9:15 am Water Aerobics 10:15 am Zumba 1:00 pm Yoga 7:00 pm Cribbage

9:00 am Coffee 9:30 am Aquacise 1:00 pm Mahjong 7:00 pm Bridge 7:00 pm Bingo


9:00 am Coffee 9:30 am Aquacise 1:00 pm Mahjong 7:00 pm Bridge 7:00 pm Bingo


9:30 am Aquacise 1:00 pm Mahjong 7:00 pm Bridge 7:00 pm Bingo


1:15 - 3:00 pm Eastman Recycling At the mailboxes 39N & 45 E La Coulee


1:15 - 3:00 pm Eastman Recycling At the mailboxes

HALLOWEEN BASH See Page 25 Pre-Purchase Tickets from Candy Homes 13 Sunset Drive $7.00

Garbage Day 29 9:00 am Walk Away the Pounds 9:15 am Water Aerobics 11:20 am Yoga 1:00 pm Fun Darts 7:00 pm Whist


11:20 am Yoga 1:00 pm Fun Darts 7:00 pm Whist

Garbage Day 22 THANKSGIVING 9:00 am Walk Away the Pounds DINNER 9:15 am Water Aerobics See Page 5




Garbage Day 15 9:00 am Walk Away the Pounds 9:15 am Water Aerobics 11:20 am Yoga 1:00 pm Fun Darts 7:00 pm Whist


9:15 am Water Aerobics 11:20 am Yoga 1:00 pm Fun Darts 7:00 pm Whist

Garbage Day 7

9:00 am Coffee 9:30 am Aquacise 1:00 pm Mahjong 7:00 pm Bridge 7:00 pm Bingo



Monthly 13 Lunch Special 12:30 pm See Page 7 9:00 am Coffee


9:00 am Coffee 9:30 am Aquacise 10:00 am Line Dancing 1:00 pm Bridge 7:00 pm Paradise Squares


5 Social Committee 4 PVRA 2ND Meeting 12:30 am GENERAL MEETING 7:00 PM Vivian Deurbrouk’s 9:15 am Water Aerobics 9:00 am Coffee 9:15 am Water Aerobics 10:15 am Zumba 9:30 am Aquacise 10:15 am Zumba 1:00 pm Yoga 10:00 am Line Dancing 11:20 am Yoga 7:00 pm Cribbage 1:00 pm Bridge


Christmas Dinner & Dance - December 10th New Year’s Eve Bash - December 31st

10:00 am Paradise Village Christian Fellowship Church



Upcoming Events



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