of you!
It all began You r
WITH rYou! t 8
o pp su
given for missions!
ith w d e n i o j 8
The of the Holy Spirit
28 24 8 651 8
mission fields
mission team members
evangelistic meetings and children’s programs
8,584 8 20 8
locallanguage Bibles given out
ible ss o p e k a m8
resultin g More than
people reached for Christ
people baptized!
new churches built
Thank You!
Chairman’s Message T
he Great Commission of Matthew 28:18-20 is expansive, covering all kinds of outreach in every corner of the globe. For each of us then, the question is, “What is the Lord calling me to do to help fulfill His commission?” In the New Testament, you can see people called by God to a wide variety of ministries. For example, there’s the healed demoniac of Mark 5:1-20, whom Jesus asked to return home and tell everyone what God had done for him. You’ll see in Luke 10:1-12, that Christ sent out 70 of His followers to minister in nearby towns.
Or there’s Paul, who in Galatians 1:16 states his calling to reach the gentiles—a work which necessitated long-distance missionary journeys.
At Quiet Hour Ministries, we feel especially called to share the gospel through overseas evangelism. God has opened numerous, exciting opportunities for our mission team members—people just like you—to go and proclaim His saving grace all around the world! As literally hundreds of thousands of people hear the good news every year, I clearly see God at work through you and Quiet Hour Ministries. You truly are helping fulfill the Great Commission! Thank you, thank you for responding to God’s call. I’m so grateful to side-by-side serve our Savior with you.
Dan Cotton Chairman of the Board
President’s Message W
hen I consider how the Lord has blessed this ministry over the past 77 years, I can only exclaim, “To God be the glory, great things He hath done!”
I even saw God take away his chain smoking habit in a single day!
And the great things God has done are truly through you. So it’s with deep gratitude that I share this report with you. Your prayers, partnership and gifts have been blessed by God to make this ministry possible!
As you read this report, I know you’ll rejoice with us for what God has done and continues to do through this ministry. But beyond that, may you be energized by what God is doing through you too. Without you, none of these precious people would have been reached!
2013 will go down as truly a banner year. Can you believe it, total baptisms of over 19,000! And thanks to you, heaven-sent financial blessings. I know God’s miraculous hand was there all the way. You’ll see that in the following pages. I personally witnessed it in the Philippines, where a Japanese businessman came to know Jesus at our evangelistic meetings.
He was just one of literally thousands who responded to the call of God over the past year!
Truly these are exciting times to be sharing God’s saving grace around the world. And I’m so thankful to work handin-hand with you and with Him!
Bill Tucker President/Speaker
CEO’s Message
esus said, “You will know them by their fruits.” Matthew 7:16 NKJV. Because of God’s blessing through you, 2013 bore much fruit indeed. Truly the Lord’s blessings were poured out on Quiet Hour Ministries in many ways. God brought mission-minded partners like you who joined in the work. There were also local Seventh-day Adventist Church leaders and members all over the world who served tirelessly to assist our outreach. In addition, organizations like Gospel Outreach, ShareHim, University Travel, Lyons Club and others partnered with us to lend invaluable support for our evangelism mission trips. The Lord also provided financial resources through your generous gifts, for which I cannot thank you enough.
Growing our key partnerships with churches and missions all over the world. Increasing the numbers of team members who go and proclaim Christ on our mission trips. Reaching thousands more people with the message of God’s saving grace! God is already blessing us with many new opportunities. Several Adventist universities and many churches and schools are coming onboard for evangelism mission trips. Hundreds of individuals are heading to the mission field! As you can see, every person, every organization, is part of God’s blessing on this ministry. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for allowing God to work through you to win souls. I know you rejoice with us in that priceless harvest.
So what’s next? 6
Because of you, we’re going to continue pursuing God’s future for us.
Randy Bates CEO
Canada Colombia Costa Rica Dominican Republic
Ecuador Fiji Guatemala Honduras India
Indonesia Kenya Moldova
North Africa (Muslim outreach in countries we can’t name) Peru
Philippines Rwanda Thailand United States Vietnam 7
Evangelism Reports AFRICA Your gifts to help spread the gospel saw significant dividends in Africa. Four mission teams were sent to three countries: Angola, Botswana and Rwanda. A locallyrun evangelism outreach was also supported in Kenya. Lastly, thanks to your gifts for Muslim outreach, we were able to reach out through local gospel workers to Muslim communities in North Africa!
96 Z 3,389 Z 5,000+ Z
evangelistic series baptized
Bibles distributed
ASIA � PACIFIC Exciting things are happening in Asia! Thanks to your support, six mission teams shared God’s saving grace in four countries: Fiji, India, Indonesia and the Philippines. A special highlight was Pastor Bill Tucker’s evangelistic meetings in General Santos, Philippines. More than 8,000 people were baptized through that outreach! Your gifts also supported gospel workers in Chennai, India, church construction in Bahayang Pagasa, Philippines and Bibles for Muslim outreach in Mindanao, Philippines.
63 Z 11,389 Z 11 Z 3,000+ Z
evangelistic series baptized
churches built
Bibles distributed
CENTRAL ďż˝ SOUTH AMERICA Your prayers and gifts made a tremendous impact in Central and South America. You empowered 16 mission teams to reach out with the gospel in 10 countries: Argentina, Belize, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras and Peru! Your gifts also supported gospel workers in Ecuador and Honduras. In addition, you provided 25 motorcycles for the mission field in Ecuador!
147 Z 4,168 Z 9 Z 500+ Z
evangelistic series baptized
churches built Bibles
NORTH AMERICA The Lord multiplied your gifts to reach many souls in North America. Because of your support, one mission team went to Puerto Rico. Also hundreds of people studied the Bible through the Way of Life Bible course. Furthermore, your gifts sustained a Muslim outreach project in Atlanta. A special highlight was the baptism of a mother and her two teenage children in Colorado. They’d been mission team members in Costa Rica and were baptized through their mission trip experience!
1 Z 29 Z
evangelistic series baptized
Mission Distributions BY TYPE
by Randy Bates, CFO (interim)
9% 15% 2% 7% 1% 2% Evangelistic Meetings 64% Transportation Seek, Reap, Keep Evang. Muslim Outreach Children's Outreach Gospel Workers Bibles, Chapels, Medical, Other
World Projects Africa North America Asia & Pacific Central/South America
hroughout this report, you’ve seen examples of God’s hand at work.
Now I’d like to show you even more evidence of God’s power, through an objective look at our 2013 finances.
Mission Distributions
Resources to Win Souls
3% 7%
At a time when budget estimates called for modest results, we ended the year in a very strong overall financial position. The result? A positive bottom line, debt-freedom and increased corporate and mission reserves. Thank you for making that possible! At the end of 2013, our assets and our liabilities are down about $200,000 from the previous year. Net income shows a gain of almost $1.2 million, compared to a loss of $292,000 in 2012. Praise God! There were several contributing factors to the year-end results. Among them, reduced expenses and the generosity of several people through their final estate plan. Contributions in 2013 were $3.4 million, compared to $2.8 million in 2012. Yet there were 200 fewer individual donors in 2013. Only God could have expanded donations and protected investments to create these tremendous results.
In 2013, 64 percent of the funds you gave for missions were used for Seek, Reap and Keep evangelism. This includes evangelistic meetings, medical clinics, children’s outreach, Bibles, construction projects and gospel workers.
Board � Directors
Dan Cotton Chairman Darold Retzer Vice Chairman
Stand-alone evangelistic meetings made up an additional 15 percent of mission funding.
Bill Tucker President
The remaining 21 percent of mission funding went to mission projects such as Muslim outreach, mission field motorcycles, medical supplies and equipment, church construction and providing local-language Bibles. Because of you, some 40 of these projects received funding!
Randy Bates CEO
Reviewing everything you made possible, I’m deeply touched by your careful and prayerful decision to give your resources to win souls for Christ. We vow to continue providing excellent stewardship of your gifts. And thank you for joining hands with God to accomplish His work in this world.
Daryl Gohl Intissar Issa 2,000,000
Dick Neuharth José Rojas Amalia Marin Ralph Watts
Roy West
2013 2012
Direct contributions and other Contributions from estates, trusts and annuities Released from restriction
Dr. David Wilkins
Statements � Financial Position
12/31/2013 ASSETS Current Assets $3,317,614 Property plant and equipment – net 2,203,221 Non-current assets 4,371,671 Total Assets $9,892,506
Unrelated business income tax Change in value of annuities Support Services Program Services
2013 2012
LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Current liabilities Long-term liabilities – trusts and annuities Total Liabilities Net Assets Unrestricted – for operations Unrestricted – designated for annuities Total unrestricted Temporarily restricted Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets
12/31/2012 $2,308,269 2,283,022 5,494,799 $10,086,090
$299,698 3,093,614 3,393,312
$584,166 4,189,627 4,773,793
2,805,486 897,206 3,702,692 2,796,502 6,499,194 $9,892,506
2,382,992 841,443 3,224,435 2,087,862 5,312,297 $10,086,090
Full financial statement available at
Summarized Statements � Activities For Years Ended December 31 UNRESTRICTED NET ASSETS Support and revenues: Contributions Contributions – estates, trusts and annuities Interest, sales and other income Total Support and revenues Net assets released from restriction Expenses and losses: Program Services Evangelistic ministries and projects Publications and website Broadcast media Supporting Services Management and general Development Trust Management
437,600 3,490,549
266,983 2,826,570
2,843,980 99,493 162,195
2,453,444 146,336 66,568
799,977 522,573 312,447
823,272 1,116,656 120,864
For Years Ended December 31
Change in value of annuity agreements Unrelated business income tax
141,163 0
90,745 21,113
Total expenses and losses Change in unrestricted net assets
4,881,828 478,257
4,838,998 (53,203)
TEMPORARILY RESTRICTED NET ASSETS Contributions 2,499,332 Changes in value of trust split interest agreements 78,844 Net assets released from restriction (1,869,536) Change in temporarily restricted net assets
1,679,260 40,895 (1,959,225)
Change in net assets
NET ASSETS Balance, beginning of year Balance, end of year
5,312,297 $6,499,194
5,604,570 $5,312,297
Our Mission Partnering with God in leading people to share His saving grace.
Worldwide Headquarters PO Box 3000 Redlands, CA 92373 (800) 900-9021 Canada PO Box 22085 St. Thomas, ON N5R 6A1 (800) 538-0331