From kidnapper to gospel worker
Life transformation YOU make possible!
“I am supposed to be serving year 13 of a 50year prison sentence,” said Frank.
“But instead, I am a gospel worker here in Bolivia trying to show people that God has the power to change your life as He did mine.”
You are never “too far gone” for God to save!
“I was a member of a kidnapping band,” said Frank. “We worked in Chile, Argentina, Bolivia,

Peru, Brazil and all over.”
At that time, “I didn’t know God or believe in Him,” said Frank.
While in prison,, Frank’s cellmate talked about God nonstop.
“My cellmate would pray in all the corners of our cell,” said Frank. “I would turn on the television because I didn’t want to hear the prayers. He was relentless.”
God works a miracle in Frank’s life
One day, Frank’s cellmate was moved to another prison. “I never saw him again,” he said.
“In his absence, I started to ask myself if it was all real,” said Frank. “I prayed to God for the first time ever. I asked Him, ‘If you are real, please change my life.’” As soon as Frank said “Amen,” it was as if the prison’s doors opened!
“It was a real miracle!” said Frank. “The process of my early release started, even though I was supposed to be in prison for another 38 years.”
Keep reading for more of Frank’s story
continued from cover Life transformation YOU make possible!
Upon his release, Frank went to his mother’s house. “I learned that the entire time I was in prison, she was praying for me.”
You helped Frank step into new life!
That week, Frank’s mother’s church (an Adventist church) was having an evangelistic series.
“That’s when I decided I needed to get baptized,” said Frank. “Since then, I haven’t been able to stop talking about God and the miracle He did in my life.”
Today, through your support, Frank is a gospel worker in Bolivia working with the Adventist church. In the 10 months since he was baptized, Frank has led 14 people to say “Yes!” to Jesus!

Thank you for all you do to send gospel workers like Frank into the mission field. God is working through your generosity in mighty ways!
Read about Alejandro and how Frank led him to Christ!
“Here am I. Send me!” ~Isaiah 6:8 Missions YOU help make possible!

“I’ve lived in a Muslim community in Ghana, and I’ve seen firsthand how hard it is for them to accept Christ. Everyone on the team has been put there for a reason, and it’s such a beautiful thing to witness.”


“[As mission team members], God is everything; we see Him in every moment of the day. It’s our job to help others see Him, too—to show them that God is real, that God is love and He wants a relationship with them.”

“When I lay down in my grave, is my gravestone going to read, ‘My car is paid for’ or that ‘My mortgage company received every payment?’ Of course not! Mission trips help me see things from an eternal perspective.”
“There are so many people out in the mission field, thousands of miles away or right outside, whose hearts are wide open and waiting—waiting for us to show them Jesus. Our work as Christians is so important.”
Is God calling YOU on a mission trip?
Check out www.qhministries.org/trips for more information.
A mentor for Alejandro God is working through gospel workers YOU send into the world
Frank, the gospel worker from the cover story (that you and other Quiet Hour Ministries friends help support) has a unique gift for connecting with those whose lives might seem beyond God’s reach.
Through his personal life experiences, he can show them just how mighty and powerful God’s forgiveness is. His ability to relate to and understand the struggles of others is truly a testament to the transformative power of faith.

Thanks to a gospel worker, Alejandro learned, “I have been forgiven and can have a new life!”

Randy Bates President / CEO
A call to global evangelism
The Sabbath, from sunset to sunset, is a sacred time ordained by God—a sign of His creative power and our belonging to Him.
As Seventh-day Adventists, we treasure this holy day, embracing its call to rest, worship and reflect on God’s love.
Yet, our mission extends beyond the Sabbath hours. The world is desperate for the truth of Jesus’ approaching return.
During a recent evangelism outreach, Frank visited Alejandro, a young boy struggling with bullying and a difficult home life.
The next day, he received a call that Alejandro had attempted to end his life by drinking gasoline and paint. Frank immediately reached out to help.
Good news for all—thanks to YOU!
Today, through Frank’s friendship and support, Alejandro has hope.
“I know God is the only one who can change my life,” Alejandro said. “Before, I thought I didn’t deserve to get baptized after the things I had done in the past. But now, through Bible studies with Frank, I know that’s untrue. I have been forgiven and can have a new life through Him.”
Please continue to keep Frank and Alejandro in your prayers. Their stories remind us of the incredible impact that faith and support can have on individuals and communities.
Thank you for all you do support and uplift our gospel workers—their efforts make a profound difference in the lives of those they touch.
As we find renewal each Sabbath, let it also fuel our commitment to send gospel workers into the world, spreading messages of hope, encouragement and salvation to prepare hearts for His glorious coming.
Randy Bates, President/CEO
Help send workers into the harvest field

Right now, Quiet Hour Ministries gospel workers (pastors, evangelists and other men and women of faith) are serving all around the world:
■ They are locals who are on the ground poised and ready to be used by God to reach their communities for Christ. They have a passion for telling others about Jesus.
■ They know the people, the language and the culture of those they’re ministering to. As they build friendships, meet needs and develop trust, hearts open to Jesus.
■ They are at work before short-term mission teams to prepare hearts for the meetings—and afterwards to disciple new believers in their faith.
These gospel workers can’t continue their work without your support. They rely on you and other friends for the resources and support they need to share Jesus.
“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few” (Luke 10:2).