
When God called Pastor Arus to share the gospel in Balepe, Toraja, a remote community on the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia, he had his work cut out for him.
The challenging road conditions, strong cultural ties and unified spiritual beliefs made his mission difficult—but not impossible.
During his two-year mission, Pastor Arus followed Jesus’ example and came alongside the villagers relationally.
“If I saw people working in the rice fields, I’d join them,” he said. “I’d visit and mingle with them. I’d offer medical care to those who needed it.”
Once the people grew to know and trust Pastor Arus, only then did he begin to share about Jesus.
Pastor Arus is bearing fruit— through your support
“When I offered an invitation to come to a public evangelistic service, they came because they knew me already,” he said.
Today, Pastor Arus continues his charity work during the day, and he gives sermons at night.
Keep reading for more of Pastor Arus’s story
You are bringing Light to the darkness • Curiosity leads to Christ • What is an unentered people group?
And the villagers are beginning to see the light of the gospel!
Guided by God—and equipped through your generosity
“It’s not because of me,” said Pastor Arus. “It’s because of the power of the Holy Spirit. I believe that every step I make, every action, was guided by God in my ministry—and I am happy for that.”
Thank you for all you do to shine the Light of Jesus into the darkest corners of the world. Through your support, the gospel is reaching unentered people groups around the world.
God is working through YOU—and gospel workers like Pastor Arus—to shine His Light into the darkest places.
The gospel is advancing all around the world, yet…
That’s over 3 billion souls! 2%
■ More than 4 out of 10 people still belong to an unentered people group.
■ Many do not know a Christian and may never have a chance to hear the Good News even once in their life.
■ Outside gospel workers need dedicated support to reach these isolated groups.
What is an unentered people group? See back page for how YOU can help today!
An unentered people group is defined as having less than 2% true Christ-followers.
Unentered people groups do not have an indigenous community of believing Christians big enough to evangelize the rest of their people group.
42% of the world’s population
Approximately 7,400 people groups around the world are considered unentered. Over 42% of the world’s population live in these 7,400 unentered people groups.
With your help, Quiet Hour Ministries is raising up and equipping faithful pastors, gospel workers and missionaries to take the gospel to these unreached places.
Elias Kala’allo first heard about the Adventism from his supervisor at work.
“I had just started a new job, a six-month contract in west Papua,” said Elias. “I noticed one of my supervisor’s habits. On Saturdays, [if I tried to contact him about a work-related matter] he would say, ‘Just keep it. I’m having worship. You can give it to me tomorrow.’”
Elias wondered, Why does he worship on Saturday instead of Sunday?
You are helping draw lost souls to the Light!
After discovering the truth about the Sabbath, Elias said “Yes!” to Jesus.
Intrigued by this newfound religion, when Elias returned home, he attended an evangelistic service and was baptized soon after.
Elias’s wife initially opposed his new faith, “She would cry and say, ‘Please don’t go!’” said Elias. “Sometimes she would even hide my motorcycle keys to prevent me from attending church.”
Today, despite opposition, Elias is steadfast in his faith—and his wife’s opposition has softened too. “She’s not stopping me from going to church anymore,” he said.
Please join us in praying for Elias—that he would be a light to his family and to his community, and that his example will lead them to the truth about the Sabbath.
Randy Bates President / CEO
As a believer, I am moved by Jesus’ words in Matthew 24:14:
“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all [people groups], and then the end will come.”
This reminds us how important it is to share the gospel with those who haven’t heard it yet.
It is not merely a catalyst for Jesus’ second coming, but rather a Divine prerequisite— something that must happen first.
God wants all His children to experience His love and salvation no matter where they are or who they are.
Our mission is to reach every corner of the earth, ensuring that no people group is left without the opportunity to experience the transformative power of the gospel. By doing this, we follow Jesus’ command and help fulfill God’s plan.
Thank you for all you do to help spread His message and bring hope and salvation to everyone.
Randy Bates President/CEO
Millions of people around the world have never heard the message of the gospel. These unentered people groups live in remote, hard-to-reach areas. They hold deep-rooted cultural beliefs and face a lack of trust towards outsiders. Language is often a barrier. Despite these challenges, our mission to bring the hope and love of Christ to even the most isolated corners of the world remains unwavering.
But we can’t do it alone. We need your help to:
■ Train and equip gospel workers to understand and respect cultural differences.
■ Provide safe and effective travel to remote locations.
■ Help build trust and relationships with local communities.
GIVE BY MAIL: Return your gift with the enclosed reply form in the envelope provided.
CULTURE Deep-rooted traditions and beliefs that have been passed down for generations make these groups hesitant to accept new ideas.
LANGUAGE Many unentered people groups speak languages that are unfamiliar and sometimes unwritten.
LOCATION Unentered people groups often live in hard-to-reach areas, such as dense forests or rugged mountains, making travel difficult and dangerous.
TRUST There can be a lack of trust toward outsiders due to past negative experiences or exploitation.
GIVE BY PHONE: You can also give your gift by calling (800) 900-9021. SCAN & GIVE ONLINE