Because of you:
$3,523,839 given for missions!
50,000+ people for Christ
Which made possible:
262 mission team members and 57 gospel workers
Resulting in 13,200 baptisms
And also:
• 44 children’s programs telling more than 3,200 kids about Jesus
• 10 chapels built
• 5,725 Bibles for new believers
• 50 mission field clinics blessing more than 11,400 people
By God’s grace, the Seventh-day Adventist Church is moving forward proclaiming the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14.
I want to thank you for your part in this special mission. You see, your support of Quiet Hour Ministries is filling a unique niche in the work of the church.
Your prayers for and gifts to this ministry are reaching tens of thousands of people with the gospel. And you’re meeting urgent needs in the worldwide mission field, responding quickly as conditions change on the ground.
That is the unique niche of Quiet Hour Ministries. We have nimbleness in the mission field.
Gospel workers are mobilized to reach unentered villages. Then come evangelistic meetings where thousands accept Christ. Locallanguage Bibles are distributed to
new believers. Jungle chapels are quickly built.
All this is possible because of your faithful support. I’m so grateful as I see the tremendous mission impact of your generous gifts. You’re making a special difference to the Adventist Church.
The three angels’ messages begin with this beautiful passage, “Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth—to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people.” Revelation 14:6 NKJV.
That’s exactly what your support is accomplishing! Preaching the everlasting gospel to “every nation, tribe, tongue, and people.”
Thank you so much. May God bless you.
Ralph S. Watts, Jr. Chairman of the BoardPRESIDENT’S MESSAGE
It has happened again! And again!
I wish you could have been with me as I watched Sarah listened to the evangelistic messages. I watched her respond to the Holy Spirit’s prompting to accept His saving grace. I watched as she was baptized. Watched her rise up with joy in her eyes and tears and smiles on her face. Watched as Sarah’s new church family surrounded her with laughter and hugs.
And I realized, it has happened again!
I entered the shell of an unfinished church. The local members were so discouraged at the lack of a place to worship. I and my fellow mission team members worked right beside the local believers to finish walls, add windows and make floors.
When I left Colombia, Sarah was joining her new church family in the just-completed building.
And I realized, it has happened again!
You see, once again God has used your gifts and our evangelism mission team members to touch the lives of His precious children.
I’m so excited for you to see this annual report, because there are so many stories of God at work. Your support is blessed and expanded by Him! As you see the amazing results in the following pages, join me in giving
God the praise for each and every new believer.
For even more stories of God at work, check out our TV series at, read our Echoes newsletter, or follow us at @qhministries on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Thank you so much! And God bless you!
Joyce was suffering. Over time a large, oozing, painful growth had formed under her eyelid. She didn’t know what to do and was too poor to see a doctor.
Desperate, Joyce came to one of our village medical clinics in Malawi. After a quick assessment, it was obvious to our clinic team that she needed to get to a hospital as soon as possible. They rushed Joyce to a car used to transport some of our team and drove her straight to Malamulo Adventist Hospital.
She was seen that very day and given a treatment regimen to follow. And James (pictured left with Joyce), one of our mission team members, paid for her doctor visit and medications.
Your gifts provided the free mission field clinic and evangelism team members who were such a blessing to Joyce. Thank you for providing help when she needed it most!
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
United States
Unamed countries in Africa
We’re totally focused on evangelism. And your support provided evangelistic meetings in 11 countries! More than 50,000 people attended these meetings and, as you’ll see below, the response was tremendous.
44 evangelistic series
More than 13,200 people baptized
5,725 Bibles distributed
Jwo brothers, we’ll call them Jorge and Miguel, shivered as they listened to the evangelistic meeting in Camaguey, Cuba. Even while the message warmed their hearts, the cold was piercing their meager clothes.
Jorge and Miguel are desperately poor. That night they had one tattered jacket to share. They did their best to get as much of the jacket over their threadbare clothes as possible.
After the meeting, Jorge and Miguel shuffled home. They were embarrassed to wear such shabby clothes in a church. They felt they couldn’t come back to the meetings.
When our evangelism mission team members learned of this, they sought out Jorge and Miguel and bought them each two new outfits.
Encouraged by this act of kindness, Jorge and Miguel excitedly returned to the evangelistic meetings. And their father came too! We later learned that they continue to come to church each Sabbath!
Thank you for making this special ministry possible for Jorge and Miguel!
At each evangelistic meeting site, we also had a special outreach just for children. And because of you, more than 3,200 kids learned about Jesus for the very first time! Through Bible stories, songs and activities, the children met their loving Savior. Praise God, many gave their hearts to Him!
● 44 children’s outreaches
● More than 3,200 kids learned about Jesus
● 44 children’s outreach kits given to the mission field
After our Colombia evangelism mission trip, we received the following story from Henry Linares, one of our team members.
“My favorite story is about my teenage daughter Danielle. She was very reluctant to come on this mission trip. At the beginning of the trip my daughter refused to get involved in the activities. And when she did, you could tell in her face that she was not happy.
“As the week went along, this started to change. The people she was working with kept coming to me and letting me know how good a worker she was and how effective she was in leading the children’s meetings.
“Through her experience, Danielle saw how God could use her to lead others to Him. She faced challenges that had her praying all day and all night.
“Listening to Danielle give her testimony on Sabbath morning at the end of the mission
trip was worth every penny we spent and every discomfort we experienced. We have been blessed beyond measure by participating on this mission trip.”
Medical outreach is a massive, tangible blessing to the local community. Thanks to you, our mission teams held clinics in 11 countries. These clinics resulted in hundreds of people attending our evangelistic meetings. You truly helped bring physical and spiritual healing!
50 clinics
11,475 people treated
Without a place to worship, new believers face a very difficult road ahead. So your gift of new chapels is essential to the growth of the church. Thank you for providing new chapels in eight countries!
10 chapels built
1,500 church members blessed by these chapels
During our 2013 evangelistic meetings in General Santos, Philippines, Pastor Bill Tucker, our speaker emeritus, met Mr. Estrera. The owner of a small fleet of fishing boats, Mr. Estrera had been baptized into the Adventist Church just a few years before.
Now he was using his business as a way to reach out to the many fishermen he hired. Mr. Estrera led Bible studies on his boats and also hired gospel workers to minister among the fishermen.
Pastor Bill was given the opportunity to speak to these fishermen. And when Pastor Bill made an appeal, they all stood and put their trust in Christ!
When Pastor Bill returned with a mission team for our 2015 evangelistic meetings in General Santos, we sought out Mr. Estrera. Sadly, we learned that Mr. Estrera had passed away.
Yet we were encouraged to see his family faithfully carrying the torch of truth. Bible studies are continuing on the fishing boats, led by a fulltime gospel worker. And again Pastor Bill had the opportunity to minister to the family and the fishermen.
Thank you for making these soul-saving evangelistic meetings possible in General Santos!
The work doesn’t end here. Millions more need to hear the gospel! With your support, we’re planning to push into new areas over the coming year. And new projects and outreach resources will further boost worldwide mission work!
262 mission team members
103 team members were young people
● 2 team members baptized
Iwant to thank you so much for your generous and faithful gifts. As you read this financial summary, please know that the unique global impact you’ve seen in this annual report is only possible because of your support. I’m so grateful for you!
Total contributions in 2015 came to $3 million. Current gifts—restricted and unrestricted—were $2.4 million of the whole. Planned gift maturities made up the remaining $600,000.
Of your gifts specifically for missions, 48 percent went to international evangelism projects, 15 percent was used to build chapels and 37 percent for children’s outreach, gospel workers, Bibles and medical supplies. In all, more than 70 mission projects received funding because of you!
You’ll see in the graph at the right all the regions of the world your gifts reached for Christ. These include
Central and South America, Africa, Asia and the Pacific region. More than 50,000 people in these areas heard the gospel preached. And over 13,000 of them accepted Jesus and were baptized!
To see even more of what your gifts made possible, check out the eight new episodes of our Missions Today TV series that were released in 2015. You can watch on-demand at and on Hope Channel and other TV networks.
I’m so thankful for your thoughtful and prayerful giving. I know one day you’ll hear our Lord Jesus Christ say to you, “Well done, good and faithful servant… Enter into the joy of your lord.” Matthew 25:21 NKJV.
Diana Oei Finance DirectorMission Distributions
Mission Distributions
Anneth Amaya E
Lenard Ang E
R esty Antonio E
Sidra Ar nold E
Ehetenesh Ashine Holloway E
Samara Auguste E
Hannah Baquiran E
Evan Barron E
Greylene Basco E
Lynette Bates V
K ristin Batla E
Philip Becker E
Evee Blake E
Char les Blood E
Tatelynn Blood E
Br ianna Blount E
S ofia Bonney E
J on Bowes E
Almira Brand E
Charolette Brand E
Hannah Brown V
K obe Brown E
D on Brunner E
G eorge Brunner E
Jason Brunner E
Sara Brunner E
M arquan Buchanan E
R ebeca Buendia E
Lillie Bur nside E
Pearlie Cada E
Evelyn Caldwell E
Chr istopher Carmen B, V
Talula Cartwright E
Br ian Case E
M atthew Cesin
M auretta Christensen
R onald Christensen
Daniel Connor
Emma Connor
Vicki Connor
J onnsson Cowan
Ashton Crone
Ashley Daniel
Emily David
K atie Davis
Esther D elva
Lily D onnell
Ana Dumitrescu
Drucilla Elliott
William Elliott
Edna Ellis
Brenda Etheridge
R aymond Etheridge
Fidel Falcon
S elena Ferrer
Dianne Fillman
Noel Fillman
R achel Flerchinger
Elizabeth Ford
Evonne Ford
Shir ley Ford
K arl Forshee
K aitlin Freeman
K ristin Freeman
Bett y Fuentes
Freddy Fuentes
J ose Fuentes
Tania Fuentes
Alfredo Fuentes II
Elizabeth Gaeto
Bruce Galbraith
Corazon Gibbon
Judy Gilbaugh
Daryl Gohl
Ruth Ann Gohl
Malik Green
Jamie Greene
Delmar Griebel
Terrie Griebel
Jim Griggs
Nicole Griggs
Samantha Griggs
Arlind Hackett
Jean Hall
Richard Hall
Zoltan Hangyal
Jonathan Hanson
Kenneth Hanson
Matthew Hanson
Carol Hargreaves
Colin Healy
Benjamin Henry
Claudia Hernandez
Demetrio Hernandez
Ricardo Hernandez
Cory H
Esther Hilde
Jeff Hilde
Glenn Hill
Jason Hill
Mary Alice Hill
Ashley Hold Joshua
Hold Nathaniel Hold
N icholas Hold E
R onnie Hold E
J eron Holloway E
Lani Hosei E
Hamilton Hosteter E
Hayden Hosteter E
K athy Hosteter E
R ory Hosteter E
Alexis Hughes E
Aldwin Jackson II E
Adela Jimenez E
Daniel Jimenez E
Jilma Jimenez E
Sydney Jimerson E
Nasya J oell E
Kyle J ohnson E
Trevohn Johnson E
James J ones E
Yolette Juste E
Carmen Kerr E
Carol Klein E
Dan K lein E
William Klinke E
David Kon E
Phoebe Kon E
Benjamin K rein E
Jacob K rein E
Branden Lampk in E
D eepica Lazarus E
Bett y Leacock E
Calvin Lee E
Char les Lee E
Glor ia Leggitt V
Cade Leuenberger E
Pauline Lewinson E
Peter Liang E
Danielle Linares E
Henr y Linares E
Jason Linares E
Nor ma Linares E
Clinton Lindo E
Pamela Lister E, V
D ennis Little E
M arisol Longoria E
Alma Lopez E
J ohn Anthony Luna E
Penny Lushanko V
J essica Mallory E
N ia Malone E
Alber to Marin V
Amalia M arin V
Dave Mathewson E
S onni Mathewson E
Elaine M avis V
Victoria Mavunga E
Zursey Maya E
D effo Mebrat E
Stac y Mecklenburg E
Eden Mekonnen E
Eliseo M endoza E
Esther M eza E
Casey Miller E
R oberta Miller V
Valerie Miller V
David Minden E
K endy Molano E
Juanfer Monsalve E
K eila I. Morales E
K eila R. Morales E
Eunice Muriu E
RuthMaria Muriu
Justin Myrie
George Nelson
Maggie Nelson
Dick Neuharth
Mark Osborn
Damon Padron
Amparo Paez
Eliasib Parra
Daniel Peganyee
Ciera Permaul
Daniel Peters
Rosalie Peters
James Pride
Jeri Pride
Ron Pride
Leni Puen
Ray Puen
Ingrid Radulescu
Dennis Reed
Carol Ann Retzer
Darold Retzer
Jesse Rivera
Yolanda Rodriguez Ferrer
Guedye Saint-Jean
Guether Saint-Jean
Marie Geraldyne Saint-Jean
Aaron Sanchez
Darianne Sanchez
Karen Sanchez
Yvette Sanchez
Kinley Sandefur
Elizabeth Santos Martin
Joshua Sarris
Maria Scarlett
Don Schatzschneider
Joseph Shewchuk
Lisa Shewchuk
Benjamin Shurtliff
Dominic Sitowski
Gabriel Sitowski
Kayja Sitowski
Malachi Sitowski
Duane Smith
Lori Smith
Allyson Stock
Spencer Stock
Mary Ann Stumpf
Douglas Sumaraga
Eleanor Sumaraga
Janice Swanson
Caryl Tallon
David Tank
Sara Tank
Victor Tarin
Damar Thomas
Joyce Thompson
Royce Thompson
Jasmine Thornhill
Steve Thorpe
Bill Tucker
Jackie Tucker
Nwanyimole Ukegbu
Elizabeth Urmos
Addison Vaught
Faith Victoriano
Alexander Voigt
Ruth Voigt
Daniel Wahlen
Samantha Wahlen
Zach Wall
David Walls
Patricia Watts
Ralph S. Watts, Jr.
Carol Weaver
Arlene Webb
Fred Webb
Gina Webb
Brieanne Wienhoff
Kenneth Wilbur
David Wilkins
Patricia Williams
Philip Williams
Tatiana Williams-Tracey
Keviez Wilson
OnRai Wise
Wyatt Wolzen
Grichelle Yee
Alberto Zaceta
Daniela Zaceta
Digna Zaceta
Jose Zaceta
Kendy Zaceta
Lidia Zaceta
Orlando Zaceta
Board of Directors
Ralph S. Watts, Jr. Chairman Darold Retzer
Vice Chairman
Randy Bates President/CEO
Daryl Gohl
Dick Neuharth
Bill Tucker
David Wilkins