Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.
— Romans 12:10 (NIV)
15 Countries 180 Missionaries > 166k People Reached
Ralph S. Watts, Jr. Chairman of the BoardIn 2019, Quiet Hour Ministries focused on Loving Loud. On every project, every place we went and into every heart that was touched we wanted to reflect the love of Jesus in a way that could not be overlooked. We wanted His love to be felt.
That is harder than it sounds! But what a privilege it is to love others because of how wholly He first loved us! Because of His example, QHM cares for the whole person, using the pattern Christ illustrated for us during His life on earth.
Last year, on every mission, we spread the gospel by caring for people through health clinics; supporting local gospel workers who invite, and then follow up with their neighbors in the communities we visit; conducting evangelism meetings; introducing children to Jesus through children’s programs; assisting local congregations in building, repairing and maintaining their facilities; and distributing local-language Bibles and Spirit of Prophecy books.
Through these activities, personal connections are developed and introductions to Jesus made. Sometimes it’s easy to just look at the bottom line. But Loving Loud teaches us that bottom-line number is a collection of ones: one person, one story, one savior. Each is unique, precious and known to our Creator. Each has an inspirational journey of faith.
This was a wonderful year of loving people and it will continue to reverberate loudly around the world until we celebrate together in the kingdom, face-to-face with the One who loved us first. w
By country visited Every number here represents a precious person with a unique and miraculous story. Each is priceless to our Savior and an incredible miracle to us! What a day it will be when we gather together at the feet of Jesus!
QHM’s unique cycle of evangelism support is more comprehensive than dropping short-term North American-based mission teams into mission fields.
We first support gospel workers within the communities we are asked to visit. These workers develop relationships with their friends and neighbors, sowing seeds months before a mission team’s arrival.
After mission volunteers leave, gospel workers and church members continue to focus on long-term faith-building, community nurturing and growth. From local-language Bibles to children’s ministry tools, we leave our international partners tools to assist them in building relationships for Jesus.
Patients Reached Baptisms
Dominican Republic 946117534
Ukraine 678975 6
Ecuador 748135647
Thailand 12831703 6
Columbia 2102221611
Cuba 30944102105
Jamaica 850489151
Papua New Guinea 13305535149
Indonesia 2823697475
Philippines 436886614438* *Because
14 Teams
We are committed to using your faithful gifts carefully, thoughtfully and efficiently to provide lasting support to God’s people throughout the world—for now and for eternity.
Thank you for helping our teams Love Loud in the lives of so many precious people. w
116 Evangelism Sites
7, 258 Baptisms
On March 12, 1988, Tim Berners-Lee submitted a proposal with the dreary title “Information Management” to his boss. He had been pondering how future scientists would be able to keep track of their increasingly large projects. “This proposal provides an answer to such questions,” he wrote. It described what soon became the World Wide Web: a system for sharing information that revolutionized how, not only scientists, but all of us, communicate.
Today the Internet is a central touchstone in our world. Have a question? We immediately ask Dr. Google, or Professor Google, or even Pastor Google and we can get an answer, actually thousands of answers. But with the cacophony of information, and misinformation at our fingertips, how do we find God? More importantly, how do we find the truth about God?
“The world needs today what it needed nineteen hundred years ago—a revelation of Christ.” Those words were written more than a century ago by Ellen White. Those words are still true today.
To break through the cacophony of disinformation about God with the truth about God, we must Love Loud. I don’t mean in decibels, I mean in actions! This is our Loud Cry. God is Love. We don’t shout it, we show it.
*Ambassadors of Hope
That is what we focused on this year, revealing Christ through action. Through our My Friend Jesus sermon series, our Friendship Hour children’s program, our free medical clinics and community building construction projects, we revealed a God of love.
2 AOH* Weekends
5,358 Faithful Donors
>5,000 Prayer Requests
Face-to-face, in communities large and small all over the world, QHM team members reveal Christ through actions. As you read this report, I hope you too will be inspired to Love Loud. Together, we will continue to Love Loud, so the truth about God will disarm the chaos of disinformation.
And the world will see that God is love. w
Quiet Hour Ministries is incredibly blessed by faithful, supportive donors who are committed to Loving Loud around the world. We often hear from them that their love for their Savior and gratitude for their blessings inspires them to pass the good news on!
Last year, more than 5,300 donors gave generously to support evangelism, chapel construction, clinics, gospel workers and locallanguage Bible distribution. Others supported evangelism in specific areas of the world including the Asia, Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe.
One supporter even enlisted the talents of her young grandchildren. Grandmother of six, Lori , read them a QHM newsletter story for worship one morning. It was about sending Bibles around the world to people who don’t have them. The children got so excited about helping that they built a lemonade stand in their quiet, Texas neighborhood to raise money for the project.
“In just two hours my six grandchildren raised $30 for their Bible project,” Lori writes. “They were over the moon! It was an incredibly hot day but they were having a blast sharing with their customers their dream of sending more Bibles to the mission field. Their excitement and purpose touched people’s hearts to give more.”
Across the United States, donors from 3 to 103 Loved Loud with their gifts and precious souls thousands of miles away in remote places such as Papua New Guinea, Thailand, Ecuador, Ukraine, Cuba and the Philippines felt the impact of these love gifts, loud and clear! w
I give.
“I told my grandchildren that their great grandpa had come to Jesus and been baptized by J.L. Tucker. They are amazed they can help share Jesus and be part of that legacy.”
— QHM Donors Lori and her grandchildren Quinten, Aiden, Hailey, Charlotte, Ellanor and Beatrice
53 Clinics Offered
902 Dental Patients
7,762 Eyeglasses Distributed
> 24k Attendees
“Since I was a kid, it’s always been me first, with everyone and everything else coming after that,” Ukraine team member, Tony, shared.
But during this mission trip, he was surprised to discover how much his outlook had been transformed. “Preaching for the evangelistic meetings made me turn my focus outside myself and onto others. I am a better person when I’m here.”
Last year, 180 volunteers from age 18 to 80 Loved Loud on missions around the globe. Like Tony, many team members experienced a transformation by building relationships and serving others. This is why human connections are at the core of our evangelism outreach.
Pastor Encile, a team member in Ecuador noted, “On some missions, leaders focus on the tasks they have to complete, rather than focusing on relationship building. On this trip, our team leaders showed us that their main focus was caring for people. They had a heart for relationships and cared deeply for each person.
204 Evangelism Meetings
408 Speakers
Creating relationships is exactly what it means to Love Loud. While the tasks must be completed, we encourage team members to spend as much of their energy as possible connecting with people and reflecting Jesus’ love in a personal way.
These relationships are what build the kingdom more than accomplishing tasks! We may make the introductions, but He transforms lives. w
“Even when it seems like everyone is just having fun, you can always be loving people and reflecting Jesus to them. A kind and caring attitude is as powerful as the most eloquent sermon!”
— Emily, Thailand team member
I go.
“I want to tell you something,” said Papua New Guinea gospel worker, Emmanuel. He had traversed a mountain to come help set up the platforms for the QHM meetings. It is more than half a day’s walk for most people, but he is strong and nimble and usually can make the trip from Emmanuel’s home to the venue in an hour.
“Quiet Hour was here many years ago—more than fifteen. I was a small boy, but I saw the work you did here and I remembered! It inspired me! I had an incredible experience with God during that time, but I never heard of you again after that, until now! Here you are!”
Emmanuel had been studying with people in his area and bringing them the truth he’d learned about Christ. “I’ll come back,” he said, beaming. “There are ten souls whom I’ve been preparing for baptism. I want them to be here for the Quiet Hour meetings.”
Time and time again, we see God working to increase our meager gifts of love to our fellow man. International partners like Emmanuel plant seeds and the Holy Spirit works in hearts.
As a direct result of the evangelistic events in Papua New Guinea, the angels celebrated the baptisms of 149 new members of the family of God. Our international partners work diligently before and after evangelism events to Love Loud in their communities and make the connections the Holy Spirit uses to lead hearts into accepting Jesus.
From local translators, pastors, gospel workers and health care professionals, to drivers, cooks, builders and teachers these international partners illustrate Jesus’ love to our teams as well as their neighbors. w
— Oilma, Las Tunas Cuba gospel worker as five guests she had invited who had said no they were busy showed up anyway.
73 Children’s Leaders
342 Friendship Hours
4,228 Children Reached
You came! You came!
I thought you wouldn’t be able to come tonight! I am so very excited all you are here tonight! Look everyone, my friends came to the meeting!
I ask.
I work.
“One of my responsibilities at QHM is cutting out the felt sets. I spend a lot of time cutting out felts. I couldn’t believe the joy on the kids’ faces when they saw the felts. This trip was incredibly gratifying for my soul.”
— Nou Stumpf after returning from her trip to Ecuador as a children’s ministry leader, her first mission ever.
Georgia Burt has been a part of the Quiet Hour Ministries staff for an incredible 42 years. But long before that, she was a volunteer and was thrilled to be offered a job doing what she loved for QHM!
On every mission, team members and international partners are blessed by Georgia’s calm encouragement, organization, incredible problem solving and unbreakable reflection of Jesus’ love.
“The best part of my job is sharing with people what their mission trip will be like and preparing them to go. It’s energizing to hear how excited they are to bring people to Jesus and make a difference for people, spiritually and physically.”
The truth is, at QHM, our home-based team is focused on matchmaking. Matching the right team to the right area of the world, matching the right projects to the team, matching the right donors with the right projects, all so that the Holy Spirit can use our efforts to help people find a life-long match with the family of God. We love loud, work hard and pray without ceasing. For 83 years, this ministry has been committed to going on God’s errands and Loving Loud wherever that takes us.
5,324 Bibles Distributed Translators Gospel Workers
90 136
“It makes me feel so good to be a part of a ministry that shares Jesus with people who may not know Him, or worse, who fear Him. Sharing that He is a loving father and friend is an awesome gift to pass on,” Georgia explains. “By His grace, we have the assurance of salvation and will be with Him forever.” w
Diana Oei Chief Financial OfficerIn September, my husband Jimmy and I had the opportunity to serve on a Quiet Hour Ministries mission to Manado, Indonesia. What a joy it was to Love Loud on the front lines of mission service!
The days and nights were very busy and the team worked long hours over the week, seeing more than 1,200 patients at clinics and packing churches for the evening meetings and children’s programs. In every action the team focused on loving like Jesus, building relationships and introducing people to our great and generous God. Throughout the world, so many are looking for love to help heal them physically and spiritually. God knows and deeply loves every one. Our job is to make sure they have been introduced to Him.
That trip was a wonderful reminder that the work I do in the office facilitates the love that mission teams give in the mission field. Each number I track is the story of people connecting with the purpose of sharing Jesus’ love. Donors share Jesus’ love by giving generously. The QHM staff works carefully to take those gifts, increase them and move them to those who need them most. Because of that, mission teams with their time and talents are able to share the love of Jesus directly.
Working with your gifts is an incredible privilege and an enormous responsibility. I am so grateful to work for an organization that is so committed to taking your gifts and spreading them throughout the world to make a kingdom impact.
There is no question that 2019 was a year of Loving Loud, from our donors to our international partners. So many people contributed to the mission. I am profoundly thankful for each one of you. w
Ministry Volunteers
Brian Kotch
Teri Kotch
David Rivero
John Beishke
Mary Ann Stumpf
Deborah Burgin
Ana Dumitrescu
Zoltan Hangyal
Steve Thorpe
Carol Weaver
Jackie Tucker
Ministry Representatives
John Beishke
Brian & Teri Kotch
Leslie Clare
Freddy Fuentes
4 5 11 Ministry Volunteers Ministry Reps Associate Speakers
Evangelism Team Members
Michelle Adeniyi
Tracy Archuleta
Colin Bacchus
Eileen Bacchus
Robert Banks
Linda Biswas
Francis Bland
Dolores Bland
Josif Borovic
Sarah Borovic
Julie Breazeale
Ellexis Breazeale
Angelina Breazeale
Encile Brown
Gloria Brunnbauer
Isaac Brunnbauer
Esther Cabasaan Brenner
Evelyn Caldwell
Elaine Campbell
Edbert Carceler
Gary Carr
Zoila Chandler
Sze Yim Chong Forshee
Grace Chung
Tanya Clay
Amaya Coursey
David Creamer
Thomas Davis
Gary Davis
Esther Domenech
Lawrence Dorsey
Jona Fe Downs
Gerald Eggers
Monifa English-Bacchus
Oziel Escamilla
Joseph Estick
Derick Evans
Gilberto Lozano
Rico Macias
Vuyelwa Magalela-Hlabangana
Jeanette Martin
Roy Martin
Morayna Martin
Maylen Martin
Mahri Martin
Filip Milosavljevic
Markus Minder
Martha Sarabia
Maria Scarlett
Donald Self
Beverley Self
Edward Sepulveda
Lisa Shenk
Gloria Smikle
Sandy Smith
Daniel Smith
Vitalia Soroka
Josiah Springer
BarbaraHubbardRoy Ice
Lukas Minder
Bruce Moore
Lori Moore
Christine Morgan
Lawrence Morris
Lourdes Munoz
Raquel Natal-Manso
James Neergaard
Jimmy Oei
Diana Oei
Genesis Paz
Daniel Peters
Rosalie Peters
Garrick Peterson
Jeannette Peterson
Austin Qiu
Anna Quesada
Shirley Reid
Dianne Rice
Timothy Riesenberger
David Rivero
Demetrio Robles
Flormarie Rodriguez
Krystal Rodriguez
Princess Rodriguez
Genesis Rodriguez
Hannah Rosenthal
Daniel Rotelli
Laureano Rotelli
Godwin Sang
Helen Santillan
Darius Springer
Noudaing Stumpf
Luck Taase
Siosiua Tameifuna
Anthony Tang
Loanne Taylor
Ella Tolliver
Aurora Triguero
William Tucker
David Van Patten
Donavan Vliet
Algertha Weathington
Fred Webb
Arlene Webb
Emily Weber
Andries Weley
Florence Whyte
Alexi Whyte
Walton Williams
Mary Williams
Harriet Williams
Steven Wood
Irma Woods
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
—Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV)