The region of Mitú, Colombia, is remote and can only be reached by small aircraft or boat. Outside of the town, the roads to most of the villages are packed with dirt and there is no electricity or running water.
Mayu and her family live in the rural community of Ceima San Pablo, about 5 miles from the town of Mitú. They live simply amidst the natural beauty of dense rainforests. Yet, every couple of weeks, she heads into Mitú for supplies.
One day, as she was walking through the market, she turned toward a familiar sound. Wait, I recognize that voice! she thought to herself. Where have I heard it before?
A Divine appointment
Mayu honed in on the voice—then it hit her, it was from the Seventh-day Adventist Church radio program “Good Morning with Jesus.” As Mayu scanned the bustling market, she found Marcela—identifying her familiar on-air voice— and Marcela’s husband, Pastor Araldo.
After talking with them a bit, Mayu invited the couple to visit her and her family the following week. She was so blessed by the visit. She had been listening to the radio program for a while, and
You help broadcast messages of hope
she had started praying to Jesus and asking Him for wisdom in raising her children. She felt that meeting Marcela and Pastor Araldo was an answer to her prayers!
Faith flourishes through your generous giving!
Since this first meeting, Pastor Araldo and Marcela have returned to study the Bible with Mayu and her family each week.
Today, Mayu is growing in the Word, and she enthusiastically shares about the enriching radio episodes with friends. Above all, she cherishes recounting the miraculous tale of meeting Marcela, a friend she only previously knew by voice!
Jesus said, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of My hand,” (John 10:27-28).
(continued from cover)
Mayu and her family were eager to study the Word of God. Thanks to you, they can!
Will you pray for others to experience the love of Jesus like Mayu? Please pray for our gospel workers around the world as they share the soon coming of Christ.
“My heart told me someone was coming to tell me about God.” Rift
Valley, Kenya
Recently, your giving made it possible to send out gospel workers into two unreached, remote villages in the Great Rift Valley of Kenya: Olposmoru and Orderkesi.
The biggest challenges came from villagers being so spread out and literally living among wild animals. Holding evening meetings was out of the question. Walking long distances in the dark while elephants and other dangerous animals roamed was too treacherous.
Yet, through door-to-door visitation, QHM gospel workers saw incredible results. In the
end, 54 people were baptized—including an elderly, blind Maasai man named Lemashon! Praise God!
When QHM gospel workers first met Lemashon, he was sitting under a tree. He inquired about us, and we told him we were visiting people and telling them about God. “It’s you!” he exclaimed. “My heart has been telling me somebody was coming this year to tell me about God.”
Lemashon eagerly accepted the message as from the Father! For a blind Maasai elder who had never been to church in his entire life, this was a miracle! Today, he is happy in the Lord. Thank you for helping give this blind man spiritual sight!
All the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord (Numbers
RED Countries served in 2023
BLUE Countries served in past years
GRAY Countries not yet reached by QHM
The Americas
Dominican Republic
Africa and the Middle East
Asia and the South Pacific
Papua New
Europe and Russia
Confidential Countries
There are 9 additional countries we cannot mention for security purposes.
When you give to Quiet Hour Ministries, you send the hope of the gospel out into the world. As the Holy Spirit works through your gift, eyes are opened to the light of Christ—and these lives are never the same!
Please GIVE TODAY to help where it’s needed most…
■ Meet the practical needs of hurting people and communities.
■ Share the gospel worldwide with all people.
■ Build, nurture and equip churches around the world.
Randy Bates President / CEO
Mission Trips – Let’s go! QHM provides opportunities to participate in “Total Member Involvement.” Go on a mission trip or give so someone else can go. Visit qhministries.com/trips for more info.
Pathfinder Camporee – Come see our exhibit at one of the most exciting youth events in the world! The International Pathfinder Camporee is held every five years. This year, it’s in Gillette, Wyoming, August 5-11, 2024. More than 55,000 Pathfinders from 100+ countries will come to play, share, learn and worship together. (More details at camporee.org.)
New website – New features, new technology, new content…coming soon! Stay tuned for more details.
Thank you for all you do to help reach the world with the love of Jesus. With your help, we will go as far and as fast as resources allow to support our World Church.
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GIVE BY PHONE: You can also give your gift by calling (800) 900-9021. SCAN & GIVE ONLINE