the gospel in Kenya—thanks to YOU!
Lemashon, a blind Maasai elder in Kenya, was sitting under a tree when our Quiet Hour Ministries gospel workers first met him. He asked what our group was up to, and we told him we were visiting people and telling them about God.
“It’s you!” he exclaimed. “My heart has been telling me somebody was coming this year to tell me about God.”
Lemashon’s exclamations alerted the whole village and inspired many to listen to what the team had to say.
Lost souls saved through evangelists YOU send into the world!
As the gospel workers shared, Lemashon and 54 other precious souls eagerly accepted the gospel message as from God!
For a blind Maasai elder who had never been to church in his entire life, this was a miracle! Today, he is happy in the Lord. Praise God for blessing Lemashon with spiritual sight!
Read more about how God is working through your giving to draw hearts to Him.
Global evangelists are one of the most effective ways of helping lost souls to experience the love of Jesus.
When you give, you help fund global evangelists through…
■ Large-scale evangelism events.
■ Broadcasting to hundreds of remote sites.
■ Christian books and literature.
■ Bible study and discipleship.
Will you help equip our global evangelists to reach more precious souls for Jesus?
Randy Bates President / CEO
When we see world-renowned pastors and global evangelists making a big Kingdom impact—leading group after group to make a decision to become a friend of Jesus—it’s natural to feel small in comparison.
But remember, God’s work isn’t just about grand stages. He also works on the small stages—and behind the scenes, too!
As part of the Quiet Hour Ministries family, each of us has a role to play as we use the unique gifts, talents and resources He has given us.
God works wonders through regular folks who are ready to be used by Him.
So let’s embrace our gifts, give what we can and be part of something bigger than ourselves. Together, we can bring God’s love to those who need it most.
Return your gift with the enclosed reply form in the envelope provided.
GIVE BY PHONE: You can also give your gift by calling (800) 900-9021. SCAN & GIVE ONLINE GIVE ONLINE: Make an immediate impact by giving securely on our website at qhministries.org. 4 EASY WAYS YOU CAN GIVE NOW!
Through your generosity, Quiet Hour Ministries is able to fund a pastor and two Bible workers to serve near the remote communities of Macaquiño and Piracemo in Mitú, Colombia.
Your support makes so much possible! Last year in Mitú, we held 11 evangelistic series, a health fair, a Bible study with more than 70 people and houseto-house visitation, and we preached the gospel on local radio.
When new believers in places like Vaupés, Colombia, learn more about the Bible and begin to make changes in lifestyle and customs, it doesn’t go unnoticed! Family, friends and neighbors also begin to attend church, and many give their lives to Jesus!
Through your generosity, Quiet Hour Ministries is able to fund a pastor and two Bible workers to serve in the remote communities of Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Mikha had been introduced to the Seventh-day Adventist church while in prison. After he was released, he married and followed his wife’s faith but was unsettled. During an evangelism event, Mikha returned to the church and was baptized.
THANK YOU for sharing the Good News to the world!
All over the world, there is work to be done to share the gospel. Through your support, you are helping send gospel workers and global evangelists to big cities and remote villages to proclaim the truth about Jesus!
One of the biggest ministry challenges in the Rift Valley region of Kenya is transportation. Villages are spread far apart, and dangerous animals roam freely. The transportation you provide makes ministry here possible.
The activities you make possible in Kenya include preaching, house-to-house and village-to-village visitation, children’s and other group ministry, men’s seminars, health talks and more.
Because you helped bring the SDA church to the Maasai community in Kenya, at least 54 people joined the church and have been baptized (including Lemashon, whom you can read about on the cover).
Many still need to hear the gospel!