Qinyi Mao FoDR M2 Journal

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Foundations of Design : REPRESENTATION, SEM1, 2017 M2 JOURNAL - FLATNESS vs PROJECTION Qinyi Mao

(904786) Ben Water Studio 7



Question 1: What is Pictorial Space according to Le Corbusier? (Maximum 100 words) According to Le Corbusier, pictorial space is that which cannot be entered or circulated through; it is irremediably space viewed from a distance, and is therefore eternally resigned to frontality.

Question 2: The Flatness of Le Corbusier’s painting’s are attributable to two properties. What are they? And what are these pitted against?(Maximum 100 words) Firstly, the object is registered as pure extension; crisply contoured shape which never breaks rank with the picture’s frontality to suggest a turning of Firstly, the object is registered as pure extension; crisply contoured shape which never breaks rank with the picture’s frontality to suggest a turning of one of its facets into depth. Secondly, the colour and texture are handled in a manner so that distance or depth in the painting becomes no longer a matter of representing the space separating one object and another in the real world. Le Corbusier’s denial of black and the insistence of using white colour in his painting enables the chalkiness of his colour to enforce the sense of a fused and continuous surface of the paint.






his pencil draft consists of parts of from two two-dementional Mario world. Projection lines and set squares have been used to ensure the accuracy of this axonometric tansformation.




fter the discussion during the Studio, I added a few more characters into the world to form a more dynamic environment. I have also standarised the curves in the cloud and the base to achieve technical accuracy. The cloud has been recreated with decorations of a moon and stars to serve as an additional inspiration to the world. The Mario, by trying to catch the star, forms a short story to the whole composition.


WEEK 4 READING: TITLE OF READING Complete your reading before attempting these questions:

Question 1: Explain the difference between Pictoral (in this case perspectival) space and Projection? (Maximum 100 words) Projection refers to an inrrational space where the view point and vanishing point are both loacted at infinity (i.e. the absence of vanishing point), hence providing infinite extensibility in foreground and depth. Pictorial space, on the other hand, is always linked to a single point of view which relating to a converge projector. Perspective records what exists, whereas projection constructs that which does not yet exist.

Question 2: Where did Axonometric projection first arise, and why? (Maximum 100 words) Axonometric projection has its origin in military context, where it was originally used to chart the three-dimentional trajectories of artillery projectiles, and appears whenever the questions of measurablity, prediction and verifiability arises. This is because the axonometric projection, insted of mapping vision, is more concerned with construction and consistency of measurement.




n this final drawing, I incorporated colour palette from the original two-dimensional drawing to recreate the axonometric drawing. Different intensities of colours have been used to create the depth of objects. The moon, together with the left-up plain has been served as the primary light source of the world, and all shadows and highlights has been created to comply it. A new platform has been created below the cloud to give more extensity as well as better balance vertically. The texture of the green columns have been done using curve tools through anchors of uniform distance, then coloured using bucket tool and expanded. A purple background is selected to give more contrast against the white cloud towards the final presentation.





he setup for hand drawing contains: pencils, fineliners, eraser, pencil shapener, adjustable set square, A3 tracing paper and set square.


aint bucket tool has been used predominantly for colouring.


he drawing has been rotated at 45 degrees. A set square is used as a reference of the horizontal lines and the adjustable set square used as a reference for the vertical ones.


he pattern and elements created has been grouped and duplicated in the drawing.


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