Cleaning & Maintenance - June 2020

Page 13



New Master for WCEC THE chairman of a business which

Barrie Torbett as Master of the WCEC

has been re-pivoted to make

for 2020-21. There have also been

hospital gowns for the NHS during

several other new appointments

the Coronavirus pandemic has

for the year, with Barrie Torbett

been appointed as the new Master

becoming Deputy Master, Gary

of the Worshipful Company of

Fage becoming Senior Warden, Jim

Environmental Cleaners (WCEC).

Melvin installed as the new Junior

John Shonfeld founded laundry and garment manufacturing

Warden, and Past Master Philip Morrish as the new Clerk.

and rental business, Tibard Ltd,

John Shonfeld said: “Staff and

with his wife Sue in 1979, from a

colleagues at Tibard have rallied

bedroom in their family home. The

to the national cause to keep the

company now has a turnover of

NHS supplied during the pandemic.

£18.5 million annually, employs 150

In the space of just a few weeks,

people and exports to the Middle

we have found new suppliers and

East, Asia, Europe, China, the

changed our product lines and we

Mediterranean, and a fast-growing

are now working 12 hours a day to

market in the Caribbean. In the

meet demand. I am delighted and

past six weeks, Tibard has switched

honoured to become Master of

from producing chefs’ wear and

the WCEC and looking forward to

uniforms to making up to 10,000

performing the role over the next year

gowns a week - along with some

but, for the immediate future, we are

shrouds - for use by medical staff in

firmly focused on doing our bit to

the UK and South Africa.

help the fight against Coronavirus.”

John Shonfeld has replaced


CERTIFIED TO ■ EN13697 ■ EN1276 ■ EN13727

Miele appoints product category manager CLARE Humphrey has been

marketing team, joining at a really

appointed to the professional division

exciting time with a number of

of Miele as category manager where

new products on the horizon.

she will lead the new product releases

Her wealth of sales experience

Miele GB has planned this year.

makes Clare very adept at putting

In her new role, Humphrey will

the customer at the heart of our

manage product launches by

offerings when bringing new

working closely with the product

products to the GB market.”

team at Miele’s Germany HQ and


Clare Humphrey said: “What

ensuring optimum product ranging

attracted me to this position was

for the UK market, right through

the scope of the role. I’ll have full

to installation into customers’

exposure to everything regarding

premises. She will work with the

the products manufactured by

rest of the marketing team to

Miele’s professional division, from

develop the best way to promote

sales, to training, to merchandising.

new products - including washing

I’m particularly excited about

machines, tumble dryers, laboratory

getting our new products out there

glasswashers, medical and

and into the premises of customers,

dental technology, ironers, and

especially those in key sectors such

dishwashers - to target businesses in

as care that will benefit from the

sectors such as care and hospitality.

infection prevention elements of

Melissa Kershaw, senior

our products, something that is

marketing manager at Miele

crucial now more than ever.”

Professional, said: “I’m delighted


Clare is now part of the professional



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