March Newsletter | MHS Key Club | D35W

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Key Club International | Region 13 | D35W |CNH | Monrovia High School

Table of Contents 2-3

table of contents


recent events


officer positions


key club elections 3

Table of Contents 8

upcoming news




president’s note & editor’s message


closing page 3

NEW news ??!

One of our most beloved holidays, Valentine’s Day is a great time to spend with your loved ones. Especially during Covid-19, I hope you were all able to enjoy this special occasion in some way or another. Don’t wait another whole year before February 14th, 2022! Every day can be a holiday; Let your friends & family know how much you love them <3 KEY CLUB LOVES YOU TOO

~~~~~~~ 22, 23, & 24

During these three days, Monrovia Key Club partnered with Cup of Cha on Myrtle for a fundraiser. We hope you were able to attend! If not, no worries. You can always come to the next one :)


Thanks to everyone who showed up! We’d LOVE to see you guys at more key club events in the future. v

On the right: A group of students visits Cup of Cha on the 23rd for the club fundraiser. Names (left to right) > Gabe and Key club officers Rachel, Merissa, Andy, Chelsea, and Matt

Officer os tions & elec ons 1) President > the club’s chief executive officer. They are responsible for setting and monitoring the goals of the club, running club meetings, appointing committee chairs and delegating tasks as necessary as well as recruiting, training and retaining members and maintaining regular communication with the lieutenant governor of his or her division. The president is also the face of the club, so it is encouraged that they attend divisional council meetings (DCMs), maintain enthusiasm, and plan service projects.

2) Vice President > The vice president serves the president, other club officers, committees and the general membership. They are expected to learn the duties of the president in order to fill in or take over as necessary. They are also advised to attend divisional council meetings (DCMs) and advertise the club around their school and community.

3) Secretary > An excellent secretary is essential to the proper functioning of any Key Club. The secretary is responsible for taking minutes, keeping records and maintaining all important files for the club. Submitting pride reports and filling out the Officer Information Form (OIF) are other major responsibilities of the club secretary who is often referred to as the unsung hero on the club.

4) Treasurer > The club treasurer controls the club’s money, both its collection and disbursement. They will also work hand-in-hand with the club secretary to keep track of which members paid dues. In addition, they will also prepare and monitor the budget and maintain accurate financial records.

5) Webmaster > The webmaster is responsible for the operations of your Key Club’s website. The webmaster ensures that the information for service events and projects are up to date on the website. If they choose to, the webmaster can also maintain a calendar of events, publicize meetings, provide access to important forms and share information from the district board with club members.

6) Historian/Editor > The editor is the advertiser, and the communicator of the club. The club editor is responsible for keeping members informed about important activities, opportunities, and deadlines at the club both on district and international level. The may advertise either through printed flyers, emails, or social media. They attend most club events to document the year and are also encouraged to create newsletters for the club. (THIS IS MY JOB LOL)

It’s that time of year again!! Key club elections are coming up soon. That means any member can run for an officer position on the board. If you’re interested in becoming more involved in the key club community, then maybe one of these jobs are for you. In case you don’t know much about positions, here’s a little guide :

Feel free to join a general meeting sometime if you have any concerns. Your questions are always welcome. Our current officer board will be interviewing for the 2021-22’ board soon so stay tuned. We don’t have a set date yet


Officer os tions & elec ons Still have questions?? Contact one of our current key club officers. I’ve listed all of their school emails below.

1) President: Matthew Hui <> 2) Vice President: Andrew Smithwick <> Katherine Regencia <> 3) Secretary: Chelsea Wong <> 4) Treasurer: Natalie Nash <> 5) Webmaster: Merissa Kang <> 6) Historian/Webmaster: Rachel LeMay <>


Upcoming News ~ I know I sound like a broken record, but don’t forget to join our general meetings. Your attendance is vv important to us :)

February Edition 2021

We hold them every Thursday during lunchtime from 11:30-11:45 am. Here’s the zoom link below if you’re interested: GENERAL MEETING ZOOM ALSO, if you wanted to make my life any easier you could always join our Monrovia Key Club google classroom anytime you’d like! You can find all of our club information there including our linktree and discord links. We post regularly to remind members about upcoming news! Here’s the invite link: GOOGLE CLASSROOM Or - class code:





In case you haven’t heard already, February also happens to be Black History Month.

One of the biggest tools we have in the world is the power of human connection. That's why awareness months, weeks, and days are so important: They rally us together to spread awareness and show support for one another. This month is an opportunity to understand Black History, but also an opportunity to celebrate Black achievement, both past and present. If you’d ever like to learn more about important black figures in history, here’s a great article to read any time of the year, not just during February ;) HISTORICAL FIGURES ARTICLE

Let’s remember to celebrate and uplift one another. Key Club is about kindness! After all, our motto is

“Caring - Our way of Life.”

March Awareness months include: - Irish-American Heritage Month - Women’s History Month


President’s Note Hello everyone! This is your Key Club president, Matt! Wow I cannot believe it has already been two months into the new semester so realistically there is not much time till graduation...which is just crazy. I hope y’all have been doing well, hope your semester has been going well. With the APs and other standardized testing coming around the corner, I know it can be stressful but you’ll push on through and get through this! This month has been slow but also amazing for Key Club. We had our first fundraiser of the term at Cup of Cha and I’m thankful for everyone who bought a drink to support our club, it really helps. In addition, we have another joint service/social event with another Key Club and that is Mountain View High’s Key Club! It would be great to see your smiling faces on the zoom call while we watch a movie and make paper hearts. Overall, it has been great seeing you guys around and if you need anything, feel free to let me know. Thank you, Matt Hui


Editor’s Message Hi Seals! It’s Rachel, your Monrovia Key Club Historian. I hope all of you have been having a great 2021 so far. It’s still so weird saying that. If we were in regular school, I just know I would be writing the wrong date in the corner of my papers ;/ I really hope you all enjoyed this month’s newsletter. I know it’s coming a little later this time around but I made sure to work extra special, cherries-on-top hard on it. I’m so grateful to every single one of our key club members for continuing to stay involved and show their support for our key club. I know everybody has their own problems and things going on in their personal life, but it really makes my day seeing all those participants in our zoom calls. Keep up the great work and I hope to see you all soon <33 I’ll be on time for our newsletter next month haha. PINKY PROMISE! Much love, Rachel LeMay


~ Closing Info ~ @monrov a e clu Make sure to follow our school club account on Instagram for updates on future events and much more info on what’s new with Key Club !

Thanks for tuning in


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