Ayla is a boutique beauty store driven by thoughtfulness, relationships, sustainability, and passion BY NEHA SURADKAR PHOTO CREDIT JUSTI N BUELL
y la is a b ou tique b eau t y store hidden in S an Franc isc o that thri ve s on clean b eau t y and e xc eptional ser v ic e. F ounde d b y Dara K enne d y, Ay la pride s on b e ing run b y an all-women team, bringing di fferent p er sp e c ti ve s and intere st s to the table.
Kennedy grew up in an ethnically homogeneous small town in New Hampshire. As a biracial kid, not fitting neatly into a box made her free to define herself in her own terms, focusing less on what she is and more on what she could be. Kennedy worked at Goodby, Silverstein and Par tners in the early 2000s, with Elizabeth Arden as one of the clients. Then, with her passion for beauty and skincare, she moved to New York to develop a skincare product and new brands for them.