Singidi Magazine 2012

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SINGIDI (Rainbow)

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When we decided to bring out a souvenir on behalf of our PTA (Philadelphia Telangana Association) we were wondering what would be the best suited name for it - a name that would not only represent our language, culture and spirit of Telangana but also tell the world for the first time, who we are. We found a perfect match in the word ‘Singidi’ which means rainbow in our own sweet Telangana language. Thanks to the Telangana statehood movement - one of its greatest contributions is to unearth rare gems of our culture and our very own language which were buried under the hegemony of the ‘Andhra’ language. We are now in a position to assert affirmatively that our Telangana language is the actual Telugu, unadulterated and pure in both form and content. ‘Singidi’ is one such word the movement gave to us as an invaluable gift. It not only represents the Telangana identity, but also represents the unity of our Telangana people, who like different colors merge into the wonder called rainbow. The wonder of unity, the wonder of preserving diversity and identity in unity - that is the wonder of Telangana. If one travels the 9 districts of Telangana one can easily see the amazing rainbow of culture and history of our people, so unique and beautiful. We believe PTA is also like a rainbow emerging on the horizon of NRI Telanganites. A rainbow of colors of Telangana NRIs living in and around Philadelphia! We are all different, unique - yet so much identified with Telangana. We form a new rainbow on the blue skies of Philadelphia where the wind and rain from our land of Telangana is touching our heart and souls every moment. The Telangana statehood movement has brought us even closer and has nurtured this thought of identity and unity deep into us. We believe that this occasion gives us an opportunity to dedicate to the cause once again and affirm our determination to achieve the best for our mother Telangana back home. We aspire for not only a separate state but a better, developed and poverty free state of Telangana. We sincerely hope that through this souvenir ‘Singidi’, we will be able to present the colors of our dream - our dream for a democratic Telangana state flourishing with the aspirations of the people freed from the shackles of oppression! Jai Telangana!

Address :

Mujeebur Rehman Ravi Mayreddy Philadelphia Telangana Association

Jai Jai Telangana!!

- Editorial Board

Mujeebur Rehman Ravi Mayreddy (Philadelphia Telangana Association)

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Singidi Magazine 2012 by Ravi Mayreddy - Issuu