1 minute read
from Things That Are Lost
by rca-issuu
“[...] We stayed with her [aunt], and she asked us so badly to stay with her. But we didn’t want to, because they didn’t work in any... any... we called it “Shop”. They didn’t work in any shop or camp, and they were hiding. She took us to see their bunker. They stored water, food, “you could stay here with us, you don’t have to go to work”
Interviewer: Where was that bunker?
Ada: You mean the location? the street?
Interviewer: How was it?
Ada: oh, it was well-organized. It was in the... in the room, there were some floors you could move. Underneath those was a wooden board, and a ladder you could get down with. They had this pipe where air could come in. The bunker was for a few families. I mean, there was one engineer who planned it, he was a distant cousin, and they were sure this bunker would get them through the war. [...]”
ראשיהל ולכות״ ,לכוא ״דובעל
?הזה רקנובה היה הפיא :תנייארמ ?תובוחר הזיא ?םקוממ םוקמ הזיאב :הדע
?רדוסמ היה אוה ךיא :תנייארמ
ויה ,רדחה ךותב ...ה ךותב היה אוה .רדוסמ היה אוה ךיא ,הא :הדע םלוסו ,שרק היה תוטלבל תחתמ .ןתוא זיזהל היה רשפאש תוטלב ריוואו אצוי היהש רוניצ והשזיא המש היהו .המש תדרל היה רשפאו דחא המש היה תרמוא תאז ,תוחפשמ המכל היה הז .רוניצב סנכנ היה ךותבש םיחוטב ויהו ,קחורמ דוד ןב היהש ,הז תא ןנכת אוהש סדנהמ ״]...[ .המחלמה תא רובעל ולכוי םה הזה רקנובה
*shop Többens and Schultz was a Nazi German textile manufacturing conglomerate making German uniforms, socks and garments in the Warsaw Ghetto
פוש* ויה ץלושו סנבט הוורפ ילעפמ תולעבב ליטסקטו וטגב ולעפש תינמרג רוציי תבוטל ,השרו אבצה רובע םירצומ .ינמרגה

12070 Interview Code Hebrew Language
1996 Year Ganei Yehuda, Israel Location
USC Shoah Foundation Visual History Archive