1 minute read
Shlomo Sekrowitz
from Things That Are Lost
by rca-issuu


“[...] How was the bunker? Where we lived inside the basement, in Poland... What do you call it? Shelters, small shelters. So they made a hole and placed a ladder, and that’s how we descended. And then when there were Aktions, everyone would descend. There could be 40-50 people inside it. There were many rooms there. We descended into this shelter, into the bunker, and they closed the cover, and on the cover, they placed a bed so it wouldn’t be visible. And we were there. From time to time, they would send a child to see if it was quiet or not. If it was quiet, they would come back [...]”
“[...] We descended into our bunker. There was a bunker in Rabindzeglasa, there were four rooms. One was for the restroom, one for food, and in one room, we slept. It was a large room. But we heard gunfire. We even heard cannons, missiles [...]”
,יתרפיס רודזורפה ךותב ונרג ונחנאש הפיא ?רקנובה היה ךיא ]...[״ זא .םינטק םיטלקמ ,םיטלקמ ?הזל םיארוק ךיא ..ויה הינלופב ,הטמל
ונדרי תויצקא היהשכ ךכ רחאו .ונדרי הככו ,םלוס ומשו רוח הזכ ושע .םש םירדח הברה ויה .הז ךותב שיא 40-50 תויהל םילוכי ויה .םלוכ לעו ,הסכמה תא הרזח ומשו ,רקנובה ךותל ,הזה טלקמה ךותל ונדרי םעפמ .םש ונייה ונחנאו .םיאור ויה אלש הככ הטימ ומש הסכמה ויה ,טקש היה .אל וא טקש שי םא תוארל דלי הזיא םיחלוש ויה םעפל ״]...[ הרזח םירזוח
העברא ויה ,הסלגאזניבארב רקנוב היה .ונלש
Taken from the article "Hell has Come to Earth" by Havi Dreifuss • Diary translated from Polish by Jerzy Michalowicz Ghetto Fighters House, Berman Archives