2 minute read
Roma B.
from Things That Are Lost
by rca-issuu
“[...] we started preparing ourselves, to hide. We started building a bunker. And the house where my uncle and aunt were living was a huge house... Our was build under the yard, but the entrance was, you had to lift the first step of the stairs, it was very difficult, because actually when you walk into a house you stand on the first step, so we hoped that this will be a really good camouflage. We build it... I didn’t really, but people build it for 70 people. And they had bunks, and they had everything prepared. Food and water, and they took care of everything, medicine, and one of them was a doctor, one was a nurse. They really took care we prepared to stay god knows how long. Francicsanka was at that time, this part of the streets was in the ghetto, and the wall was at the middle of the streets. We were sitting always on the roof, in shifts watching the movements of the Germans outside of ghetto. And then, the bunker was all ready, and the table was all late at the 18th of April, for Seder, when we got word? That the Germans are moving into the ghetto. So we left everything as it was and we went down into the bunker. There were several young people who left the bunker and joined underground. And the ghetto was all burning above us, there was no air, as much as we provided for all kinds of air passages but it was full of smoke and dust, and you couldn’t breathe. So, at night we used to go out. Because at night the Germans were afraid of coming to the ghetto. So, we were working out at night, to breathe that air, but it was better than in the bunker. And it was terribly frustrating because you could not do anything… and you heard shootings and screamings and you didn’t know what was going on [...]”
Stable Diffusion, Prompt: "A huge house in Warsaw 1943, the first step of the stairs lifts up to reveal a bunker for 70 people, with bunks, food, water and medicines"

Stable Diffusion, Prompt: "70 people are hiding inside a dark underground bunker in Warsaw in 1943, full with wood bunk beds, food, medicines and water"

Dall-E, Prompt (using ChatGPT): Create an illustration showing a hidden entrance in Warsaw in 1943: Entrance by lifting the first step of the stairs in a big, typical house. Visualize this hidden entryway with creative details, emphasizing the element of camouflage and intrigue

Dall-E, Prompt (using ChatGPT): "Create an illustration showing a hidden entrance to a bunker in Warsaw in 1943: Show people entering a bunker by lifting the first step of the stairs in a big house. Visualize this hidden entryway with creative details, emphasizing the element of camouflage and intrigue."

Hebrew Language
Israel Location Yad Vashem Archives