1 minute read
Renia Britstone
from Things That Are Lost
by rca-issuu
“[…] some people had bunkers, and we went to the… after those people. We saw them go up the stairs and we went after them, and they went to the last level it think was the seventh floor and then we saw them go into an apartment and we went after them… and then they went to the kitchen, and the kitchen had a stove from… a… glue, from glue, how you call it? You know, those stoves from glue. And they open the stove and they climbed in, and we climbed after them. And then there was a small opening with a ladder, and they walked up and we walked after them, and then they came through another stove, through… and it was an attic… which was a bunker, and they were already maybe 70 people in this bunker [end of tape].
[new tape] Yeah, so… we went through that oven, and we came into an attic. And in that attic were already about 70 people, women, men, a few children - not many because there weren’t too many children were left in Warsaw by that time... And those people prepared themselves for the bunker, there was not canalization, just pails, a few pails with cold water, there was a few sacks with bread, dried like toasted, you know?. And… they were very surprised how we got there, but didn’t say anything, they received us. And there was a few straw sacks, like from straw mattresses. And quietly we… sat down with the rest of the people, and the people downstairs were lined up and they were evacuated. And Warsaw was supposed to be from that day clean from Jews.”
And they open the stove and they climbed in, and we climbed after them. And then there was a small opening with a ladder, and they walked up and we walked after them, and then they came through another stove, through… and it was an attic… which was a bunker, and they were already maybe 70 people in this bunker.