1 minute read
Blake Schiff
from Things That Are Lost
by rca-issuu
Interviewer: “We are getting close to the point of April 19th, 1943”
Blake: “Correct. At that time, we had a group of us, ZOB, was in the Jewish hospital, of course. And we have prepared through help and through really inventiveness of Mr Gurewicz, whom I mentioned beforethe chocolate maker- whose daughter worked with us and whom we took to the hospital too, and her parents because she worked in the pharmacy. So we prepared a rather large and elaborate place where, I would say, 300 people were hidden. That place was quite elaborate because we had underground tunnels from there to [Polish street name] 22. We had underground tunnels through the whole– up to the place in the other side of the Warsaw, once upon a time, ghetto was there, where was the building, once upon a time, of my gymnasium. And the tunnels connected with the sewage– quite elaborate. We had a storage there, a big amount of food, and this was the situation with the hiding place.
And we had that hiding place on the– and just when they started– the ghetto–we started shooting one way or another, went back to the hiding place, and most of the sick ones in the hospital, still in the hospital, the ones we couldn’t save, the ones we couldn’t take with us, we gave them injections for cyanide. This was the beginning. And then, we wanted to fight. [...]”
So we prepared a rather large and elaborate place where, I would say, 300 people were hidden. That place was quite elaborate because we had underground tunnels from there
Stable Diffusion, Prompt: "the Jewish uprising in 1943 in Warsaw Ghetto"