1 minute read
Erna Rosenthal
from Things That Are Lost
by rca-issuu
“[...] And we had, where I used to live in (Świętojerska), we prepared before, we started preparing the bunkers. And we had bunkers prepared. And that was a few months before the uprising, the Jewish uprising that was on the 19th of April. That what I’m talking about happened in January. But the bunkers have been prepared. And where I used to live the bunkers were prepared with food, and the bunker, one of the bunkers was made under the ruins of a bombed house. It was, I think, Świętojerska 36. But I don’t know don’t remember exactly if it was 36 or 34… I think I used to live in 38 and this bombed house was 36, and under this bombed house was prepared a bunker.
Interviewer: Who prepared the bunker?
Erna: Ummm... there were who... There were people from those houses, and there was this underground was already working, and this Jewish organization and they were collecting at that time they were already buying and collecting (??) and they were collecting money, and they had some… but they didn’t talk, you know, open about it [...]”
“[...] This bunker, which we prepared, was prepared for about 80 people, with food and there was always also a kind of entrance to the Aryen side. But when they started to burn the houses, you know, people were in different - sometimes they were hidden in the houses and the houses started to burn, they had to go away. Anyway, to our bunker instead of 80 people were 180 people. We were going out at night, to, you know, bringing some food. There was some food but we had to divide the food for so many people [...]”