2 minute read
Lion Kopelman
from Things That Are Lost
by rca-issuu


“[...] Long before any of us understand what was going on, we had another hiding we prepared in advance. The hiding was in the apartment where I lived back then. We sealed one room by building a wall. Against that wall was an oven, a baking oven. Through the opening of that oven, we could get into the hidden room. Behind that oven was a sort of tin, that we were threading and closing so no one will notice us.
Interviewer: Who’s “we”?
Li’on: Myself and another group, number of men, people. We heard the shooting and we had this crack where we could look outside to see what was happening - we saw the German soldiers, and the fire shooting from both sides. We decided we ain’t going to be burned alive in this place. We got out of there. Whoever had the means, any means, to stand against the Germans or harm them in any way, everyone was trying. [...]”
דועבמ ונכהש רחא אובחמ ונל היה ,הרוק המ ונבהש ינפל דוע ]...[״
ידי לע דחא רדח ונמטא .יתרג הב הרידה ךותב היהש אובחמ .דעומ
לש חתפה דעבמו .הייפא רונת ,רונת דמע הזה ריקה ינפלש ריק תיינב ןיעמ היה רונתה ירוחאמו ,אוהה רדחל רודחל היה רשפא הייפאה רונת
.הארינ אלש ידכ םירגוסו םיליחשמ רוחאמ ונייהש הזכ חפ
?ונייה הז ימ :תנייארמ
תויריה ונעמש רשאכ .םישנא ,םירוחב רפסמ ,הצובק דועו ינא :ןואיל
וניאר - ץוחב השענ המ תוארלו ץיצהל ליבשב הזכ ץירח םש ונל היהו
ונטלחה .םינוויכה ינשב םירויש שאה תא וניאר ,םינמרגה םילייחה תא
ודיב היהש
Long before any of us understand what was going on, we had another hiding we prepared in advance. The hiding was in the apartment where I lived back then. We sealed one room by building a wall. Against that wall was an oven, a baking oven. Through the opening of that oven, we could get into the hidden room. Behind that oven was a sort of tin, that we were threading and closing so no one will notice us.
דעבמו .הייפא רונת ,רונת דמע רשפא הייפאה רונת לש חתפה
ירוחאמו ,אוהה רדחל רודחל היה
ונייהש הזכ חפ ןיעמ היה רונתה ידכ םירגוסו םיליחשמ רוחאמ .הארינ אלש

Stable Diffusion, Prompt:
"An old kitchen with brick walls in Warsaw ghetto, 1943, with a big cooking stove. The cooking stove opens up to a door"

Stable Diffusion, Prompt: "An old kitchen with brick walls in Warsaw ghetto, 1943, with a big cooking stove. A man squeezed inside the stove and moves to a hidden room behind wall"

Stable Diffusion, Prompt: "A few man hiding in a small room behind a brick wall in the kitchen of a 1943 apartment in Warsaw. Against the wall there’s an old (stove):1.1"
Stable Diffusion, Prompt: "A photograph of a kid hiding in a dark small room behind a brick wall leaning against a cooking stove in an old apartment in Warsaw, 1943"

4528162 Interview Code Hebrew Language
1999 Year New Haven, Conn., USA Location
Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies