The Raleigh Court Herald - July 2019

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Volume 45

July 2019

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL July 15 – 18, 2019 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM The Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church Time Machine awaits us! Join the adventure and travel back in time to learn about Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Paul. Let’s walk with them on their journeys! What did they see? How did they live? What mattered most to them? We will learn about the lands where they traveled. What were those places like then? And what is modern day Turkey, Egypt, Israel, and Italy like today? Rising Pre-K to Rising 5th graders are invited on this adventure back in time! Register today at Come explore the stories of the Bible and the gifts found in God’s hands around the world!

Our “Year of the Bible” has been such an amazing spiritual and educational venture! Our small groups are continuing their studies of the Year of the Bible through the summer! These small groups will reflect on the previous Sunday’s sermon and explore the scripture for the following Sunday.

DAYS AND TIMES OF SUMMER SMALL GROUPS •Sunday, 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM, led by Leigh Sackett – We will focus on the previous Sunday’s sermon and the upcoming scripture in that morning’s 10:00 AM service. Meeting in Room 101. •Monday, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM, led by Andrew Whaley - We will focus on the sermon from the day before and the coming Sunday’s scripture. We will meet in Room 101. •Wednesday, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM, led by Leigh Sackett – We will focus on the past Sunday’s sermon and the coming Sunday’s scripture. These two established small groups will continue to meet: •Wednesday 8:30 PM, women’s small group led and hosted by Jennifer Bryant and Anne Moore. •Friday 10:00 AM small group led by Jeanne Fishwick.

Number 7

SAVE THE DATE HUNGER MISSION FRISBEE TOURNAMENT FUNDRAISER Saturday, August 10, 2019 At the Travers’ home 3033 Dover Dr, SW, Roanoke More details to come! Check Sunday bulletins, This Week at RCPC, and social media for registration information

Summer is just around the corner and that means our programs at the church shift. This includes a break for our sanctuary choir. For the months of June and July, we are going to have church instrumentalists play and share their gifts in worship. We’ll also have some vocal solos and quartets. The music will be beautiful and will inspire our hearts to the Word. The month of August, then, is the “Y’all Come” choir. This year we’re going to sing all the Sundays in August. If you’ve ever wanted to try the choir but didn’t have the time to make the weekly commitment during the year, this is the perfect opportunity. This year there will be one rehearsal on July 24 from 7:30 to 9:30 PM. In this rehearsal we will learn all four anthems. If you’re only available to sing one or two of the four Sundays, I’d encourage you to come to the rehearsal. You’ll have a good time and you’ll learn some new music. Who knows, perhaps you’ll want to stay in the choir…..permanently. The call time on Sunday during August is 9:15. We warm up our voices, we review the anthem, and then sing at the 10:00 AM service. If you’re interested, please feel free to email me at or to call me at the church. 540-343-5541 ext. 105. We hope to see you this summer as we sing to the Lord!

1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7.

8. 10. 11. 13. 15. 17.

Lizzie Kessler Steve Nash June Wilhelm Isabella Danyi Debbie Nash Thomas Hahn Marty Hodges Chris Bryant Lonnie Phillips Jr. Bonnie Cooper Suzanne Ives Dave Owen-O’Quill Betty Stanley Patrick Stanley Anita Naff Allen Hutchinson Tom Mitchell Courtney Ralston Anne Newman Nick A. Brash Johnsey Cabaniss Jr. Sam Bullington Ashley Moorman

18. Becky Carter Susan Hurd Martha A. McMahon Janis Wertz 20. Cassy Ammen 21. Frankie Doyle 22. Elizabeth Matthews Jones 23. Tim R. Ritz 24. Sebastian Danyi Cora Goad 25. David Moorman 26. Kurt Guelzow Mary Huff MacGibbon Carol Webster 27. Eric Clifton Rachel Erb 28. Elizabeth Martin 29. Lily Ward 30. Paula Derbyshire Betsy Keister 31. Finley Biddle Jack Fishwick Amy Ralston

In preparation for the next school year, Building Manager Linda Marshall is collecting tennis balls to place on the bottoms of all of the preschool chairs. A collection box is in the Gathering Area. Questions? Please contact Linda at

PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN Did you know that Presbyterian Women take a break during the summer? We will not meet in June, July or August, but will meet again on September 9, the 2nd Tuesday of the month. We will continue our study of “God’s Promise: I will be with you.” You can join us any time for our study as each lesson will stand alone as we study the ways that God is always there for and with us. So as we break for the summer, we can all be assured that God will be with us during this time too! And we hope you will be with us in the fall! We will be preparing for our Presbytery Annual Fall Gathering and want to invite all women of the church to join us for this time of renewal. The Annual Gathering will be on Saturday,

Special Anniversary Wishes to Jeff & Katie Highfill. celebrating their 45th wedding anniversary on July 13th. Augusta Vance & Mark Schleupner celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary on July 24th. Lee & Leigh-Anne Williams celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary on July 29th.

The American Red Cross will be in the RCPC Fellowship Hall for our Summer Blood Drive on Tuesday July 30, 2019 from 1:00pm – 5:30pm. Schedule an appointment now by going to or use the sign-up sheet available in the gathering area starting early July. If you cannot sign up, WALK-INS ARE MOST WELCOME!! Bring a friend! If you have questions contact Lillian Alexander at or 540-343-0705. RCPC’s final Blood Drive for 2019 is scheduled for October 15 so mark your calendars now! Thank you for your continued support! The Pump-a-Pint Mission Group

First Annual Day of Service on Saturday, August 24, 2019. Volunteers from churches in the Grandin Road are will lend a helping hand through various community service projects. Participating churches include: Christ Lutheran Church, Heights Community Church, Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church, Raleigh Court United Methodist Church, and St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church.


9 5:00 PM—RCPC Historical Committee 8:!5 PM—Softball Game at Moyer #1


10 7:00 AM—Worship with Communion 8:00 AM—Fellowship Time

WEDNESDAY 3 7:00 AM—Worship with Communion 8:00 AM—Fellowship Time

11 10:30 AM—Centering Prayer 5:!5 PM—Worship and Music Meeting 8:00 PM—Softball Game at Moyer #2


12 1:00 PM—PW Financial Meeting 5:30 PM—Second Friday Singles Supper

THURSDAY 4 CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED 5 10:30 AM—Centering Prayer 11:00 AM—RC Rehab - Glad Tidings

—————————————–——--———RCPC Preschool Summer Camp 9:00 AM—1:00 PM “Hooray For Holidays”—————————————-—–———–—

8 10:00 AM—Monday Morning Prayer Group 5:30 PM—Administration Meeting 7:00 PM—Deacons

MONDAY 1 10:00 AM—Monday Morning Prayer Group

16 5:30 PM—Endowment Board

17 7:00 AM—Worship with Communion 8:00 AM—Fellowship Time

18 10:30 AM—Centering Prayer

29 10:00 AM—Monday Morning Prayer Group

28 TWO-CENTS-A MEAL 10:00 AM—Worship in Sanctuary

10:30 AM 7:00 PM 10:30 AM 3:00 PM

30 1:00 PM—Blood Drive


Monday Monday Tuesday Tuesday

22 10:00 AM—Monday Morning Prayer Group 7:00 PM—Session

New Day AA Meeting Boy Scouts Troop 2 AA Primary Purpose Tai Chi

Thursday Thursday Friday

10:30 AM 5:45 PM 11:45 AM



AA Primary Purpose Tai Chi Al-Anon

25 10:30 AM—Centering Prayer


31 7:00 AM—Worship with Communion 8:00 AM—Fellowship Time

24 7:00 AM—Worship with Communion 8:00 AM—Fellowship Time 9:30 AM—God Alive Garden 7:30 PM—Y’all Come Choir Rehearsal

———————————————-Vacation Bible School, 9:00 AM—12:30 PM————–————-——————

15 10:00 AM—Monday Morning Prayer Group 5:30 PM—Stewardship and Finance

21 10:00 AM—Worship in Sanctuary 12:30 PM—Youth Committee and Children’s Ministry Meeting and Lunch

14 10:00 AM—Worship in Sanctuary 5:00 PM-7:00 PM—Youth Choir Pool Party

———————————————————————————————–---Middle School Mission Trip to Charlotte——————————————————————————————--————--

7 COMMUNION SUNDAY 10:00 AM—Worship in Sanctuary





13 6:30 PM—God Alive Leaders and Children’s Sunday School Dinner at Leigh Sackett’s House


Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church 1837 Grandin Road SW Roanoke VA 24015 Change service requested.



The Raleigh Court Herald is a monthly publication of Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church 1837 Grandin Rd. Roanoke VA 24015 540 343-5541 ~ 540 345-8359 FAX The Rev. Andrew C. Whaley The Rev. Matthew W. Aldas Leigh Sackett Mitchell Weisiger Abbi French Betsy Prillaman

Pastor and Head of Staff Associate Pastor for Youth Director of Christian Education Director of Music Ministries and Organist Director of Children’s Music Preschool Director

Worship Services 10:00 AM No Sunday School At 10:00 AM worship after Children’s Time, children age four through grade two may leave for Children’s Worship, an age-appropriate service. Immediately following the service, parents may call for their children downstairs in Room 11. Communion is served on the first Sunday of each month. Morning prayer with communion each Wednesday morning at 7 am. Submit articles for The Herald by the third Wednesday of the month for publication for the following month.

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