Energy and Sustainability Africa - May 2024

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MAY, 2024
SUSTAINABILITY AFRICA The Energy and Sustainability Africa (previously known as the RDJ Briefing) and it's analysis is written and authored through collaboration with RDJ Consulting Services CC based in Windhoek, Namibia ISSN 2026-9099 FREECOPY SCAN & SHARE A COPY
Analysis ENERGY &

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RDJ Consulting Services CC is an advisory consultancy to the Energy, Water and Transport Sectors with a focus on sustainable operations and renewable energy



Welcome to another edition of Energy and Sustainability Africa researched and as you know,producedinNamibia!

It is well known that transport infrastructure and services are crucial for economic growth, social development, and regional integration inAfrica However,thecontinentcontinuesto face numerous challenges in developing and maintaining an efficient and sustainable transport system The challenges are multifaceted and encompass major issues related to infrastructure, finance, policy, and environmental sustainability which hampers connectivity within countries and across the continent, affecting trade, mobility, and accesstoservices

Progress is being made across the continent withGhana’saviationsectorcommissioninga new Airport Terminal and the President of Egypt(PresidentAbdelFattahEl-Sisi)checking uponportdevelopmentsthatthePresidency notes “[the ports play a] vital role in all sectors of the state, as well as their role in reinforcing Egypt’s status as a regional and global hub for maritime transport, logistics and transit trade”.

As a result, this month’s edition is dedicated to the sector and looks at addressing these challenges such as through investment in infrastructure, policy reform, improved governance,andtheadoptionofsustainable

practices in Africa. Enhancing transport systemssuchaswithe-mobility,willnotonly drive economic growth but also improve the qualityoflifeformillionsofpeopleacrossthe continent

Hope you find this edition of Energy and Sustainability Africa informative as we encourage you to follow us and engage with usonalloursocialmediaaccounts.Asalways, the conversation continues at


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NOTE2: EnergyandSustainabilityAfrica is published monthly and is FREE to Readers The magazine is paid for by advertising and the research support from RDJ Consulting ServicesCC,Windhoek,Namibia.

Authors RDJResearchers

This report is a FREE Publication written and authored through collaboration with RDJ Consulting Services CC based in Windhoek, Namibia The content is collected from publicly available information and so its accuracy cannot be guaranteed.


Transport: Africa’s Informal Sector - A Missed Economic Opportunity?

wwwrdjpublishingafrica 5 MAY, 2024
Courtesy: ssti us and cms uitp org

Informal transport is a ‘global phenomenon’ which plays a major role in the mobility of millions of city inhabitants, particularly in the “Global South” Also

known as paratransit, informal transportation refers to non-regulated, often unlicensed modes of transport that operate outside the formal public transportation systems and include minibuses, shared taxis, motorcycle taxis, and rickshaws The type of vehicle often depends on the geographical and economic context of the area.

For several years, this sector has faced numerous threats of being banned in many countries due to their nature of operating However, their origin emerged because of the lack of transportation systems provided by state organizations The United Nations has revealed that lowincome earners spend more than a fifth of their income on public transport alone.

This therefore pushes low-income earners to grow more dependent on informal means of transportation on a daily basis A similar case has happened in Nairobi, where the ban of Matatus (a popular fleet of privately owned minibuses in Kenya used as shared taxis) only lasted for a day due to commuter chaos that led to immense public outcry for cancellation of the ban in 2018.

Informal transportation has become the main mode of motorized transport in many African cities and holds an important role around the world According to the United Nations, more than 3 2 million people travel in Africa every year! However, it is also true that formal means of transportation are limited to those that can afford it, while leaving behind those that cannot. Consequently, this hinders their access to basic services and markets, promotes marginalization and can deepen social inequities in a country

Today, only 49.5% of urban residents worldwide have convenient access to public transport. With a striking high number of commuters, the informal transport sector plays a significant role in ensuring that people, especially those with low incomes, also afford transportation as needed

The challenge with informal transport is that there are many different providers, and the authorities are not aware of them all. As a result, the sector continuously faces threats from authorities. Safety and reliability is another challenge faced by this sector due to the lack of regulatory oversight; therefore, it tends to accumulate old and poorly maintained vehicles which pose risk to people’s health The mushrooming of informal transportation in densely populated areas also contributes to traffic congestion, making traffic flows more complex and unsafe.

While informal transportation presents safety concerns and issues with service reliability of paratransits brought by the lack of regulation, the same continues to show great socio-economic potential for both the developing and developed world’s transport ecosystem. In developing countries, informal transportation has managed to bridge the affordability gap, making it possible for low-income communities to remain functional and productive at their levels

Despite its informal status, this sector holds significant economic potential due to its flexibility in routes, schedules, and operations, catering to the transportation needs of areas that formal public transit does not adequately cover Let us have a look at the sector’s economic values

Socio-economic Value(s) of Informal Transportaition

In Kenya, the matatu industry has grown into a behemoth, generating revenues of, according to some estimates, $2 billion annually and employing over 350,000 Kenyans Despite Matatus being an informal means of transport which due to its unstable operations, has made Nairobi residents develop a love-hate relationship with its industry overtime, Kenda Mutongi (the author of the book Matatu: A History of Popular Transportation in Nairobi) identifies it as, “the only major business in Kenya that has continued to be almost entirely locally owned and controlled ”

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MotorbiketaxisinKampala,Courtesy: iStock

It is therefore not strange that for example in Kayseri (Turkey), the informal transport industry represents 60% of the overall country’s transport supply, while in many African cities this rises up to 90%. Here are a few socioeconomic benefits that this industry holds.

Mobility Solutions, Affordability and Access

The sector supports economic activities by providing fast and affordable transport options, making them accessible to those that cannot afford formal means of transportation. By doing so, they often fill the gap in areas underserved by formal transit systems, especially in developing countries


The informal transport sector provides significant employment opportunities, especially in developing economies. It offers a livelihood for drivers and operators who might otherwise have limited employment options.

Support for Informal Economies

Informal transport supports the broader informal economy by facilitating the movement of informal sector workers and goods. For example, in Bangladesh, cycle rickshaws and "baby taxis" (three-wheelers) are essential for

transport would lead to many people becoming immobile andlesseconomicallyproductive.

In the long-term, informal transport will continue to be part of the mobility landscape. To ensure the sector comes out stronger and more resilient, it is key to reflect on a transformation This could mean the coexistence of regulated and informal transport in one efficient mobility system In Latin America and Eastern Europe, informal transport already coexists with formal modes, in subSaharanAfrica,itmaybetheonlymode

Meanwhile in developed regions, informal transportation finds a niche In Latin America for example, "colectivos" or shared taxis are common, while in parts of Europe and North America, ride-sharing and carpooling services sometimes operate in a gray area between formal and informal transport By Properly harnessing the strengths of informal transportation while addressing its weaknesses, more efficient and inclusive urban mobility solutions will certainly arise worldwide. What is your take onthismatter?Talktousat


https://transformative-mobility org/improving-informal- 7 MAY, 2024
Informal transport across Africa Courtesy: transportafrica org

Diamonds are Forever: NDTC Makes its People Shine.

On Tuesday, 23 April 2024, the Namibia Diamond Trading Company (NDTC) hosted an official business performance briefing for its 2023

financial year at The Weinberg Hotel in Windhoek The Chief Executive Officer of NDTC, Mr Brent Eiseb, updated the media on the company's performance

I am pleased to share with you that NDTC has sorted, valued, and marketed in excess of 2.3 million carats during the 2023 financial year.

billion since its inception

Other corporate actions in terms of corporate taxes, NDTC paid N$ 84 million for 2023 FY and has paid a total of N$ 1 5 billion since 2007 The company also contributed N$ 197 million in Export Levy for the year, with a total of N$ 953 million paid since the Export Levy Act was enacted in 2017. Furthermore, NDTC contributed N$ 1 05 million to the NTA Training Levy, with a total contribution of N$ 7 1 million to date

As part of the media briefing, NDTC also celebrated the graduates of Dash Diamond and TaTe Diamonds, the two beneficiaries of Enterprise Development Programme (EDP). Launched in November 2022, the EDP is a pioneering initiative designed to increase Namibian participation and ownership within the nation's diamond sector The program aims to develop citizen-owned cutting and polishing businesses outside of the traditional Sightholder programme. By nurturing local talent and businesses, the EDP seeks to empower Namibians and boost the local economy, ensuring a more inclusive and sustainable diamond industry

“These platforms and initiatives continue to demonstrate the importance of creating opportunities for young Namibians to gain access into the diamond value chain. NDTC remains committed to develop thus space even further with the view of supporting a vibrant inclusive downstream jewellery and retail segment in Namibia ” Mr Eiseb added

MAY, 2024 8

Did You Know?

Morethan3.2millionpeople travelinAfricaeveryyear.

ThemostcommonmeansoftransportinAfrica isroadtransport,mostlyinformaltransport. (TransportAfrica)

Did you know that Africa is experiencing one of the fastestratesofurbanizationintheworld?By2050,it's expected that over 60% of Africans will live in urban areas, significantly increasing the demand for efficient and sustainable transport systems (United Nations "World Urbanization Prospects: The 2018 Revision ")

Those living in poverty cannot afford public transport. Morethanafifth(1/5)oftheirincomeisspentonpublic transport.(United Nations, 2021)

Over 1 billion people worldwide still lack adequate accesstoanall-weatherroad,especiallyindeveloping countries, including countries in special situations (United Nations, 2021)

InAfrica,450millionpeople,morethan70%ofthetotal rural population, remain unconnected to transport infrastructureandsystems. (United Nations, 2021)

The transport sector contributes approximately one quarter of all energy related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (United Nations)

In many developed economies, transportation accounts for between 6% and 12% of the GDP (The Geography of Transport)

Switching from a regular vehicle to an electric vehicle (EV)canreduceyourcarbonfootprintbyanaverageof 2tonsperyear. (United Nations)

Livingcar-freecanreduceyourannualcarbonfootprint byupto36tons (United Nations)
MAY, 2024 10
O I L & G A S The US$ equivalent refers to current exchange rates (May 2024) Data Source: www mme gov na, theglobaleconomy com Petrol Diesel May 2024 Fuel Prices Update NAMIBIA SOUTHAFRICA ANGOLA NIGERIA BOTSWANA Effectiveasof02May2024 N$22.17/ US$1.20 perlitreDiesel50ppm Effectiveasof 02May2024 N$23.00/ US$1.25 perlitrePetrolUnleaded95 Effectiveasof06May2024 R24.61/ US$1.33 perlitreDiesel50ppm Effectiveasof 06May2024 R25.10/ US$1.36 perlitrePetrolUnleaded95 Effective as of 06 May 2024 Kz 200.00/ US$ 0.24 perlitreDiesel50ppm Effective as of 06 May 2024 Kz 300.00/ US$ 0.36 perlitrePetrolUnleaded95 Effective as of 06 May 2024 ₦ 1,341.16/ US$ 0.96 perlitreDiesel50ppm Effective as of 06 May 2024 ₦ 696.76/ US$ 0.50 perlitrePetrolUnleaded95 Effective as of 06 May 2024 P 15.12/ US$ 1.11 perlitrePetrolUnleaded95 Effective as of 06 May 2024 P 17.00/ US$ 1.25 perlitreDiesel50ppm 11 MAY, 2024


E-mobility: Making Oil Go Further with Less

As we grapple with the multifaceted challenges posed by climate change, the intersection of economics and sustainability becomes increasingly

significant The transport sector, integral to our daily lives, exemplifies this interplay as it not only influences the prices of goods but also directly impacts environmental and public health The urgency to mitigate these effects while ensuring energy security and affordability is paramount.

The transition to sustainable mobility through e-mobility is a critical component of addressing the intertwined challenges of climate change, economic stability, and public health By embracing electric mobility, we can significantly reduce transport-related emissions, improve air quality, and enhance energy security. As highlighted by Cecilia M. Briceno-Garmendia, the path forward for developing countries is clear: the question is no longer "if" they will transition to e-mobility, but "how" and "when" With the right policies and investments, we can ensure that this transition benefits all, paving the way for a healthier, more sustainable future

Transport's Economic and Environmental Impact

Transport is a cornerstone of modern economies, facilitating the movement of goods and people However, its benefits come at a cost. The sector is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, which exacerbates climate change and results in severe health implications

The Imperative of Decarbonization

In the quest for sustainable development, decarbonizing transport is not just a necessity but an urgent priority Various strategies and technologies are being explored to achieve this goal, with electric mobility (e-mobility) emerging as a prominent solution. E-mobility encompasses the use of electric vehicles (EVs) and related infrastructure, offering a cleaner alternative to traditional fossil fuel-powered transport Briceno-Garmendia highlights that for developing countries, transitioning to e-mobility is not a matter of "if" but
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"how" and "when" . This transition is vital for these nations to leapfrog to sustainable transport solutions without the prolonged detrimental impacts of conventional vehicles

Benefits of Electric Mobility

The adoption of electric mobility presents numerous advantages For individual vehicle owners and businesses, EVs offer lower operating and maintenance costs compared to internal combustion engine vehicles The versatility of charging locations adds another layer of convenience, allowing users to recharge their vehicles at home, work, or public charging stations. Moreover, EVs can serve as a backup power source during outages or natural disasters, providing a critical resilience benefit

The expanding EV market also offers a growing array of choices, catering to diverse consumer needs and preferences. This variety, combined with the increasing affordability of EVs as technology advances and economies of scale are achieved, makes electric mobility an increasingly viable option for a broader segment of the population

“Electric micromobility can provide even lower purchase, operating, and maintenance costs relative to EVs, while also providing increased access to jobs and services and expanded travel options for underserved communities Electric micromobility can also mitigate individual experiences of traffic congestion, crowded transit, or limited parking, and if scaled across many adopters, can yield a host of other benefits” (U.S. Department of Transportation, 2023).


While the transition to e-mobility is essential, it must be balanced with considerations of energy security and affordability. Ensuring a stable and reliable supply of electricity, particularly from renewable sources, is crucial to support the widespread adoption of EVs Additionally, policymakers must address the affordability of EVs and related infrastructure to make the benefits of e-mobility accessibletoallsocioeconomicgroups

Investing in renewable energy sources and enhancing grid infrastructure are key steps toward achieving this balance By doing so, we can create a sustainable transport ecosystem that not only reduces emissions but alsosupportseconomicgrowthandenergysecurity

As always, the conversation continues


https://openknowledge worldbank org/server/api/core/bitstreams /4c73ad87-2972-44e3-942e-cd2e3bb32350/content :https://saiia org za/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/OccasionalPaper-318-kuhudzai pdf https://www weforum org/agenda/2022/09/kenya-electricmobility-transformation-model-worldwide/ https://www theeastafrican co ke/tea/science-health/why-emobility-could-make-or-break-east-african-economies-4289884 https://www unep org/technical-highlight/green-growthsustainable-transportation-and-e-mobility-africa https://www transportation gov/urban-e-mobility-toolkit/emobility-benefits-and-challenges/individual-benefits
13 MAY, 2024

Green Steel: Production in Africa

As the world seeks to mitigate climate change and transition to more sustainable industrial practices, green steel production emerges as a vital inno-

vation Traditional steelmaking is a major source of carbon emissions, contributing significantly to global warming However, green steel, produced using renewable energy and innovative technologies, offers a solution.

Africa, with its abundant renewable energy resources and growing industrial base, presents a promising landscape for green steel production This article explores the potential for green steel processing in Africa and the steps necessary to realize this vision With vast renewable energy resources, including solar, wind, and hydroelectric power, provide a strong foundation for green steel production. Countries like South Africa, Morocco, and Kenya have made significant investments in renewable energy infrastructure, which can be leveraged to power

green steel plants Furthermore, Africa's rich iron ore deposits, essential for steel production, position the continent as a potential hub for sustainable steel manufacturing

Hydrogen-based Direct Reduction (H-DRI) involves using green hydrogen, produced through electrolysis powered by renewable energy, to reduce iron ore to iron

Unlike traditional methods that use carbon-intensive coke, H-DRI significantly reduces CO2 emissions

Electric Arc Furnaces (EAFs) can melt scrap steel or DRI (Direct Reduced Iron) using electricity, ideally sourced from renewables. This process is more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly compared to traditional blast furnaces

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is not exclusive to green steel, integrating this technology can further reduce emissions by capturing CO2 produced during the steelmaking process and storing it underground.
SteelProduction Courtesy:FreepikAI
MAY, 2024 14

Building the necessary infrastructure for green steel production, including renewable energy plants and hydrogen production facilities, requires substantial investment Public-private partnerships and international funding can play a crucial role in overcoming these financial barriers To implement this, a skilled workforce trained in new technologies is essential African countries must invest in education and vocational training programs focused on green technologies and sustainable industrial practices.

Creating a market for green steel involves both local and international efforts Promoting the benefits of green steel, such as reduced carbon footprints and compliance with future environmental regulations, can drive demand. Additionally, establishing trade agreements and partnerships with countries committed to sustainability can open new markets for African green steel Strong governmental support through favourable policies and incentives is crucial African governments should enact policies that encourage investment in renewable energy and green steel technologies, including tax incentives, subsidies, and regulatory support.

Case Studies and Examples

South Africa: As one of the continent’s largest steel producers, South Africa is well-positioned to lead in green steel production Initiatives like the Hydrogen South Africa (HySA) program aim to develop a hydrogen economy, which could support hydrogen-based steelmaking

Morocco: With its ambitious renewable energy goals, including large-scale solar and wind projects, Morocco can supply the necessary clean energy for green steel production Collaborations with European countries, which are major steel consumers, can further enhance thispotential

Green steel production in Africa presents a unique opportunity to drive sustainable industrial growth while addressing climate change By harnessing the continent's renewable energy resources and investing in innovative technologies, Africa can become a leader in green steel manufacturing. However, achieving this vision requires coordinated efforts in infrastructure development, workforce training, policy support, and market creation. With the right strategies, Africa can not only meet its own steel needs sustainably but also become a significant playerintheglobalgreensteelmarket.


World Steel Association "Sustainable Steel: Indicators 2021 and green steel production methods " International Energy Agency (IEA) "The Role of Green Hydrogen in Africa's Energy Future "

South African Government "Hydrogen South Africa (HySA) Program Overview " Renewable Energy in Africa "Morocco's Renewable Energy Projects and Their Potential Impact on Industrial Sectors " African Development Bank "Financing Renewable Energy Projects in Africa: Opportunities and Challenges "

jp g
Courtesy:www weforum org 15 MAY, 2024


Flood: Impact and Readiness of Africa’s Road & Transportation Systems


Natural disasters are becoming more and more inevitable, taking a toll on livelihood’s and economies. Flooding in particular has become PedestrianswalkinafloodedstreetinthetownofNyali,afterheavyrainfallinMombasaonNovember3,2023[SimonMaina/AFP]

more constant lately, impairing the serviceability of the transport system and causing disruption to mobility In fact, flooding incidents in cities across the world have exposed the vulnerability of transport networks which tends to result in significant, lasting disruptions.

Impact on Infrastructure, Mobility and Economy - Case studies

Flooding is well known to severely damage transportation infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and railways, while disrupting economic stability

In East Africa, for example, heavy rains and subsequent floods often result in road washouts and bridge collapses, cutting off communities and disrupting trade routes. A notable instance occurred in Kenya, where the 2019 floods caused extensive damage to the road network, isolating rural areas and hindering access to essential services Similarly, in West Africa, countries like Nigeria experience frequent flooding that inundates roads and impedes transportation. The 2012 floods in Nigeria affected over 30 states, destroying major highways and rural roads. The financial cost of repairing the damaged infrastructure was substantial, highlighting the economic burden posed by such natural disasters

The disruption of transportation due to flooding therefore has profound economic impacts. When transportation
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networks are compromised, the supply chain is disrupted, leading to shortages of essential goods and inflated prices Agricultural produce, which is crucial for both local consumption and export, often rots in the fields or fails to reach markets, affecting food security and farmers' incomes.

Additionally, communities are isolated facing delays in emergency response and healthcare services During the 2020 floods in South Sudan for instance, numerous communities were cut off, complicating efforts to deliver medical supplies and exacerbating the humanitarian crisis in the region

Tips on Readiness and Success Stories

To mitigate the impact of floods on transportation and mobility, several strategies have been proposed and implemented These include the construction of floodresistant infrastructure, improved drainage systems, and better urban planning. In addition, early warning systems and better weather forecasting play crucial roles in preparing for and responding to floods By providing timely information, these systems enable authorities to take preemptive measures, such as evacuating vulnerable areas and redirecting traffic, thus minimizing disruption and enhancing public safety.

Furthermore, the use of modern technologies and materials that resist flooding is highly recommended in

the construction of roads and infrastructure so as to be ready for wet days These include the following:

Elevated Roadways and Bridges - Ethiopia

Elevating roadways and bridges are a common technique to prevent floodwaters from inundating transportation routes. By raising the road level above typical flood heights, these structures remain usable even during significant flooding events This is the case of Ethiopia, whose government (supported by the African Development Bank - AfDB), has invested in the Road Sector Support Project aimed at improving the resilience of its road network to flooding This entailed construction of elevated roads such as the Melkasa-Sodere-NuraeraMetehara road, and bridges designed to withstand flooding, as well as improving drainage systems to prevent waterlogging and erosion

Durable Materials - Kenya

Using durable, water-resistant materials is critical for constructing flood-resilient roads. Materials such as asphalt modified with polymers, concrete with additives that enhance water resistance, and geotextiles for soil stabilization help roads withstand prolonged exposure to water without significant deterioration An example of this is Kenya In response to frequent flooding, the Kenya National Highways Authority has also focused on constructing raised embankments and using durable, water-resistant materials for road surfaces. The integration of extensive drainage systems has also been a

. djpubls g.a ca
Courtesy:wwwlinkedincom 17 MAY, 2024

priority to ensure quick runoff of floodwaters and prevent road washouts.

Improved Drainage Systems - Mozambique

Effective drainage systems are essential for managing surface water and preventing water accumulation on roads These systems include culverts, ditches, and stormwater management facilities designed to handle large volumes of water quickly, reducing the risk of road damage and washouts. For this we can learn from Mozambique, who has rehabilitated its coastal road connecting Beira and Maputo after continuously being affected by cyclones This road has been elevated and reinforced with materials that withstand water damage, and extensive drainage systems have been installed to manage heavy rainfall.

Geotextiles and Reinforced Earth Structures

Geotextiles (like geotextiles and geomembranes) and reinforced earth structures are used to stabilize soil and prevent erosion, which is a common issue during floods These materials help maintain the integrity of road foundations and embankments, ensuring that roads remain passable even after heavy rains.


The damage to infrastructure and disruption of movement highlights the need for resilient transportation systems and effective disaster management strategies. Through more pragmatic planning and by investing in flood-resistant infrastructure and improving early warning mechanisms as already being done across the world and in Africa, countries can better prepare for and mitigate the impacts of flooding, ensuring that roads and transportation networks remain functional, and communities connected As always, the conversation continuesat


https://www researchgate net/publication/329131161 Resilient T ransport Systems to Reduce Urban Vulnerability to Floods in EmergingCoastal Cities A Case Study of Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam https://documents1 worldbank org/curated/en/4109014682351672 51/pdf/PID-Print-P131118-10-21-2013-1382373228132 pdf Kenya Climate Interim-Report pdf

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Courtesy: disasterdisplacement

About Us


RDJ Consulting is a 100% Namibian Energy and Sustainability Consultancy with more than 30 years’ experience in the utility (Water, Energy and Telecoms), rural development and transport sectors Our experience as an integrated professional services firm that builds better communities through planning, design, and delivery of physical and social infrastructure helps support our clients in all aspects going forward.

We approach each of our clients with fresh eyes to develop customized, unique strategies

RDJ Consulting based in Windhoek, Namibia has extensive experience in Southern Africa, Asia, Britain, USA and the Caribbean We thus work with various governments and agencies to address development issues in developing countries.

Our Services:

Advisory Services Market Data & Studies Due Diligence Training info@rdjconsulting co za TEL: +264 81 750 3002 www rdjconsulting co za Contact us


Food Security: The Impact of Drought and Floods


Food is one of the basic humans needs essential for a healthy, sustainable life Ensuring that people have access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food is

critical for survival and productivity The United States Agency for International Development defines food security as having both physical and economic access to sufficient food to meet dietary needs for a productive and healthy life. For people to be considered food secure, they must not live in hunger or under the fear of hunger Achieving this requires an efficient and productive agriculture sector, free from disturbances, capable of producing the necessary levels of output to satisfy the population at all times.

By 2050, the global population is expected to reach at least 9 billion To meet this growth adequately, global food production must increase by at least 60% However, climate change, projected to intensify as global temperatures rise above 2 degrees Celsius pre-industrial levels, poses a significant threat to food production

Climate change negatively impacts global temperatures, leading to increased droughts in some regions and commensurate increased flooding in others Both droughts and floods are detrimental to agricultural yields and farmers' incomes, affecting their quality of life In the absence of significant climate action, critical crop yields MAY, 2024 20

are expected to decrease by 5% to 30% between 2030 and 2050 This could lead to global food insecurity, with some areas more affected than others due to their geographical location and climatic conditions.

Exacerbated weather and climate conditions can result in crop failures, livestock losses, and price increases, making nutritious food inaccessible to vulnerable communities Floods can render nutritious food unsafe for human consumption due to water contamination. Furthermore, droughts, floods, and storms can damage water systems, affecting water availability and quality, which negatively impacts agricultural output

McKinsey & Company noted that African farmers are generally more vulnerable to the effects of climate change and variable yields than farmers in developed countries. African farmers have less access to resources needed to adapt to these effects, such as secure crop insurance, the ability to adjust what they plant, and irrigation

The European Commission's Joint Research Centre reported in April 2024 on the "Worsening drought triggers state of emergency across Southern Africa. " The Southern Africa region is experiencing rising temperatures and severe lack of rainfall, which started in Botswana in 2023 and gradually expanded across Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe,

and Namibia. The agriculture sector in these countries is under threat, with water scarcity, food insecurity, and disease outbreaks being the main resulting effects. The governments of Zambia, Malawi, Zimbabwe and Namibia declareddrought‘statesofemergency’inearly2024.

In summary, climate change effects are threatening the agriculture sectors of developing countries and exposing their economies to food insecurity The implementation of climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies is crucial Now more than ever, it is time for intense implementation of actions towards combat these challenges


https://www usaid gov/agriculture-and-food-security https://www usaid gov/sites/default/files/2022-05/ClimateAdaptation-for-Food-Water-Security pdf https://www theeastafrican co ke/tea/science-health/zimbabwedeclares-drought-a-national-disaster-4577360#google vignette Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia No.8370, (issued 22 May 2024 - State of Emergency National Disaster) 21 MAY, 2024


Public Transportation Systems - Africa’s Dilemmas & Prospects


It is now no longer a shock to hear of surging public transportation costs in many African countries, especially in the face of the continued fuel price

increases and the less than adequate transportation infrastructure. In fact, about 450 million people in Africarepresenting more than 70% of the total rural population, remain unconnected to formal transport infrastructure and related systems according to the United Nations (2021)

Despite these issues being more prominent in Africa, studies have shown that this is not only an “African” problem. In 2021, the United Nations also reported that only 49.5% of urban residents worldwide have convenient access to public transport, leaving the majority of urban as well as numerous rural populations without access to adequate public transportation systems

The movement of people in rural areas is mainly achieved by walking or riding bicycles since majority of the people do not drive, and there are obviously less to non-existent means of motorized transport vehicles in rural

communities across the continent. Translating this into economic terms, the lack of adequate transportation in such areas eventually slows economic growth, brought about less efficiency and productivity

Meanwhile, long distance travel in both cities and rural villages is achieved by the utilization of public transportation such as buses or taxis. Africa is the most road-dependent region in the world, with some countries relying on roads as their only means of transport It is estimated that 70% of all trips made by women in Africa are done on foot compared with only 30% among men, who are more likely than women to own and drive cars.

Types of Public Transport in Africa

Public transport in Africa is provided by a variety of modes, including railways, buses and ferries. In cities, buses are often used as public transportation Buses tend to be slower than trains, but cheaper than cars and other modes of transportation In rural areas where there are no paved roads or railways, trucks may be used as a mode MAY, 2024 22

of transportation for both passengers and cargo.

The most common forms of public transportation in Africa are minibuses and shared taxis. Minibuses tend to follow fixed routes and are usually privately owned but can also be run by local governments Shared taxis are used for short-distance trips within cities and may stop anywhere along their route if there is demand from passengers

There are also buses run by government agencies that provide long-distance service between major cities within countries, as well as international routes between African nations and their neighbors on other continents. Some countries including Kenya, Ghana and Nigeria have begun testing high-speed trains on some of their busiest lines These trains are expected to cut travel times considerably once they’re fully operational Another popular form of public transportation is Ride-hailing. Despite them being easy to use in comparison to other modes of public transportation, they are not accessible to all As a result, people in many parts of the continent resort to using motorcycles as their means of transport because they are cheaper than cars and more fuelefficient, while at the same time being able to navigate through heavy traffic easier than larger vehicles can. Motorcycles are commonly used both for passenger transport and transporting cargo.

The Public Transportation Market and its Potential

Public transport in Africa plays a significant role in its economy - it is often a necessity, not a luxury. Despite the bottleneck in having sustainable public and general transport systems in Africa, numerous local and international stakeholders acknowledge that the

continent’s public transport sector has great potential and are therefore committed to driving sustainable, efficient, and inclusive mobility solutions across the continent Thecontinuedpopulationincreasethatheavily relies on public transport to go to work or do business reflects a significant opportunity for evolving the public transport sector in Africa And so, investor and stakeholdereyesremainfixedonthisindustry

With the number of public transportation users in Africa expected to increase to USD 0 64 billion by 2028, Statista reveals that the projected revenue in this sector is expected to reach USD 8.39 billion in 2024, and further increases in the following years. Additionally, it is estimated that 17% of the total revenue in the Public Transportation market by 2028 will be generated through onlinesales.


While it is clear that there are many transportation options available in Africa, some of them are still below average and need to be made more accessible and sustainable There is a dire need for a solution that caters to the vast needs of African travelers in terms of using mass transport It should be affordable, convenient and safe enough to encourage people to use them The conversationcontinuesat


https://www un org/sites/un2 un org/files/media gstc/FACT SHEE T Inequalities pdf https://www transportafrica org/understanding-publictransportation-in-africa/ https://www statista com/outlook/mmo/shared-mobility/publictransportation/africa

23 MAY, 2024

Railways: To SGR or Not

Railways have been both a mystery and a frustration over the centuries Like other other transport modes, railways also have their

challenges with standardization For countries, the option of just the railway lines alone offers some five different gauges, each with its own advantages.

East Africa, utilising the East African Railway Master Plan is a proposal for rejuvenating existing railways serving Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and extending them initially to Rwanda and Burundi and eventually, to South Sudan, Ethiopia and beyond. The plan, agreed for development in 2004, seeks to allow for better management and harmonization of railways and rolling stock in the region, boosting trade and essentially removing barriers to movement in this regard

East Africa considers railways as an important enabler of economic development and provides clear corridors for growth With an estimated 9 000 km of rail infrastructure running from Tanzania in the south, through Kenya to Uganda (a land locked country), its importance cannot be underestimated or ignored. Operators include Tanzania Railways Corporation (TRC), Tanzania – Zambia Railways (TAZARA), Kenya Railways Corporation (KRC) and Uganda Railways Corporation (URC)

Standard gauge (SGR) tracks set to 1435 mm (1 435 m) have thus been agreed upon as the way forward and provides the ability to move goods and passengers at speeds of up to 350 km per hour and has a wide range of mature technologies for utilisation
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The recent announcement therefore of the signing by the Kenyan Government, shows the level of commitment to this venture Kenya has signed a contract for the construction of the next section of the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) project, Phase 2B from Naivasha to Malaba in Uganda It is estimated that this phase will cost some USD 8 5 billion (noting that Phase 2B and Phase 3 in total will cost USD 13 billion).

The East African noted that Mr. Kipchumba Murkomen, Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary of Roads and Transport, said that Pan-African lender African Development Bank and Kenya’s own Railway Development Fund would complement the Chinese as Nairobi and Kampala continue to woo more financiers for the cross-border project.

The SGR has significantly reduced travel time between Mombasa and Nairobi for example, from over 12 hours to around 4-5 hours for passengers, and it has halved the freight transport time This has improved logistics

efficiency and boosted trade Standard Gauge Railways are therefore vital for enhancing economic growth, regional integration, transport efficiency, and environmental sustainability Their development represents a significant step forward in modernizing transport infrastructure, particularly in Africa where efficient, reliable, and sustainable transport systems are crucialfordevelopment

By addressing logistical challenges, reducing transportation costs, and promoting regional trade, railways and aviation could help break the barriers that prevent inter Africa trade. As always, the conversation continues


https://keralarail com/blog/standard-gauge-versus-broad-gauge/ https://www eac int/infrastructure/railways-transport-subsector/92-sector/infrastructure/railways

https://www theeastafrican co ke/tea/business/chinese-back-tofunding-sgr-connecting-kenya-and-uganda-462720 25 MAY, 2024


Telecom on the Move

As the world collectively pursues sustainable clean mobility, the intersection of information, communications, and technology (ICT) with

transport is pivotal ICT offers a suite of tools and innovations that can revolutionize the transport sector, fostering efficiency and sustainability. Technologies such as machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) are at the forefront, driving advancements that could significantly enhance transport systems globally

With global populations on the rise, the increased demand for sustainable transport solutions becomes ever more critical. ICT can play a crucial role in managing and optimizing transport systems, ensuring that they can meet increasing demands while minimizing environmental impacts

Some of the contributions of ICT to transport include the use of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) ITS technology

integrates human, vehicle, and road interactions through advanced information and communication technologies. By utilizing roadside sensors, ITS collects data on road traffic conditions, which is then relayed to drivers in realtime This information helps to reduce road accidents and congestion, enhancing overall traffic flow and safety Moreover, ITS can facilitate road pricing, although this often faces political and social challenges, particularly concerning privacy and data reliability.

Further, the deployment of AI and big data within transport systems offers profound improvements AI can analyze vast amounts of data to make informed decisions about transport infrastructure and operations. For instance, AI-driven systems can guide asset maintenance and enable remote monitoring, ensuring that transport networks are well-maintained and efficiently managed This leads to increased reliability and reduced downtime, contributing to more sustainable transport solutions MAY, 2024 26

ICT is also integral to vehicle management, particularly in optimizing operation powertrains Advanced ICT systems in vehicles can improve safety through features like automatic braking, which also helps reduce fuel consumption and associated emissions. These technologies align with the transport sector's net-zero goals by minimizing environmental impacts and enhancing vehicle efficiency

Recently, the rise of electric vehicles (EVs) further underscores the importance of ICT in transport. ICT systems are essential for managing EV charging, ensuring that both slow and fast charging processes do not strain the electricity grid Centralized or local schedules can incorporate time-varying tariffs to mitigate the use of greenhouse gas-emitting power generators Additionally, digital technologies and data analytics can harmonize transport services with grid services, providing EV drivers with real-time information on the nearest charging points. This reduces the distance driven to charging stations, lowering electrical demand and associated costs

African nations are also making strides in integrating ICT with transport to harness these benefits. Kenya, for instance, has gained recognition as "Africa’s Silicon

Savannah" due to its innovative use of ICT in the transport sector. In 2021, the country has successfully registeredoveronemillionvehiclesonasecureelectronic data platform, showcasing the potential of ICT to transformtransportsystems.

In summary, the integration of ICT into the transport sector is not just a technological advancement; it is a necessity for achieving sustainable, clean mobility By leveraging cutting-edge technologies like AI and ML in the transport sector can significantly reduce its environmental footprint, improve efficiency, and enhance safety As global populations grow and the demand for sustainable transport increases, the role of ICT will be indispensableinshapingthefutureofmobility


www jsce-int org/system/files/ITS Introduction Guide 2 pdf 2019/May/IRENA Innovation Outlook EV smart charging 2019 pdf s/reports statements/Decarbon isation of Tansport/EASAC Decarbonisation of Transport FINA L March 2019 pdf orming-kenya-s-transport-sector-through-digital-integration 27 MAY, 2024


Smart Cities and Transport

Interview with Ms. Hilda Tangeni Nekulu Nathnael

Intoday'srapidlyurbanizingworld,thedemandforefficient, safe,andsustainabletransportationsystemshasneverbeen higher SmartTransportation arevolutionaryapproach

that integrates new and emerging technologies, is transforming howwemovearoundcities Thesetechnologiesworktogetherto streamline traffic management, enhance public transportation, and reduce environmental impact Ms Hilda Tangeni Nekulu Nathnael, is a leading figure in the field of sustainable and affordable transport, is at the forefront of these innovations. In this interview, we delve into the division of Smart Cities and Transportation, exploring the smart cities challenges, strategies, andsmarttransportationprojects/Initiatives.


Hilda Tangeni Nekulu Nathnael is an Engineer with a Master of Civil (Transportation) Since2018,shehasbeenworkingattheCity of Windhoek as a Coordinator in the Smart Cities and Transport division Her responsibilities align directly with Sustainable Development Goal 11 (SDG 11), emphasizing Target 112AffordableandSustainableTransportSystems Ms Nathnaelwas an integral part of the planning committee for the first pilot projectforthe EBikes4Windhoek project,demonstratingtheusage of solar-powered electric bicycles (e-bikes) as sustainable and affordable means of transport She was also selected to participateinthe MoveOn International Summer School,heldfrom October9thto15th,2022,atthe University of Cape Coast, Ghana

1.What motivated you to pursue a career specifically in the areaofintergrationofsmartcitiesandtransportation?

Furthermore,Ms.Nathnaelwasamongthesixyoungprofessionals fromacrossAfricaselectedtoparticipateinthefirstcohortofthe Agora Fellowship Program from 19 February to 15 March 2024, where discussions around possible ways to transform the transportsectoracrosstheAfricancontinenthappened.Recently, Ms. Nathnael was selected to take part in the Africa SDGs Mentorship Programme to develop skills in becoming an SDG champion,advocate,andpromoterofsustainabledevelopmentin hercommunitiesandbeyond.

Creating inclusive smart transportation initiatives involves considering the diverse and unique needs of all residents by knowing your residents

-Ms HildaTangeniNekuluNathnael

“I was introduced to the concept of smart cities and transportation during my master’s degree at Stellenbosch University ThisiswhereIdwelledintotheconceptofSmart mobility,whichreferstousingmodesoftransportationinsteadof owning a gas-powered vehicle This can take on many different forms, including ride-sharing, car-sharing, public transportation Then there is walking, biking (etc) which are referred to as nonmotorized transport Windhoek the capital city is experiencing rapidurbanizationandtheresourcesavailablearenotenoughto caterforeveryone AsIsettledinmypositionastheCoordinator for Smart Cities and Transport at the City of Windhoek, I then realizedtheneedforsafermobilitymeansfortheresidentswho are unable to afford cars, then I shifted my focus on them The questionisHowcanI,improvethemobilityneedsinWindhoek?” Ms Nathnaelresponded

MAY, 2024 28

2.Inyourexperienceandopinion,whatdoyouconsidertobe the most pressing transportation challenges facing modern cities, and how can smart technologies address these challenges?

Smart mobility outlook has arisen from increasing traffic, fuel cost,pollution,andeventimewastage,Ms.Nathnaelresponded.

“In Windhoek, for example we are facing a lack of resources and infrastructure for walking, biking, and public transportation use for the population that cannot afford to buy vehicles. Once we have the infrastructure on the ground, we hope that we will see an increase in the usage of bicycles, improved safety of cyclists by reducing the number of fatalities and injuries and higher bicycle ownership.”

“Further to this, the city of Windhoek does not have enough municipal buses to cater for residents who need the service The service is also not running effectively and can be improved by investing in modernizing public transit systems with features like real-time arrival information, contactless payment systems, and dedicated lanes for buses and bikes I want to add another challenge - irresponsible drivers With technology we can spot them and fine them heavily Technology allows us many opportunities ” Ms Nathnaeladded

3.Kindlybriefourreadersonthesmarttransportationproject / initiative you've worked on and its impact on the transportationindustryatlarge.

Ms Nathnael says, “My role is to advance the implementation of the Sustainable Urban Transport Master Plan (SUTMP) with the focus on non-motorized transport Some of the projects (amongst others) that I have been involved in are such as:

Cycling and Road Safety Training Event - The City of Windhoek and other stakeholders offered road safety and cyclist beginners training to fifty (50) students

#AfricanMobilityMonth 2021: Transforming mobility in African cities – a month-long campaign aimed to raise awareness of sustainable mobility, as well as to support and celebrate action and mobilise a collective effort to transform mobility in African cities

Open Streets Day event aims to impart a mindset change, encouraging vehicle owners to start seeing city streets as public spaces and consider alternative modes of transport

Windhoek on Bike Event – This is scheduled every second (2nd) Saturday of a new month to teach aspiring cyclists of all ages to learn to cycle

Construction of the pilot bicycle lane - Currently, the first cycling infrastructure project in Windhoek measuring 4km.

29 MAY, 2024

Ebikes4Windhoek Project – where forty (40) students received electric bikes for a period of four (4) months ”

4. What strategies do you employ to ensure that smart transportation initiatives are inclusive and considerate of diversecommunitieswithinacity?

“Creating inclusive smart transportation initiatives involves considering the diverse and unique needs of all residents by knowing your residents We get to know our residents through community engagements, and data collections through surveys When we know the different groups of people we are working with, then we can tailor make our initiatives accordingly and develop a transportation network that offers different travel needs that we communicate in different languages to ensure accessibility” Ms Nathnaelsaid

5.Inconclusion,withtherapidpaceoftechnologicalchange, how do you balance the adoption of cutting-edge solutions with the need for reliability and scalability in smart transportationinfrastructure?

“Pilot projects always help to evaluate the effectiveness, reliability, and scalability of new solutions before widespread implementation For example, we planned to fit our electric bikes with GPS trackers that will not only help us monitor where our bikes are, but also help us gather information on preferred routes used by cyclists But instead of fitting all the bicycles with the trackers, we first piloted the trackers on half of the fleet for testing This allowed us to identify potential challenges and vulnerabilities associated with new technologies

We apply this same strategy to our infrastructure implementation ” MsNathnaelconcluded

MAY, 2024 30

IMy Energy Life Series

A Journey in Scaling- Supply Chain Resilience and Operations Excellence

Interview with Mr.Greyson Onesmo Metili

contributed by:

presented by:

nthisepisode,wemeetGreysonOnesmoMetili,HeadofAfrica Operations at Engie Energy Access Greyson Onesmo Metili shareshisstoryofhowhegotstartedintheenergyindustry,

detailing his initial challenges and offering invaluable advice to fellow young professionals seeking their path in this dynamic industry.


IstartedoutasaDistributionOfficerin2014,duringtheearlydays of the Logistics department at Mobisol. This was a great opportunity to be creative, to create processes and procedures, and to define ways of working for the business in a nascent industry. A few months down the road, I was promoted to Logistics Team Leader, and later to Country Head of Logistics in Tanzania In2017,IwaspromotedtoSeniorHeadofOperations, whichlaterbecamealateralmovetoSeniorHeadofSupplyChain forMobisolinTanzania In2020,IactedasGroupHeadofSupply Chain for 6 months during the transition period integrating Mobisol, Fenix International, and PowerCorner to form ENGIE Energy Access (Africa) After this integration, I was appointed as HeadofAfricaOperations,todate

Whatdoyoudoinyourcurrentroleatyour company?

AsHeadofAfricaOperationsforEngieEnergyAccess,therolehas focused on below-the-line supply chain and operations activities for 9 countries, spanning from the management of Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP), Global Quality Management, Integrated Inventory & Warehousing Management (storage & handling,inventoryworkingcapitalmanagement(reconciliations, stock keeping, and optimization)), Logistics & Freights Management(optimizations,distribution&delivery,inter-country reshuffle), and Technical Operations Management (circularity, repairs/refurbishment, waste management, tools management, tech efficiency) I also co-chair the Circularity Working Group at GOGLA.


My day starts with checking emails and communications, to be able to react to critical business needs that may stall or delay a processinoneofthemarkets.Witha5-10minutecoffeebreakin between, I am able to strategize/prepare ahead for the day's meetings.MostmeetingsareviaTeams;hence,itisimportantto ensurethemessageyouaredeliveringisclear.

On Mondays, I have individual catch-ups with each of my team memberstoreviewthepreviousweek'sprogressandplanactions for the current week. This takes about 4-5 hours of interaction withtheteam.

31 MAY, 2024

For the rest of the week, I have an average of 4 calls per day relating to critical projects under implementation For example, wearenowintroducinganAIpredictiveanalytics-poweredS&OP softwareinclosecoordinationwithfiveotherdepartmentswithin thecompany

Another interesting project we are working on is the set-up of a regional warehousing network, which comes with a lot of learningsandinteractionswithexternalpartners

The rest of the day is blocked out for other work deliverables, including planning, oversight on different country requirements and improvement areas, driving strategic projects, creating policies,procedures,andguidelineswhereweseegaps.

"Iamgladfortheopportunitytodriveoperations resiliencewithintheENGIEEnergyAccessnetwork.”

Whataresomeofthechallengesyouhavefaced intheindustry?

The industry is very fast-paced, incorporating varied dimensions of businesses under one umbrella. This can be complex and challenging to navigate; imagine a vertically integrated business doing supply chain management, sourcing and procurement (including suppliers' management), credit and loans management,after-salesandcustomerexperiencemanagement, software and hardware development (technology), sales and distribution with their own footprint/network of shops, thirdpartydistributors,andsalesagentsacrossninemarkets

Building up supply chain resilience to achieve operational excellencehasalsobeenchallenging DuringtheCOVID-19period in2020,whileactingasGroupHeadofSupplyChainforMobisol, the impossibility of navigating some of the supply chain constraints was very testing These constraints included the scarcity of raw materials, closed factories (no production for weekstomonths),theblockageoftheSuezCanal,ashortageof containers,andinadequateshippingspaces Butwepersevered

The decentralized renewable energies scope has also been a nascent concept in Africa compared to other sectors that have existedforyears Introducingourproductstothemarkets,aswell as explaining the functionality to customs authorities (especially during importation), meant coming up with creative ideas to overcome some operational challenges We also had to build processes, guidelines, and policies to sustain operational complexities, aside from several unforeseen externalities that alsoimpactedtheindustryoverthepast10years.

SettingthescenefortheCircularityWorkingGroupTechnical PanelattheGOGLAForum2020,Nairobi-Kenya

ChairingaroutablediscussionattheGOGLAForum2022, Kigali-Rwanda.

Whatisthemostfunthingyouloveaboutyour work?

The dynamic environment within which ENGIE Energy Access (EEA) operates is educating Being able to interact with people from varying backgrounds and experiences fosters this learning My team itself is very diverse, creating a unique sense of fulfillment on the job just from solving operational issues spanning across 9-12 geographies and cultures All of this is integratedtoachievea#OneTeamvision

Creativityandopportunitiestotryarealsowidelyacceptedwithin ourorganization.Innovationisverywelcome,andthismakesmy jobfunbecauseourteamgetstoimplementthingsfastandwith agility.


I take a few minutes every day to meditate and pray in the morning;ithelpswithcenteringmythoughts Itrytoprioritizeas much as possible, focusing on the critical tasks and low-hanging fruits that don't require much effort, but are critical to the performanceofthebusiness Whenthedaysarenottoopacked,I takesometimeoffintheeveningsforpowerwalksandworkouts

-Mr GreysonOnesmoMetili
MAY, 2024 32

Whatarethecorehardskillssomeoneinyour fieldshouldhave?

Inventory Management, Planning and Strategy, Negotiations, Structured Supply Chain Management, Project Management (Agile), Adaptive Leadership, Logistics Management, Data Analytics,ERP,AccountingforInventory,MarketDynamics,Trade

Whatsoftskillsshouldsomeoneinyourfield have?

Communication, Structured, Problem Solving, Adaptability & Flexibility, Time Management, Interpersonal Communication, Networking, Customer Experience, Analytical skills, Ethics & Compliancemindset,Health&Safety


It'sveryrarethatyougettopractice(inseverallevels)whatyou studied. I am glad for the opportunity to drive operations resiliencewithintheENGIEEnergyAccessnetwork.

Whatwouldyouconsiderahighlightofyour career?

Iwasawardedin2023withtheCOOoftheYearawardfromSolar Assets Africa and a place on the Top 100 Executives List in the categoryofCOOofTheYear,consecutivelyforthelast3years.I'm thankfulfortheserecognitions.

However,themainhighlightsofmycareerhavealwaysbeen,and continue to be, the ability to impact people's lives. I do this through my job every day, by delivering life-changing energy solutionstocustomersinthemostremoteandinaccessibleareas ofAfrica–withnocredithistory,andlittle-to-noaccesstoenergy facilitiesinthelastmile Thethoughtthattheirchildrencannow study, their homes are secure with lighting, and they're using a cleanenergysource,drivesme

I have also mentored and groomed several people in my career The satisfaction received by seeing others progressing and prospering in their careers, in areas where you have supported them(evenbehindthecurtains),isimmense

Receivingthe2022Top-100ExecutivesListAward-Tanzania forCOOoftheYearcategory.


I relate closely with creating (passionate about projects like farming, building/construction, transport & logistics). I love old carsandhistoricalmuseums(Itrytovisitoneavailablewhenever I travel to a country) I also love spending time with my family a lot

Howdoyouthinkthatyourworkmakesa differenceintheenergyspace?

About 600 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa do not have access to energy/electricity My work is at the center of service deliverytothesepeople,byhelpingtonavigatethecomplexities of getting the much-needed products to the last mile: in good quality, right amounts, and affordable Everything in between demand and the last-mile delivery is the actual ingenuity of supply chains and operations, which form the backbone of the activitiesneededtoclosetheenergygap

Whatadvicedoyouhaveforsomeonenewtothe industry?

Spend time understanding the dynamics and "living" the complexities of the vertically integrated businesses operating in the industry Remain agile/fast in decision-making and look for opportunitiestosimplify

For many people working in the DREs sector, it is an exciting journey, very impact-driven and rewarding In order to achieve justenergyequity,eachmember&functionintheindustrymust workinconstantunisontoachieveintendedresults

If you enjoyed reading this, do not hesitate to follow

See you in the next article!

-Mr GreysonOnesmoMetili

"Spendtimeunderstandingthedynamicsand"living" thecomplexitiesoftheverticallyintegratedbusinesses operatingintheindustry."
33 MAY, 2024


Kenya Revenue Authority

Description: Provision of Maintenance and Servicing of Generators Countrywide for a Period of Two (2) Years

Bid Closing date: 05 Jun 2024 at 11h00 am

United Nations Development Programme

Description: Supply and Installation of 41 KWp Solar PV at Garawa Telecommunication Stat

Bid Closing date: 17 Jun 24 at 05:05 am (New York time)

https://procurement-notices undp org/view negotiation cfm?nego id=19891

Trans-Kalahari Railway Project Management Office (TKR-PMO)

Description: Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Selection of a Consultant for the Development of a Comprehensive RFP Document for the Trans-Kalahari Railway Project

Bid Closing date: 26 June 2024 at 10h00 am (GMT+2)

https://tkrpmo com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Bidding-Document-For- Request-for-Proposal-RFP-for-selection-of-aConsultant-for-the-Development-of-a-Comprehensive-RFP-Document-for-the-Trans-Kalahari-Railway-Project - pdf

National Planning Commission and Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform

Description: The Upgrading / Renovation / Construction of Agriculture Infrastructure in the Kavango East, Kavango West, Omusati and Zambezi regions of Namibia

Bid Closing date: 05 July 2024 at 16h00 Namibian Time

https://ec europa eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/opportunities/tender-details/e2ca8630-8f48-4c3dbed2-6e62abb613b5-CN

Department of Minerals Resources and Energy – South Africa

Description: Request For Qualification and Proposals (RFP) under The Gas Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (GASIPPPP) Bid Window 1

Bid Closing date: 30 August 2024 at 11h00 AM

https://www dmr gov za/Portals/0/adam/Simple%20ParentChild%20with%202%20pages/GjTECViI90yiOQ5oxNLzMQ/DocMulti/RFP-Advert-GASIPPPP pdf

United Nations

Description: Provision of Spare Parts for Electrical Medium Voltage Substations in MONUSCO field offices in DR. Congo and Entebbe support base – Uganda

Bid Closing date: 22 October 2024

https://www un org/Depts/ptd/sites/www un org Depts ptd/files/pdf/eoi22247 pdf

MAY, 2024 34

















35 MAY, 2024

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