InFocus Namibia - July 2024

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Namibia Solar Energy Production

Water Heaters (Geysers): A new ally in making grids cleaner

Water: Are we looking at nuclear for the wrong reason?

Enhancing Water Availability in Namibia: Public-Private Partnerships (PPP)

Unconventional Water Resources

From The Editor


Welcometoanothereditionof InFocus Namibia!

What’s Next with Water!

Additionally, this edition features another remarkable Namibian youth entrepreneur, highlighting the role of innovation in addressingourwaterchallenges


We hope you find this edition informative and encourage you to follow and engage with us on all our social media accounts as we continuetoexploreanddiscussthesevitalissues

As always, the conversation continues at .


Authors RDJResearchers

Namibia stands at a crucial crossroad where water is becoming central to its economic leap forward. The availability of advanced technology to “green” our deserts and provide abundant water suppliesistransformingthelandscape,makingitfeasibletosupport variousindustrialandresidentialneeds

However, the costs associated with these technologies and their deliveryposesignificantchallenges,evenforacountryclassifiedas middle-income.

Given these challenges, our researchers have been diligently examining several critical areas: water availability, the potential of nuclear energy as a clean source of water, water tariffs, and the innovativeuseofwatergeysersasagridbalancingmechanism

This report is a FREE Publication written and authored through collaboration with RDJ Consulting Services CC based in Windhoek, Namibia

The content is collected from publicly available information and so its accuracycannotbeguaranteed.

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Economy at Large

Water: Tariffs in Namibia

WaterTariffsDeterminants Courtesy:RDJConsulting

It is undeniable that water is an essential resource, and its pricing plays a critical role in ensuring sustainable supply and equitable access In Namibia, a country

characterised by arid conditions and scarce water resources, water tariffs are a crucial aspect of water management. As we dive into different topics surrounding Namibia’s water sector in this Edition of InFocus Namibia, it just makes sense that we seize the opportunity to also bring forth a deeper understanding of water tariff structures in Namibia, particularly for the City of Windhoek

But before we delve into the tariff issue, it is important to note that the water itself is free in Namibia. However, its extraction, treatment and supply to consumers does come at a cost As a result, consumers are required to pay a fee related to the cost of the value chain

Namibia Water Supply

In Namibia, the main actors responsible for water supply are the Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) for bulk water supply; Government institutions such as the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry in the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry (MAWF) for rural water

supply; Local and Regional Authorities for water supply, water reticulation and effluent treatment, as well as the private sector including self-suppliers such as the mining sector and commercial farmers.

NamWater for example, is operated on a cost recovery basis; therefore, the Water Utility has to recover money spent in the process of supplying water and the construction of new water infrastructure or schemes and the further maintenance of the same through tariffs. The utility’s primary objective is to supply bulk water to its customers. These include Municipalities, Commercial entities such as mines, Government institutions, Regional Councils, Town Councils, Village Councils and Industries, with the largest being mines and the City of Windhoek

Water supply schemes in Namibia are comprised of: Water sources (such as perennial rivers, dams in ephemeral rivers or boreholes); Water treatment facility to ensure its safety for potable use; Water transfer system that conveys movement of water from source to a treatment plant and further to a water distribution point such as a terminal reservoir; and water reticulation systems that convey the water from terminal reservoirs to the water consumer

According to NamWater, laying a water pipeline for a kilometer can easily cost NAD 5 million Therefore, the construction of these facilities requires capital investment and so, a fare is charged to consumers to ensure continued fund availability for water supply and management of these systems.

Water Tariffs Structure for Windhoek

Due to different geographical, social and economic contexts, there are diverse water pricing systems and thus different water tariffs across countries and regions The dominant water tariffs are volumetric tariffs, in which water is metered This is the case of Windhoek

Water tariffs in Windhoek are structured on a tiered basis, which is aimed at cost recovery, promoting water conservation and ensuring that essential water needs are affordable The tiered pricing structure is designed to reflect the increasing marginal cost of water provision and to incentivize consumers to use water more efficiently The tariff system includes a basic and consumption charges. Each is discussed below.

a) A Basic Charge is a fixed monthly fee that all customers pay regardless of their water consumption, to cover the costs associated with maintaining the water infrastructure

b) A Consumption Charge is a variable charge based on the volume of water consumed For the financial year 2023/2024, the City of Windhoek issued tariffs for domestic use under normal water supply conditions for its residents under Category A&B as follows:

For the first 6 kilolitres (kâ„“), meaning 0 - 6kâ„“ consumed per month (or 0 - 0 200 kâ„“ per day equivalent), a rate of N$ 24 41 is charged per kâ„“ This block is intended to cover essential water needs at a relatively affordable rate

For consumption ranging between 6 - 30 kâ„“ per month (0 201 - 1 00 kâ„“ per day equivalent), a rate of N$ 37 83 perkâ„“ischarged Thistiertargetsmoderateusage

As for those consuming between 30 - 50 kâ„“ per month (1 001 kâ„“ - 1 67 kâ„“ per day equivalent), a rate of N$ 75 67 per kâ„“ is charged This tier also targets moderate usage especiallyforlarge-sizedhouseholds

Water consumption exceeding 50 kâ„“ per month (> 1 671 kâ„“ per day equivalent), a rate of N$ 151 32 per kâ„“ is charged This higher rate is intended to discourage excessivewateruse

Note: 1 kilolitres (kâ„“) = 1 cubic meters (mÂł) or 1 000 litres of water.

Each of these tariffs are equivalent to that of domestic use for conditions namely: water scarcity, severe scarcity and water crisis for its residents under Category C, D and E, respectively.


Other than just knowing the water tariff structure, it is necessary to understand that there are external factors that impact these costs, particularly within the City of Windhoek Thesearemainly:

Cost of Supply: The actual cost incurred in sourcing, treating, and delivering water to consumers This includes operational costs, maintenance of infrastructure, and investment in new technologies According to NamWater, one of the biggest challenges it faces is the fact that many people do not live where water is found Hence, the water utility has to construct and lay down pipelines covering long distances in order to take water to where people live, and this is a costly exercise

Water Scarcity: Windhoek is located in an arid region, and water is not always available in Tariffs are therefore set to reflect the scarcity and promote efficient use of water resources

Socio-Economic Considerations: Tariff structures are designed to be equitable, ensuring that basic water needs are affordable for all segments of the population, particularly low-income households.

Environmental Sustainability: To encourage sustainable water usage, tariffs are often structured to penalize excessive use, thereby promoting conservation

Significance of Water Tariffs

Water tariffs are critical in any economy They serve to raise revenues to cover all or part of costs of supply, ensure access across socioeconomic groups, send price signals to users about the relationship between water use and water scarcity, and ensure fairness in water service delivery And so, understanding water tariff pricing in Windhoek is essential for appreciating the City's efforts to manage its limited water resources sustainably and equitably With a total supply of 100 million m³ of water annually to other distributors and customers across the country, NamWater boasts of achieving a milestone of 85% access to clean water for the country’s population The tiered tariff

structure, influenced by the cost of supply, water scarcity, socio-economic factors, and environmental considerations, therefore aims to balance affordability with the need to promoteefficientwateruse


While water tariffs in Windhoek remain a vital tool for managing water resources efficiently and equitably, there is also a need to ensure that tariffs remain affordable for all socio-economic groups, especially in times of economic hardship Byaddressingsimilarissues,Windhoekcanensure the sustainable provision of water for all its residents while encouraging conservation and supporting long-term urban development



http://documents windhoekcc org na/Content/Documents/City%20of %20Windhoek%20Water%20Tariff%20Guide pdf https://061 sharepoint com/sites/PublicRelations/Shared%20Docume nts/Forms/AllItems aspx?

id=%2Fsites%2FPublicRelations%2FShared%20Documents%2FTariffs &p=true&ga=1

https://wocatpedia net/wiki/Water price#Water Tariffs



Development Finance Institutions are exceedingly important for growth of Transport: GDP and Job Creation

contributed by:

In June, I had the pleasure of being part of a panel discussion organized during the African Hospitality Investment Forum (AHIF) in Windhoek. My fellow

panelists were experts in hospitality and finance, bringing different perspectives and opinions to the fore when it comes to investing in the tourism and hospitality sector Some assume that commercial financial institutions and the Development Bank of Namibia (DBN) fulfill the same role, but we do not. We are also not in competition with commercial banks. Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) are partners in development and collaborate with organizations that understand how critical development is to Namibia and Africa Tourism and hospitality are among the essential sectors in which DBN is active

Namibia is not unique in having established a DFI, in most countries across the world, development banks in one form or another have played a vital role in the development of economies, uplifting and modernizing nations The World Bank was created in 1944 to provide loans and grants to the governments of low- and middle-income countries and fund capital projects It helped rebuild economies and countries after the devastation of World War II. Germany's KFW, established in Germany in 1948, does much the same as the World Bank and other development banks. DBN works to improve livelihoods across Namibia by investing in capital projects in different economic sectors

DFIs across Africa emulate this, but very much within an African context. These are specialized institutions that provide medium and long-term credit lending facilities. Their main objective is to serve the public interest instead of earning profits For instance, they provide financial assistance to both public and private sector institutions and are crucial to Namibia's growth The finance that Development Banks (DBs) provide is sometimes called 'lazy capital, ' which is capital that can take its time to

produce a return on investment However, we prefer to think of it as 'patient capital' . DFIs provide long-term finance, as we look to long-term development and impact and growth of the projects we invest in.

It may come as a surprise, but we often work with commercial financial institutions to ensure that a project such as a lodge, hotel, or tour operator gets the relevant funding in the short, medium, and long term. DBN is not a for-profit institution, but we do need to keep a close eye on our loan book. If we do not get a return on our investment at some point on the projects we finance, we will cease to be able to continue to fund projects in the future DBs differ from commercial banks, as banks facilitate short-term financing The structure of DFIs means they avoid extending short-term loans because development is a long-term process.

During the AHIF panel discussion, it became clear that the difference between commercial and development banks lies in the fact that DFIs don't look at projects in isolation because they cannot be derisked In short, DBN would be reckless if it were to fund a project in isolation without understanding the ecosystem. We believe that understanding the tourism and hospitality ecosystem is vital for successful project funding and development It represents a whole value chain of companies and businesses, where each link plays a vital role in the tourism experience of a country Every link in the hospitality chain must be developed and is critical for the whole sector to thrive and offer job and revenue security to those employed and operating in the sector. Developing an ecosystem is not done in a vacuum and the partnerships that DBs have with local and international commercial financial institutions form the bedrock of a nation's long-term socio-economic growth and development It certainly does so in Namibia


RDJ Consulting renews its Memorandum of Agreement with the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST)


On June 24, 2024, RDJ Consulting (www rdjconsulting co za) renewed its Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST) for intake of Work Integrated Learning (WIL) students The successful partnership, which began in 2019, continues to pave the way for future leaders, offering invaluable handson experience and bridging the gap between academia and industry.

At RDJ Consulting, students will have the invaluable chance to apply their theoretical knowledge in real-world settings, supported by mentorship, training, and exposure to industry best practices we believe in nurturing the next generation of talent, providing them with a platform to thrive, innovate, and make meaningful contributions to their chosen fields Our internship program serves as an opportunity for students and recent graduates to immerse themselves in a dynamic, real-world environment where they can apply their knowledge, refine their skills, and explore their passions under the guidance of seasoned professionals

For over eight years now, RDJ Consulting has proudly hosted interns through our annual internship program, dedicated to providing invaluable hands-on experience and fostering the next generation of professionals. We've welcomed both undergraduate and postgraduate students from various universities across Namibia, neighbouring African countries, and beyond Our interns have pursued qualifications in Economics, Statistics, Mathematics, Journalism, Communication, Media Studies, Graphic Design, Computer Studies, Environmental Studies, Policy, Logistics, and more

After the signing of the MoA by Dr. Erling Kavita, Executive Director of NUST: Academic Development and support, and Satellite Campuses, and Mrs Renee Jarrett, Group Executive Administration for RDJ Group, Dr. Erling Kavita, expressed enthusiasm for the updated MoA, stating, “I am happy to learn that this is from 2019 and you are still interested. We are very happy, and we will not fail to return the favor”. He was further pleased to know that RDJ serves as a board member of a NUST qualifications committee since 2020 and that it has played a significant role in providing support for bridging the gap between academic qualifications and the job market Meanwhile Ms Chilombo Priscila – RDJ’s Internship Manager and Group Executive Operation emphasized that “RDJ Consulting looks forward to having an even more active collaboration with NUST through the updated MoA, which will see more activities done for the benefit of the students and both institutions in this post-covid era”.


RDJ Consulting renews its Memorandum of Agreement with the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST)

The partnership, will continue to offer NUST student’s opportunities to work alongside seasoned professionals at RDJ Consulting, providing them with a platform to apply their academic knowledge in real-world settings. This initiative aligns with both RDJ Consulting and NUST's commitment to excellence, innovation, and the development of future talent

About RDJ Consulting Services CC

RDJ Consulting Services CC. (also referred to as RDJ Consulting, or simply RDJ) is a 100% Namibian Energy and Sustainability Consultancy with more than 30 years' experience in the utility (Water, Energy and Telecoms), rural development, environment and transport sectors. Founded in 2010, our a single mission is to make a difference in the Energy & Sustainability landscape Our experience as an integrated professional services firm that builds better communities through planning, design, and delivery of physical and social infrastructure helps support our clients in all aspects going forward RDJ Consulting is based in Windhoek, Namibia has extensive experience in Southern Africa, Asia, Britain, USA and the Caribbean. We thus work with governments and agencies to address issues in developing countries. See our publications

About Our Internship Program’s Impact

What sets us apart is the fact that over 80% of our interns get employed at renowned local and international institutions after their internships with us, while the remaining generally opt to further their studies Because of our achievements, RDJ Group has built continued relationships with local tertiary institutions, and this resulted in signing Memorandum of Agreements (MoAs) with them to take in their students on three-month internship cycles required to complete their WIL module. The purpose of our internship program is to build professional graduates that are employable in the job market and help reduce youth unemployment challenges in the country and beyond.


Namibia Solar Energy Production Energy Sector

Solar energy is abundant in Namibia. These are the modelled amounts of MWh’s of energy that can be produced by 100 MWp of solar photovoltaic (solar panels) if they were installed in the central areas of Namibia.

What these graphs teach us is the quantity and pattern of production that can be expected if such a plant existed

Solar Production 2024 (month to-date)

January 2024

February 2024

March 2024

April 2024

May 2024

June 2024

(Please note June data is under review)

Water Heaters (Geysers): A new

ally in making

grids cleaner

Smart water heaters can soak up clean power, then turn off when the grid is stressed. A new California utility pilot will test the concept at scale.


Water heaters are a potentially massive resource when it comes to balancing the ups and downs of grids that are increasingly powered by

renewables They use more energy than almost anything else in a home except equipment for space heating and cooling. The question is, how big of a grid resource could they become and how much should utilities and their customers invest in preparing them to serve that role?

These are some of the questions that Pacific Gas & Electric hopes to answer with its WatterSaver pilot project Over the next few years, California’s biggest utility intends to sign up between 5,000 and 9,000 customers to install or retrofit electric water heaters that can heat water with electricity when it’s clean and plentiful, and then store that hot water for later so they don’t have to fire up when grid power is scarce or dirtier

The end goal of the project up to 2 5 megawatts of grid load-shifting capacity by 2025 isn’t that big compared to some of the long-running programs tapping water heaters as a grid resource. Southeastern utilities such as Duke Energy and Midwestern rural cooperatives including Great River Energy have hundreds of thousands of electric resistance water heaters hooked up with radio-controlled load switches that can turn them off to ease grid stress or direct them to follow schedules that take full advantage of lower-cost periods for grid energy.

The potential for water heaters as grid assets has long been recognized Multiple studies have indicated that shifting electricity loads with resistance water heaters as well as more efficient modern heat-pump water heaters can yield tens to hundreds of dollars annually in grid-services revenue per water heater, though it’s not always clear that

setting them up to store and shift energy is worth the cost

But PG&E’s WatterSaver project is trying something a little bit different, said Nick Dirr, senior director of programs at the Association for Energy Affordability, one of the project’s partners. Instead of simple one-way on-and-off switches, PG&E will be installing water heaters and control devices with two-way communications via Wi-Fi and cellular networks, as well as on-board computers that can pull realtime data on energy use and water temperatures

And instead of turning the water heaters off only during grid emergencies, PG&E wants to keep them completely off from 4–9 p.m. every day. Those are the hours when California has faced grid supply shortages and even rolling blackouts over the past two summers conditions expected to worsen as the state increases its reliance on solar power that fades away in the evening

WatterSaver will assess how a variety of water heaters work for that task, Dirr said. Some will be existing electric resistance models like those now used by about 50 million U S households, which heat water quickly but require big spikes in electricity use But most will be newly installed heat-pump water heaters, which today make up only a fraction of the country’s water-heater stock but are seen as the future of energy-efficient heating.

California has hundreds of millions of dollars of incentives for heat-pump water heaters through programs to replace fossil-fueled appliances with electric appliances in homes and buildings About 90 percent of California homes use gas to heat water, making water heaters a big target for carbon emissions reductions and a major new grid load if they’re switched from gas to electric.

But water heaters that can soak up excess midday solar energy, then ride out California’s grid-stressed evening hours, could be a major grid asset, said Bill Burke, CEO of Virtual Peaker, the company managing the grid-interactive portion of the WatterSaver project But how big of an asset? That’s where the two-way, real-time data collection from PG&E’s vendor partners comes in, he said.

“What’s really awesome about the new connected water heaters is they tell you how much energy this fleet of water heaters is using,” Burke said Virtual Peaker is already tapping that capacity in programs with utilities including Green Mountain Power in Vermont, Portland General Electric in Oregon and Sacramento Municipal Utility District in California.

That same data can also check water temperatures to ensure these grid-interactive water heaters pass the ultimate test: reliably delivering hot water on demand “As long as you don’t give customers cold showers” something that careful data collection and analysis can help avoid “you can shift load as much as you want,” he said

That’s given supporters of clean energy and building electrification high hopes for the potential for water heaters to help meet California’s growing need to shift its solar energy from daytime to late afternoon and evening. A 2018 study from the Natural Resources Defense Council indicated that heat-pump water heaters could reliably shift about 70 percent of their electricity demand into hours when solar is abundant and use almost no power during evening peaks, as this graphic shows

Thesolidlinesshowbaselineenergyusagebywaterheaters ThedottedlinesshowusagewhenAquanta’stechnologyisemployed notablylower (Aquanta,Opinion Dynamics)

Water heaters as thermal batteries: An untapped resource

Matt Carlson, CEO of water-heater control technology vendor Aquanta, sees enormous untapped potential for using hot water to balance the grid Compared to the smart thermostats now installed in about one-fifth of U S homes, water heaters have much more flexibility to help the grid, he pointed out water retains heat much better than air does, after all.

But to date, deployments of smart water heaters are “about an order of magnitude” lower than deployments of smart thermostats, he said Aquanta’s two-way control devices are deployed by customers like Green Mountain Power and Portland General Electric in the tens of thousands, compared to the millions of legacy one-way load-switch systems out there on water heaters around the country.

Beyond giving utilities much more fine-tuned data and control, Aquanta’s water-heater-mounted devices are linked to a Wi-Fi-connected smartphone app that helps customers save energy on their own, he said. Relatively simple controls, like letting homeowners remotely turn off their water heaters when they’re on vacation, can lower utility bills, he noted Aquanta also offers more sophisticated capabilities, like analyzing a household’s hot-water usage pattern and adjusting to avoid unnecessary heating, which can save even more

Aquanta presented data on those efficiency benefits at last month’s Hot Water Forum, an annual event that’s a mecca of sorts for water heater geeks. The results indicated that Aquanta’s “active” controls enabled a 19 percent reduction

in electric water heater energy usage on an annual basis compared to a “baseline” of inactive controls, as this chart shows.

Extrapolated to the country’s total annual electric water heating bill of about $21 billion, these techniques could yield a $4 billion annual savings, he said And this data doesn’t include the potential for shifting electricity use, which can add even more value.

In fact, smart water heaters can participate in some of the most sophisticated grid services markets out there, said Eric Rehberg, chief engineer and co-founder of Armada Power The startup’s technology, developed at U S Department of Energy laboratory manager Battelle before it was spun out in 2015, is being used for PG&E’s WatterSaver pilot.

Armada’s control system can react within subseconds, allowing it to serve in frequency regulation markets that help maintain transmission grid stability, he said Many of Armada’s devices deployed in apartment buildings are actively bidding into the frequency regulation markets of mid-Atlantic grid operator PJM, according to Rehberg.

The next frontier for Armada’s control platform “is direct renewables firming,” he said That entails giving grid operators access to sources of electricity that can quickly turn on and off to absorb shifts in wind and solar power output. The market structures for enabling this kind of moment-to-moment renewables firming are not yet fully developed. But Armada has shown it can be done in its pilot project with wind- and solar-rich utility Hawaiian Electric, he said

Finding multiple ways for water heaters to earn money doing work for the grid is vital to making them a moneysaving proposition to customers, said John Reinhart, demand-response technology lead at Great River Energy, a Minnesota-based generation and transmission cooperative

Out of the roughly 720,000 customers at the 28 member cooperatives GRE serves, about 100,000 have water heaters equipped with one-way load controls, he said About 40 percent of those are enrolled in what are called “interruptible” programs that turn off water heaters when grid energy costs are spiking, and about 60 percent are in a program that controls them to charge overnight, when grid power is cheaper and more plentiful. A growing portion of that overnight power comes from Midwestern wind farms, he noted

Under a year-old program with Aquanta, GRE and its member cooperatives are switching over to two-way water heater controls that provide “a new layer of data we never had before,” Reinhart said. That’s an important step in getting a clearer picture of exactly how many megawatts of controllable load Aquanta’s system can provide for the grid

“That unlocks all of the market products, whether it’s capacity, energy, frequency regulation,” he said “They’re all enhanced with better accuracy.”

program director with the American Council on an EnergyEfficient Economy (ACEEE)

ACEEE hosts the Hot Water Forum along with other building efficiency events, and it has been promoting the value of smart heat-pump water heaters for years. The first test for any water heater program is whether it improves overall efficiency, Wood said. “If you do energy efficiency first, then you don’t have oversized equipment, and you can decarbonize more effectively ”

But as power grids start to face hour-by-hour shifts between clean and dirty power, load flexibility becomes a more pressing issue, Wood said. California, which is reworking its energy-efficiency programs to value reducing and shifting energy use to match the ups and downs of its increasingly clean electricity supply, is a good example of a place “where energy efficiency and decarbonization really cross over, when you’re aligning the demand side and the supply side.”

Most utility programs and regulations aren’t designed around these shifting grid carbon metrics, she noted “One of the questions is, are there rate structures, or other ways to incentivize more efficient water heating that also ends up decarbonizing, because it aligns with how clean the grid is?”

those who enroll in the program, Dirr said (This $50 incentive is also available for resistance water heaters )

It’s also offering a $200 incentive to install the thermostatic mixing valves that allow overheated water in tanks to be brought down to temperatures safe for use in homes, he said. That’s a vital part of any thermal storage system, since overheating water in tanks “doubles or triples the load-shift potential” by expanding the stored heat capacity

California’s electric-appliance-friendly building codes adopted last year also offer additional efficiency scoring benefits for water heaters that can shift loads, Dirr said. The state’s Self-Generation Incentive Program, which now mainly pays for batteries in homes and buildings, also has $85 million available for heat-pump water heaters, along with performance structures that reward load-shifting that reduces greenhouse gas emissions

As for rate structures, PG&E and California’s other big utilities already have time-of-use rates that make electricity more costly during peak afternoon and evening hours and cheaper during off-peak hours, as this chart from a PG&E presentation at last month’s Hot Water Forum indicates

But all these theoretical money-saving and grid-supporting features need to be tested in the real world, Dirr said. Technical issues include maintaining communications links through everyday disruptions, he noted. “What happens when a customer’s Wi-Fi drops or they change their router password? What happens in an apartment when the old tenant moves out?” In some cases, direct cellular connections between smart water heaters and the utility and customers may be more reliable than Wi-Fi, he said but cellular is a more expensive option.

Then there’s the issue of how California’s regulatory framework measures the value of the “permanent load shift” capacity that the WatterSaver program is testing, he said “This program is weird because it’s not efficiency, nor is it demand response,” he said “It’s changing the load shape. We’re not reducing kilowatt-hours; we’re just moving it.”

That complicates how utilities are allowed to consider the costs and benefits of a program, he said “With energyefficiency programs, there’s a whole established costeffectiveness tool, and it’s all about reducing kilowatthours over an existing baseline,” he said. But because the WatterSaver program is designed to start its water heaters on their 4–9 p.m. load-avoidance patterns from day one, there’snobaselinetomeasureagainstinthiscase.

This cost-benefit measurement issue is actually one of the most complicated parts of the WatterSaver program, Dirr said. It’s made even more complicated by recent changes in the avoided-cost calculator, the methodology California uses to measure the cost-effectiveness of energy efficiency, solar net metering and many other aspects of utility energy policy

“We’re in an early stage here,” he said “A lot of what this will be testing is how much can they load shift and what are thevariablesthatinfluencethat ”

Heat-pump water heaters, for instance, are so much more efficient at using electricity that it’s not clear how much more grid value is to be gained from the additional costs involvedinsettingthemuptostoreandshiftloads,hesaid Setting up rules and regulations for valuing what these load-shifting water heaters can do for balancing the grid and reducing carbon emissions “is the next step,” he said While investing upfront in getting a major class of allelectric appliances may not make as much of an impact in the early stages of deployment, he noted, “at scale, it probably does matter once everyone in the state is using them.”


https://www canarymedia com/articles/grid-edge/home-waterheaters-a-new-ally-in-making-grids-cleaner

Jeff St. John is director of news and special projects at Canary Media. He covers innovative grid technologies, rooftop solar and batteries, clean hydrogen, EV charging andmore©2024CanaryMedia

About Us


RDJ Consulting is a 100% Namibian Energy and Sustainability Consultancy with more than 30 years’ experience in the utility (Water, Energy and Telecoms), rural development and transport sectors Our experience as an integrated professional services firm that builds better communities through planning, design, and delivery of physical and social infrastructure helps support our clients in all aspects going forward.

We approach each of our clients with fresh eyes to develop customized, unique strategies

RDJ Consulting based in Windhoek, Namibia has extensive experience in Southern Africa, Asia, Britain, USA and the Caribbean We thus work with various governments and agencies to address development issues in developing countries.

Our Services:

Water Water: Are we looking at nuclear for the wrong reason?

When we look at issues related to utilities, we tend to see them in a singular fashion So, no surprise then that current discussions around

water shortages and needs, no mention is made about telecommunications or electricity The best approach would be to treat the utilities therefore as a nexus

What brought this view about?

The “affordability” approach for projects using a least-cost metric is generally based on a singular off-take This can at the least be risky but combined with multiple off-take approaches, the earnings risk starts to be reduced, thus increasing the profitability of a project.

Water as we have been at pains to explain is an essential element for life in such a manner that the United Nations declares that we all have a right to water and sanitation with the ability to “access” without discrimination In response we currently have Sustainable Development Goals(SDG) for water (SDG 6) and efforts currently yield 73% of the world’s population uses a safely managed drinking water service (SDG indicator 6.1.1, 2022). Namibia using the same indicator, has an 86% access rate placing the country above the international benchmark

Scarcity, brought about by natural causes such as drought or need based demand that exceeds available supply provide society with enough motivation to look to technology for solutions. Rising sea levels, increasingly frequent flooding and droughts, and declining glacial and snow cover are all projected to frustrate access to sources of potable water Without solutions to mitigate these and other effects of climate change, water scarcity will increasingly pose a threat to quality of life on a global scale. The demand for fresh water for drinking and industrial use is not limited to landlocked countries, but also affects small island developing states and countries with large coastal territories

Enter desalination

Desalination is the process of removing salts and other impurities from seawater or brackish water to produce fresh water suitable for human consumption, irrigation, and industrial use. Desalination is energy-intensive, particularly Reverse Osmosis (RO) and thermal processes. In RO, seawater is forced through semi-permeable membranes that block the salt and other impurities, allowing only fresh water to pass through Advances in technology aim to reduce energy requirements While it presents challenges, including high energy use and

environmental concerns, continuous improvements and innovations in desalination processes are enhancing its viability as a sustainable solution for global water needs

Nuclear power plants could offer a solution, while serving a dual purpose: producing low carbon electricity and turning seawater into fresh water. “The non-electric applications powered by nuclear energy, such as desalination, present sustainable solutions for a number of water-intensive endeavours from the consumption needs of millions of households and the industrial applications of fresh water to agriculture and livestock rearing that current and future generations will face,” said Francesco Ganda, Technical Lead for Non-Electric Applications at the IAEA.

Nuclear desalination plants, such as the Karachi Nuclear Power Complex in Pakistan, have been demonstrated as a viable option to meet the growing demand for potable water India, Japan and Kazakhstan have the most experience in nuclear desalination, with hundreds of reactor-years of successful operations. This solution provides a viable, cost-effective path to potable water for thousands of communities “Nuclear power plants could help meet the growing demand for potable water and provide hope to areas with acute water shortages in many arid and semi-arid zones,” Ganda added

“Desalination is considered the primary source of fresh water in Jordan to fulfil the expected demand and reduce the supply-demand deficit,” said Khalid Khasawneh, Commissioner for Nuclear Power Reactors at the Jordan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC) The study found that using nuclear energy for desalination is feasible in Jordan

There are already around 20,000 desalination plants worldwide, almost all of which are onshore The majority are located in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait, with others in countries including the UK, China, the US, Brazil, South Africa and Australia, to name a few In terms of cost, nuclear desalination is comparable to fossil fuel plants, with indicative costs ranging from 70-90 US cents per cubic metre. One promising strategy is to use power reactors to meet high grid load demands, while using excess electricity to power pumps for reverse osmosis(RO)desalination.

If Namibia decides to use nuclear power, then the best bet is to incorporate desalination into the mix so that water constrains are met in parallel with energy needs to ensure a “win-win” situation. Noting that it costs NamWater approximately 83 US cents per cubic metre, this is well within the cost profile of nuclear desalinated water costs globally

As always, the conversation continues


https://www unwater org/water-facts/water-scarcity

https://www unwater org/water-facts/human-rights-water-andsanitation

https://www sdg6data org/en/country-orarea/namibia#anchor 6 1 1

https://www iaea org/bulletin/harnessing-nuclear-power-fordesalination-to-secure-freshwater-resources

https://profit pakistantoday com pk/2020/09/07/kanupp-ii-thermaltesting-completed-commercial-operations-from-next-year/ https://www bbc com/news/business-61483491

https://www aquatechtrade com/news/desalination/atomicpowered-decentralised-desalination

https://www namwater com na/index php/about-us?start=7

Enhancing Water Availability in Namibia

Public-Private Partnerships (PPP)

Namibia's climate is characterized by low and erratic rainfall, with the majority of the country receiving less than 250 millimeters of rain annually This

situation is compounded by high evaporation rates and recurrent droughts Consequently, the nation relies heavily on groundwater and limited surface water sources. The increasing demand for water, driven by population growth, urbanization, and industrial activities, places additional strain on these limited resources

The development of water infrastructure requires significant capital investment, which is often beyond the capacity of the public sector alone. Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) can attract private sector financing to fund the construction and maintenance of water treatment plants, desalination facilities, and distribution networks

In terms of the Namibian Public Private Partnership Act, 2017 (Act No 4, 2017), “value for money” means that [a] public private partnership agreement results in a net benefit, to the public entity or users, defined in terms of cost, price, quality, quantity or risk transfer or a combination of cost, price, quality, quantity or risk transfer

Further, “public private partnership project” means an agreement between a public entity and a private entity, in terms of which –

(a) the private entity provides public infrastructure assets or services for use, either directly or indirectly, by the public;

(b) investments are made by or management of the infrastructure asset or service is undertaken by the private entity for a specified time;

(c) risk is optimally shared between the private entity and the public entity; and

(d) the private entity receives performance linked payments;

For instance, the Erongo Desalination Plant, a PPP between the Namibian government and a private company [Orano (formerly Areva)], has already demonstrated the potential of such collaborations in providing a reliable water source to the coastal region.

Private companies often bring advanced technologies and innovative solutions to water management Desalination, wastewater treatment, and smart water management systems are areas where private sector expertise can be particularly valuable. By incorporating cutting-edge technologies, Namibia can improve the efficiency and sustainability of its water supply systems. For example, reverse osmosis desalination technology, employed in PPP projects, can significantly enhance freshwater production from seawater

Private sector involvement can lead to more efficient management and operation of water facilities. Through PPPs, Namibia can benefit from the private sector's experience in optimizing operational processes, reducing water losses, and enhancing service delivery This can

result in cost savings and improved reliability of water supply An example is the Windhoek Goreangab Operating Company (WINGOC), a PPP that manages the Goreangab Water Reclamation Plant, ensuring the efficient reclamation and supply of potable water to Windhoek residents

PPPs can facilitate knowledge transfer and capacity building within the public sector. By working alongside private partners, public sector employees can gain valuable skills and expertise in water management, which can be applied to other projects and sectors This capacity building is essential for ensuring the long-term sustainability of water infrastructure and services.

In terms of article 100 of the Namibian Constitution, land, water and natural resources belong to the State However, water infrastructure projects are often associated with significant risks, including financial, technical, and operational risks PPPs allow for the sharing of these risks between the public and private sectors, reducing the burden on the government and increasing the likelihood of project success. This risk-sharing mechanism can make water projects more attractive to investors and enhance their feasibility

Case Studies and Examples

Erongo Desalination Plant

The Erongo Desalination Plant being a prime example of how PPPs can be utilized to increase water availability in Namibia. The plant, a collaboration between Orano (formerly Areva) and the Namibian government, was established to supply water to the uranium mines in the Erongo region It has since expanded its supply to meet the needs of the local municipalities, providing a reliable source of water in an otherwise arid region

n Namibia, Orano is represented by its subsidiary Orano Resources Namibia.

Windhoek Goreangab Operating Company (WINGOC)

The Goreangab Water Reclamation Plant, operated by WINGOC, is another successful PPP in Namibia. The plant

treats domestic wastewater to produce potable water,I which is supplied to the residents of Windhoek Successful direct reclamation as practiced in Windhoek is based on the practice of diverting industrial and other potentially toxic waste water from the main domestic waste water stream.

This innovative approach to water reclamation has helped to alleviate water shortages in the capital city and serves asamodelforotherregionsfacingsimilarchallenges.

While PPPs offer numerous benefits, they also need the supportof:

A clear and supportive regulatory framework is essential for the successful implementation of PPPs. Namibia must ensure that its legal and regulatory environment is conducive to attracting private sector investment and facilitatingeffectivepartnerships

Transparency and accountability are critical to gaining public trust and ensuring the success of PPP projects Clear contractual arrangements, performance metrics, and regular monitoring are necessary to ensure that private partnersdeliverontheircommitments

Withafocusonsocialandenvironmentalimpactstoensure sustainable development, PPPs should incorporate the needed environmental impact assessments and engage withlocalcommunitiestoaddressanyconcernsandensure thatprojectsaresociallyinclusive.

Public-Private Partnerships therefore present a viable and effective solution for enhancing water availability in Namibia. By leveraging the financial resources, technological expertise, and operational efficiencies of the private sector, Namibia can address its water scarcity h ll ff ti l

Unconventional Water Resources

Governance, policies and institutions


Development of effective policies and efficient governance structures are essential to support harnessing the potential of unconventional water

resources, with policies and structures being reflective of the regions and countries in which they are situated

Since water scarcity addresses countries without recognizing political boundaries, it is important to ensure discussion and coordination of national water-related policies and actions with transboundary dialogue and measures in shared basins This exchange will help identify joint transboundary opportunities and risks and means to share benefits and costs while harnessing the potential of unconventional water resources across political borders. The Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention) provides a unique global and legal framework for facilitating reasonable and equitable use of transboundary waters, as well as preventing, controlling and reducing transboundary risks

In the case of rainfall enhancement through cloud seeding, it is important to consider that artificially altered precipitation would affect the distribution and intensity of

atmospheric water and precipitation on the downwind side and may have transboundary impacts Similarly, geoengineering would modify the hydrological cycle and thus precipitation, even though the focus of geo-engineering is on solar-radiation management and not weather modification (Bala et al., 2008).

Currently, there is only one global treaty that addresses weather modification – the 1978 Convention on the Prohibition of Military and Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques, which has 78 parties As its name attests, the treaty addresses only weather modification exercised as a means of warfare. While some nations have domestic laws about weather modification, thus far no applicable global governance regime has been formally proposed for cloud seeding leading to rain enhancement (Martin-Nagle, 2019)

There is a tacit understanding among the practitioners of fog harvesting that this water should not be sold for profit. Given the type and intensity of fog needed for successful fog collection, such systems are often found in mountainous and poor regions of the world and priority is given to the local population in need

Considering also the wide range of legal and public policy bodies in the countries where fog occurs, questions regarding ownership (public-private), monitoring, and quotas need to be country-specific with supportive action plans for scaling up fog collection systems In practice, there is a lack of national water policies and action plans that consider fog water collection as a means of addressing local water shortages in water-scarce areas with abundant fog In addition, there are institutional challenges that are contributing to the slow uptake of the potential of fog water collection

A major cause of underperforming or failed fog water harvesting projects is weak institutions coupled with limited inter-institutional collaboration that is reflected through largely unclear and overlapping responsibilities (Qadir et al , 2018) To achieve successful implementation of fog water harvesting projects and their sustainability in the future, it is necessary to integrate the local institutions and associated communities as stakeholders to promote their involvement, commitment, and ownership of the fog collection systems.

Although still in infancy in terms of practice, iceberg towing may be subject to issues of complex policies due to law around the Antarctic, but this will depend upon from where the icebergs are harvested. The Antarctic Treaty System defines Antarctica as all land and ice shelves south of 60°S latitude parallel. The treaty was put in place in 1959 for signatures by 12 countries The issue of the potential use of ice was raised at several meetings of the Consultative Parties of Antarctic Treaty, but ice was eventually not included in the negotiations and not ratified Currently, icebergs are not included in the 1991 Protocol on E

c c

Current plans and discussion for iceberg harvesting target icebergs in the open sea north of 60°S If plans emerge to exploit icebergs within 200 nautical miles from the Antarctic coast, then this would likely create problems between the claimant and non-claimant States (Spandonide, 2009). Another aspect relates to the decline in the area, extent, and volume of sea ice and melting of the Greenland ice sheet attributed to the increased greenhouse effect caused by the increase in carbon dioxide. Such climate change is having a direct impact on the people that live in the Arctic. Moving icebergs from the Arctic to dry areas may be of concern to the 4 million Arctic inhabitants.

There are large gaps between developing and developed countries as well as between lowand high-income countries for the treatment of municipal wastewater The treatment of wastewater and use and/or disposal in the humid regions of developed countries, such as the eastern part of North America, northern Europe, and Japan are motivated by stringent effluent discharge regulations and public preferences regarding environmental quality Treated wastewater is also used for irrigation, but this end-use is notsubstantialinhumidareas

The situation is different in the arid and semi-arid areas of developed countries, such as western North America, Australia, parts of the Middle East, and southern Europe, where wastewater after treatment is used primarily for irrigation(Satoetal ,2013)

In developing countries, municipal wastewater treatment is limited, as investments in treatment facilities have not kept pace with exponential population growth and the corollary increases in wastewater volumes. Thus, much of the municipal wastewater is not treated and released to localwaterbodies,orusedbysmall-scalefarmersfor

irrigation in dry areas with little ability to optimize the volume or quality of the wastewater they receive (Sato et al., 2013). Apart from the lack of supportive policies and unclear institutional arrangements, the public budgets in most developing countries for water recycling and reuse are inadequate In addition, limited economic analysis, lack of reuse cost-recovery mechanisms, no or little value for treated wastewater, lack of awareness about the potential of water recycling and reuse, and inefficient irrigation and water management schemes are constraints to effective water recycling and reuse practices. Some countries in dry areas such as Jordan, Israel, and Tunisia have employed a range of conventional and unconventional systems and have national standards and regulations in place for water recycling and reuse The policymakers in these countries consider reuse of water reclaimed from wastewater as an essential aspect of strategic planning and management of water resources.

In the context of desalination, its raw material source (the ocean) is practically limitless Desalination is thus drought proof, and it is a good way to deal with drought related climate change risks It also provides a solid response to exogenous risks such as dependency on other countries for water supply. Singapore, for example, opted for large-scale desalination to reduce its dependence on increasingly expensive imported water from Malaysia. The stable, efficient supplies of urban and industrial water that desalination provides can help governments manage a

range of economic, social, and political risks (World Bank, 2019) As water scarcity grows and with advances in desalination technology and reductions in production cost, policy makers around the world may consider action plans supporting desalination in narrowing the gap between water supply and demand in future years Governance of offshore freshwater aquifers would involve at least five governance regimes: the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, customary principles of international water law, the laws and practices that have been developed for offshore oil and gas development, the Convention on Biological Diversity, and the UNEP Regional Seas Programme (Martin Nagle, 2016; Martin-Nagle, 2020). It is likely that offshore freshwater could be viewed as a mineral or hydrocarbon resource with countries claiming freshwater rights within 200 nautical miles of their coastlines This could present issues in regions such as the South China Sea (Burgess, 2003).

This article based on an extract of the UN-Water Analytical Brief - Unconventional Water Resources https://www unwater org/sites/default/files/app/uploads/20 20/06/UN-Water-Analytical-Brief-Unconventional-WaterResources-1 pdf ISBN: 978-92-808-6103-7 and is provided to the reader in the interest of sharing knowledge to all. All rights of the document owners are respected and reserved.

Please note that the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments was excluded

Drinkingwatertreatmentplantaerialview Courtesy:Canva
AUTHOR: Chilombo (Olga) Priscila

Spotlight on Steven Mungongi

Managing Director of Mungongi GROUP -

The Mungongi Agriculture Project

The Mungongi Agriculture Project, founded by Steven Mungongiin2010,standsasabeaconofresilienceand innovationinNamibia’sagriculturallandscape.Forced

to leave his studies at the University of Namibia in 2008 due to financial constraints, Mungongi returned to his roots in Musese village,KavangoWestregionwithadeterminationtosupporthis family Starting with a modest one-hectare plot, he began cultivatingwatermelonsandtomatoeswithseedsandbasictools providedbyhisgrandmother

Despite the humble beginnings, Mungongi's enterprise quickly flourished By reinvesting profits year after year, the project expandedsignificantly Officiallyregisteredin2015,theMungongi Agriculture Project has grown to secure 25 hectares for horticultureandaremarkable1,470hectaresforcropproduction thelargestpieceoflandforsuchpurposesintheconstituency Additionally, the project has access to 16 million cubic meters of water annually from the Kavango River for irrigation, a vital resourcegiventhearidclimate

From its inception with just two volunteers, the project now employs six individuals, with plans to triple this workforce as operations scale up. The strategy of offering competitive pricing and emphasizing community welfare has established a loyal customer base. This commitment to community is further evidenced by the creation of the Mungongi Foundation, which funds sports leagues and provides water to over 500 people, mitigatinghuman-wildlifeconflictsintheprocess. “In recognition of my work and contribution, the traditional authority rewarded me with more land to the tune of 1480 hectares for the sole purpose of agriculture.” saidMr.Mungongi.

pump mounted on a trailer When water needs to be pumped, the trailer with the pump is driven to the river There, the submersible pump is immersed in the water, which has a pumping capacity of 20 cubic metres per hour The pumped water then enters the water network, which irrigates the fields via drip and sprinkler systems and feeds an 80,000-litre elevated tank Once the pumping process is complete, the trailer is returned to the farm for safety reasons ”

A pivotal innovation is the mobile solar-powered irrigation system, developed with the support of GIZ Namibia’s Green People's Energy initiative Thisgroundbreakingsystem,thefirstof itskindinNamibia,hassignificantlyboostedproductioncapacity byprovidingareliableandpowerfulwatersource Itsmobilityand anti-theftfeaturesmakeitaversatiletoolforbothagriculturaland domesticuse

According to the Green Peoples Energy (GPE), “the mobile irrigation system consists of solar panels integrated into a river

GPEfurtherreportsthenotablebenefitsbroughtaboutoptingfor amobileirrigationsystemforthisagricultureprojectinclude: Flood protection: Unpredictable flooding of the Kavango Rivercanthreatensolarpanelsinstalledneartheriverbank.A mobileirrigationsystemallowsthemodulestobepositioned furtherawaytoreducetherisk.

Flexibility in water collection: The mobility of the system meansthatthewaterextractionpointcanbechosenflexibly

dependingontheseason.Thisallowsthesystemtooperate moreefficientlyandensuresoptimumaccesstowater.

Anti-theft: Due to increasing theft and vandalism of solar panels and pumps in the region, a mobile system was introduced It can be easily moved and placed in a safer locationtoreducetheriskoftheftanddamage

The project's success has not gone unnoticed The then HonorablePrimeMinisterSaaraKuugongelwaAmadhilavisitedto witness firsthand the impact of this innovative irrigation system, underscoring its potential to address water shortages across communities


Mr.Mungongistronglybelievesthatsolarirrigationwillcontinue toevolveandharnessagriculturesignificantlyinthenearfuture, especially in off-grid areas. He says “The solar system comes in handy because of the fact that it has zero carbon footprint on the environment and the fact that it is cheaper to operate in the long run”. Meanwhile, his future plans comprise of expanding and utilizing the “1480 hectares of land that we have in order to scale up and go into mass potato production and maize then process the maize into maize meal on site and supply the SADC market, which we look to achieve in the next 2-3 years ”

Furthermore,Mr Mungongiseeshisprojectexpandingtoinclude cultivatingmaizeontheextensiveplot,processingiton-siteinto

maize meal, and distributing it throughout Namibia and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region at large

A piece of advice he leaves to young professionals looking to followinyourfootsteps,hesays “they should work hard as there is no substitute for hard work in this world. They should be prepared to go the distance and take the heat if they ever want to realize their dreams because it is possible ”

Mr Mungongi's endeavors in renewable energy applications for sustainable farming exemplify the transformative potential of innovativeagriculturalpracticesinruralsettings.Hismobilesolar irrigation system not only addresses the challenges of water scarcity and energy inefficiency but also fosters community engagement and socio-economic development As Namibia grappleswitherraticrainfallanddrought,Mr Mungongi'sproject standsasabeaconofresilienceandingenuity Hisvisionforthe future, encompassing large-scale crop production and a commitmenttoempoweringyoungprofessionals,underscoresa hopeful trajectory for the role of solar irrigation in Namibia's agricultural evolution Through dedication and innovation, Mr Mungongicontinuestoinspireandpavethewayforasustainable agriculturalfuture


Personal communications with Steven Mungongi. https://gruene-buergerenergie org/en/topics/productive-use/innovativesolar-powered-irrigation-system-on-wheels/




Description: Supply & Delivery of Non- Return Valves for the Koichabpan - Luderitz Booster Stations

Bid Closing date: 25 Jul 2024 at 11h00


Description: Supply of Security Seals for the National Oil Storage Facility (NOSF)

Bid Closing date: 26 July 2024 at 11h00 Namibian Time


Description: Construction of the Namib to Lüderitz IPP’s 132kV Transmission Lines

BId Closing date: 02 Aug 2023 at 10h00 Namibian Time https://www nampower com na/Bid aspx?id=251930

Description: Designing Manufacturing, Delivering, Installing, Testing and Commissioning of Power Transformers-Bid #2

Bid Closing date: 02 Aug 2024 at 10h00 Namibian Time

Description: Design and Construction of Khomas 220/66kV substation

Bid Closing date: 16 August 2024 at 10h00 Namibian Time

https://www nampower com na/Bid aspx?id=251929

Municipality of Keetmanshoop

Description: Construction of Electrical Services for a Portion Of Tseiblaagte Ext 7 – Phase 2

Bid Closing date: 02 August 2024

https://egp2 gov na/forms/ProjDetails jsf


Description: Supply and Delivery of Locomotives Spares

Bid Closing date: 06 Aug 2024 at 12h00

Press Releases


August 26 Manufacturing empowering Namibian youth through clothing production

Windhoek, 10 July. 2024 – August 26 Manufacturing has commenced its first-ever apprenticeship program to empower Namibian youth The program encouraged youth from different backgrounds to apply, including individuals from marginalized communities and women The apprenticeship aims to provide essential skills in clothing production This initiative combines practical on-the-job training with classroom instruction to equip young people with technical expertise and industry knowledge

The three-year apprenticeship program at August 26 Manufacturing, started on April 1, 2024, and will train apprentices in clothing production, manufacturing, stitching, and quality control The program balances 70% hands-on training at the manufacturing facility with 30% classroom-based learning from a registered training institution This dual approach ensures apprentices acquire both practical skills and the theoretical foundations necessary for long-term success in the clothing production sector

The Namibia Training Authority (NTA) approved apprenticeships will ensure that the eight apprentices receive nationally recognized training and certification The apprenticeship has three levels of certification, this phased approach allows participants to build their expertise gradually The Namibian clothing manufacturing industry needs skilled workers who can make uniforms, safety gear and other clothing to a high standard This will allow locally made manufactured garments to compete with imported clothing and grow Namibia’s manufacturing base and its

Desideria Gideon, Marketing and Communication Officer at August 26 Manufacturing, highlighted the program’s impact, saying, “As apprentices move through the program, they will develop a robust understanding of clothing production, gain practical skills, and enhance their problemsolving abilities essential for addressing production challenges "

The company aims to expand the apprenticeship program to accommodate more apprentices in the future, further contributing to skills development in Namibia Empowering marginalized groups and making them ready to become productive members of the Namibian workforce The progress and success of the program will be measured using a logbook provided by the NTA Each apprentice will be closely monitored and be given the training and guidance needed so they can succeed in their apprenticeship This method ensures the program meets its objectives and allows for continual improvement based on feedback and outcomes

“We believe that empowering youth with these skills not only enhances their career prospects but also strengthens the future of Namibia's manufacturing industry. Our commitment to this apprenticeship program is a testament to our dedication to youth empowerment and skill development,” added Gideon.

For more information:

Desideria Gideon

Marketing and Communication Officer, August 26 Manufacturing

















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