Three 8-inch water main branches are proposed: • An extension running west on Middle Mount Vernon Road and then south into the southwest residential zone. • An extension running north along the west side of University Parkway before turning west into the commercial zones, then branching north along South Roesner Road and continuing north into the Rural Estate zones. These branches then connect into a loop to supply additional water pressure. • An extension running west along Upper Mount Vernon Road before turning south after the flex zones with branches south, west, and southwest into the residential zones. The west and southwest branches then connect into a loop to supply additional water pressure.
A total of 29,200 LF of water mains are proposed. This includes one bore under University Parkway. The total estimated water cost is $5.1 million. All cost estimates include only main trunk lines. Sewer and water main laterals and minor branches used to reach developed areas would incur additional cost. This additional cost would be born by the developer. For all alternatives, including the recommended scenario, the preliminary sewer and water main sizing are for planning purposes only and are based on the minimum design standards of the Evansville Water and Sewer Utility at the time of this report writing. External developments and utility projects were considered when projecting the Parkway’s improvements, including the Wadesville expansion. Final sizing and costs will be dependent upon actual site considerations, size and type of development, demand conditions, conditions of the sewer and water system, as well as design and permitting standards at the time of final design.
Figure 3-9 Proposed Water Infrastructure Improvements Recommended Scenario 38