I had a JOY filled day on Saturday! I began the morning talking about one of my passions, Supporting Emotions with Essential Oils, on a Community Radio Show. I followed it up with a day in the kitchen BAKING! THERE I WAS –
• Favourite Elton John tunes cranked up reminding me of happy memories touring through Europe in my youth • Busting out dance moves between the bench top and the stove feeling renewed energy vibrating in my cells and gladdening my heart • Enthusiastically adding a variety of doTERRA essential oils to my recipes to enhance the flavour and taste and feeling grateful for these gifts of the earth • Allowing the tantalizing aromas of savoury crackers to transport me across the years to my mother’s kitchen in the Outback of Australia where her home-made bread was not just a necessity but a delectable addition to our diet • Proudly viewing my results and happily watching the look of appreciation on Farmer Green’s face as he savoured the outcome AND THEN…
• I took my ‘dance party’ out to the pool and floated on my back and lost myself in the mystery of the ever-changing shapes of the clouds Expressing my JOY brings me a sense of fulfilment and peace! So, what brings YOU joy? If you cannot rattle off a dozen or so answers in a millisecond – try this. • Download Olly The Octopus from my website under MyStore and Free Book Downloads or just
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\\ APRIL 2021 \\ Rebirth Vade Mecum Magazine
draw a circle in the middle of a page with eight legs going out and draw circles on the ends of those legs. • Write in the middle, ‘What Brings Me Joy?’. Then, brainstorm and fill in the legs. Make this a ‘work in progress’ and keep adding more legs as you need.
• What makes me laugh? • What used I do that I enjoyed? • What do I like to smell, touch, taste, hear, see, feel that brings me joy? • What am I doing when I feel ‘in flow’? Then, if you are not doing most of those things regularly, now is the time to START! Make a decision now to have a ‘joy’ful year! www.scentsofempowerment.com.au
9/04/2021 9:18:14 PM