Ted Haynes, President
Brother David Rose, VP of Development
Opening Remarks
David Pinnell, WISD High School Principal
Pastor Debbie Lyons, Foundation Board Member
Catered by Coyote Smoke Barbecue
Award Presentations
Ted Haynes, President, & Makenzie Cox, VP of Marketing & Events
Top 10 WISD Students and Their Most Influential Teachers
Foundation Award of Distinction
Brother David Rose, VP of Development
Katie Garner
Closing Remarks
On behalf of the Winnsboro ISD Education Foundation, I would like to personally congratulate each of you for being the top ten students of your graduating class. You have all proven to be the best of the best, and we are all so very proud of your accomplishments and well-deserved success!
HaynesWe hope you will always look back on your time in Winnsboro ISD fondly as a transformative and exciting time. As you move into the next phase of your lives, you will discover more interests, take on new roles, and grow in ways that you never imagined possible.
Please know that we support you in your journey and we have very high hopes for your future. So, chase your dreams, work hard, and say yes to every opportunity that knocks on your door. Just don’t forget to stop and look around, because you won’t want to miss a second of it!
Ted Haynes President, Winnsboro ISD Education FoundationPlease know that we support you in your journey and we chase your dreams, work hard, and say yes to ever y oppo forget to stop and look around, because you won't wantCongratulations,
President, Winnsboro ISD Education FoCongratulations,
The Winnsboro ISD Education Foundation Mission: Engaging the Community and Empowering Educators
The Winnsboro Education Foundation is governed by an independent, volunteer Board of Directors including business and community leaders, parents, educators, and alumni. We will unite our resources - time, service, money and expertise with the needs of our school district to enhance and compliment the educational mission of WISD. Our board shares a vision for educational excellence and student achievement, organized exclusively for educational and charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
• Innovative Teaching Grants
• Scholarship for Current Employees
• Recognition of Exceptional Educators and Support Staff
1. Enhance and enrich educational opportunities for students
2. Support staff for innovative efforts and recognize staff for exemplary teaching
3. Involve the community in ensuring a quality education for the leaders and workers of tomorrow
I stood where you are standing only a year ago. In the past twelve months we have experienced many new things. You have had many “lasts”, while I have had many “firsts”. You experienced your last first day of high school, your last sports game, and your last prom. I have welcomed my first day of college, my first time meeting new friends, and my first experience with living in a close capacity with a stranger. All of the “lasts” I experienced while in high school prepared me for my time in college. Leaving high school is terrifying, but the next steps in your life will be exhilarating. Whether you are leaving home for college, entering the workforce, or joining the military, you are leaving the comfort of familiarity behind and jumping head first into something new.
The most important thing I have learned in my year on my own is the importance of a support system. There will be many, many times when you fail, but having someone to help you get back up makes the failure worth it. It can be hard to face life on your own, but you will always have a family at Winnsboro High School. The faculty and staff will always be there to help you get on your feet, and they will always root for your success. Many times in the last year, I have looked back on my time in high school and missed the reliability of the friendly faces of Winnsboro High School, but I know that they are only a phone call away.
If I could give you only one piece of advice it would be to live in the moment. Being on your own is stressful, and there is tremendous value in having a plan and utilizing time management skills, but there are some times when you need to just live in the moment and experience your new phase of life. I wish you the best Class of 2023, and I can not wait to see what you do with your new opportunities.
1. Jewelisa Duffer
Influential Teachers:
Imani Wright
Kasey Coke
Cynthia Rogers
Michael Miller
Sarah Lageschaar
Stacy Rogers
Robert Cochran
Judy Ramey
Becky Morris
2. Devin Grimes 3. Karsten Nittmo 4. Lane Lewis 5. Sol Torres 6. Rosa Clapp 7. Braden Chilton 8. Faith Sechrist 9. Cody Nguyen 10. Abbye RayOne of the things that Coach Wright hates the most is attention. This is one of the reasons I chose to speak about her today. There’s no person that is more humble than her and she deserves so much recognition for my success even if she won’t admit it. Throughout my basketball career, she has encouraged, praised, and, thankfully, corrected me. The best thing is that she has the best attitude when doing this. There wasn’t a time that she ever made me feel incapable or less than. She is the reason for a lot of my success in basketball and my life.
I still remember the first time I met Coach Wright. I was wildly intimidated by her. She played at Baylor, Florida State, and even overseas in the WNBA. What was she doing in the small town of Winnsboro? I originally expected her to be strict, harsh, and maybe even a little disappointed at the lack of skill our team had but I couldn’t have been more wrong. She was so modest and never acted like we were amateurs (even though we obviously were compared to her), but instead treated us like we each had the potential to go pro. She gave us the confidence our team was lacking and showed us we were very much capable of winning a state championship.
During my freshman and sophomore year is when I spent most of my time with Coach Wright because she was the Junior Varsity coach. During that time she taught me the valuable lessons of hard work, perseverance, and opportunity. There was nothing more I wanted during this time than to be on varsity. She understood my goal and made it hers. Every day she would encourage me to play harder and praise me when I did something right. I am so self-critical of myself and just having someone tell me that I was doing something right meant the world to me. She has no idea but each day I looked forward to seeing her and listening to the valuable lesson she had for me. By my junior and senior years, she had helped me climb to varsity. No feeling of fear compares to the one you feel your first year on Varsity Lady Raider Basketball. She mentored me through this time and during the times I would completely break down and cry, she would be there sitting next to me calming me down. One instance I remember was during a playoff game this year. I had some personal issues come up in my life and it caused me to have a breakdown in the middle of the game. At halftime, she pulled me over and talked me through it without making me feel ashamed. She reminded me of everything I’ve overcame and assured me that whatever this problem was it would pass. She was right and it was because of her that I somehow managed to finish that game.
I truly believe that Coach Wright does not know the massive influence that she’s had on me these past few years. She was more of a friend than a coach and a lot of times I needed that. She has the ability to make someone feel special even when they’re not in the WNBA. I will never forget her and her kindness throughout my life. I will try and take on the qualities she has as an adult and influence someone’s life as she did mine.
Jewelisa will be attending University of Texas at Tyler to pursue a degree in pre-med.
I have had a great high experience because of you. Not only did you teach me geometry, but you also taught me what it means to be a friend. When no one else was by my side, you were. Whether it be arguments with my dad or friends, you always had my back. I have known you for years and you have inspired me to do great things with my life. I know we have our differences, but you are still my coach and teacher. You always remind me to be myself and that I shouldn’t let people pick on me. Even though you are one of the people that do pick on me, you still stand up for me. You have helped me be a better and stronger person. You have pushed me to play hard in softball as well. Without you, I would be a shy and quiet person. To be honest, the only reason I talk so much around you is because I know I annoy you. Also, even though you did not name your kid Devin after me, I still love you. You have stayed by my side through thick and thin. Now, I am leaving. I am now off to do great things with my life with the help from you. I have played for you for 4 years, and while they have not been the best years of my life, I have still enjoyed them. You understand how tough my life has been and you take care of me like I am one of your own. Even though we cannot stand each other, you care for me like no other person has. Whenever I missed school on my birthday two years ago and I had an awful day, you were there the next day. You bought my favorite cake and threw a mini party for me. When I am in need of words of encouragement, you provide them. When me and my dad are at each other’s throats and on the verge of killing each other, you are there to provide support for me and you offer to kill him yourself. You are my coach, my teacher, and my friend. Having you as a coach and teacher has been one of the most influential things in my life. I appreciate everything you have done for me and I hope that one day I could repay you for it. Thank you, Kasey. You are a good teacher, a great coach, and a better friend. I will miss you.
Devin is still undecided which 4-year university she will be attending; however, she will be pursuing a degree in accounting.
When I first stepped into your Physics class last year, I had no idea what to expect. I had heard from other students that the subject was difficult and that the coursework would be challenging. I was afraid that I would struggle to keep up and that I might not succeed. However, your enthusiasm and passion for the subject were infectious, and you made the class come alive.
Through Mrs. Rogers’ class, I discovered the fascinating details that come with being an engineer. I was able to see how physics is applied in the real world and how engineering plays a vital role in creating solutions to everyday problems. Your guidance and mentorship have helped me to realize my passion for this field, and I am now pursuing a degree in engineering.
Thank you Mrs. Rogers. I will always remember the arguments we had, and continue to have, for years to come.
Karsten NittmoKarsten will be attending the University of Alabama, Huntsville to pursue a degree in cybersecurity.
I have been blessed the last two years to have you as a teacher. I had always had a plan with how I wanted my life to be (at least through college). I wanted to go to Texas A&M and get a business degree. Then this year came around, and I was split between going to business school and engineering school. You helped me realize that engineering was the way to go for me. There have been plenty of times where I have not done as well on a test as I should have, and you always stop me after class and tell me not to give up on my dreams because of one bad grade. I have no idea how you do it, but somehow you always manage to understand the questions that I ask during class, no matter how bizarre or badly worded they are. I have always had the utmost respect for you, and you have always shown respect for me and my classmates. I have always felt that you care about me and want what is best for me, which is not a feeling that all teachers give off. The last two years have been a pleasure. I could not have asked for a better algebra or calculus teacher. Thank you, Mr. Miller.
Lane LewisLane will be attending Texas A&M University, College Station to pursue a degree in mechanical engineering.
I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for everything you have done for me this school year. Roughly around 9 months ago, I was privileged to be paired with you in the office for two blocks for the whole year and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I have learned so much from you simply by how you are by nature. You are always on top of everything and are never afraid to lend a hand to anyone who needs it. You are so unbelievably kind to whoever walks into the office, and you constantly try to make everyone feel special.
You are an inspiration to me as a young woman. You are an amazing wife to your husband and an incredible mom, a loyal follower to the lord, and without failure, you give 110% at your job every single day. You balance everything flawlessly. You have shown me what it means to be a strong, hardworking, and compassionate woman. I have never seen you not give something your best possible effort. On top of that, you are there not just for me and the other students, but I see you go above and beyond for the other teachers and staff as well.
I have learned so much from you. You are an exceptional human being. I feel more secure and capable of taking on life because of your encouragement and guidance. I am more confident in myself and I have you to thank for that. I will never forget every single word of advice you have given me. You always asked me how I was doing every day, and a lot of the time that’s all someone needs for their day to be just a little better. You always showed me that you genuinely cared about me, and praised all my successes. Your impact on my life has been profound. Seventeen-year-old me really needed someone like you in her life. I’ll always remember you.
Thank you so much for everything you have done for me.
Sol TorresSol will be attending Texas A&M University, College Station to pursue a degree in biology.
When I first met you, I thought for sure you were crazy. When you asked me to join the Robotics team this year, I thought you were even crazier. I was not interested in doing any more work my senior year but it didn’t take long before you had fully convinced me. After all, I am an overachiever. When I wasn’t interested in math and coding, you gave me a place on the notebook crew where I could put my writing skills to good use. You gave each member an important role and a team to rely on.
Throughout this year, I have spent more time with you and the team than I would have thought possible. The long car rides and constant teasing probably made you miserable but we adored you. You weren’t afraid to join in on our arguing or guilt trip us with a speech about not slacking. You made the most tedious days fun and the Mondays not so dreadful. You have a motherly love that you show towards all of your students, whether we’re having a good day or getting carsick on the bus. You gave your kindness, your patience, and most of your time to our ragged team.
Although I’m not going into the engineering field, you have taught me values and skills that I will carry with me throughout any career. Throwing me onto the presentation team or forcing me to share my opinion is probably one of the best things anyone could have done for me. You are a truly special person and I will forever be thankful for all the time you have dedicated to each and every one of us. You have made a huge impact on my life and I am proud to be called one of your students.
Rosa ClappRosa will be attending Harding University to pursue a degree in Education with a focus on Special Education.
Thank you for being such a positive influence during my last year of high school. I may not have had you very long, but you very quickly became one of my favorite teachers throughout my time in school. I appreciate how much patience you have when I have no clue what I’m doing, and how laid back you are whenever any other teacher would be up in arms. You make everything so easy to understand and I’m incredibly thankful for that. Computer Science wouldn’t be the same without your goofy comments and all the fun challenges you give us.
Thank you for the amazing impact you’ve had, not only on me, but also on all of your other students. I hope you enjoy your job as much as we enjoy having you as our teacher. Hopefully you don’t miss us too much next year.
Braden ChiltonBraden will be attending Texas Tech University where he will pursue a degree in computer engineering.
The purpose of this letter is to express appreciation and acknowledge someone who has had a significant and positive influence on my life. The person I am recognizing does not like to take credit and does not like the gushy and sappy presentations. However, the person I have chosen to write this letter about is someone who deserves all of the credit and praise that there is to offer. He will argue otherwise, but I hope he knows how thankful I am for his role in my life. From my freshman year to my senior year, he has never not shown up for me. Whether it is to let me in the gym to get some extra shots up or just to talk about life, he has always shown up. He is more than just a coach. He has treated me and the rest of the team as the young ladies that we are and holds us to higher standards. He puts our needs and wants before anything else and makes sure that we are satisfied. He has shaped me into becoming a better person and not just a basketball player. He pushes me and gets me out of my comfort zone for the sake of my own good. Everything he does is out of love and care and always has been. He might yell and holler and make a scene but nothing is ever taken personal because I know it is in my best interest and he only wants the best for me. He does not label or treat me as some high school teenager. He treats me as the young woman I am and speaks to me with maturity. He has prepared me for the real world and does not sugar coat anything. He realizes how important it is for kids to be held accountable and mature enough to make life decisions for themselves. He speaks out of complete honesty and I appreciate that because most kids will not receive the hard truth about the real world until they get thrown out into it. I am appreciative for being held to higher standards because it has helped me with my self growth and learn how to face and handle adversity when it is hovering in front of me. Even though high school basketball is over for me, he continues to show up. He has spent numerous hours calling colleges and going over my life plans with me to make sure I get everything worked out. I know that he will always answer my calls and assess my needs if I need him to. To this day, he has consistently checked up on me and made sure I am good. I would not be where I am today without the care and support that he has given to me. He pushes me to be better than I was the day before so that I can be great tomorrow. I don’t think that there are enough words to say that would amount to how grateful I am for God’s placing of him in my life. I will say it again, he is more than just a coach. He is a great person to look up to, and his impact on my life will never go unnoticed. This person deserves to be showered with praise and appreciation everyday. He goes above and beyond for the ones he loves. He is one of the greatest people in my life, and I know he will continue to show up for me wherever I end up in life. You deserve it all Coach Cochran.
Faith will be attending East Texas Baptist University to continue playing basketball while pursuing a degree in psychology.
I took the time to express my gratitude for the effect you have had on my life. Ever since I was a freshman, I had only heard good things about you from the other students. This soon led to me wanting to be in your class and wanting your positive energy in my normal school day. First day of junior year came around and I immediately felt a wave of security wash over me within the first few steps into your classroom.
All of junior year in your class, I felt as though your class was a safe place. Everyday in class I noticed that I could be myself and I knew I would have your support. You always made an effort to make everyone feel included. You made it seem as though I was in a classroom filled with my closest friends. I felt like I was part of something special, and that feeling has not left me since.
Your kindness has had a lasting impact on me and I am grateful for having had you as a teacher. Thank you for everything you have done for me and for all of your students. I cannot thank you enough.
From, Cody NguyenCody will be attending the University of Texas Dallas to pursue a degree in Health Science.
I’m writing this letter to thank you for your contribution in helping me reach this point. The best thing that you did for me was helping me love reading. I remember that one of your biggest goals was making us love reading, so I bet you’re glad that it at least worked on me. The other thing you did for me is help me find motivation. I never really cared about trying my best until you helped me realize that I couldn’t get by with just minimum effort.
I carried this love of reading and newfound work ethic throughout my school career, and when you once again became my teacher my sophomore year of high school you taught me another lesson. That lesson was to be confident in myself. I know these lessons will help me out later on in life as I move on to the next phases of my life, and I’m glad that you were there to teach me these valuable lessons. So, from the bottom of my heart I will once again say thank you for being my teacher.