gal about to wn
CHRISTINE DES ENFANTS CHERRY CREEK CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Christine Des Enfants could probably walk Cherry Creek North with her eyes closed. The Executive Director of the Cherry Creek Chamber of Commerce has been headquartered in the neighborhood for nearly 15 years. She knows everyone and everything about the community, its history, its merchants and its future. Naturally, she’s a gal about town regardless of our induction… we’re just making it official.
What is your favorite thing about Cherry Creek? The people! We’re in the most prestigious shopping district in the Rocky Mountains and yet the people that work in this district are wonderfully down to earth and accessible. It’s so enjoyable to work in Cherry Creek – it brings about such a positive energy.
A friend is coming to visit Cherry Creek for the first time. What are the “insider tips” you share with her before her stay? Any place she can’t skip?
Favorite way to relax on a weekend? Hike or snowshoe in the high country.
One of the most exciting things that has happened in Cherry Creek this past decade is the addition of restaurant rooftops. I would definitely give them a list of our rooftops and the beautiful patios in the area so that my friend could enjoy the stunning Colorado weather. The Halcyon Hotel, The Jacquard, Del Frisco’s and The Clayton…there are too many great patios to list!
Favorite Cherry Creek restaurant? There are too many to choose from! A restaurant that’s not good cannot make it in Cherry Creek. I do have to admit that I love all of the new healthy restaurants that are coming into the area.
Most beautiful place you’ve visited in Colorado? In the world?
Describe your personal style.
When I was younger, I climbed a lot of 14,000 foot mountains in Colorado. This was in the 1990s. My favorite was Uncompahgre Peak in the San Juan Mountains. Climbing mountains in Colorado is the most incredible way to really know this state and all its treasures.
Authentic and real. It must be that humble Midwest upbringing, but I really strive to be as natural as possible in my interactions, makeup, hair, clothing, and everything else.
Five dream dinner party guests? Since I love reading history, I would love to have a few of our founders and early leaders over for dinner. George Washington. Thomas Jefferson. Benjamin Franklin. Teddy Roosevelt. Abraham Lincoln. I would not say a word but just listen attentively to the stories of this unbelievable experiment called America.
The most beautiful place in the world? I adore Paris.
Do you “collect” anything? Yes, I love to collect great people in my life. There is nothing better!
SP R I N G 2022
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