FPT 4 2023

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Global Flexible Packaging Market Set to Reach USD 373.34 Billion by 2030, Marking Steady Growth at 4.7% CAGR

Polyethylene (PE) / Polyamide (PA) multilayer films are mechanically recyclable!

Metalized Flexible Packaging Market Revenue to Cross USD 62.8 billion by 2032, 4.4% CAGR

Two Decades of Service Supply and Maintenance for the Film Stretching Industry

Case Study A Trifecta of Cleaning Systems for the Win


The recyclability of co-extruded PA-containing multilayer films has been proven by several independent institutions.[#1-4]This is associated with a steadily growing number of certifications of individual packaging[#5-8]. Despite the numerous studies now available on the subject[#9-12], the scientifically refuted claim still persists, that polyamides are restricting substances in the PE film stream and prevent high-quality mechanical recycling. Furthermore, “design for recycling”standards[#13-14] are still being created.


The “Flexible Packaging Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Material (Plastic, Paper, Metal, Bioplastics), By Product, By Application, By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2023 – 2030” report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com’s offering.


The global metalized flexible packaging market was estimated to have acquired US$ 4.1 billion in 2021. It is anticipated to register a 4.4% CAGR from 2022 to 2032 and by 2032, the market is likely to gain US$ 62.8 billion.


20 years ago the foundation for Brückner Servtec GmbH was laid. Having grown out of Brückner Maschinenbau, it was the aim of the founding fathers and the management to grant support along with first class service to all producers of biaxially oriented films worldwide. This opened new opportunities for Brückner, since a clearly service-oriented company puts its focus to dedicated market development, independently of the emergence of new production line business.


Bema, Inc. has the trifecta of cleaning systems from Flexo Wash: an anilox cleaner, a parts washer and a plate washer. All were bought in succession after the company realized how much more time they could spend printing just by automating their cleaning processes. Here is a recent case study about their success and production increases.



Polyethylene (PE) / Polyamide (PA) multilayer films are mechanically recyclable! The recyclability of co-extruded PA-containing multilayer films has been proven by several independent institutions.[#1-4]This is associated with a steadily growing number of certifications of individual packaging[#5-8]. Despite the numerous studies now available on the subject[#9-12], the scientifically refuted claim still persists, that polyamides are restricting substances in the PE film stream and prevent high-quality mechanical recycling. Furthermore, “design for recycling”standards[#13-14] are still being created, which are excluding the recyclability of PA-containing multilayer films and thus ignore the facts. Rolf-Egbert Grützner (BASF SE, 67056 Ludwigshafen, Germany ); Berthold Moorkamp, Hans-Udo Beckmann (both Windmöller & Hölscher, 49525 Lengerich, Germany) The authors advocate facts and co-extruded during the house fair for a fact-based assess- PE/PA multilayer films (Expo) of engineering ment, and these asser- with a defined coupling company Windmöller & tions, which are not agent/polyamide ratio Hölscher (W&H), which covered by the state of were accepted as com- was held in parallel with science, are not com- patible components in the 2022 plastics exhiprehensible. In the the PE film stream. bition “K”. The optical 2022 edition of the minand mechanical perforThe production of highimum standard of the mance of these regranquality PE/PA/EVOH reCentral Packaging Regulate containing blown granulate containing ister in Germany[#15]., films proved comparablown films on an inthe DfR regulations ble to virgin material. dustrial scale was prewere adapted to the sented for the first time

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Fig. 1: Structural details of the 3-layer blown film with PE/PA6 regranulate (film 1). Figure 1 summarizes the details of the integrated PE/PA6 regranulate (based on a primary film structure with 20% PA6 = Ultramid® B40LN), Figure 2 illustrates the same information for the 3-layer film with PE/CoPA/EVOH regranulate (based on a primary film with 25% PA6/6.6 CoPA = Ultramid® C40LN and 3% EVOH).

Fig. 2: Structural details of a 3-layer blown film with PE/CoPA/EVOH – regranulate (film 2) All details of the primary films used, or their structures can be tracked in[#16].

In detail, the presenta- duced contained 25 – PA6 or PE/CoPA/EVOH tion was made by pro- 32 wt% regranulates. regranulate containing ducing 3-layer films, film show comparable The mechanical propereach with a total thickvalues (tensile strength) ties from the tensile test ness of 50 µm on a or even slightly imare summarized in figVAREX II air-cooled proved parameters ure 4 and quantify very blown film line with a (elongation at break) or small differences beblow-up ratio (BUR) of a plasticizer effect of tween the pure PE ref1:2.7 and a throughput max. approx. 10% erence (blue) and the of 400kg/h. The middle (reduction of tensile two PA-containing film layers of the films promodulus) in the longituformulations. Both PE/

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dinal direction of the measured films. While the lower values of tensile strength and elongation at break are found in the transverse direction with < 6% loss, the differences in the tensile modulus with max. < 10% also fall safely within an acceptable range. Figure 5 shows significant improvements in the tear propagation resistance Fig. 3: Visual presentation of film 1 with 32% PE/PA6 regranulate in the (Elmendorf) in the lon- middle layer. gitudinal and transverse directions (higher val- cling concept for the in- (“black spots”) or ues of the orange (PE/ corporation of “post- specks). PA6 regranulate) and industrial”film waste, in Figure 6 below shows gray (PE/CoPA/EVOH addition to processabilrepresentative sections regranulate) bars, re- ity and mechanical of the gel levels recordspectively, compared to properties. A cloudy film ed during film producthe PE reference shown with small blemishes tion for the pure PE refin blue). In addition, all (specks) is not accepted erence film and the 3 film variants showed in practice. complex variant with comparable measured For this reason and the the addition of PE/ values for puncture remechanical and optical CoPA/EVOH regranusistance as well as haze characteristics of the late, classified according = transparency. finished film, the optical to the diameter of the In contrast to the recy- quality during produc- defects in cling of mixed “post- tion was assessed in the µm = f(time). consumer”packaging form of an on-line optiFigure 6 shows that the waste, the optical per- cal analysis of visible film variant using PE/ formance of a film con- and measurable defects CoPA/EVOH regranulate taining regranulate on the film surface (for exhibits a significantly plays a significant role example impurities reduced level for the for an effective recy“smaller” gel diameters

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of </= 300µm (red line) as well as </= 500µm (blue line) compared to the PE reference, while additional gel diameters of > 1000µm occur more than the PE reference, but still at a very low level.

It was shown that excellent quality levels can be achieved when incorporating PE/PA blended regranulates into new Fig. 4: Overview of the mechanical properties of the 3 films from the tenPE-based film struc- sile test. tures, even with concentrations of > 5% PA and when using PA/ EVOH combinations. The regranulated film’s mechanical and optical properties convincingly confirm the practical feasibility of a “0% waste strategy” of internal PE/PA6 or PE/CoPA/ EVOH processing waste during production. They also provide further confirmation of the Fig. 5: Overview of the mechanical and optical properties of the 3 films. compatibility of PAThus, nothing goods and reduce packcontaining multilayer ity. film structures in the PE stands in the way of us- aging volume for overall packaging waste stream as a basis ing the known ad- sustainable for acceptance of such vantages of polyamides solutions. multilayer composites in in terms of barrier effect Furthermore, the results packaging applications and mechanical strength presented here demonwith proven recyclabil- to protect the packaged

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Fig. 6: Optical quality (gels level/size) as a function of time of the driven PE reference (top) and the variant produced under PE/CoPA/EVOH regranulate addition (bottom) in direct comparison.

strate and confirm the in the low single-digit download/7380502259/ compatibility of PE/PA/ percentage range, it BASF_P237_Mechanisch EVOH multilayer compo- does not pose any risk es_Recycling.pdf? site films in the PE to the recyclability of t=1658475326 waste stream from the packaging. [#2] 2020-PO-011-UBE mixed flexible houseReferences -technology-approvalhold plastic waste. Since letter.pdf (recyclass.eu). the polyamide content [#1] https:// in the waste mixture is www.cyclos-htp.de/app/

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[#3] 2021-PO-016- Plasticos Multilayer PE- trale Stelle Umaras-technologyPA; cyclos-HTP, 2021 Verpackungsregister, approval-letter.pdf Edition 09/2022 [#9] Joint presentation (recyclass.eu). BASF SE – Ube: Recy- [#16] OnePager: “PE – [#4] https://ube.es/ cling of Multilayer films film with PA-recyclate” association-of-plastics- containing Polyamide; Windmöller & Hölscher recyclers-aprGeneral Summit CE- Expo, Lengerich acknowledgesFLEX, 03_2021 10/2022 recyclability-of-pe[#10] Grützner, R.-E.; based-film-with-ubesBothor, R.: Coextruded pa6-66-based-onPE/PA multilayer films critical-guidanceare recyclable! recognition/? www.cyclos-htp.de/ _gl=1*ci2o9i*_up*MQ.. Publikationen *_ga*NzE0MjY1NjUwLjE 2NzYzMTIyOTA.*_ga_W [#11] Pacitti, St.: ComMMW6C900D*MTY3NjM plex approach, Plastics xMjI4OS4xLjEuMTY3NjM in Packaging PIP, xMjMzNi4wLjAuMA.. 03_2021, 25 [#5] Certificate 2548- [#12] Grützner, R.-E.; 2021-002684 Bogucki Mechanical recycling of film multilayer PE-PA; PE/PA6 – multilayer cyclos-HTP, 2021 composite films, Webinar BASF SE – ZLV [#6] Certificate 2141Kempten, 12_2020. 2022-003085 VF Packaging_AMILEN; cyclos- [#13] Design for RecyHTP, 2022 cling Guidelines – RecyClass [#7] https://packagingjournal.de/ [#14] https:// recyclingfaehige-pa-pe- guidelines.ceflex.eu folie-zertifiziert/ 12/2022, Allflex SR, [#15] Minimum standard for assessing the reAllvac Folien GmbH cyclability of packaging [#8] Certificate 2506- subject to system par2021-002622 Par- ticipation pursuant to naplast Industria de §21 (3) VerPackG, Zen-

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Global Flexible Packaging Market Set to Reach USD 373.34 Billion by 2030, Marking Steady Growth at 4.7% CAGR The “Flexible Packaging Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Material (Plastic, Paper, Metal, Bioplastics), By Product, By Application, By Region, And Segment Forecasts, 2023 – 2030” report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com’s offering. The global flexible packaging market is poised for remarkable growth, with expectations of reaching a substantial USD 373.34 billion by 2030. This growth is projected to accelerate at a steady CAGR of 4.7% from 2023 to 2030. Key drivers of this mar- packaging material, and or pouches, ensuring ket expansion include exposure to external el- the freshness of packthe increasing im- ements such as micro- aged food products over portance of extending organisms, oxygen, multiple uses. food shelf life and the light, and moisture. Sustainability and Cost growing adoption of Flexible packaging, conEfficiency: sustainable and cost- sisting of plastic films effective packaging so- with high barrier prop- Flexible packaging oflutions by end-users. erties, efficiently blocks fers sustainability benethe transmission of fits, consuming less enEnhancing Food Shelf moisture, light, and ox- ergy during manufacLife: ygen, safeguarding sen- turing and transportaThe shelf life of food sitive foods. Reseal clo- tion compared to rigid products depends on sure features in flexible packaging. According to various factors, includ- packaging allow users the Flexible Packaging ing storage conditions, to securely close bags Association, the produc-

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tion of a flexible pouch sumption during trans- Market Dynamics: requires 50% less ener- portation, with one Industry players are gy than a rigid contain- truckload of flexible adopting various strateer of a similar size. Ad- pouches holding the gies, including partnerditionally, the lighter same product volume as ships, expansions, merweight of flexible pack- 26 truckloads of rigid gers & acquisitions, aging reduces fuel con- containers.

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joint ventures, new • product launches, and • partnership agreements to expand their custom- • er base and individual market share. For in- • stance, Amcor plc re- • cently announced its agreement to acquire • Moda Systems, a New • Zealand-based manufacturer of automated • protein packaging machines. This strategic • acquisition is set to provide Amcor plc with • high-speed rotary equipment for packag- • ing fresh meat, enhancing its competitive posi- • tion in flexible packag• ing.

UkrMetal ProAmpac Wipak Group Berry Global Inc FlexPak Services Transcontinental Inc.

packaging manufacturers to cater to the specific needs of online retail businesses, including product protection during transit and improved unboxing experiences.

Medical Device Market: Coveris The growing number of medical device manuDS Smith facturers and ongoing American Packaging research on new packaging materials are Corporation driving demand for InterFlex Group medical flexible packagFLEX-PACK ENGI- ing, with a positive impact expected from the NEERING, INC. strong healthcare infraInnovia Films structure and increased healthcare spending in Cosmo Films the public sector. • Novolex Companies Mentioned Pouches on the Rise: • Sigma Plastics Group The pouches segment is • Amcor plc expected to grow at a • Graphic Packaging • Mondi Group CAGR of 5.2% over the International, LLC forecast period, owing • Huhtamaki Flexible • Bischof+Klein SE & to their resealable naPackaging ture and cost-effective Co. KG • Sonoco Products advantages compared • Sudpack Company to metal, cardboard, and glass containers. Report Highlights: • SEE • •

E-commerce Opportuni- Food & Beverage Domities: The rapid growth nance: The food & bevBemis Manufacturing of the e-commerce sec- erage segment accountCompany tor worldwide creates ed for 55.9% of global opportunities for flexible volume share in 2022.

Constantia Flexibles

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The demand for pack- foods, cosmetics, and aged foods, including pharmaceutical prodready-to-eat meals, fro- ucts, thus increasing the zen foods, snack foods, demand for flexible and cake mixes, is driv- packaging solutions. ing flexible packaging production capacity expansion. Asia Pacific Growth: Asia Pacific held a significant market share in 2022, attributed to factors such as a rising population, increasing income levels, and changing lifestyles, which are driving consumption of packaged

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Metalized Flexible Packaging Market Revenue to Cross USD 62.8 billion by 2032, Garnering a 4.4% CAGR from 2022 to 2032 The global metalized flexible packaging market was estimated to have acquired US$ 4.1 billion in 2021. It is anticipated to register a 4.4% CAGR from 2022 to 2032 and by 2032, the market is likely to gain US$ 62.8 billion. Metalized flexible packaging is not limited to a single industry. It finds applications in industries beyond food and beverages, such as electronics, chemicals, and industrial products. Research and development efforts are ongoing to create metalized flexible packaging materials that are even more sustainable, cost effective, and environmentally friendly. The use of digital print- unique security pat- that can withstand the ing technology in the terns, which can be es- rigors of shipping. packaging industry is sential for high value The pharmaceutical and growing. Metalized flex- and pharmaceutical healthcare industries ible packaging materials products. are also adopting metcan be digitally printed Key Findings of the alized flexible packaging with high quality Market Report for products that regraphics and variable quire protection from data, allowing for short- The growth of elight, oxygen, and er print runs and more commerce and direct to moisture, which propersonalized packaging. consumer sales is leadvides a niche but growMetalized packaging can ing to increased deing market segment. incorporate anti coun- mand for durable and terfeiting features like attractive packaging Developing economies, holographic effects or with rising disposable

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incomes and changing Lightweight packaging Market Trends for Metallifestyles, are creating materials, such as met- ized Flexible Packaging new opportunities for alized films, offer an adThe food and beverage the metalized flexible vantage, as the emphaindustry is a significant packaging market. sis on reducing packagconsumer of metalized ing waste and transporflexible packaging. The tation costs grows.

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demand for packaged the metalized flexible menting regulations to food and beverages packaging market in dif- promote the use of suscontinues to increase, ferent regions. tainable packaging soluas the global population tions, which is supportAsia Pacific grows, which drives the ing the growth of the demand for innovative The pharmaceutical and metalized flexible packand functional packag- healthcare industries in aging market in the reing solutions. Asia Pacific are growing gion. rapidly. Metalized flexiStand up pouches with The demand for organic ble packaging is used in metalized films are beand natural food is inthese industries to coming increasingly creasing in Europe as package a variety of popular for various consumers become products, including products due to their more aware of the pharmaceuticals, mediconvenience, shelf aphealth and environmencal devices, and cospeal, and enhanced bartal benefits of these metics. rier properties. products. Metalized More businesses and flexible packaging is a Ongoing advancements consumers in Asia Pacif- good choice for packagin metallizing and coatic are becoming aware ing organic and natural ing technologies are alof the benefits of metal- food as it preserves the lowing manufacturers to ized flexible packaging, freshness and quality of develop metalized films such as its superior bar- the product. that offer better barrier rier properties, extendproperties, improved ed shelf life, and lightprinting capabilities, weight design, which is and cost efficiency. driving demand for metMetalized flexible pack- alized flexible packaging aging offer excellent in the region. printing capabilities, Europe making it an attractive option for branding and The e-commerce indusproduct differentiation. try in Europe is growing rapidly, which is driving Global Market for Metaldemand for metalized ized Flexible Packaging: flexible packaging for Regional Outlook packaging and shipping Various reasons are products. Governments propelling the growth of in Europe are imple-

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Two Decades of Service Supply and Maintenance for the Film Stretching Industry 20 years ago the foundation for Brückner Servtec GmbH was laid. Having grown out of Brückner Maschinenbau, it was the aim of the founding fathers and the management to grant support along with first class service to all producers of biaxially oriented films worldwide. This opened new opportunities for Brückner, since a clearly service-oriented company puts its focus to dedicated market development, independently of the emergence of new production line business. As part of the Brückner of numerous cutting- Servtec senior specialGroup, Brückner edge service and prod- ists along with the reServtec has grown to uct offers. The perfor- sources of Brückner an internationally suc- mance spectrum rang- Maschinenbau, all with cessful enterprise with ing from plant upgrad- the purpose to provide over 200 employees on ings, repair service to premium know-how for 14 sites worldwide. maintenance manage- customers‘ maximum Most recently their ment, also includes a plant availability. turnover has reached comprehensive spare Here a selection of approximately 70 mil- parts catalogue comtechnological successes lion Euro. bined with software sojointly achieved with lutions for digital transIn the course of the customers in the past formation. The key to years and with the mot20 years: realising such unique to „Serving your Sucperformance standards 2003 upgrade to the cess“, Brückner Servtec is the consolidating ex- fastest film production has developed latest pertise of the Brückner technology in the form


of the time with a speed 2019 market launch of growing demand. Examof the digital Brückner ples for that are ONE service platform 525 m per minute energy-saving 2021 comprehensive measures such as ener2007 first upgrade to a transformation of a 30 gy audits, heat recovery 7-layer packaging film year old plant to pro- systems, twin-screw exwith EVOH barrier to duce specialty films trusions protect food from moisture and oxygen 2023 inline coaters for optimised, economical surface finishing make it use of raw materials 2010 new generation possible to produce cost and „zero waste producremote control mainte-effective, recyclable tion“ by an upgraded, nance tools for service films worldwide new raw material hantechnicians dling with direct reRecently, Brückner usage of production left 2014 speed increase reServtec is offering ser-overs sulting in a 40 % invices and upgrades to crease in efficiency of a customers on their way life-time extension of 20 year old film producto sustainable plastic film production lines by tion line film production with regular maintenance and spare parts services

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conversion of existing quote Markus film stretching lines into Gschwandtner, Managsustainable production ing Director of Brückner of recyclable mono- Servtec. material films “Thanks to the dedicat“This anniversary at- ed and international tests the trust our cus- team of Brückner tomers in our expertise. Servtec we are shaping We are going the ‘extra the future of plastic film mile’ in order to be fur- production in terms of ther the leading service sustainability“, emphapartner for film produc- sizes Dr. Axel von Wieers within the biax in- dersperg, Managing Didustry, utilizing first rector CEO of the class solutions and ser- Brückner Group SE, the vices for the entire life strategic holding comcycle of plastic film pro- pany. duction plants“, to

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Case Study: A Trifecta of Cleaning Systems for the Win Bema, Inc. has the trifecta of cleaning systems from Flexo Wash: an anilox cleaner, a parts washer and a plate washer. All were bought in succession after the company realized how much more time they could spend printing just by automating their cleaning processes. Here is a recent case study about their success and production increases. Founded in 1957, the on their flexographic gan. Previously they “Bema Transparent Bag presses. would clean parts manCompany” began with ually in wash tanks with Prior to their introducone bottom-seal bag alcohol. They also used tion to Flexo Wash machine. That one bag a media blasting cleancleaning systems, they machine produced bags ing unit. devoted over six hours for clients such as Mars a day one day a week Bema connected with Candy and Jewel-Osco. for a “big cleanup” Flexo Wash sales agent In 1999, Glen Galloway where one to two em- Bill Malm at various purchased the company ployees would spend trade shows in the area and changed the name their shift manually and saw live demonto Bema, Inc. This new cleaning their anilox strations of the cleaning company has expanded rolls, press parts and systems. Bema employits capabilities to inplates. Continued clean- ees then traveled to the clude a fully-integrated ing lasted from Friday Fox Valley demo center manufacturing process afternoon/evening and (now closed) with their from creation of the finished up Saturday own anilox rolls and bags to printing them morning before the press parts to clean printing on Monday be- them in Flexo Wash ma-

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chines. The demo went Manager Jason Gallo- than that in actual well and cleaned their way, there were “faster working days. anilox rolls and press wash up times for the After success with both parts to their satisfac- press, better cleaning of these cleaning systion. and less damage on the tems, Bill Malm introaniloxes were immediThey purchased the duced the Flexo Wash ate benefits.” Also autoanilox cleaner in JanuPlate Washer to Bema in mating the cleaning ary 2017 and the parts 2022. He brought it to process cut the cleaning washer in April 2017. Bema for them to clean time in half. their plates in their Their overall process Galloway noticed a dif- pressroom. They liked it improved with the introference right away. ROI immediately and purduction of both of these was about six months, chased a plate washer cleaning systems. Acbut in reality, it was less in January 2023. cording to Production

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Now armed with a tri- When asked why have fecta of Flexo Wash ma- Flexo Wash cleaning chines, Bema press systems worked for manager Jason Gallo- them, the answer was way states that they simple: “Good reliable “allow us to run a clean cleaners allow us to fopress with less issues cus on printing with redue to dirty ink pump peatable results.” parts, chambers, and drip trays. It allows us to spend more time printing and less time cleaning week to week.”

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