C CO OLLLLEEC CTTIIO ON N TheThe Lungarno Lungarno Collection Collection Magazine Magazine
friends Vandana Shiva Pascale Marthine Tayou Stefano Mancuso itineraries Zero impact Tuscany Stories in Florence Biking experience art & crafts Organic courses: Orto del Borro Maria Sole’s regenerated jewellery Our three new Chefs
M ore
of the world ’ s population
inhales smog and more than
in the city .
T he
numbers speak for themselves :
the fight against pollution must absolutely begin with smart cities that think big and have limited ecological footprints . a stretch of the ancient in aaa
P itigliano ,
O n this page , E truscan V ie C ave southern T uscany ,
roadways dug into the stone
the internet were a country ,
it would rank third in the world
for electricity consumption ( source :
G reenpeace ). T he search engine E cosia plants a tree for every 50
searches ,
only uses green energy and makes
all the searches anonymous after a week .
O n this page , a view of the vast C asentino F orests between F lorence and A rezzo aaa
Highlight Highlight s s
L ocal
food lowers the collective
cost of emissions and helps keep open companies run by the most priceless
custodians of the territory : farmers
( ph . O ttavia P oli )
Highlight Highlight s s
N ew
luxury today must vaunt values
for the community . example is
A proudly I talian C omfort Z one , which has
earned certifications for its social work and environmental activism , reduction of packaging , emissions and waste ,
and its dedication to the well - being of its employees
Highlight s
T he
fight against pollution has also been take up by governments and cities , the latter
of which are becoming increasingly smart .
B ut T uscany vaunts many adept municipalities , like P eccioli , in the province of P isa , where an innovative plant for waste removal
has become an open - air theatre , known as
T riangolo V erde
L egoli aaa
Highlight s
A ccording to FAO, 26% of land is currently
used for intensive breeding , fields for producing animal feed and processing and packaging plants .
this photo ,
organic eggs
O rto del B orro ( ph . O ttavia P oli ) from
Highlight s
T he
footprint we leave
on the planet depends on our lifestyle :
if you want to reduce it , you must first
calculate it .
H ere are some useful apps : W aterprint , to calculate your water consumption , and R iciclario , which facilitates recycling
( ph . L orenzo C otrozzi aaa)
Highlight Highlight s s
takes around
it is everyday gestures
for a plastic spoon to break down . that can change our lives ,
and perhaps the world , we can begin by replacing a single - use product with a reusable alternative
( ph . L orenzo C otrozzi )
EDITORIAL The other side by Leonardo Ferragamo
NOTES Take a deep breath by Valeriano Antonioli
VANDANA SHIVA Ear th’s children
STEFANO MANCUSO The intelligence of plants
PASC ALE MARTHINE TAYOU The new prophet of sustainable ar t
ART & STYLE 48-53
SLOW RHYTHMS Vegetables, eggs and or ganic honey from the Il Bor ro estate in San Giustino Valdar no
SUSTAINABLE ELEGANCE Mater ial and for m according to the shoemaker of dreams
A LEGACY REBORN In the hands of Mar ia Sole , a third-gener ation Fer r agamo, leather becomes a jewel
THREE MUSKETEERS Chefs Claudio Mengoni, Alessio Mor i and Andrea Magnelli and daily kitchen challenges
IMPERCEPTIBLE SUSTAINABILITY IN TUSC ANY If I respect nature , nature respects me
SWEAT AND PASSION Discover Tuscany with spor ts professionals
THE COTTON ROAD Discover a textile that has become a symbol of Afr ica
GO GREEN! Lungar no Collection for the sustainability care of the planet
ZERO IMPACT Enr ico Chieffi discusses the new
ClubSwan 36
www.angelacaputi.com ph. alessandrobencini.com
HOTEL LUNGARNO Florence 65 rooms and suites
GALLERY HOTEL ART Florence 74 rooms and suites
CONTINENTALE Florence 43 rooms and suites
PORTRAIT FIRENZE Florence 37 suites
PORTRAIT ROMA Rome 14 suites
Stylish and utter ly char ming with stunning views onto Ponte Vecchio, the Hotel Lungar no features over 400 wor ks of ar t including Cocteau and Picasso.
Italy’s fir st design hotel, the Galler y Hotel Ar t is a favor ite amongst the fashion set of Florence . Just a few steps from Ponte Vecchio.
Over looking the Ponte Vecchio, this vibr ant and dynamic contempor ar y hotel is the place to be and to be seen in Florence .
Spacious and intimate suites, the attention of a char ming hotel, and a wonderful view of the Ponte Vecchio.
The finest location in Rome , on Via Condotti, a stone’s throw away from the Spanish Steps, the Por trait Roma reflects the glamour of life of Salvatore Ferragamo.
VILLA LE ROSE Florence 6 bedroom villa
PALAZZO C APPONI Meetings & Events
SWAN SAILING YACHT Mediter r anean & Car ibbean Seas
Just minutes away from the hear t of Florence, this 16th centur y Villa is a one of a kind historic residence with relaxing garden, delightful pool, frescoed salons and six private suites.
This 15 th centur y Palace with sumptuous frescoes and the latest technology, provides a magical stage for meetings, congresses and prestigious events in the hear t of Florence.
On the Tuscan coast, in the hear t of Maremma, this unique destination features contemporar y and ultra spacious apar tments over looking the sea.
Swan Yachts are considered some of the finest yachts in the wor ld. This Collection of 4 yachts offer s an exclusive sea vacation with routes to the Mediterranean Islands and the Caribbean.
BOOKING & INFO - LUNGARNO COLLECTION Bor go S.S.Apostoli, 29- Firenze - Ph. +39 055 27264000 - reser vations@lungar nocollection.com
100% RECYCLED FIBRES Shiro Echo by Favini is the higest quality recycled paper.
L uisa C evese for L uisa C evese R iedizioni , R aincoats , 2018. ‘S ustainable T hinking ’ exhibition at M useo S alvatore F erragamo , till 8 M arch 2020
The other side ph. Miki Nakano
Leonardo Ferragamo, President of Lungarno Collection
U nderstanding
how much power we have to make our planet better has given me a new way of thinking and going about my life There is nothing more rewarding and
dedicated to sustainability. This year,
fulfilling than finding inspir ation in
in the Salvatore Fer r agamo Museum
your children’s wor k when you see
we are presenting a ver y inspir ing
them upholding pr inciples that then
exhibition, Sustainable Thinking, which
become impor tant to you as well. This
has become an epicenter of ener gy for
happened to me with my daughter,
eco-fr iendly pr actices. It is incredible
Mar ia Sole , founder of SO-LE Studio.
to see how much one can provoke the
Her project combines her passion for
outside wor ld through an exhibition
jewelr y, which she had since she was
that aims to stimulate thoughts and
a child, and her growing awareness for
attention on the environment by way
sustainability. Today, she makes jewelr y
of fashion and ar t. Being able to admire
using leftover hides from luxur y
these creations and lear n how much
companies, demonstr ating how with
power we can have has tr uly given me
creativity and intelligence , you can
a new way of thinking and going about
valor ize what would have otherwise
my life . I hope that the stor ies in this
been lost. My family has always been
magazine can also inspire our reader s.
B y 2030,
we will pass the point where we can ’ t
stop runaway climate change .
S o says the study G lobal C ommission on the E conomy C limate , an international green growth
by the and
initiative fronted by former political leaders
Take a deep breath Valeriano Antonioli, CEO of Lungarno Collection
E veryone has a part in ‘S aving the P lanet ’ me , you , all of us must begin by modifying our behaviours
Who is responsible for changing our habits me, you, all of us must begin by modifying and behaviour towards the environment?
our behaviours, its not someone’s
Consider our planet a huge Shuttle for
responsibility, someone’s responsibility,
which we must now pilot, and where we
are no longer just passengers.
At times environmental issues may seem
The time has arrived where we are all
too difficult to address as an individual, yet
required to change directions in order
if each of us make a positive change and
to ensure the Earth does not become a
conscientious one, even in our day to day
hostile home for generations to come,
choices, then we naturally become part of
or even worse extinct. This edition is
something larger for which our world can
dedicated to initiatives orientated to
only benefit from.
improve awareness, promote activities and
Lungarno Collection has also become a
perhaps provide the tools to change our
part of this change and with this edition
attitude in wanting and needing to make a
we invite you to join us!
difference, even if a small one. Everyone has a part in ‘Saving the Planet’
friends Vandana Shiva Stefano Mancuso Pascale Marthine Tayou
Ear th’s children Vandana Shiva
Tuscany is a wonderful part of our planet. It was home, like my country, to a magnificent and astonishing civilization that taught the world beauty and lasting ideas and gave us
B orn
the Renaissance. And do you not think that for all of us, it’s a blessing to be members of this terrestrial family? To be on a planet that is the only one with life? The only that knows how to differentiate, regulate its temperatures, bring to life millions of living species, capable
S he
I ndia ,
she is a quantum physicist
and economist - environmentalist .
is also the most renowned theorist in the
field of social ecology , is dedicated to the development of
GMO- free
of satisfying the needs of everyone since the beginning of time. I come from India, where for centuries we’ve been taught that this beautiful flowed down the mountains. planet exists for the good of all beings – not That is, until one sad day in the ‘70s, when I only humans – and that each one, human or went back to say goodbye to my favourite otherwise, must be able to enjoy its corner of forests before leaving for Canada, where I was the world without taking anything from anyone about to undertake my PhD in Physics.
else, no other species, no other human being, I wanted to see them one more time and carry and more importantly, without depriving future them with me in my heart, but I discovered that
generations of what is theirs. If we learn to do the forests and the streams were no longer this correctly, with “the right action,” and keeping there. That was the day I decided to dedicate A WORD everything together, Earth will never suffer my life to saving Earth. And since then, I’ve ON PILLOWS shortages but rather, will vaunt abundance. shared the reason for my choice with anyone Satvick (or sattva), My personal background is actually very unusual who wants to listen. for the kind of career I chose. I didnt meet For me, thinking and acting have to be local which in India means “elegant, anyone who had ever done physics in my life. I and national and global all the time. Thats why simple , natur al, was born and raised in the Himalayas, walking I travel across oceans, miss flights, and sit at real” with my father through the forests in that area airportsfor the simple reason that I believe the of northern India. I grew up believing that this only way globalization can be tamed is by a new patrimony, where life and nature intersected, internationalism which recovers the local and would always be there, like the streams that recovers the national.
THE VALUES OF FOOD Uniqueness, distinction, quality, nutr itional value , flavour
I n 1993, V andana S hiva received the R ight L ivelihood A ward , the A lternative N obel P rize . W e met her in T uscany during the 2019 ‘D ialoghi sull ’ uomo ’ event
The intelligence of plants Stefano Mancuso
Every day dozens of plant species die out and nobody says a word. It’s incredible, because our lives depend on them! Without vegetation, the Earth would be like Mars; they’d be no water because the temperature would be so high that it would evaporate. Sadly, we humans only understand things like us. Even if
T he
plants represent 85% of life on Earth and animals only 0.3%. This helps us to understand that the decisions made by plants have been far wiser than those taken by humans. For instance, we are organized vertically into hierarchies, while plants are organized horizontally, diffused
internationally renowned scientist
I nternational L aboratory of P lant N eurobiology (LINV) of the U niversity of F lorence and has been listed by T he N ew Y orker as one of the 20 people who will change the world directs the
and decentralized, like the internet. That’s enough to make them into the symbol of modernity. What’s extraordinary is that, given they are unable to move from the place where they grow, plants are obliged to integrate as a complete ecosystem in order to
survive, an ecosystem based on mutual support, symbiosis and community, not
competition or predation, as in the animal Manifattura Tabacchi, kingdom. Florence: an indoor We should grow plants everywhere,
especially in cities. Urban areas occupy 2% of the land on Earth and produce more than 70% of the CO2. Now, plants are a thousand times more efficient in CO2 given they are closer to the sources that produce it. The solution already exists.
greenhouse purifies the air, which is extremely fresh, humid and boasts a faintly plant-like aroma (a project invented by the scientist, ed.)
CHANGE Dawn on Ear th, the THE INTELLIGENCE Every half a fir st photograph of OF PLANTS degree more in Their “intelligence” has our planet: a blue , temperature means white and, above all, green ball. That green makes us unique compared with all the other astronomical objects that we know
invented thousands of ways of spreading life. They travel through seeds. They always use vectors with the
possibility of movement: water, air, animals and humans
100 kilometres of farming land no longer exists, which is another reason why people move
Ph Dario Garofalo
S tefano M ancuso in his latest book “L a N azione delle P iante � (T he N ation of P lants ) he presented at C entro M ati in P istoia , emphasizes the plant world compared with the anthropocentrism that makes humanity short - sighted
P ascale M arthine T ayou B orn in N kongsamba in 1966, lives and works in B elgium . H is work combines various mediums and seeks to artistically redefine postcolonial culture and raise questions about globalisation and modernitys
The new prophet of sustainable ar t Pascale Marthine Tayou
Sustainability is the perfect harmony between individual, nature and common sense. This isn’t a choice but a real necessity, especially when considering the future: the future must absolutely be more beautiful than the present and art must be the mouthpiece of this message of harmony between man and the environment. Without this certainty, art itself will not have
P ascale M arthine T ayou (1966)
began his career
in cameroon before continuing in germany ,
any interest for mankind. My work in the
france and belgium , where he lives today .
exhibition Sustainable Thinking at the Museo Salvatore Ferragamo, Invasion, is dedi-
his artworks often reflect the themes of
cated to the most threatening invasion of
sustainability and recycling .
our planet: plastic. A frightful and colourful explosion of plastic fragments intertwining with tree trunks that bear the coordinates of the most polluted places in the world: this forest of the Third Millennium is my contribution to the exhibition, inspired by a desire to move from thought to action but also to dispel fear with irony. Human beings, as well as recycling and the environment, are my sources of inspiration: the mix of art and environmental awareness, represented by Joseph Beyus, who the exhibition at the Museo Ferragamo pays tribute to, are the fundamental themes of my work, as is cultural coexistence. At the same time, we must certainly not expect art to sweep away our waste. We must all act individually and immediately, without having to wait for some hypothetical leader to come onto the scene and fix everything.
Crossing border s
I’m here , and
has helped me and
Galler ia Continua
my countr y is
in San Gimignano:
elsewhere . I feel
ar t, fr iendship,
like a citizen of
exper imentation,
the wor ld: my feet
irony. I have
in the mud and my
ever ything there
head in the clouds
still helps me find my way
INVASION The sitespecific intr icate and polluted landscape created for the exhibition Sustainable Thinking
i t i n e r a ry Bike experiences in the Tuscan countryside by Rolling Dreamers The imperceptible sustainability of Tuscany: origins, start ups, visions, green innovation stories
respect nature , nature respects me ”. upon all
T his is a T uscans ,
lesson impressed and which today
is the essence of an authentic kind of sustainability that can be developed alongside technology and innovation
V al d ’O rcia landscape ( ph . A lessio M arradi )
I tinerar y
Tuscany is one of the most famous regions in the
production practices have perpetuated through
world thanks to its beauty: the sun-drenched hills
the years, safeguarding, however, the environment
dotted with olive trees, weaves of vineyards and
and ensuring its continued care. Every traditional
peaceful farms lying outside villages and cities
technique is not only an expedient for solving
home to masterpieces of engineering. All it takes
a single problem, but it is always an elaborate
is climbing up a bell tower or rooftop terrace to
method, often multi-purpose, that is part of an
discover unimaginable works, fruits of the genius
integrated approach between society, culture
expressed by Tuscans in building and moulding
and economy tied to an idea of the world that
nature to their benefit, men who also had a
is based on the careful management of local
desire to rouse wonder and astonishment. Ask
resources. Terracing is at once a way to protect
anyone if Tuscany is more beautiful for its nature
a slope, reconstruct the soil, collect water and
or manmade treasures, and you’ll be told that it’s
create a usable space for sheltering animals. But
actually for an centuries-old combination of both. it is also something more; it has an aesthetic This is a lesson impressed upon all Tuscans, and
value and is a benefit to the landscape. Elm is
which today is the essence of an authentic kind
an “intelligent” tree that doesn’t grow weeds,
of sustainability that can be developed alongside
and it is for this reason that, once upon a time,
vines grew around their trunks. And olive
If there’s still so much to invent in other parts
trees – tenacious, resistant, precious resources
of the world, in Tuscany, the process for using
for making olive oil – have roots that serve as
and transforming space through techniques and
preventative reinforcement for the terrain against
knowledge proved by collective experience over
hydrogeological instability because they make the
time can still be felt, provided that inhabitants
soil more compact.
remember that every bush, dry stone wall or
In the past, grains would be grown between the
tree is rooted in a simple and wise lesson: “if
olive trees, particularly spelt. In today’s intensive
I respect nature, nature respects me”. This
cultivations, such a practice is unimaginable,
knowledge has ensured that a number of good
but it is useful in taking advantage of every
V olterra , P alazzo
P riori ( ph . P asquale P aradiso )
square metre of free terrain. Signs of this can
and customs of other civilizations, adapting
needed only to go to Prato for green serpentine
still be seen throughout the Tuscan countryside.
them to their lifestyle and vision of the world,
or Cintoia for red marble. At most, they would
Nothing was left to chance, nothing was
with the same fluidity with which they sustained
go to Carrara for the famous white marble. The
wasted. Traditional knowledge that guaranteed
the environment. The Etruscans produced oil
stones used to build Palazzo Pitti were extracted
a structure to the environment and landscape,
and wine and wheat, and they knew how to
from the opposite hill and transformed into
balancing climate shifts and hardships owing to
treat the environment. They didn’t modify the
a garden theatre. The Tuscan countryside
nature, seasons or catastrophes, and guaranteeing shape of the hills, but rather worked with it,
still today maintains its enchanted aura, with
the renewal of resources are today lost because
leaving us with roads and temples dug into the
farmsteads dotting the landscape, independent
of a development based on wasting natural
tuff rock, tombs that from afar don’t alter the
settlements in and of themselves where farms
resources, migration and limitless production
harmonious curves of the landscape. It was they
are often still divided by rows of cypress trees.
who began to reclaim the swamps, creating the
The coast is covered in pine groves, useful for
If the sense of inherent sincerity that pervades
earliest terraces to hold water and dry stone
producing pine nuts but especially for keeping
the beauty of basilicas and palaces, the same
walls to gently drain it, helping the environment
the land from being dragged away by swamping
that in the countryside can be seen in the
rather than modifying or destroying it, as Pietro
dry and clean. Until about 50 years ago, people
perfect size of the homesteads and rolling hills,
Laureano reminds us, a sustainability expert
lived without waste, even in the city, where the
if so many different qualities could become
based in Florence. This cultural patrimony was
cellar was a fresh place for conserving food. They
harmonized with nature and space over the
passed down through Antiquity and the Middle
still bought blocks of ice and milk in glass bottles
centuries in a single language understood by
Ages, when people would recycle old stones to
that were occasionally cleaned and reused.
Tuscans today, it is perhaps thanks to an early
build new houses, as well as the Renaissance, a
Houses were cleaned with old vinegar and
model: the Etruscans. Mobile and cosmopolitan,
time when poor materials were preferred, like
clothes were laundered with lye that was made
they lived on trade and craftsmanship, making
brick, sandstone and pietra serena, carved or
from the ash of wood burned in the fireplace.
them rich and open to other cultures. They
quarried on site, or as we like to say today, 0
We can carry on this culture today with clean
intelligently embraced the production traditions
km. And when they wanted to use marble, they
and studied technology.
M adonna di V italeta chapel , S an Q uirico d ’O rcia ( ph . A lessio M arradi )
S u stai nabl e Tuscany
The “Spighe verdi” are an annual
The municipalities that are
Tuscany ranks third in Italy for the
In 2017, 9,735 tons of electronic
award in Italy for sustainable
100% self-efficient thanks to
highest percentage of farmland
waste were collected (6,000 tons
management of the territory, a
renewable energies are Santa Fiora,
dedicated to organic production:
of iron, 176 tons of aluminum, 186
sort of “Blue Flag” of agriculture.
Monterotondo Marittimo, Montieri
over 145,000 hectares (13,000
tons of copper and 845 tons of
In 2019, Tuscany earned the most,
(Grosseto) and Pomarance (Pisa).
of which are vineyards), or 18% of
plastic), or 9.3% of the national
together with Le Marche and
Seventeen Tuscan municipalities
the total. The region is second for
total. Correctly processing this type
Piedmont. The recognition was given
were classified as waste-free
the number of transformers and
of waste has allowed for 8.7 million
to Fiesole (Florence), Castellina
(where unsorted waste production
importers. There are about 5,000
kWh of electric energy to be saved,
in Chianti (Siena), Bibbona and
doesn’t exceed 75kg per inhabitant
organic businesses in Tuscany, the
equal to the annual consumption of
Castagneto Carducci (Livorno) and
per year) in 2019 according to
most in Siena, followed by Grosseto
8,200 inhabitants, and for 65,046
Massa Marittima and Castiglione
Legambiente. The top winners,
and Florence
tons of carbon dioxide emission to
della Pescaia (Grosseto)
that is, the ones with the best
be avoided. With the 9,735 tons of
performance, are Londa (Firenze),
waste, 600,000 automobile rims,
Lamporecchio (Pistoia) and
2.3 million plastic waste baskets,
Monsummano Terme (Pistoia)
207,000 aluminum coffee makers and 209 km of copper wire could be produced
Gr een F i r enze
The municipality of Florence has
The Accademia dei Georgofili,
Thanks to Florence’s tram – line
In Florence, more than any other
100 charging stations and 1,700
founded in Florence in 1753,
T1 from Scandicci to Careggi
place, wine is a family matter. Here,
electric vehicles in circulation. In two
is the oldest institution in the
and line T2 from the SMN train
the great dynasties have conserved
years, thanks to the introduction
world dedicated to agriculture,
station to the Peretola Airport), 17
a millennia-old winemaking tradition,
of a bike sharing scheme, 500
environment and foodstuffs and
km long and used by 40 million
recently adapting it to innovation
tons of C02 have been reduced,
promotes the progress of knowledge,
passengers – in one year, 14,000
and research. The oldest are:
with a benefit for the environment
development of technical-economic
tons of CO2 and over 4.6 tons of
Ricasoli (since 1141), Frescobaldi
equal to the work of 23,000 trees.
activities and social growth
PM10 have been reduced. Almost
(since 1300), Antinori (since 1385),
Car sharing is provided by four
15 million people do not use private
Mazzei (since 1435), Guicciardini-
companies: Car2Go, Enjoy, Share’ngo
transport. The tram runs from 5am
Strozzi (since 1511) and Gondi
and Adduma Car
to midnight, while on Friday and
(since 1592)
Saturday, the last one leaves at 2am
B orro T uscan B istrot
C affè
dell ’O ro
B orgo S an J acopo
T he F usion B ar
SO-LE S tudio
V illa V ittoria
M ad S ouls & S pirits
F unghi E spresso
T yrebirth
STO R IES I N F LOREN C E One of the utmost examples of the
Florentine circular economy is Funghi Espresso, which produces fresh mushrooms utilizing used coffee grounds from bars and restaurants as an underlayer in their cultivations. Also in Florence, Tyrebirth makes special microwave ovens that can recycle unused tyres. But how does the oven work? Tyrebirth is based on the principle of pyrolysis, that is, the decomposition of tyres through thermal processing that – and this is the innovation – uses microwaves. The
Another interesting experience is that of
Maria Sole Ferragamo, designs sculptural jewelry and accessories in leather. The idea behind her SO-LE Studio, is to upcycle high quality leftovers to create collections and one of a kind pieces. Each collection of jewellery and accessories is made with premium choice leather, reclaimed from the luxury industry, with ethical and environmental certifications, repurposed in a sustainable way. Each phase of the making process takes place in Florence’s artisanal workshops where, since centuries, all
microwaves are absorbed by the carbon that manufacturing innovations of leather were born. You can find SO-LE Studio’s jewellery make up 30-40% of the rubber and heat it uniformly and quickly. In 30 minutes, the tyre is broken down at a temperature of 700
at Luisa Via Roma.
Restaurants are also following this trend.
Borgo San Jacopo and Borro Tuscan Bistrot are only a few of the restaurants that are dedicating greater attention towards the quality of food by selecting ingredients supplied by organic producers or those strongly tied to sustainability. Gesto is a restaurant and café on Borgo San Frediano with a new concept: reclaim simple and everyday gestures to feel at home in the locale, just like you would in your own kitchen, while at the same time, avoid waste and eat healthily. Nightlife in Florence is taking up the cause as well: the new Villa Vittora at the Fortezza offers an eco-friendly menu, from the dishes to the packaging. Lastly, the world of mixology is also going green, like The Fusion Bar and
degrees and transformed into a gas, liquid
The city has become home to many locales
or solid, all completely reusable elements.
the use of plastic straws for their drinks. Badiani gelato shop announced that it would In short, experiences and choices that be eliminating single-use plastic and replacing clearly indicate a common direction,
More specifically, at the end of the recycling, we are left with 15% hydrogen and gaseous hydrocarbons (methane and LPG), 40% diesel, 40% carbon black and 5% iron.
that are choosing to ban plastic. The famous
it with biodegradable packaging that won’t harm the environment. Caffè dell’Oro,
Mad Souls & Spirits, which have eliminated
rethinking the role of humanity to achieve a new balance with Earth.
Swe a t and passi on Discover Tuscany with sports professionals T ext M atteo G razzini - P hoto M atteo O ltrabella
O utside
U ffizi S low tourism thatthe restores G aaa allery mind and body
“No matter which way you ride, it’s uphill and against the wind,” says the first law of
T he
partnership between and
bicycling by Arthur Boch, but disproving
the possibility to try a new way
this ironic adage is the experience offered by Rolling Dreamers in partnership with Lungarno Collection. Visit Tuscany, the
L ungarno
of experiencing
a different perspective, a kind of slow tourism in which stunning views and tiring effort go hand in hand, but which restores whirl of peddling and wheels, discover the region’s most beautiful panoramas, romantic streets and places that would otherwise only be given a quick, fleeting glance. All this can be experienced in the Tuscany of champions, of enthusiasts, of epic competitions and historic revivals like L’Eroica, of sweat and cycling victories. Legs and a bike are the best way to get the full experience. With Rolling Dreamers, founded thanks to the passion of Matteo Venzi, triathlete
T uscany
through tours
designed especially for bike lovers
Chianti, the countryside and the hills from
the body and mind, legs and eyes. In a
R olling D reamers C ollection offers
and electronic engineer, and Andrea Gelli, personal trainer and cycling expert, bikes become a prerogative for tourists who have sports in their blood and in their legs. Tailor-made experiences are designed for cycling, walking and triathlon enthusiasts. The experience is best when accompanied by a team of experts: along with Venzi and Gelli, there is also Fabrizio Caselli, a Paralympic athlete, and vegan chef Fabrizio Bartoli. Together, clients will embark on itineraries designed for fans of cycling, equipped with bikes and avant-garde
experience accompanied
by four experts :
V enzi ,
M atteo
triathlete and electronic
engineer ;
A ndrea G elli ,
trainer and cycling expert ;
F abrizio C aselli , paralympic athlete ; and vegan chef F abrizio B artoli
sporting equipment, alongside the Training
Florence the chance to discover Tuscany
& Travel Club, dedicated to the community
via sports and, maybe, keep up with their
of runners, cyclists and triathletes. Rolling
exercise regimens even on vacation.
Dreamers offers the Lab, with dedicated
Rolling Dreamers means body culture,
personal trainers, personalized programs
sports education and a focus on the
and biomechanical, nutritional and posture
community, with the project The Human
analyses; the Club, a team of athletes who
Factor, which touches on the theme of
share passions, train together, plan trips
integration through physical exercise. Two
and participate in sporting events; and
youths from Africa, Mbaye Sarr and Oumar
the Tour, day trips or multi-day excursions
Sylla, are now part of the team: they’ve
to explore Tuscany through personalized
trained in swimming, cycling and running,
group or individual tours, with all the
participating in the Santini Trio Senigallia
equipment necessary made available by
triathlon, where they went with Rolling
the Dreamers.
Dreamers. And considering the cycling
“It was a trip that inspired our conviction
and triathlon itineraries and the tie-in with
that we have adventure and sports in
elements like earth, air and water, the
our blood. The people we met, letting go
company is also dedicated to respect for
of our bikes, inspired this desire to share
the environment, care for nature (every
our dream with others,” explain Venzi and
member of Rolling Dreamers adopts a
Galli, adding that it was this combination of
tree) and attention towards sustainability,
travel and playing sports that led to Rolling
serving as an added value for those who
Dreamers. And through this partnership
want to experience fun and responsibility
with Lungarno Collection, there is a solid
when discovering Florence and Tuscany in
opportunity to offer to those visiting
an original way.
a r t s t y l e s to r y An exclusive chat with Vittoria Ferragamo, organic grower at Orto del Borro ‘Sustainable thinking’, the major exhibition at Museo Ferragamo is a time to reflect on the legacy of the shoemaker to the stars So-Le Studio, the jewellery line by Maria Sole Ferragamo inspired by circular economy principles ‘The Cotton Road’, at Gallery Hotel Art, pays tribute to the production of ecological cotton in Senegal In the sea of sustainability with the new SwanClub36 The new plastic-free policy in the Lungarno Collection Group
O rg anic
Slow rhythms
Vegetables, eggs and organic honey from the Il Borro estate in San Giustino Valdarno T ext M onia M lah - P hoto O ttavia P oli
There are unique places that conserve atmospheres of simple beauty, where time seems to have stopped. Il Borro Relais & Châteaux is one of these. The 1,100-hectre estate is immersed in the nature and unspoilt
V ittoria , the youngest daughter of F erruccio F erragamo is at the helm of an eco - friendly project at the family estate between A rezzo and F lorence , working with C affe dell ’O ro
beauty of Tuscany, between Florence, Siena and Arezzo. The organic production of wine and other foodstuffs such as olive oil, honey and vegetables is one of the key elements of the philosophy of sustainable development at Il Borro. Orto del Borro is the special project
idea. At the beginning, it was his vegetable garden, and he loved the taste of local
personally followed by Vittoria Ferragamo, and seasonal vegetables so much that he Ferruccio Ferragamo’s daughter, whose wanted to open it and give everyone the love for the land and desire to preserve it have driven her to reflect on new lifestyles and nutrition models.
chance to taste such a healthy, good and genuine product. We enlarged it over time, then I
When and how did Orto del Borro
took over managing it alongside our
come about?
agronomist and a skilled team that
The project began in 2015 when Il Borro obtained organic certification. The company received organic certification because it vaunts a production system based on respect for the seasons and our management of the balance of nature to favour biodiversity. It was my father’s
helped me. Today, it’s a beautiful garden three hectares in size where we grow vegetables, raise hens local to the Valdarno for organic eggs and produce honey. How are your products marketed? A part of what we produce is used at
V ittoria F erragamo in O rto del B orro , her five - year - old organic project in the countryside
A rezzo , S iena F lorence
between and
O rganic vegetables grown at O rto del B orro under the guidance of the agronomist
L eonardo C istullo
our restaurants, Osteria del Borro and Il
The vegetable garden is a project that
Of all the products produced in Orto
Borro Tuscan Bistro in Florence.
requires specific know-how. Who was
del Borro, which are your favourite?
Beginning this year, we also supply Caffè
your mentor in this endeavour?
I love the baby zucchini and zucchini
dell’Oro, in Florence. The rest we send
My father, without a doubt.
to private customers who are enrolled in
He loves nature.
Plans for the future?
our weekly delivery service in Florence,
Over the years, he passed on to me
We’re working on producing organic
Siena and Arezzo.
this love for the earth and for a simple,
flours. We’ve experimented with lentils,
What is the weekly delivery service?
healthy lifestyle based on seasonality, and
millet, oats and spelt.
Customers can choose between 5kg or
the taste for authenticity in food.
The idea is to allow our clients the
3kg boxes with a mix of organic seasonal
I owe a lot to Leonardo Cistullo, our
opportunity to shop for even more
vegetables and eggs.
variety. It would be wonderful to work
Upon request, we can also add Il Borro’s
He taught me what I know about
on fruit trees, since this area would be
wines, extra-virgin olive oil and honey.
traditional techniques, like rotation, green
particularly perfect for that.
The box always comes with recipes
manure and other agricultural aspects.
What are some of Vittoria Ferragamo’s
and tips that help clients learn about
What has been the most satisfying part
other passions?
new ways to cook vegetables and use
of this experience?
My greatest passion is horses.
discarded bits.
Being able to undetstand what it means
The first time I rode a horse was when
How many people are involved in the
to respect the environment and to
I was 4-years-old, and it was love at
experience first-hand, day after day,
first sight. I passed this passion onto my
We have two permanent collaborators,
the validity of a harvesting system that
which may increase to 10 during the
doesn’t use pesticides and which is
We raise horses here at Il Borro, and
more intense periods, especially in the
reflected in the land and in the products
right now there are 40 of them. They’re
sowing and harvest time.
when you taste them.
incredible animals!
S he ’ s
always loved horses
40 I l B orro
and is currently rearing or so of them at
S alvatore F erragamo and the intelligent and wise use of raw materials
Sustainable elegance Material and form according to the shoemaker of dreams T ext M ila M ontagni
In a world that is becoming increasingly aware of its own fragility and the responsibilities that each person must recognize in order to contribute to the creation of a better, shared ever yday, the legacy of Salvatore Ferragamo ser ves as a model to keep in mind and
T he ‘S ustainable T hinking ’ exhibition P alazzo S pini -F eroni leads to reflections
on the importance of a change in mindset in
fashion , art and architecture to spark new
strategies for development and cohabitation for all living beings on the
practice with professionalism, adhering
E arth
to the idea of respect for the planet and love for mankind and Ear th. The exhibition at the Museo Salvatore Ferragamo, Sustainable Thinking – running until March 8, 2020 – offers a reflection on material and its essence. In it, green fashion and ar t take centre stage, with contemporar y ar tworks and experiments made using alternative materials. Indeed, the first chapter of his autobiography, Shoemaker of Dreams, is “Little White Shoes,” referring to the shoes he lovingly made for his sister to wear for her Communion: “I obtained some white canvas, some cardboard, tacks, glue, two small lasts and the necessar y tools”. These are materials that his future employer would lend
to him and that he would use to make
paper wrapped around the chocolates
his family proud, just as he did for the
became thin twine embellished with
family he lovingly built with his wife,
dyed string. “I had a large store of gold
Wanda Miletti.
and silver thread in the workshop,” said
When, in 1936, Ferragamo found
Ferragamo, creating an evening shoe
himself in difficulty because Italy
that, “despite its eccentric appearance,
under Mussolini dictatorship and the
Parisian fashion houses repeatedly
countr y’s empire in Ethiopia were
requested.” The second brilliant idea
handed sanctions by the League of
was to continue producing his shoes
Nations, “the top-grade materials on
even if he could no longer procure
which I depended disappeared from the
“top-grade, light and tensile steel,”
market, and I was forced to improvise.
which was incorporated into the shank
Out of that improvisation came two
of the shoe. He made many attempts
of my most successful ideas, inspired
to solve the problem, until “with the
by a box of chocolates and a lump
idea of such a heel clear in my mind, I
of Sardinian cork.” The transparent
sat and experimented with pieces of
H all 8
Sardinian cork, pushing and gluing and fixing and trimming until the entire space between the sole and the heel was blocked solid.” And so, the wedgie was born, and the first to wear it – with its innate elegance and undisputed class, becoming an immediate a mustwear – was the Duchess Visconti di Modrone one morning in church, but only after having bought “a new tweed suit to match”. Those terrible war years weren’t a waste, and in 1946, Ferragamo began to see the results of his research during this period, writing, “I had dedicated hours to studying new uses for old materials, applying them to new solutions and new creations,” which by the next year had earned him a Neiman-Marcus Award for “distinguished ser vices to fashion,” given alongside Christian Dior. The legacy of Salvatore Ferragamo is inextricably tied to an extraordinar y principle that in his more than 50 years of work was formalized in his shoes: “there is no limit to beauty, no saturation point in design, no end to the materials a shoemaker may use to
H all 2
decorate his creations so that ever y woman may be shod like a princess”. His final challenge must still take shape, however, because as he declared at the end of his book, “the most impor tant thing of all, in any case, is a new idea for a shoe that replaces an entire wardrobe of shoes. When this idea will come to fruition, a woman that wants to have six pairs of shoes to go with her dresses will have to buy only one foundation shoe and six uppers. […] If it will not be done with my body, it will be done with another. We are all flowing with the eternal tide, and of the eternal tide only is there no end.”
S alvatore F erragamo F ede (1938), felt mule
with strips of cotton fabric
F rom
above clockwise : R omina C ardillo N ous E tudions , ‘L a biomìmesis ’, 2018; K atie J ones , ‘S omewhere over the R ainbow ’, 2018; M ats R ombaut , ‘R ombaut P iñatex C owboy S neakers ’, 2018; B ethany W illiams , ‘N o A ddress N eeded to J oin C oat ’, 2018 pour
M aria S ole F erragamo ,
and designer , founded
SO-LE S tudio
S ome
M aria S ole F erragamo ’ s
creations , distributed in
L ondon
and at
L uisa V ia R oma
F lorence
A legacy rebor n
In the hands of Maria Sole, a third-generation Ferragamo, leather becomes a jewel T ext M ila M ontagni - P hoto G uglielmo P rofeti
Maria Sole Ferragamo is a young woman with
value and becoming just a leftover.
hands of Florentine artisans.
subtle, simple elegance, her eyes lighting up
Why did you choose jewelry?
Are your pieces accessories?
all those who look at her, her delicate voice
After graduating from Architecture, I felt the
I believe accessories can have a primary role
expressing a rare grace when she speaks about scale of buildings too far away from me. I
in creating an outfit, bestowing a clear identity
her work.
wanted to design something that I could hold
to those who wear them, perhaps added to a
An introduction.Your idea of beauty.
in my hands, something that I could think of
simple white t-shirt.
Plato said that “beauty is the splendor of truth,” as architecture but had a relationship with the
Unique pieces and sustainability…
and beauty cannot but come from something
body, and jewelry had always been my biggest
Working with “discarded” materials, I don’t
good. For this reason, beauty creates wonder;
passion since I was a child.
have an infinite amount of the same material,
not only do we see it, but we feel it, which
And then?
so I’m lucky to be able to play with colors and
is something that comes from its interior
When I was 16, I had put some leather to
finishes, creating exclusively limited editions or
harmony, in its most ample acceptation.
the side for a bag that I never made. I went
one off pieces.
And your sources of inspiration?
back to it and fell in love with the idea of
How was SO-LE Studio founded?
The material, first and foremost: when I touch
using a living material to create an object that
SO-LE Studio was born to give a place and
it, I examine it, I “feel” what it can become.
one feels a true connection with. Indeed, we
a name to my ideas and to the principles I
When you create something, which is the
develop an intimate relationship with jewelry,
strongly believe in.
first step?
and leather ages with you, bearing your
How does it feel to be the heir to your
The creative process is an iterative journey: it
paternal grandparents’ legacy?
needs many adjustments to get to the point
Does leather have a potential to discover?
I am grateful every day to have had such
when you feel you should stop. I always start
In my research, I noticed that despite its
major models to look at, as well as so many
from manipulating the material I have available.
history, leather has mostly been used in
others in my family. I feel a very strong bond
You create jewelry, but they’re made of
jewelry to support something else, rarely as
with my grandfather through this passion for
leather. Why?
the protagonist of a piece. We can achieve
working with our hands, I would even venture
Because it’s part of my legacy. But it’s also what
interesting and innovative results with the
to call it a vocation. I am honored to embrace
I like to do, to work upcycling a material that
leather itself – always using materials with
this legacy and I do my best to foster it every
would otherwise be thrown away, losing its
certified origins – especially when put into the
The Cotton Road
Discover a textile that has become a symbol of Africa T ext F rancesca L ombardi
Cotton throughout its journey from the farm to fashion is the theme of the newest exhibition at Gallery Hotel Ar t, evocatively titled The Cotton Road: a tribute to the production of organic cotton in Senegal. The tradition of growing cotton is showcased through images taken by photographer Maroussia Mbaye and the work of designer and owner of the fashion brand Imi&Kimi, Henry Philippe Maidou, whose pieces are on display. Once again, we see an impor tant and difficult theme tackled with beauty: a series of images titled White Gold of Senegal, where the traditional manual
T he new exhibition at the G allery H otel A rt , T he C otton R oad , is a tribute to the production of organic cotton in S enegal through photographs by M aroussia M baye and clothing by H enry P hilippe M aidou
production of cotton is narrated through candid images that describe the process, from the extraction of this natural resource to the creation of textiles. The final link in the process: the clothing pieces made by Imi&Kimi, which embrace and represent a holistic approach to fashion. The installation at the Gallery Hotel Ar t covers two fields, featuring 23 black and white por traits of men and women embarking on a better future, expressions of aspirations, personalities and life stages. Their stories then become tangible thanks to their work: colourful
collaborated with the charity foundation #milaforafrica and purchased one of the works on display at the Gallery Hotel Ar t, contributing to the construction of a welfare centre in Guinea-Bissau. The stars of the exhibition are Maroussia Mbaye, a documentary photographer whose captivating images stand out for their profound expression and strong social themes, and Henry Philippe Maidou, originally from the Central African
clothing inspired by a difficult and
Republic but trained internationally,
For the exhibition, Lungarno Collection
rest of the world.
wonderful land complete this harmonious whose brand, Imi&Kimi, has brought the colours and prints of his Africa to the tribute.
L ungarno C ollection is committed to various initiatives for a greener world
L ung ar no Collection
Go gre e n !
Lungarno Collection for the sustainability and care of the planet T ext V irginia M ammoli
It’s a burning issue right now that, if not
L iving
faced as it should be, could seriously
sustainably is possible
and there are many important ways
scorch us. We’re talking about sustainability, something that affects all of us in a
to contribute in order to give ourselves
historic time in which we are, willingly or
and others a harmonious future
unwillingly, cosmopolitan. This is one of the few instances in which the more we are willing, the less the damage will be. There
sector. The group has also embraced a
are many ways to “lighten” our load and
Plastic Free approach, completely removing
protect the plant, not only for us, but also
the use of single-use plastics and replacing
for the future generations. Experimentation
them with biodegradable straws and
is needed: transformation, recycling and,
tableware. For our restaurants, we have only
most importantly, respect. Living sustainably
selected certified suppliers, which stand out
is neither a cost nor a burden to innovation
for their quality and awareness and attention
and reducing our environmental impact
paid to the planet. Just consider the fishing
without halting growth isn’t a utopia, but a
supply chain: Lungarno Collection has taken
genuine possibility.
a stand by only accepting the day’s catch
Lungarno Collection is well informed
from company that fight against overfishing
and makes a contribution through various
to safeguard the marine habitat.
initiatives. Starting from separating waste and In terms of art and sustainability, Portrait using environmentally friendly detergents
Firenze supports the no-profit organization
in all its hotels and restaurants. That’s not
Angeli del Bello, whose efforts include
all. The group endorses the international
removing waste from the banks of the River
Clean the World programme, which works
Arno and graffiti on the walls of the Ponte
to recycle the considerable (and inevitable)
Vecchio, through fundraising thanks to our
amount of waste produced in the hotel
S wan S pirit
model aaa
I nterview
Zero impact
Enrico Chieffi discusses the new ClubSwan 36 T ext M atteo G razzini
“Good wind,” say sailors when they
E nrico C hieffi ,
want to wish and hope for calm sailing. But in the case of the new ClubSwan 36, the model inspired by a collaboration
one of the most successful
yachtsmen in
N autor ’ s S wan ,
between Nautor’s Swan, BMW and
I taly
and vice president
speaks about the new boat
developed in partnership with
Torqueedo, the adjective “good” can
also be interpreted as “vir tuous”: in
T orqueedo ,
with a new zero
environmental impact motor
addition to the classic sails, the boat vaunts an electric motor that allows the ClubSwan 36 to travel the seas without
and Ferrari Trento. And the “clean” sea
any environmental impact, respecting
will accompany Nautor’s Swan to The
the Swan Spirit, defined as a love for the
Nations Trophy in Palma de Mallorca
sea, respect for nature, a desire to glide
in October, the final event of The
through unspoilt environments, pushed
Nations Leagues, with racers facing
by the wind, and a passion for sailing.
off for victory and to bring home the
The boat is par t of a mission of
beautiful Buccellati trophy, created for
sustainability that the brand began in
the occasion.
April in Scarlino with the Swan One
One of the greatest title holders in Italy
Design and a plastic-free event that
and vice-president of Nautor’s Sawn,
saw the par ticipation of every luxury
Enrico Chieffi, talks to us about how the
brand that has taken up the cause:
innovative boat came about and how it
Sease, a fashion company and 100%
integrates with the design and tradition
Made in Italy, using natural and recycled
typical of Swan.
fibres; Banor, which works alongside
Sails and sustainability are connected
Marevivo, another par tner for the event;
T he
boat fits with the sustainable
A pril S wan O ne D esign
approach that the brand began in in
S carlino
Ex hibitions
It’s pretty surprising how the whole
this sustainable motor that uses latest-
world. We convey it in everything, from
world of boating hasn’t yet discovered
generation batteries, which is the most
the smallest expedients to complex
the fact that those who go sailing are
avant-garde technology available in
operations. If we think of the sea, we
being eco-friendly.
sailing at the moment.
know that plastic is one of the greatest
It’s even the oldest form of navigating,
Will ClubSwan 36 will enjoy further
pollutants, and it is for this reason that
using natural resources and the wind,
added values for sustainability, like
every event is plastic-free.
despite the evolution of technology. It’s
certifications or the use of eco-friendly
We use metal or glass water bottles,
still hugely impor tant today, but it’s also
offer dispensers for using bottled water
We already have a project underway
and wash the boats exclusively with
How has Nautor’s Swan approached
dedicated to using these materials, which non-destructive products. It is incredible
this philosophy?
we are studying in great detail, working
how much we are able to reduce out
We’ve taken action on a number of
with a few par tners.
environmental impact by doing this.
fronts. Firstly, we have the ClubSwan 36,
When we will able to produce a
Do costs increase when you want to
the smallest in our line and a trailblazer
product of only the highest quality will
be 100% sustainable?
for the development that’s soon to
we then transform it into reality.
They increase if society isn’t organized
come for all our boats. The spor ting
How much tangible compatibility
enough to suppor t them. When
boat is meant for a young and dynamic
is there between high-tech and
everyone will be ready, costs will no
clientele, featuring an entirely electric
longer be high because assessments will
motor developed alongside Torqueedo
High-tech is a precondition of
be made in the medium and long term.
and BMW, who designed the motor and
sustainability today, achievable only
Is there an instance that best
batteries, respectively.
with innovation. It’s an inseparable
represents your bond with the sea?
But Swan boats have always been eco-
I began going out to sea when I was
friendly, with every type of motor only
How does Nautor’s Swan convey this
four years old, and I’ve never stopped.
being auxiliary.
message of sustainability through the
But every time I go now, be it for an
We decided to join the world of
organization of regattas?
outing with friends or an impor tant
electricity just as almost all the other
We’re more involved in these kinds of
competition, I appreciate even more
mobility industries are doing, producing
events than any other company in the
how lucky I am to be able to enjoy it.
food Claudio Mengoni, Alessio Mori and Andrea Magnelli: we present our new chefs
T hr e e M u sketeer s
Chefs Claudio Mengoni, Alessio Mori and Andrea Magnelli and daily kitchen challenges T ext V irginia M ammoli
L eft to right , the chefs of : T he F usion B ar & R estaurant (G allery H otel A rt ), B orgo S an J acopo (H otel L ungarno ) and C affè dell ’O ro (P ortrait F irenze )
R estaurants B orgo S an J acopo , C affè dell ’O ro and T he F usion B ar & R estaurant welcomed three new chefs in 2019 Complete gourmet experiences on one
Your philosophy and style in the
side and a tribute to authentic Italian
the main ingredient, but an element
cuisine on the other, along with the
(often hidden) that leads to something
C.M. Mine is an Italian and
extraordinary in the final flavour.
Mediterranean “cooked cuisine,” with
How do you create your dishes?
cleanliness and precision in my plates
C.M. I star t by carefully studying an
that result in decisive and appetizing
ingredient, then I let instinct and creativity
take over.
A.MO. With my dishes, you can
A.MO. I base my work on the choice of
recognize each ingredient, and my
ingredients; I let myself be inspired by
philosophy is based on this: simple
flavours of the world for a third, priceless side. They can be found at Borgo San Jacopo (Hotel Lungarno), Caffè dell’Oro (Por trait Firenze) and The Fusion Bar & Restaurant (Gallery Hotel Ar t). Three must-try locales, they welcomed their new chefs in 2019: respectively, Claudio Mengoni, a starred chef who worked in Rome before coming to Florence, Alessio Mori, a proponent of farm to table, and the eclectic and surprising
dishes that are easy to understand, with a focus on the ingredients. A.MA. I look at the harmony of the dish. And “less is better”; to reach a goal, it’s
Andrea Magnelli.
often more necessary to take something
Three Tuscan chefs that are young, but
away than add something.
who each vaunt important experiences. Your favourite ingredient. What was the most important lesson C.M. Pasta. I love the many forms and you’ve learned? the quality of the flours. I’m inspired by C.M. Be an example for the people who work with you, teaching with dedication and passion for your work. A.MO. The value of discipline. A.MA. Never settle, because you can always improve. I learned this from my former Japanese colleagues.
the search for new products and original combinations. A.MO. Meat, because there are so many ways to cook it depending on the cut and season. A.MA. I love Kombu algae, especially because of its versatility. It’s never
T hree F lorence
culinary classics that
take a new approach while remaining faithful to their own styles
A.MA. I don’t have any specific format
only with the best cer tified suppliers.
A.MA. Make a list before going grocery
when it comes to creativity: some of
Personally, I like to go foraging and
shopping and buy only what you need.
my most successful dishes were created
experiment with wild crops to discover
Chef Mengoni, you have a Michelin star
through error or an unexpected change of
unexpected flavours.
for your work at Assaje in Rome. What
direction. I always follow my instinct more
Your signature zero-impact dish.
is the winning formula and what does it
than my mind when I’m in the kitchen.
C.M. Grilled and raw vegetables, with
mean to come home to your city?
Pairings: wines or cocktails?
tomato sorbet and fig molasses… Vegan, Working with dedication and diligence
C.M. My favourite pairing is with an
fresh and organic!
and collaborating with my team as much
excellent wine: at Borgo San Jacopo, our
A.MO. Roasted spring onions with goat’s
as possible was the winning formula at
cellar has over 900 labels.
cheese and lemon-carrot cream.
Assaje. Being back in Florence, my city,
A.MO. I prefer wine… bubblies to be
A.MA. It’s difficult to have completely
in a restaurant like this, is the crowning
zero impact, especially when it comes
achievement of a lifelong dream.
A.MA. I think Nikkei cuisine pairs well
to my cuisine, which is made in par t
Chef Mori, Caffè dell’Oro is
with cocktails, especially sake, which I
with ingredients from other par ts of the
increasingly embracing the idea of
really love. The bar at Fusion is staffed
world. But I would say the vegetarian
“osteria”. How do evolution and
by professionals who know how to exalt
ceviche, made with tomatoes, avocado
tradition come together?
my dishes.
and crunchy, roasted cashews.
The osteria must also keep up with the
What does it mean to be eco-friendly
Tips for conscious shopping, the first
times. Evolution doesn’t need to replace
in the kitchen?
step towards avoiding waste in the
tradition, but can suppor t it.
C.M. Use the ingredients as best
Chef Magnelli, let’s go back to your
possible when preparing a dish, without
C.M. Buy only what is necessary and
time in Lima, Peru: what was an
producing too much waste and
don’t choose semi-processed products.
unforgettable pairing you stumble
emphasizing all their par ts.
A.MO. Look for seasonal products,
upon? And what Italian flavour did you
A.MO. Eliminate the superfluous, work
use vegetables and keep in mind that
miss the most?
with local companies and satisfy the
everything can be reused in the kitchen,
Bread made with flour and coconut
client with simple, 0km products.
from carrot leaves in salads to fishbones
leaves and our extra-virgin olive oil: it’s
A.MA. In our restaurant, we work
for making broth for seafood risotto.
tor turous not to be able to have it.
T hree
chefs , three ways
of interpreting food : gourmet ,
I talian
and international
tips What’s your preference? Are you the Hotel Lungarno or the Continentale type? Are you more attracted to the Gallery Hotel Art or the Portrait? What’s your style? Are you the classic, cool or creative kind? Does style rank high among your priorities? Do you travel with family or are you a confirmed single? Take our personality test and find out. Choose the things to do and places to see in Rome and Florence according to your profile
Creative T ips
Concierge Elisa Acciai
WHY YOU WILL LOVE IT: • The Guest Relations team can create bespoke and unusual exper iences for our clients • Located in a quiet cour tyard near the Ar no and Ponte Vecchio and close to Palazzo Strozzi • Enjoy a few quite moments in the inviting lounge-libr ar y WORTH GETTING OUT OF BED FOR: • Experience ar t and photography previews. • The exhibits at the Galler y Hotel Ar t offer a window onto a contemporar y wor ld, captured through the per soectuve of great contemporar y ar tists or the objective lens of great photographer s • Indulge in Eastern culinar y delights at the Fusion Bar & Restaurant
Clet Design Store Via dell’Olmo 8, Firenze French by bir th, Florentine by choice , this ar tist has been living and wor king in the San Niccolò area for 20 year s. He became famous for his creative and funny road signage
Simbiosi Cafè Via dé Ginori, 64/r, Firenze Enjoy four or ganic coffee blends and three special flavour s of or ganic sugar s in a lovely, moder n and urban bar
S imbiosi C afè
•EAT & DRINK Caffè dell’Oro Lungarno Acciaiuoli 4, Firenze Enjoy a delicious salad prepared with “far m to table” ingredients at a char ming outdoor table over looking Ponte Vecchio
C affè
C affè
dell ’O ro
dell ’O ro
Flò - Concept Store Lungarno Corsini 30/34/r, Firenze Discover the local Santo Spir ito mar ket, open ever y day, with fr uits, vegetable and fantastic vintage stands Vivanda Via Santa Monaca 7, Firenze Lovely or ganic restaur ant situated in my favor ite neighbourhood in Florence . Special attention is given to natur al wines, you can choose one of the 100 labels of biodynamic , natur al and or ganic wines on the shelves
Villa Vittoria Viale Strozzi 2, Firenze Villa Vittor ia – Exper ience Florentine summer nights at new Villa Vittor ia, a cool place for a dr ink and to dance Santarosa Bistrot Lungarno Santarosa In a romantic and relaxed setting near the 14th-centur y city walls, you can enjoy a cocktail as you lay back on a beach lounger
F lò - C oncept S tore
Take the perfect picture from the Rose Garden, next to Piazzale Michelangelo. Sur rounded by the beautiful roses, you’ll find Folon’s Suitcase , the perfect fr ame for a picture of the Florence skyline , an unfor gettable souvenir
G iardino
R ose
F ierucolina
Discover the local Santo Spir ito mar ket, open ever y day, with fr uits, vegetable and fantastic vintage stands. Open Monday to Saturday, from 8am to 2pm. Also in piazza Santo Spir ito, you can find another interesting mar ket on the 3rd Sunday of the month. It’s called Fier ucolina and it’s a mar ket that promotes or ganic agr iculture
The Fusion Bar Vicolo dell’Oro, Firenze Indulge your self with a Plymouth Gin cocktail at the lively Fusion Bar, a corner stone in Florence’s nightlife , while waiting for your sushi or ceviche , master ly prepared by new chef Andrea Magnelli Book your table via WhatsApp +39 342 1234 710
T he F usion B ar
Sup Lungarno Pecori Giraldi, Firenze Enjoy a stand-up paddle board exper ience under Florence’s br idges!
S anto S pirito M arket
S up
Dr ive the legendar y route n. 222 through the Chianti hills to reach the secluded hilltop town of Montefior alle , dating to the 11th centur y. This is where a young Amer igo Vespucci spent his summer s! Also visit the capital of the Chianti region, Greve , with its beautiful piazza and shops and the famous butcher Falor ni, who displays a big wild boar r ight at the entr ance . Dur ing WWII, far mer s hid pecor ino cheese from the Nazis in the butcher’s cellar.
NoF Borgo San Frediano 17r, Firenze In the lively Oltr ar no neighbourhood, this venue is one of the most popular amongst those who love live music . It hosts live concer ts ever y evening, r anging from blues to rock, rockabilly to jazz and electronic
La Divina Pizza via Borgo Allegri, 50r, Firenze One of the best pizzas in Florence , made with or ganic stone-ground wheat flour, carefully selected mater ials and fresh and seasonal ingredients. The pizza pair s well with a selection of Italian cr aft beer s and or ganic dr inks. Some of the specialties include the classic “Mar inar a” and the “Sapor i di campagna”.
L a D ivina P izza
C hianti
All the best artisan perfumes in the city Dr. Vr anjes Via San Gallo 63r, Firenze Far macia SS. Annunziata Via dei Ser vi 80r, Firenze Officina Profumo Far maceutica di Santa Mar ia Novella Via della Scala 16, Firenze Officina de’ Tor nabuoni Via de’ Tornabuoni 19, Firenze
Palazzo Strozzi Piazza degli Strozzi, Firenze A beautiful ar istocr atic residence built dur ing the Renaissance , today, the building hosts innovative and impor tant ar t exhibitions, like the one dedicated to Natalia Goncharova (from 28 September 2019 to 12 Januar y 2020) and Tomás Sar aceno (from 22 Febr uar y 2020 to 19 July 2020) P alazzo S trozzi
Hip T ips
Concierge Alison Purchiaroni
WHY YOU WILL LOVE IT: • Stunning location next to the Ponte Vecchio • A vibr ant and romantic design inspired by the 50’s. • The White Ir is Beauty Spa, with a selection of treatments and massages created exclusively by Comfor t Zone . WORTH GETTING OUT OF BED FOR: • La Ter r azza rooftop bar on top of the Consor ti Tower, vaunting a stunning view over the city. • The gour met restaur ant Bor go San Jacopo • Histor ic Renaioli Boat Exper ience on the Ar no River, combined with an aper itif at sunset
Coquinarius Via delle Oche, 11R Right in the hear t of the city, excellent crostoni and dishes to share paired with one the best wine lists in the city. Nicola is an exper t, but the wine speaks for itself. They recently opened a sister restaur ant in hills of Fiesole
Il Carduccio - Il Salotto Bio Sdrucciolo de Pitti 10/R, Florence One of the best coffees in Florence . All the food is or ganic and there is a really good selection of biodynamic wines. Ask Filippo for some advice; he will be more than delighted to talk with you
I l C arduccio - I l S alotto B io
Mio Store Via della Spada, 34r, Florence For those who love independent designer s and ar tists, this a place to visit. You’re bound to make a few purchases here!
E noteca A lessi
S ant ’A mbrogio M arket
Sant’Ambrogio Market Piazza Lorenzo Ghiber ti, Florence Not only fr uit, vegetables and meat but also great vintage stoles and antiques treasures Ciompi Flea Market Largo Annigoni, Florence You can find stands ever y day, but if you’re lucky enough to be in Florence on the last Sunday of the month, don’t miss a walk through the flea mar ket and the 100 exhibitor s in nearby Piazza Ghiber tii. Look for the knives (a mustbuy)
Alessi - Enoteca Via delle Oche 27/r, Florence The perfect way to enjoy high-quality food and dr ink, with little bites that are always the best treats to take home Uashmama Store Firenze Borgo S . Jacopo 30r, Florence Three sister s made tr ansfor med the idea of a paper bag into a lifestyle . Gift your self with one of their bags and br ing a bottle of wine to your fr iend’s for dinner in style
C iompi F lea M arket
Antica Munstermann Piazza Goldoni Carlo 2R, Florence This phar macy maintained the tr adition of prepar ing a wide r ange of medicinal and cosmetic products following old recipes, vaunting time-honoured Florentine cr aftmanship. You can create your own scent Erbario Toscano Via del Corso 38, Florence Natur alness inspired by Tuscan countr yside
A ntica M unstermann
E rbario T oscano
Todo Modo Via dei Fossi 15, Florence While choosing your next read, you can also have a dr ink and a bite to eat in their indoor café. They often hold live shows in their boutique theatre
La Menagere Via de’ Ginori 8, Florence Dur ing the evening, this industr ial restaur ant/bar is the perfect place for live music while sipping one of their per sonalized cocktails
L a M enagere
Teatro del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino Piazza Vittorio Gui 1, Florence A moder n and evocative space , you can enjoy concer ts featur ing some of the most renowned ar tists in oper a, symphony and more The architecture of the building is a must-see
T odo M odo
T eatro
M aggio M usicale F iorentino
Palazzo Vecchio Piazza della Signoria, Florence To under stand Florence , you cannot miss the histor ic seat of the city’s gover nment San Miniato al Monte Via delle Por te Sante 34, Florence Walking through the door s to this church is like passing through the Gates of Par adise (this is how we hope they are)
Locale Via delle Seggiole 12/r, Florence Great cocktails inside a 13th-centur y building
L ocale
•SCENERY Rooftop Bar La Terrazza Vicolo dell’Oro 6r, Florence Snap a photo of you dr inking a per sonalized Negroni with Florence at your feet, for a stunning page in the diar y of your life
A bbazia S an M iniato
R oof T op B ar L a T errazza
M onte
A unique walk in Florence From Palazzo Pitti to For te Belvedere This is a unique walk, especially in the spr ingtime , when the flower s are in bloom. You can walk from Palazzo Pitti to the top of For te Belvedere , before going down to Costa San Gior gio and Villa Bardini, where you can stop to visit the museum and lovely panor amic garden. From there , it’s a simple walk back to the histor ic centre
Cooking Class-Touch Via di Mezzo 42R, Florence Is there anything better than br inging home a culinar y exper ience to share with fr iends? And what if this exper ience vaunts views of the Ar no River and Ponte Vecchio? Tr y it, I won’t r uin the sur pr ise
F orte B elvedere
Classic T ips
Concierge Andrea Spagnuolo
WHY YOU WILL LOVE IT: • Thir ty-four rooms with a view over Ponte Vecchio. • The Picteau Cocktail Bar, the perfect place for after noon tea, aper itivo or after-dinner dr inks. • A 20th-centur y ar t collection with more than 400 pieces of moder n ar t, including Picasso, Cocteau and many Italian ar tists. WORTH GETTING OUT OF BED FOR: • All-day dining at the Italian Oster ia Caffè dell’Oro (next to Ponte Vecchio). • New “Ar t Itiner ar ies” and ar t classes are offered to guests on a regular basis • Shopping pr ivileges at the Salvatore Fer r agamo boutique on via de’ Tor nabuoni.
Amblè -Healthy food & sustainable design Piazzetta del Bene , Florence This bistrot in Florence vaunts a nice patio close to Ponte Vecchio, where you can enjoy lunch, good aper itivo and dinner. They recently opened a r adio studio inside , complete with a DJ set
•BREAKFAST Juice bar L’Albero, organic juice cafè Via Borgo San Jacopo, Florence Fresh smoothies and or ganic juices a stone’s throw from Ponte Vecchio
J uice B ar L’A lbero
L’Ippogrifo stampe d’arte Via di Santo Spirito 5, Florence Enjoy the char m and tr adition of unique ar t in the hear t of Florence . Ar tists passionately create exclusive objects to make your homes elegant and special
A mblè
L’I ppogrifo
Taste (7-9 march 2020) Stazione Leopolda, Florence A fair dedicated to the best of Italian flavor s and food lifestyles. Stroll around the stalls, sur rounded by food and wine , as well as an exclusive shop. Firenzebio (20-22 March 2020) For tezza da Basso This is a tempor ar y exhibition or ganized in Florence ever y year in March, where you can buy exclusively or ganics products. Free entr ance
Gabrio staff olimpo Firenze Via Tornabuoni 5, Florence Florence spa & wellness in the hear t of the histor ic centre , close to the city’s main fashion boutiques and offer ing an amazing exper ience complete with beauty treatments and massages
T aste
Antica Libreria Gozzini Via Ricasoli 49, Florence Opened in 1850, this is one of the oldest bookstores in Florence , a stone’s throw from the cathedr al
M anifattura T abacchi
A ntica
Makers at B9 Manifattura Tabacchi, B9 Pavillion, Florence Located in a for mer tobacco factor y just outside the histor ic centre , this is a prototype for a collective space , vaunting ar tist residences and areas dedicated to contempor ar y maker s. It’s the biggest opening of the year. Don’t miss a tour that will surely leave you with ideas and visions
La Cité Borgo San Frediano 20, Florence La Cité is a laid-back bookstore with a coffee shop and live music shows almost ever y night. It’s the perfect place to have a quick lunch or a dr ink after dinner
L a C itè
Colle Bereto lounge bar – restaurant Piazza Strozzi 5, Florence Elegant Amer ican bar in Florence located in front of Palazzo Strozzi. The bar offfer s a sophisticated but infor mal ambiance , with a DJ set dur ing the weekend
M anifattura T abacchi
G ozzini
C olle B ereto
Museo dell’Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore Piazza del Duomo 9, Florence Founded in 1881, the museum was renovated a few year s ago with an avant-garde project and occupies the rooms where Michelangelo sculpted the David. Visitor s can find master pieces from the Middle Ages and Renaissance , like Pietà Bandini by Michelangelo. The Sala del Paradiso is also a mustsee , dominated by a 1:1 model of the or iginal facade of Santa Mar ia del Fiore , which was never completed and destroyed in 1578
Cooking class in Florence Touch Bistrot Toscano Lungarno Acciaiuoli, Florence Cook authentic Tuscan food with a Florentine executive chef, with views over looking the Ar no River and Ponte Vecchio
M useo dell ’O pera M aria del F iore
S anta
Le Rampe del Poggi Viale Galileo 7, Firenze Antique fountains in Florence . Recently reopened, this is the perfect spot to take amazing photos of the Florentine skyline
G iardino B ardini T ouch B istrot T oscano
Running to Piazzale Michelangelo From piazza Ferrucci or Por ta Romana, Florence The char ming path with a staircase leading to piazza Poggi is not a “walk”. Alter natively, passing through Por ta Romana in the direction of Piazzale Michelangelo, you can r un near the enchanting Rose Garden and Ir is Garden
Giardino Bardini via de’ Bardi 1r, Florence In the Oltr ar no neighbourhood, a stone’s throw from Ponte alle Gr azie , the garden’s most spectacular element is the Baroque-style staircase that leads to the top of the hill, where you can admire a breath-taking view of Florence
L e R ampe
P oggi
Ex traordinar y T ips
Concierge Caterina Pini
WHY YOU WILL LOVE IT: • Breath-taking views of the r iver Ar no and Florence . • A spectacular rooftop suite and 273m2 Penthouse Floor. • A pr ivate galler y with photos of Hollywood star s and royalty, as you’ve never seen them before . WORTH GETTING OUT OF BED FOR: • Discover the Bar gello Museum with your kids • A street photogr aphy tour with an inter nationally-renowned photogr apher and Leica exper t • An exclusive shopping exper ience at the Salvatore Fer r agamo boutiques in Florence
•BREAKFAST Caffè Lietta Piazza della Liber tà, 6/7/8 Rosso, Florence New bar in Piazza della Liber tà by the same owner s of the histor ic Caffè Giacosa, open from breakfast to aper itivo. While sipping a tea, you can also buy some flower s in the attached garden
C affè L ietta
L a M enagere
IGuarnieri Lungarno Cellini 39, Florence You find or iginal contempor ar y ar twor ks featur ing a multitude of genres, with a par ticular focus on Florence’s beauty. You can also join painting class with the founder Rober to Guar nier i
Club Culinario Toscano da Osvaldo Piazza dei Per uzzi 3r, Florence It’s like being at home , from the food to the wine to the war m ser vice
IG uarnieari
Maliparmi via del Parione 11, Florence Clothing, bags, shoes and accessor ies are all for sale here . The store’s concept is based on the cultur al and emotional relationships of women, vaunting a lively tr adition that never goes out of style
M aliparmi
C lub C ulinario T oscano
O svaldo
•EXPERIENCE Cozzi (bookbinder) Via del Parione Marble paper wor kshop….unique exper ience….magnifiche
C ozzi
F lorence
Florence live Theatre The fir st Italian company created to make Italian Theatre accessible to foreigner s. The audience will enjoy exper iential theatre , with unconventional locations and histor ic costumes
Volume Piazza Santo Spirito, Florence Or iginally a wor kshop for Florentine wooden sculpture , it is now a café and bar where the hip locals hang out
V olume
Edoardo Gelato Biologico Piazza Del Duomo 45r, Florence Str ictly or ganic ingredients from Tuscany, like eggs, milk and fr uit. But the sur pr ise is a Chianti wine-flavoured sorbet
E doardo
gelato biologico
T heatre
L ibreria B rac
Arezzo antique market Ever y fir st weekend of the month, Arezzo hosts a lar ge flea mar ket in piazza San Fr ancesco and piazza Gr ande . Enjoy strolling between the stalls of over one hundred exhibitor s from all over Italy and Europe . You can find ever ything, from old lace to old bags, Bakelite phones to the 19th-centur y Tuscan fur niture
WHITE IRIS BEAUTY SPA Vicolo dell’Oro 6/r-open daily-for info & reser vations +39 055 2726 5966 A wide selection of treatments and massage to choose from, created exclusively by Comfor t Zone
W hite I ris S pa
Aqua Flor Customized Perfume Borgo Santa Croce 6, Florence A maison de parfum. The factor y and the labor ator y, as well as the perfumer’s study, are located in a histor ic Renaissance building in the Santa Croce neighbourhood
A qua F lor C ustomized P erfume
A rezzo
antique market
Libreria Brac Via dei Vagellai, 18r, Florence A ver y or iginal place in the hear t of Santa Croce neighbourhood, where you can exper ience culture and eat well. Enjoy a meal at the bookshop’s vegan restaur ant
Gilò Pianobar Via de’ Fossi 44, Florence Restaur ant and piano bar, this locale offer s live music ever y night featur ing music by Italian and foreign greats
G ilo P ianobar
Stylish T ips
Concierge Francesca Mortale
WHY YOU WILL LOVE IT: • Stunning location next to the Spanish Steps • Only 14 suites and a spectacular rooftop ter r ace . • A lifestyle team at your complete disposal that creates bespoke and unusual exper iences for our clients such as a two-hour adventure in a stylish golf car t
WORTH GETTING OUT OF BED FOR: • Breakfast with a stunning view • Wellness: jogging tr ails and bike routes • Pr ivate museum tour s and cooking classes • Per sonalized assistance from the reception for the or ganization of your stay in Rome
Casa Manfredi Viale Aventino 93, Rome French-inspired baker y on the Aventine Hill, where creativity, technique and passion blend together in moder n, beautiful and delicious creations, from croissants to cakes, gelato to savour y treats
C asa M anfredi
S banco
Rinascente Tritone Via del Tritone 61, Rome Recently opened, the new Rinascente is a glamorous oasis that tips its cap at the beauty that only Rome can offer, like the Acqua Vir go on the basement floor, which the company restored, and a must-see ter r ace on the 7th floor. Ever y wish will come tr ue here . Just ask a per sonal shopper for help, who will accompany you throughout the store’s seven floor s
Sbanco Via Siria I, Rome This local pizzer ia was recently r anked one of the “50 Top Pizzas,” and ever y dish is poetic! A youthful ambiance and moder n design, you can find top-quality ingredients supplied by the best Italian businesses. Don’t miss the supplì, some of the best in the city
R inascente T ritone
Campagna Amica San Teodoro Via di San Teodoro 74, Rome On one of the city’s most beautiful streets a stone’s throw from the Circus Maximus, this mar ket vaunts or ganic products by local producer s, from buffalo mozzarella to jams, local wine to 0km fr uit and vegetables. Mercato delle stampe e libri rari Largo della Fontanella di Borghese , Rome Frozen in time , you can find small shops and images of the Rome of yester year. A stone’s throw from via Condotti, the merchants offer engr avings, pr ints, magazines and antique books C ampagna A mica S an T eodoro
M ercato
delle stampe e libri rari
Libreria del viaggiatore Via del pellegrino 165, Rome A liter ar y par adise made of old books, detailed maps and paintings of legendar y places. Here , you’ll find guides for all tastes, from the tr aditional tour ist to the intrepid tr aveler. For those in search of hidden places, there is a section dedicated entirely to the Eter nal City
L ibreria
P onte S ant ’A ngelo
del viaggiatore
Castel Sant’Angelo Lungotevere Castello 50, Rome The Mausoleum of Emperor Hadr ian and, centur ies later, a papal for tress, Castel Sant’Angelo vaunts the beauty of Ancient Rome and the splendour of the Papal States. Don’t miss the beautiful frescoes as well as the view from the ter r ace , admir ing the city from a different per spective . Don’t for get to stop on Ponte Sant’Angelo, where you can take the best photos of St. Peter’s Basilica
Coffee Pot Trastevere Via del Politeama 12, Rome In the hear t of Tr astevere , you can find sushi, tacos and delicious cocktails made with tequila and mezcal! All topped by a moder n ambiance , “urban garden” and a DJ set that will get you moving!
C offee P ot T rastevere
Trapizzino Piazza trilussa 46, Roma The “tr apizzino” is a star of Roman street food: cr ispy pizza dough filled with tr aditional Roman specialties and wr apped close to for m a tr iangle . My favour ite is chicken alla cacciator a, a must-tr y!
T rapizzino
M ia H ome D esign
Spazio Niko Romito Piazza Giuseppe Verdi 9, Rome Located in the Par ioli neighbourhood, one of the most elegant in the city, this restaur ant by three-time star red Niko Romito offer s a var ied, highquality menu from mor ning to night. Ask Edoardo for suggestions on the perfect wine pair ing
Vespa tour Like Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday, the vintage vespa is still one of the most fun activities to do in the city, especially when you want to visit the nar rowest streets in the histor ic centre
vespa tour
Kami Spa via degli Avignonesi 11, Rome An Easter n-style spa in the hear t of Rome , this oasis of luxur y offer s the just r ight amount of relaxation. After sipping your champagne in the spa bath, we recommend a couple’s massage with Thai ther apists in the suite under a classic canopy
S pazio N iko R omito
K ami
Gregor y’s via Gregoriana 54a, Roma This small dar k classic jazz club has a lar ge selection of whiskeys and spir its, a guardantee fos fans of the genre . It offer s fantastic jam sessions, the envy of any Anglo-Saxon countr y
Mia home design via di Ripetta 224, Rome A stone’s throw from the Ar a Pacis, behind its stone entr yway you can find or iginal, elegant fur niture , unique pieces and limited editions
G regory ’ s
Stylish T ips
Who’s w ho
Let us introduce our concierges, who in this issue of Collection reveal their favourite places in Florence and Rome. Bars, bakeries, shops, museums, restaurants, experiences and clubs that they’ve gotten to know first-hand, and which they invite you to check out… Elisa Acciai, Concierge
having a good time and enjoying
their company.”
“I’ve been a tour guide in Florence for 10 year s. In my free time , I love walking around Parco delle Cascine and br inging my children to Florence’s museums; ar t is best enjoyed from a young age”. Alison Purchiaroni, Concierge HOTEL CONTINENTALE “I’m a good listener, a big eater and an ar t scholar. I like to satisfy the cur iosity of guests and pass on to them my love for Tuscany, star ting with the Val d’Orcia”. Andrea Spagnuolo, Concierge HOTEL LUNGARNO “I adore ar t, fashion and tr avel. I love the theatre , music
Caterina Pini, Concierge PORTRAIT FIRENZE “In my free time , I love to cook, paint and recycle objects, not to mention tr avel. I’ve recently taken to r unning, and I love to read ever ything I can about psychology and sociology because I think that people’s minds are complex machines and the most difficult to under stand.” Francesca Mortale, Concierge PORTRAIT ROMA “I’m Roman and I’m in love with the city. I love looking for new places to discover and share with fr iends and guests. I love food, enjoying new
and spending my free time
culinar y exper iences and taking lots
with the people closest to me ,
of photos of what I eat!”